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Middle Semester Assessment Reference

Subject : English
Class : XI IPS Bilingual Putri
Teacher : Miss Fifi

1. You will read some dialogues on your paper test to answer questions number 1-4. The theme of the
dialogue mostly about “Expression”. Then you should identify about fundamental information in the
dialogue like 5W+1H information. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary, especially Expression’s vocabularies
and memorize it!
2. You will read some dialogues on your paper test to answer questions number 5-8. The theme of the
dialogue mostly about “Offers & Suggestions”. Then you should identify about fundamental
information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information. Here, you’ll find question about reference word
(kata rujukan), eg.*: the word ‘her’ refers to…. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!
3. You will read some dialogues on your paper test to answer questions number 9-11. The theme of the
dialogue mostly about “Asking & Giving Opinion”. Then you should identify about fundamental
information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information. Here, you’ll find a synonym question, e.g: The
underlined word can be replaced by...
Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!
4. You will read a Invitation Letter on your paper test to answer questions number 12-14. Then you
should identify about fundamental information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information, like ‘who’,
‘what’, ‘where’, and meaning about some terms. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!
5. You will read a Invitation Letter on your paper test to answer questions number 15-17. Then you
should identify about fundamental information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information. Here, you’ll
find a synonym question. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!
6. You will read some dialogues on your paper test to answer questions number 18-20. The theme of the
dialogue mostly about “Offers & Suggestions”. Then you should identify about fundamental
information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!
7. You will read some dialogues on your paper test to answer questions number 21-25. The theme of the
dialogue mostly about “Asking & Giving Opinion”. Then you should identify about fundamental
information in the dialogue like 5W+1H information. Tips: Enrich your vocabulary and memorize it!

*e.g: example given=contoh

Some Important Vocabularies:

1. Accompany: Menemani 13. Against: Melawan
2. Probably: Mungkin 14. Presence: Kehadiran
3. Infer: Menyimpulkan 15. Keynote Speaker: Pembicara Utama
4. Holding: Menyelenggarakan 16. Establish: Mendirikan
5. Squeeze: Memeras, Squeezer: Pemeras 17. Codially: Dengan Hormat
6. Blender: Pencampur 18. Entity: Kesatuan
7. Peeler: Pengupas 19. Enterprise: Perusahaan
8. Suppose: Mengira 20. Law Firm: Firma Hukum
9. Scenery, Landscape: Pemandangan 21. Conduct: Mengadakan
10. Struggle: Berjuang 22. Judges: Juri
11. Opposite: Berlawanan 23. Organizer: Penyelenggara, Pengelola
12. Enemy: Musuh 24. Manager: Pengelola
13. Unicorn: istilah utk perusahaan rintisan/start up yg memiliki nilai valuasi >$1 miliar
25. Supervisor: Pengawas 29. Reusable: Dapat Digunakan Kembali
26. Dependent: Bergantung 30. Ban: Larangan, Banning: Pelarangan
27. Immediately: Dengan Seketika, Langsung 31. Pessimistic: Pesimistis
28. Biodegradable: Dapat terurai secara hayati 32. Attainable: Dapat Dicapai
28. Reuse: Penggunaan Kembali 33. Reduce: Mengurangi

Material Summary for The Middle Semester Assessment

 Definition: Invitation is an invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to
join you at a specific event.
 Purpose: To invite someone attend/come an event, such as:
- Birthday       : Ulang tahun
- Weeding      : Pernikahan
- Anniversary  : Hari jadi
- Meeting       : Rapat
- Graduation  : Kelulusan
- Dinner          : Makan malam
 Generic Structure:
a. Receiver/To: name of the person addressed/invited
b. Body of invitation: The contents of the invitation usually include the following:
- Subject: Event Name
- Day or Date: Day and date
- Time: Set time
- Place: The place where the event is held
c. Sender/from: The person who sent the invitation

 Example 1: Informal Invitation

To: Salsa
I invite you to attend my 17th birthday party. It will be held:
Day/Date: Sunday/ 17 August 2016
Time : 03.00 p.m
Place: at my sweet house ( Pring Kuning Street number 17)
I hope your coming,
 Example 2: Formal Invitation
Student’s organization
SMP Tunas Bangsa
Jl. Sumpah pemuda no.1 Indonesia

Dear Nia
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
Day/date: Saturday/11 July 2016
Time: 10.00 pm
Place: At AULA school
The meeting will discuss about preparation class meeting completion.
Please come on time, se you there.
Dian                                                              Rudy
Secretary                                                    Chairperson

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