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Name: _____________________________________


1 Listen and circle true or false. 210

/10 marks

1 Lisa thinks it’s a good idea to go to the funfair on Saturday. true / false
2 Zara has been on a big wheel. true / false
3 Paul can go to the museum tomorrow. true / false
4 Jack and Maria have visited an aquarium. true / false
5 Sarah doesn’t want to go on the bumper cars. true / false
6 Emilie and Joe want to visit a TV studio. true / false
7 Paulo doesn’t like rafting. true / false
8 Erika wants to go on the merry-go-round. true / false
9 Mum and Dad have gone to see a play at the theatre. true / false
10 Luke can’t go bowling this afternoon. true / false

2 Listen and number. 211 Write the words. /10 marks

1 Have you ever visited a b c
a ____________________?

2 How about going on the

____________________, Tom?

3 Why don’t we watch

the ____________________

4 Let’s go on the
on Saturday. d e

5 What about going

tomorrow evening with my
sister and me?

Big Bright Ideas 5 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Name: _____________________________________


3 Read and unscramble the letters. Write the words. /10 marks

1 h e a e 4 n f r f
t r t a i u

_______________________ _______________________

2 m u u i 5 e m u
a r a q u m s

_______________________ _______________________

3 u n u s o
f e h


4 Read and circle the correct answers. /10 marks

Hi Alex,
I’m going to visit my cousin in America in June.
This will be my first visit, and I think I’ll have lots
of fun there! We’re going to go rafting one day.
Have you ever been rafting? I’ve never done
that. It looks exciting! My cousin wants to go
on the bungee trampoline, but I did that at
the funfair last year and I didn’t like it. I went
on the bumper cars and I really liked that. Why
don’t we go bowling next weekend? That’s
great fun, too!
Write soon!
Love, Ben

1 ‘Have you ever visited your cousin in America, Ben?’

‘Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.’
2 ‘Have you ever been rafting, Ben?’
‘Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.’
3 ‘Have you ever been on a bungee trampoline, Ben?’
‘Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.’
4 ‘When did you go on the bumper cars, Ben?’
‘I went last year. / Yes, I did.
5 ‘Why don’t we go bowling, too, Ben?’
‘I’m not sure. / Good idea!’

Big Bright Ideas 5 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Name: _____________________________________

5 Look and write the words. /5 marks

1 2 3
1 Yesterday Jack was at the fun fair.
He went on the m____________-
2 Susie went r____________
on the river.
3 Ben’s visited a l____________ with
his uncle. He climbed to the top.
4 Jill is going to watch a
b____________ m____________ 4 5
today. Her sister plays in one of
the teams.
5 Leo wants to visit a T____________
s____________ to learn how they
make TV programmes.

6 Complete the suggestions. /5 marks

1 “Let’s ______________________________ ____________.” “That’s a great idea. I love fun houses!”

2 “What ________________________________________ _?” “No thanks. I don’t like roller coasters.”
3 “Why _______________________________________________?” “Well, I went bowling yesterday.”
4 “How __________________ __________________________?” “OK. I haven’t been to the theatre.”

5 “Let’s _____________________________ __________.” “Good idea. When does the match start?”

7 Look and write questions and answers. /10 marks

visit a TV go to a fun go on a watch a go to a museum go on a
studio / ü house / last ü merry-go- û basketball û / ü big û
2015 Sunday round match last month wheel

1 Have you ever visited a TV studio? Yes, I have. I visited a TV studio in 2015.______ ____
2 _____________________________________________________________________
3 _____________________________________________________________________
4 _____________________________________________________________________
5 _____________________________________________________________________
6 _____________________________________________________________________

Big Bright Ideas 5 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Name: _____________________________________


8 Look and answer. /10 marks

1 Where did Lucy go yesterday? 1 2 3
2 Where is Fred?
3 Where did Jack go last
4 Where has Katy been?
5 What have you never done? 4 5

9 Answer for you. /5 marks

1 Have you ever 4 Have you ever

been rafting? seen a parade?

2 Have you ever 5 When did you go

visited a on holiday?

3 What about
visiting the
aquarium at the

Total /75 marks

Big Bright Ideas 5 Tests © Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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