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Battery Pack Modeling for the Analysis of

Battery Management System of a

Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Chitradeep Sen1, Student Member, IEEE and Narayan C. Kar2, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Battery forms a critical part of the hybrid electric the HEV power demand.
vehicle (HEV) drivetrain. An important constraint to the effec- However, unlike Ni-MH, Li-ion is susceptible to abuse.
tive performance and reliability of the battery is its unpredictable The anisotropic thermal property of Li-ion cells is of great
internal resistance variation along the driving cycle. Tempera- concern. The compromise between the axial and radial heat
ture has a considerable effect on this internal resistance and thus transfer is dependent on the cell, which is designed for the
the battery management system monitors cell and battery pack
temperature in accordance with the state-of-charge to prevent
specific purpose [3]. Moreover, overcharge or over-discharge
thermal runaway. Li-ion batteries which offer possible solutions increases the internal temperature of the cell. The larger the
to the HEVs energy and power density demands thus need to number of cells in series, greater is the probability of over-
have a good thermal management system in order to enhance charge and over-discharge. The main electronic controls for
their performance. This paper aims to develop a battery pack the Li-ion battery modules used in HEV are temperature, vol-
model that would analyze the variation of internal resistance as a tage, and current sensors, which ensure very precise and effi-
function of temperature. The study of the losses would help in
designing a cost effective efficient battery management system.
cient cell balancing and monitoring. The pack is also com-
prised of thermal, state-of-charge (SOC) and module balanc-
Index Terms—Hybrid electric vehicle, state-of-charge, battery ing circuits. These electronic controls feed information to the
management system, thermal management. battery management system which protects the cells and in
turn protects the pack according to the set algorithm [4]-[5].
I. INTRODUCTION These controls increase the cost and complexity of BMS.

H YBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE (HEV) is an optimal combina-

tion of two power sources, a conventional internal com-
bustion engine (ICE) and a rechargeable energy storage sys-
This paper discusses the importance of battery management
system and proposes an intuitive electric circuit model of the
HEV battery pack. The objective of this paper is to define the
tem (battery). Increasing emission standards across the globe characteristics of the battery management system with the help
have popularized this alternative form of transportation. Un- of the proposed electric model. This would lead to the devel-
like conventional vehicles, vehicular power demand is shared opment of a more precise and economic battery management
between the two power sources to reduce the fossil fuel con- system.
sumption in HEVs [1]. Moreover, regenerative braking used to II. BACKGROUND
charge the onboard battery system also reduces the loss of
brake power in the form of heat. These developments lead to a A. Battery in HEV
cheap and low emitting means of transportation. The main The vehicular power demand varies according to the driv-
challenges in this path of development are battery and battery ers need. In HEV, this demand is optimally distributed among
management system (BMS). the ICE, the generator and the battery as shown in Fig. 1. The
The efficiency of battery and battery management system intention of the demand distribution is to operate the vehicle in
accounts for the success of the vehicle. The increase in charge electric (battery) mode as much as possible and/or to operate
retention, utilization and life of the battery would boost the the ICE in its most efficient operating range in order to reduce
reliability of the HEV [2]. The commercialization of different fuel consumption and emissions.
new chemistries (Ni-MH, Lithium), introduction of battery Li-ion has the highest energy density among the entire re-
monitoring systems and constructional changes have not only chargeable cell chemistries, making it a forerunner in the au-
increased the efficiency, performance and reliability but also tomotive industry. An important constraint to its popularity is
broadened the scope of research in the field of battery technol- the susceptibility to thermal runaway, a phenomenon where
ogy. Due to the high energy density, Li-ion batteries have the cell reactions lose control, leading to a rapid increase in
gained much attention over Ni-MH as a feasible solution to temperature and heat causing the cell to self-destruct. It is in-
fused by high temperature, generated mainly due to electrical,
mechanical and thermal abuse. Thus the charging and dis-
Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by the NSERC, Can- charging of Li-ion battery needs to be precise in order to main-
ada. tain an optimum internal temperature to attain maximum per-
Chitradeep Sen1 & Narayan C. Kar2 are with the Department of Electrical
& Computer Engineering, University of Windsor, 401, Sunset Avenue, Ontar- formance. The cell and the pack should also be well protected
io, N9B 3P4,Canada (e-mail:, and monitored in order to prevent damage.
978-1-4244-2601-0/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE 207

where _ is the average battery current and is
Engine Generator Battery the battery capacity.
The open-circuit voltage across the terminals of the battery
pack shown in Fig. 3 would be the summation of all the cell
voltages and can be expressed as
Figure 1. Energy flow diagram in a HEV. where is the open-circuit voltage across each cell and is
the number of cells in each module in the battery pack. For
I_0.03C example, Toyota Prius Generation III uses prismatic Ni-MH
modules from Panasonic, each of which consists of six 1.2 V
cells connected in series. Each of these modules has a nominal
Battery Vb Vcv I_1C Generator voltage of 7.2 V and capacity of 6.5 AHr. The Prius III battery
pack consists of 28 such modules connected in series resulting
in a nominal voltage of 201.6 V.
In reality, there are significant internal losses during the
real-time operation of HEV battery pack. Along with the
Figure 2. Charging of a Li-ion battery.
charge-discharge cycle, the pack construction (i.e. the ar-
The voltage across the battery is normally the accumulation rangement of cells along with the insulation and ventilation)
of the electrolytic potential and electrode potential. There is a and manufacturing dissimilarities have considerable impact on
reduction in the generated theoretical voltage due to losses the cell internal parameters such as self-discharge resistance,
across the various internal resistances. The charging profile is polarization resistance and charging-discharging resistance.
represented in Fig. 2. A constant current constant voltage me- The overall internal resistance of the battery pack is more
thod is used, where initially the battery is charged by a 1C than the accumulation of individual cell resistances. The study
current till the voltage reaches a state where the current drops of this variation is necessary for accurate terminal voltage jus-
to 0.03C. At this instant, a constant voltage is applied until the tification and state-of-charge prediction. The terminal voltage
battery has reached the desirable state-of-charge. of the battery pack is dependent on the interaction between the
B. HEV Battery Pack cell and battery pack construction. This interdependent phe-
nomenon is explained with the help of the proposed model.
The HEV battery pack consist of cells that are arranged in
small groups termed as modules. These modules are then C. Battery Management System
grouped together to form the battery pack. Fig. 3 represents a
Battery management system is the control and optimiza-
schematic diagram of a generalized battery pack composed of
tion of the function of cells and battery pack, protecting it
m modules, having n cells in each module. Battery manage- from electrical and thermal abuse when subjected to an unpre-
ment system controls these cells to attain maximum efficiency. dictable varying demand and driving conditions. Its control
The capacity ( ) of the battery pack remain constant as strategy is based on the information fed to it by the sensors as
the cells are connected in series. The voltage adds up accord- shown in Fig. 4 in order to meet the power demand from the
ing to the number of cells. The number of cells is normally energy management controller [6]-[9].
determined by :

E R11 E R21 E Rm1

E R12 E R22 E Rm2


E R 1n E R 2n E Rmn

Figure 3. The generalized schematic diagram of HEV battery pack.

[14]. Cell equalization is done to prevent this chronically in-
creasing cell overcharge, undercharge and over discharge
probability [3], [10]. The electric circuit presented in this pa-
per is used to represent this thermal dependency of the battery
+ R pack. The temperature gradient is studied with the help of the
Cell 1
change in overall internal resistance. The life of battery can
Battery Management Controller

PTS also be increased with this analysis, adding value to the overall
life cycle and reliability of the vehicle.


A. Model Objective
R Li-ion battery, used in HEVs/EVs has an optimum range of

Cell 2
-20 to 45ºC. Thermal variation renders anomaly in state-of-
charge estimation as the internal resistance is temperature de-
pendent. There is a discrepancy between the voltage obtained
across the battery pack and the accumulation of individual cell
voltages. The proposed model is designed to analyze the over-
all internal resistance variation and determine a precise ter-
minal voltage considering the effect of temperature and age-
+ R
ing, since both have an accumulative effect on the battery per-
Cell n formance.
The ageing incorporated in the model is based on the daily
CVS- Cell Voltage Sensor usage of battery, representing the permanent degradation of its
CTS- Cell Temperature Sensor capacity with every charge-discharge cycle. The assumptions
CCS- Cell Current Sensor
PVS- Pack Voltage Sensor for the proposed model are
PTS- Pack Temperature Sensor a) The self-discharge resistance is neglected at loaded
PCS- Pack Current Sensor conditions.
Figure 4. Block Diagram of the Controller module. b) The internal resistance is variable across the charge-
The important features of the BMS are as follow: discharge cycle.
a) SOC maintenance in accordance with the energy c) Ageing due to storage is neglected.
management system algorithm. d) No Peukert effect.
b) Voltage, current and temperature monitoring of indi- e) The charging and the discharging characteristics vary
vidual cells. with time and temperature.
c) Over-charge and over-discharge protection.
d) State-of-Health (SOH) monitoring.
e) Voltage, current and temperature monitoring of the
battery pack.
f) Internal fault analysis.
Fig. the block diagram of the basic operation of a BMS
consisting of an array of n cells. The output of cell voltage,
temperature and current sensor namely the CVS, CTS and
CCS are fed to battery management controller for its optimum
performance and protection. The resistance R across each cell
is used for resistive cell balancing [3], [10].
Figure 5. The electric circuit model of a cell.
There is a high probability of manufacturing variation be-
tween cells within the battery pack. This variation leads to a
difference in charge and discharge characteristics of each cell.
Temperature difference, which is a major consequence of this
charge-discharge cycle variation, cumulates with time and is
influenced by ageing, number of continuous charge-discharge
cycles, load demand, type of discharge and the external tem-
perature. This also has a great impact on the state-of-health of
the battery. The thermal modeling of the battery pack is thus
necessary to illustrate its real time operation. The monitoring
of individual cell is essential in order to prevent its abuse [11]- Figure 6. The electric circuit model of battery pack.

B. Model Formulation resistance. The increasing rate of cell reaction is limited to an
The proposed model takes into account individual cell op- internal temperature of 45ºC.
eration along with their integration, representing the battery
pack. The individual cell representation is shown in Fig. 5. Vib V. SIMULATION RESULTS
is the internal generated voltage of the cell. Rsd is used to
The effect of charge-discharge cycle, temperature variation
represent the self-discharge resistance while Ib is the current
and ageing has been neglected for the simulation shown in
flowing in the cell. Rc, Rco and Rd, Rdo represent the charging, Fig. 8. It represents the charge-discharge characteristics of the
over-charging, discharging and over-discharging resistance battery for a constant internal resistance. The simulation had
respectively. The capacitor Ccap and resistance Rpack shown in been done at a constant temperature of 25ºC, considering an
Fig. 6. represent the capacity and the pack internal resistance initial state-of-charge of 100%. The uniform drop signify simi-
respectively. Rt1 and Rt2 denote resistances with positive and lar charging-discharging pattern, thus representing an ideal
negative temperature coefficient. Rf and Cf is resistance and operation.
capacitance that acts as a filter to the incoming disturbances
[15]. A. Analysis of the internal resistance variation considering
The model has been designed for Li-ion battery used in the effect of temperature
HEVs and EVs. It can also be made applicable for Ni-MH The simulation is limited to a region of optimum operation
batteries with minor modifications. The basic cell model de- of 201.6 V and 198 V for a DC machine. Fig. 9 shows the
rived is shown in Fig. 7. It is a capacitive representation of the charge-discharge pattern of battery considering the effect of
battery and is connected across a DC machine whose applied temperature during the initial transients. The initial loss across
torque determines the direction of the current. Rc, Rco and Rd, the resistance is in accordance with the temperature and
Rdo representing the charging, overcharging and discharging, charge-discharge cycle.
over-discharging resistances respectively has been considered The variation of the overall internal resistance with time is
for the analysis of charge-discharge characteristics. Rseries is the shown in Fig. 10. This overall resistance is a result of the
overall battery pack resistance. combined effect of the individual cell resistance (Rc, Rco & Rd,
The model has been simulated in Matlab/Simulink envi- Rdo) and the battery pack resistance (Rpack). It has been ob-
ronment. It has been designed for the formulation of control served that the resistance decreases due to the proliferation of
algorithm than can be implemented in the battery management the cell reaction with the increasing temperature. The variation
system controller on the basis of the derived results. The initial of temperature along the charge-discharge cycle is shown in
voltage across the capacitor is set to be the theoretical voltage Fig. 11. It is the overall battery pack temperature as
of the battery at full charge, no-load condition. The capacitor
charges or discharges according to the direction of battery 205
current i.e. charging or discharging mode.
This proposed model can be used to accurately validate bat- 200
teries of different chemistries like lithium-ion and lead-acid of
Vterminal [V]

different ratings by modifying the time constant and the value 195
of the capacitor. It can similarly be used to illustrate the opera-
tion of ultra-capacitors.
The voltage of the battery has been maintained in between
203V and 198V. The limit has been restricted in order to pre-
vent thermal runaway. The required torque of the vehicle dur- 185
ing the motor mode is fixed at 100 N. m, rendering a constant 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
load discharge profile. Resistance with negative temperature Time [sec]
coefficient simulates the internal cell resistance variation in Figure 8. The charge-discharge cycle for constant resistance.
accordance with the temperature change while battery pack
temperature is anticipated by a positive temperature coefficient 202


Vterminal [V]



0 300 600 900 1200
Time [sec]
Figure 7. The capacitive representation of the proposed model. Figure 9. The charge-discharge cycle with variable resistance.

0.007972 0.804

Overall Resitanc [Ω]


Vloss [V]
0.00797 0.798


0.007968 0.792
0 300 600 900 1200 24.8 25 25.2 25.4 25.6 25.8 26 26.2
Time [sec] Temperature [ºC]
Figure 10. The change in resistance as a function of time. Figure 13. The voltage loss across the temperature gradient.

27 140
Temperature [ºC]

26.4 100

Temperature [ºC]
25.8 60
25.4 40
25.2 20
24.8 0

0 300 600 900 1200 0 500 1000

1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Time [sec] Time [sec]
Figure 11. Temperature gradient profile during the optimum operation. Figure 14. Temperature gradient profile for the complete simulation.
0.007972 0.00406

Overall Resitance [Ω]

Cell Resistance [Ω]

0.007971 0.00402



0.007968 0.00392
25 25.5 26 26.5 27 25 46 67 88 109 130
Temperature [ºC] Temperature [ºC]
Figure 12. Temperature dependency of the overall resistance. Figure 15. Cell resistance variation with temperature.

incorporated by the combination of negative temperature and

positive temperature coefficient thermostats represented by B. Analysis of the terminal voltage as a function of tempera-
ture, ageing and charge-discharge cycle
CTS and PTS in Fig. 4. The control algorithm takes into ac-
count the cumulative effect of the increase in temperature and The temperature gradient increases with the charge-
rate of cell reactions. The result shows an increase in the rate discharge cycle as shown in Fig. 14. As the safe operating
of temperature along with the time of operation. range of Li-ion batteries are limited to 45ºC, the rate of cell
The dependency of the overall resistance on the operating reactions decreases with further increase in temperature. With
range of temperature is shown in Fig. 12. It signifies that the no effective cooling, the temperature increases linearly with
effect of increase in cell reaction supersedes the effect of bat- time after attaining 45ºC as shown in Fig. 14. The battery
tery pack resistance, resulting in an overall decrease of the pack, which has been modeled with a positive temperature
resistance. Due to this decreasing resistance, the voltage drop, coefficient of resistance, now limits its performance and safe-
as shown in Fig. 13, is reducing with time and temperature ty. Figure 15 illustrates the variation of the cell internal resis-
signifying an increase in battery performance. The initial sud- tance while Fig. 16 shows the variation in the battery pack
den increase in voltage drop is a result of the cell reaction init- resistance for the same period of time. It can be inferred from
iation. It should be noted that the simulations had been in- these two graphs that the positive affect of cell reactions on
itiated at room temperature i.e.25 ºC. the overall performance is limited to 45ºC.

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Chitradeep Sen (S S’09) received his Bachelor of
VI. CONCLUSION Technology in Electriical & Electronics Engineering in
Temperature has immense effect on the iinternal resistance 2007 from Bengal College
C of Engineering & Tech-
nology, India. He iss currently working towards his
of the battery which in turn accounts for its pperformance. The M.A.Sc. degree in Electrical
E Engineering from Uni-
proposed model incorporates this temperaturee dependency and versity of Windsor, Ontario,
O Canada. The focus of his
illustrates the battery performance based onn the derived re- research is to devellop and test battery model and
management system in hybrid vehicular technology.
sults. The affect of ageing has also been takeen into considera-
He is currently developing new models and d strategies that can increase the
tion and illustrated. The terminal voltage hhas been justified reliability and stability of the batteries.
with the variation in resistance of the cell and battery pack
Narayan C. Kar (S’95-M’00-SM’07) received the
with time, number of charge-discharge cycles and temperature B.Sc. degree in Elecctrical Engineering from Bangla-
gradient. The discrepancy between the obtaiined overall resis- desh University off Engineering and Technology,
tance across the battery pack and accumulattion of individual Dhaka, Bangladesh h, in 1992 and the M.Sc. and
Ph.D. degrees in eleectrical engineering from Kitami
cell resistance is justified by the proposed moodel. The efficient Institute of Technoology, Hokkaido, Japan, in 1997
operating range of the Li-ion cells which is limited to 45º C is and 2000, respectiveely.
also explained with the help of the proposedd model. The cell He is an associaate professor in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department at the University
reaction acts as the determining factor for thhe overall internal of Windsor, Canad da where he holds the Canada
resistance. After 45ºC, the internal cell ressistance increases Research Chair position in hybrid drivetrain n systems. His research presently
drastically, resulting in rapid increase of tem mperature. In ab- focuses on the analysis, design and control off permanent magnet synchronous,
induction and switched reluctance machiness for hybrid electric vehicle and
sence of proper protection, this thermal abbuse can result in
wind power applications, testing and perforrmance analysis of batteries and
thermal runaway, leading to self destructionn. Thus the BMS development of optimization techniques for hybrid energy management sys-
precision is essential for protection of the batttery. tem. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.


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