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“Karma – The Journey of the Soul”

By Jeannette Andrea Jackson

After Michael had been killed I felt like I had been living in limbo land… What was it
all for? Was life so unavoidably cruel and were there deeper meanings hidden in the
random events that shape our collective destinies? Questions, questions, questions….
Where was I to go to find the answers?
Answers surely did come to me, but not in the way I had expected they would. Life
has a wonderful way of guiding us and all we had to do was to listen to the whispers.
Be open and brave enough to read and follow the signs along the way. Complex
enough to challenge the most inquiring minds but yet simplistic as basic Zen
It has been 11 years now since my quest began and I was aware now due to practiced
meditation processes of the great beings that direct the „Karma‟ of each and everyone
of us that has been born – or reborn!

The „Ascended Masters – Lords/Angels of Karma‟

Karma, whoa, the very word evokes mystery and religious fervor. However, we are
all linked due to this mysterious cause and affect.
I was in this mysterious state you get to just before drifting off to sleep when I found
myself standing before the Karmic Board for assessment To review my past lifetimes
and also address the further needs – if any – of this current one.
This was my day of reckoning, an opportunity to put forth my case, so I could
continue along my path of soul perfection and ascension. Completion - the lessons
that I needed to master in order to move on. To take the time also to acknowledge the
reasons why certain people had agreed to assist me through these challenging lessons
and understand why.

The scene changed and I was then
sitting alongside a still blue lake
waiting it seems for my guide to
take me to the Mansion Worlds for
the review. A small barge arrived
and this magnificent man greeted
me and he had the most beautiful
blue eyes – that twinkled brighter
than any star I had ever seen. His
eyes communicated with me
without words – but yet I could
hear what was said in my mind. He
gestured to me to join him so I climbed on board and he paddled off in the direction of
a glowing soft light that you could just make out in the distance above the misty
covered water.
The only noise that I could hear was the rhythmic lapping of water on the side of the
barge and the glowing light was becoming brighter and brighter the closer we were to
our destination.
The barge passed through this small entrance into a canal and he then moored it to the
jetty that would lead us up to the Mansion World entrance. The main building was
translucent white with a smooth dome on top similar in shape to the fullness of a
woman‟s breast and next to this building was a spiraling like open staircase that
would take us into this huge auditorium where I was informed my case would be
Inside the walls were golden with a hue of spiritual light glowing ethereally. There
were 14 chairs that I could count all positioned in a half circle before a huge stage.
Above the stage hanging is suspended animation was a big screen and underneath was
a console that contained very high tech audio equipment and holographic disk like
objects placed neatly alongside. Celestial angelic music was coming from all
directions – surreal like surround sound!

I was shown to my seat and my guide gestured his hand and then all of these beings
appeared from out of nowhere to join us. The room was dimmed and then a voice that
was somewhat familiar to me spoke my name. What was to happen next would
change all of my past belief systems forever. I appeared on the screen, but I was a
small child and then more images appeared and there I was at all sorts of different
stages along my life‟s journey. This was unreal, but it was real! Talk about pull no
punches…. I watched intently as year after year unfolded and then lifetime after
lifetime. How far back did I go? This was huge!!!
Did everyone go through this? It‟s as though they – the beings seated with me – read
my mind. One being then began to introduce himself as the Master Serapis. He had
glowing long silver hair that framed an even more serene open and expressive face.
All he said was “It‟s Time”…
Wow, what did he mean? Then he took me by the hand and led me to another room.
This room was even better than the other one – but only this time there was a table –
similar to a massage table – only it was free standing with no legs in sight – just

hanging there. On each side of the room were bench like tables that were hanging in a
similar fashion, only they had all sorts of really weird looking jars on the top.
The room was spherical in shape – like being inside a ball of some sort… beautiful
scents of perfume oils were coming from seemingly nowhere. Egyptian hieroglyphs
were being projected onto the walls. Serapis spoke, again his lips did not move – I
listened attentively.

“This is one of the healing arts rooms, and is part of the resurrection halls. Angels
accompany you here as a soul after you die to rest and adjust frequencies before the
next stage of your journey.” My God so this is what happens when we die.
Our journey continued and we came upon a huge quartz crystal that had a golden door
and inside in the foyer – get this – was the most elegant furniture, ethereal and
translucent, but solid enough to sit on without falling through. In the centre a golden
staircase spiraled upwards, with multi coloured velvet stairs that symbolized the seven
major chakras beautifully blending into each other.

As we ascended this stairway I felt like I was

rebalancing myself as I went along. On the top
floor it was decorated in the colour of Violet,
beautiful hues of Violet, from the plush carpet like
floor coverings to the again translucent walls, and
even the art and accessories were all Violet. I asked
Serapis if the other landings along the way up lead
to somewhere. He just smiled and replied, “Yes,
they all relate to the different chakra level. We
rejuvenate ourselves in spirit and balance like in the physical. It‟s natural, we only
change form with death, and the physical serves only for evolutionary purposes.”
He began to present the entire board members in order of seating and gave a brief
explanation as to their spiritual purpose to those who have incarnated on the earth
Among them were female and male adepts that included Lord Maha Chohan known
as the Lord Of Civilization and he governs those born on the 10th, 20th and 30th.
The Master Hilarion who appears on the fifth Ray of Scientific Thought – The Yellow
Ray governs those born on 10th, 19th and 28th.
The Lady Mary encourages balancing both the Male and Female polarities in
humanity and governs those born on the 2nd and the 20th.
The Venetian Master governs those who chose expression through creative artistic
forms, and he governs those that are born on the 3rd 12th 21st and 30th.

The Master El Moyra seeks to activate awareness of the Divine Origin of All Life
within all Humanity and he governs those born on 4th, 13th and 31st to bring the will
power firmly under control.
The Master Serapis who will aid the development of mental activity for absolute
mastery, overseer of Planetary Purpose in relation to technology employing natural
forces resulting in new sources of non-polluting energy, he inspires artistic and
theatrical movements world-wide, expansion within such fields of artistic endeavors,
he governs those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd.

The Master Kuthumi currently prepares the

consciousness of humanity for the return of the
Christ, he governs those born on the 6th, 15th and
24th who must become balanced, demonstrating
unconditional love, while seeking perfection of the
The Master Ragoczy of the 7th ray helps those
seeking to develop new melodic sounds together
with gentler pastel hues in the colour spectrum, he
governs those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th.
The Lord Maitreya currently influences all involved within the field of physics and
scientific research to expand their consciousness beyond the intellectual level. In the
deep sleep state, researchers tap into vast pools of knowledge which benefit all
humanity, he governs those souls born on the 8th, 17th and 26th.
The Master Jesus governs those drawn towards service within the varied forms of
healing particularly when assisting the afflicted to correct their own imbalance,
through positive thought control, those that are born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th are
inspired by him.
The Lady Nada represents the highest pinnacle possible for aspiring souls to achieve
in the field of idealistic endeavor. Those born to express the 11 vibration are born on
the 11th and 29th and lessons will be more arduous and they must be prepared to serve
positive needs of both the planet and humanity.
The Master Djwal Khul appears on the Emerald green Ray, signifying balance to be
achieved through positive self-expression, service in fields of healing and altruism
through the many worldwide welfare organizations, those born on the 22nd are sure
that he works closely with them.
By now I had been made aware of the infinite possibilities that are given to us all at
some stage during our lifetimes.
After the agenda items had all been addressed all of the board adjourned to another
room to deliberate and make the final assessment. I was really anxious to hear their
findings. What would be my fate?
Would I be returned to this current lifetime or would I be directed to the awaiting
Seraphim who would then accompany me back to my original source of origin?
All board members came back into the room and Master Hilarion came forward and
proceeded to read the deliberation. It was decided that I would return to my current

earthly life because there were still some unfinished lessons and things that I needed
to complete before this incarnation would naturally end.
What knowledge I had gained while being there amongst them would be retained and
I could access at will any information deemed necessary for mastery purposes. I was
then taken back to my point of entry where I would then be escorted back to my
current lifetime.

I awoke suddenly and the digital clock read 11.11 and

here I was, pondering over what had been the most
incredible experience one could ever have dreamed of.
Had this really happened?

It‟s as real as real gets… but who is to say what real is anyway…. I am back from this
journey that has changed my life in the most positive way and I cannot ever really
touch on how important this was going to be, one thing is for certain – there is no end
really, just many beginnings.

(It‟s 11.11 on the clock right now as I upload this story!!!! Wow!)

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