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University Of Shaheed Hamma Lakhdar El Oued

Faculty Of Sciences And Technology

School year 2020/2021

Technical English


A language is a structured system of communication used by humans. Languages consist of spoken sounds in spoken
languages or written elements in written languages. Additionally, a language may consist of other symbolic elements like
hand gestures in sign languages.

The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Questions concerning the philosophy of language, such as whether
words can represent experience, have been debated at least since Gorgias and Plato in ancient Greece. Thinkers such as
Rousseau have argued that language originated from emotions while others like Kant have held that it originated from
rational and logical thought. Twentieth century philosophers such as Wittgenstein argued that philosophy is really the
study of language. Major figures in linguistics include Ferdinand de Saussure and Noam Chomsky.

Estimates of the number of human languages in the world vary between 5,000 and 7,000. However, any precise
estimate depends on the arbitrary distinction (dichotomy) between languages and dialect. Natural languages are spoken
or signed, but any language can be encoded into secondary media using auditory, visual, or tactile stimuli – for example,
in writing, whistling, signing, or braille. This is because human language is modality-independent. Depending on
philosophical perspectives regarding the definition of language and meaning, when used as a general concept,
"language" may refer to the cognitive ability to learn and use systems of complex communication, or to describe the set
of rules that makes up these systems, or the set of utterances that can be produced from those rules. All languages rely
on the process of semiosis to relate signs to particular meanings. Oral, manual and tactile languages contain a
phonological system that governs how symbols are used to form sequences known as words or morphemes, and a
syntactic system that governs how words and morphemes are combined to form phrases and utterances.

Human language has the properties of productivity and displacement, and relies on social convention and learning. Its
complex structure affords a much wider range of expressions than any known system of animal communication.
Language is thought to have originated when early hominins started gradually changing their primate communication
systems, acquiring the ability to form a theory of other minds and a shared intentionality. This development is
sometimes thought to have coincided with an increase in brain volume, and many linguists see the structures of
language as having evolved to serve specific communicative and social functions. Language is processed in many
different locations in the human brain, but especially in Broca's and Wernicke's areas. Humans acquire language through
social interaction in early childhood, and children generally speak fluently by approximately three years old. The use of
language is deeply entrenched in human culture. Therefore, in addition to its strictly communicative uses, language also
has many social and cultural uses, such as signifying group identity, social stratification, as well as social grooming, and

Languages evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by comparing
modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had in order for the later
developmental stages to occur. A group of languages that descend from a common ancestor is known as a language
family. A language that has been demonstrated to not have any living or non-living relationship with another language is
called a language isolate. Languages whose relationships have not been established are unclassified. Academic
consensus holds that between 50% and 90% of languages spoken at the beginning of the 21st century will probably have
become extinct by the year 2100.
Definition of language

Language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings, as
members of a social group and participants in itsculture, express themselves.

Language and its use

Lesson Summary. Multiple uses of language exist to communicate, direct, and express ideas, feelings, and information.
Directive, expressive, and informative uses of writing are used in written and oral forms of communication. Directive use
of language is used to get another person or group to perform an action.

Types of language

A language is the main medium of communicating between the Computer systems and the most common are the
programming languages. As we know a Computer only understands binary numbers that is 0 and 1 to perform various
operations but the languages are developed for different types of work on a Computer.

Importance of language

Language is important in every aspect of our lives because it allows people to communicate in a manner that enables
the sharing of common ideas. Denotative definitions are the agreed-upon meanings of words that are often found in
.dictionaries, whereas connotative definitions involve individual perceptions of words.

What type of language is English ?

The English language is an Indo-European language in the West Germanic language group. Modern English is widely
considered to be the lingua franca of the world and is the standard language in a wide variety of fields, including
computer coding, international business, and higher education.

How old is English language ?

English has developed over the course of more than 1,400 years. The earliest forms of English, a group of West
Germanic (Ingvaeonic) dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the 5th century, are collectively called
Old English.

Why is English a universal language ?

The English language is considered as a universal language, mainly because it is the most spoken language worldwide.
English is also one of the most studied language all across the world, most of the countries teach it as a second language
from primary school.

What is language and structure?

Language (words and phrases) and structure (the order of ideas in a text) are the methods used by writers to create
effective characters, setting, narratives and themes.

Language skills

One definition of “language” is “a system of symbols that permit people to communicate or interact. Another way to
describe language is in terms of the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In your teaching,
you will need to address each of these skills.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how humans make and perceive sounds, or in the case of sign
languages, the equivalent aspects of sign. Phoneticians—linguists who specialize in phonetics—study the physical
properties of speech is the study of human sounds and phonology is the classification of the sounds within the system of
a particular language or languages. Phonetics is divided into three types according to the production (articulatory),
transmission (acoustic) and perception (auditive) of sounds

What is a consonant simple definition ?

one of the speech sounds or letters of the alphabet that is not a vowel. Consonants are pronounced by stopping
the air from flowing easily through the mouth, especially by closing the lips or touching the teeth with the tongue.
Compare. vowel. Examples
How do you describe a consonant ?

Consonants are sounds that are produced with the articulators more or less close. That is, they are produced with a
close articulation, going from completely together to only approximating. wide apart, consonants are said to be
voiceless, when they are closely together and vibrating, consonants are said to be voiced

What are the 24 consonants ?

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, (sometimes Y), and Z. "Y" is often used as a consonant, but it is

sometimes used as a vowel. For example, in the word yellow, y is a consonant. But in the word happy, y is a vowel.

General grammar

Grammar : What is grammar in simple terms ?

Grammar is the study of words, how they are used in sentences, and how they change in different situations. ... The
study of sentence structure. Rules and examples show how the language should be used. This is a correct usage
.grammar, as in a textbook or manual/guide. The system which people learn as they grow up

What are grammar skills ?

in writing, with support. Speak in complete sentences. Identify the subject and predicate of a simple sentence (know
terms “subject” and “predicate”) Write in complete sentences (use knowledge of subject and predicate) Understand and
.use question words (who, what, where, when, why, how) — orally and in writing

Definition of verb

a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of :
being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect,
and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these
especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb.

transitive verb
to use (a word and especially a noun) as a verb : to make (a word) into a verb :
A television announcer in Vero Beach, Fla., spoke of a promise "to upkeep the beach," thus verbing a word that had
.been in use as an honest noun since 1884

Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes
knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. The earliest roots of science can be
.traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3500 to 3000 BCE.
The terms “science” and “scientific” have come to have a special meaning and to carry a special weight in modern
society. Professional scientists tell us that genetically modified foods are safe to eat, that industrial emissions are
causing global warming, that vaccines don’t cause autism, and that some medications are safe and effective while others
are not. A consumer product seems more trustworthy if it’s described as “scientifically proven” or if “clinical studies
have demonstrated its effectiveness.” Politicians and lobbyists often evoke “scientific proof” in arguing for certain
positions or policies. Our federal government invests taxpayer dollars in “scientific research” of different varieties.
Whether something can be categorized as “science” determines if we allow it to be taught in our public school science
curricula, as in the ongoing debate over teaching evolution vs. intelligent design theory.

What are the 3 main branches of science?

All the different scientific fields can be grouped into three broad categories: physical science, earth science, and life
science. Physical science focuses on the study of what things are made of and how they change; it includes the fields of
chemistry and physics.
Definition Of science.

Science (from the Latin word scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes
knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Science is the pursuit and
application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based
on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: ... Evidence. Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks
for testing hypotheses.

M eaning of science.
Science is defined as the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation. process for learning about
the world and testing our understanding of it. The term science is also commonly used to refer to the accumulated body
of knowledge that arises from this dynamic process of observation, testing, and discovery.
Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a
systematic methodology based on evidence. ... Evidence Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing

Why is science so important ?

Science is valued by society because the application of scientific knowledge helps to satisfy many basic human needs
and improve living standards. Finding a cure for cancer and a clean form of energy are just two topical examples. ...
Education could become the most important application of science in the next decades.

Phonetics :

What is a vowel simple definition ?

one of a class of speech sounds in the articulation of which the oral part of the breath channel is not blocked and is not
constricted enough to cause audible friction broadly : the one most prominent sound in a syllable.

General grammar :
What is a noun ?
Nouns make up the largest class of words in most languages, including English. A noun is a word that refers to a thing
(book), a person (Djamel Belmadi), an animal (cat), a place (Robbah), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action
(footing). It's usually a single word, but not always: cake, shoes, school bus, and time and a half are all nouns.
any member of a class of words that typically can be combined with determiners (see DETERMINER sense b) to serve as
the subject of a verb, can be interpreted as singular or plural, can be replaced with a pronoun, and refer to an entity,
quality, state, action, or concept.There are a number of different categories of nouns.

There are common nouns and proper nouns. A common noun refers to a person, place, or thing but is not the name of
a particular person, place, or thing. Examples are animal, sunlight, and happiness. A proper noun is the name of a
particular person, place, or thing; it usually begins with a capital letter: Lakhdar Belloumi, Algeria, and World War I are
all proper nouns.

A collective noun is a noun that names a group of people or things, such as flock or squad. It's sometimes unclear
whether the verb for a collective noun should be singular or plural. In the United States, such nouns as company, team,
herd, public, and class, as well as the names of companies, teams, etc., are treated as singular, but in the United
Kingdom they are often treated as plural: (US) "The team has been doing well this season." vs. (British) "The team have
been doing well this season.

Gerunds are nouns that are identical to the present participle (-ing form) of a verb, as in "I enjoy swimming more than

An attributive noun is a noun that modifies another noun that immediately follows it, such as business in business
.meeting. These nouns look like adjectives but they're not.

For learners of English, the most important feature of a noun is whether it can be counted. A count noun is a noun that
can be used after a or an or after a number (or another word that means "more than one"). Count nouns have both
singular and plural forms and can be used with both singular and plural verb forms, as with the word letter in "A letter
for you is on the table. Letters for you arrive regularly." Sometimes the plural form of a count noun is the same as its
".singular form, as in "I saw a deer in my yard yesterday. There are a lot of deer in the woods near my house.

A mass noun (or noncount noun) refers to something that cannot be counted. Mass nouns are normally not used after
the words a or an or after a number. They have only one form and are used with singular verb forms, as in "Portuguese
is one of the languages they speak," and "The information was unclear.

Some nouns are not count or mass nouns. Nouns which only ever refer to one thing are called singular nouns: "Saturn is
the sixth planet from the sun," "We heard a terrible din in the alley." And a plural noun refers to more than one person
or thing, or sometimes to something that has two main parts. Plural nouns have only one form and are used with plural
".verb forms: "Townspeople are invited to a forum on the project," "These scissors are dull.

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