Rites For The Blessing of The Advent Wreath and Lighting of Advent Candles

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Rites for the Blessing of the Advent Wreath

and Lighting of Advent Candles

Blessing of the Advent Wreath and

Lighting of the First Advent Candle
1. The blessing will be done in the anticipated Mass of
the First Sunday of Advent, before the start of the Mass.

2. The rite begins with the usual entrance procession and

the usual reverencing of the altar by the presider. After the
reverencing, the presider goes to the place where the wreath
is located. He begins the rite of blessing.

Presider: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.

Presider: The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Presider: Dear friends the Church now enters the

season of Advent, a time when we prepare to
commemorate the Coming of our Messiah in
the flesh and when he comes in glory at the
end of time.

In front of us is the advent wreath, a symbol

that challenges us to prepare amidst the
confusing values of our time. As the lights of
this crown increase, may our hearts become
lighted lamps to a world enveloped in the
darkness of sin.

First Sunday of Advent:

Candle of Hope

The lighting will take place before the start of the Mass,
after the commentator has read the intentions and prayed the
Angelus (if applicable).

Comm: Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the Sunday

in which we recall the HOPE we have in Christ.

We light this candle, the candle of HOPE, to

remind us to be alert and to watch for His return.

May we now invite ____________ to please light

the first candle, the candle of HOPE.
The sponsor holding a lighted candle and accompanied by
an altar server holding a microphone, bows before the altar.
Before ascending, in front of the altar, the sponsor says:
Sponsor: The Lord brings the light of HOPE to his people;
a light that no darkness, or fear, or anxiety can
Then the sponsor lights the first candle. After lighting it, the
sponsor says:
Sponsor: Let us walk in the light of HOPE.
The sponsor exits the altar, and the Mass begins as usual.
Comm: We now join the choir in singing the entrance

Second Sunday of Advent:

Candle of Peace

The lighting will take place before the start of the Mass,
after the commentator has read the intentions and prayed the
Angelus (if applicable).
Comm: Last Sunday, we lit the first candle in our Advent
wreath, the candle of HOPE. The second candle
of Advent is the candle of PEACE. It is
sometimes called the Bethlehem candle to remind
us of the place in which preparations were made
to receive and cradle the Christ child. May we
now invite ____________ to please light the
second candle, the candle of PEACE.
The sponsor holding a lighted candle and accompanied by
an altar server holding a microphone, bows before the altar.
Before ascending, in front of the altar, the sponsor says:
Sponsor: The Lord brings the light of PEACE to his
people; a light that no darkness, or fear, or anxiety
can extinguish.
Then the sponsor lights the second candle. After lighting it,
the sponsor says:
Sponsor: Let us walk in the light of PEACE.
The sponsor exits the altar, and the Mass begins as usual.
Comm: We now join the choir in singing the entrance

Third Sunday of Advent:

Candle of Joy

The lighting will take place before the start of the Mass,
after the commentator has read the intentions and prayed the
Angelus (if applicable).
Comm: Last Sunday, the candle of PEACE was lighted
the previous Sunday the Candle of HOPE, to
remind us that Christ will come again to bring to
the world everlasting peace. Today we light the
candle of JOY to remind us of the great joy in our
expectation for the birth of Jesus our Messiah.
May we now invite ____________ to please light
the third candle, the candle of JOY.
The sponsor holding a lighted candle and accompanied by
an altar server holding a microphone, bows before the altar.
Before ascending, in front of the altar, the sponsor says:
Sponsor: The Lord brings the light of JOY to his people; a
light that no darkness, or fear, or anxiety can
Then the sponsor lights the third candle. After lighting it,
the sponsor says:
Sponsor: Let us walk in the light of JOY.
The sponsor exits the altar, and the Mass begins as usual.
Comm: We now join the choir in singing the entrance

Fourth Sunday of Advent:

Candle of Joy

The lighting will take place before the start of the Mass,
after the commentator has read the intentions and prayed the
Angelus (if applicable).
Comm: On the previous Sundays, we lighted the candles
of HOPE, PEACE, and JOY as we remember that
Christ will come again to bring us everlasting
peace and joy. We light the candle of LOVE
today to remind us of how God’s perfect love is
found in Jesus. May we now invite
____________ to please light the fourth candle,
the candle of LOVE.
The sponsor holding a lighted candle and accompanied by
an altar server holding a microphone, bows before the altar.
Before ascending, in front of the altar, the sponsor says:
Sponsor: The Lord brings the light of LOVE to his people;
a light that no darkness, or fear, or anxiety can
Then the sponsor lights the fourth candle. After lighting it,
the sponsor says:
Sponsor: Let us walk in the light of LOVE.
The sponsor exits the altar, and the Mass begins as usual.
Comm: We now join the choir in singing the entrance

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