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In learning, the tool that helps me to understand the content of

the material is in the form of a monitor layer that is delivered

by looking for a presentation, in this case I can understand the
material if the teacher can provide delivery in language that is
easy to understand and does not deviate from the teaching
material. As for other methods, namely the teaching method in
a personal way, because with this method I can freely ask
questions that I do not understand
The learning method that I often do is study alone with a sepia
atmosphere or away from noise, that way I can focus more on
understanding the material, especially in memorizing the
material (need special comfort so that the material is quickly
memorized). ask directly to the experts in the field.
• By reading I can more easily understand the material either
directly or just at a glance.
• I'm used to doing this, since elementary school I often
summarize material rather than read it in its entirety.
• I write quite often, especially summarizing the material, but
not to keep my writing good, I can't do too much, because I will
get bored easily.
• I often practice this skill when the teacher is explaining, which
I then pour into detailed writing even though it's not neat
• There are some lessons that I can't evaluate, so they are
repeated frequently which makes me feel confused about
myself. How to pass it on to others
• I have started following this skill since I entered Mahad Al-
Zaytun, but in practice I am not good at managing people.
• I am interested in the IT field, but there are some words that
make me confused when learning it, especially the software
part of the device
• I will try to read more books, especially about history
• I like to summarize with keywords, that way I will be more
careful in determining keywords
• More writing will train me to develop an interest in writing
• In practicing it, I will train myself to interact with subjects that
I feel are lacking.
• To improve addition skills, Practice questions are an effort
that I need to do regularly
• More understanding of people's conditions and personalities
is what I need to do in order to be able to manage people
• By creating a target every activity that I do will help me in
managing time
• Ask more people who know about components in IT tools

The learning outcomes for topic 2 are how to prepare in making

a summary through conclusions obtained from the material.
With some of the methods presented to help me make note
taking, I know how to make a good presentation through
What I can achieve from topic 2 is the use of methods in
making note taking, I can determine the right strategy in
applying the appropriate summary. One of the results is that I
can make note taking from the material presented using the
Cornell method and the mapping method.
The skill that I use in topic 2 is cornell notes, by dividing the
paper into 3 parts (key words, explanation and conclusion).
Using this method makes it easier for me to group material
according to the order of delivery
To be able to achieve everything, I don't think I can complete it
properly, because there are several methods that I don't
understand widely, one of which is the S3QR method, because
in this method there are many Steps that are quite difficult to
understand, I also don't understand in addition to making
conclusions using the star method.
To develop my skills, I need more teaching to understand all the
note-taking methods and strategies. Maybe with more practice
Paper 3
Understand that a summary is necessary, to make it easier for
us to understand the topic. Understand how to focus on
determining the main ideas of note-taking
It is understanding how to make note-taking by using a
combination of summary and key words. However, there are
things that I can't understand, such as how to focus on making
note-taking, so during lectures I asked the teacher who was
In my opinion, this topic is something that I often do in every
meeting, such as in schools, organizations, lectures. So I have
often practiced it.

To develop my skills, I need more teaching to understand all the

note-taking methods and strategies. Maybe with more practice
Topic 4
We can make an essay writing plan when doing research. That
way the research that is made becomes more organized and
looks neater

Are how to make an essay in research using the stages, the use
of the outline method helps to complete before it is written
into essay form. In its application, I often determine the steps
first before writing an essay into a study. In every L3DC
meeting, to understand the sun I write the outline of the
material presented

The skill I use is making research using essays compiled from an

outline of the material that has been developed
Yes, I am quite able to complete all the material, such as
developing plans based on existing conditions, determining
topics that are in accordance with the research to be
presented, writing paragraphs based on writing the correct
paragraph structure.

I need some form of research to be able to determine and

develop a plan that fits this. I will develop myself by getting
used to applying the material presented in writing.
Students understand and understand the generic structure of
research papers and how to make research papers, determine
topics in the preparation of research papers, know how to
avoid being called plagiarism, by including references in the
bibliography structure section.

In every research, you must adjust to the appropriate generic

structure in the material, How to put a good reference and
bibliography in a journal. magazine news.

Yes, I am quite able to complete all the material, in making my

research paper based on the appropriate structure, including
the addition of references accompanied by sources of these
references, which are listed in the bibliography.
To develop my skills, I will practice step by step to develop my
skills in the preparation of research papers that are in
accordance with the structure.

The area that I need to develop is. In note taking, reading,

writing and listening, I need to get used to practicing these
things, so that the results of this learning will be useful in the
future, because these four things are interrelated with each
other, so if one of the less, it will affect other areas.
Furthermore, for numeracy skills, I will practice more often
questions that help me to understand the basic material of
numeracy in general, this can be done in every general learning
in school. My Reflective learning and organization skills feel to
improve when activities in the community. For other areas such
as programming or computer skills, I have to understand the
basic functions of these two things first.
for example, when in a meeting or conference, there are lots of
foreigners we don't know. (first skill 4) will be very useful.
When the event has started, the material conveyed can be
written correctly and in detail because of the four skills, Being
in an environment of strangers, we can use reflective skills and
organizational skills in interacting with them, so there will be
additional knowledge for us.Kemudian dengan
mengembangkan IT skill, dengan perkembangan zaman yang
semakin maju, kita dapat mengikutinya dengan mudah karena
sudah memiliki skill tersebut

Ya ,areas that must to focus,such like

All of these things are areas that need to be developed and
focused on, because they will be very useful when we live in a
community environment and will be very useful when studying
at university and even when working. I will continue to repeat
the material step by step until all to understand, by applying it
in everyday life that has to do with it


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