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Đề bài: Write about a recent film you have seen.

Give the name of the

film and a brief summary of the film’s plot.

Bài làm

Recently, I’ve seen a movie on Netflix, or you can call it

a documentary since documentary is a reasonable
name for this type of movie, that brings me the most
emotion. Its name is “The Social Dilemma”. After
watching it for the first time, I watched it 4 more times
after that because it is a very good documentary. It is an
"unmasking" of social networks that comes from familiar
"big tech" like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google…
The movie shows the story behind the effects of social
media on people, trying to find an answer to the
question: "How social media is controlling people?".
Perhaps after watching this film, the audience will want
to immediately turn off Facebook notifications, delete
unnecessary applications or stay away from the phone
for a few yards. If you just watch the movie in a flash,
fast-forward this part or watch it while doing something,
it is difficult for you to understand the message of the
movie thoroughly. The Social Dilemma repeats a
message that's been around for years - we need to be
careful when using technology and social media: Those
apps collect user data, spend too much time for cell-
phones is bad for mental health, and social media is a
space where fake news can spread quickly. Of course,
with The Social Dilemma, the above issues are clearly
depicted and go into detail through interviews with
experts from those social networks. Insiders from
Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
warn viewers about the very systems they build. Social
media is not just a tool waiting for people to come and
use it, it has its own goals that we often don't pay
attention to. Google is more than just a search engine,
and social networking is just one side of Facebook,
Snapchat, and Instagram. These platforms constantly
connect with audiences, enticing viewers to spend more
money. Profit is the most important goal with these
platforms. Eventually, we have become the product for
them. "Our attention is the goods that sold to
advertisers", "We are the products", are phrases that
most experts repeat over and over in the movie. User
data will transform into habit patterns so tech companies
know where to send ads. The movie explains the three
biggest goals of tech companies: Engagement goals -
the more you surf social media the better, growth goals -
you come back to social media every morning when you
wake up, and advertising goals - most of the company’s
money is here. These goals are backed by algorithms
that know exactly what you want to see. The Social
Dilemma can be heavily academic because it's a pure
documentary that is compiled from in-depth research
from a series of experts. However, this is a poignant 1
hour and 33 minutes that any young person should
watch at least once. "Social networks are a double-
edged sword" - the saying that has been circulated for
many years now exists clearly and is most feared. In it,
we, users and also dependents of social networks, will
at some point have to make a "killing" choice for goods
that we have created for decades ago.

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