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"HSL puts the wind in your sails.


Big Picture “The predicted rainstorm came &

the Ark has set sail.” --Noah The Original
International Newsletter HSL
Schultz. •••• Lesser boats have sprung leaks which re- AMBASSADORS

quire bailing out the water—or more precisely, bailing out

the debt ships. But suddenly almost everyone wants a Harry Schultz Life Strategies
• Financial • Health • Geopolitical • Philosophical • Life Tactics
bailout, not just banks & big biz. Citizens by the million
with hefty mortgages want bailing. So do most US states. AKA: HSL, &/or The International Harry Schultz Letter

Calif is a basket case, cries for fed bail. Greg Hunter calls
the US “A bailout nation.” It’s a worrisome trend/trait, &
guarantees rampant inflation when the billions in political ~ For THINKING humanoids ~ (worldwide)
pipelines hit main streets, in say 6-12 months. Such over- Single copy price: US$50, Euro39, SwFr58, £34, A$78, C$61, 0.05 oz Gold
subsidizing is made fiscally possible via fiat currency. HSL 669 February 1, 2009 - DJIA 8,001 © Copyright F.E.R.C.
The US Constitution forbids fiat, says money must be
made of gold&silver. Bush said the Constitution was “just Bonds are mainly how govts
raise money. Downgrading IN THIS ISSUE :
a piece of paper” & he let deregulation roar (as did
Clinton). Earlier, Nixon ended the $-gold link, making the costs govts a lot of income, low- 1984 now ............................. 6
$ totally fiat. Irresponsibility set in, to fill the moral vac- ers their bond prices & scares Closed-out stock positions 10
uum. That’s why Noah built the Ark. The Bible said soci- some buyers away. Some worry Congress ............................ 7
ety had become so debased, God wanted it washed the US may get downgraded as Credit crisis (early warnings) 3
away, save for those in the Ark. Bible belief or symbolic,
symbolic it is technically bankrupt (so sez Futures (Back to the) ....... 11
society by any measure has rotted. Fiat money removes the govt’s own auditor/ Gold ..................................... 7
the monitoring governor, permits govts to act without due comptroller). That would doubt- Govt futility (a sage) .......... 3
process or guarantees for economic justice. When govts less finally end the US$ status Health .................................. 7
break the moral rules, people subconsciously follow suit. as world’s reserve currency. The HSL asset allocation box .. 9
previous reserve currency was HSL Jr (Next) ...................... 4
the British £. It reigned for HSL masthead .................... 3
150yrs or so. As recently as HSL model portfolio ......... 10
1948 one £ would buy 4.16 US HSL newsletter of the year! 3
$’s. In 1910 £1 would buy 4.86 HSL services box ............... 5
US $’s. Today 1£ buys only HSL-P (Mkt predictor) ...... 11
1.37, & many see parity soon, Irish to vote again? ............ 7
ie, 1 to 1. A similar fate looms Jobs! ................................... 6
for the US$, but in a much Kipling ................................. 8
shorter time frame, which is Mexico war (gringos) ......... 4
why I’ve persuaded most of my Notes ................................... 8
readers (I think) to move into Nutshell (Top stock picks) 11
certain other currencies, but Obama taxman ................... 4
mostly gold & Swiss franc 2-yr Off the cuff .......................... 8
govt bonds. When the £ was top Permanent Traveler (PT) ... 5
dog, it was backed by gold, so Potpourri ........................... 12
Paulson/Bush/elitist firemen putting out bank fires while Main Street burns when it was replaced by the $, Recommendations (New) 10
Legendary coach Yogi Berra said: “If U come to a fork it slid v.gradually, as it had ex- Tidbits ................................. 5
in the road, take it.” ☺ US & UK govts have instead change value. It only fell sharply Uncle's notes .................... 12
moved both left & right in a confused state. To national- after it went off the gold stan- Wills (need a new one) ...... 4
ize all the banks or not? IMO, they will. UK seems to have dard. The US$ is no longer gold- World mkts analysis .......... 9
little choice, but hopefully they’ll stop at owning more backed, so when it resumes its
than 60-70% of each bank, to permit status quo of staff already steep medium term decline, it will also fall
& as taxpaying units. In the US, the elite secretly aim at sharply, IMO. The current $ rally results mostly from $-
just one mega bank, done in stages. Citibank is bank- repatriation, a 1-time affair fostered by distressed asset
rupt, so maybe they’re not the one. A new view has crept selling, margin calls, unwinding of yen carry trades, etc.
in from UK: some banks are too big to save. World stock mkts fell in 08 from 30 to 90%; average:
When U start downgrading not just banks but coun-
coun- 43%. But, as I’ve explained annually, an index distorts or
tries U know how serious the crisis is. So far, Spain, covers up the real statistics, the real effect on people. If
Greece & Portugal have had their bond rating marked an index drops 40%, it masks the fact that most stocks,
down by S&P, with Ireland on the edge & Italy a worry. especially stocks outside the index—which are not man-
aged by the index-keepers, like DJIA, FTSE, DAX—fall
much more in % terms. Stks have far more leverage
HSL than indexes, which smooth out the numbers. So a 40%
“ HSL--
HSL-- index fall normally means most stocks lost 60-80%.
—the Newsletter “Newsletter of the Year 2005” That’s why many have-
with a Global “Newsletter of the Year 2008” n’t yet realized/fully ab- "To prevent inquiry is among
------- Market Watch
sorbed the extent of the worst of evils."
their losses. It’s a bit — Thomas Holcroft

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 ... The Letter for Millionaires — current & prospective (& former) ... 1
like govt jobs, GDP, CPI, & inflation data, constructed to used for good causes. At the moment, at least, he is role-
whitewash the statistics. ••• FYI: World Stock Index model-in-chief. I was most moved by Mr.O saying “We
lost 43%, Greece 65%, Spain 39%, India 52%, Russia won’t sacrifice our
our ideals for our safety.” And on Day 1
72%, UK-FTSE 31%, Shanghai 65%, US-DJIA 34%, he put that into force by shutting down CIA prisons
France 42%, Japan 42%, HongKong 48%, Toronto 35%, abroad & Guantanamo, & ending torture in any form,
Dubai 72%, S.Korea 40%, Iceland 94%. NOTE:NOTE it takes a from threats & coercion to physical abuse. He also called
300% rally to recover from a 75% fall. the enemy extremists,
extremists not terrorists, a far more useful,
accurate word. 300 cheers! Maureen Dowd said “GW de-
Vital PS: if U follow our Asset Allocation recommen- cided there was no need to be president of the whole
dations on pg 9 (formerly called Investment Box) U did- country. He could just be president of his base. O is de-
n’t have over 8-10% of assets in non-gold stocks (long/ termined to be prez of as much of the nation as pos.
short), so U could not have suffered the big losses ev- We’re trading a dogmatic prez for one who’s shopping
eryone else did. Also, our Model Portfolio, pg 10, has for a dog. It feels good.” The FT said “It’s a new start, not
been expanded to include the former Open Positions, just for the US but for the world.”
but don’t run away with these or any stocks beyond
the recom % in the Asset Allocations; that would be People are expecting Mr.O to change govt. Assuming
cart before horse. he wants to, as he says, we must add this: There is the
Obama administration”, then there is the "govt"-"govt"-- the
Changing the subject, there have been whispers that insiders, the elite, the Illuminati, who don't care who is
1 or 2 Euro nations might want to drop out, or be forced president. They let each president tinker, but largely set
out, of the Euro currency, because they can’t keep up. limits on what changes they will allow. They are the ones
This has scared some people, thinking it would hurt the who create (or withdraw) money/credit, & thereby (since
euro. Wrong! The remaining states would be, obviously, the beginning of govts) determine the balance of power--
the strong ones, making the Euro much stronger
stronger, safer. & order the wars (& prevent shutting them down), to
"For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can keep the military-industrial complex (MIC) profitable. Ex
be no more urgent task than to come to understand the prez General Eisenhower warned us of it. That was from
mechanisms & practices of indoctrination. These are the horse’s mouth. He’d been-there, done-that, in US, Eur
easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less & Asia. Nothing has changed the MIC power structure so
so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to far. We live in non-partisan hope.
which we are subjected & in which all too often we serve Let me further clarify my “V” formation 20-yr forecast.
as unwilling instruments." –NC. Don’t confuse it with a stk mkt chart. It includes stk &
Per our excellent page 1 cartoon by Clay Bennett, I quote commodity mkts, gold direction & above all, your buying
Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz: “The banks are to blame power (BP) in real terms. Within this current 10yr down
for all tthe
he major economic shocks of the past 25yrs.” I channel, we’ll have 1-2yr stock bull mkts. Because acute
would stretch that to the past 250yrs. He adds:“The func- inflation can offset stk mkt gains, your BP can fall as
tion of financial mkts is to evaluate credit worthiness. stks rise. Likewise, if your local currency falls (as in UK
They did a lousy job & then run to taxpayers when they today), U may lose BP, even if stks rise. If stks fall, U lose
make mistakes. But they earn huge salaries. When they double. Let me also explain why 2-yr Swiss govt bonds
saw big profit opportunities, they didn’t care re the pub- are recom, not 5 or 10yr; because 2yr bonds, or 90-day
lic, only about Wall St. The crises were caused by debt, T-bills, barely move. U get nearly no interest, but U pre-
now being ‘cured’ with more debt. No end of tunnel light serve capital. U can also add a few German govt 2yr
yet. Fundamental problems not being addressed.” Amen. bonds. Even a few French, Cad or Oz, all of which pay
more yield. Corp bonds are unsafe for now. So are most
I doubt more than say 12 people in DC understand stks, except for trading, shorterm. Add gold stks--if U pick
what the crisis problem is or the solution. And say 8 of the best Relative Strength rated ones.
them are opposed to the solution. So the solution won’t
be revealed (if it is) until things get much much worse, An anon journalist tells me: "The old world is passing
as the 8 who oppose it hate it. It would include recog- away. Life will not be the same again. Prepare your-
nizing this as a systemic failure, then flushing out bank selves. Read the book on the terror during the French
toxics, followed by transparency in all derivatives, & Revolution. U must know the seriousness & the conse-
calls for a gold certificate link to back/rescue a sharply quences of what is to come." I agree civil strife has a
devalued US$. The elite don’t want it solved. They want high probability, as joblessness spreads & strikes turn to
a total breakdown & are helping it happen. Why? So riots--& food supply goes short thereafter. From 09 to
they can impose Marshal Law, exchange controls, big 2012 the situation will likely be touch&go. •••• My
inflation, bank takeovers, reduce freedoms, centralize crystal ball may have gravy stains ☺, but I seem to see
power, & as many of their insane 1-world ideas as they deflation getting a stronger grip in early 09, partly due to
can get away with. They will have much opposition. the consumer buyer’s strike, despite a possible upside
From Mr. O too? But insiders hold the levers of power. breakout in CRB, rising gold & slipping bonds. It will in
Mr. O only holds a 4-yr lease on a white house. any case probably gradually morph toward high or hyper-
inflation later in 09. 2010 looms as a mega inflate-year.
Now to Mr. O: If U were not moved by Obama’s digni- Only if deflation gets out of control in early 09 due to
fied inauguration U have ice water in your veins. Every govt failure to increase money supply enough, &/or biz/
nationality found it inspiring & hopeful. They also en- bank sectors collapse in a sea of bankruptcies & law-
joyed the chopper exodus of GB! It almost felt like the suits, will inflation be delayed. My crystal ball doesn’t
chopper evacuating SaigonVietnam, in reverse terms. have a printout-of-dates option, but then it’s a very old
Mr. O has special talents that surely (hopefully) will be crystal ball, so what do U expect?
2 ... “Decriminalize & tax drugs to reduce street crime & reduce govt violation of individual privacy & rights.” H.D.Schultz … HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09

HSL named Newsletter of Year! A Sage for our time. Stephen Moore wrote a Wall
Street Journal article (Jan 9, 09) that was
Author-analyst Peter Brimelow of CBS MarketWatch WSJ's most read & most emailed story of that day. It
(MW) bestowed the title Newsletter of Year-2008 on was titled "Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52
HSL---especially noting “the extraordinary prescience Years." In competition with other gripping headlines like
Harry Schultz showed in predicting what he called a Mideast wars, global economic & financial carnage, &
‘financial tsunami’ well over a year ago.” •••• Con- news of a president elect the world adulates, this story
versely, MW has repeatedly & erroneously reported beat them all. Why? For those of us familiar with Ayn
HSL’s profit/loss based on Hulbert Financial Digest Rand's books (Atlas Shrugged is her epoch-making
(HFD) who calculated only our “model portfo- 1000-page novel published in 1957) the title hints at the
lio” (recently just 4 stocks! –but all showing a profit). reason. It’s is a story that so eerily mirrors today's USA
This was like judging a car’s worth solely by its hubcaps. that it's spellbinding.
Whereas we show, on average, open positions in dozens Moore says: "For the uninitiated, the story’s moral is
of stks—most with profits (long & short). simply this: Politicians invariably respond to crises─that in
So, we were very pleased that Peter B. graciously con- most cases they themselves created─by spawning new
ceded, in his award announcement, that total stk results govt programs, laws & regulations. These, in turn, gener-
are higher when combined with the HSL investment allo- ate more havoc & poverty, which inspires the politicians
cation (eg, HSL Asset Allocation Box, see pg 9)—which to create more programs...& the downward spiral repeats
HFD does not follow/log). Peter B. also comments: itself until the productive sectors of the economy collapse
“Beyond this, the MW system of monitoring model port- under the collective weight of taxes & other burdens im-
folios simply does not always catch the value investors posed in the name of fairness, equality & do-goodism."
glean, sometimes quite subjectively, from reading be- "Every new act of govt futility & stupidity carries with
tween the lines {the essence} of some letters.” it a benevolent-sounding title. These include the 'Anti-
To avoid future monitoring problems, like the one Greed Act' & the 'Equalization of Opportunity Act.' These
cited above, we are from today, combining our old acts & edicts sound farcical, yes, but no more so than
Model Portfolio (only 4 stks left in it) with the Open the actual events in Washington, circa 2008. We’ve al-
Positions, giving both readers & monitors a level play-
ing field for new buying & judging our results. We SUBSCRIBERS IN 71 COUNTRIES
should have done it long ago to avoid a hubcap

view. ••This is the 2nd time HSL has won the MW The ideas that
Newsletter of the Year award. Previously we won in matter most Founding Member— Financial
2005. We lost it in 2006 & 07, now won it back for Newsletter International
-Blue-ribbon newsletters
2008. We hope to earn it for 2009. ☺ Financial & Liberty-Loving Strategists
Harry Schultz Life Strategies / HSL / International Harry Schultz Letter

Early warnings On June 18, 2001 we

warned that JPMorgan’s
Published as needed. For info: fax, phone or E-mail our
fulfilment office in Costa Rica: Free phone for US: (1)
Interest Rate Derivatives position was $16trillion & was 866.725.3724. Cad: (1) 877.659.9004. Fax: (506)
a smoking gun. On Jan 28, 2002 we reported JPMorgan 2272.6261 (if U can’t reach Costa Rica, fax Switzerland
Chase had $29trillion in derivatives, which was 223% & .com Or write:
(41) 21.652.0525). E-mail:
361% of their total equity! I said: “That’s Russian rou- HSL, PO Box 622, CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland.
lette. Derivatives helped bring down Enron. And all shoes •HSL website: -All Rights Reserved-
haven’t yet fallen. The Law of Unexpected Consequences Due to virus risks, we will not open unannounced e-mail with attachments.
will play a role amidst the chicanery of central & mega Please advise in a separate message who U are (name & postal address) &
bankers, multi-nat’l’s & politicians.” purpose/content of attachment, then wait for our reply before uploading the
message cum attachment. Sorry for the inconvenience but viruses are deadly.
In HSL625, 6/10, 2002, Jim Sinclair & I wrote a 2pg • Subscriptions: 1 year US$377, Euro293, SwFr437, £259, A$591, C$463, 0.41 oz Gold,
joint column explaining that hedging is now often done 2 years: US$649, 4 years: US$1167. Make cheques payable to FERC Ltd (not HSL).
Allow 3-4 weeks for subscription & address change processing.
via complex (& dangerous) derivatives—a new word to Back issues available: US$12 to subscribers, US$25 non-subscribers.
the public. Banks nearly took over Ashanti Gold via de- Subscriptions are neither assignable, nor refundable.
rivatives trickery. On 7/15, 2002 we quoted fund mgr • Editor Emeritus: Chevalier Harry D. Schultz, KHC, KM, KCPR, KCSA, KCSS.
• Mkt analyst: John McMillan. Spinner royalty recipient: Paul Griffiths.
Tony Dye, warning of a “lurking time bomb in creative • Editorial Dept editor: Gordon Frisch.
accounting via derivatives.” We reported OTC derivative • Quoting HSL permitted if HSL name, address & subscription price given. • Repeated
contracts were $110trillion, 3 times the global economy. photocopying of HSL is illegal. Violators will be prosecuted. $2,000 reward for
evidence of consistent violation. • Recommendations to buy or sell any security,
On 6/20, 2004 I said “Derivatives are a nuclear bomb options on securities, futures or options on futures, are opinions of HSL & do not in
awaiting detonation. Control: none. Transparency: none. any way guarantee or assure that the investor will either make money or avoid losses.
We may/may not buy/sell stocks, bonds, options, commodities recommended in HSL.
Public awareness: none. Registration? Greenspan op- • HSL does not advocate the violent over-throw of any govt. • As you are aware,
poses it.” (& we attacked him 3x for that) inserts/flyers are paid for by fee or commission. This is done to defray rising costs.
Without them, subscription rates would need to rise.
Nobody in power listened. We rang the derivatives • Products/services advised in HSL & flyers are presumed to be of good quality, but
bell 23 times betwn 2001 & 2007. So, it was easy for HSL expressly & explicitly disclaims responsibility for them.
• Harry Schultz is also: Founder, Int’l Investment Letter Assoc - 25 year-mbr, Nat’l
me to specifically predict in HSL663 (12/9/07) “A finan- Press Club, Washington DC - Advisory Board, Nat’l Taxpayers Union, WashDC -
cial tsunami is now upon us.” But it was hard for the pub- Charter mbr, Nat’l Assoc of Investment Advisory Publishers - mbr, Economic
Research Council, London - Advisory Board, Nat’l Comm Monetary Reform - mbr Free
lic/govt/big biz/banks to accept. Yet the handwriting Market Foundation, Joburg , S.A. - mbr Adam Smith Club, London -Life Patron,
was writ large. People see what they want to see. If your Freedom Assoc, London - Listed in Guinness Book of Records as world's highest paid
friends ask why U like HSL, show them the record. investment consultant 1981-2003

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 ... “All governments, of course, are against liberty.” H.L.Mencken ... 3
ready been served up the $700 bil 'Emergency Economic group FARC. US must support Calderón unless it wants a
Stabilization Act' & the 'Auto Industry Financing & Re- nightmare: a failed narco-state on its border with thou-
structuring Act'." And Obama "will soon sign with great sands of refugees fleeing to el Norte. Drug gangs, such as
urgency the 'American Recovery & Reinvestment Plan.' La eMe, linked directly to the Mexican mafia, already op-
The current economic strategy is right out of Atlas erate in many US cities. ••• A Mexico collapse means
Shrugged: The more incompetent you are in business, Pres. Obama would need to commit thousands of troops
the more handouts the politicians will bestow on you." to maintain border security. Opportunistic, fascist one-
For those who've read Atlas Shrugged, watching the fal- worlders would call for a N. American Union to give the
tering antics of US politicians is Déjà Vu. US legal authority to intervene & complete work on the N.
Ayn Rand came to America from the Soviet Union American Superhighway, already underway, & to unite
where she experienced firsthand the horrors of totalitari- the US, Canada & Mexico politically. Mexico’s collapse
anism & socialism. Her books are int’l bestsellers & in could mean Adiós sovereignty. —GF
2007, 50 yrs after its first publication, Atlas Shrugged sold
185,000 copies. A 1991 member survey of the Library of
Congress & Book-of-the-Month Club said Atlas Shrugged Next HSL Jr due on March 8. It’s yours for
the downloading! Free. Via our
Net home. It’s worth doing! ☺. Mark your calendar. Here’s
was the 2nd most popular book after the Bible. Influential
people who said Ayn Rand had a significant effect on their how to get: The same password is useable for both Sr &
lives include Murray Rothbard, Congressman Ron Paul & Jr. ••• Go to our website. 1) In your on-line browser, type
US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Pres. in: 2) Click on Subscribers Only button
Reagan was a great admirer & Rush Limbaugh mentions on left-hand side of the Home page. 3) In the User Name
Rand on his talk show. 2007 Freestar Media/Zogby polls box, type in: hslm (not your name!). 4) In the password
found 8% of Americans had read Atlas Shrugged. box, type in the current password: noahsmiles 5) Click on
Jr If this is not clear—please fax or email us. •••If U
David Kelley, Atlas Society president, dedicated to ad- are traveling & miss an HSL Jr, check the Archives. Happy
vancing Rand's ideas says: "The older the book gets, the reading! PS: U can still access the Dec 21 Jr.
more timely its message." Atlas Shrugged “is the only
classic novel of recent decades not made into a major
movie" but there are plans to do so. Yet, says Kelley:
"We don't need to make a movie out of the book. We are Obama
based US com
taxman? WSJ (12/24) reports
“some Caribbean-
companies are moving to Europe, mostly to
living it right now." Sadly, he's exactly right. ─GF
Switzerland. They fear Obama the taxman.” For whatever
reason, O is antagonistic toward the theory or practice of
Need a new Will? Wherever U live, U
now need to con-
sider which currency to use in your bequests. Eg, if U live
avoiding or sharply reducing taxes even though U do so
legally. Many to the Left of center feel that way. This, de-
in the US & want to leave $50K to Ted or Mary, consider spite the fact the USA was founded as a revolt against
that in case of a large US inflation, that $50K may be an over-taxing Britain. It is some kind of mistaken Left-
worth only $30K or $25K in buying power at the time of wing envy-rooted tradition that U must love Big Govt &
your death. Solution? Convert a substantial portion of distrust truly free mkts & bank privacy, & U can’t abide
your assets to Swiss francs & gold now, & stipulate in a people who are happy to pay fair-share taxes, but don’t
Will that Ted/Mary shall be given xx SwFr &/or gold. Or U wish to pay more than is legally required. Many on the
could use yen. SwFr & yen are strongest currencies to- left equate completely legal tax avoidance with tax eva-
day. Most vulnerable of the main currencies is the US$. If sion—which is unjust, silly, & un-American, as US was
U live in a 2nd/3rd world country, the need is equally built on rugged individualism that didn’t want a fed govt
acute for a Will/asset clarification. In the UK, the £ is vul- to exist at all…or only on a tiny scale.
nerable too. Put the SwFr in 2yr govt bonds with auto- There was no US income tax for 137yrs & then only
matic rollover. Nearly no interest but no worries. 1%. The young prez O has grown up after the time when
the US was a free country, so he doesn’t know any other
Gringos enthreatens
garde! A Mexico war is raging &
to jump the border into the
way—except the so-called “rich” don’t pay enough. US
principles are 180 degrees away from where they
US. A Pentagon report, which identifies global threats & started. ••• In 07, Obama launched Stop Tax Havens
potential wars, says "In terms of worst-case scenarios for Abuse Act, & in 08 he helped launch the Incorporation
the Joint Force & for the world, two large & important Transparency & Law Enforcement Assistance Act to stop
states bear consideration for a sudden collapse: Paki- the flow of offshore funds to the US from hedge funds. In
stan & Mexico. The Mexican govt, its politicians, police & the campaign he showed hostility to US co’s that use off-
judicial infrastructure are under sustained assault by shore jurisdictions for tax planning. The GOP knew all
criminal gangs & drug cartels." Over 5,700 military, po- this, but couldn’t sell it amid a financial crisis & a public
lice, govt employees, judges, journalists & civilians died mood for change. The political change is great; good rid-
in organized crime violence in 2008. Mexico has become dance of war-mongering, Constitution-hating neocons;
Colombia on the Rio Grande. the fiscal changes may not please US employers & the
When Calderón was elected in 2006 he vowed to fight hard-working middle class. ••• Our O-view is he’ll be
corruption & drug lords. The "Merida Initiative", signed good for societal issues & foreign policy, but may be the
into law June 2008, committed the US to provide $1.4 bil highest taxer in many decades, starting in mid or late
assistance to Mexico & Central America to fight organ- 09. US readers should plan accordingly.
ized crime & drug trafficking. A similar 1998 Colombia PS: the hypocrisy in anti-haven views is that several US
program largely neutralized the Marxist-narco-guerrilla states are state tax havens (eg, Alaska/NV/DE,Montana,SD/

4 ...“Silence (when freedom is threatened) is not golden; it is yellow.” Tom Anderson... HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09
TX/WashingtonState/FL/Wyoming), & the UK is a tax haven rectly) calculate they won't have to deal with alarm sys-
for non-UK citizens, & scores of other such. ••• The real tems, video cameras or silent alarms when someone is
struggle here is between those who favour BIG govt that pro- home. HI thugs rarely work alone & especially target sin-
vides everything & thus needs to tax U heavily to pay for it, & gle women, senior citizens & drug dealers (who have lots
those who favour a tiny govt (as did the FoundingFathers), of cash). HI's are often drug users themselves, & resort
with most things privatized, so taxes aren’t needed except to violence to feed their habits.
for courts & defence. It’s possible to have a no-income tax The most common home entry points are garages &
nation. There are already several, eg, Monte Carlo, San Mar- front doors. Often HI's will ring the doorbell, impersonate
ino, Andorra, Dubai, Bahrain, Bahamas, Bermuda, Uruguay, deliverymen or say they hit your parked car, & unsus-
Seychelles, etc! Even Russia is down to a 12% tax; they’re pecting occupants will open the door. Or they may bust
not a real haven, but they know high taxes discourage ini- down doors or crash through windows with explosive
tiative & cause bright entrepreneurs to leave a country. force. Either way, entry usually takes only a few seconds.
High taxes are always counter-productive. Taxes are largely Greatest violence usually occurs within 60 seconds of
a gift to politicians so they can spend your money in ways entry & HI's often bring handcuffs, duct tape, rope &
that get themselves re-elected. Did U not know that? guns. Their first aim is to instill maximum fear & intimi-
dation & then hunt hidden valuables, credit card PIN
Tid bits Here’s an incredibly prescient, stunning
comment on where our society was
headed, by George Orwell, Mr. 1984. U’d think it was
numbers, car keys, etc. Leave some cash where they can
easily find it & leave. On departure, the victims may be
tied up to give the criminals more escape time.
written last week, but he died in 1950: “Actions are held
to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according HI's often target their victims in public by following
to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage--- someone home who wears expensive jewelry, drives an
torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, the expensive car or shops at top boutiques. They are often
bombing of civilians---which does not change its moral home repairmen. Your car keys can be your weakest
color when it is committed by 'our' side. The nationalist link; never give an auto repairman or parking valet your
not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by full set of keys, just the car key. Never leave a garage
his own side, he has a remarkable capacity for not even door opener in the car while its given to a repairman or
hearing about them." -----George
George Orwell valet. Constant awareness is your best defence.
After reading this quote by George Orwell, Bob Chap- Here’s how to strengthen your home security to resist
man’s newsletter doesn’t sound so radical. Bob’s interna- HI's: Install solid-core doors with heavy duty locks on is the most outspoken yet doors & windows; keep windows, doors & garages locked
competent in the newsletter world. Here’s a few words at all times; use door peepholes before opening doors &
from recent Bob ltr: “Mr. Obama has been chosen by the if U don't have a peephole, get one; have a porch light so
Puppet Masters, the cabal of satanic trillionaires behind U can see who is knocking at night; don't rely on a chain-
our shadow govt, to oversee the final descent into depres- latch for security if U partially open the door as it can be
sion, anarchy & societal breakdown which the despicable easily torn out; never open the door to strangers, solici-
Illuminati hope to exploit & amalgamate into an Orwel- tors, etc; know your neighbours & organize a neighbour-
lian, corporatist, fascist police state of feudality via false- hood watch group; get a gun, provided U learn how to use
flag terror attacks, implementation of martial law & an it & have family emergency plans in place to deal with a
expansion of World War III which is already under- worst-case scenario; have electronic security protection
way. They’ve handed him the Nazi playbook as a guide- when U aren't home &/or at night; & the best first-alert
line after setting up the laws & executive orders necessary protection U can have is often a dog trained to resist any-
{under Bush} to implement martial law & to give the Presi- one entering your house. Grrrr-woof! ─GF
dent dictatorial powers. A military draft is in the planning
stages to provide cannon fodder for the next planned wars 2 HSL Services
& conflicts for profit to bring us out of depression & to en- HSL is available (12 pgs) by airmail, e-mail or fax. Airmail OR
rich the Illuminist-controlled military-industrial complex.” e-mail: US$377/yr (€293/yr)—ie, $1.03/day (€0.80/day). If you
want both e-mail plus green pages airmail copy: US$402/yr

PT Meltdown of the economy & financial system re-

quires extra vigilance & maneuvers for survival.
This crisis will run for years & we expect many more
(€314/yr). HSL via fax, to your desk automatically on deadline
Sunday: *US$510/yr (€398/yr). If you wish HSL by fax plus green
pages airmail copy: *$535/yr (€417/yr). Lifetimers can get HSL by
banks & corps to fail. A small local bank shutdown could fax for +*$133/yr (€104/yr) or +*$158/yr (€123/yr) for both airmail
short-circuit your ability to pay personal expenses, eg, & fax delivery; or e-mail plus airmail for +$25/yr (€19/yr). ••HSL
provides a free online junior version of HSL between HSL’s via
rent, mortgages, car payments, utilities, food. Having at HSL Jr, which comprises an average of 65 pages, half editorial &
least a 6-month stash of cash, well hidden, in case melt- half market charts & new stock recommendations. ••HSL also of-
down impacts U is not just a novel idea─it could be a fers a weekly ‘Gold Charts R Us’ service (GCRU), by Net, fax &
matter of physical & financial survival. As joblessness mail. Via Internet at rate of: 3-mos $300 (€234), 6-mos $585
rises, so does crime; high numbers can effect U. (€457), 9-mos $855 (€667) & 12-mos $1,110 (€866). By fax add
$120 (€94) per 3-months. By mail only $250 (€195) per 3-mos. U
Crises bring out the best & worst in people. We must can subscribe on-line at (click on ‘Gold charts R
prepare for the worst, eg, home invasions (HI), which, Us’), or subscribe via fax or mail (see page 3 masthead for con-
like car jackings, are rapidly increasing in the US, though tact details). Note: Special GCRU ‘2-Week Taster’ offer available
they're common in 3rd world countries. Burglaries are to new subscribers only at $45 (€35) via:
usually quiet intrusions by a single criminal during the GCRUpromo_Special.html (limited time offer). ••(“Newsletters
day when no one is around. HI's usually occur at night or don’t cost—they pay”). *A $20 deduction applicable on fax rates
on wkends when the family is home. HI's (usually cor- noted above for No.American readers only.

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 ...“The right most valued by all civilized men is the right to be left alone.” US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis... 5
"HSL.....before it happens." tation of privacy. Guess what? The Internet is considered
the public domain!
domain Many restaurants & shops now have
cameras (little black bubble balls on the ceiling) to moni-
1984 Now If we obey the laws & mind our own
business, we have nothing to worry
about & no one should bother us, right? Wrong! Big
tor both clients & staff. Most cars now have an EDR
(Event Data Recorder) installed without your knowledge.
brother (BB) abhors privacy, is dreadfully invasive & does- It's the black box of the auto world & captures what hap-
n't care whether you're Mother Theresa or Al Capone. BB pens just before & after the airbag deploys. Many cars
devours all. We're in the midst of a technology- have GPS satellite navigation systems. EDR & GPS info is
empowered surveillance revolution that is rapidly turning being used in courts & the day is almost here when BB
us into a surveillance society cum electronic concentra- knows every detail of U & your driving habits. Most cell
tion camp. The magnitude & implications of our Orwellian phones have GPS tracking chips which enable BB to fol-
future were revealed by elitist Zbigniew Brezezinski, Nat'l low your every move as well as record every conversation.
Security Advisor to Prez Carter, advisor to 4 other prez, & US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, the
a director in Trilateral Commission, in his book, Between longest serving justice in US history, saw a worrisome
Two Ages: "The technetronic era involves a gradually more future taking shape before his death in 1980: "The pri-
controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by vacy & dignity of our citizens [are] being whittled away
an elite, unrestrained by traditional
traditional values.
values Soon it will be by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually,
possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over each step may be of little consequence. But when
every citizen & maintain up-to-date complete files contain- viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society
ing even the most personal information about the citizen. quite unlike any we have seen─a society in which govt
These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by may intrude into the secret regions of a [person’s] life."
the authorities." This should strike terror in U. If BB is al-
lowed to continue, it will happen. What can U do to avoid the BB hi-tech juggernaut?
Best defense: limit your exposure to the world to max
Like most things, there are benefits & risks. Ex FBI extent possible; don’t give personal info, eg, social secu-
boss Louis Freeh says "Ask the public if they want an FBI rity number when asked or tel/cell numbers, only when
wiretap & they'll say, 'no.' If U ask: do U want a feature legally essential; use cash to avoid credit card trails;
on your phone that helps the FBI find a missing child make sure kids don’t become victims of Facebook/My
they'll say, 'Yes.'" Or ask if they want their phones tapped Space craze by splashing their personal info on Internet;
& they'll say 'no', but ask if they want phones tapped to vote for & support legislators who understand BB dan-
stop another 9/11 terrorist attack & they'll say 'yes.' In gers; become a PT (got our very old PT set?); buy all PT
theory, to catch a terrorist by wiretapping means every- books & newsletters; take a defensive attitude. Study
one has to be tapped. If BB only tapped terrorists, it our many PT definitions to give U ideas, eg, Permanent
wouldn't need to tap in the first place as it would already Traveler, Passing Through. Perpetual Tourist.
Tourist ─GF
know who they are. But, if personal info on millions of

people collected in the process of wiretapping for terror- I’m very angry. FT headline on 1/27: More
ists falls into the wrong hands, it can ruin lives. Despite woe as 72,500 jobs axed in one day. That
assurances from Bush & others, we know govt & corps was a global count of mega corps head-chopping. It’s a
often fail to protect private, personal info, identities get daily drumbeat . 10K here, 20K there. When a com-
stolen, bank accounts get drained by cyber-thieves, tax pany is deep in debt, losing money, job cuts are OK. But
audits get triggered, etc. Do benefits outweigh risks? Lib- many corps have cash reserves & running at a profit--&
ertarians say No. Others say: Possibly (questionably) in cut jobs to increase profits. I think that’s socially unac-
the short run, but emphatically not in the long run. ceptable. Profit job cuts & merger job cuts only for the
The mutating surveillance society spans the spectrum sake of profit usually result in less service to customers
from implantable chips to giant data-mining firms. Big- (eg, M&S closing its Paris branch despite its profitability,
gest users of personal data are big corps, but big govt banks close branch in small towns leaving no facility,
now works with big biz to gather personal data that was govts closing small town PO’s). Corp job cuts can often
previously only possible in science fiction. Personal info be avoided via 4-day work week or part time, which re-
formerly private is being collected & records created by tains workers & saves their “sanity”(morale) & helps
firms U never heard of. Eg, Acxiom Corp, Little Rock, AK, community. Germany & France are leading the world in
is world’s largest single source of personal marketing this kind of job preservation. But US corps lag. Caterpil-
data. It has offices in 12 nations spanning the globe. It lar cut executive salaries by half, but cut 20K jobs, de-
collects more than 3 bil records per day & says CNBC, "is spite still being in profit.
the most comprehensive & accurate repository for phone In this recession cum depression, job cuts should be
numbers in the US, listed & unlisted." Axciom's huge da- avoided as policy. I was furious with Pfizer paying $68bn
tabase stores personal info about U gleaned from banks, for Wyeth to become world’s biggest pharmaceutical,
insurers, credit card issuers, retailers, telecoms, etc, & cutting 15% of workforce in order to make the deal!!. An
creates records concerning your political, religious & ego move, as was Swissair buying Polish Air. Pfizer CEO
medical concerns & beyond. Jeffrey Kindler (misnamed) may have rioters at his house
Billions of transactions are recorded daily & it's all soon, demanding food. Civil strife/riots are ballooning;
electronically filed forever. Google keeps a record of anger is in the air over Wall St greed. Unnecessary job
every search ever conducted, in most cases those cutters may rank with bankers as the enemy. ••• Robt
searches can be traced back to the individual who made Zoellick writes in 1/26 FT: “It’s time to herald the Age of
them, & the info can be used in court. Courts have long Responsibility.” Amen! Failure to do so re jobs would
held that when U are “in public” U can't have any expec- haunt & harm us all.

6 “The spirit of resistance to govt is so valuable on occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.” Tom Jefferson HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09

Irish to vote on Lisbon again? This is criminal.

A committee of Irish MPs con-
cluded that a 2nd referendum on EU's hotly disputed Lisbon
sion, civil disorder, & possibly war. Both outcomes will cause
a rush for gold.” ••• Jim Sinclair & I urge US readers should
consider taking delivery on one contract of Comex gold; it will
Treaty is “legal.” On basis nothing against it! Leprechaun limit the amount of jiggling they can do to the gold price.
logic! Irish voters rejected the reform treaty in a referendum
in June. But poli’s say it’s ok to vote again “either on the
same issue...or some variation thereof."
The No campaigners insist that "no means no" & there
cannot be a re-run of the referendum. The treaty can’t take
effect unless all 27 states ratify it. Most have done so, via poli-
ticians, but Ireland was the only one to hold a referendum on
the treaty. Citizens were disenfranchised because prior votes
on an earlier version were turned down in NL, DK, & France.
Poli’s don’t trust the public to do their bidding. Swiss style
5* democracy, where referendums are frequent on key is-
sues so citizens have a voice, has never spread in rest of
world. Democracy hangs by a thread in most. Objections to Health “It is said the US has a sick-care system, rather
than a health-care system, with emphasis on
use of drugs & procedures for diagnosed conditions" says David
the treaty have delayed ratification in Czech Rep. & Poland. Katz, director of Prevention Research at Yale University School
Critics (like HSL) see the treaty as further evidence of a feder- of Medicine. Tis true & not only the US. The key is to think (&
alist, pro-integration agenda at work in the EU. The treaty is act) prevention & alternatives, not be stampeded into tests &
just a modified version of the EU constitution, rejected by drug prescriptions. White coats are intimidating (of course, not
French, DK, & Dutch voters in 2005. Even some architects of all white coats are equal ☺)••• Start here: Switch to drinking
the defunct constitution say the Lisbon Treaty is very similar warm, not cold water, never ice water. Nations with best lon-
to it. Elitists are behind the treaty, needless to say. gevity (entire Far East) have warm drink with & after meals, eg,
tea. Cold water is a habit; I grew up with it; it’s dumb!

Gold It helps that gold bullion seems to be disconnect-

ing from its inverse relationship with the US$
habit. Lately both have often been moving in tandem, rising/
Cold water solidifies the oily stuff U’ve just eaten. It also
slows digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will
break down & be absorbed by the intestine faster than the
falling. But we don’t need that to boost gold; it’s just comfort- solid food. It will line the intestines. Very soon, this will turn
ing that gold has regained its monetary independence—
independence into fats & can lead to cancer. It’s best to drink a cup of hot
resulting from a virtual run on banks & a real run to gold,
gold es- soup, tea or warm water (even coffee?) during &/or after a
pecially physical gold, bars & coins. US/UK govts can still meal. ••• Next: It’s not easy! But U/I should try to find/buy/
short gold to try capping it (we assume Obama will continue eat organic fruit/vegetables/meat. It’s hard work getting,
that practice of govt’s PPT), but it isn’t working as demand is staying healthy . This route helps! ••• They (on AOL) say:
overtaking supply. •••• Mathematically it will need a US 2-tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is as helpful in relieving
$2,300 gold price to equal the $800 gold peak of 1980. So, pain in many people as ibuprofen. They also say: eat ancho-
gold is cheap today, is well under ½ its 1980 worth in infla- vies, fish oil from sardines (&/or Omega-3 fish oil tablets).
tion adjusted $’s. •• Basis one French Curve chart projec- Avoid farmed salmon. ••• Hslm, nutrition expert Dr. Ian
tion, gold will reach $3,500 by 2012, then fall to $2500 Crabbe, UK, writes me he supports Vit B17 Laetrile theory for
(29%), then rise to $10,000. There are a lot of projections cancer prevention/treatment. Sez: Google “Cancer, the Win-
around by some able technicians. If we go into Weimar infla- nable War.” Also: World without cancer. IC says: eat fish/
tion, the sky is the limit. But, HSL will play it a stage at a poultry as main protein source. Oily fish contains omega 3.
time, by the charts, because being over-confident about any Eat lots of seeds (recom in the Bible by the way! Genesis 1:
future prices has been the undoing of many souls. 29). Dietary deficiency causes 1/3 of all cancers! Eat v.little
Nobody now trusts govts, banks, insurers, raters, mortgag- or no red meat (beef/pork/lamb) (risk of bowel cancer). If U
ers, brokers, talking heads. So smart people are turning to do, reduce risk via nuts, seeds & 2 coffees a day.
the best safe havens, ie, physical gold, 2yr govt bonds in Cousin Marylin says: “I used NutraSweet to kill carpenter
Switz, Germany, France, NL, Oz, Cad, & some gold shares. ants in our summer home, as well as red fire ants in our gar-
Here’s a sample of haven-seeking:Telegraph, UK 1/9/09 By dens. Never would I consider putting it in my body.” I’m with
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. “Merrill Lynch has revealed some U, cousin! NO to artificial sweeteners. ••• Mouthwashes
of its richest clients are so alarmed by the state of the finan- containing alcohol could increase the cancer risk by 9 times,
cial system & signs of global political instability, they’re in- scientists claim. Can cause oral cancer & should be removed
sisting on purchasing gold bars, shunning derivatives or from markets, a dental health study claims. The ethanol in
‘paper’ proxies.” Gary Dugan, ML chief investment officer, mouthwash is thought to allow cancer-causing substances to
said “There’s been a remarkable sentiment change. People permeate the lining of the mouth. (
are genuinely worried about what the world will look like in 1/23/09). ••• Bon santé!
2009. It’s amazing how many clients want physical gold, not
ETFs. They’re so worried they want a portable asset in their
house. I never thought I’d be getting clients saying they want
a box of krugerrands." Merrill predicts gold will soon blast
through its all time-high of $1,030 & hit $1,150 by June.
Congress Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian
& astute America observer, said "The
American Republic will endure til the day Congress discovers
Citigroup joined our club; predicts:“Gold is poised for a it can bribe the public with the public's money." That day has
dramatic surge, could blast through $2,000 an ounce by the arrived. Congress' draft $819b stimulus bill was 12% stimu-
end of 2009 as Central Banks flood the world monetary sys- lus & 88% pork. The bill was loaded with 40yrs of pent-up
tem with liquidity.” Ambrose Evans Pritchard writes social programs & is being dumped on taxpayers in the name
(Telegraph 1/09):“The damage caused by financial excesses of rescue. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Immanuel admit-
of past 25yrs is forcing world authorities to take steps never ted it: "Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean is
tried before, a gamble that could end in one of two extreme it's an opportunity to do things U couldn't do before."
ways: a resurgence of inflation, or a down spiral into depres- This draft will go through days/weeks of political sausage-

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 ... “We have not abolished slavery; we have nationalized it.” Herbert Spencer ... 7
making in Congress & White House, along with urgency cries. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will
Voters must remember, govts never produce a penny of in- have to be nationalized, & the State will have to take the road
come; govts only have what they take from taxpayers. The which will eventually lead to communism.” (Das Kapital
best stimulus would be deep tax cuts so citizens could 1867) If it was a forecast, the essence of the stages seem
choose how to spend their money instead of Congress grab- valid, so far. J. Schumpeter says capitalism’s foundation is
bing it & making that choice. Small parts of the stimulus bill “creative destruction,” a natural process whereby excesses
may help, but Congress is mainly using it as cover for one of are corrected by collapse & then rejuvenation. Obviously
the most massive expansions of federal entitlements in US we’re in the collapse stage.
history. As Mark Twain said: "There is no distinctly American Jim Sinclair’s site excerpts: “Re curren-
criminal class─except Congress." ─GF cies: Another affront to one’s intelligence, & of course part of
the Hold the Hill (in DC) strategy, is the argument broadcast
Kipling defined the strategic rivalry between British
& Russian Empires in Central Asia from
1813-1907 as "The Great Game." The epicenter was Afghani-
by all media (& all the Hill’s friends) that spins the story that
currency value is determined by competitive economic activ-
ity. When push comes to shove, what determines a currency’s
stan. A modern-day Great Game is replaying in C. Asia with value will be the degree of financial failures & size of the fi-
the US & Russia as main actors & the battlefield epicenter nancial bailouts, as these events cause the volume of paper
once again is Afghanistan. Pres. Obama faces several crises money to increase substantially. The value of currencies,
as he steps onto the world stage. After the global financial when written about in the history of this time, will not be a
meltdown, crisis #2 is Great Game chess maneuvering in C. function of competitive levels of economic activity, but rather,
Asia involving Russia, US, Afghan & Pakistan. Of critical im- who held the most OTC derivatives. The US is the eye of this
port are overland supply routes via Pakistan to Afghan, hurricane of financial weapons of mass destruction already
through which 3/4 of supplies reach US-NATO troops. US con- acting true to their name.” ••• “Dear Jim, Why is S&P pick-
voys are under Taliban attacks, & alternate supply routes, ing on Spain with these numbers coming out of the US? 1/
most through Russian-controlled C. Asia, are needed. Because Rating Agencies now predate prostitution as the old-
Enter Henry Kissinger. He's had direct talks with Putin & est occupation in human history? 2/ Because if they down
it’s likely a deal will be struck enabling US-NATO to supply rated the dollar they would have to close shop the next day?
Afghan via C. Asia. But, Russia will extract a big price for co- Take your pick. I know U can add more. Jim.”
operation, such as: US must abandon expanding NATO into •••Too much credit & easy money. Those were the big-
Ukraine & Georgia; stay out of the Baltics; agree to withdraw gest culprits behind the financial crisis. Yet, the govt's rescue
from C. Asian bases after the Afghan war; abandon plans to attempt is built on more credit & even easier money. ••• The
put missile installations in Poland & Czech Republic. Perhaps huge attack on short selling is misguided, tho transparency
not a bad trade-off, as many feel US meddles too much. on large positions should be required. Driving shares up via
Many advocate US-NATO leave Afghan, which means Taliban pools & hype is apparently ok, but not driving them down.
& al Qaeda would quickly take over. Exiting Afghan is not yet an The uptick rule must be restored. Poli’s don’t savvy mkts.
Obama option & he'll attempt a version of Gen. Patraeus' Iraq

strategy to achieve “victory.” Pakistan is big worry. Pres. Zardari 8-col headline in FT 1/26/09 reads: More big
(Benazir Bhutto's widower) is very weak, & nuclear-armed Paki- UK compa
companies consider tax exodus. This fits
stan teeters on edge of collapse. The world worries about Iran, my earlier remarks & proves that companies are no differ-
but if an already-nuclear Pakistan falls to Taliban-al Qaeda, the ent than citizens in wanting to move to nations where taxes
regional strategic balance goes instantly critical. ISI, Paki- are not repressive. France, Germany & the US were cited as
stan's govt intelligence service, created the Taliban & is sym- among the highest taxers, in that order, whereas among
pathetic to them. ISI was linked to Mumbai terrorist attacks, light taxers mentioned were Netherlands, Ireland, Luxem-
which leave Indo-Pakistan relations fragile & uncertain. ─GF bourg. What’s unfair is that corps don’t get attacked for a
tax-move, but citizens & tax havens often do. Govts should

Off the Cuff New US Treasury boss Geithner slash overheads via privatization & biz-like management,
got off to a bad farce. He accused thus making tax slashing easier.
China of manipulating its currency. Pot calls kettle black! US Norman Thomas (1884-1968) was a leading US socialist,
has manipulated the US$ for last 20yrs. ••• Many say Larry pacifist, & 6-time presidential candidate for Socialist Party
Summers should have been named Treasury chief. ••• FT of America. In a 1944 speech he said: "The American peo-
7-col headline: French workers strike over loss of jobs. Strike ple will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name
turned violent. This is becoming more frequent. As said ear- of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
lier, job cuts are often made without considering 4-day wk, program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, with-
half time, & partime. Prez Obama said same thing the other out knowing how it happened." ••• On Jay Leno show, Robin
day. BigBiz is going to arouse bitter anger, riots, deaths, thru Williams joked re Canada/US relations: “Canada is a nice
callous cutting. Some CEO’s look for an easy way out--to raise family living upstairs, over a micro bar.” •••
profits, raise share price (make their stock options click in) by
cutting or over-cutting jobs. Their days are numbered; society Eric de Carbonnel ( predicts the
is changing. Greed, ego-mergers & buy-backs are no longer big surprise of 09 will be China moving into hyperinflation by
acceptable. Ruthless job cuts are next on the chopping block. mid-09. It will catch the West off-guard. China will reverse low
CEO’s may find themselves on the block, by rioters, stock- interest rates. Their inflation will destroy the US$. Eric sez our
holders &/or media. A benefit of this creditcrash is a morality thinking on China is upside-down. ••• Prof. James Nathan
rebirth is underway, a revision--of what really matters. The has suggested a solution to the impossible Afghan dilemma,
tinsel of the last decade suddenly has lost its sparkle. ie, the US or NATO should buy the entire opium crop. That
might end the Taliban’s money stream & block the traffick-
Wikipedia says Karl Marx wrote this & LondonTimes says ers. ••• The CRB commodity index has built a chart base. Co-
he didn’t. I don’t care; the text is interesting as perspective, & mods are set for either a strong rally, or an upside reversal of
he might well have thought it in 1867: "Owners of capital will size. ••• Globalization was a crafty greed scheme engineered
stimulate the working class to buy more & more of expensive by mega corps, who are a virtual govt. More nextime! ••• I
goods, houses & technology, pushing them to take more & hope U don’t mind; I used smaller type size on page 7&8 &
more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. Uncle Notes today in order to squeeze everything in.

8 ... “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.” Voltaire ... HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09
WORLD MARKETS ANALYSIS Buy (or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 3770; stop: 2-dc be-
Note 1: Apply our trailing stop strategy to lock in shorterm profits on all posi-
low 3380; sell ½ at 4270. •Hong Kong: Kong Per HSL668,
tions. Exit at mkt if trends turn sharply against you. Don’t wait for stop levels whipsawed for losses in shorts & longs . Oct upwedge
to be hit. 1, 2-day close entry or exit levels should be changed to mkt orders & breakdown. Sell short at mkt &/or if rallies to 13,880;
if intraday run-away action develops. Note 2: Where short selling (S/S) is stop: 2-dc over 15,100; cover ½ at 10,780 &/or trail stop
not possible, use our guidelines to aid U in determining price levels for sim- weakness. Buy after
ply selling, & our S/S stops as buying levels. TPS= Trailing Profit Stop. 2-dc over 16,000;
Canada Per HSL668, short sellers took ½ profit at stop: 2-dc below
target ☺, & exited rest at breakeven. Gamblers sell 13,880; sell ½ at
short bit at mkt; cover ½ at 7120, & trail stop rest. Buy 19,500. •Japan:
Japan Per
(or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 9460; stop: 2-dc below HSL668, traders sold
8360; sell ½ at 10,980. short at 8367. If out,
sell short bit at mkt
SoAmerica •Brazil:
Brazil Per HSL668, short sellers ex- & if rallies to 8540;
ited with loss . Traders then bought at 42,312; cover ½ at 7080 &/
lighten up or exit at mkt. Risk of 6-week H&S top. Gam- or 6440, & trail stop
blers sell short bit at mkt; cover ½ at 29,850, & trail stop remainder. Buy (or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 9330;
rest. Buy (or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 40,870; stop: 2- stop: 2-dc below 8170; sell ½ at 10,940. •New Zealand
dc below 36,100; sell ½ at 48,400. (NZSX 50): Per HSL668, gamblers sold short at 2767. If
Europe •Belgium
Belgium Per HSL668, gamblers sold out, gamblers only sell short toehold at mkt; cover ½ at
short at 2069. 10-week trading range. If out, sell 2580 &/or trail stop weakness. Buy (or cover shorts) af-
short bit at mkt & if rallies to 1950; cover ½ at 1450, & ter 2-dc over 2810; stop: 2-dc below 2660; sell ½ at
trail stop remainder. Buy (or cover shorts) after 2-dc over Singapore Per HSL668, traders sold short at
3050. •Singapore:
2020; stop: 2-dc under 1800; sell ½ at 2430. •France:France 1738. If out, sell short at mkt; cover ½ at 1485, & trail
Per HSL668, gamblers sold short at 3283. Nov upwedge stop rest. Buy (or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 1920; stop:
& breakdown. If out, sell short bit at mkt &/or if rallies to 2-dc below 1700; sell ½ at 2240.
3150; cover ½ at 2510, & trail stop remainder. Buy (or
cover shorts) after 2-dc over 3420; stop: 2-dc below HSL ASSET ALLOCATION BOX
3095; sell ½ at 3950. •Germany:
Germany Per HSL668, short Managing your assets is a job you can’t totally delegate. Know-how is
sellers took ½ profit at target ☺, & exited rest at break- your best protection; learn to do-it-yourself. (Changes are underlined).
even or better. Poss COUNTRY/REGION WEIGHTING: US: 18%; Europe: 18%; Cda:
triple bottom vs Nov 18%; UK: 5%; Oz: 18%; Asia: 18%; Latin Amer: 5%.
upwedge & break- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• 35-45% GOVT NOTES/BILLS/BONDS: In 2-year Swiss/French/
down. Sell short bit German/Dutch (or other 1st world non-$) govt bonds/bills/notes. Con-
at mkt & if rallies to tinue to avoid longterm bonds till the recession cum depression deep-
4640; stop: 2-dc ens, whereupon a new buy signal will be planned.
over 4820; cover ½ • 8-10% STOCKS (non-gold’s). Maintain a balance in longs & shorts
at 3730, & trail stop (in strongest/weakest sectors only), temporarily over-weighting expo-
rest. Buy after 2-dc sure in favor of very shorterm mkt direction. Don’t fear shorting.
over 5050; stop: 2- • 10-13% COMMODITIES: via futures &/or commodity stocks long & short.
dc below 4640; sell
Italy Per HSL668, gamblers sold short at
½ at 5780. •Italy: • 35-45% GOLD STOCKS & BULLION: 18% blue chips, 2% junior/
21,545. Broke to new 3-month low. Sell short at mkt; speculative. 15-20% bullion via futures &/or buy physical bullion for
safety & to help the gold price, & rare coins (buy only high quality cer-
stop: 2-dc over 20,500; cover ½ at 15,400 &/or tight tified CAC/PCGS or NGC coins). Buy coins partly as method to exit
trail stop downside. Buy after 2-dc over 21,630; stop: 2- banking system, for protection against bank failures, to legally trans-
dc below 19,500; sell ½ at 24,980. •London: London Per port wealth, to offset inflation, & for privacy. Buy very rare, collector
HSL668, gamblers exited shorts at breakeven. Oct-Jan (set) coins if live in USA, not bullion coins (except some for barter).
3777-4639 trading range (basis L/O/C). Gamblers sell • 0% CURRENCIES: close out all fiduciary time/call deposits, money
short bit at mkt &/or more aggressively if rallies to market funds & municipal bonds, pension funds, & convert to 2-year
4390; cover ½ at 3777 &/or 3510, & trail stop rest. Buy Swiss (or other non-$) govt notes/bonds (see above) held in true cus-
(or cover shorts) after 2-dc over 4650; stop: 2-dc below todial-ship accounts (ie, where your assets are not on the balance
4175; sell ½ at 5340. •Netherlands:
Netherlands Per HSL668, gam- sheet of the host financial entity & clearly segregated in your name).
blers sold short at 252. Nov-Dec trading range. If out, sell • 0-5% BEAR STOCK MARKET PROTECTION via Proshares 200%
short bit at mkt; cover ½ at 188, & trail stop rest. Buy (or inverse ETF’s (which seek results twice (200%) the inverse (opposite)
cover shorts) after 2-dc over 275; stop: 2-dc below 234; of the daily performance of an index). Eg: Proshares 200% inverse
Nasdaq ETF (QID), Proshares 200% inverse Dow ETF (DXD),
sell ½ at 336. •Switzerland:
Switzerland Per HSL668, short sellers Proshares 200% inverse S&P ETF (SDS).
took ½ profit at target ☺, & exited rest at breakeven or
Gold Stocks
better. Nov bear flag & breakdown. If out, sell short bit at & Bullion 35-45 %
mkt &/or if rallies to 5420; stop: 2-dc over 5650; cover Commodities
½ at 4820, & trail stop rest. Buy after 2-dc over 5880; 10-13 %
stop: 2-dc below 5420; sell ½ at 6460. Bear Stock Mkt
Protection 0-5 %
Asia/Pac Rim:
Rim: •Australia:
Australia Per HSL668, short sellers Stocks 8-10 %
took ½ profit at target ☺, & exited rest at breakeven
or better. 2½-month trading range. Sell short bit at mkt Govt Notes/Bills/
Bonds 35-45 %
&/or if rallies to 3620; cover ½ at 2805, & trail stop rest.

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 ... “National freedom is an illusion without legally-protected individual freedom, private property & personal privacy.” --H.D. Schultz ... 9
HSL MODEL PORTFOLIO lies to 59.40; stop: 1-dc over
(merged with Open Positions on 1/31/09) 64.60. Kinross (NYSE: KGC –
*Take P/P = take Partial Profits * U/ = Under given price gold – US/Brazil/Russia/Chile);
Short Price Jan % Gain/ bullish reverse H&S base. Buy after
STOCKS Sale Paid 31/09
STOPS Action To Take
Loss 2-dc over 18.65; stop: 1-dc below
Australia 14.90. Myriad Genetics (Nasdaq:
Rio Tinto (minerals) 14.00 42.15 1-dc U/33.80 Cover hedge at mkt +201% MYGN – medical-genetics); round-
Canada ing base & upside breakout. Spec
Capital Gold 0.46 0.76 1-dc U/0.42 Take P/P at mkt +65% buy at mkt & if dips to 69.10; stop:
CGA Mining 1.05 1.47 1-dc U/0.90 Take P/P at 1.58 +40%
63.30-stop. Zenith Nat’l Insurance
(NYSE: ZNT – insurance-prop/
Eastmain Res. 0.82 0.88 2-dc U/0.65 Take P/P at 1.18 +07%
workers compensation); 2-month
Eldorado Gold 8.00 9.60 1-dc U/6.40 Take P/P at 11.20 +20% upwedge & gap breakdown on high
New Gold 1.79 2.60 2-dc U/1.40 Take P/P at 2.90 +45% volume. Sell short at mkt & if ral-
Osisko Mining 2.14 5.21 1-dc U/2.45 Take P/P at mkt +143% lies to 30.40; stop: 1-dc over 33.60.
Centamin Egypt 37.25 42.00 1-dc U/34.00 Take P/P at 48.70 +13% LGL – gold – Papua New Guinea/
Germany Australia/ West Africa); bullish re-
Solarworld (split 2:1) 1.78 16.51 Hedged at 15.50 +828% verse H&S base. Buy after 2-dc
over 3.15; stop: 1-dc below 2.48.
Sino Gold (ASX: SGX – gold –
Agnico Eagle 45.75 53.04 1-dc U/36.60 Take P/P at 63.90 +16%
China); bullish reverse H&S base.
Bank of Ireland S/S 48.13 3.00 6.30 +94% Buy after 2-dc over 5.20: stop: 1-dc
Barrick Gold 33.92 37.49 1-dc U/26.80 Take P/P at 44.80 +11% below 4.00. ••CANA CANADA
DA Alexis
California Water Svc 43.00 43.50 37.90 Take P/P at 48.30 +01% Minerals (TSX: AMC – gold – Can-
Deutsche Bank S/S 116.20 25.65 35.70 +78% ada); 5½-month reverse H&S base
Emergent Biosolutions 14.70 21.93 19.40 Take P/P at 25.70 +49% & upside breakout. Spec buy at
Gannet S/S 28.75 5.77 8.60 +80% mkt & if dips to 0.50; stop: 1-dc be-
*Goldcorp (Ex Glamis) 3.27 49.97 1-dc U/19.50 Cover hedge at mkt +1 428%
low 0.38. Atna Resources (TSX:
Ishares Semiconductor S/S 46.53 27.63 33.10 Take P/P at 20.40 +41%
Miller Herman S/S 14.49 10.99 13.60 Take P/P at mkt +24%
NRG Energy S/S 34.96 23.36 26.50 Take P/P at 16.40 +33%
Randgold Res. 33.41 44.46 1-dc U/31.90 Take P/P at mkt +33%
Royal Gold 32.11 48.08 1-dc U/32.80 Take P/P at mkt +50%
Sector Spdr Utilities S/S 35.93 28.98 30.70 Take P/P at 25.20 +19%
Terra Nitrogen 114.42 122.48 96.60 Take P/P at 130.60 +07%
*Goldcorp (Ex Glamis) includes takeover bid terms (1.69 GG x 1 GLG shs held)
The average gain for the 24 stocks listed above is 138.58%.

NEW RECOMMENDATIONS ATN – gold US); 6-month reverse H&S base & upside
breakout. Spec buy at mkt & if dips to 0.72 & 0.62;
Mkt = market. Non-US stk stops are 1-dc (1-day close) above/below price
for all trades. The following recommendations remain valid until the next
stop: 1-dc below 0.50. Lake Shore Gold (TSX: LSG –
HSL Jr, & will only be added to the ‘Open Position’ box if activated. gold – Canada); reverse H&S base & upside breakout.
Spec buy at mkt; stop: 1-dc below 1.06. Franco Nevada
AMERICA Brinks Home Security (NYSE: CFL – secu- (TSX: FNV – gold royalty/platinum/oil&gas); 5½-month
rity alarm systems); bullish reverse H&S base. Buy after reverse H&S base & upside breakout. Buy at mkt & if
2-dc over 23.40; stop: 1-dc below 19.80. Columbia dips to 23.25 & 21.60; stop: 1-dc below 17.80.
Sportswear (Nasdaq: COLM – apparel-clothing mfg);
3-month coil & breakdown on rising volume. Sell short PROFIT TAKING & CLOSED POSITIONS
at mkt & if rallies to 30.90; stop: 1-dc over 34.10. Corin-
thian Colleges (Nasdaq: COCO – comml schools-svcs); HSL recom’s are followed by a wide selection of investors, ranging from
novice traders to professional fund managers. Hslm’s have requested we
reverse H&S & upside breakout. Spec buy bit at mkt &
give partial profit taking signals (at intermediate resistance levels) to allow
if dips to 16.50; stop: 14.90-stop. Harmony Gold (NYSE: incremental exit from medium to large share positions. Thus, recom’s to
HMY – gold – So.Afr/Papua New Guinea); 5½-month take partial profits are given 3 times before a position is finally exited.
reverse H&S base &
upside breakout. ••Per
Per HSL668 Nov 1616: Bank Of Ireland +88%;
+88% NRG En-
Spec buy at mkt & if ergy +50%;
+50% Ishares Semiconductor +41%;+41% Proshs Ul-
dips to 10.40; stop: trashort Msci Eafe +41%;
+41% Emergent Biosolutions +27%;
1-dc below 8.80. Select Sector Spdr Utilities +20%;
+20% Universal Forest Prods
Holdrs Tr-regional +20%.
+20% ••PerPer HSL JrJr Dec 21: 21 Emergent Biosolutions
Bank (NYSE ARCA: +77%:
+77% Osisko Mining +63%;
+63% Royal Gold +43%;
+43% Randgold
RKH – index track- Res +29%;
+29% Capital Gold +28%;+28% Eldorado Gold +25%;
ing); bear flag & Denso Corp +12%;
+12% Macerich –16%. ••Profit
Profit taking or
breakdown. Sell Stopped out:
out Canadian Nat’l Resources +179%;
+179% Jkx Oil &
short at mkt & if ral- Gas +160%;
+160% Winnebago +61%; +61% Proshs Ultrashort Msci

10 ... “Newsletters are the alternative press.” George Stoll, Founder of the Flint Schools ... HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09
Eafe +6%;
+6% Canadian Imperial Bk –5%; Universal Forest 2-dc below 841.00; sell ½ at 1090. ..10yr
..10yr US T-
Prods –8%; Denso Corp –9%; Genoptix Inc –14%; Com- Per HSL Jr, traders sold short Mar at 125^07 & 124^10.
pass Minerals –15%; LHC Group –15%; Goldcorp –16%; Possible bull flag vs Dec-Jan (double) H&S top. If out, sell
Intercontinental Hotels –16%; Sba Communications short Mar at mkt & if rallies to 124^00; cover ½ at
–16%; Magna Int’l –20%; Int’l Tower Hill Mines –35%. 119^27 &/or 117^27. Buy Mar after 2-dc over Dec
downtrend line (now 126^29); stop: 2-dc below 123^13;
NASDAQ – HSLP (HSL MARKET PREDICTOR) sell ½ at 131^22. ..Gold
Gold Per HSL Jr, took ½ (or full)
HSLP-Nasdaq briefly popped above resistance of its profit at target in Feb longs ☺, &/or rolled over to April
Dec-Jan peaks, & shows growing bullish divergence Cx. Buy Apr at mkt & if dips to 902.20 & 886.10; stop:
when compared against its benchmark index, the 1-dc below 839.60 (use mini Cx to offset wide stop); sell
Nasdaq Comp. Every significant divergence signal HSLP- ½ at 993.40 &/or tight trail stop upside. Need Spinner
Nasdaq has given, has pointed us in the right direction. confirmed top &/or break below Nov uptrend line (now
But, as today’s markets are plagued with so many sud- 828.30) to justify new short sales.
den & unpredictable events, we prefer to play safe, &
won’t start to trim back on short sales & increase expo-
sure to longs (strongest sectors only) unless the Nasdaq

Created with TradeStation by Omega Research © 2000

rises to validate HSLP-Nasdaq’s lead strength via a 2-dc
over 1300 (basis March mini Cx). Time will tell if HSLP-
Nasdaq is set to lead the Nasdaq higher. But, in the
meantime, put its early warning signal to good use, & do
some homework, so you are prepared & ready to
pounce, should its bullish intonation confirm.
•Written: Jan 31, 2008. Comments below follow on from trade recoms/
updates given in Dec 21 HSL Jr. Line On Close (L/O/C)
Euro Per HSL Jr, exited Mar longs with loss . Sell short
Mar bit at mkt & if rallies to 1.2980; cover ½ at 1.2470
&/or 1.2140, & tight trail stop rest. Buy Mar (or cover
shorts) after 2-dc over 1.3280; stop: 2-dc below 1.2690;
sell ½ at 1.4060. ..£ GBP Per HSL Jr, took ½ profit at
.. - GBP:
target in Mar shorts ☺. Sept bull wedge vs rebound to
lower resistance of Nov-Jan trading range. Sell short Mar ACTIONS TO TAKE - IN A NUTSHELL
at mkt & if rallies to 1.4660; stop: 2-dc over 1.5060;
cover ½ at 1.3580, & trail stop remainder. Need obvious •• Hold approx half of your assets in Swiss/French/
base action &/or 2-dc over 1.5610 to justify new longs; German/Dutch (or other 1st world non-$) govt bonds,
stop: 1-dc below 1.4860; sell ½ at 1.6730. ..Yen
Yen Per HSL & approx half in a mix of blue chip gold shares &
Jr, whipsawed for losses in Mar longs & shorts . Risk of physical gold bullion (best bought & stored in Switz,
Dec-Jan double top vs 8-day bull flag. Buy Mar after 1-dc Canada, Oz, HK or Sgpr). •• Retirement programs,
(decisive) over 112.80; stop: 109.40-stop; sell ½ at public benefits & services are in danger of collapse.
118.30. Sell short Mar bit after 2-dc below Sept uptrend Where possible, pay down all credit & reduce your liv-
line (now 108.10); stop: 2-dc over 111.50; cover ½ at ing expenses to meet your budget. Consider cashing
104.10 &/or trail stop downside. ..US$ Index Per HSL Jr,
..US$ Index: out retirement plans while still solvent. Or, switch in
exited Mar shorts with loss . Buy Mar bit at mkt & if the plan to gold stks. •• Close out all fiduciary time/
dips to 85.40; sell ½ at 88.80 &/or trail stop strength. call deposits, money market funds & municipal
Buy again after 2-dc over 87.10 & 89.40. Sell, or sell bonds, pension funds, & convert to 2-year (non-$) govt
short Mar after 2-dc below 84.40; stop: 2-dc over 87.10; custodial-ship accounts
bonds (see above) held in true custodial-
cover ½ at 81.10. ..DJIA
DJIA Per HSL Jr, exited Mar longs (ie, where your assets are not on the balance sheet of
with loss . Traders then sold short at 8280 &/or 8159. the host financial entity, & clearly segregated in your
3-month coil formation. If out, gamblers sell short Mar at name). •• Keep a minimum of 6 months cash needs
mkt & if rallies to 8160; stop: 2-dc over 8510; cover ½ at at home/office &/or a secure location outside of bank
6830, & tight trail stop rest. Buy Mar bit after 2-dc over vaults. •• Prepare against spreading civil unrest.
8880; stop: 2-dc below 8160; sell ½ at 9980. ..Nasdaq
..Nasdaq Stock some extra food, water, personal medication,
100 Per HSL Jr, exited Mar longs with loss . Traders light & heating sources, etc – to avoid potential short-
then sold short at 1138. Fragile 2½-month ascending ages/inconveniences. Denial & fear are not a plan for
triangle. If out, gamblers sell short Mar bit at mkt; stop: hunkering down & preparing for hard times.
1300-stop; cover ½ at 902, & tight trail stop remainder. the Month • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • Top Picks of the
Sell short again after 2-dc below 1125. Buy Mar after
2-dc over 1300; stop: 2-dc below 1125; sell ½ at 1525. AMERICA Harmony Gold (NYSE: HMY – gold – So.
S&P500 Per HSL Jr, exited Mar longs with loss . Trad- Afr/Papua New Guinea); 5½-month reverse H&S base
ers then sold short at 817.60 & 806.00. Nov bear wedge & upside breakout. Spec buy at mkt & if dips to 10.40;
& breakdown vs uncertain 2½-month ascending triangle. stop: 1-dc below 8.80. ••CANADA
CANADA Franco Nevada
If out, sell short Mar at mkt & if rallies to 841.00; stop: (TSX: FNV – gold royalty/platinum/oil&gas); 5½-month
2-dc over 884.10; cover ½ at 739.10 &/or 682.00, & reverse H&S base & upside breakout. Buy at mkt & if
trail stop rest. Buy Mar bit after 2-dc over 936.80; stop: dips to 23.25 & 21.60; stop: 1-dc below 17.80.

HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09 “Govt is not reason; it’s not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it’s a dangerous servant & a fearful master.” George Washington 11

Uncle's Notes Forced (by price drops) repa-

triation of US$ global posi-
tions will slow soon, which will remove support for $-rally.
Potpourri Golf is dangerous. Not from balls, but
from buddies. One might be a Madoff.
Don’t tell, don’t ask. ☺ ••• "U can't stop the waves, but U
IMO, odds favour rally topping out in 90-92.50 +/- area, ba- can learn to surf."--Jack Kornfield. ••• Straws in today’s
sis US$Index. Perhaps in 4-6wks. Is 5-wave chart pattern. By wind: “Stock markets went down today, on fears that they
that time, the other currencies should have completed their would go down.” ••• “Get my broker, Miss Jones." "Yes
base patterns. Did I mention that mkts can fail to do what sir. Stock, or Pawn?" ••• “The market may be bad, but I
they should? ☺ -- If this $ projection misfires badly we’ll slept like a baby last night. I woke up every hour &
send U an online Flash Bulletin, if U have given us an email
address (if not, do so!). If situation evolves slowly, we’ll cried.” ••• “The problem with investment bank balance
cover it in next HSL Jr. sheets is that on the left side nothing is right & on the
right side nothing is left.” ••• “How do U find a good
Here’s a Sinclair-Schultz poli update: “Sadly it’s business small-cap fund manager? Find a good large-cap fund man-
as usual in Washington. Despite election promises, we’re ager, & wait.” ••• “The credit crunch has helped me get
looking at political priorities & insider-driven bailouts & back on my feet. My car's been repossessed.” •••
money pumps. The Fiscal Stimulation bill isn't. As presently
presented there is no real fiscal stimulus ‘til later in 2010 & “There are 2 types of economists: those who cannot
2011. The bill does re-establish social safety nets, which is forecast interest rates & those who do not know that they
spiritually correct, but economically questionable. As far as cannot forecast interest rates.” ••• The worst part of this
‘Bad Bank’ is concerned, it already exists. It is the US Federal financial typhoon is, due to leap in cocoa prices, chocolate
Reserve--having purchased the least desirable of the non- prices are to be raised! That’s hitting home! ☺ ••• Don’t
functional OTC Derivatives that broke the back of US financial send me anything via courier.
courier Post/mail is often faster,
concerns. Note: the stimulus bill measures only 5.6% of GDP, safer, no red tape. ••• Message to poli’s: “Rules are for
& is spread over several years. Kindly lower expectations.” when thinking stops.”—H.Dean Mallory. ••• Re computers
Hslm Preston Henn reports: “Finally got delivery of Dec & updates & all that jazz: Hi-tech=low results=hi
Comex gold! Now asking delivery of Feb Comex. Will follow-up stress=notworthit. ••• Not only stockpile cash/gold coins
with April delivery. Thanks to U for good idea.” Preston is a at home, but veg&fruit seeds as well. GM seeds are pro-
good soldier in the hard-money army. Hope many of U will do grammed not to reproduce; guaranteeing global starvation.
same in NY, to break Comex stranglehold on price mecha- Look at India. Seeds will become priceless.
nism. ••• HSBC exec Stephen King rightly says: “Deflation is
the worry at the moment.” Everyone wants inflation (tho they Top geopolitical analyst & my Geo Editor, Gordon Frisch
differ in scale!), but nobody wants deflation. Yet in the in- vs has written 6 articles in HSL today—each signed as GF (as
de- battle, deflation has the edge, due to job cuts, consumer he has on&off for many yrs) to help me analyze the mass
dropouts, defaults, bankruptcies. Both in- & de-flation get un- of creditcrunch events/data. I’ll ask GF to do more if it
controllable beyond a certain point. We’re in no-man’s land gets deeper or if I need/want a cruz break ☺. ••• One
just now. Watchthispace ☺ ••• My Sage of LV says “1984 & dog to another dog: “I buried my bones in the backyard, &
Atlas Shrugged get closer every month.” ••• DJIA must hold then they foreclosed on the house.” ••• Bumper Stickers:
8000, or else! ••• German chairman of SPD party called “When blondes have more fun, do they know it?” ••• “It's
many bankers “gangsters” & a threat to democracy. ••• not whether U win or lose, but how U place the
blame.” ••• Next publication dates: HSL Jr goes on-line
My sage of Zurich sez “Bankers are the bad guys today; Sunday, Mar.8 (free to Hslm’s). Next HSL Sr will be avail-
politicians are the bad guys of tomorrow, when their fixes
don’t work.” ••• Don’t buy GLD, GTU, SLV, CEF gold/ag able on April 5 or 12, depending on travel, but due to mon-
funds. Buy bullion & PM shares, as safer! Gold ETF’s are a eymeltdown crisis, we’ll send Flash Bulletins if needed.
form of debenture; if an ETF provider goes into liquidation, Revised deadlines will also appear in HSL Jr & GCRU. Next
U become a general creditor. ••• The reason India bought Gold Charts R Us on Wednesday, Feb 4. ••••
less gold lately is: their Rupee currency fell big, which “I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a
made gold go to new high in their currency. Indians buy low, weird religious cult.” ••• Can U believe the Bible said it
sell hi. Westerners do the opposite! They’re professional; we first? Psalms 118:8. “It is better to trust in the Lord than to
are amateur. ••• Gold is bit overbot; stks are bit oversold. put confidence in man.” Guess they had Madoffs back
• Overlay DJIA chart of 1929-1940 vs 2000-2008 & U see then also. ••• To wit: Madoff’s yacht name is Bull. As a
a rally due. ••• Re job cuts/mergers/takeovers: save me supreme BS artist, that was a subtle hint nobody around
from synergy! ••• Your banks are your future. U don’t him understood; he did warn them, U see. ☺ •••
have a future if your banks go under. Be sure they’re sol-
vent, OTC derivative-free & in any case that your funds Ex president Harry Truman observed, “My choices
there are safe in case of bank holiday or closure, ie, in govt early in life were either to be a piano player in a whore
bonds & segregated gold.••• Read HSL twice. ••• “Only house or a politician. And to tell the truth, there's hardly
the paranoid survive.” -Andrew Grove. ••• any difference.” ••• In a logical follow-on from that
IHT checked year-ago forecasts of VIP’s. Fred Bergsten, quote, here is the philosopher don of India: Mahatmas
director of PG Peterson Institute of Int’l Economics in DC Gandhi famously said, when asked, on a visit to London,
said: “It is inconceivable, repeat,
repeat inconceivable – to get a what he thought of western civilization: “I think it would
world recession.” ••• U must’ve noticed, slowly the big guns be a very good idea, & should be tried.” Pow! That puts us
are jumping on my bandwagon re the length of this crisis. in perspective & in our place. ☺ ••• Closing cheerful: “U
Bill Gates is latest one; says “It’ll be at least 4 yrs before we can say any foolish thing to a dog & he
get back to growth.” ••• Earthquakes are increasing dra- will give U a look that says: ‘Wow,
matically; do U keep a packed bag by the front door? EQ in you’re right! I never would’ve thought of
Costa Rica (our reader svc dept) killed 15. ••• A-$ is the that!” ••• And that’s all the smoke sig-
carry-trade of choice now. ••• If U can’t wait for more from nals from this wigwam for today. Bye
me ‘til HSL Jr on Mar 8, then join our every Wednesday read- from your Uncle Harry D (for Deluge Di-
ers of Gold Charts R Us. Life is about choices. ☺ vulging) Schultz at Crisis Control.

12 ...“A newsletter that makes or saves you money doesn’t cost you anything.” Dr. Vernon Coleman... HSL 669 - 1 FEB 09

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