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Pls follow the steps as shown in this paper. It was taken from an actual design in one
of my projects. It was part of a structural report which I submitted to CBAO for the application of Building
The design loads are already indicated. This is based from the structural analysis which you must have
before you can do the design. So in your “given framing problem” , do the analysis then you can follow thru
the steps. TY

Steel Member Design Detail Report AISC360M-10 (LRFD) [N, mm]

A. Design Case: Design Case 4

B. Member Information

a. Member Name
- RSG1 - Beam-41 [25]
b. Material
- A36 (ASTM) [1] A 5.671e+003 mm2
- Fy = 248.21 MPa Asy 3.702e+003 mm2
c. Section 165.608 Asz 2.070e+003 mm2

- W12x30 [15] Iy 9.906e+007 mm4

- Typical rolled section Iz 8.450e+006 mm4

d. Member Length Sy 6.325e+005 mm3

- L = 6.000 m z 6.604
Sz 1.023e+005 mm3
- Ly = 6.000 m, Lz = 0.500 m Zy 7.063e+005 mm3

- Lb = 0.500 m (at 0.00L, 0.00 m) Zz 1.567e+005 mm3
e. Effective Length Factor ry 1.323e+002 mm
- Ky = 1.811, Kz = 1.000 rz 3.861e+001 mm
f. Member Parameters
- B1y = 1.000, B1z = 1.000
- B2y = 1.000, B2z = 1.000
- Cb = 1.205
- Cv = 1.000
g. Seismic Provision - Considered
- Seismic Load Resisting System: Special Moment Frames

C. Position Result
a. Design Result by Check Position
Combined Shear-z Shear-y
. .
Positio LCB Pu(kN) My(kN m) Mz(kN m) LCB Vz(kN) LCB Vy(kN)
n Ratio Ratio Ratio
LCB4 -11.45 -41.10 -0.14 LCB4 -35.10 LCB4 -0.37
0.27 0.11 0.00
0.06L LCB4 -11.45 -27.98 -0.01 LCB4 -34.90 LCB4 -0.37
0.18 0.11 0.00
-7.82 -9.73 -0.01 LCB4 -28.76 LCB4 -0.04
0.13L LCB4
0.07 0.09 0.00
-5.96 5.17 -0.00 LCB4 -22.61 LCB4 -0.02
0.19L LCB4
0.04 0.07 0.00
-4.96 17.00 -0.00 LCB4 -22.41 LCB4 -0.02
0.25L LCB4
0.11 0.07 0.00
-4.41 29.81 -0.00 LCB4 -9.92 LCB4 -0.00
0.38L LCB4
0.19 0.03 0.00
-4.20 35.10 0.00 LCB4 -3.40 LCB4 -0.00
0.50L LCB4
0.22 0.01 0.00
-4.61 30.25 0.00 LCB4 9.25 LCB4 0.00
0.63L LCB4
0.19 0.03 0.00
-5.29 17.94 -0.00 LCB4 21.69 LCB4 0.01
0.75L LCB4
0.12 0.07 0.00
-6.42 6.41 -0.01 LCB4 21.89 LCB4 0.01
0.81L LCB4
0.04 0.07 0.00
-8.41 -8.10 -0.01 LCB4 28.04 LCB4 0.04
0.88L LCB4
0.06 0.09 0.00
-12.12 -25.85 -0.02 LCB4 34.43 LCB4 0.35
0.94L LCB4
0.17 0.11 0.00
-12.12 -38.80 -0.15 LCB4 34.63 LCB4 0.35
1.00L LCB4
0.26 0.11 0.00

b. Description of Load Combinations

- LCB4 : 1.20D+1.60L

D. Check Slenderness Ratio

KyL/ry = 82.099 < 200.000 KzL/rz = 12.951 < 200.000

Major(Y) axis Minor(Z) axis
Ky = 1.811 Program Determined Kz = 1.000 Program Determined
1.811 x 6.000 / 0.132 = 82.099 1.000 x 0.500 / 0.039 = 12.951

E. Check Combined Ratio (at 0.00L, 0.00 m)

Combination LCB4 (1.20D+1.60L)

-11.448 kN / -888.417 kN= 0.013 < 1.000 OK

Check Axial Strength

1) Check width-thickness ratio of flange B4.1a

λ r=0.56 √ E s /F
= 15.894
λ f =bf /2 t f
= 7.409 < = 15.894 - Non Slender
2) Check depth-thickness ratio of web B4.1a
λ r=1.49 √ Es / F
= 42.290
Dweb =H −t f 1−t f 2 −2W
= 291.084 mm
λ w =Dweb /t w
= 44.077 > = 42.290 - Slender

(Q¿¿ s)¿ 3) Calculate reduction factor of slender unstiffened elements E7.1

Qs = 1.000

(Q¿¿ a)¿ 4) Calculate reduction factor of slender stiffened elements E7.2

Aeff = A g−( D ¿=¿5,670.960
web−Bew ) t2w ¿
Q a= A eff / A g = 1.000
Qa = 1.000

(Q ¿ ¿ s Qa )¿5) Calculate reduction factor of stiffened elements E7

Q=Q s × Qa = 1.000

( F ¿¿ cr , FB)¿
6) Calculate flexural buckling stress E7
KL/ r
= 82.099 < = 133.681
4.71 √ Es /(Q F y )
π2 Es
F e= 2
= 292.779 MPa
( KL/r )
F cr =Q¿ ¿ = 174.068 MPa

(φ Pn ) 7) Calculate axial compressive strength E1

F cr = 174.068 MPa
φ = 0.900
φ Pn=φ F cr × A= g888.417 kN

M uy /φ M ny -41.102 kN.m / -157.776 kN.m= 0.261 < 1.000 OK

. .
Moment 0.144 kN m / -34.996 kN m= 0.004 < 1.000 OK

Check flexural strength about major axis (Y)

1) Plastic section modulus referred to tension and compression flange

Zy = 706,281.000 mm3

2) Compression flange yielding F2.1

M p=F y Z y = 175.307 kN m.

3) Calculate limiting width-thickness ratio of flange for flexure B4.1b

λ p=0.38 √ Es / =F10.785
λ r=1.00 √ Es / F
= 28.382

4) Calculate limiting width-thickness ratio of web for flexure B4.1b

λ p=3.76 √ Es / =F106.717
λ r=5.70 √ Es / F
= 161.779

5) Check width-thickness ratio of flange

λf λ p = 7.409 < = 10.785 - Compact

6) Check depth-thickness ratio of web

λwλ p = 44.077 < = 106.717 - Compact

7) Lateral torsional buckling F2.2

L p=1.76 r y
√ E
= 1,928.580 mm
Lr =1.95r ts
M n , LTB =M p

= 5,943.632
0.7 F y S x ho
√ 1+ √ 1+ 6.76 ¿ ¿¿

= 175.307 kN.m

(φ M ny ) 8) Calculate flexural strength about major axis F2

φ = 0.900
φ M ny =φ mi n (=M ¿ ¿ p , kN
157.776 M .nm, LTB )¿

Check flexural strength about minor axis (Z)

1) Elastic section modulus referred to tension and compression flanges

Sz = 102,254.000 mm3

2) Calculate limiting width-thickness ratio of flange for flexure B4.1b

λ p=0.38 √ Es / =F10.785
λ r=1.00 √ Es / F
= 28.382

3) Check width-thickness ratio of flange

λf λ p = 7.409 < = 10.785 - Compact

4) Calculate nominal flexural strength for Yielding F6.1

M p=mi n(F ¿ ¿= z38.885
Z y , 1.6
kNFmz S y )¿

( FLB) 5) Calculate nominal flexural strength for flange local buckling F6.2
λ=b /t = 7.409 ( Compact )
Compact Flange - Not Applied

(φ M nz ) 6) Calculate flexural strength about minor axis F6

φ = 0.900
φ M nz =φ mi n(=M ¿ ¿ p kN
34.996 , , FLB )¿

Rmax Com 0.271 < 1.000 OK


Check Combined Strength

1) Calculate interaction ratio of combined strength H1.1

Pr /Pc <0.2
Pr M M rz
+( ry + = 0.271
2 Pc M cy M cz

F. Check Shear Capacity Minor Axis (at 0.00L, 0.00 m)

Combination LCB4 (1.20D+1.60L)

0.366 kN / -496.150 kN= 0.001 < 1.000 OK

Check shear strength about minor axis (Y)

1) Calculate web shear coefficient G7

kv = 1.200
h /t w =b/2t f = 7.409
1.10 √ k v E/ F y= 34.200
1.37 √ k v E/ F y= 42.595
Cv = 1.000

2) Calculate shear strength about minor axis G1

Aw = 3,701.670 mm 2

V ny =0.6 F y A w= C
v kN
φ = 0.900
φ V ny = 496.150 kN

G. Check Shear Capacity Major Axis (at 0.00L, 0.00 m)

Combination LCB4 (1.20D+1.60L)

-35.102 kN / -308.268 kN= 0.114 < 1.000 OK

Check shear strength about major axis (Z)

1) Calculate web shear coefficient G2.1

kv = 5.000
h /t w = 44.077
1.10 √ k v E/ F y= 69.811
1.37 √ k v E/ F y= 86.947
Cv = 1.000

2) Calculate shear strength about major axis G1

Aw = 2,069.931 mm 2

V n z=0.6 F y A=w C
v kN
φ = 1.000
φ V nz = 308.268 kN

H. Check Deflection (at 0.50L, 3.00 m)

Combination svLCB4 (1.00D+1.00L)

3.984 mm / 16.667 mm= 0.239 < 1.000 OK

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