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TITLE: The multi billionaire BABY (Complete)

DATE: Oct 04, 2014
LANGUAGE: Filipino
AUTHOR: ajelou
MODIFY DATE: 2015-07-04 23:32:31



She'd conceived his child, ran away and hides. But there is no way that bridget
Suerez will hide to Alexander Mondragon. One of the most powerful and successful
business man in industry.

Nothing would stop alexander from claiming the mother of his child.

"Now, that I found her. She needs to pay in my my slave."

Oct.5,2014 Sunday

Chapter I

Someone P.O.V

San Francisco, California

This is it. Where the woman who betrayed me 2 years ago lives. I can't forgive her.
All those years, she wasted her time to hide.... I will make sure she will never
ever escape to my side any more.

Bridget P.O.V

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!! nagulat at napatingin ako sa anak ko. mukhang

nagugutom na siya. Napangiti ako at binaba ko ang telepono. "sige na rein i'll call
you later". Agad ko naman binalingngan ang munti kong princessa. "Sorry baby, for
keeping you in wait. It's was probably a call on my job. Don't worry baby, i'll
continue making your food". And I kissed her in her forehead. Nang napadako ang
tingin ko sa telebisyon. "Breaking news, Alexander Mondragon was successfully
closed a deal to a big time multi billionaire Mr. Sebastian Aragon. And they have
successfully joined enterprises...

I had felt fear.

And everything had happened 2 years ago popped up on my head. Gosh. Even though
2years had passed but why can't I, have the courage to forget all those things.

Damn it...


"Would you be my lover? He whispered to me. And I said 'yes'.

I was one of the organizers in that time.

I was in a deep dream that time when I'm with him. But then all things up change!


Then I went to have a check-up, and my doctor said it was hard for my body to get
pregnant because of my endometriosis. And getting pregnant is a miracle to me. I
was scared in that time. And feared is all I felt. How can I possibly say to him
that I'm pregnant?! I'm just who and nothing in his life. He's a multi billionaire,
and we have a temporary relationship. I know he won't like to have a child with a
woman like me. I need to do something. I will raise this child alone.

And the answer I choose is....

"Break up with me". I don't want him to find out the child I'm bearing in, so I
said things that wasn't even in my heart. "Being with you is boring. You don't even
buy me jewelries or gifts. All I want is your money. Just you're MONEY".
"So that's the real you Bridget Suerez" nakangising sabi niya. "I don't believe
it!" Nabigla ako ng bigla na lang tumaas ang kanyang boses at sinabing "Get out of
my house right now. I don't want to see your face ever again."

Then I left.

I did this to him because I don't want us, to be the hindrance in his future so I
decided to be this way. And I prayed someday, he will forgive me.


9 months later I gave birth to alazne. We live here in san francisco sa bahay nang
mga magulang ko.

Alazne, is my angel. She's my first and my last miracle.

-End flashback-

Door knock

"It was probably the new maid baby, wait for me here ok." And I kissed her

And then a very familiar face showed up in front me! Hindi ko alam kung paano...
pero bakit ngayon pa. Oh GOD!

He looks so dangerous, his eyes is full of anger and his hair looks messy but
still, he look so sexy and damn handsome. Hindi ako makagalaw sa kinatatayoan ko.
"It's useless to run away." He said and entered my house.
"Wait. Don't come here without permission". ngumit parang wala siyang narinig.

He smirked. "Nice house huh".

"Why are you here? Why did you come here Alexander?. tumingin lang siya sa akin ng
sobrang lalim.

"I came here to see my daughter". deretsang pahayag niya.

What?!! Ito na nga ba ang sinasabi ko. Kahit anong gawin at pilit kong itago
malalaman at malalaman pa rin niya.

"Wha-what are you talking about? I don't have a daughter." kinakabahang pahayag ko.

Ngunit meron siyang dinokot sa kanyang bulsa. Isang larawan! Pinagmasdan ko ito ng
mabuti. kamukhang-kamukha ito ng aking anak na si alazne. Oh my god.

Napatakip na lang ang mga kamay ko saking bibig. Parang alam na niya na may tanong
sa aking isip nang bigla ay nagsalita siya.

"See, you fell for it, but by the way, this picture was me when I was a kid".
Kampanteng sagot niya.

Ugh Sabi ko na nga ba eh mayron kakaiba. SHIT. Ang tanga ko talaga para mahulog sa
patibong niya.

"So let me see my daughter".


Wait, tha-- hindi ko na naituloy ang aking sasabihin ng nagsalita siya

"Do you plan to refuse my rights to be his father!" galit na sigaw niya sa akin.
NAbigla ako sa pagsabog ng galit niya. Napayoko na lang ako sa sinabi niya. Tama
siya. Wala akong karapatan na ipagdamot ang anak ko sa kanya dahil siya ang ama.
"No I don't". napayuko na lang ako sa sobrang frustration.

Ano ba talaga ang plano niya?

Bakit siya nandirito? Napakarami ng tanong sa aking isip.

He wouldn't do anything bad for Alazne to protect his own image, would he?

Alexander POV

Bridget, you haven't changed. A beauty of your reservation cannot hides; it's still
the same as 2 years ago. It's stirs up my desires to conquest her. Damn! But I just
can't forgive her, for what she did to me 2 years ago. She and my cousin Derek
betrayed me. She worked in my cousin's side. She was a spy for Pete's sake! I must
be insane that I have this strong desired to have her.

What am I thinking?! Damn it. I must be really stupid! Bridget only approached ME
because of my damn money. Just may fucking money.

"Stop pretending that you are hurt!" galit na sabi ko sa kanya.

"If you won't let me see my daughter, I just find her on my own". Kung ayaw niyang
ipakita ang anak ko ako na, mismo ang maghahanap dito.


But it's too late. He just opened the door. "Where's my daughter? Is she here?

"Don't yell Alexander. Alazne will scare and started to cry!

And everything was magical. I saw my daughter playing with her toy. God! What an
adorable child. Kinarga ko ang aking anak. Ngayon hawak ko na siya hindi ko na siya
pakakawalan pa. God! My child. My adorable child.

"My daughter, my small miracle. I'm your father". I whispered to my child's ear.

Bridget POV

I was just about to cry when he said those words. I was so happy to see him with
our child. I don't know that this will be his reaction, puno ng pagmamahal at sabik
na sabik sa bata. I can't imagine him like this. Alexander's eyes, when he was
looking at alazne .. It's filled with over flowing of love. So much LOVE.

I'm such an idiot.

Why didn't I believed in him?


"Alazne's calling you"

"I'll be right there."

"I'll take, Alazne." I froze. What? He'll take my baby? I won't. "I'm not going to
leave her with you". Napakaseryosong pahayag ko.

Alazne is my child, she's my miracle, my life.. "I won't allow you". pinatatag ko
ang aking tinig. "Alazne is mine."

He smiled devilry. "Huh, Do you think you can win against me?!".

I know. I won't. I won't win against you. It's so impossible. But still I have the
right to fight as alazne's mother. I'm trembling so much. Shit. I can't take this
pain any more. I cried. "I'm sorry; I was scared that Alazne's existence is an
obstacle for you. I can't live without her."

W-what is she saying? Is this an act? This woman betrayed me with money, didn't

Why do her tears move at me all? Damn.

"Fine I will not take alazne".

"Thank you, Alexander"


"But?" kinakabahang tanong ko.

"I intend to live together for Alazne sake's." I was shock. What? Live together?
Live TOGETHER. LIVE TOGETHER.? So that's mean...

"But you said you would not take Alazne away." I hissed.

"That's why I will take you both". He said in stern voice. What both? Is he
serious? I thought this man hate me so much. But why is he doing this.

"Bridget, listened, we will get married and become husband and wife. You don't need
to pack all your things; I'll provide them all in the Philippines". What?

"You what are you saying?" nagugulohang tanong ko..

'Alazne will be raised properly like a princess even though her mother is

essential"......deretsahang pahayag niya. "Ah", that's it. He has a point. I who am

nothing compared to him. He's right! This is for our child sake's. For Alazne's

He would never want to be with me. How could I be this selfish? Umiwas ako sa kanya
ng tingin. "I understand but was it necessary that will get married?"

"If we aren't married, Alazne will be seen as an illegitimate child". May bahid na
galit ang mga katagang binitawan niya. "And I don't want that happened. I will
never let my daughter seen to be as an illegitimate child."

I took a deep breath. "But I'm not qualified to be your wife!' but the next thing I
knew, he grab my waist, and his body was closed with mine. I felt goose bumps all
over. Nadikit lang ako sa kanya parang ang dami dami ng kuryente ang dumaloy sa
aking katawan. And he whispered in my ears "We must just get married....... for
alazne's sake!" mariin niyang sabi. I was instant for the moment. What would I
expect? Wake up, Bridget! This is for your child sake. For Alazne's sake!

For our daughter's sake!

"I understand'.

'Good' and then he kiss me.

But why does my heart is in much pain?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........ampupu nakakanosebleedddddddddddddddd...
whuhuhuhuhuhuhu Ang sabi nga ni bob-ong. Kung mahal mo ang isang tao huwag mong
pakawalan, mahal mo nga eh , bakit mo pakakawakan? huwag kang maging dakilang tanga
o martyr! Whahaha... Kasi walang gamut sa pagiging tanga at martyr kundi pagkukusa.
No' ang lalim non. haist

Pagpasensyahan niyo na ko pag wrong grammar....

Chapter II

Bridget POV

This is my first time riding a private jet. I felt nervous. This is alexander's

"Bridget, sign on this."

"What's this?

"That's our marriage certificate. And after that I'll introduce you to my
brothers'. Tinignan ko siya hindi pa rin niya ito pinipirmahan. "Hurry up and sign


Alexander POV

Is this really the right choice? Looking at her it doesn't seem possible. Or that
just what I want to think? Bridget. You were that special person to me. Are you
really my cousin's Derek spy?

But things, change when she said she want us to separate and then my cousin's Derek


2years ago

"Bridget is my spy. You fall for her trapped. You little stupid, couzins" Derek

"What? I clenced my jaws

He smirked. "It was my plan for you to get her pregnant, and then she will leave
you and make scandal to destroy you."

"She works for you, to destroy me? I can't believe what I've heard.

"You heard it loud and clear, HAHAHA. Do you know what she says about you in bed?

I clenched my hands. "You're going too far." Is she really that damn bitch?! Even
though his my cousin's spy, does she really have to report how we do it while doing
sex? She's a bitch. Slut. I.Hate.Her.

I looked at him with so much hatred.

He smirked at me. "She says your good in bed sometimes, little brat. I'll tell you
more, if you gave to me the position as the CEO of the MGC...." he smiled

So that's what he wants; to become the new CEO, and his doing dirty tricks to
achieve it. What a stupid man. Pathetic.

"Aren't you interested alexander? Hahaha. Just come to my house if you're

interested." Then my cousin Derek left me. With a lot of unknown answered to my

Napasundok ako sa pader sa sobrang frustration. This is damn stupid. I want to know
the damn truth. The truth why did she leaves me. I'm sick for being haunted by her
shadow. I'll go see her and get some closure.

I want to know the truth. And if she's carrying my child I want to know. I have the
right to know.

And that thought, I went to Bridget place.


Bridget POV
"Alexander?" I called his name. Pero parang ang lalim ng ini-isip nito.


"What's wrong are you not feeling well? Tanong ko.

"No... I'm fine." Napabuntong hininga ako. Ang lalim ng ini-isip niya. I know I
don't have the right to complain but is that really hard to tell me what does he
think? I know he doesn't trust me but I swear, I will work hard and show to him
that I deserve a second chance to trust me again.

"I see". Yon lang ang naisagot ko. At bumalik na naman ang nakakabinging
katahimikan. Until, one of the crew shown up.

"Sir Chief, the captain said we will arrive at the Philippines soon."

What?! He called alexander sir chief? Is he the new CEO of Mondragon Multi-
companies?? Bridget's thought

"I understand". Alexander answered.

"I thought, your cousin Derek was the new CEO of MCG because he's older than you?"
hindi ko napigilang tanong. Tinignan niya ako ng napakalalim. Parang hinuhukay ang
buo kong pagkatao sa klasse ng pagtitig niya.

"My uncle issued some declaration 2 years ago. It said whoever gets married and has
children first will become the next CEO." He answered directly into my eyes.

2 years ago? That was the time when we were going out.

He stared at me intently. "After that a correction is applied, I'll become the CEO
of MGC. Just wait, it just takes a matter of time."

You'll be the CEO soon. What should I Do? Bridgets thought

. "As I thought you are really on Derek sides."- alexander thought

"For being CEO is not enough for you?" mariing sabi nito.

"No! That's not true." I answered back at him. "Because sooner or later you become
the CEO of MCG I think I'm not suitable to be the perfect wife of yours."

I feel like I don't belong. You and in your world.

"Along with English, and Japanese languages you, also master 10 languages. You also
have experienced as an interpreter and manage an international's events. You really
do have a great skill. Is this not enough for you to be qualified? Is it right?

What does he mean? What does that have to do with? "R-Right"

"I am the one who would decide if you're not qualified to be my wife". He said in a
low voice.

"Huh? Did you say something? Parang may narinig kasi akong binulong niya. Pero
hindi ko ito masyadong naintindihan.

"Nothing. And besides, being the CEO's wife is often in contact with dignitaries
from around the world. Don't you think in those situations, your skills and
experience will aid in diplomacy?

"Is it".. I answered him without hesitation.

"No other woman is suited for me, except you. Only you Bridget"alexander's thought.

Then I smiled at him. "Right. I'm happy that I'm useful to you." As alexander say
so. Living in the Philippines could be fun.

-----------If someday I can rebuild alexander trust.-------


Trust yan atta yong word na kinakatakotan ko! OO yan yong word na ayaw na ayaw ko.
Minsan na akong nga-trust pero yong taong pinagkatiwalaan ko ay siya pala ang taong
sisira sa akin haist. Mahirap magtiwala sa kaibigan. Kaya kahit BFF mo close friend
huwag kang masyadong magtiwala sa kanila kasi hindi natin alam kong totoo ba lahat
ng pinapakita nila.

Chapter III

Bridget POV

So this is it. Philippines.

Pasensya na kayo ha, masyado lang akong na overwhelm, sa ganda ng lugar. Kahit na
medjo mainit ang sinag ng araw. First time ko kasing makapunta dito sa philippines.
Ever since kasi nong bata pa ako nasa san francisco na kami ng mga magulag ko
hanggang don nako lumaki. May mom is a Filipina and my dad is a Brazilian. So ibig
sabihin Half Pilipino, half Brazilian ang lahi ko. Alam ko rin magtagalog, kaya nga
lang maarte tong alexander na to eh at English ng English. Hindi niya ata alam na
may dugo akong Pinoy. For sure magugulat siya pagnalaman niya. Hay hayaan niyo na.
Edi mage-english na lang ako parate kung kakausapin niya ko. Nasanay na rin naman
ako sa kanya. Napaisip na lang ako kung ano ang mangyayari sa amin ngayon. Sana
maging maayos lahat. Pinagdarasal ko nalang, maging maayos ang aming pagsasama.
Napabalik ako sa tamang huwisyo ng may lalaking nagsalita.
"Yow, big brother".- bati ng isang makisig na lalaki kay alexander.
Makisig yan ang word na naisip ko dahil ang gwapo na naman kasi ng lalaking bumati
kay alexander. Hindi ko alam kung pagbati ba yon o ano? HAHA basta. Yon na yon.
Pero may kapatid si alexander? As in.....
Brother?. I don't know he have a siblings?
And I saw them. 3 boys.
"You're here already. All of you are early? Huh?." as alexander answered.
Even though their faces aren't very look alike. They're definitely brothers. They
look so cool together. I wonder if all men in the Philippines are like that. Cool
and sizzling hot?
Then alexander looked back at me. "You look like you want to say something? Kunot
noong pahayag niya.
Hindi ko alam kung tatanogin ko ba sila sa ini-iusip ko. But my curiosity is
killing me. That's why I asked them. "Ahm, I was, I was wondering if all Pilipino
men are just like you, like Models?
All of them stared at me. All their faces seem to be amaze or amuse? Or maybe they
thinking of me like a crazy woman, asking something stupid question to them!. Gosh.
This is embarrassing. And I think my face is so red?!
Then a moment later, the atmosphere here seems to become relax because the air we
breathed is filled with a very loud laughs.
HAHAH chizzzz.
"Oh god! Bridget." Napatoptop ng noo si alexander
HAHAHHAH!- the 3 boys are still laughing. I blushed! God! It's so embarrassing!
"Are you trying to make a pass to my brothers?" alexander asked me with an amuse
I blushed. "I'm just asking!". But when I 'm looking at them. I really feel, safe.
"Bridget, I like you". sabi ng isang matangkad na lalaki. Siya rin kanina ang unang
tao na nangbati kay alexander. I smiled at him. Hindi ko mapigilan na humanga sa
itsura ng lalaking to. Mahahaba ang pilik mata nito at ang kulay itim niyang mga
mata ay nakakahatak mismo ng attensyon.
Higit sa lahat, nakakahumaling ang mapupulang labi nito at ang mabuting balat niya
napakakinis para siyang kumikintab sa sobrang kinis, samahan pa ng magandang hubog
ng kanyang katawan. Kung ihahambing ito kay alexander ay masasabing may
ipanglalaban rin ito. "Why does it seems all of them are gifted?! They have it all
Money/looks/fame. Gosh and now I think, life Is being unfair!" Chizzzzz.
"Ahhh, sorry." At nagkamot ito ng ulo. "I forgot. By the way, I'm Ashley the second
son of Mondragon Family. Welcome to the Philippines Bridget." Then he smiled at me
so guanine.
"And I'm glad he seems nice".--
"ah~~~And that 2 person there is our cute little twin brothers, Chance and Chase."
Turo niya sa dalawang lalaki na di kalayuan sa amin. OO nga una palang mahirap na
talagang i-distinguish kung sino si chase at chance rito. Kasi nga identical twins
sila. Gosh!
Ah..But..But.. Wait.... Why does chance glaring at me? Am just imagining things
I composed myself first and started to go on their place. Be brave Bridget.
"Hi I'm Bridget Suerez nice to meet you chance" pakilala ko. At binalingan ko rin
ang twins niya si Chase and "Also nice to meet you chase". They are identical twin
pero hindi ko alam pero parang alam ko kung ano ang pinagka-iba nilang dalawa.
I composed myself and I told chance that. "I think cute doesn't fit your
personality chance". I smiled at him.
"Ah, Thanks." Then he smiled. Ang cute ng dimples niya. Shit! MInumura niya ako sa
kilig. Wait! Bridget enough! Get hold of yourself! I'll be their sister-in-law
soon. For Pete's sake. But I can't stop admiring them. Bakit kasi masyado silang
I look at my daughter alazne. And my baby was looking intently at chance. I smiled
when I see my daughter reaction. Nabigla pa ako ng inaabot ng anak ko ang kamay
niya kay chance.
"Ah aaah! Ack". Hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko. Papaano ba to'.
"Hashh, baby no!" Hawak na niya kasi ang damit ni chance. At ayaw niya itong
matanggal. Nako lakot na bata to.
Chance smiled at me. "It's ok. No need to worry. Can I carry her?" Napatanga ako sa
sinabi niya.
"HuH? Ah. Sure". Napapailing na lang ako.
Ang saya-saya ng anak ko na nakakapit sa kanya. Nakahinga ako ng maluwag. Hindi
naman pala masama ang ugali nitong si chance hindi kagaya ng ini-isip ko kanina. He
has a very strong personality. Kaya ang lakas ng dating niya.
"I think my daughter likes you chance"-alexander says.
Namula naman ang tenga ni chance.
"Uy! Nahihiya!" Tukso ni chase sa kanya.
He glared at his twins. "Shut up!"
And that simple joke, the atmosphere filled in with a lot of laughs.
Sorry for the grammar
Thanks for reading!
Chapter IV

Bridget POV

"Alexander" napatingin ako sa kanya habang may sinasabi siya tungkol sa endowment?
Pero tama ba ang pagkakaintindi ko? Gift. Treasure? Mana.

"Do you need anything?" tanong niya sa kin.

Hindi ako mapakali sa sinabi niya. Nawindang ata ang pandinig ko. Gusto kong
magpaliwanag sa kanya na hindi ko ginusto ang nangyari noon. Na hindi ko gustong
takasan siya at iwanan. Natakot lang ako. Gusto ko siyang kausapin at ipagtapat ang
totoo pero ngayon alam kong sarado pa ang utak niya. Kaya pinili ko na lang na

Kasalukoyan naming tinatahas ang daan papunta ng bahay niya. Kaya ngayon ang
kinalabasan, natatae at naiihi na ko sa nervous. Matapos kasing mag-usap at
napakilala ako ni alexander sa mga kapatid niya ay kumain muna kami sa isang
restaurant. At hindi rin nagtagal ay nagkakanya na kami ng daan.

Pero napapaisip pa rin ako. Kung bakit ito ginagawa ni alexander. Alam kong nasa
kanya na ang lahat. Fame. Money. Looks. And Girls. Ano pa ba ang kulang at hinanap
pa niya ako. Kami.

Naibalik lang ako sa tamang huwisyo ng nagsalita siya. "Do you need anything?." he

I looked at him. "No, nothing. About the endowment i don't need it." matapang kong

He smirked. "Really, but it's natural, sweetheart. It's our tradition all over the
years. And besides it's my obligation as your husband to give you ".

"A gift is not an obligation" I hissed.

He chuckled. "Human obligations are form of obligation, Sweetheart." Hanggang sa

naramdaman ko ang palad niya na humahaplos sa hita ko. I gasped. Hindi pa siya
nakuntento at idinikit ang katawan niya sabay bulong sa tenga ko, "Like your
obligation as my wife"
Is he seducing me?!
I blushed. And I hurriedly slapped his hand.

"I'm marrying you, just for Alazne's sake!". I said in a firmed voice.

He chuckled. "Are you saying that I should be satisfied with just like that? Nang
bigla niya akong hinapit at ipinatong sa mga hita niya. "So what do you really
want, BSweetheart? He asked seductively.

"Money? Diamonds? Fame? I can give it all, sweetheat. Just choose."

I meet his eyes and it's full of pain and hatred. And I can't see any love on it.
He really hates me. I closed my eyes and answered him. "I want you to forget the
"Alexander's forgiveness is the only thing that I want."

Halatang nabigla siya sa sagot ko. Alam kong hindi ito madali para sa kanya. Pero
gusto kong kalimutan na niya ang nakaraan para sa ganun makalaya na siya sa madilim
at masalimoot na nakaraan. At iyon ang makakabuti para sa amin.

Alexander POV
What is she saying?! So money isn't her purpose? BUT!!

What if all of this are lies?... All of this is just an act.

But what if she's not? Damn! I don't know anymore. I don't what to believe her

How can't i forget the past. I'm not a GOD.

"Alexander" she said.

I closed my eyes. I dont know. I don't know anymore. "I don't have the power to
change the past."

I saw pain in her eyes. And she hurriedly hug me tight.

. "I wish one day, you'll be able to forgive me".

happy reading...
pasensya po sa grammar..... *.*

Bridget POV

"This is the house we will live in" alexander said.

Whoaaaaa...I'm amaze. It's so big. I felt like I'm in a fairy tales. But I can't
dream of a happy ending.

"This is anna, she's the house keeper. She will take care of all your needs."

"Let me now if you know anything, madam"-anna. And she smiled at me.

I smiled back at her. A moment later, lumabas na si anna at kami na lang ni

alexander ang natitira sa apat na sulok ng kwartong to.

"You are tired for the long flight right? It's better if you sleep early, and relax
for tomorrow's weddings". Basag niya sa nabubuong tension sa paligid.

How can I relax? In this kind of situation?!-bridge'st thought. I'm in the middle
of thinking when I felt alexander hands snake at my waist. I'm shocked. What is he

"Bridget." He whispered seductively. My body tensed up. And damn it, He just
whispered into my ears and it felt like earthshaking and electrifying. He didn't do
anything yet. But it seems it has a lot of effect on my body. "Uhm" Hindi ko na
napigilan yan. Paano ba naman kasi nagsimula na siyang kumilos. Hinalikan niya ang
aking tenga pababa sa aking balikat habang ang isa naman niyang kamay ay
nagsisimula na ring maglakbay sa iba't-ibang bahagi ng katawan ko. When I felt his
hand, massaging may breast already. I opened my eyes. Naalarma nako. Nak ng pucha
naman alexander! Pigilan mo ang init na nararamdaman. Umi-init na kasi. Shit! Ang

"Alexander-NO......stop! Ah, but it feels so good. Pilit akong kumakawala sa kanya.

He chuckled. "No?

Hindi ako nakapagsalita. "Even though you 'said Yes' to derek?

"What? Napataas ang boses ko. At agad na bumaling sa kanya. What did he say?

"What did you say? What do you mean by that?"

He smirked."I think you are relaxed now. I have a lot of things to do. So sleep

Bago pa siya makalabas ng tuluyan sa pinto ay may sinabi pa ito. "And according to
the tradition, the bride and groom should not meet until the day of their wedding
day" then he left. He left me hunging! Urg!!!

"What a jerk.!"


What does he mean by that? "Even you said yes to derek?" What the hell!!!

Is this his revenge for what i did 2 years ago?



thanks for reading


Bridget's POV

I just meet derek 2 years ago. Accidentally lang naman. Habang papalabas ako ng
bahay ni alexander ay siya namang pagkakita sa akin ni derek. Hindi ko alam kung
anong ginawa niya doon.

But that day he comforted me. And he helped me without asking anything. I didn't
tell anything on him. He just simple comforted me. That's all.

And there was nothing happened between me and derek. And all my life, I just met
derek, once. Just ONCE. So...

Why would alexander said something like that?


Alexander POV

"So your home alexander." -Derek

I glared at him. "Yeah".

Derek smirked. "I didn't actually think that you have the guts to marry that kind
of girl huh? You're brave enough to marry her, with your ignorance."

"Damn it. You don't have the right to tell me such things!"
"Kahit na binalaan na kita 2 years ago. Pero heto ka, hinanap siya at ang mas
Malala pa pakakasalan mo na."

"You don't have the right to tell me, what to do!" asik na sigaw ko sa kanya.

"At least, I repeat what I told you 2years ago. Bridget is my spy. She only wants
you, for your money." Then he left laughing.


Damn it!Damn him!

Naikuyom ko ang kamao ko. What the fuck! Napasundok pa ako sa pader ng wala sa
oras. Nakakafrustrate na rin itong nararamdaman ko. OO nahanap ko siya pero lahat
ng katanongan na nasa utak ko ay ni isa rito ay wala pang naiibigay na sagot. Ano
ba ang totoong nangyari 2 years ago? Bakit ba niya ako iniwan?! Damn it! Does she
really loves me that time? Or maybe my cousin Derek is telling me the truth? What
the hell! F*ck this life!

"It's not like you who display your feelings, brother." I heard chance voice.


"Did something bothering you? he asked.

"Chance. There's something I want you to investigate. Secretly." Isaid it within a

serious tone. I know I can trust chance for this. At alam kung hinding-hindi niya
ito ipagsasabi at hinding-hindi ako mabibigo sa kanya.

Chance Smirk. "Affirmative"

Tamad.....sorry for the long wait.....

Thanks for reading vv


Bridget POV

This day is suppose to be the best day of my life. This is the day of every woman's
dream. To walk in the aisle with the one you love. To devote your self to the man
who you'll spend the rest of your life. The man who will be there by your side. The
one who will hold you, love you and cherish you for the rest of your life. Funny,
to say that i'm not one of them. That happy ending only exist in fairy tales.

I want to see alexander and talked about derek, but i can't meet him until the
ceremony begins.

"You're so beautiful, madam"-anna said.

I just smiled at her.

At muli'y nagbalik na naman ang mga ala-ala ng nakaraan. Kay bilis ng oras, parang
kailan lang ng makita niya kami at sumama sa kanya dito sa pilipinas. At agad-agad
ay ikakasal na ako sa kanya. Wala talaga siyang inaksayang oras. Kung ano ang gusto
niya ay dapat itong masunod. Sana balang araw, ipinagdarasal ko dumating na rin
yong panahon na mapapatawad niya ko. Alam ko mahirap itong hinihiling ko.....

I hope someday i'll gain alexander trust.

Then,I look at the mirror. Is this the real me?

Is this marriage will last?

"It's time , madam". the coordinator said.

I take a deep breath. And walked in.

Alexander POV

"I acknowledge your marriage but do not forget about your obligation, son".

"Of course, Dad"

"Good. I'm happy hijo, at sa wakas may apo na ako." natatawang sabi ng matanda.

"Dont get too excited dad."

Smirk. "And why not?


"I hope you'll happy son. And don't think anything stupid. I know you alexander."
He warned me. tsss.

Hindi na lang ako kumibo sa sinabi ni dad. I know what he mean. tssss.


(Music Playing)

Not sure if you know this

But when we first met
I got so nervous'
I couldn't speak
In that very moment
I found the one and
My life has found its missing piece

She's so beautiful. No word can express how beautiful she is. No word can describe
how much i want her. Damn! Hindi ko alam ang nararamdaman ko. Nangingibabaw pa rin
ang galit pero ngayon nangingibabaw ang pagmamahal ko sa babaeng to. Unang kita ko
palang sa kanya, i know i'm attracted. Sh'e's not that any other girl who can do
this thing to me. Isang gabi lang na hindi ko siya makita ay parang sasabog nako sa
inis. Lagi na lang siya ang laman ng utak ko, at hina-hanap ng mga mata ko.

So as long as I live I love you

Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white

What we have is timeless

My love is endless
And with this ring I say to the world
You're my every reason
You're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word

She's so beautiful in white. She's too fragile. And her smile, that can wash away
the pain in my heart. She look at me in the eye and smile. Genuine and full of
love. That's what I can she through in her eyes. Why does i love her damn much?

So as long as I live I love you

Will have and hold you
You look so beautiful in white
And from now to my very last breath
This day I'll cherish
You look so beautiful in white

What we have is timeless

My love is endless
And with this ring I say to the world
You're my every reason
You're all that I believe in
With all my heart I mean every word
I composed myself. Papalapit na siya ng papalapit. Pinatibay at pinalamig ko ang
aking expresyon. Hindi ko na ulit gustong masaktan pero sa tuwing kasama ko siya
iba ang kinikilos ng katawan ko. Dapat maging masama ako sa kanya pero heto iba ang
sinisigaw ng puso ko. I smiled at her when she finally here in front of me.

"Take care of her son" dad said.

"I will dad".

You look so beautiful in white

(na na na na na)
So beautiful in white tonight

And if our daughter's what our future holds

I hope she has your eyes
Finds love like you and I did
Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I will let her go
I'll walk her down the aisle
She'll look so beautiful in white
You look so beautiful in white

whuhuuu wala na po akong maisip huhugot pa sana ako pero wala na kong mahugot

sensya na po sa grammar

Thanks for reading!


I love you.....
Bridget POV

"This is all mine."



"I only want to hear your trembling voice right now."

And then we make loved. Hindi lang yon nakikita ko rin sa kanyang mga mata na puno
ng pagmamahal. Hindi katulad ng dati, na galit at pagkamuhi, ngayon alam ko
nararamdaman ko yong damdamin niya para sa akin. Puno ng pagmamahal. Masaya ako
dahil alam kong mahal pa rin niya ako, pero pagnalaman niya ang totoo, mamahalin pa
ba niya ako?

Kung malalaman niya ngayon, itatakwil ba niya ako sa buhay niya? Naisip ko tuloy,
masama ba kong tao? Masama ba kong babae?

"Can you tell me, how you felt when you gave birth to alazne?

"Huh? nagulat ako sa tanong niya. Pero agad rin akong nakabawi. Kwinento ko sa
kanya kong paano ko ipinanganak si alazne. "A i see. You had cesarian when you gave
birth to alazne."

"Does it hurt?" tanong niya.

"They used anesthetic so it did'nt hurt." i answered him. Naninibago tuloy ako sa
kinikilos niya ngayon. Ito siya yong lalaking mahal ko, yong lalaking mahal na
mahal ko.

"I want to know more, what happened after the surgery." he said.

I just smiled at him and hug him. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry...
But after that i gave birth to alazne, i made a painful decision about my
endometriosis. 4weeks after that. I had my uterus remove. And that memory, i want
to forget.

Kwinento ko lahat lahat ng nangyari pagkatapos ng aking panganganak. Matamang

siyang nakikinig sa akin. Sa bawat oras na yon hinayaan niya lang akong magkwento.
Ang dami niya ring tanong na kinagulat ko. Yong tipong sabik na sabik siyang
malaman kong anong nangyari pagkatapos.

"So you always bore the pain and suffering, all alone just like that?" may
hihinakit at lungkot na sabi niya. Sa kinagulat ko may luha na sa kanyang mga mata.

"Oh god! Alexander?" sambit ko.

"Without asking for my help, raising alazne alone. Why you did'nt call me?
malungkot na saad niya.

"I would'nt have let yo suffer alone!"

Eh? this man is crying for me! Oh god! He really do love me. This proud man is
crying for me! Alexander...My alexander..

"I'm sorry. Sorry Alexander"

Hindi ko man lang naisip ang nararamdaman niya. Baka nga tama nga sila, masama
akong babae. Sarili ko lang ang ini-isip ko. Bakit ba hindi ko naisip na mahal ako
ng lalaking to? Pinakita at pinaramdam niya sa akin yon noon. Bakit ngayon ko lang
naisip ito ngayon?

Behind his confidence he has a gentle heart. Lalo tuloy akong nakokonsensya.

Hindi ko rin alam kong masasabi ko sa kanya ang katotohanan? I wonder if i can tell
him the truth....

"Alexander, I..."

"What is it bridget?"

Napahawak ako sa kumot ng sobrang higpit. Can i tell him the truth? But what if he
hates me? I don't know! Can he accept me?

"No, it's nothing."

I'm a coward. Hindi ko rin pala kaya na sabihin sa kanya. I'm such an idiot.
Letting my fear eats me. But i need to make a decision.

I must tell him the truth someday. I realize that i can't hide this forever.

Short... my bad.....

Thanks for reading

sorry sa wrong grammar...

you can correct me ...Thank you


Bridget POV

"Hey!" napabalikwas ako sa gulat.

"tsk." narinig ko naman ang pagngisi niya. " bat ka ba nagugulat? namamanghang
tanong niya.
"huh?" nabigla ata ako ngayon. Si Alexander Mondragon? Nagtagalog.

"Nothing. Nabigla lang ako." mahinang sagot ko.

Ramdam kong tinititigan niya pa rin ako. Pero hindi ko alam kung bakit. Narinig ko
naman ang kanyang buntong hininga.

"Ano bang binabasa mo? pag-iiba niya sa aming usapan.

"Ah eh,". Tsaka ako napatingin sa librong binabasa ko. "ah eto ba, its called a
cinderella's story. pinahiram sa kin ni zyryll."

"Pero bakit ang dami pang libro dito sa kama?

"Ah yan ba pinahiram niya rin. sweet desire and white lies tsaka trap."

Sa hindi ko ina-asahan ay bigla na lang niyang kinuha ang libro sa akin sabay
ligpit sa mga ito.

Nagkibit balikat na lang ako sa mga kinikilos niya. Nakakabanibago. Hinayaan ko na

lang siya sa kanyang ginawa tsaka ko siya tinitigan. Ang swerte ko sa lalaking to.
Kahit na iniwan ko siya noon, pero heto siya at hinanap ako. Alam kong may dahilan
siya kung bakit niya ito ginagawa pero sana balang araw, maiintindihan niya rin
ako. pero hindi pa ito ang tamang oras para malaman niya ang totoo kung bakit ko
siya iniwan noon.


"haha, sweetheart huwag kang makulit" sabay yakap niya sa akin ng mahipit. Napaka
talaga ng lalaking to.

"Bat ka ba basta-basta nanghahatak?!" di makapaniwalang tanong ko. Pero umiling

lang ito.
"I'm tired. Let's sleep."



"I- I love you" sabay titig ko sa kanya. Ramdam kong nabigla siya sa aking sinabi.

Ngumiti sa akin. "I love you too, sweetheart." And in that moment he kiss my lips.


"Where's my cousin, Ana?

Napatingon ako sa babaeng nagsalita. Wow. Yan lang ang masasabi ko sa kanya.
Napakaganda niya. Nanliit tuloy ako saking sarili. Parang pinamumkha ng buong mundo
na wala man lang akong kakilala sa pamilya ni alexander.

"Oh. You must be bridget?" nakataas ang kilay nitong sabi.

"Yes" Napakagat tuloy ako sa aking labi.

"uh-huh. I'm Sarah Shyra Madrigal.Nice to meet you bridget."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Ma'am Sarah, nasa opisina niya po si sir alexander."

"Ok. tell my cousin. I'll be there in a minute. My kakausapin pa ko." sabi nito kay
"Masusunod madam."

"Bridget, can we talk?" Napalunok ako sa sobrang kaba.

"Sure". Hindi ko alam kung anong pag-uusapin namin pero pakiramdam ko para na kung
mahihimatay sa sobrang nerbyos.

"So, kumusta ka naman ngayon? Are you happy now? simula niyang sabi.

"Ano?" hindi ko siya maintindihan.

May kinuha siya sa kanyang purse at iniabot sa akin ang isang cheque. "Name your
price." walang emosyong sabi niya.

"What? wala sa sariling sabi ko.

"Name your price girl. Kilala ko ang lahi mo. Would i say na basurang katulad mo.
Alam naman natin na huhuthotan mo lang ng pera ang pinsan ko. Kaya ako naririto
para maaga palang lumayas kana dito para walang problema." deretsahang pahayag

"I'm not that kind of woman. Mahal ko si ALexander at kahit anong mangyari hinding-
hindi ko na siya iiwan."

She smirk. "Oh really? Kung ako sayo palayain mo na ang pinsan ko sa kanyang
kamiserablehan ng kanyang buhay. Kung sana hindi ka niya nakilala. Siya na dapat
ngayon ang CEO ng MGC ngayon." may panunuyang saad niya.
"Anong ibig mong sabihin." Kung hindi si alexander ang CEO? SINO? imbes na sagutin
niya ako, tinawanan niya na lang ako.

"Chizzz, nakalimutan ko nga pala. You also have an affair with my cousin derek."
may bahid na galit na sabi niya.

"Wala kaming naging relasyon ni derek. He just help me that's all."

"Help? Oh common. Wala sa vocabularyo ni derek iyon. Siya ang pinsan kong walang
magandang ginagawa sa buhay at puro kasamahan lang ang alam. So huwag mo na akong
bibilogin pa." Sabay abot ulit ng cheque. "NAme your price".

"Bat ba ang tigas ng ulo mo. Hindi ko kailangan ng pera mo!" napataas na sabi ko sa
kanya. Tsaka ko pinunit ang mga cheque na nilahad niya. Kahit na pinsan pa siya ng
asawa ko wala siyang karapatang gawin ito sa akin.

"Walang modo. Bitch! Basura!" Galit niyang sabi at namumula na ang kanyang mukha sa
sobrang inis.

"Pagsisisihan mo to. I'll make sure this will be the last time na makikita kita
dito. You'll see!" sabay alis nito sa harapan ko.

Napayuko naman ako sa sinabi niya. Pero bakit siya galit na galit sa akin? Ano ba
nag nagawa kong masama sa kanya? Tsaka ano yong pinagsasabi niya kanina.

Hindi pa si alexander ang ceo ng mgc. Kung ganon sino at bakit?


Napatingin naman ako sa anak kong si alazne na mahimbing na natutulog. Napangiti

ako, kamukhang-kamukha niya talaga ang kanyang ama. Ni wala ata siyang nakuha sa
akin ni isa man lang.

I kiss her cheeks. "I love you, baby."

Sakto naman na papalabas na ako ng silid ng aking anak ng makita ko si Ana.

"Goodevening madam."bati niya sa kin.

"Ana, can i ask you a question? Hindi ko alam pero parang may kutob akong may alam
si ana sa mga nangyayari ngayon. kaya kahit wala sa sarili ay tinanong ko siya.

"What happened 2 years ago? Bakit hindi pa si alexander ang CEO ng MGC ngayon?


Sorry... Ahm bitin gusto ko na pong matulog... Sa wakas

for how many 123456 years hahahah joke! (months)

I'm HOME. :)

Napayuko naman si ana. Hindi niya alam kong ano ang sasabihin na sa among babae.
OO, alam niya kong ano man ang nangyayari sa paligid at hindi rin ito lihim sa
kanilang lahat maliban lamang sa amo niyang babae. Hindi niya rin alam kong bakit
hindi ito sinasabi ng amo niyang lalaki pero baka may pinagdadanan lang ito kaya
ayaw niya pa itong sabihin.

"Ana, please. Tell me." pagsusumamo ng amo niyang babae.


"Please, ana".

"Wala po ako sa posisyon para sabihin ito at ayaw ko pong sirain ang pagsasama niyo
ni young master. Nakikita ko po, kong paano siya kasaya ngayon."

"I understand you to. Pero ana, please nakikiusap ako sayo." pagsusumamo niya.

Napabuntong hininga naman siya. "Forgive me madam."

"No please. I beg you.Tell me what is it all about."

"Young master, Alexander has an arrange marriage."

"When it is?" nanginginig na tanong.

"Hindi ko po alam."
"So what's this obligation thing all about? naluluha na niyang sabi.

"Young master must need to marry the daughter of Montemayor Empire to become the
next CEO of MGC. And to be able to become the next CEO he must need to have a
child. A male child to be exact."

"WHat?!" At tuloyan na siyang napa-upo.

"Madam." paglapit ni ana dito.

"No i'm fine." At ang luhang batid niyang pinipigilan kanina ay lumabas na.

"I think you should leave me alone ana. Thanks for the information."

At kahit na nag-aalinlangan ay umalis na siya. At alam niyang kailan ng amo niyang

babae ang mapag-isa. Kahit masakit ngayon sa kanya na nagkakaganyan ang amo niya ay
kailangan niya pa rin malaman ang katotohanan.

"I just hope that everything will be alright".


"Kuya, you must meet this Doctor i'm sure she knows everything!" napahinto ako sa
aking narinig. Ang boses na yon napakapamilyar sa akin. Kaya napagpasyahan ko mo
nang tignan kong tama nga ang hinala.

And to my surprise alexander and sarah are talking.

"What are you trying to say? napakaseryosong tanong ng aking asawa.

"What i mean Doctor Grey can help Alice in her situation!"

"Stop this already sarah, I'm married. For pete's sake.! pabulyaw niyang sabi.
"Pero kuya i'm sure things will be alright. I know alice can do it. Pwede pa siyang
magka-anak, you two, just make it a try."

"Sarah are that crazy? I'm married to bridget and i'm happy now."

"Kuya kung hindi mo lang siya nabuntis at nagkaroon ng anak i'm sure hindi mo siya
babalikan. Cause i know that bitch she only needs money. Kuya listened to me, she's
nothing, nothing but a big mistake slutty bitch!"

Napa iyak ako sa aking narinig at hindi kona nakayanan at linisan ko na ang lugar
na yon.


Alexander POV

Damn. This is so toxic. Dumagdag pa ang pinsan ko sa listahan ng aking problema.

Damn, pinuntahan pa niya talaga ako para lang sabihin na hiwalan ko si bridget
because my wife is a slutty bitch and a one big mistake happened in my life. That
damn kid. She's really something. Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin ko sa kanya. Damn

Hanggang sa tumunog ang aking cellphone.

"Hello, bridget?" Napatawag ka?"

"Hey! I need you." paos na sabi niya. Napalunok ako.

Whoah my wife is different today. Magsasalita na sana ako ng bigla ulit siyang
"Alexander, I want you here. I need you know honey." Damn. i'm aroused.

At sa sobrang kaba ko pinatay ko na ang aking telepono at agad na pinuntahan ang

aking mahal na asawa. Damn it. Is so long long day for me.

Aish my mind is disoriented F**k you D!!! Nakakainis kana.. Damn.

Sorry for this
Thanks for reading!


Alexander POV

I look at her intently. She's so peaceful when she's sleep. I know nahihirapan
siya. Pero bakit ang hirap para sa kanya na pagkatiwalaan ako? Mahirap sabihin ang
dinadala niyang problema. Kung mabigat na sabihin na niya. Hindi iyong sinasarili

I touch her cheeks then i kiss her lips.

I need a cold shower. Danm. I having a boner again.

Nakakainis tong babaeng to wala pa siyang ginagawa pero ang laki na ng epekto niya
sa akin. Paano na lang kong mawala pa siya tiyak hindi ko na kakayanin.

Dahan-dahan akong bumaba sa kama para hindi siya magising. Damn.Damn damn. I need
to take a very very cold shower.

Bridget POV

When i woke up, alexander was not by my side. I wonder where he go? Maybe in the

Naisip ko na naman ang sinabi sa akin ni ana.

"Before the declaration was made, Sir Derek said, he doesn't want a wife. Kahit na
ang kapalit non ay pababagsakin ng Montemayor Empire ang MGC wala siyang pakielam."

"Then what happened next?" i asked.

"But everything was change when , Sir derek was forced to married the daughter from
the montemayor empire. Kasi simula palang alam na namin na walang pakielam si sir
derek sa paligid niya at hindi namin alam kong bakit nagbago ang isip niya at
pumayag itong magpakasal. Kaya lang hindi rin nagtagal ang pagsasama nila ng
nalaman niyang hindi siya mabibigyan ng anak ng kanyang asawa. Kaya sa huli
naghiwalay sila and then he married again another woman."

"But who made that declaration? i confusedly asked

"Actually the first one who made that declaration was their father Don Marcelo

"Wait, a second. Ibig sabihin alexander is next in line to become the CEO right?
But then why does derek need to marry again?"

"Don Cesar Mondragon, lolo nila sir alex at sir derek ang bumago sa declaration.
Sinabi nito na kung sino man ang unang magkakaroon ng anak na lalaki, siya ang
susunod na mamamahala at magiging CEO ng MGC."
Parang bombang sumabok ang aking narinig. At parang nawalan lahat ng lakas sa aking

So it's explain everything. Now i know. Why alexander needs me. Gusto niya pang
magkaroon ng maraming anak sa akin. And To become the next CEO he need a son. How
can i gave him a child? Hindi ko na siya kayang bigyan ng anak. Pero papaano na
siya? Kung hindi ko siya mabibigyan ng anak? Anong mangyayari sa amin? Anong
mangyayari sa relasyon namin?


Huh? I don't know this number? Sino kaya ito?


"Is this our princess? boses ng lalaki. At napakapamilyar....

oh boy, this....this...this....
This voice ... DEREK!

"Hello,princess? I would like to meet you and talk to you about something."
seryosong sabi nito.

"I won't harm you,princess." patuloy pa niya.

I don't know what he need? Why is he calling me? I wonder if their is something to
do with alexander? Maybe he want's to be steal the position as CEO from
Alexander...And he's going to used me to achieved that.

I sign. "I refuse. Goodbye, derek." maikling sagot ko.

"It's your fault if alexander can't be the CEO. I'm fine with that. I know about
your illness. If you don't want him to know the truth, work with me."

Nanigas ang aking katawan sa kabiglaan. Para akong binuhosan ng napaka-init na

tubig sa katawan.
"I'll wait until tomorrow. Think this over." seryosong saad niya sabay baba ng

I cry silently. Paano niya nalaman ang secreto ko. What should i do?


Alexander POV

"Bridget, How a about a bath?" Tinignan ko ang buong kwarto.


Pero wala siya. Where did she go?


Bridget POV

"I'll run away from him, before it comes out" That's the only solution i knew.

"Where did you go? I was worried. alexander said

I look away from him. I need to do this thing. I'll run away from him, before it
comes out.
"Let's get divorce." Seryosong saad ko. Hindi ko alam kong bakit ang lakas ng loob
kong sabihin at iwanan siya. Pero wala naman siyang ginawa sa akin na masama. I
think i don't deserve him. I don't deserve his love for me. I don't deserve this

He seriously look at me. Then he threw on my phone. I was shocked.

"My cell phone." i mumbled.

"What did you and derek discuss? sa bawat bigkas niya ng salita, ramdam mo ang
galit niya.

Napayuko na lang ako. Hindi ko alam kong anong gagawin ko. "J-Just divorce me
already. Derek is out of the picture." matatag kong sagot.

Until i felt his hands on my arm. "Even though i trusted you!? Are you going to run
away the same way you did to me 2 years ago?! galit na sabi niya. Nasasaktan ako sa
madiing paghawak niya.

Naluluha na ako sa sakit. Sakit dahil nasasaktan ko na naman siya.

"are you going to tell me that i will abandon you again? And watch you to suffer?
Why can't you believe in me? Why can't you believe in my love? !

"I believe in it!"

Shit stop this alexander. Kung ipagpipilitan mo pa ito, masasabi ko na talaga ang
totoo sa yo. Ang hirap magsinungaling sayo.
"Then why? kalmadong tanong niya.

"I believe in it." naiiyak kong sagot. "Sa sobrang naniniwala ako sayo, kinakain
ako ng takot ko. Takot na mawala ka sa buhay ko. Takot na iiwan mo ako."

"What is it bridget. Tell me." ngayon mahihimigan doon ang pag-aalala niya at


happy reading sorry phone update! -_- keke


Bridget POV
I am crying very hard. Please, Alexander. Please don't ask me anymore.

"Tell me, Bridget." malumanay na saad nito.

I think i can't hide the truth anymore. So i decided to ....

"Hindi na kita mabibigyan ng anak, Alexander. My endometriosis worsened after

giving birth to alazne. "

I finally said it! I tell him the truth.


Yumuko nalang ako sabay iyak. Hindi ko siya kayang tignan. Natatakot ako kung sa
ano man ang kanyang magiging reaction at sa sasabihin niya sa akin.

kaya dapat hanggat maaari. hanggat maaga pa taposin na namin to para maging masaya
siya at makamit na niya ang matagal na niyang pangarap.

"Hindi kita, hindi kita mabibigyan ng anak." ulit ko sa kanya. "I can't even make
you as the CEO of MGC. So hanggat maaga pa maghiwalay na tayo. Pagkatapos nito
pwede ka ng mag-asawa ulit." nahihirapang saad ko pero laking pasalamat ko sa
sarili ko at hindi ako nagkadautal-utal sa pagsabi nito sa kanya.

He looked so shocked. Kaya nagpatuloy ako sa pagsasalita.

"I can stay here for a while until you'll take a second wife but it impossible for
me to see you becoming someone's else... I can't stand it.." i cried in front of

Niyakap niya lang ako ng mahigpit. "Bridget".

Naiiyak pa ako lalo ngayong pangalan ko lang ang sinasabi niya. Maisip ko palang na
mawawala na siya sa akin ay parang may parte sa akin na nawala. I'm lost. And it
feels like i'm died.

Hinawakan niya ang aking mukha at pinagtagpo niya ang aming mga mata. I was shocked
when he smiled.

Bakit siya ngumingiti?

"At last, you told me." masayang saad niya.

Huh? What? Alam niya?

"I already knew it. Nong dumating tayo dito sa pilipinas pina-investigahan kita kay
chance. Sorry kasi ginawa ko iyon. That time, i was lost and confused. Hindi ko
alam kong anong paniniwalaan ko. Noong naghiwalay tayo hindi ko alam kong ano ba
ang tama sa mali. And damn. I couldn't make calm judgments." mahabang saad niya.

So he knew? Kahit alam niya pinakasalan niya pa rin ako. Pinili niya pa rin ako.
God! This man really loves me!...

"Even you knew, pinakasalan mo pa rin ako?"

He smiled. "I told you before, All i want is you." Then he sealed my lips with a

"You're the only one who is suited to become my wife."

Ok last na to ok epilogue na susunod... time check 10:12pm time to review..


Matapos na ang lahat ng pagsubok. Nasa sayo lang talaga ang decision kong gusto
mong sumaya or pipiliin mong maging malungkot. Ika nga nila make things right in
the end. Kasi nga panandalian lang ang buhay. "Make life the most of it." or hindi
kaya "Spend time with the one's you loved."

Naalala ko tuloy kong paano kinausap ni alexander ang lolo nito.


"SIr, i give my Title as CEO to chance"

Nagulat ang matanda sa kanyang narinig.

"What are you saying, Alexander!?" galit na tanong ng lolo niya.

"My wife and i don't plan having an second child, and i don't plan on taking a
second wife." seryosong sagot nito sa matanda.
"Cause Bridget and alazne is enough for me." tapos hinatak niya ako papunta sa
kanya. At niyakap ng mahigpit.

"Alexander, what are you saying? naguguluhang tanong ko.

He just smiled at me.

"Everything will be find if we divorce!" wala sa sariling saad ko..

Again he smiled. "You'll think i'll allowed you?" sabay ngisi niya.

"No w-"

Hindi ko natapos ang sasabihin ko ng magsalita ang lolo niya. "I see. If that your
decision it's fine with me. As long na masaya kayo, masaya na rin kami para sa inyo
apo." malumay niyang sabi

"Thanks gramps!" masayang sabi niya.

"No way!?! hindi ko na nabigilang mapasigaw. "You two what are you thinking?"

Takang-taka naman ang itsura ni lolo ni alexander sa akin. Hindi ko alam kong ini-
isip niyang sira-ulo ako, baliw at ewan.

"I don't think that chance is bad. But you alexander could the only one who is
fitted to be the CEO of MGC. So please fullfill your obligation. I will never leave
you agai-

But then suddenly he captured my lips.


Napatulala na lang ako ng sa wakas natapos na ang mahabang halik. God! Sa harap pa
talaga mismo ng lolo niya.

How bold are you alexander? Nakakainis kana.

"I think it's our time to leave lolo."

Natatawa naman ang lolo ni alexandr at napailing-iling nalang. "Yes indeed".

"Sige lo alis na po kami." sa biglang gulat ko binuhat niya ako ng parang bagong

"Alex put me down."

Pero ang loko tumawa lang. "Stay still wife."

"Pero alex! Nakakahiya!"

Pero ngumisi lang siya. " Stay still. Sige isang kilos mo pa hahalikan kita ulit."
pananakot niya. At heto ako naman natakot kaya sinunod ko na lang siya pero humanda
tong lalaking to mamaya. Nakakaloka.


"Beds are used for sleeping and making love" natatawang sabi niya sa akin.

"Idiot!" mahinang saad ko.

"Hey!" sabay yakap niya sa akin. Pinaharap niya aklo sa kanya. Sobrang kumikinang
ang mata niya sa saya at ang kanyang ngiti na walang kataposan.

Huminga siya ng malalim. "I'm so glad that you think so highly as me. But being one
in your heart is enough." nakangiting saad niya.

I'm so glad that i met someone like him. Even though i cant give him anything. He
still loved me. The way he loved me makes me happy.He spoil me to much. That i
can't even imagined life without him.

Pinili kong magtago at magpakalayo sa kanya. Sarili ko lang ang inisip ko.
Nagsisisi ako dahil iniwan ko siya noon. Pero heto siya at hindi sumuko. HInanap
niya pa rin ako sa kabila ng pag-iwan ko sa kanya. Tinanggap niya ako bilang ako.
Hindi siya nanghahanap ng kapalit. Ni hindi niya ako sinungbatan sa mga kakulangan
ko. Tinanggap at minahal niya ako sa kabila ng imperfections ko.

"Why do you loved me so much? Even though i can't give you everything? I asked him,

"Caused being yourself by my side, it's like a dream that come true. Like, we first
met 2 years ago." he answered me with full of loved.

I hugged him tight and kissed him in the lips. This great man really loved me.

From now on......

I will love him till eternity.

The end

Hope you read my other story.. Trap or Chasing Chance Kyler Mondragon

Thank u

Happy reading!

Side story

One day while walking home, Chance kyler Mondragon finds a wounded young woman, and
saves her life. She mysteriously disappears after that, and leaves only the name
Louis. Next thing he knows he's been kidnapped from his home, and is on a private
jet with that woman, heading to Philippines. It turns out he saved the life of the
most infamous mobster in Philippines, and she wants him to stay with her.
Wahhhhh.... Any comment? You want Chance Kyler Mondragon Story???...

Comment, suggestion or whatever... guys :)

Check it out on my profile: Chasing Chance Kyler Mondragon :)

Hope You Like It!

note kopo

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