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Mockboard part 3

11. In #10, what is the location of the pressure from the bottom of gate?
a. 1.35 m b. 1.53 m c. 1.268 m d. 1.286 m
12. A closed cylindrical tank 2 m in diameter and 8 m deep with axis vertical contains 6 m deep of oil (sp
gr 0.80). The air above the liquid surface has a pressure of 0.80 kg/sq cm. Determine the total normal
force (kg) acting on the wall.
a. 492602 kg b. 492206 kg c. 429602 kg d. 429206 kg
13. A sheet pile is embedded 4 m into soil whose k = 6.5 x 10 -6 m/sec. The height of water upstream of
sheetpile is 5 m and on downstream 0.70 m. if the number of flow channels is 3 and number of
equipotential line drops is 6 from flow net, what is seepage in cubic meters/sec per meter?
a. 10.11 x 10-6 b. 1.011 x 10-6 c. 13.975 x 10-6 d. 13.579 x 10-6
14. At a certain point in soil, the normal and shear stresses acting are 120 KPa (C) and 40 KPa
respectively. On an orthogonal plane, the stresses are 300 KPa (C) and 40 KPa. What is the major
principal stress?
a. 310 KPa b. 308.50 KPa c. 305.80 KPa d. 301.90 KPa
15. In #14, what is the minor principal stress?

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