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Reviews in Aquaculture, 1–44 doi: 10.1111/raq.


Causative agent, diagnosis and management of white spot

disease in shrimp: A review
Bipul K. Dey , Girsha H. Dugassa, Sheban M. Hinzano and Peter Bossier
Department of Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Correspondence Abstract
Bipul K. Dey, Department of Animal Sciences
and Aquatic Ecology, Faculty of Bioscience White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is the pathogen behind white spot disease
Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure (WSD) in shrimp and many other crustaceans. It is a highly contagious virus cap-
Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. Email: able of causing total mortality in 3–10 days of outbreak in normal culture condi- tions. Since the first report of occurrence in China and Taiwan between 1991 and
1992, WSD outbreak caused tremendous losses at farm level throughout the
Received 23 January 2019; accepted 2 May
world. Most of the published reviews on WSSV emphasize advanced genetic stud-
ies and biosecurity measures in terms of disease management. Recently, some new
technologies such as greenhouse, polyculture, biofloc and minimal water
exchange have been proposed for WSD management, which is the trigger for this
review. However, further research is needed on those new technologies enhancing
their efficient application.
Key words: disease, management, shrimp, technologies, WSSV.

et al. 2012; World Bank 2014; Verbruggen et al. 2016; Wu

et al. 2017; Chandrakala & Mekala 2018; Oidtmann et al.
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a pathogen behind 2018). Globally, the total economic losses caused by the dis-
white spot disease (WSD) in shrimp and many other crus- ease to the shrimp industry have been estimated to be
taceans (Pradeep et al. 2008; Flegel 2012; Joseph et al. around USD 8-15 billion since its emergence (Lightner
2015). WSSV is highly contagious capable of causing total et al. 2012). The economic losses had been increasing by
mortality in 3-10 days in normal culture conditions (Chou USD 1 billion yearly (Flegel et al. 2008; Stentiford et al.
et al. 1995; Pradeep et al. 2008; Leu et al. 2009; Joseph 2012). Several authors have indicated that the annual eco-
et al. 2015). WSSV infection in shrimp can be easily recog- nomic losses due to WSSV have conventionally equated to
nized by its characteristic white spots on the carapace approximately one tenth of the global shrimp production
(Chou et al. 1995; Pradeep et al. 2012). However, this clini- (Stentiford et al. 2012). Regionally the estimated loss of
cal sign is displayed long after infection at a point where revenue in Asia was in the range of USD 4-6 billion whereas
the animal is at the verge of death. Diagnosis techniques in the Americas, a loss of USD 1 billion was reported dur-
have thus evolved in the past from morphological-based ing the same period (Walker & Winton 2010; Tendencia
identification techniques using electron microscopy (EM) et al. 2011). Thus, WSD making shrimp industries such as
to highly sensitive immunological and molecular tech- farms, feed manufacture industries, processing plants and
niques that can detect the virus even in asymptomatic carri- hatcheries unsecured, and eventually increasing the unem-
ers (Joseph et al. 2015). However, white spots may not ployment problems worldwide (FAO, 2005). Although
develop in all infections and may not present in all species WSD continuing its notorious occurrences in the shrimp
(Rajan et al. 2000). farms worldwide since 1991 (Chanratchakool & Phillips
Since the first report of occurrence in China and Taiwan 2002; FAO, 2005; Zhao et al. 2007; Pradeep et al. 2008;
between 1991 and 1992, the WSSV has been associated with Walker & Winton 2010; Tendencia et al. 2011; Debnath
huge economic losses in shrimp production industry in et al. 2012; Moss et al. 2012; World Bank 2014), but
many countries (Lightner 1996 2003; Lundin 1996; Chan- remarkably, the disease is not under control even to date at
ratchakool & Phillips 2002; FAO, 2005; Zhao et al. 2007; the farm level (Verbruggen et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2017).
Pradeep et al. 2008; Leu et al. 2009; Walker & Winton Therefore, management of WSD in shrimp farms is a buz-
2010; Tendencia et al. 2011; Debnath et al. 2012; Moss zword nowadays. Considering the importance of

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B. K. Dey et al.

controlling WSD, the World Organization for Animal

Health (OIE), an intergovernmental organization responsi-
ble for improving animal health worldwide, has already Taxonomy
included this disease in their prioritized list. Initially, as a non-occluded baculovirus, WSSV was placed
Much success has been achieved in WSSV research in the subfamily Nudibaculoviridae (Francki et al. 2012)
notwithstanding the challenges brought by its unique geno- belonging to the family Baculoviridae (Wang et al. 1995;
types and its infection mechanism that is completely differ- Francki et al. 2012). However, it was reclassified into a new
ent from those of already known viruses (van Hulten et al. family named Whispoviridae (Van Hulten & Vlak 2001).
2001a; Witteveldt et al. 2004b; Li et al. 2006). Classification Later, WSSV has been accommodated into a new family
and complete genome sequencing of the WSSV have been called Nimaviridae containing a single genus, Whispovirus,
reported by Murphy et al. (2012) and van Hulten et al. containing a single species, WSSV (Lo et al. 2012). How-
(2000a) respectively. Identification of the virion structural ever, according to the earlier publications of the Interna-
proteins, the genes behind their expression and their role in tional Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV),
host infection have also been documented (Wan et al. inclusion of only one species (WSSV) into Nimaviridae
2008; Chang et al. 2010; Sanchez-Paz 2010). In other stud- family was acknowledged as unusual because some other
ies, the transmission of the virus from one host to another viruses found in several species of crabs have been
and the role of water physico-chemical parameters in infec- described as ‘similar’ to WSSV, at least based upon mor-
tion has been investigated (Supamattaya et al. 1998; Corsin phology of the virion (Vlak et al. 2005). Hence, the taxo-
et al. 2001; Vidal et al. 2001; Rahman et al. 2006; Reyes nomic position of those viruses was tentatively defined as
et al. 2007). Finally, a correlation between proximity of a within the Nimaviridae family by the ICTV (Vlak et al.
shrimp farm to the sea and WSSV infection have also been 2005) and, still this position awaiting for more detail evi-
reported by Mohan et al. (2008). dence of those viruses (Lo et al. 2012).
To date, like most of the other viral diseases (Menasveta
2002), WSD cannot be treated, and thus, excluding the
virus from shrimp rearing facilities is recommend (Menas-
veta 2002; Pan et al. 2017). In this regard, several biosecu- Morphologically, the WSSV is large (Fauquet et al. 2005;
rity measures have been reported in literatures. Moreover, Sanchez-Paz 2010), enveloped, rod-shaped (Wang et al.
the effects of incoming water screening and disinfection 1995; Fauquet et al. 2005) to elliptical (Fauquet et al. 2005).
have widely been reported. Other biosecurity measures that The size of the virion was estimated to be 80–120 9 250–
have been exploited in preventing introduction of WSSV 380 nm (Fauquet et al. 2005), that contains a tail-like
include domestication of specific pathogen-free (SPF) appendage (Durand et al. 1997; Fauquet et al. 2005). The
broodstock, low water exchange systems and complete dry- viral envelope is 6–7 nm thick (Wongteerasupaya et al.
out of culture units after every culture cycle (Tendencia 1995; Durand et al. 1997; Nadala et al. 1998), even some-
et al. 2011; Wyban 2015). The use of crab fencing, bird times ~12 nm (Amano et al. 2011). There are many tad-
scares, foot baths and limited access to shrimp facilities are pole-shaped spikes on the outer surface of envelop (Figs. 1
common practices in excluding vectors and pathogen in and 2) that facilitate them to attach host cells. The length of
most shrimp farms (World Bank 2014). In addition to the spike is 5–6 nm and the spike head is 4–5 nm in diameter
biosecurity measures, the use of immunostimulants and (Amano et al. 2011). Viral DNA is situated inside the nucle-
vaccines to improve response among shrimps against ocapsid (Durand et al. 1997; Wang et al. 1999; van Hulten
WSSV infection have also been explored (Satoh et al. 2008; et al. 2001a) and nucleocapsid is covered by the envelope
Sajeevan et al. 2009). (Durand et al. 1997; Nadala & Loh 1998). Nucleocapsid is a
Most of the reviews on WSSV have dwelled on rod-like structure (Huang et al. 2001) and 54–85 9 180–
advanced genetic studies and on biosecurity measures 440 nm in size depending on the isolates (Kasornchandra
employed in WSD management (e.g. Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 1998; Hameed et al. 1998; Rajendran et al. 1999;
et al. 2008; Stentiford et al. 2009; Xiaoyan et al. 2012; Amano et al. 2011); and it has a 5–6 nm thick membrane
Ganjoor 2015; Vaseeharan et al. 2016; Bir et al. 2017; (Amano et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2001). Nucleocapsid is
Sivasankar et al. 2017). The shrimp farming practices, shaped by fifteen conspicuous helices that are arranged
however, are dynamic and in the recent past, the indus- along its long axis (Figs. 3a and 4) with 7 nm space between
try has seen some new technologies being implemented them (Huang et al. 2001). Huang et al. (2001) found a ter-
not only to increase yields but also to improve WSD minal single ‘ring’ structure in some of the degraded nucleo-
management. The present review highlights some of the capsid (Fig. 3b). In accordance of Amano et al. (2011), the
technologies and their potential in managing the WSD 15 ring structures are not united. The structural units of the
scourge in shrimp farming. rings have been noticed as equilateral triangle and rhombus

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

body units, whereas each rhombus is comprised of two uni-

ted triangle body units. In such a way, one ring is composed
of 36 triangle bodies and 18 rhombs bodies (Fig. 4) (Amano
et al. 2011). A thin flexible structure has been found in
between the rings which confers a loose connection between
rings allowing the enhancement of length of nucleocapsid
outside the envelop (Amano et al. 2011). Thus, when
released from the envelope, the nucleocapsid increases in
length indicating that it is tightly packed within the virion.
The length of the naked nucleocapsid (350 nm) has been
found as approximately 40% longer than the viral particles
(Huang et al. 2001). The nucleocapsid core contains
unknown substance(s), and get oval shaped whenever the
core is empty and thus the width of empty nucleocapsid
increases (Amano et al. 2011).
Figure 1 Electron microscopic analysis of a broken WSSV virion.
Spikes can be seen (indicated by arrows) clearly on the broken mem- Genome
brane. (Source: Amano et al. 2011)
White spot syndrome virus is made up of double-stranded
(Wang et al. 1995) circular and highly coiled DNA (Fig. 5)
Spike which has been reported to be about 300–305 kbp long
Envelop extension depending on the isolates (Yang et al. 2001; van Hulten
et al. 2001b; Lightner et al. 2012; Parrilla-Taylor et al.
2018) with 180 open reading frames (ORFs) and nine
regions of repeated sequences in tandem (van Hulten et al.
2000a). However, the length of DNA could be 281–312 kbp
Virion length: Nucleocapsid that has been reported by Oakey and Smith (2018). Most of
250–380 nm the proteins encoded by the genome have been reported to
lack homologues in sequence databases except those that
encode for enzymes such as protein kinases and ribonu-
cleotide reductases and constitute only 5% of the total
Double layered ORFs (van Hulten et al. 2001a; Witteveldt et al. 2004b; Li
envelop et al. 2006). Currently, the tools used in WSSV genomic
and epidemiology studies include minisatelites (ORF94,
Virion width:
80–120 nm ORF75 and ORF125) and WSSV-based microsatellites.
Many research on functional analysis of the genetic prod-
Figure 2 Structure of WSSV has been drawn based on the informa- ucts of WSSV genome, structural proteins in particular,
tion previously mentioned in morphology section. have carried out (Li et al. 2006). Genomic sequences and
proteomic analyses of WSSV strains isolated from different
(a) (b)

Figure 3 Scanning image of nucleocapsid core of WSSV. (a) The nucleocapsid comprising 15 conspicuous vertical helices. (b) ‘Ring’ structure (indi-
cated by arrows) is visible at the termini of some of the naked nucleocapsid.(Source: Huang et al. 2001)

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Nucleocapsid Cross section Side view

70 nm

180–440 nm 7
80 nm

Figure 4 Structure of a WSSV nucleocapsid has been drawn based on the information previously addressed in morphology section. (a) Electron
microscopic analysis of WSSV nucleocapsid comprising 15 conspicuous vertical helices. (b) A single helices (cross section) of nucleocapsid having a
diameter of 70 nm (side view). (c) An empty nucleocapsid (cross section) having an 80 nm diameter (side view). (Source: Amano et al. 2011). The
cross-hatched appearance of the nucleocapsid is unique diagnostic feature of WSSV (Verbruggen et al. 2016).

VP35 is also absent in WSSV-MX08 (Rodriguez-Anaya

et al. 2016), as detected in both the WSSV-TH (Marks
VP28 ORF14/15VR et al. 2004) and WSSV-KR (Chai et al. 2013), suggesting
ORF23/24VR that VP35 is not essential for replication (Rodriguez-Anaya
et al. 2016). Marks et al. (2004) reported that one of the
biggest difference among the isolates is a genetic variation
WSSV-TH in ORFs 14 and 15. Rodriguez-Anaya et al. (2016) also
292,967 bp observed 575 bp deletion in this region in WSSV-MX08
(Rodriguez-Anaya et al. 2016). In addition, out of the three
Saudi Arabian WSSV strains reported, two differ signifi-
cantly from those reported in Asian and American because
VNTR ORF125 VNTR ORF94 of a 1522 bp deletion in the ORF94. Moreover, some differ-
ences exist between the Saudi Arabian strains themselves in
the number of repeated base pair sequences in the ORF125
Figure 5 Genome structure of WSSV from Thailand (WSSV-TH) show-
ing some of the ORFs and the dominant envelope protein coding gene
(Tang et al. 2012). Recently, the genome sequence of an
VP28. (Source: Shekar et al. 2012) Australian strain (WSSV-AU) showed 91–97% similarities
comparing with that of other strains. In WSSV-AU several
parts of the globe have reported some differences among deletions in structural proteins encoding regions of genome
them. For instance comparative genomic studies of isolates have been reported (Oakey & Smith 2018). Furthermore, in
from Thailand (WSSV-TH), China (WSSV-CN) and Tai- an Ecuadorian strain (WSSV-EC), two major fragments
wan (WSSV-TW) reported considerable differences in their containing ORFs VP22 and VP25 were appeared to be
genome sizes but with 99.32% overall similarity (Shekar deleted. Interestingly, the authors observed that WSSV-EC
et al. 2012). Recently, the genome of a Mexican strain strain causes the lowest shrimp mortality despite its wider
named WSSV-MX08 was examined; that was 99.50– spreading comparing with those of strains possessing VP22
99.64% similar with the genomes of other strains. The gen- and VP25. At this point the authors stated that the less vir-
ome of this Mexican strain was most distant to that of Kor- ulence could be due to the deletion of ORFs VP22 and
ean strain (WSSV-KR) (Rodriguez-Anaya et al. 2016). VP25 (Restrepo et al. 2018).
However, there was a lack of ORFs 122 and 123 both in
WSSV-MX08 (Rodriguez-Anaya et al. 2016) and WSSV-
KR (Chai et al. 2013). In fact, the G+C content of WSSV-
TH was found to be 41% which matches with that of the Virulence may indicate the degree of pathogenicity within a
other WSSV genomes (Chai et al. 2013). Furthermore, group or species of pathogens. Different studies have shown

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

that slight differences in virulence have been observed The studies by Pradeep et al. (2012) have compared the
among different strains of WSSV (Pradeep et al. 2012). Fur- virulence and fitness between three different Indian geno-
thermore, many similarities including morphology and pro- types of WSSV by infecting shrimps and crabs. The three
teomes have been found among the various isolates of the different strains of the virus were isolated from disease out-
virus from different geographical locations (Sanchez-Paz break ponds from West and East coast of India. The results
2010) although direct comparisons were not made (Wang of this study have shown that there was no difference in vir-
et al. 1999; Lan et al. 2002). Wang et al. (1999) compared ulence among the three genotypes used for the infection of
the virulence of six different geographical origins, namely: shrimps and crabs. Furthermore, all the three strains
China, India, Thailand, Texas and South Carolina as well as resulted in mortality in both shrimps and crabs within the
from infected crayfish kept at the USA National Zoo park of same period. The study has revealed that there were no sig-
WSSV isolates in Penaeus vannamei (postlarvae stage) and nificant differences in viral loads as shown using real-time
Farfantepenaeus duorarum (juveniles) (Wang et al. 1999). PCR (RT-PCR) between the two species. This study has
The authors demonstrated that all the six isolates were infec- indicated that when three strains were mixed and used,
tious and highly virulent to P. vannamei. However, the cray- only the strains which have a smaller genome size (ORF94,
fish WSSV isolate was detected as the least virulent among 3RU and ORF94, 6RU) resulted in disease in both shrimps
the six isolates, whereas the Texas isolate was the most viru- and crabs. The authors have also conducted a study on sub-
lent strain among them (Wang et al. 1999). Thus, the study sequent passage of the three strains to determine which
revealed slight differences in virulence among the six geo- strain(s) can cause disease. Finally, the study revealed that
graphical isolates of WSSV. Interestingly, in that experiment the strain with ORF94, 3RU caused disease. These findings
the juveniles of F. duorarum have shown moderate resistance can suggest that although all the strains of WSSV used in
to WSSV infection (Wang et al. 1999). Similarly, in some the experiment are equally virulent; there is a difference in
other recent studies, different strains showed different viru- fitness among the three mixed strains (Pradeep et al. 2012).
lence (Li et al. 2017; Ramos-Paredes et al. 2017). However, This finding is supported by the study of Hoa et al. (2011)
the important remark is that one should consider the labora- demonstrating that WSSV mixed genotype infections result
tory standards when comparing results between laboratories. in lower outbreak rate compared with that of single geno-
In fact, in an experiment, the mortalities in Macrobrachium type infections (Hoa et al. 2011).
nipponense due to WSSV infection via oral administration,
muscle injection and immersion have been found to be
Structural proteins
100%, 75% and 0% respectively. However, the fastest infec-
tion was observed in terms of muscle injection (Yin et al. Structural proteins have been the main subject of research
2017). Thus, interestingly this research revealed the inconsis- in the past and this could be largely attributed to their cru-
tency between infection speed and mortality. cial role in WSSV infection (Wu et al. 2005; Li et al. 2006).
The studies by Marks et al. (2005) compared the viru- One of the techniques employed in WSSV protein identifi-
lence between two strains, namely: WSSV-TH-96-II (Thai- cation is a combination of sodium dodecyl sulphate-poly-
land WSSV isolate with the largest genome reported to acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) with mass
date) and WSSV-TH (WSSV isolate containing the smallest spectrometry (Xie et al. 2006). The structural proteins play
genome). The authors suggested that the isolate with the vital roles in cell targeting, virus entry, assembly and bud-
smallest genome is more virulent and fit compared with the ding (Chazal & Gerlier 2003; Rajcani 2003; Mettenleiter
WSSV-TH-96-II isolate containing the largest genome 2004; Mettenleiter et al. 2006; Campadelli-Fiume et al.
(Marks et al. 2005). Moreover, other comparative study 2007). So far, 58 structural proteins have been identified
was conducted by Stalinraj et al. (2009) to compare the vir- out of which more than 30 are recognized as envelope pro-
ulence between six isolates of WSSV from farms experienc- teins (see Sanchez-Paz 2010). Among the envelop proteins,
ing outbreaks (virulent WSSV: vWSSV), and three isolates VP19, VP24, VP26 and VP28 are major proteins (Momtaz
of WSSV which were taken from farms that had infected et al. 2018) and, VP28 and VP26 are the most abundant,
shrimps without the occurrence of outbreaks (non-virulent comprising approximately 60% of the envelope (Tang et al.
WSSV: nvWSSV). The study indicated both vWSSV and 2007). VP28 plays an important role in the early stages of
nvWSSV isolates have led to 100% mortality within 5 days virus infection (van Hulten et al. 2000b, 2001b). Chang
on challenge in shrimps (Stalinraj et al. 2009). Rahman et al. (2010) formed a 3D model in which a structural pro-
et al. (2008) collected three WSSV isolates from naturally tein, VP24, has been demonstrated as a core protein
infected P. monodon, two of them from Thailand (WSSV directly associating with VP26, VP28, VP38A, VP51A and
Thai-1, WSSV Thai-2) and one from Vietnam (WSSV WSV010, and thus forming a membrane-associated protein
Viet); and the authors detected WSSV Thai-1 to be most complex. In that model, VP19 and VP37 were shown to be
virulent where WSSV Viet was the least virulent. attached to the complex associating with VP51A and VP28

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respectively. This envelope complex was reported to anchor proteins was towards understanding the interactions of
to the nucleocapsid through the VP26–VP51C interaction envelope proteins with each other and to the potential host
(Chang et al. 2010). Some envelope proteins are expressed surface proteins. These knowledge would be effective in
within the virion, whereas others are exposed at the surface elucidating the mechanisms of WSSV infection (Chang
(Fig. 6). Those on the surface are generally involved in et al. 2010).
binding to receptors, fusion and interaction with the host
immune system (Chang et al. 2010). On the other hand,
those expressed within the virion aid in the transmission of
the WSSV nucleocapsid to the nucleus of the host cells The life cycle of viruses is well described and studied by dif-
(Wan et al. 2008). In enveloped viruses like WSSV, interac- ferent authors. Accordingly, the life cycle can be generally
tions between structural proteins are usual, however, such divided into different phases namely: entry into the host
kind of interactions have been reported precisely only in cell (via fusion or endocytosis), uncoating of the genome,
nine WSSV virion proteins (VP19, VP24, VP26, VP28, replication, assembly and maturation of virions and releas-
VP37 or VP281, VP38A or VP38, VP51C or VP51, VP51A ing of virus particles via either budding or cytolysis (Esco-
and WSV010) (Zhang et al. 2004; Xie & Yang 2006; Chen bedo-Bonilla et al. 2008). Attachment of WSSV to the
et al. 2007; Chang et al. 2008 2010; Jie et al. 2008; Wan surface of the host cell membrane initiates the replication
et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2009; Zhou et al. 2009), even some of cycle of this virus. The attachment is followed by the entry
them (VP19, VP24 and VP51A) have affinity for self-inter- of the virus into the cell by endocytosis. The WSSV envelop
action (Chang et al. 2010). Identification and description fuses with endosome, and this fusion triggers the release of
of envelope proteins was driven by the need to understand nucleocapsid into the cytoplasm. The released nucleocapsid
their profiles which would hopefully provide an opportu- comes to close contact with nucleus and inserts the viral
nity for management of the virus through production of genome into nucleus via nuclear pore. Meanwhile, degrada-
neutralizing antibodies or use the proteins as targets sites tion of envelope and capsid proteins occurs in the cyto-
for vaccines production (Witteveldt et al. 2004b). However, plasm (Li et al. 2015b). After the virus reach inside the host
in the recent past, the orientation of studies on envelope nucleus, the virus particle has to express its own gene for
replication. Since all viruses including WSSV do not con-
tain their own transcriptional machinery, they have to
depend initially on the host cell to get this machinery in
order to start new replication phases (Sanchez-Paz 2010).
Inside the nucleus, the binding of the host transcription
factors to viral promoters brings about the activation of the
transcription process (Sanchez-Paz 2010; Verbruggen et al.
2016) produces the mRNAs of immediate-early genes (Li
et al. 2015b) such as wsv477 (Yang et al. 2001), the genes
Outside the virion that are essential for encoding transcription factors and
other regulators which can allow the transcription of the
Envelope viral genes (Sanchez-Paz 2010; Verbruggen et al. 2016) that
are necessary for succeeding stages of the viral life cycle and
Inside the virion are expressed prior to the replication of DNA (Jensen et al.
1996; Li et al. 2009a; Sanchez-Paz 2010; Verbruggen et al.
2016). Immediate-early genes subsequently move to the
cytoplasm via nuclear pores. Subsequently, cytoplasmic-
free ribosomes transform the immediate-early genes into
proteins, when major capsid protein of the WSSV, VP664,
is expressed. All these mechanisms were detected to happen
within 1 hour of postinoculation in laboratory condition.
The immediate-early proteins activate early and late pro-
teins (Li et al. 2015b). Late genes are those that are
Figure 6 Three-dimensional presentation of WSSV envelope proteins
showing the putative relative localizations of the WSSV virion protein
expressed after the onset of DNA replication (Jensen et al.
complex composed of VP19, VP24, VP26, VP28, VP37, VP38A, VP51A, 1996). The transcription of the mRNA for envelop proteins
VP51C and WSV010. Each protein is rendered using a unique colour. starts after 3 hours postinoculation. VP28, major envelope
The cylinders represent transmembrane helices.(Source: Chang et al. protein of the WSSV, is expressed in the cytoplasmic rough
2010) endoplasmic reticulum and subsequently transported to

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the inner nuclear membrane, which then proliferates within host range of WSSV includes many other species of deca-
the nucleus. The virus genome multiplies in the nucleus pod and non-decapod (e.g. crabs, lobsters, prawns, cray-
and the virus capsids become assembled around new viral fishes, copepods and arthropods) that has been reviewed by
genomes (started from 6 hours postinoculation). After- several authors (see Oidtmann & Stentiford 2011; Pradeep
wards, nucleocapsids are formed and subsequent budding et al. 2012). More than 100 species of arthropods either
occurs at the inner nuclear membrane with VP28. The from culture facilities, the wild or experimental infection
newly formed virus particles temporarily stay in the lumen have been reported to be the host or carriers of WSSV
of the expanded inner nuclear membrane, and finally the (Hameed et al. 1998 2000 2001 2003; Musthaq et al. 2006).
new WSSV particles are released from the cell through cell This wide range of hosts plays an important role for the
lysis (Li et al. 2015b). transmission and occurrence of the disease outbreak in
During the phases of the life cycle, there is a wide range farmed shrimps. Currently, more than 98 species of deca-
of molecular interactions which occur between the WSSV pod and non-decapod have been identified as potential
proteins and its host cells. These molecular interactions host for WSSV (Stentiford et al. 2009). These authors have
play an important role in determining host susceptibility indicated that there are also cases in which many organisms
and pathogenicity. They can also provide great opportuni- living in the virus infected pond without exhibiting clinical
ties for treatment interventions and control measures. The signs (Stentiford et al. 2009). These organisms can serve as
host cell membrane acts as primary obstacle for the entry of vector for circulating WSSV in the pond. The other studies
viruses into the host cell. However, viruses are very active, by Walker and Mohan (2009) have reported that high levels
and they have evolved several mechanisms to tackle this cell mortality was observed in all cultured shrimps infected
barrier. These mechanisms may include lipid fusion and with WSSV although it is not fatal to other hosts species
membrane perforation (mainly for non-enveloped virus) (Walker & Mohan 2009).
and endocytosis (for enveloped viruses like WSSV) which Disease susceptibility varies across the Crustacean, and
help the viruses to entry into the host cell. In endocytosis, this is an interest to many researchers as it may provide them
the viruses bind with the host cell surface proteins, carbo- an approach to disease resistance (Nakano et al. 1994; Chen
hydrates and lipids (Mercer et al. 2010). This interaction et al. 2000; Yoganandhan et al. 2003; Bateman et al. 2012).
results in triggering of the various endocytic pathways such For example the studies by Bateman et al. (2012) demon-
as clathrin-mediated endocytosis, caveolar endocytosis and strated that the shore crab (Carcinus maenas) can be infected
macropinocytosis (Sodeik 2000; Mercer et al. 2010; Kalia & by the WSSV. However, this species appears to be refractory
Jameel 2011). The interactions between host cell surface to development of the disease leading to little pathology and
proteins and the virus lead to the activation of the endocy- low mortality rates compared with farmed shrimps (Bate-
totic process which facilitates the entry of WSSV into the man et al. 2012). The virulence of WSSV can be affected as
host cell (Mercer et al. 2010). the virus passes between two host species. For example
Different authors have indicated that VP28, an envelope according to the studies of Waikhom et al. (2006), when
protein, is one of the major structural proteins of the virus WSSV was passed via Macrobrachium rosenbergii, a reduc-
which plays a key role in host–virus protein interactions tion in its virulence was observed that resulted in low mor-
(van Hulten et al. 2001b; Yi et al. 2004; Wan et al. 2008; tality rates in P. monodon compared with non-transmitted
Sanjuktha et al. 2012). Several authors have also indicated virus. This change in virulence is not yet well understood.
some interactions are beneficial for the virus, whereas However, it may be related to variations in tandem repeat
others may have negative impacts. WSSV mainly targets for regions in the WSSV genome (Waikhom et al. 2006). In
the integrin receptors on the host cell surfaces for binding general, several authors have suggested that WSSV can infect
purpose. The structural proteins of the virion envelope a wide range of potential hosts ranging from penaeid
such as VP26, VP31, VP37, VP90 and VP136 interact with shrimps to other crustaceans. However, the susceptibility of
integrin receptors to promote the binding of the virus to the potential hosts to WSSV may vary from one species to
the extracellular matrix (or cell-to-cell adhesion). The inte- another species (Reddy et al. 2013).
grins are heterodimeric surface receptors which recognize
specific peptides like RGD (Arginine-Glycine-Aspartate)
motifs present in structural proteins of the virus particles
(Ruoslahti 1996; Zhang et al. 2014). White spot syndrome virus can be transmitted via horizon-
tal and vertical routes (Lo et al. 1997; Soto & Lotz 2001;
Prior et al. 2003; Soowannayan & Phanthura 2011). The
Host range and susceptibility
transmission of the virus between the shrimp and other
White spot syndrome virus can infect a wide range of Decapod crustacean may occur via three routes, namely: (i)
potential shrimp species including penaeid shrimps. The oral route by feeding of the infected organisms or

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contaminated food. Moreover, transmission of the virus is tissues (Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 2007). The epithelial cells,
also possible through consumption of infected tissue by haematopoietic tissues and tubules of antennal gland are
predation and cannibalism, (ii) via water borne in which degenerated during a terminal stage of WSSV infection
the virus invades through gills and other body surfaces by (Chang et al. 1996; Lo et al. 1997). An experimental study
direct exposure to virus particles in water (Lo et al. 1997; revealed that after 6 h of infection WSSV occurred to meta-
Chou et al. 1998) and (iii) through the vertical transmis- bolic changes through neutralizing the host’s oxidative
sion in which the virus is passed from an infected brood- stress defences (Chen et al. 2016a). Different studies have
stock to offspring via oocytes (Sanchez-Paz 2010; Pradeep explained that previous results obtained with experimental
et al. 2012). Different findings have demonstrated that the inoculations of WSSV into culture water of shrimps are
transmission rates are similar in both species of P. van- highly variable in the percentage of infection. Some studies
namei and P. monodon. However, the authors have sug- showed a high percentage of infected shrimp after exposure
gested there may be difference in the relative contributions to virus particles in water (Supamattaya et al. 1998),
of direct and indirect transmission rates (Tuyen et al. whereas others studies indicated that shrimps were not
2014). The virus particles have been reported in oocytes, infected, even when exposed to high virus doses as deter-
however, the virus particles are absent in mature eggs. This mined by intramuscular titrations (Prior et al. 2003). Fur-
may indicate that the oocytes which contain the virus can- thermore, the results obtained with experimental WSSV
not develop into mature eggs (Pradeep et al. 2012). The infection in shrimps via ingestion of infected tissues or via
transmission of WSSV between different geographical loca- contaminated feed are in contradictory findings. Some
tions can be facilitated by the transport of live and frozen researchers found that the oral route as powerful tool to
uncooked shrimp (Nunan et al. 1998), and import of induce infection in shrimp (Lightner et al. 1998; Vidal
broodstock (Stentiford et al. 2012) from one region to et al. 2001; Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 2006). However, others
other locations. Several studies have indicated that some authors had got difficulties to reproduce these results
environmental factors like temperature, salinity drop and (Perez et al. 2005; Gitterle et al. 2006; Laramore 2007).
pH are known as main stress factors which can influence Furthermore, Thuong et al. (2016) have indicated that
the transmission and the occurrence of WSSV infection WSSV contaminated feed is poorly infectious per oral
outbreaks (Peinado-Guevara & L opez-Meyer 2006; Ten- route. However, it is highly infectious when injected to the
dencia et al. 2010). A study had been conducted to know shrimp (Table 1). The authors have also demonstrated that
the effect of climate factors on WSD occurrence in an peritrophic membrane has no significant role as an internal
intensive shrimp culture area in Thailand, where the analy- barrier of shrimp against WSSV infection (Thuong et al.
sis of collected data revealed a high incident rate ratio of 2016). These controversial observations may be associated
WSD when average atmospheric temperature ranged with differences in virulence of the WSSV strain, route of
between 24.5 and 27.2°C (Piamsomboon et al. 2016). administration, virus dose, experimental animals and other
experimental conditions (Thuong et al. 2016).
The infectivity titres of a WSSV stock solution has been
determined primarily by oral route challenge for the experi-
White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) affects all the tissues of mental inoculation in shrimps (Escobedo-Bonilla et al.
ectodermal and mesodermal origins (Lightner 1996). Sev- 2005). Furthermore, studies by Escobedo-Bonilla et al.
eral studies have shown that WSSV infections can be (2006) have developed a standardized oral inoculation pro-
detected in different tissues including haemolymph, gills, tocol which can deliver an exact amount of the virus titre
stomach, body cuticular epithelium, haematopoietic tis- to all inoculated shrimps (Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 2006).
sues, lymphoid organ, antennal glands, foregut, testes and Using this standardized inoculation technique, the primary
ovaries of naturally and experimentally infected shrimp replication sites of the virus were determined with
(Rajan et al. 2000; Yoganandhan et al. 2003; Escobedo- immunohistochemistry (IHC) detection method. Accord-
Bonilla et al. 2007). Besides, several authors have also indi- ingly, the primary replication sites are the epithelial cells in
cated that the gills, stomach, body cuticular epithelium, the foregut, cells in the gills, and only with a high dose (10
haematopoietic tissues, lymphoid organ and antennal 000 SID50) also cells in the antennal gland (Escobedo-
glands are the major target tissues for replication of WSSV Bonilla et al. 2007).
(Tan et al. 2001; Durand & Lightner 2002; Escobedo- Several authors have indicated that the mechanism of
Bonilla et al. 2007). The studies by Escobedo-Bonilla et al. WSSV spread from the primary replication sites to other
(2007) have also explained that the foregut, gills, antennal target organs is highly controversial. Some studies indicated
gland and integument are essential for maintenance of that the virus infects haemocyte in crayfish. Subsequently,
shrimp homeostasis. The WSSV infection of these organs the virus can spread from the primary replication sites to
leads to the death of the animals due to dysfunction of the other distant target organs by the help of these infected cells

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Table 1 WSSV inoculation techniques in

shrimp and their effectiveness to cause infec- Species Inoculation route Detection of virus titre/mortality by different research groups
tion to the host
[1] [2] [3]

Litopenaeus Intramuscular 108.77 SID50 g1 Early onset of mortality 106.9 SID50 mL1
vannamei Oral 101.23 SID50 g1 Late onset of mortality 105.4 SID50 mL1
Feeding 100.73 SID50 g1 – –

[1], Thuong et al. (2016); [2], Escobedo-Bonilla et al. (2006); [3], Escobedo-Bonilla et al. (2005);
SID50, Shrimp Infectious Dose 50, for instance the infective dose of WSSV that infects 50% of
exposed shrimps.

(Wang et al. 2002; Di Leonardo et al. 2005). However, temperature (22–23°C) and high pH (9.5–9.7) influence
other studies have revealed that the circulating haemocyte WSSV infection in cultured shrimps, P. monodon.
in freshwater prawns and shrimps are refractory to WSSV
infection (Van de Braak et al. 2002; Escobedo-Bonilla et al.
Clinical signs and pathology
2007). Thus, these studies can indicate that the virus might
travel from the primary replication site to other target Several authors have reported that WSSV may take some
organs via haemolymph circulation in a cell-free form time to express itself, but after expression onset, the
(Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 2007). Based on these studies, it is infected animals die within 3–8 days leading to high mor-
possible to suggest that the mechanism of WSSV spread tality (Corbel et al. 2001). The infected shrimps usually
may depend on the type of host species. prefer to gather near the pond edge, and show clinical signs
Several environmental factors, for example temperature, in 1 or 2 days before occurrence of any mortality. The clin-
salinity and pH, are known to be associated with the out- ical signs and gross pathology of animals suffering from the
breaks and intensity of WSD in shrimp (Peinado-Guevara disease may include lethargy, reduced food consumption,
& L opez-Meyer 2006; Tendencia et al. 2010). For example reddish discoloration of body and appendages, reduced
in a laboratory experiment, the temperatures below 32°C preening activities, a loosening of the cuticle, and a discol-
(16, 25, 27, 28 and 30°C) occurred at a constant high level oration of the hepatopancreas, low response to stimulus,
mortality in P. monodon, whereas a lower rate of mortality low appetite, swelling of branchiostegites due to accumula-
was observed at 32 and 36°C. However, all shrimps that tion of fluid (Hameed et al. 2003), and thinning and
survived at higher temperatures (32 and 37°C) were delayed clotting of haemolymph (Wang et al. 2000) and
claimed to be second step positive for WSSV. But in the gathering near the embankment (Rajan et al. 2000; Pradeep
same experiment, salinity variables (0.5, 5, 10, 15, 30 and et al. 2012). The expression of white to reddish-brown dis-
45 g L1) did not show any significant impact on the mor- coloration may appear over the head and carapace of the
tality of the experimented animals (Stalin et al. 2012). In infected animals, and the presence of calcified white spots
another experiment, at the salinity of 30, 40 and 50 g L1, on the exoskeleton. The presence of circular white spots or
the minimum and maximum count of mortality were patches can be detected in the cuticle of cephalothorax and
found to be 3.5 and 8.5, 0.5 and 4.5 and 1.5 and 7.5 respec- tail part of the infected shrimps (Lo et al. 1996; Rout et al.
tively. Finally, the authors concluded that the lesser or 2005) (Fig. 7). The presence of calcified spots appearing on
greater level of salinity than the normal level could lead to the exoskeleton of infected animal may be used as tentative
severe mortality in Litopenaeus vannamei under WSD con- diagnostic tool for the disease at field condition. However,
dition (Kakoolaki et al. 2011). Furthermore, a study con- this clinical sign is usually observed in some but not all host
ducted by Gunalan et al. (2010) revealed that lower species (Chou et al. 1995). For example in an experiment,

(a) (b)

Figure 7 WSSV infected P. monodon indicating white spot symptoms. (a) White spots on carapace. (b) White spots on last abdominal segment.
(Source: Pradeep et al. 2012)

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at the phage of acute WSSV infection in Penaeus indicus characterized by vacuolization (Karunasagar et al. 1997;
and P. monodon, white spots were not recognized, but the Kasornchandra et al. 1998) (Fig. 8c,d).
only signs observed are lethargy and lack of appetite. Fur-
thermore, in P. indicus, body turned to reddish colour and
Diagnostic methods
it was required to remove the carapace to confirm WSSV
infection (Rajan et al. 2000). Electron microscopy
White spot disease causes rapid mortality in farmed In general, electron microscopy is still used as the first tech-
shrimp, and the cumulative mortality is generally found nique for virus detection (Goldsmith & Miller 2009). With a
between 90% and 100% (Wang et al. 1999; Wang & Zhu few exceptions (the mimiviruses, poxviruses and some iri-
2017). The exact mechanism of white spot formation and doviruses) the resolution of optical microscope cannot
deposition are not yet well known. However, some studies detect the viruses, whereas the resolution of transmission
demonstrated that the WSSV infection may induce the dys- electron microscope (TEM) is 1000 times higher than optical
function of the respiratory and integument systems leading microscope allowing the direct detection of small viruses.
to the accumulation of calcium salts within the cuticle However, with the help of TEM, the virus can be identified
which give rise to white spots accumulation (Wang et al. only up to family or genus level, but it is a quick method
1999). Histologically, the WSSV infection is characterized (Vale et al. 2010). Although, by using TEM simply, previ-
by having eosinophilic inclusion bodies in early stage of ously the detection limit of viruses was 106 viruses per mL,
infected cells (Fig. 8a). During advance stage of infection, but by applying filtering method the limit has decreased to
the hypertrophied nuclei of infected cells contain the inclu- 102 viruses per mL (Beniac et al. 2014). There are some
sion bodies which stain more basophilic (Lo et al. 1996) issues such as the capital expenses, inapplicable for all
(Fig. 8b). Furthermore, the infected nuclei become pro- viruses, difficulties in differentiation between similar viruses
gressively more basophilic and enlarged (Otta et al. 1999; and low throughput are considered as the disadvantages of
Wang et al. 2000; Hameed et al. 2003). The cross-hatched using EM (Biel & Gelderblom 1999). There are also some
appearance of the nucleocapsid is unique diagnostic feature advantages of using EM, for example everything in the sam-
to WSSV (Fig. 8c,d). Karyorrhexis and cellular disintegra- ple can be observed (Beniac et al. 2014), standard for the
tion of the infected cells may occur in the late stages of identification of new viruses (Biel & Gelderblom 1999),
infection resulting in the formation of necrotic areas identification of dual infections whereas more than one

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 8 Observations on histological staining of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infected cells obtained from L. vannamei under electron micro-
scope. (a) During the early stage of infection the cells display enlarged nuclei with marginalized chromatin and a homogenous eosinophilic central
region. These then develop an intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies (*); a clear halo along nuclear membrane can also be observed (white arrow).
Scale bar = 25 lm. (b) The eosinophilic inclusion generally expands and fills the nucleus (*). This inclusion becomes more basophilic and denser in col-
our in staining as the infection progresses (white arrow). Nuclei are then ruptured so that the content is integrated with the cytoplasm (black arrow).
Scale bar = 10 lm. H&E stain. (c) WSSV virions appear to be ovoid in shape containing an electron-dense nucleocapsid (white arrow) within a trilami-
nar envelope (black arrow). Scale bar = 0.2 lm. (Inset) Negative staining showing the presence of cross-hatched or striated material that is structured
as a series of stacked rings of subunits and is a key diagnostic feature of WSSV. Scale bar = 20 nm. (d) Presumptive pre-enveloped nucleocapsid
material within the nucleus, sporadically visible in the manufacture of the WSSV particles, that is cross-hatched or striated in appearance and linear
prior to its incorporation in the formation of mature WSSV particles. Scale bar = 100 nm.(Source: Verbruggen et al. 2016)

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viruses are involved (Kennedy 2005; Goldsmith & Miller been recognized as an accurate and sensitive method for
2009), and for rapid morphological identification. As such, detecting viral pathogens, and further, it could be applied
EM can be used as a frontline method and be coordinated in WSSV detection for shrimps (Tang et al. 2018). Muru-
with other methods (Hazelton & Gelderblom 2003). gan and Sankaran (2018) proposed a new ELISA technique
where recombinant bacterial lipid modification in proteins
in Escherichia coli system has been discussed. In that study,
Immunological techniques
a lipid-modified protein ICP11, the most abundantly
It has been demonstrated that the specific monoclonal anti- expressed white spot syndrome viral protein, was tested as
bodies (MAbs) can be used to detect WSSV in shrimp by a new target in the new ELISA method. The authors found
western blotting, dot blotting and immunohistochemistry this method as a sensitive measure of antigen in the
avoiding cross-reactions to other viral or shrimp proteins infected shrimp tissues where the detection limit for ICP11
(Makesh et al. 2006; Chaivisuthangkura et al. 2010; protein was 250 pg and the linear range of the assay was
Vaniksampanna et al. 2017), whereas specific MAbs can 15–240 ng. The advantages of this assay are minimum assay
bind with target protein of WSSV. For example MAb requirement, naked eye detection and cost-effective (Muru-
against VP28 only can bind with VP28 of WSSV but not gan & Sankaran 2018), however, the authors did not con-
bind with any other viral or shrimp proteins (Makesh et al. clude the duration of the detection whether it is quick or a
2006). Higher diagnostic sensitivity (100%) makes these lengthy process. Antibody-based indirect immunofluores-
immunological techniques preferable comparing with sin- cence is another technique that is routinely used in virolog-
gle-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, dot ical studies, however, although this technique is specific but
blotting, a well-known antibody-based protein detection less sensitive. In an experiment, the sensitivity and speci-
method, is claimed to demand for sufficiently high viral ficity of indirect immunofluorescence were found to be
loads for detection (Sithigorngul et al. 2011). Interestingly, 29% and 96%, respectively, comparing with PCR (Burges-
two MAb cocktail were found to be 100 times more sensi- ser et al. 1999). As such, indirect immunofluorescence
tive compared with one-step PCR and almost equivalent to technique requires comparatively high density of virus par-
two-step PCR in detecting WSSV based on its VP28 ticles in the host tissue, therefore, it is not possible to detect
envelop protein. Furthermore, the detection limit of WSSV, virus at the early stage of infection (Mott et al. 1997).
using a MAb cocktail, was two- to four-fold amplified in Finally, despite of many advantages (e.g. highly sensitive,
comparison with a single MAb (Vaniksampanna et al. specific and accurate diagnosis) of immunological WSSV
2017; Inchara et al. 2018). In a study of Chaivisuthangkura detection techniques described above (Poulos et al. 2001;
et al. (2010), the combination of VP19 and VP28 (virion Makesh et al. 2006), generally these techniques are costly,
proteins) specific MAbs have been recommended to time-consuming, require specialized equipment and skilled
enhance the sensitivity of WSSV detection in shrimp in sev- personnel that making them not usable under field condi-
eral types of antibody-based assays (Chaivisuthangkura tions (Poulos et al. 2001). Recently, a lateral flow
et al. 2010). An immunosensor has been developed for immunoassay (LFIA) employing gold nanoparticles conju-
quantitative detection of WSSV in shrimp pond water. That gated to a polyclonal antibody against dominant envelope
immunosensor was found to be highly sensitive for the protein of WSSV VP28 has proposed. This method had
analysis of WSSV in the linear range 1.6 9 101– been reported to simultaneously detect WSSV, IHHNV (in-
1.6 9 106 copies lL1. Furthermore, the immunosensor fectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus),
were reusable up to approximately 37 times; and simple to MBV, HPV (human papillomavirus), etc. through an easy
operate (Waiyapoka et al. 2015). In another study, lateral specific upgradation of the technique for specific virus.
flow immunoassay (LFIA) has been demonstrated as fast Moreover, the technique is comparatively less costly (~USD
and effective method to detect WSSV in ~20 min using 3 per sample), and the farmer could perform the test with-
gold nanoparticles that conjugate to a polyclonal antibody out any help of outside professional that can substantially
against VP28. Interestingly, the LFIA also showed no cross- reduce financial burden on the farmers. Therefore, LFIA
reactivity with some other shrimp viruses namely infectious would directly benefit the farmers, hatchery operators and
hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), aquaculture industry (Kulabhusan et al. 2017).
hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) and monodon bac-
ulovirus (MBV) (Kulabhusan et al. 2017). To date, double
Molecular techniques
antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has
been adopted to capture polyclonal antibodies that could After publishing the whole genome sequence of WSSV (van
recognize multiple epitopes, and to detect specific mono- Hulten et al. 2001a; Yang et al. 2001, 2001b) the PCR as a
clonal antibodies to quantify the antigen at protein level molecular technique has been used aiming the most sensi-
(Mecham 2006; Niu et al. 2013; Chang et al. 2016). It has tive detection of WSSV. Consequently, nested or two-step

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PCR, that is now recommended by OIE (http://www.oie. convenient (Kono et al. 2004). Recently, Pan et al. (2017)
int/fileadmin/Home/eng/Health_standards/aahm/2009/2.2. developed a new technique called pre-amplification PCR
05_WSD.pdf), has been recognized to be more sensitive method, where some short-strand sequences were used as
than the single-step PCR (Lo et al. 1998); both of them are adapters that can ligate to the target restriction fragment
non-quantitative diagnosis method (Durand & Lightner VP28, VP39 and VP108 of WSSV by a linker. Thereafter,
2002), but they are similar in terms of sensitivity (Nunan & the ligated product is served as the template for pre-ampli-
Lightner 2011). In these PCR techniques, primers are used fication PCR using a universal primer. The target DNA is
(Durand & Lightner 2002). Later, a real-time PCR (RT- greatly enriched by the pre-amplification PCR and then the
PCR) has been described (Durand & Lightner 2002) that is pre-amplified product is served as the template for the
capable of virus quantification in the infected shrimp specific PCR to complete the final detection. This non-
depending on nucleic acid quantification, and therefore it quantitative diagnosis technique is more efficient than
is also called quantitative PCR (qPCR). This method uses nested PCR, and is suitable for the super early diagnosis of
various fluorescent dyes (e.g. CyberGreen) or DNA probes WSSV (Pan et al. 2017). However, the method of DNA
(e.g. Taqman Probe) along with primer. Either techniques extraction, template concentration and the size of the
quantify DNA depending on the intensity of fluorescence, amplicon considerably impact on the sensitivity of the PCR
whereas probe-based technique is extremely sensitive (Dur- technique. Moreover, a positive PCR test, which detects a
and & Lightner 2002). In contrast, dyes bind to any dsDNA DNA fragment, is a poor indicator of viral viability (Cha &
rather than specific ones, the biggest disadvantage of using Thilly 1993). In addition, in most of the cases, these tests
dyes in qPCR. However, nowadays two different types of require long-distance transportation of samples from field
dyes namely SyberGreen and EvaGreen are commonly used to lab. And these mode of testing generally require high
in many laboratories throughout the world, whereas Eva- cost, much time, highly trained laboratory personnel, and
Green dye is claimed to be the first and only PCR dye to dedicated laboratory space. To eradicate such problems,
date that is environmentally safe, however, this dye is cur- recently PCR-based WSSV test are proposed via a portable
rently the only qPCR dye to be used in droplet digital PCR ‘GD PCR machine’. This is a non-toxic, single use and bin-
(ddPCR) ( ary format test, designed for non-specialized shrimp farm-
between-evagreen-and-sybr-green/). The fluorescence sig- ers. In fact, during the field trial, GD testing had been
nal changes proportionally to the amount of replicated recognized as a valuable element. This technique has the
DNA with time and thus the DNA is quantified in ‘real potential to be used as a semi-quantitative approach, how-
time’, that is why it is called real-time PCR (http://www.en ever, this must be further investigated and optimized. This test could be performed rapidly, and has the potential to be
what-are-the-differences-between-pcr-rt-pcr-qpcr-and-rt- integrated with mobile app or computer connections to
qpcr?/). However, the real-time PCR is still an expensive make the process easier, and thus it can timely deliver out-
and sophisticated technique, and in such context, nested break report to the competent authorities (Minardi et al.
PCR represents the best alternative (Peinado-Guevara & 2019).
Lopez-Meyer 2006). There is also another method to quan-
tify DNA that is fluorescent quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR),
Management aspects of WSSV
whereas the result is assesses based on the accumulation of
DNA templates containing fluorescent PCR products (Bus- Exclusion of WSSV vectors and carrier organisms
tin 2000). This method is cheaper than RT-PCR (Ririe Most of the WSSV hosts are carriers and can potentially
et al. 1997), but as in dye-based qPCR, any kind of double- transmit the virus to shrimp farms when consumed or
strand DNA can generate fluorescence indicating that it is through co-existence with healthy shrimps (Haryadi et al.
less specific than TaqMan RT-PCR (Ririe et al. 1997), 2015). In the earthen pond, where farm water is exchanged
whereas TaqMan probes are used to increase the specificity periodically with water of natural sources such as rivers and
of RT-PCR (Holland et al. 1991). Another molecular tech- canals, effective exclusion of vectors and carriers is
nique is loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) appeared to be difficult. However, reduction in vectors and
method that was invented by Kono et al. (2004) as a novel careers as much as possible by following some cautions
technique. In that study, non-quantitative and probe-less may reduce the risk of WSD. Some practices such as sludge
LAMP method has been found as highly specific and 10- removal, ploughing, liming and complete system dry-out
fold sensitive diagnostic system for WSSV when compared between culture cycles can eradicate the existing WSSV vec-
with nested PCR. Moreover, this is a rapid method where tors and/or carriers such as crabs, polychaete worms and
the amplification of the target nucleic acids occurred under other benthic species (Corsin et al. 2001; Velasco et al.
isothermal conditions, therefore needing no sophisticated 2002; Mohan et al. 2008). However, in most instances,
machine for thermal cycling, making this method sludge is placed on the dike after removal from the pond

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

bottom. This practice might allow harmful micro-organ- ubiquitous Polychaetes that is a natural food of shrimp,
isms and benthic animals present in the sludge to be were found to be WSSV infected in ponds (Haryadi et al.
washed back into the pond. Therefore, bottom sludge is 2015). As such, feeding SPF broodstock of shrimp is a great
recommended to place far from the pond after excavation concern as they are fed mostly with dead aquatic animals
(Alapide et al. 2011). During watering the pond, filtration especially Polychaetes (Desrina et al. 2012); and the WSSV
of inlet water through 300 lm mesh screen is affordable to can pass from brood to the progeny (Sanchez-Paz 2010;
prevent the entry of vector and/or carrier animals and their Pradeep et al. 2012). Therefore, shrimp feed should be free
eggs. Post-watering application of phosphorus through fer- of viable WSSV particles.
tilization were reported to reduce risk of WSD outbreak in
the farm (Corsin et al. 2001; Velasco et al. 2002; Mohan
Greenhouse shrimp production
et al. 2008). In most farms, by-pass canals supplying water
to the ponds remain filled with water long after filling the Changes in climatic conditions have been demonstrated to
pond with water. This retention of water in the canal has contribute to shrimp diseases outbreak through alterations
been observed to offer room for proliferation of an array of in the distribution, prevalence and virulence of different
WSSV hosts which in turn pass the virus into shrimp ponds types of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and para-
during the subsequent filling of the pond. Therefore, drai- sites. On the other hand, changes in various climatic fea-
nage gate should be constructed in each by-pass canal that tures, for example temperature, may change disease
can drain out the remaining water into it after pond filling, susceptibility of the host (Harvell et al. 1999; Tendencia
and allow the canal thorough drying before the next refill- et al. 2010). In fact, low atmospheric temperature which
ing activity (World Bank 2014). Apart from carriers, aqua- affects water temperature is an important WSSV risk factor
tic birds have been identified as crucial vectors responsible (Tendencia et al. 2010). Lower temperatures enhance viral
for spreading WSSV from one pond to another in the same replication and decrease the immune response of shrimp
farm. Although faeces containing WSSV is not infective, (Vidal et al. 2001; Reyes et al. 2007). As such, application
regurgitation of a WSSV-infected shrimp by birds, which is of greenhouse technique in shrimp production may reduce
common in most aquatic birds, can potentially enhance the the occurrence of WSD as greenhouse technology is usually
spread of WSSV (Sanchez-Paz 2010; World Bank 2014). It affordable to naturally maintain higher temperature inside
is for this reason that technologies preventing accessibility compared with that of surrounding environment. Accord-
of birds to shrimp rearing units were initiated. The use of ing to Vidal et al. (2001), WSD does not develop in WSSV
birds scare lines (Fig. 9a) has been effectively used in infected L. vannamei at temperatures above 32°C but when
Malaysia to control the spread of WSSV. It involves cover- the temperature is reduced to 26°C, the disease developed
ing a pond with a monofilament net supported by wooden very fast. This results were found to be consistent to that of
columns anchored at the pond bottom (World Bank 2014). Rahman et al. (2006), where the authors stated that the
Crab fencing (Fig. 9b) is also one of such farm-based higher temperature (32–33°C) retards the replication of
strategies that prevents crabs from accessing shrimp ponds. WSSV in infected shrimp. The phenomenon has also been
The practice involves erection of plastic barriers (50 cm reported for other penaeid species (Guan et al. 2003; Guna-
high) around the pond; and this barrier prevents crabs lan et al. 2010; Kakoolaki et al. 2011; Stalin et al. 2012).
from accessing shrimp culture units (World Bank 2014). Following the results of these studies, some shrimp farmers
Furthermore, shrimp feed could be the cause of WSSV in China, South and Central America resorted to farming
introduction in the new environment. In fact, in an experi- of shrimps in greenhouse enclosed ponds or raceways dur-
ment, SPF L. vannamei fed with Dendronereis spp., a ing winter (Sonnenholzner & Calderon 2004; Peng et al.

(a) (b)

Figure 9 Physical barriers for denying crabs and birds access to shrimp ponds. (a) Birds’ scares (arrow). (b) Crab fencing (arrow).(Source: World Bank

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2014). In the same way, this technology may be beneficial greenhouses did not suffer mortalities due to WSSV infec-
to shrimp culture in the temperate regions of the planet. tion as it was the case in outdoor shrimp farms. The nurs-
On the other hand, higher temperatures may facilitate the ery system as a WSSV management tool enables shrimp
survival and growth of rare animals in some cases. Prelimi- farmers to hold postlarvae in warm conditions in green-
nary studies have reported an overall survival of 85% and houses to avoid the potential risk of WSD during cold sea-
1.3 g week1 growth rate (McAbee et al. 2003). Addition- son before stocking in outdoor grow out ponds is done
ally, in aquaculture system, maintenance of proper biosecu- when conditions improve (World Bank 2014).
rity is important in terms of disease prevention. Being an
enclosed system, greenhouse can protect WSSV vectors like
Shrimp polyculture
birds; and also prevent the addition of rainwater that may
cause reduction in pH, temperature and salinity. Several As defined by Martınez-Porchas et al. (2010) polyculture is
authors stated that, as greenhouse system allows for strin- the addition of one or more species on top of the main cul-
gent biosecurity implementation and less water exchange tured species. It can be direct, where both species share the
with the external environment, it can minimize diseases same unit; cage-cum-pond where the added species is put
introduction in areas where endemism is experienced in a cage or sequential where the added species are placed
(McAbee et al. 2003; Kumara & Hettiarachchi 2018). In in different interconnected units (Yi & Fitzsimmons 2004).
Mexico, a three-phase nursery system has been imple- As a farming practice, polyculture provides a cheaper way
mented where after a period in the hatchery, the larvae are of producing an extra crop with the already existing
held in greenhouse raceway ponds until they are above 45 resources besides mitigating the problems associated with
days old before they are transferred into grow out ponds the shrimp industry (Muangkeow et al. 2007; Troell et al.
(Abad 2015). The technology has been successful in Malay- 2009). In South Korea, after the outbreak of WSD in 2004,
sia with mixed results of success and failures being reported polyculture of shellfish, seaweeds and finfish was embraced
in Thailand and Vietnam (Abad 2015). The materials used to cushion shrimp farmers against future losses because of
for construction of greenhouses (Fig. 10) differ depending massive shrimp mortalities (Jang et al. 2007). The red algae
on the level of investment and range from expensive metals (Kappaphycus spp.) is commonly grown in polyculture with
and concrete structures to cheap bamboo columns and shrimp and has been reported to possess antiviral and
plastic polymers (Sonnenholzner & Calderon 2004; Peng antimicrobial properties (Trono 1999). However, its appli-
et al. 2014), suggesting that the construction of greenhouse cation in WSD management has not been reported. Shrimp
is not always much costly. Primarily, the technology was polyculture seems to have huge potential, however, the fact
aimed at enhancing shrimp supply during winter but has is that the polyculture is not a common practice; and this
been critical in controlling WSSV by maintaining higher culture system is rarely studied by the researchers. In a
water temperature in rearing units (Peng et al. 2014). Son- report, the authors stated that polyculture of shrimp-fish
nenholzner and Calderon (2004) noted that a temperature and shrimp-crab reduce the susceptibility of shrimp to dis-
difference between 3 and 5°C could be obtained in green- eases. Several authors mentioned some fish, especially
houses compared with outdoor systems. In the same study, omnivorous fish and crustacean species such as mullet, tila-
it was also reported that the shrimps stocked in pia, Fugu spp., perch, sea bream and crab that are useful in
shrimp polyculture (see Shengli & Qinying 1996). In an
experiment, potential of polyculture in management of
WSD has been demonstrated where shrimps were stocked
with an omnivorous fish river puffer. By stocking L. van-
namei and Fenneropenaeus chinensis separately in monocul-
tures and polycultures with river puffer (Takifugu obscurus)
in shrimp ponds, higher survivals (Fig. 11) were observed
in the polycultures compared with monocultures. However,
the authors also reported that the application of the strat-
egy in Chinese shrimp (P. chinensis) did not provide simi-
lar benefits because Chinese shrimp are more susceptible to
WSSV compared with L. vannamei and F. chinensis (Jang
et al. 2007). Hence, the impact of polyculture in reducing
the WSD risk is appeared to be species specific. The expla-
Figure 10 Raceway ponds enclosed in a green house. The raceways nation of better performance in shrimp polyculture with
are covered with waterproof plastic sheet (arrow).(Source: McAbee omnivorous fish species was given by the authors is that the
et al. 2003; World Bank 2014) omnivorous fish would consume dead and moribund

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40 polyculture do not prevent WSD directly, but perhaps do

partially at least by reducing stress in shrimps by ensuring
Survival (%)

better water quality. In addition, antibacterial, antifungal

20 and cytotoxic activity of mucus of subordinate species in
shrimp polyculture may reduce shrimp’s susceptibility to
bacterial diseases and thus may also reduce the impact of
0 WSSV-microbes synergism in infection in shrimp. Several
Lv Lv+P Fc Fc+P
experiments revealed better performance in growth of
Type of culture
shrimp in mixed culture. For example Ghosh et al. (2016)
Figure 11 Survival of L. vannamei and F. chinensis after WSSV out-
conducted an experiment on L. vannamei-Mugil cephalus
break in two different culture patterns. Lv = L. vannamei in monocul- mixed culture in floating cages and found significantly
ture; Lv + P = L. vannamei in polyculture with T. obscurus; Fc = higher production of L. vannamei comparing with mono-
F. chinensis in monoculture; Fc + P = F. chinensis in polyculture with culture, where the species complemented each other and did
T. obscurus. (Source: Jang et al. 2007) not interfere in their growth. Even, mixed culture of L. van-
namei at high density with M. cephalus offered optimal uti-
shrimp hence reducing the viral load and chances of shrimp lization of the available space inside the cages. Likewise,
getting infection. Additionally, such types of polyculture Yuan et al. (2010) recorded the best shrimp production,
systems help in balancing the mini-ecology of shrimp FCR and shrimp survival rate, and net profit in L. van-
ponds (Shengli & Qinying 1996). namei-Oreochromis spp. polyculture in tanks. The authors
Moreover, efficiency of nitrogen utilization has been recommended to manipulate further the feed and feeding of
recorded as higher in polyculture systems compared with the animals.
that in monoculture systems (Zhen-xiong et al. 2001). Thus, Despite advantages, there are several disadvantages of
polyculture systems ensure better management in water shrimp polyculture to be mentioned. Antagonism between the
quality. For instance in an experiment, integrated culture of species may be claimed as one of the main problems of poly-
shrimp, shellfish and seaweed found to be beneficial, where culture, where carnivorous fish can consume shrimps or
hairy cockle (Scapharca inaequivalvis) and seaweed shrimps can attack other organisms (Martınez-Porchas et al.
(Gracilaria spp.) contributed in reduction in total ammonia 2010). But antagonism can be controlled using appropriate
nitrogen (TAN), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous polyculture, simple engineering (e.g. biomass, space, dissolved
(TP) concentrations from shrimp effluents by 61, 72 and oxygen) and proper sequencing of the ponds as described by
71% respectively (Bunting 2006). In another polyculture Chien and Tsai (1985). Focusing on shrimp polyculture,
experiment, tilapia has been reported to improve water qual- Martınez-Cordova (1999) suggested not to stock shrimp at
ity by feeding on excess organic matter, and thus, to increase intensive densities in the farm to reduce the possibility of
shrimp production (Akiyama & Anggawati 1998). Wang increased oxygen consumer biomass. Although this problem
et al. (1998) reported the similar results in Chinese shrimp– could be solved through intensive aeration, however, the feasi-
hybrid tilapia polyculture system. Furthermore, antibacterial, bility and sustainability of this practice could be questionable.
antifungal and cytotoxic activity of mucus of many fish In the economic aspect, polyculture may require compara-
(Magarinos et al. 1995; Hellio et al. 2002) [e.g. Siganus fus- tively higher initial investment because of infrastructure, aera-
cescens, S. guttatus (Martınez-Porchas et al. 2010), Ore- tion, feed and human effort, but indeed, investment varies
ochromis urolepis, milkfish (Tendencia et al. 2004; Tendencia with type of polyculture, the intensification and the design of
et al. 2006)] may contribute in reducing bacterial load from the system (Chien & Tsai 1985; Gonzales-Corre 1988).
the culture water. In fact, in an experiment, genetically
improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) decreased luminous bacte-
rial counts and as a consequence increased the survival of Disinfection and batch production
shrimp (P. monodon) Tendencia et al. (2006). But, to date, Stocking ponds should be disinfected before starting a new
concrete report is not available on the impact of polyculture production cycle. In some small intensive production units,
in controlling Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease the ponds are chlorinated between production cycles. Fur-
(AHPND) or Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS), a critical thermore, liming of larger ponds has been practiced in
bacterial disease in shrimp farms. Some aquatic weeds such many areas for disinfection purpose. Contamination from
as red seaweeds (Gracilaria salicornia and Gracilaria fisheri), nearby farms is a main problem facing shrimp growers
green seaweed (Caulerpa macrophysa) and brown seaweed nowadays with disinfection of small ponds in areas with
(Sargassum polycystum) were found to be capable of effec- many smaller producers exist in each area (Cock et al.
tively assimilating TAN, NO2 and NO3 (>40%) (Kaewsura- 2015; Kumara & Hettiarachchi 2018). Lucas and Southgate
likhit 1994; Khidprasert 1995). All these benefits of (2012) suggested that batch production system can reduce

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the risk of WSD in aquaculture systems. The authors have (Lavine & Strand 2002; Vazquez et al. 2009). The cellular
also indicated that the batch production can give a chance immune responses include apoptosis, encapsulation,
for shrimp growers to clear and disinfect all the ponds in phagocytosis and nodule formation, whereas the humoral
each area at the same time, and then to stock all shrimps as responses mediated by haemocytes that include the prophe-
a single batch. This production system may help larger noloxidase (proPO) system, the clotting cascade and secre-
organizations, even with small ponds, to move towards tion of antimicrobial peptides (Ganz 2003; Li & Xiang
batch production (Lucas & Southgate 2012). However, this 2013). Several research reported that WSD can be pre-
is not normally feasible for the smaller producers unless vented by enhancing immune system of the shrimps (Itami
they are socially organized in such a manner that they can et al. 1998; Thitamadee et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2016c; Sinu-
manage many small units coherently (Olesen et al. 2015). rat et al. 2016). Many studies showed that prebiotics and
In Thailand, WSSV is prevented from getting into the probiotics are capable of controlling diseases in aquaculture
ponds by combining batch production and stocking with through their many beneficial activities associated to the
SPF stocks in the hot dry season where higher temperature environment and the physiology of animals. Many prebi-
and general growth conditions are not conducive for the otics such as inulin, fructooligosaccharides, short-chain
occurrence of the disease (Briggs et al. 2005). Correspond- fructooligosaccharides, mannanoligosaccharides, galac-
ingly in Malaysia, several authors reported that WSD is more tooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and arabinoxy-
severe in the wet season compared with the dry season looligosaccharides, isomaltooligosaccharides have
(Oseko et al. 2006). These studies can indicate the best pre- experimentally used in aquaculture, and to date several
vention method of WSSV is simply not to stock during the commercial prebiotics are available (see Ringø et al. 2010).
winter and monsoon season when the conditions are favour- Similarly, many beneficial Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
able for the occurrence of WSD outbreaks. Therefore, WSSV tive bacterial species, are probiotics, have been recom-
can be prevented by combining a batch production system mended to use in aquaculture (see Hai 2015). Many of the
with production cycles synchronized with environmental prebiotics and probiotics studied till date, can cause
conditions which not favourable for the disease outbreaks immunostimulation along with other benefits in fish, shell-
(Briggs et al. 2005; Oseko et al. 2006; Olesen et al. 2015). fish and shrimp (see Ringø et al. 2010; Cruz et al. 2012)
A wide variety of disinfectants are used in aquaculture. (Tables 2 and 3). However, fish have extensively studied in
Among which, most commonly used disinfectants are this regard, comparing with shrimp. Moreover, most of the
formaldehyde, potassium permanganate, chlorine and chlo- research on prebiotic and probiotic use in aquaculture deal
rine-containing compounds (e.g. calcium hypochlorite, with bacterial infections (see Ringø et al. 2010). In contrast,
sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride) and iodine (see their use in controlling viral diseases is less studied. How-
Rico et al. 2012). Overall, aquaculture disinfectants, how- ever, a few studies show notable benefits of prebiotic and
ever, are moderately to highly toxic to planktonic and probiotic use in aquaculture in controlling viral diseases in
macroinvertebrates. For example chlorine disinfectants shrimp (Tables 2 and 3). For example in an experiment,
(e.g. calcium or sodium hypochlorite) react with organic dietary administration of a prebiotic inulin decreased the
matter, giving rise to significant concentrations of organic prevalence of WSSV in L. vannamei, however, there was no
chlorine compounds such as halogenated hydrocarbons, difference between treatment and control groups in terms
which are highly toxic to aquatic life and are persistent of survival of experimental animal (Luna-Gonzalez et al.
environmental contaminants (Emmanuel et al. 2004). In 2012). Supplementation of a combination of a prebiotic
addition, application of disinfectants to the farm water or isomaltooligosaccharides and a probiotic Bacillus OJ
soil kills beneficial microbes along with harmful ones, enhanced resistance of L. vannamei to WSSV and signifi-
therefore, it can harm the microbial maturity of water. On cantly increased the survival recorded after 14 days of
the other hand, disinfectants those negatively impact plank- postinfection (Li et al. 2009b). Some other probiotics such
tons may harm green water technique in shrimp culture. as engineered Lactobacillus plantarum (Thammasorn et al.
However, it is perhaps a matter of time to get back the 2017), Bacillus PC465 (Chai et al. 2016) and Bacillus OJ (Li
microbial maturity of culture water in the disinfected farm. et al. 2009b) significantly enhanced several immune param-
eters including transcription of penaeidin 3a, peroxinectin,
C-type lectin 3 and thioredoxin, haemocyanin, prophe-
Immune stimulation
noloxidase; transcription of crustin (Chai et al. 2016),
It is well known that the invertebrates only relay on their phagocytosis and acid phosphatase (Li et al. 2009b); and
innate immune defences as they do not have adaptive developed resistance to YHV (Thammasorn et al. 2017)
immune system (see He et al. 2015; Li et al. 2019). How- and WSSV (Li et al. 2009b; Chai et al. 2016) and increased
ever, evidence shows that invertebrate-haemocytes play a survival of L. vannamei in experimental conditions (Li
crucial role both in their cellular and humoral immunity et al. 2009b; Chai et al. 2016; Thammasorn et al. 2017).

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Table 2 Effects of prebiotics on the physiology of shrimp and lobster

Prebiotics Experimental species Dose Treatment Changes Survival References


Inulin from Agave tequilana Litopenaeus vannamei 2.5 or 5 g kg1 62 or 73 d proPO↑; WSSV prevalence↓ NE Luna-Gonzalez
et al. (2012)
Short-chain Litopenaeus vannamei 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 6w PO↑; RB↑*; WG, FCR# NE Li et al. (2007)
fructooligosaccharides 1, 2, 4 or 8 g kg1
Short-chain Litopenaeus vannamei 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 8w WG, SGR↑; FCR↓; ↑ Zhou et al.
fructooligosaccharides or 1.6 g kg1 promote intestinal (2007)
Mannanoligosaccharides Homarus gammarus 20 ppt – Disease resistance↑ ↑* Daniels et al.
Mannanoligosaccharides Penaeus semisulcatus 3 g kg1 48 d Growth↑; FCR↓ ↑ Genc et al.
Mannanoligosaccharides Litopenaeus vannamei Encapsulated 13 d THC, PO, RB, expression of ↑* Hamsah et al.
Artemia serine protein, peroxinectin, (2019)
lipopolysaccharide and b-1,
3-glucan-binding protein,
resistance to Vibrio harveyi
Isomaltooligosaccharides Litopenaeus vannamei 2 g kg1 28 d Ph, PO, RB, AP↑*; intestinal ↑* Li et al.
(+ Bacillus OJ) Vibrio↓*; resistance to (2009a,2009b)

AP, Acid phosphatase; d, Day; FCR, Feed conversion ratio; NE, No effect; Ph, Phagocytosis; PO, Phenoloxidase; proPO, prophenoloxidase; RB, Respira-
tory burst; SGR, Specific growth rate; w, Week; WG, Weight gain; #, No change; *, Significant change; ↑, Increase; ↓, Decrease.

Interestingly, a study revealed that the injection of meta- In an experiment, the addition of 4% of dried Undaria pin-
bolic products of an actinomycetes isolate (Streptomyces natifida (brown seaweed) in feed lowered the mortality in
ghanaensis CHASH-2) is capable of inactivating WSSV in L. vannamei challenged with WSSV, where the survival was
shrimp, whereas the inactivation of WSSV was confirmed found to be much better (48%) compared with that of con-
by several techniques namely PCR, RT-PCR, Western blot trol (74%); however, the authors did not mention any
and ELISA. The results also showed a reduction in mortality immunological parameters of the host (Schleder et al.
in experimental animals (Rajkumar et al. 2018). 2018) and, a similar finding was reported by Niu et al.
Furthermore, immunostimulation can be achieved by (2018). In another experiment, post-vaccination supple-
feeding with compounds containing pathogen-associated mentation of extracted herbal immunostimulants from
molecular patterns (PAMPs) which are known to activate Acalypha indica, Cynodon dactylon, Picrorrhiza kurrooa,
the host innate immune system. The studies by Itami et al. Withania somnifera and Zingiber officinalis showed a dose-
(1998) indicated that feeding P. japonicus with peptidogly- dependent significant survival (<60%) of P. monodon. In
cans over a period has increased the phagocytic activity of the same experiment, supplementation of herbal immunos-
granular cells of the host haemocyte leading to a significant timulants provided with better performance in growth of
decrease in mortality upon WSSV exposure (Itami et al. the experimental animal (Yogeeswaran et al. 2012). Dietary
1998). Likewise, the other studies by Thitamadee et al. administration of equally mixed methanolic extracts of five
(2014) revealed that injection of b-glucan prior to WSSV different herbal medicinal plants namely Cyanodon dacty-
infection has resulted in activation of the prophenoloxidase lon, Aegle marmelos, Tinospora cordifolia, Picrorhiza kurooa
system. The activation of this system has led to a reduction and Eclipta alba at a rate of 800 mg kg1 feed enhanced
in mortality (25–50% as compared to 100% in controls). haematological, biochemical and immunological parame-
However, these studies revealed that repeated dosages of b- ters; and significantly enhanced the survival (74%) in
glucan resulted in high mortality rates in the host. This WSSV infected shrimp, P. monodon (Citarasu et al. 2006).
may be associated with excess generation of reactive oxygen Chang et al. (2018) reported the immunestimulating
species (Thitamadee et al. 2014). capacity of Astragalus polysaccharides, whereas the supple-
Since the side-effects of synthesized chemical (e.g. antibi- mentation of this polysaccharides at a rate of 0.2 g kg1
otics) use to prevent diseases in aquaculture have been clar- feed enhanced several immune parameters in shrimp suf-
ified, herbal immunostimulants, as a better alternative, are fering WSSV challenge, however, the survival did not sig-
being studied in the field of disease control in aquaculture. nificantly change (Chang et al. 2018). Therefore, herbal

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Table 3 Effects of probiotics on the physiology of shrimp

Probiotics Experimental species Dose Treatment Physiological effects Survival Survival References
period checked

Engineered Shrimp 1011 CFU g1 5d Resistance to YHV or AHPND↑ ↑* 8 dpi Thammasorn
Lactobacillus feed et al. (2017)
Bacillus PC465 Litopenaeus 107 or 109 30 d WG↑*; transcription of ↑* 22 dpi Chai et al.
vannamei CFU g1 feed penaeidin 3a, peroxinectin, (2016)
C-type lectin 3, thioredoxin,
haemocyanin, proPO↑*;
transcription of crustin↓;
resistance to WSSV
Bacillus OJ Litopenaeus 1010 CFU 28 d Ph↑; AP↑*; resistance to WSSV↑ ↑* 14 dpi Li et al.
vannamei g1 feed (2009b)
Lactobacillus spp. Litopenaeus 5, 10 or 15% 21 d THC, Ph, PO, IgG, IgA, IgM↑*; – – Sandeepa
vannamei in feed resistance to WSSV↑ and Ammani
Bacillus licheniformis Litopenaeus 1 9 106, 2 9 12 d Dose dependent changes: NE 20 dpi Sanchez-Ortiz
Mat32 + B. subtilis vannamei 106, 4 9 106 SGR↑*; up-regulation of SOD, et al. (2016)
MAt43 + B. subtilis or 6 9 106 proPO, LvToll and Hsp70 gene↑*;
GAtB1 CFU g1 TGase gene↓#; WSSV and
feed (1:1:1) IHHNV prevalence↓*;
Bacillus S11 Penaeus – 100 d Resistance to Vibrio harveyi D331↑ ↑* 10 dpi Rengpipat
monodon et al. (1998)
Saccharomyces Penaeus 1% in feed 7w Resistance to Vibrio harveyi BP05# NE – Scholz et al.
cerevisiae, vannamei (1999)
Phaffia rhodozyma
Bacillus P64 or Litopenaeus 3% in feed 25 d Global immunity index↑* – – Gullian et al.
V. alginolyticus vannamei (2004)
Pseudoalteromonas Litopenaeus Encapsulated 13 d THC, PO, RB, expression of ↑* 5 dpi Hamsah et al.
piscicida or P. vannamei Artemia serine protein, peroxinectin, (2019)
piscicida + MOS lipopolysaccharide and b-1,
3-glucan-binding protein,
resistance to Vibrio harveyi

AHPND, Acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease; AP, Acid phosphatase; d, Day; dpi, Day post infection; IHHNV, Infectious hypodermal and
haematopoietic necrosis; NE, No effect; Ph, Phagocytosis; PO, Phenoloxidase; proPO, prophenoloxidase; RB, Respiratory burst; SGR, Specific growth
rate; SOD, Superoxide dismutase; THC, Total haemocyte count; w, Week; WG, Weight gain; YHV, Yellow head virus; #, No change; *, Significant
change; ↑, Increase; ↓, Decrease.

treatment could open the door towards the control of WSD 2015; Momtaz et al. 2018). To date, many reports on vacci-
in shrimp. However, multiple research have already been nation of shrimp against WSSV are available, and most of
conducted in controlling a wide variety of bacterial infec- which focused on WSSV protein subunit vaccines. Among
tions in fish using herbal products. But the effect of many nearly 40 identified envelop proteins of WSSV, a few have
herbal immunostimulants in controlling WSD in shrimp is been extensively studied in terms of their potential in devel-
yet to be unravelled. oping recombinant WSSV subunit vaccines. The WSSV
subunit vaccines might be categorized as monovalent and
multivalent vaccines (Feng et al. 2017). Furthermore, there
Vaccination against WSSV
are also reports on inactivated whole WSSV vaccines and
Invertebrates lack an adaptive immune system, and they DNA vaccines.
depend on innate immune defences (reviewed in He et al. Targeting monovalent WSSV vaccine development, sev-
2015; Li et al. 2019). Thus, it is not possible to develop vac- eral envelop proteins such as VP28, VP19, VP26, VP24,
cine in the conventional way as it is done in mammals and VP292 and VP466 were focused, whereas, VP28, as a first
other vertebrates. However, some studies have provided protein candidate, has had been extensively studied since it
evidence that certain forms of pathogen-specific ‘immune is known to play an important role in early stage of virus
priming’ are possible in invertebrates (Musthaq & Kwang infection (van Hulten et al. 2000b 2001b). In an

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experiment, vaccination with VP28 enhanced the immunity shrimp was achieved by administrating CotB-VP28 fusion
against WSSV in L. vannamei by significantly increasing protein vaccine (Ning et al. 2011). Therefore, CotC could
HSP70 and two serine proteases, chymotrypsin and trypsin draw an attention to the researchers towards the develop-
(Chen et al. 2016b). Aiming at vaccine production, various ment of a novel vaccine usable in broad scale (Valdez et al.
expression systems have been developed nowadays, such as 2014). Moreover, several studies revealed better results in
bacteria, virus, algae, yeast and transgenic animals combine use of monovalent vaccines instead of using them
(Tables 4 and 5). Among these systems, E. coli is the most separately (Jha et al. 2006 2007; Lee & Chen 2017)
commonly used expression system that produces most (Table 5), urging an increased research efforts in this area.
effective VP28 vaccine to date. However, all the expression Vaccination with inactivated whole WSSV shows success
systems have some limitations described in Table 6. Along in protecting shrimp against WSD (Table 7). In this prac-
with VP28, some other monovalent WSSV vaccine also tice, WSSV is inactivated by means of heat and binary
confer protection to shrimp (Table 4). For example in an ethylenimine (BEI) (Zhu et al. 2009), formalin (Amar &
experiment, vaccine targeting VP26 envelop protein Faisan 2011), or gamma irradiation (Heidareh et al. 2014).
showed 100% protection to shrimp against WSSV infection Among these inactivation practices, formalin-inactivated
(Satoh et al. 2008). But, unlike VP28, lack of effective deliv- WSSV is appeared to confer highest protection (100%) as
ery systems and practical pilot tests restrict such vaccines shown in the experiment conducted by (Singh et al. 2005)
from their commercial use in shrimp farming industry where the vaccine was orally administrated. A recent study
(Feng et al. 2017). The characteristics of each subunit vac- revealed a 91% survival rate in L. vannamei vaccinated with
cine can be compared with respects to gene expression, the electron beam irradiated WSSV (Motamedi-Sedeh et al.
form of the protein subunits used, the mode of administra- 2017). However, despite having potential, this system still
tion and the level of protection. Focusing on different lagging behind because of difficulties in mass production of
administration methods, the chronology of effectiveness is the virus (Feng et al. 2017).
injection > immersion > oral vaccination (Jha et al. 2006; DNA vaccines are also studied in several shrimp species;
Syed & Kwang 2011), but indeed, vaccination dose and and so far, many studies have demonstrated notable protec-
number-dependent survival also observed in many experi- tion of DNA vaccines to shrimp against WSSV infection
ments (Table 4). However, orally vaccinated shrimp also (Table 8). Most of the DNA vaccine studies focused on
show higher survival rates when challenge test also follows those that encode VP28, and revealed highest protection
oral pathway (Satoh et al. 2008). Although the injection rates (Table 8). DNA vaccination in shrimp enhances the
method of vaccines provides best protection, this adminis- survival by means of significant stimulation of their
tration mode is not suitable for commercial scale opera- prophenoloxidase (proPO) and superoxide dismutase
tions, and therefore, improving the immune effect of (SOD) activity (Kumar et al. 2008), haemocyte phagocyto-
vaccines administered by the oral mode could be the best sis (Chotigeat et al. 2007), expression of lysozyme (Li et al.
practical choice for the shrimp farming industry. In fact, 2010) and immune-related proteins (Kono et al. 2009;
this simple method saves time and effort, avoids any oper- Musthaq & Kwang 2014). Furthermore, DNA vaccines are
ating pressure, and easily applicable to small and large sized advantageous due to its inexpensive cost and easy mainte-
animal (Kang et al. 2018). However, to date there is a lim- nance as it is easy to mix transgenic E. coli (Mu et al.
ited success in vaccination through oral administration. An 2012), S. typhimurium (Ning et al. 2009) and baculovirus
antiviral vaccine report in 2014 revealed that only two of (Rattanarojpong et al. 2016), the different delivery systems,
more than 17 commercially available vaccines were orally with feed. In addition, a study checked the effect of DNA
usable (Dhar et al. 2014), indicating a weak market of com- vaccination (VP28 and VP19 DNA constructs) on the
mercial oral vaccine (Mutoloki et al. 2015). Furthermore, growth performance of shrimp, where no significant differ-
commercialized oral vaccines are claimed to have low yields ence was observed between treatment and control groups
because of their rapid degradation by gastric acid and other (Das et al. 2010) and, similar findings were reported by
digestive fluids before reaching the immune site (Mutoloki Ning et al. (2009). Hence, this technique seems suitable for
et al. 2015). The development of high-quality oral vaccines the mass production of shrimp.
is complex and difficult because the immune mechanism
for oral vaccines is still to be clarified (Kang et al. 2018).
Gene silencing
Hence, much studies is needed in the field of development
of amenable vaccination of shrimp against WSSV. In many eukaryotes, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is an
Aiming the enhancement of protective effects of vaccines, important regulator of gene expression. Therefore, different
polyvalent WSSV vaccines have been developed through types of gene silencing that are collectively referred to as
fusion expression or combine use of different monovalent RNA silencing or RNA interference (RNAi) are triggered by
subunit vaccines. In a study, 100% protection rate of dsRNA. In the mechanism of RNAi, processing of dsRNAs

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Table 4 Trials of different monovalent vaccines against WSSV in shrimp

Protein Expression host Protein form Experimented Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode period mode rate checked
B. K. Dey et al.

VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 0 dpv 70% 15 dpc Witteveldt et al. (2004b)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 3 dpv 70% 14 dpc Witteveldt et al. (2004b)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 7 dpv 77% 14 dpc Witteveldt et al. (2004b)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 21 dpv 50% 14 dpc Witteveldt et al. (2004b)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 M. japonicus Oral (10 µg g1) 15 d Oral 10 dpv 100% 30 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 M. japonicus Oral 15 d Imm. 10 dpv 71% 17 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 M. japonicus Oral 15 d Injc. 10 dpv 61% 29 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 57% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 51% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 60% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 60% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 54% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 54% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 L. vannamei Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 3 dpv 0% 12 dpc Yang et al. (2012)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis spores P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 3 dpv 68% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2008)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis spores P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 14 dpv 78% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2008)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis spores P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 28 dpv ~60% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2008)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis vegetative P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 3 dpv 43% 25 dpc Fu et al. 2008;
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis vegetative P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 14 dpv 52% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2008)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis vegetative P. clarkii Oral 20 d Imm. 28 dpv ~40% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2008)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis F. chinensis Oral 20 d - 3 dpv 77% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis F. chinensis Oral 20 d – 14 dpv 83% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 B. subtilis Transgenic B. subtilis F. chinensis Oral 20 d - 28 dpv 72% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 E. coli Transgenic E. coli F. chinensis Oral 20 d – 3 dpv ~65% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 E. coli Transgenic E. coli F. chinensis Oral 20 d – 14 dpv ~72% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 E. coli Transgenic E. coli F. chinensis Oral 20 d – 28 dpv ~68% 25 dpc Fu et al. (2010)
VP28 E. coli Transgenic E. coli E. carincauda Injc. 1st-(7 d)-2nd Injc. 2nd & 3rd ~ 50% 7 dpc Sun et al. (2013)
-(7 d)-3rd vac. day
VP28 M13 Recombinant M13 phage L. vannamei Injc. 48 h Injc. 0 dpv 45% – Solıs-Lucero et al. (2016)
VP28 Baculovirus Transgenic baculovirus P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 3 dpv 82% 15 dpc Syed and Kwang (2011)
VP28 Baculovirus Transgenic baculovirus P. monodon Imm. 1st-(5 d)-2nd Imm. 3 dpv 75% 15 dpc Syed and Kwang (2011)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 74% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 40% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (supernatant) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 87% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (supernatant) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 67% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (cells+PBS) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 27% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (cells + PBS) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 20% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (sonicated) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 87% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)

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Table 4 (continued)

Protein Expression host Protein form Experimented Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode period mode rate checked

VP28 P. pastories rVP28 P. pastories (sonicated) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 74% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP28 Silkworm pupae HyNPV-VP28-infected pupae P. clarkii Oral 28 d Injc. 0 dpv 52% 20 dpc Wei and Yang (2011)
VP28 Silkworm pupae HyNPV-VP28-infected pupae P. clarkii Oral 28 d Injc. 0 dpv 43% 20 dpc Wei and Yang (2011);
VP28 D. salina Transgenic D. salina Crayfish Oral 10 d Imm. 0 dpv 41% 20 dpc Feng et al. (2014)

Reviews in Aquaculture, 1–44

VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Injc. 3 dpv 95% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Sonicated B. brevis P. japonicus Oral 14 d Injc. 3 dpv 10% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)

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VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Injc. 14 dpv 60% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Sonicated B. brevis P. japonicus Oral 14 d Injc. 14 dpv 56% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Injc. 7 dpv 57% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Sonicated B. brevis P. japonicus Oral 14 d Injc. 7 dpv 15% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (10 µg sh.1) 14 d Injc. 3 dpv 68% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (1 µg sh.1) 14 d Injc. 3 dpv 67% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 1d Injc. 1 dpv 77% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 3d Injc. 1 dpv 79% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 B. brevis Purified VP28 P. japonicus Oral (50 µg sh.1) 7d Injc. 1 dpv 81% 15 dpc Caipang et al. (2008)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28C, VP28N L. vannamei Oral (40 µg sh.1) – – 7 dpv RPS 48%, 13% 14 dpc Qiu et al. (2012)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28C, VP28N L. vannamei Oral (40 µg sh.1) – – 14 dpv RPS 23%, 17% 14 dpc Qiu et al. (2012)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28C, VP28N L. vannamei Injc. (40 µg sh.1) – – 7 dpv RPS 30%, 8% 14 dpc Qiu et al. (2012)
VP28 E. coli E. coli Top 10 L. vannamei Oral – – 7 dpv RPS 8% 14 dpc Qiu et al. (2012)
VP28 E. coli E. coli Top 10 L. vannamei Oral - – 14 dpv RPS 10% 14 dpc Qiu et al. (2012)
VP28 B. choshinensis rVP28-MLV, rNVP28 M. japonicus Oral (25 µg sh.1) 3d Injc. 3 dpv 68%, 55% 16 dpc Mavichak et al. (2010)
VP28 B. choshinensis rVP28-MLV, rNVP28 M. japonicus Oral (25 µg sh.1) 7d Injc. 3 dpv 79%, 78% 16 dpc Mavichak et al. (2010)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 L. vannamei Injc. (10 µg g1) Together Injc. – 8% 7 d pc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP28 E. coli Purified rVP28 C. clarki Oral (100 µg an.1) 7d Injc. 1 dpv 40% 14 dpc Zhang et al. (2012)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 7 dpv 77% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 14 dpv 70% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 25 dpv 17% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 E. coli Purified VP28 P. monodon Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 50 dpv 4% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 - Purified VP28 P. monodon Injc. (5 µg sh.1) Once Injc. 0 dpv 60% 14 dpc Aksono and Suprapto
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 18% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 14% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (supernatant) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 27% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (supernatant) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 14% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (cells + PBS) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 21% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (cells + PBS) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 7% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (sonicated) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 34% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 P. pastories rVP19 P. pastories (sonicated) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 23% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP19 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 0 dpv 7% 15 dpc Witteveldt et al.
White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

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Table 4 (continued)

Protein Expression host Protein form Experimented Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode period mode rate checked

VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 23% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 8% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 47% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 53% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 17% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 E. coli Purified VP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 14% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 Sf21 insect cells Purified rVP19 P. chinensis Injc. Once Injc. 7 dpv 50% 15 dpc Ha et al. (2008)
VP19 Sf21 insect cells Purified rVP19 P. chinensis Oral Once Injc. 10 dpv 51% 15 dpc Ha et al. (2008)
VP19 - Purified VP19 P. monodon Injc. (5 µg sh.1) Once Injc. 0 dpv 20% 14 dpc Aksono and Suprapto
VP24 E. coli Purified rVP24 P. monodon Oral (25 µg g1) 10 d Oral 1 dpv 64 10 dpc Thomas et al. (2014)
VP26 E. coli Purified rVP26 M. japonicus Oral (10 µg g1) 15 d Oral 10 dpv 100% 30 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP26 E. coli Purified rVP26 M. japonicus Oral 15 d Imm. 10 dpv 79% 17 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP26 E. coli Purified rVP26 M. japonicus Oral 15 d Injc. 10 dpv 69% 29 dpc Satoh et al. (2008)
VP36B E. coli Purified VP36B L. vannamei Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd Injc. 3 dpv 0% 12 dpc Yang et al. (2012)
VP39B E. coli Purified VP39B L. vannamei Injc. (10 µg g1) Together Injc. – 6% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP51B E. coli Purified VP51B L. vannamei Injc. (10 µg g1) Together Injc. – 39% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP292 E. coli Purified rVP292 P. monodon Injc. (0.1 mg g1) Once Injc. 30 dpv 37% 10 dpc Vaseeharan et al. (2006)
VP292 E. coli Purified rVP292 P. monodon Injc. (0.1 mg g1) 1st-(19 d)-2nd Injc. 10 dpv 60% 10 dpc Vaseeharan et al. (2006)
VP466 Sf21 insect cells Purified rVP466 P. chinensis Injc. Once Injc. 7 dpv 48% 15 dpc Ha et al. (2008)
VP466 Sf21 insect cells Purified rVP466 P. chinensis Oral Once Injc. 10 dpv 11% 15 dpc Ha et al. (2008)

an., Animal; B. brevis, Brevibacillus brevis; B. choshinensis, Brevibacillus choshinensis; d, Day; D. salina, Dunaliella salina; dpc, Day post challenge; dpv, Day post vaccination; E. carincauda, Exopalamon
carincauda; E. carincauda, Exopalamon carincauda; F. chinensis, Fenneropenaeus chinensis; h, Hour; hpc, Hour post challenge; Imm. , Immersion; Injc., Injection; M. japonicas, Marsupenaeus japoni-
cas; P. chinensis, Penaeus chinensis; P. clarkii, Procambarus clarkii; P. japonicas, Penaeus japonicas; P. pastories, Pichia pastories; RPS, Relative percentage survival; sh., Shrimp.

© 2019 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

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Table 5 Trials of different polyvalent vaccine against WSSV in shrimp

Protein Expression host Protein form Experimental Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode period mode rate checked

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VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 49% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 (whole) P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 27% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)

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VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 67% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 47% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 +VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 32% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
(cells + PBS)
VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 14% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
(cells + PBS)
VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 74% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 + VP28 P. pastories Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 67% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2007)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. monodon Oral 7d Imm. 0 dpv 50% 15 dpc Witteveldt et al.
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 3 dpv 47% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of VP19 and VP28 P. clarkii Oral 25 d Oral 21 dpv 43% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP19 and rVP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 63% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP19 and rVP28 P. clarkii Injc. (2 µg g1) 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 53% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP19 and rVP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 3 dpv 47% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP19 + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP19 and rVP28 P. clarkii Imm. 7 h-(4 d)-7 h Oral 21 dpv 43% 25 dpc Jha et al. (2006)
VP51B + VP39B E. coli Mixture of rVP51B and rVP39B L. vannamei Injc. (20 µg[1:1] g1) Together Injc. – 62% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP51B + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP51B and rVP28 L. vannamei Injc. (20 µg[1:1] g1) Together Injc. – 43% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP39B + VP28 E. coli Mixture of rVP39B and rVP28 L. vannamei Injc. (20 µg[1:1] g1) Together Injc. – 23% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP51B + E. coli Mixture of rVP51B, rVP39B L. vannamei Injc. (24 Together Injc. – 50% 7 dpc Lee and Chen (2017)
VP39B + VP28 and rVP28 µg[1:1:1] g1)
rTAT-VP28 E. coli Purified rTAT-VP28 C. clarkii Oral (100 µg an.1) 14 d Injc. 1 dpv 57% 14 dpc Zhang et al. (2012)
CotB-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores L. vannamei Oral 7d Injc. 7 dpv 65% 14 dpc Nguyen et al. (2014)
CotB-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 0 dpv ~40% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)
CotB-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 7 dpv 50% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)
CotB-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 21 dpv 30% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)
CotC-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 0 dpv ~45% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)
CotC-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 7 dpv 53% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)
CotC-VP28 B. subtilis spores Transgenic spores C. clarkii Oral 7d Injc. 21 dpv 32% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2011)

an., Animal; C. clarkia, Cambarus clarkii; d, Day; dpc, Day post challenge; dpv, Day post vaccination; h, Hour; Imm., Immersion; Injc., Injection; P. clarkii, Procambarus clarkii; P. pastories, Pichia pasto-
White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

B. K. Dey et al.

Table 6 Main advantages and disadvantages experienced in VP28 targeting vaccine production systems

Expression systems Advantages Disadvantages References

Bacteria High protection to animal Formation of insoluble inclusion bodies; Satoh et al. (2008), Yang et al. (2012)
complicated purification
Virus High protection to animal Strict culture requirements; contamination Musthaq et al. (2009), Syed and Kwang
risks to the environment (2011), Feng et al. (2017)
Yeast Rapid cell division; high High mannose glycosylation of Jha et al. (2007), Feng et al. (2017)
yield for vaccine recombinant WSSV proteins
Transgenic High protection to animal Too long production period; very difficult preparation Wei and Yang (2011), Feng et al. (2017)
silkworm pupae
Dunaliella salina Moderate protection Low yield or inconsistent Wei and Yang (2011), Feng et al. (2014)

into short RNA duplexes of characteristic size and structure level. Increasing evidence has shown that the expression of
is a key step (Meister & Tuschl 2004). Viral envelop pro- miRNAs is affected during virus or bacterial infection and
teins are known to play significant role in infection as these upon stress in shrimp (Gonzalez-Duarte & Garcıa-Carre~ no
are necessary to bind with host cell surface (Zhang et al. 2018). However, different miRNAs expressed differentially
2004; Wu et al. 2005). In this context, inhibition of WSSV in response to the pathogen. In a study, 31 miRNAs were
gene expression or gene silencing, envelop protein encod- differentially expressed in response to the virus, 25 of them
ing genes, for instance through RNAi could be the new were up-regulated and 6 of them were down-regulated
approach to control viral disease in shrimp (Gitlin et al. (Huang et al. 2012a). Another study revealed that miR-7 in
2002; Giladi et al. 2003; Lu et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2007; Atta- shrimp targets the 3’UTR of mRNA from viral ‘early gene’
sart et al. 2009; Mejıa-Ruız et al. 2011; Sanjuktha et al. wsv477 (involved in early DNA replication and virus prolif-
2012; Leu et al. 2013; Sangsuriya et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015a; eration), and thus, plays crucial roles in the virus–host inter-
Yuan et al. 2016; Ufaz et al. 2018). To date, many WSSV actions. Perhaps this knowledge can open a door for
genes have already been used as target genes for RNAi neu- controlling WSSV infection by regulating miR-7 (Huang &
tralization (Table 9). For example in an in vivo experiment Zhang 2012). The overexpression of another miRNA named
on P. japonicas a short (21 bp) interfering RNA targeting a miRNA-965 showed a reduction in WSSV copies and infec-
major envelop protein gene VP28 of WSSV has been used tion-induced mortality by targeting the wsv240 gene, a gene
to silence the VP28-specific gene (Xu et al. 2007; Ufaz et al. required for the WSSV infective process in shrimp (Shu
2018). In an experiment, significant reduction in apoptotic et al. 2016). Other two miRNAs named miR-71 and miR-
ratio of the haemocytes due to the knocked-down expres- 13b from M. japonicus were reported to simultaneously reg-
sion of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 gene (LvASK1) ulate autophagy, known to be involved in viral disease, and
by RNAi has been observed in WSSV-infected L. vannamei. WSSV infection (He et al. 2017). As the evidence shows that
In the same experiment, the cumulative mortality was miRNAs may play a role in the shrimp immune system
decreased in WSSV-infected L. vannamei due to the down- (Ruan et al. 2011) against virus infection (Kaewkascholkul
regulation of LvASK1 (Yuan et al. 2016). Although this et al. 2016), therefore, most of the recent research on miR-
silencing process is very sensitive, sequence variation as NAs’ role in shrimp has been focused in immune defence
small as 1 nucleotide can affect the silencing. However, this mechanisms (Table 10). Recently, a novel miRNA called
technique has been found to reduce the viral DNA produc- miR-1959, identified from L. vannamei, could enhance the
tion in infected shrimp and thus increased the survival (Xu activity of the promoter of WSSV immediate-early gene ie1.
et al. 2007). Recently, silencing of a novel WSSV gene Hence, inhibition of miR-1959 decrease the mortality of
(ORF89) has been found to reduce the viral replication sig- WSSV-infected shrimp where the genome copies and expres-
nificantly and increased the survival of shrimp. Therefore, sion of WSSV ie1 were decreased; and VP28 genes was
the author represented WSSV ORF89 as a novel RNAi tar- down-regulated (Xu et al. 2016). p38 mitogen-activated pro-
get against WSSV infection (Escobedo-Bonilla et al. 2015). tein kinases (MAPKs) are found in the organisms ranging
However, in some instances, long dsRNA were required from yeast to mammals; and take part in various cellular
engaging antiviral mechanisms and gene silencing, whereas responses to several stimuli. The activation of p38MAPKs
short RNAs failed to induce similar responses (Robalino can be induced by the MAPK kinase 6 (MKK6). Interest-
et al. 2005; Liu et al. 2016). Hence, appropriately modify- ingly, silencing of MKK6 in L. vannamei lowered the virus
ing the structure and size of dsRNA molecules could be an loads; and suppressed viral gene VP28 expression when chal-
effective strategy for obtaining a high protection rate. lenged with WSSV (Li et al. 2016).
MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of small non-coding RNAs, Since the mechanisms of RNAi in terms of viral disease
are known to regulate gene expression at post-transcriptional control were unravelled, several studies have had been

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

Table 7 Trials of whole virus inactivated vaccines against WSSV infection

Inactivation method Experimented Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode period mode rate checked

Formalin-inactivated F. indicus Oral 7d Oral 1 dpv 0% 10 dpc Singh et al. (2005)

Formalin-inactivated F. indicus Oral 7d Oral 5 dpv 100% 10 dpc Singh et al. (2005)
Formalin-inactivated F. indicus Oral 7d Oral 10 dpv 100% 10 dpc Singh et al. (2005)
Formalin-inactivated F. indicus Oral 7d Oral 15 dpv 0% 10 dpc Singh et al. (2005)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Injc. (30 µg sh.1) Once Injc. 3 dpv 83% 15 dpc Amar & Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Injc. (30 µg sh.1) Once Injc. 15 dpv 67% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Injc. (30 µg sh.1) Once Injc. 30 dpv 33% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Imm. 2h Imm. 3 dpv 86% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Imm. 2h Imm. 15 dpv ~75% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Imm. 2h Imm. 30 dpv ~70% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Imm. 2h Imm. 45 dpv 66% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Imm. 30 dpv ~75% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Imm. 45 dpv 64% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Oral (50 µg sh.1) 14 d Imm. 60 dpv 8% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan (2011)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Oral 7d Oral 1 dpv 100% 8 dpc Sudheer et al. (2015)
Formalin-inactivated P. monodon Oral 7d Oral 7 dpv 50% 8 dpc Sudheer et al. (2015)
Formalin-inactivated; P. monodon Oral 14 d Imm. – 73% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan
MSM (2011)
Formalin-inactivated; P. monodon Injc. Once Injc. 60 dpv 30, 50, 20 dpc Yogeeswaran et al.
herbal feeding 60% (2012)
Formalin-inactivated; P. monodon Oral 14 d Imm. – 73% 15 dpc Amar and Faisan
wheat grass (2011)
Heat-inactivated P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 7 dpv 10% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
Heat-inactivated P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 21 dpv 3% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
2 mM Binary P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 7 dpv 77% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
2 mM Binary P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 21 dpv 60% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
3 mM Binary P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 7 dpv 63% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
3 mM Binary P. clarkii Injc. Once Injc. 21 dpv 30% 18 dpc Zhu et al. (2009)
Electron beam L. vannamei Imm. Once Injc. – 75% 10 dpc Motamedi-Sedeh
irradiated et al. (2017)
Electron beam L. vannamei Injc. Once Injc. – 73% 10 dpc Motamedi-Sedeh
irradiated et al. (2017)
EBI-WSSV + Prebiotic L. vannamei Imm. Once Injc. – 91% 10 dpc Motamedi-Sedeh
Immunogen et al. (2017)
EBI-WSSV + Prebiotic L. vannamei Injc. Once Injc. – 82% 10 dpc Motamedi-Sedeh
Immunogen et al. (2017)

an., Animal; d, Day; dpc, Day post challenge; dpv, Day post vaccination; EBI, Electron beam irradiated; F. indicus, Fenneropenaeus indicus; h, Hour;
Imm., Immersion; Injc., Injection; MSM, Methyl sulfonyl methane; P. clarkia, Procambarus clarkia; sh., Shrimp.

conducted targeting the enhancement in survival of shrimp injection practice is not commercially amenable comparing
(Table 9). In most of the studies, particular dsRNA was with oral administration, therefore, extensive research is
injected into the shrimp, where up to 90% survival was necessary to speed up the process of vaccine maturation
achieved. However, this technique protected shrimp maxi- and application in broad scale at the farm level. In this
mum 25 days postinfection. In addition, injection of regard, improvement in oral administration of dsRNAs
recombinant ferritin protein reduced the viral (WSSV) load could possibly bring a revolution in protecting shrimp
in L. vannamei by inhibiting virus replication. The authors against WSSV infection.
presumed that the reduced iron availability by ferritin inhi-
bit the activity of ribonucleotide reductase and thus inter-
Quarantine measures
rupt the replication of virus genome (Ye et al. 2015). The
injection of recombinant downstream dynamin (Dnm) Since the transmission of WSSV between different geo-
proteins: Dnm1, Dnm2, or Dnm3 might inhibit WSSV graphical locations had been reported to occur by the trans-
replication in the hosts (Huang et al. 2016). As the port of live and frozen uncooked shrimp (Nunan et al.

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Table 8 Comparison of different DNA vaccines against WSSV infection

Details of vaccine Expression vector Experimental Administration Challenge Vaccination Challenge Protection Survival References
species mode mode period rate checked
B. K. Dey et al.

VP28 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd 25 dpv 53% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd 35 dpv 50% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. 1st-(4 d)-2nd 50 dpv 30% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP28 DNA constructs pVAX1 L. vannamei Injc. (20 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 7 dpv 53% 5 dpc Li et al. (2010)
VP28 DNA constructs pVAX1 L. vannamei Injc. (20 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 14 dpv 20% 5 dpc Li et al. (2010)
VP28 DNA constructs pVP28-LH P. monodon Injc. (35 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 1 dpv 75% 15 dpc Das et al. (2010)
VP28 DNA constructs pCMV-VP28-LH P. monodon Injc. (25 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 24 hpv 58% 20 dpc Krishnan et al. (2009)
VP28 DNA constructs pCMV-VP28-LH P. monodon Injc. (35 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 24 hpv 75% 20 dpc Krishnan et al. (2009)
VP28 DNA constructs pCMV-VP28-LH P. monodon Injc. (50 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 24 hpv 79% 20 dpc Krishnan et al. (2009)
VP19 DNA constructs pCMV-VP19-LH P. monodon Injc. (10 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 24 hpv RPS 29% 20 dpc Krishnan et al. (2009)
VP28 DNA constructs pcDNA3.1 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 7 dpv 0% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs pcDNA3.1 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 14 dpv 0% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs pcDNA3.1 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 21 dpv 0% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs pcDNA3.1 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 30 dpv 0% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs plasmid DNA-VP28 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 7 dpv 90% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs plasmid DNA-VP28 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 14 dpv 77% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs plasmid DNA-VP28 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 21 dpv 67% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs plasmid DNA-VP28 P. monodon Injc. (30 lg sh.1) – Once 30 dpv 57% 14 dpc Kumar et al. (2008)
VP28 DNA constructs pCMV-VP28 P. japonicus Injc. (10 lg sh.1) Imm. Once 7 dpv RPS 62% 12 dpc Kono et al. (2009)
VP35 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 25 dpv NP 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 25 dpv 50% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 35 dpv 47% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 50 dpv 34% 20 dpc Rout et al. 2007;
VP28 DNA constructs pCMV-VP28-LH P. monodon Injc. (10 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 24 hpv RPS 50% 20 dpc Krishnan et al. (2009)
VP28, VP19 DNA constructs pVP28-LH:pVP19-LH P. monodon Injc. (17.5:17.5 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 1 dpv 75% 15 dpc Das et al. 2010;
VP28, VP19 DNA constructs pVP28-LH:pVP19-LH P. monodon Injc. (25:10 lg sh.1) Injc. Once 1 dpv 58% 15 dpc Das et al. (2010)
VP28, VP19 DNA constructs pleVP28, pleVP19 P. clarkii Injc. (20 lg an.1) Injc. Once 5 dpv 86, ~35% 15 dpc Mu et al. (2012)
VP28, VP24 antisense constructs pH3-VP28, pH3-VP24 P. monodon Transfection (1 lg g1) Injc. Once 2 dpv 80%, 80% 15 dpc Ahanger et al. (2014)
VP28 DNA constructs with Transgenic SISK cells line P. monodon Oral Oral 7d 7 dpv RPS 85% 14 dpc Rajeshkumar et al. (2009)
chitosan nanoparticle
VP28 DNA constructs with Transgenic SISK cells line P. monodon Oral Oral 7d 15 dpv RPS 65% 14 dpc Rajeshkumar et al. (2009)
chitosan nanoparticle
VP28 DNA constructs with Transgenic SISK cells line P. monodon Oral Oral 7d 30 dpv RPS 50% 14 dpc Rajeshkumar et al. (2009)
chitosan nanoparticle
Combination of VP28 and pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 25 dpv 43% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs
Combination of VP28 and pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 35 dpv ~46% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs
Combination of VP28 and pVAX1 P. monodon Injc. Injc. Once 50 dpv ~40% 20 dpc Rout et al. (2007)
VP281 DNA constructs
S. typhimurium expressing VP28 Transgenic S. typhimurium C. clarkii Oral Injc. – 7 dpv RPS 83% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2009)
S. typhimurium expressing VP28 Transgenic S. typhimurium C. clarkii Oral Injc. – 15 dpv RPS 67% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2009)
S. typhimurium expressing VP28 Transgenic S. typhimurium C. clarkii Oral Injc. – 25 dpv RPS 57% 15 dpc Ning et al. (2009)
Baculovirus displaying VP28 Recombinant Bac-VP28-dsrr2 L. vannamei Injc. – 1st-(4 d)-2nd 3 dpv 77% 14 dpc Rattanarojpong et al. (2016)

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

al. (2011)
al. (2011)
al. (2011)
al. (2011)
Rattanarojpong et al. (2016)
Rattanarojpong et al. (2016)
1998; Stentiford et al. 2012), quarantine measures were ini-

an., Animal; C. clarkia, Cambarus clarkia; d, Day; dpc, Day post challenge; dpv, Day post vaccination; h, Hour; hpc, Hour post challenge; Imm., Immersion; Injc., Injection; NP, No protection; P. clarkia,
tiated to prevent the transmission of the pathogen. The pri-

Pathan et al. (2013)


mary purpose of quarantine is to prevent entrance of

Khimmakthong et
Khimmakthong et
Khimmakthong et
Khimmakthong et
Mu et al. (2012) pathogens like WSSV to areas where such a pathogen has
not been reported, and thus, to reduce the risk of diseases
caused by the pathogens.(Arthur et al. 2008). Currently,
quarantine measures has been suggested by the World
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and this measures
Within 14 dpc

may be applied to animals which are being moved within


(between farms, villages, etc.) or between countries (OIE

14 dpc

15 dpc
14 dpc

15 dpc
15 dpc
15 dpc
15 dpc

2018). Quarantine procedures usually start by evaluating

the health status of the shrimp stocks and other susceptible
~85, ~41%

WSSV carriers and/or vectors to be imported; and the pro-


cedures help to assess the risk of importation of certain





commodities from a given area or source (Cock et al.

2015). To maintain quarantine measures at the national

level, Geering et al. (1999) suggested to prevent uncon-

10 dpv
30 dpv
3 dpv
3 dpv
5 dpv
1 dpv

3 dpv
7 dpv

trolled entry of animals, animal products and other poten-

tially dangerous goods through the national boarder, and
1st-(4 d)-2nd
1st-(4 d)-2nd

to initiate a legal method to ensure sound animal health


certification and pre- and post-quarantine measures upon



release at the boarder. Quarantine conditions should be

negotiated with the exporter countries to maintain pre-ex-


port testing and quarantine, animal health certification and


Procambarus clarkia; RPS, Relative percentage survival; S. typhimurium, Salmonella typhimurium; sh., Shrimp.

other necessary post-arrival inspections, testing and quar-

antine. Even, quarantine inspection of people along with

goods upon arrival at international airports and seaports;

and safe disposal of international aircraft and ship food-

Injc. (20 lg an.1)


waste through burning or deep burial (Geering et al. 1999).

Injc. (40 lg
Injc. (40 lg
Injc. (40 lg
Injc. (40 lg

In international aspect, the importing country may use risk

assessment to identify the level of possible risk of importing

animals from a given source or area; and the impact of dif-

ferent risk mitigation measures should be considered (OIE



2018). Arthur et al. (2008) elaborately described various


aspects of quarantine measures for aquatic animals (see


Arthur et al. 2008). Several countries across the planet



including EU (Karunasagar & Ababouch 2012) have been

Recombinant Bac-VP28-dsegfp

noticed to be strict to the introduction of new species and

Expression vector

stocks of shrimps; and strict quarantine services have been

Recombinant Bac-VP28

established in different regions to reduce the risk of WSSV

Transgenic E. coli

introduction via transportation of infected live animals and

shrimp products between two different geographical loca-

tions (Cock et al. 2015).

Specific pathogen-free (SPF) shrimps

E. coli expressing VP28, VP19
Baculovirus displaying VP28
Baculovirus displaying VP28

PmAV DNA constructs with

Specific pathogen-free (SPF) shrimps are those do not carry

Table 8 (continued)

chitosan nanoparticle

the specified pathogens like WSSV. There are many options

PAP DNA constructs
PAP DNA constructs
PAP DNA constructs
PAP DNA constructs

to get SPF populations, and to determine whether a given

Details of vaccine

shrimp population is free of WSSV. To check these condi-

tions, the shrimps may have been produced in an area or
zone free of the disease or the populations may have been
quarantined and tested by sensitive techniques such as PCR

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B. K. Dey et al.

Table 9 Application of RNA interference technology for anti-WSSV infection

dsRNA target Experimented Administration Vaccination Challenge Challenge Protection Survival References
gene species mode period mode rate checked

VP28 P. japonicus Injc. (8 lg sh.1) – Injc. Simultaneously ~70% 14 dpc Xu et al. (2007)
VP28 M. japonicus Injc. Once Injc. 24 hpv 85% 25 dpc Sudhakaran et al.
VP28 L. vannamei Injc. (4 lg sh.1) Once Injc. Consecutive: 2, 87, 67, 50% 10 dpc Mejıa-Ruız et al.
12, 22 dpv (2011)
VP28 L. vannamei Injc. (4 lg sh.1) Once Injc. 10, 20 dpv 37%, 13% 10 dpc Mejıa-Ruız et al.
VP28 P. vannamei Oral 5d Injc. 0 dpv ~ 70% 7 dpc Thammasorn et al.
VP28 P. monodon Oral 5d Oral 0 dpv 68% 15 dpc Sarathi
et al. (2008)
VP28, P. monodon Injc. (6 lg g1) Once Injc. 24 hpv 90, 66.7, 93.3% 14 dpc Sanjuktha
VP281, rr1 et al. (2012)
VP28, VP19 L. vannamei Injc. Once Oral Simultaneously 85, 81% 10 dpc Robalino
et al. (2005)
VP26 L. vannamei Injc. (4 lg sh.1) Once Injc. Consecutive: 79, 45, 31% 10 dpc Mejıa-Ruız et al.
2-12-22 dpv (2011)
VP26 L. vannamei Injc. (4 lg sh.1) Once Injc. 10, 20 dpv 20, 0% 10 dpc Mejıa-Ruız et al.
VP9, GFP M. rosenbergii Injc. (5 lg an.1) Once Injc. 1st: 24 hpv; 1st: 80, 70%; 25; 18 dpc Feng et al. (2018)
2nd: 30 dpv 2nd: 67, 0%
VP9, GFP P. monodon Injc. (5 lg an.1) Once Injc. 24 hpv 70, 10% 7 dpc Feng et al. (2018)
VP9, GFP M. japonicus Injc. (5 lg an.1) Once Injc. 24 hpv 65, 20% 7 dpc Feng et al. (2018)
WSSV051 P. vannamei Oral 5d Injc. 0 dpv 40% 7 dpc Thammasorn et al.
PmRab7 + rr2 P. monodon Injc. (5 + 0.6 5 d (once Injc. 3rd day of 1st ~95% 8 dpc Attasart
lg sh.1) day1) vaccination et al. (2009)
Non-coding L. vannamei Injc. Once Injc. Simultaneously 75% 10 dpc Robalino
region of et al. (2004)

an., Animal; d, Day; dpc, Day post challenge; dpv, Day post vaccination; h, Hour; hpc, Hour post challenge; Imm., Immersion; Injc., Injection;
M. japonicas, Marsupenaeus japonicas; M. rosenbergii, Macrobrachium rosenbergii; P. vannamei, Penaeus vannamei; sh., Shrimp.

for the presence of the virus. The other option is the SPF the SPF programme was not primary intended for quaran-
population may have been raised for several generations in tine purposes. However, the programme was planned to
high biosecurity facilities declared to be free of WSSV produce broodstock free of specific pathogens like WSSV
(Cock et al. 2015). Despite the multiple ways of generating that could be distributed to producers. This SPF popula-
SPF populations, the FAO clearly states that the genuine tion should be coupled with high level of bio-secure pro-
shrimps are those which are produced from high biosecu- duction system (Moss et al. 2003; Lightner et al. 2009;
rity facilities, have been repeatedly examined and found Kumara & Hettiarachchi 2018). In Colombia, different
free of WSSV using intensive surveillance protocols. This studies have indicated that the offspring from SPF brood-
SPF population should originate from broodstock devel- stock were highly susceptible to WSD, whereas farm mass-
oped with strict founder population protocols. According selected populations repeatedly challenged by the disease
to FAO rules and regulations, if SPF shrimps are put any- were highly resistant. This may indicate that SPR popula-
where else, for instance into a non-biosecure maturation tions may have developed resistance genes to WSSV as
unit, hatchery or farm units, these animals can no longer be compared with SPF shrimps. Furthermore, several authors
named as SPF shrimps as they are now exposed to a high have also found that in the absence of disease pressure the
risk of infection (Briggs et al. 2005). offspring of the SPF broodstock grow faster than SPR
The United States of Marine Shrimp Farming organiza- population. Thus, populations that are selected in the
tion has developed protocol to define SPF animals based presence of WSSV are more likely carry resistance genes to
on OIE notifiable disease list, for instance like WSSV and the disease (Rassoulzadegan et al. 2006; Slotkin &
yellow head virus (YHV). According to this organization, Martienssen 2007).

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White spot syndrome virus in shrimp

Table 10 MicroRNAs related to immune response against WSSV in shrimp

Shrimp microRNA Role in immune response References

M. japonicus miR-7 Virus–host interaction by targeting the 30 UTR of mRNA from viral early gene wsv477 Huang and Zhang (2012)
M. japonicus miR-965 Inhibition of viral infection by targeting the viral wsv240 gene Shu et al. (2016)
M. japonicus miR-71, miR-13b Regulation of autophagy and WSSV infection He et al. (2017)
M. japonicus miR-12 Promote phagocytosis, apoptosis and antiviral immunity Shu and Zhang (2017)
through down-regulation of PTEN and BI-1 expression and the viral gene wsv024
M. japonicus miR-100 Regulation of the superoxide dismutase activity, haemocyte Wang and Zhu (2018)
phagocytosis and phenoloxidase activity to inhibits the progression of WSSV infection

M. japonicas, Marsupenaeus japonicus.

Ecuador exported 115 000 metric tonnes of shrimp in

Specific pathogen resistance (SPR) shrimps
1998, which dropped to only 38 000 metric tonnes in 2000
Specific pathogen resistance (SPR) shrimps are populations after the emergence of WSSV in 1999. Subsequently, in
that are resistance to a single or multiple pathogens. SPR 2003, Ecuador exported an estimated 50 000 metric tonnes,
shrimps usually result from a specific breeding programme indicating a recovery to export (Briggs et al. 2004), perhaps
designed to increase resistance to a particular pathogen like due to the success in SPR shrimp production those are
WSSV. Much work has been done on the selective breeding resistant to WSSV. As such, disease management measures
of shrimp such as P. vannamei and P. stylirostris aiming at should be targeted more with SPR populations rather than
increased growth rate and resistance to a variety of diseases, SPF populations. Epidemics of WSD may never develop in
with many positive results. However, most of the reports populations that have a certain threshold level of resistance
discussed the resistance against TSV in shrimp. Most of the even if the disease is introduced to the system. However,
TSV-resistant stocks currently available have documented the Epidemics of WSD can occur with SPF populations if
survival rates of 80–100% in laboratory challenge studies the disease is introduced to them (Chakrabarty et al. 2015;
with four TSV isolates (Briggs et al. 2005). However, the Cock et al. 2015). For instance in Asia, in contrast to the
survival rate differs between laboratory experiment and Americas, most shrimp’s growers do not have access to
field experiment. For instance in some experiments, SPR SPR populations to WSD (Gitterle & Diener 2014). This
strains of P. vannamei challenged with different isolates of lack of SPR stocks has reduced both the effectiveness of
TSV showed survival rates of 55–100% where the survival local exclusion and eradication programmes of WSD. This
was 82% in ponds (Briggs et al. 2005). In another labora- problem also frequently exposes shrimp growers to the risk
tory experiment, TSV resistance generation obtained of outbreaks of the disease (Gitterle & Diener 2014).
through selective breeding showed 18.4% increase in sur- Several authors have suggested that good management
vival and additionally 21.2% increase in weight gain com- approach of WSD is to exclude it for as long as possible in
pared with unselected control group (Argue et al. 2002). the production cycle or to slow the development of the dis-
Aiming at WSSV resist shrimp production, some work had ease outbreaks. Application of SPR populations which have
been done upon a strain of P. chinensis that is SPR for already developed resistance genes to WSSV infections is
WSSV, where survival rate was increased <45% in pond, one of the most effective means of slowing the development
whereas laboratory challenge tests revealed up to 60% of WSD epidemics (Gitterle & Diener 2014; Cock et al.
improvement in survival for 3rd and 4th generation sur- 2015; Mallik et al. 2016). The studies by Olesen et al.
vivors (Kong et al. 2003). To the best of our knowledge, to (2015) have indicated that the breeding programmes in
date WSSV-resistant P. monodon and P. vannamei, the Asia should focus on breeding of SPR populations which
most commercially important shrimp species, are not com- have resistance genes to WSSV. These SPR populations play
mercially available all over the world. But, successful pro- an important role for controlling and managing of WSD
duction of WSSV resistance shrimp would bring a epidemics (Olesen et al. 2015). The other studies by Briggs
revolutionary change in shrimp culture especially in areas et al. (2005) observed that Latin America is currently
where WSSV is endemic. For example 3–4 years of genetic almost entirely using SPR P. vannamei populations due to
selection work on domesticated stocks of P. vannamei sur- their better performance in maturation, hatcheries and
viving WSSV outbreaks resulted in enhanced resistance to grow-out ponds. Furthermore, these studies have also
WSSV in Ecuador. Thus P. vannamei culture industries in revealed that these SPR populations may have more resis-
Central and South America were slowly recuperated after tance to a combination of diseases including WSD com-
the emergence of WSSV epidemic in 1999. For instance pared with SPF populations that are more susceptible to

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WSSV infection (Briggs et al. 2005). In Asia, some growers On the other hand, good management practices like low
have also started using disease-resistant or SPR populations water exchange, use of filters may also reduce the chances
to WSSV aiming avoidance loss due to WSD (Briggs et al. of re-infection of ponds that have already been disinfected.
2005). Although the production of SPR population through The application of biofloc technology (Hargreaves 2013;
selective breeding has come with benefits in terms of dis- Cock et al. 2015; Pilotto et al. 2018) with aeration systems
ease protection, but cost-benefit report in this regard is not in aquaculture can reduce the water exchange rate to a
available. Additionally, in the recent time, emergence of minimum level which can limit the chances for introduc-
AHPND is an extra pressure on shrimp farms. Hence, per- tion of pathogens like WSSV during water exchange (Harg-
haps it is a big challenge to successfully produce SPR reaves 2013; Cock et al. 2015). In South East Asia, better
shrimp to both WSSV and AHPND causing Vibrio spp. management of water exchange has been mainly used to
limit the epidemics of yellow head virus (YHV) and WSSV.
In this region, not only minimal water exchange was prac-
Stocking density
ticed, but also the sources of water intakes were located in
Lower stocking densities in shrimp culture can reduce order to avoid the contaminated water with the viruses
stress which leading to low disease incidence in aquaculture from nearby farms (Lebel et al. 2002). Similarly, the other
industries. In the Pacific Coast of South America, according studies by Hameed et al. (2003) indicated carrier vectors of
to the studies of Cock et al. (2015), shrimp growers have WSSV can enter shrimp ponds via pumped water, and
started raring shrimp at lower stocking densities comparing these vectors transmit the pathogen to the farmed shrimps.
with those they used to maintain before, aiming lessen the Thus, management strategies that reduce water exchange
prevalence of WSD. Indeed, lower stocking density finally rates or rely in closed cycles and recirculation can reduce
yields lower, but perhaps the farmers tend to compensate the risk of occurring of the disease outbreak (Hameed et al.
the production by lowering the frequency and intensity of 2003). Moreover, biofloc technology has also been reported
devastating WSD by maintaining lower stocking density; in to control bacterial diseases as well. For example in an
fact, it seems impossible to exclude WSD completely from experiment, this technology conferred protection to P. van-
the farm premises where WSD is endemic. However, the namei challenged with an AHPND strain of V. para-
production system in Asia is moving towards more inten- haemolyticus, and survival rate was recorded as 86.7%,
sive systems with high stocking densities. This situation whereas the survival was 86.7% in clear water (Shinn et al.
often likely to make the animal stressed, and occurs dis- 2018). Hence, biofloc technology has emerged as a promis-
tressing WSD incidence. Thus, generally low stocking den- ing technique towards disease control in aquaculture. Fur-
sity and WSD occurrence are reversely correlated, thermore, co-culture of shrimp with two species of
particularly in the study of WSSV epidemics (Cock et al. macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Dictyota dichot-
2015). Moreover, low stocking density contributes to oma enhanced several immune parameters such as superox-
reduce the chance of host–pathogen interaction in addition ide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) after infection
to reduced stress, thus reducing the risk of infection (Lucas with V. parahaemolyticus and WSSV. In that study,
et al. 2019). Hence, combining good sanitary practices and macroalgae provided a nutritional benefit to the shrimps;
optimum stocking density might enhance the effectiveness and improved ammonium concentration in co-culture sys-
of policies on prevention and control of WSD (Cock et al. tem (Anaya-Rosas et al. 2019).
Conclusion and recommendations
Application of biofloc technology
White spot syndrome virus is still a most significant patho-
Biofloc technology mainly follows the principle of waste gen in shrimp production and a major threat to shrimp
nutrients recycling, nitrogen in particular, into microbial farming industry across the world. Nowadays, WSD has
biomass that can be fed in situ by the cultured animals or received significant scientific attentions which are driven by
be harvested and processed into feed ingredients (Avnim- the commercial impacts of the disease. Globally, research is
elech 2009; Kuhn et al. 2010). This technology is a recent being carried out aiming at a better understanding on biol-
aquaculture farming technique in aquaculture regarding as ogy and pathology of WSSV and sub-sequential proper
not only a direct food source, but also immunity booster, treatment and prevention. However, further studies should
consequent detoxification of the system for cultured organ- be focused in areas of more resistant host organisms to
isms and others (Panigrahi et al. 2018) such as better water understand their resistance mechanisms, and these knowl-
quality. In an experiment, biofloc have been found to edge might be helpful to find a solution against WSD. In
enhance the transcription of immune-related genes in L. endemic areas of the disease, SPR shrimps are more recom-
vannamei (Soto-Alcala et al. 2018). mended in farming compared with SPF animals. Thus,

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