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It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are. One thing
you have to be (1) _______ of is that you will face criticism along the way. The world is (2)_________ of
people who would rather say something negative than positive. If you’ve made up your (3)_______ to
achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (4)_________ the negative criticism of others prevent you
from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work. If
someone says you’re totally in the (5)______ of talent, ignore them. That’s negative criticism. If (6),
__________, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you
should consider their suggestions carefully. There are many film stars (7)__________ were once out of
work . There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel – or who didn’t,
but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it (8) ________. Being
successful does depend on luck, to a (9)________ extent. But things are more likely to (10) ________
well if you persevere and stay positive.
1. A. alert B. clever C. intelligent D. aware
2. A. overflowing B. packed C. filled D. full
3. A. idea B. brain C. thought D. mind
4. A. shouldn’t let B. won’t let C. didn’t let D. don’t let
5. A. absentee B. shortage C. missing D. lack
6. A. hence B. whereas C. otherwise D. however
7. A. which B. whom C. they D. who
8. A. publish B. to publish C. publishes D. published
9. A. plenty B. numerous C. definite D. certain
10. A. sail through B. come into C. deal with D. turn out

1. Đáp án:D
Be aware of something/somebody/ that clause = nhận thức được ai, cái gì, điều gì
2. Đáp án: D
Be full of something = chứa đầy cái gì
3. Đáp án: D
Make up one’s mind = đưa ra quyết định
4. Đáp án: D
Let somebody/something + V = để cho ai, cái gì làm điều gì. Don’t let the negative criticism prevent you
= đừng để những phê bình tiêu cực ngăn cản bạn
5. Đáp án: D
In the lack of something = khi thiếu hụt cái gì đó
6. Đáp án: D
However = tuy nhiên. Hence = vì thế. Whereas = trong khi đó. Otherwise = nếu không thì
7. Đáp án:D
Film stars = những ngôi sao điện ảnh. Đại từ quan hệ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó chỉ người là
“who”, hoặc “that”
8. Đáp án: D
Get something + past participle = thu xếp cho cái gì của mình được tác động vào giúp. Get it published =
khiến nó được xuất bản
9. Đáp án: D
To a certain extent = tới một mức độ nhất định
10. Đáp án: D
(Something) Turn out = xảy ra, diễn ra
Statesmen define a family as “a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood,
adoption or marriage, (1) ____________ includes common-law relationships.” Most people are born into
one of these groups and (2) ____________ live their lives as a family in such a group. Although the
definition of a family may not change, (3) ____________ relationship of people to each other within the
family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (4)__________ paying jobs, and, as a
result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to (5)___________ for
pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in today’s marriages (6)___________. which both spouses have
paying jobs, women can expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean that man must
learn to do their share of family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (7)__________chores.
Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (8)___________with the members od their family in sharing
household tasks. The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (9)___________ is as
matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives
(10)__________ common-law relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable,
women will become more independent.
1. A. which B. that C. what D. it
2. A. must B. need C. would D. will
3. A. a B. any C. some D. the
4. A. taking B. making C. keeping D. performing
5. A. live B. work C. hope D. ask
6. A. in B. for C. with D. to
7. A. home B. family C. house D. household
8. A. carry B. deal C. cooperate D. combine
9. A. time B. families C. happiness D. children
10. A. similar to B. like C. such as D. or else

1. A
Which là đại từ quan hệ thay cho adoption marriage (cái mà bao gồm cả những mối quan hệ thực tế),
không dùng “that” vì có dấu phẩy
2. D
Will + V: Hầu hết mọi người sinh ra trong nhóm người như vậy và sẽ sống cuộc sống như 1 gia đình
3. D
The relationship: những mối quan hệ của con người nói chung
4. D
take paying jobs: đảm nhiệm các công việc
5. B
Câu này dịch là: ngày nay, đàn ông mong muốn làm việc để chi trả cho cuộc sống được trong khoảng 40
6. A
Do ở trên có “in today’s marriages”, “in which” là thay thế cho cụm này
7. D
Cụm: household chores: việc nhà
8. C
cooperate with sb: làm việc cùng với ai đó
9. D
Câu này là: sự chấp nhận rộng rãi việc tránh thai nghĩa là không có con (have children)
10. C
Câu này là: những sự thay thế khác (cho hôn nhân) như là những mối quan hệ thực tế, gia đình có bố/mẹ
đơn thân đã ngày được chấp nhận hơn
Education is more important today than ever before. It helps people acquire the skills they need for such
everyday (1)_______ as reading a newspaper or managing their money. It also gives them the specialized
training they may need to (2)_______ for a job or career. For example, a person must meet certain
educational requirements and obtain a (3)_______ or certificate before he can practice law or medicine.
Many fields, like computer operation or police work, (4)_______ satisfactory completion of special
training courses. Education is also important (5)_______ it helps people get more out of life. It increases
their knowledge and understanding of the world. It helps them acquire the skills that make life more
interesting and enjoyable, (6)_______ the skills needed to participate in a sport, paint a picture, or play a
musical (7)_______ . Such education becomes (8)_______ important as people gain more and more
leisure time. Education also helps people adjust to change. This habit has become necessary because
social changes today take place with increasing speed and (9)_______ the lives of more and more people.
Education can help a person understand these changes and provide him (10)_______ the skills for
adjusting to them.
1. A. works B. jobs C. actions D. activities
2. A. do B. prepare C. make D. work
3. A. license B. card C. diploma D. paper
4. A. requires B. requiring C. require D. to require
5. A. therefore B. despite C. although D. because
6. A. such as B. for instance C. such that D. for example
7. A. appliance B. equipment C. instrument D. device
8. A. increased B. increasing C. increase D. increasingly
9. A. effect B. affect C. affective D. effective
10. A. with B. for C. in D. to

1. Đáp án D
Everyday activities = hoạt động thường ngày, work = công việc (không đếm được), job = nghề nghiệp,
action = hành động
2. Đáp án B
Prepare for smt = chuẩn bị cho cái gì
3. Đáp án A
License = bằng, card = thẻ, diploma = chứng chỉ, paper = giấy, kết quả
4. Đáp án C
Chủ ngữ trong câu là many fields ~ danh từ số nhiều ~ động từ chia ở số nhiều, không thêm s
5. Đáp án D
Because = bởi vì, therefore = vì thế, despite = mặc dù, although = mặc dù
6. Đáp án A
Such as = như là (liệt kê); For instance, + mệnh đề = ví dụ như = For example, + mệnh đề
7. Đáp án C
Musical instrument = dụng cụ âm nhạc
8. Đáp án D
Trạng từ đứng trước tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ đó: increasingly important
9. Đáp án B
Affect (V) = gây ảnh hưởng; effect (N) = ảnh hưởng
10. Đáp án A
Provide smb with smt = cung cấp cho ai cái gì
Tattooing is an old art. In ancient Greece, people who had tattoos were regarded as members of the (1)
__________ classes. On the other hand, tattooing was (2) __________ in Europe by the early Christians,
who thought that it was a sinful thing to (3) __________. It was not until the late 18th century, when
Captain Cook saw South Sea Islander decorating their bodies with tattoos that attitudes began to change.
Sailors came back from these islands with pictures of Christ on their backs and from then on, tattooing
(4)__________ in popularity. A survey by the French army in 1881 (5) _________ that among the 387
men (6) __________there were 1,333 designs. Nowadays, not everybody finds tattoos acceptable. Some
people thing that getting one is silly because tattoos are more or less permanent. There is also some (7)
__________ about (8) __________ a blood disease from unsterilized needles. Even for those who do
want a tattoo, the (9) __________ of getting one is not painless, but the final result, in their eyes, is (10)
__________ the pain.
1. A. upper B. greater C. high D. extreme
2. A. blamed B. exported C. banned D. finished
3. A. be B. create C. do D. make
4. A. gained B. won C. earned D. made
5. A. declared B. showed C. explained D. said
6. A. questioned B. inquired C. demanded D. spoken
7. A. danger B. concern C. trouble D. threat
8. A. gaining B. infecting C. having D. catching
9. A. progress B. system C. pace D. process
10. A. worth B. due C. owed D. deserved

1. Đáp án: A
Upper = phía bên trên, cao cấp hơn. Upper class = đẳng cấp trên
2. Đáp án: C
Ban = cấm. was banned = đã bị cấm. blame = đổ trách nhiệm. export = xuất khẩu. finish = kết thúc
3. Đáp án: C
It was a sinful thing to do = đó là một việc sai trái để làm. Do something = làm cái gì đó
4. Đáp án: A
Gain in something = lớn mạnh, dành được cái gì. Gain in popularity = dành được sự ưa chuộng
5. Đáp án: B
Show that = chỉ ra rằng + mệnh đề. Declare = tuyên bố. explain = giải thích. Say = nói
6. Đáp án: A
Question (v) = hỏi. Ở đây là dạng phân từ 2: questioned – hình thức rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ bị động –
nghĩa là “được hỏi”
7. Đáp án: B
Concern about something = sự lo lắng, mối e ngại về vấn đề gì
8. Đáp án: D
Catch (a disease) = bị mắc (bệnh gì). Gain = có được. infect = truyền (bệnh). Have = có
9. Đáp án: D
Process = quá trình. Progress = sự phát triển. system = hệ thống. Pace = nhịp độ. Dịch vế câu : quá trình
có được một hình săm thì không đau
10. Đáp án: A
Worth something = đáng giá, xứng đáng với cái gì
Nearly 200 of the 1500 native plant species in Hawaii are at risk of going extinct in the near future
because they have been (1)_______ to such low numbers. Approximately 90 percent of Hawaii's plants
are found nowhere else in the world but they are (2)_______ by alien invasive species such as feral goats,
pigs, rodents and (3)_______ plants. The Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Group is striving to
(4)_______the extinction of the 182 rare Hawaiian plants with fewer than 50 individuals remaining in the
(5)_______. Since 1990, (6)_______ a result of their "Plant Extinction Prevention Program", sixteen
species have been brought into (7)_______ and three species have been reintroduced. Invasive weeds
have been removed in key areas and fencing put up in order to (8)_______ plants in the wild. In the
future the Hawaii Rare Plant Restoration Program aims (9)_______ collecting genetic material from the
remaining plants in the wild for storage as a safety net for the future. They also aim to manage wild
populations and where possible reintroduce species into (10)_______ .
1. A. developed B. reduced C. disappeared D. increased
2. A. conserved B. guarded C. invested D. threatened
3. A. native B. national C. international D. non-native
4. A. prevent B. influence C. encourage D. stimulate
5. A. wild B. sky C. hole D. atmosphere
6. A. so B. due C. as D. but
7. A. contamination B. production C. cultivation D. generation
8. A. derive B. vary C. remain D. protect
9. A. at B. on C. with D. for
10. A. shelters B. reserves C. gardens D. halls

1. Đáp án B
“have been reduced to such low numbers”: bị giảm đến một số lượng thấp
2. Đáp án D
“to be threatened by”: bị đe doạ bởi
3. Đáp án D
“non-native plants”: loại thực vật sống ở vùng mà không phải nơi nó thường sống
4. Đáp án A
“prevent the extinction”: ngăn chặn sự tuyệt chủng
5. Đáp án A
“in the wild”: ở nơi hoang dã
6. Đáp án C
Cụm “as a result of”: Theo như kết quả của…
7. Đáp án B
“bring into production”: đem vào tiến hành sản xuất/trồng trọt
8. Đáp án D
“protect”: bảo vệ; “remain”:duy trì, còn sót lại; “vary”: thay đổi, biến đổi; “derive”:thu được từ, tìm thấy
9. Đáp án A
Động từ “aim” (nhắm vào việc gì, quyết tâm làm gì…) đi với giới từ “at” + doing something
10. Đáp án B
“reserves” ở đây chúng ta có thể dịch là hạn chế, vì trước đó có dùng cụm “manage wild populations”
kiềm chế số lượng)
The first question we might ask is: What can you learn in college that will help you in being an employee?
The schools teach (1) _______ many things of value to the future accountant, doctor or electrician. Do
they also teach anything of value to the future employee? Yes, they teach the one thing that it is perhaps
most valuable for the future employee (2)_______. But very few students bother to learn it. This basic
skill is the ability to organize and express ideas in writing and in speaking. This means that your success
as an employee will depend on your ability to communicate with people and to (3) _______ your own
thoughts and ideas to them so they will (4) _______ understand what you are driving and be persuaded.
Of course, skill in expression is not enough (5) _______ itself. You must have something to say in the
first place. The effectiveness of your job depends (6) _______ your ability to make other people
understand your work as they do on the quality of the work itself. Expressing one’s thoughts is one skill
that the school can (7)_______ teach. The foundations for skill in expression have to be (8) _______
early: an interest in and an ear (9) _______ language; experience in organizing ideas and data, in brushing
aside the irrelevant, and above all the habit of verbal expression. If you do not these foundations
(10)_______ your school years, you may never have an opportunity again.
1. A. a great B. large C. a large D. great
2. A. to know B. how to know C. knowing D. of knowing
3. A. transfer B. present C. interpret D. represent
4. A. both B. as well C. either D. not
5. A. on B. by C. in D. for
6. A. on most B. much on C. most on D. on much
7. A. truly B. really C. quite D. hardly
8. A. lied B. lain C. lay D. laid
9. A. in B. by C. if D. for
10. A. when B. for C. of D. during

1. Đáp án: A
Bản thân từ “many” nghĩa là nhiều. Để nhấn mạnh mức độ rất nhiều ta có thể dùng: a great many
2. Đáp án: A
It + is/was + adj + (for somebody) to V = đó là thế nào (đối với ai đó) để làm việc gì. it is perhaps most
valuable for the future employee to know = có thể đó là điều giá trị nhất để những nhân viên tương lai biết
3. Đáp án: B
Present = trình bày, thể hiện
4. Đáp án: A
Both … and… = vừa … và vừa… They will both understand what you are driving and be persuaded. =
học sẽ vừa hiểu điều bạn đang nhắm tới và vừa bị thuyết phục
5. Đáp án: B
By itself = một mình nó. Dịch: dĩ nhiên là chỉ mình kĩ năng trong việc thể hiện, bày tỏ là không đủ
6. Đáp án: B
Depend on something = phụ thuộc vào cái gì. Depend much on = phụ thuộc nhiều vào…
7. Đáp án: B
Really = thật sự. Truly = một cách đúng sự thực. Quite = khá là. Hardly = hiếm khi
8. Đáp án: D
Lay foundation (for something) = đặt nền móng cho cái gì. The foundations … have to be laid early =
nền tảng cho kĩ năng trình bày cần được đặt nền móng từ sớm
9. Đáp án: D
An ear for something = khả năng lắng nghe cái gì
10. Đáp án: D
During + something = trong suốt khoảng thời gian gì. When + mệnh đề/Ving = trong khi (ai) làm gì
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) ______ human
activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming (2)_______
of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so just to stay (3)_______ we are rapidly
destroying the only resource we have (4)________ which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere
fertile soil is (5)______ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that
they will never be able to recover (6)______. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any
thought of the consequences. As a (7)______, the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the
very time when rising human numbers and consumption are making increasingly heavy demands on it.
The Earth's (8)______ resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines,
warmth, shelter and minerals to (9)______ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in
how we use the resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they
will soon (10)_______ and everyone will suffer.
1. A. Still B. Despite C. Yet D. Although
2. A. two-thirds B. two- third C. two-three D. two-threes
3. A. survival B. alive C. existent D. live
4. A. on B. at C. in D. by
5. A. sooner B. rather C. either D. neither
6. A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly
7. A. result B. product C. development D. reaction
8. A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
9. A. stay B. keep C. maintain D. hold
10. A. run out B. run away C. run up D. run off

1. Đáp án C
Yet = thế nhưng = But. Still = vẫn. Despite = Although = dù
2. Đáp án A
Cách viết phân số: Tử số là số đếm; mẫu số là số thứ tự. Khi tử số lớn hơn một thì phải thêm “s” vào sau
mẫu số
3. Đáp án B
Stay + adj = sống; duy trì ở tình trạng nào. Alive (adj) = còn sống
4. Đáp án D
By = bằng cách nào.
5. Đáp án C
Either … or… = …hoặc là…
6. Đáp án A
Recover = hồi phục. Completely = hoàn toàn. Quite = khá. Greatly = lớn, nhiều. Utterly = cực kì, hoàn
7. Đáp án A
As a result, mệnh đề = Kết quả là,…
8. Đáp án A
Natural resources = các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
9. Đáp án B
Keep somebody + adj/Ved = duy trì ai ở tình trạng nào
10. Đáp án A
Run out = hết, cạn kiêt
I was raised on a farm in a remote village in the 1950s. The winter months were endless and everything
was covered in snow. I was always (1) ________ for the warmer weather to come. When spring arrived,
everything came alive- flowers would bloom and the animals would come out of hibernation. I would
follow the bear tracks and search for them. Once, however, I (2)________ an angry mother bear who saw
me (3) ________ a threat. (4) ________ the sight of the bear, I did what my father had told me. I stood
still until she stopped growling and walked away. The trick was effective, but looking back now, I
realized that the situation was (5) ________ more serious than I thought at the time. By the age of twelve,
I had lots of camping (6) ________, as I used to go camping with my dog on my school holidays. We
would spend days (7) ________ the forest, catching fish for dinner, (8) ________ at the frogs and the (9)
________ of birds and the insects hopping up and down on the surface of the water. Of course, this was
possible only during the warm months. When the autumn came, everything went quiet, which was quite
usual in those parts. It wasn’t long before the animals disappeared, the birds (10) ________ south and the
snow took over. The place became deserted once again.
1. A. willing B. keen C. eager D. enthusiastic
2. A. found out B. came across C. dealt with D. reached
3. A. as B. same as C. such as D. like
4. A. By B. At C. On D. In
5. A. very B. quite C. far D. so
6. A. experience B. skills C. qualities D. qualifications
7. A. investigating B. detecting C. researching D. exploring
8. A. watching B. looking C. noticing D. observing
9. A. sets B. swarms C. bunches D. flocks
10. A. fly B. flying C. flew D. flight

1. Đáp án C
“eager for something” hoặc “eager to do something”: háo hức, mong đợi về cái gì
2. Đáp án B
“come across”: gặp tình cờ
3. Đáp án A
“see” somebody/something as…: nhìn nhận ai/cái gì như…
4. Đáp án B
“at the sight of the bear”: ngay khi nhìn thấy con gấu,…
5. Đáp án C
“far/much more” dùng để nhấn mạnh hơn khi so sánh
6. Đáp án A
“camping experience”: kinh nghiệm về cắm trại, vế sau có đề cập “as I used to go camping with my dog
on my school holidays.”
7. Đáp án D
“explore” :khám phá. “spend” +doing something, vì thế nên ta chọn “exploring”
8. Đáp án B
“look at”: quan sát, nhìn, không chọn “observe” hay “watch” vì 2 từ này không có giới từ đi kèm,
“notice” thì không phù hợp về nghĩa
9. Đáp án D
“bird” đi với danh từ chỉ số lượng là “flock”: đàn
10. Đáp án C
Động từ fly được chia quá khứ “flew”, vì phía trước có “disappeared” (dạng quá khứ)
Tomatoes – the whole truth
Leading scientists have (1)_________ that tomatoes can be of great benefit to our health. A lot of research
has been (2)________ out in recent years. It’s the whole tomato (3)_________ may lower cancer risks,
not individual compounds, (4)___________ to new research. Experts have discovered that taking the
antioxidant lycopene – (5)________ is found in tomatoes, but is increasingly popular (6)_________ a
health food suppplement because of its link to a reduced risk of cancer – did not work as (7)_________ as
eating whole tomatoes. Scientists believe people (8)________ eat them in pastas, salads, tomato juice and
pizza. Recent finding suggests that the risks (9)_________ poor eating habits cannot be reserved with a
pill. We shouldn’t (10)________ easy solutions to a complex problem.
1. A. shouted B. announced C. called D. told
2. A. taken B. looked C. carried D. made
3. A. that B. who C. where D. whom
4. A. depending B. discussing C. suggesting D. according
5. A. when B. which C. while D. what
6. A. to B. on C. as D. from
7. A. more B. well C. good D. better
8. A. must B. would C. should D.did
9. A. on B. for C. to D. of
10. A. experience B. inspect C.expect D. direct

1. B
“announce”: công bố, thông báo “shout”: kêu la, la hét “call”: gọi “tell”: bảo, nói rằng
2. C
Cụm “carry out”: tiến hành (một thí nghiệm, khảo sát,…)
3. A
Cấu trúc nhấn mạnh “It is…that…”
Thành phần này có hoặc bỏ đi đều không ảnh hưởng đến nghĩa của câu
4. D
“according to st/sb”: theo như ai/cái gì
5. B
“which” là mệnh đề quan hệ, thay thế cho the antioxidant lycopene ở phía trước
6. C
“as a health food suppplement”: như là phần bổ sung thực phẩm có lợi cho sức khoẻ
7. B
Phía trước có động từ work, vì thế ở đây nên dùng một trạng từ
“well” là trạng từ của good
8. C
“should”: nên
Chuyên gia tin rằng con người nên sử dụng…
9. D
“the risk of…”: mối nguy hại, nguy cơ của…
10. C
“expect”: mong đợi
Chúng ta không nên mong đợi giải pháp dễ dàng cho một vấn đề phức tạp
Polar bears are in danger of dying out. (45) _________ some other endangered animals, it’s not hunters
that are the problem, it’s climate change. Since 1979, the ice cap at the Arctic Circle where the polar bears
live has (46) _________ in size by about 30 percent. The temperature in the Arctic has slowly been (47)
_________ and this is (48) _________ the sea ice to melt, endangering the polar bears’ home.The polar
bears’ main (49) _________ of food are the different types of seal found in the Arctic. They catch them
by waiting next to the air holes the seals have (50)_________in the ice. (51) _________ the bears are very
strong swimmers, they could never catch seals in the water. This means that the bears (52) _________ do
rely on the ice to hunt. Polar bears also need sea ice to travel. They can (53) _________ a huge territory
and often swim from one part of the ice to another. They have been known to swim up to 100km, but
when there is less ice, they may have to swim further and this can (54) _________ fatal to the bears. A
number of bears have drowned in the last few years and scientists believe that it is because they were not
able to reach more sea ice before they became too tired and couldn’t swim any further.
Question 45: A. Opposite B. Compared C. Unlike D. Different
Question 46: A. cut B. reduced C. shortened D. lost
Question 47: A. lifting B. gaining C. advancing D. rising
Question 48: A. resulting B. turning C. causing D. creating
Question 49: A. sources B. means C. origins D. materials
Question 50: A. placed B. set C. brought D. made
Question 51: A. Even B. Although C. As D. Despite
Question 52: A. really B. properly C. surely D. fully
Question 53: A. pass B. extend C. cover D. spread
Question 54: A. prove B. happen C. come D. end

45. C
Unlike + N: không giống như
46. B
reduce in size: giảm về kích thước (nội động từ)
Cut: giảm, shorten: làm ngắn lại ( ngoại động từ)
Lost (lose) : đánh mất ( nội động từ)
ở đây cần 1 nội động từ nhưng mang nghĩa là giảm
47. D
chọn theo nghĩa : rise: tăng
Lift: nhấc lên, gain: đạt được, advance: đưa lên, tiến lên
48. C
cụm từ : cause sb/st to V : làm cho ai, cái gì (phải) làm gì
49. A
source of food: nguồn thức ăn
50. D
Ở đây ý là: make (the air hole): tạo ra cái lỗ ; chờ đợi bên cạnh cái lỗ mà bọn hải cẩu đã tạo ra
51. B
2 mệnh đề mang nghĩa tương phản: mặc dù gấu là loài bơi rất giỏi nhưng chúng chẳng bao giờ có thể bắt
được hải cẩu khi ở dưới nước.
52. C
Chọn theo nghĩa: điều này có nghĩa là loài gấu thực sự phụ thuộc vào băng khi đi săn
53. C
cover a huge territory : đi được 1 vùng lớn
54. A
this can prove fatal to the bears: điều này có thể coi là điều không thể tránh được đối với loài gấu
Thanks to our modern lifestyle, with more and more time spent sitting down in front of computers than
ever before, the (43)____ of overweight people is at a new high. As people frantically search for a
solution (44)____ this problem, they often try some of the popular fad diets being offered. Many people
see fad diets (45)____ harmless ways of losing weight, and they are grateful to have them.Unfortunately,
not only don’t fad diets usually (46)____ the trick, they can actually be dangerous for your health.
Although permanent weight loss is the (47)___, few are able to achieve it. Experts estimate that 95
percent of dieters return to their starting weight, or even (48)____ weight. While the reckless use of fad
diets can bring some (49)____ result, long-term results are very rare. (50)____, people who are fed up
with the difficulties of changing their eating habits often turn to fad diets. (51)____ being moderate, fad
diets involve extreme dietary changes. They advises eating only one type of food, or they prohibit other
types of foods entirely. This results in a situation (52)______ a person’s body doesn’t get all the vitamins
and other things that it needs to stay healthy.
45. A. number B. range C. amount D. sum
46. A. on B. of C. to D. with
47. A. by B. like C. through D. as
48. A. bring B. do C. take D. play
49. A. case B. profit C. benefit D. goal
50. A. lose B. gain C. put D. reduce
51. A. initial B. initiative C. initiating D. initiate
52. A. Additionally B. Furthermore C. Nonetheless D. Consequently
53. A. More than B. In spite to C. Rather than D. In addition to
54. A. what B. which C. why D. where

45. A
“the number of…”: số lượng… (phía sau là danh từ đếm được)
Còn the amount of + danh từ không đếm được
“the sum of..”: tổng số, “the range of..”:loạt, phạm vi…
46. C
“solution to st”: giải pháp, biện pháp cho vấn đề gì
47. D
“see st as…”: nhìn, cho rằng cái gì giống như…
48. B
Cụm “do the trick”: làm thành công như ý muốn, đạt yêu cầu
49. D
“goal”: mục đích, mục tiêu
50. B
“gain weight” (add weight): tăng cân
51. A
Ở đây ta cần một tính từ
“initial”: đầu, đầu tiên
Tránh nhầm lẫn với “initiative” (n): sáng kiến
52. C
“Nonetheless” = “However”: tuy nhiên
53. C
“rather than”: hơn là, thay vì…
54. D
“where” là mệnh đề quan hệ, được thay thế cho “in a situation”
Environmental Concerns
Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. (33) ______ human
activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming
(34)_______ of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so just to stay (35)_______
we are rapidly destroying the only resource we have (36)________ which all people can survive and
prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (37)______ built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are
exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (38)______. We discharge pollutants into the
atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (39)______, the planet's ability to support
people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are making
increasingly heavy demands on it.The Earth's (40)______ resources are there for us to use. We need food,
water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (41)______ us fed, comfortable, healthy
and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will last indefinitely. But if we use them
wastefully and excessively they will soon (42)_______ and everyone will suffer.
33: A. Still B. Despite C. Yet D. Although
34: A. two-thirds B. two- third C. two-three D. two-threes
35: A. survival B. alive C. existent D. live
36: A. on B. at C. in D. by
37: A. sooner B. rather C. either D. neither
38: A. completely B. quite C. greatly D. utterly
39: A. result B. product C. development D. reaction
40: A. natural B. real C. living D. genuine
41: A. stay B. keep C. maintain D. hold
42: A. run out B. run away C. run up D. run off

33. Đáp án C
Yet = thế nhưng = But. Still = vẫn. Despite = Although = dù
34. Đáp án A
Cách viết phân số: Tử số là số đếm; mẫu số là số thứ tự. Khi tử số lớn hơn một thì phải thêm “s” vào sau
mẫu số
35. Đáp án B
Stay + adj = sống; duy trì ở tình trạng nào. Alive (adj) = còn sống
36. Đáp án D
By = bằng cách nào.
37. Đáp án C
Either … or… = …hoặc là…
38. Đáp án A
Recover = hồi phục. Completely = hoàn toàn. Quite = khá. Greatly = lớn, nhiều. Utterly = cực kì, hoàn
39. Đáp án A
As a result, mệnh đề = Kết quả là,…
40. Đáp án A
Natural resources = các nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên
41. Đáp án B
Keep somebody + adj/Ved = duy trì ai ở tình trạng nào
42. Đáp án A
Run out = hết, cạn kiêt
One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean water. Having
clean drinking water is a basic human right. But acid rain, (1) ________ pollution and garbage have made
many sources of water undrinkable. Lakes, reservoirs and even entire seas have become vast pools (2)
________ poison. LakeBaikal in Russia is one of the largest lakes in the world. It (3) ________ a rich
variety of animals and plants, including 1,300 rare species that do not exist (4) ________ else in the
world. But they are being destroyed by the massive volumes of toxic effluent which (5) _______ into the
lake every day. Even where law existed, the government did not have the power to enforce them. Most
industries simply ignore the regulations. The Mediterranean Sea (6) ________ 1% of the world's water
surface. But it is the dumping (7)________ for 50% of all marine pollution. Almost 16 countries regularly
throw industrial wastes a few miles (8) ________ shore. Water is free to everyone. A few years ago,
people thought that the supply of clean water in the world was limitless. Today, many water supplies have
been (9) ________ by pollution and sewage. Clean water is now scarce, and we are at last beginning to
respect this precious (10) ________. We should do something now.
1. A. industrious B. industry C. industrial D. industrialized
2. A. on B. in C. of D. to
3. A. composes B. contains C. encloses D.consists
4. A. where B. somewhere C. everywhere D. anywhere
5. A. stay B. pour C. boil D. burn
6. A. makes B. occupies C. comprises D. holds
7. A. shore B. land C. ground D. soil
8. A. away B. of C. on D. off
9. A. ruined B. kept C. made D.conserved
10. A. well B. outlet C. nature D. source

1. C
Pollution là danh từ nên trước nó phải là tính từ, loại B
A: chăm chỉ, siêng năng C: thuộc về /liên quan đến công nghiệp. D: công nghiệp hóa.
Ô nhiễm liên quan đến công nghiệp. Chọn C.
2. C
Pool of poison: bể đầy độc tố, bể có độc tố.
3. B
A: soạn B: chứa đựng, bao gồm C: đính kèm
D: consist phải đi kèm với giới từ “of” (nghĩa là “bao gồm”)
4. D
Ta thấy có “do not” nên chọn “ anywhere” vì “anywhere” đi với phủ định.
5. B
Có cụm “into the lake”. Vậy không thể là “burn”( đốt) hay “boil” (đun sôi ) trong hồ được mà phải là
“pour” (đổ vào trong hồ)
6. B
Occupy + bao nhiêu phần trăm: chiếm bao nhiêu phần trăm.
7. C
Ground for: chịu trách nhiệm cho cái gì, gây ra cái gì, nguyên nhân cho cái gì.
8. D
Ta có cụm từ “off shore”: xa bờ
9. A
Về nghĩa chỉ có “ruined” ( hủy hoại) là phù hợp
10. D
B: cửa (sông, cống) C: tự nhiên D: nguồn
British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The
invention of the railways (45) ____ this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for
their health and education. The seaside was a place to be (46) ____ of illness, and doctors recommended
bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to (47) ____ their knowledge, families attended concerts
and read books from the library. At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (48) ____
work. However, in 1871, the government introduced four ‘Banking Holiday’ - national holiday days. This
(49) ____ people to have a day or two out, which now and then gave them a taste for leisure and the
seaside. At first, they went on day-trips, taking (50) ____ of special cheap tickets on the railways. By the
1880s, rising incomes (51) ____ that many ordinary workers and their families could have a week’s
holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (52) ____ them.
Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap
entertainment was (53) ____ offer and holidaymakers went to have fun. Today the English seaside (54)
____ popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.
45: A. got B. had C. let D. made
46: A. recovered B. improved C. cured D. remedied
47: A. add B. increase C. raise D. spread
48: A. from B. out C. off D. away
49: A. allowed B. provided C. opened D. offered
50: A. opportunity B. advantage C. profit D. benefit
51: A. meant B. resulted C. produced D. caused
52: A. board B. accommodate C. lodge D. cater
53: A. on B. to C. in D. for
54: A. stays B. continues C. lasts D. remains

45. Đáp án: D
Make something + adj = làm cái gì trở nên thế nào. Make this possible =khiến điều này trở nên khả thi
46. Đáp án: C
Cure somebody of something = chữa (ai) khỏi bệnh gì
47. Đáp án: B
Increase = làm tăng cái gì. Increase knowledge = làm tăng vốn hiểu biết. Add = thêm, bổ sung. Raise =
nuôi, mọc lên, tăng lên. Spread = trải ra
48. Đáp án: C
Off = tắt, nghỉ. Off work = nghỉ, không làm việc. Off school = nghỉ học
49. Đáp án: A
Allow somebody to V = cho phép ai làm gì
50. Đáp án: B
Take advantage of something = tận dụng cái gì
51. Đáp án: A
Mean (that)… = có nghĩa là… Result in something/Ving = gây ra cái gì. Produce = sản xuất. Cause
something = gây ra cái gì
52. Đáp án: B
Accommodate somebody = cung cấp nơi ăn, chốn ở cho ai
53. Đáp án: A
Be on offer = để bán giảm giá, sẵn có để dùng
54. Đáp án: D
Remain + adj = duy trì ở tình trạng nào
The tourist industry is (21)_____ to be the largest industry. Before 1950 one million people traveled
abroad each year but by the 1900s the figure (22)_____ to 400 million every year. (23)_____ large
numbers of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps the skiers are
destroying the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported
to be covered (24)_____ old tins, tents, and food that have been (25)_____ But at a time when we have
(26)_____ freedom to travel than ever before, more and more people are asking how they can enjoy their
holidays (27)_____ causing problems by spoiling the countryside. Now there is a new holiday (28)_____
called "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth". It tells you (29)_____ you can help the tourist industry by
asking your travel agent the right questions (30)_____ you go on holiday.
Câu 21: A. considered B. seen C. regarded D. figured
Câu 22: A. were rising B. has risen C. had risen D. rose
Câu 23: A. Such B. These C. The D. Those
Câu 24: A. under B. beneath C. with D. by
Câu 25: A. launched B. thrown away C. disposed D. littered
Câu 26: A. larger B. greater C. bigger D. better
Câu 27: A. apart from B. instead of C. hardly D. without
Câu 28: A. guide B. instruction C. direction D. guidance
Câu 29: A. when B. what C. how D. where
Câu 30: A. as soon as B. before C. after D. when

21. A
be considered to be = be regarded as … (được xem là …)
22. C
thì quá khứ hoàn thành (past perfect) được sử dụng cho một hành động đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá
khứ trước một mốc thời gian nào đó cũng nằm trong quá khứ. (by the 1900s)
23. A
Such large numbers of tourists (những con số khách du lịch lớn như thế) dùng cho những con số đã được
nhắc đến ở câu phía trước.
24. C
be covered with (được bao phủ bởi cái gì (ở trên bề mặt)).
25. B
be thrown away = be disposed of (bị vứt đi, quăng ném đi). Litter (xả rác).
26. B
"big và "large" thường được dùng khi nói về kích thước vật chất, phạm vi, khả năng hay số lượng...
"great" chủ yếu được dùng khi nói về tầm quan trọng, chất lượng, năng lực, khả năng ... thường đi với
danh từ không đếm được.
27. D
do A without B/doing B (làm điều A mà không phải làm điều B).
28. D
holiday guide (chỉ dẫn tư vấn cho kì nghỉ) là cụm từ cố định.
29. C
how you can help. (bạn có thể giúp như thế nào…)
30. B
before you go on holiday (trước khi bạn đi nghỉ dưỡng).
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This (35)______many
problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risks (36) ______accidents.
Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to persuade people to change their habits and
leave their cars at home. One possible (37)______is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars
by increasing charges for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who (38)______ the laws. In
addition, drives could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This
system, (39) ______as “road pricing”, is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a special
electronic card (40) ______to windscreen of the car. Another ways of (41) ______with the problem is to
provide cheap parking on the outskirts of the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into
the center. Drivers and passengers then use a special bus service for the (42) ______stage of their journey.
Of course, the most important (43) ______is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to
give up the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and comfortable,
with fares (44) _______at an acceptable level.
35: A. leads B. results C. causes D. invents
36: A. about B. for C. of D. by
37: A. custom B. approach C. manner D. style
38: A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks
39: A. called B. seen C. named D. known
40: A. joined B. fixed C. built D. placed
41: A. doing B. handling C. dealing D. solving
42: A. late B. complete C. end D. final
43: A. thought B. event C. work D. thing
44: A. taken B. stood C. given D. kept

35. C
To cause problem: gây ra các vấn đề (cause thường dùng khi gây ra những thứ tiêu cực)
Lead to: dẫn đến; result in: gây ra kết quả là; invent: phát minh ra
36. C
Risk of st: nguy hiểm, hiểm họa
37. B
One approach = one way: 1 cách, 1 giải pháp
38. C
To break the law: phá luâ ̣t, phạm luâ ̣t
39. D
To be known as: được biết đến là
40. B
Sử dụng rút ngắn câu bị đô ̣ng: be fixed to: được cài vĩnh viễn (không thay đổi)
Join: tham gia; build: xây (nhà, công trình)
41. C
To deal with st: để thỏa thuâ ̣n với, để xử lí với
42. D
The final stage of the journey: đến chă ̣ng cuối cùng của chuyến đi
43. D
The most important thing: điều quan trọng nhất
44. D
Fare kept at an acceptable level: phí được giữ ở mô ̣t mức chấp nhâ ̣n được
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is (33)______ complicated as it is serious.
It is complicated (34)______ much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. (35)______, exhaust
from automobiles causes a large percentage of air pollution. But the automobile (36)______ transportation
for millions of people. Factories discharge much (37)______ the material that pollutes the air and water,
but factories give employment to a large number of people. Thus, to end (38)_______ greatly reduce
pollution immediately, people would have to (39)______ using many things that benefit them. Most of the
people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be (40)______ reduced in several ways.
Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the (41)______ of pollution that such things as
automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that (42)______ businesses and
traffic to stop, or to cut down on certain polluting activities.
33. A. as B. more C. less D. like
34. A. so B. while C. though D. because
35. A. Specific B. For example C. Such as D. Like
36. A. takes B. affords C. carries D. provides
37. A. about B. for C. of D. with
38. A. or B. and C. as well D. then
39. A. start B. continue C. stop D. go on
40. A. carefully B. unexpectedly C. gradually D. little
41. A. way B. figure C. number D. amount
42. A. forbid B. prevent C. request D. require

33. Đáp án: A
Cấu trúc so sánh bằng: tobe+ as+ adj+ as. Ô nhiễm là 1 vấn đề phức tạp cũng nha nghiêm trọng.
34. Đáp án: D
Dịch: nó phức tạp vì rất nhiều ô nhiễm gay ra bởi những thứ có lợi cho con người -> bởi vì.
35. Đáp án: B
For example= cho ví dụ. Dịch: ví dụ, tổn hại từ ô tô gây ra phần lớn ô nhiễm không khí.
36. Đáp án: D
Take= làm, afford = cấp cho, carry= mang vác, provide= cung cấp. Dịch: nhưng ô tô cung cấp phương
tiện đi lại cho hàng triệu người.
37. Đáp án: C
Much/many of sth= phần lớn… Many đi với danh từ đếm được và much đi với danh từ không đếm được.
38. Đáp án: A
“to end _______ greatly reduce pollution immediately” để kết thúc … giảm thiểu ô nhiễm ngay lập tức ->
“or” mang ý lựa chọn giữa 2 hành động.
39. Đáp án: C
“people would have to______ using many things” mọi người phải … sử dụng rất nhiều thứ, kết hợp với
câu trước là giảm thiểu ô nhiễm -> stop.
40. Đáp án: C
Ý chính đầu đoạn 2: ô nhiễm có thể giảm ngay lập tức bằng việc bỏ những việc gậy ô nhiễm mà mọi
người vẫn đang làm. Nhưng không ai muốn làm điều đó. Nhưng ô nhiễm có thể giảm… theo nhiều cách.
-> nếu như giảm ô nhiễm ngay lập tức không được thì chuyển sang giảm dần dần = gradually.
41. Đáp án: D
A large amount of/ a great deal of+N(không đếm được), A large number of N (đếm được).
42. Đáp án: D
Require sbd to do sth: đòi hỏi, yêu cầu ai làm gì

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