Biology - Kingdom of Animals

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Animal Kingdom


1. Aquatic (mostly marine)

2. Attached to ocean floor, cannot move
3. Roughly cylindrical body
4. Body covered with pores through which water & food enter body cavity
5. Large pore present for exit of water-dissolved wastes
6. No tissue organization; true body cavity absent
7. Eg: Scypha, Euspongia


1. Aquatic (marine/freshwater)
2. Existent forms: one that is attached to ocean floor/free-floating
3. Soft translucent body
4. Mouth at one end leading to single hollow cavity

1. What are tentacles?

Ans: •Structure- Long slender filament-like structures
•Function- Help in movement, Catching prey


1. Worms; Soft flattened leaf-like/ribbon-like bodies

2. Parasitic (animals/human beings)/Free-living (aquatic (types))
3. Hooks and suckers on head around mouth (helps in gripping host’s body)
4. Opening for intake of food and expulsion of wastes from body
5. Eg: Tapeworm, Liver fluke, Planaria


1. Long, thin, cylindrical, unsegmented body with tapering ends

2. Parasites (Herbivorous animals/ Digestive tract of human beings/ Soil/
3. Tube-like digestive system (mouth and anus at either end of body)
4. Eg: Ascaris, Hookworms


1. Long thin cylindrical body, divided ring like segments called annuli
2. Mostly free-living, live in soil/water
3. Mouth- Tip of the body Anus- Other end
4. Bristle-like structures called chaetae for locomotion on the underside of their
5. Eg: Leeches and Earthworms


1. Terrestrial or Aquatic animals

2. Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen
3. Hard, Outer covering called exoskeleton, made up of proteinaceous
substance called chitin
4. Jointed legs (in pairs of three/six for locomotion)
5. Antennae and compound eyes on their heads
6. Eg: Honeybees, Scorpions

A. Antennae- Long, thin movable structures present on head for

B. Compound eyes- Eyes made up of repeating units


1. Terrestrial or aquatic animals

2. Soft unsegmented body:- head, visceral mass and muscular foot
3. Hard shell to cover body
4. Muscular foot function- Locomotion
5. Eg: Snails, Oysters, Mussels


1. Marine animals
2. Tough skinned body with spines
3. Body has central disc from which 5 or more arms radiate outwards
(gives star-like appearance)
4. Lower side mouth and upper side anus
5. Locomotory special organ- Tubefeet
6. Eg: Starfish, Brittle star, Sea urchin

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