Worship Music Team Handbook 2019

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1.1. What is Worship?
1.1.1.Worship is an expression of love, respect, honor, obedience,
and loyalty for someone or something that a person considers
to be greater than self.

1.1.2.Other than God, who or what do you think people worship?



1.2. Why do we Worship God?

1.2.1.God is worthy of worship for a multitude of reasons. Some of
them are are: God is the Creator, God is the King of kings, God
is our Savior, God is good, God is powerful, and God is love.

1.2.2.List some more reasons to worship God



1.3. Who are Qualified to Worship God?

1.3.1.Those who have been saved by grace through faith, because
God accepts worship only through Christ (Hebrews 12:28).
Believers have the Spirit of God in them (Philippians 3:3), and
they are the only ones who could worship God in spirit and in
truth (John 4:23-24). Those who worship in spirit and in truth
understands that worship is not just outward, physical
demonstrations, but it is genuine, coming from a heartfelt
devotion to God. This heart of worship is formed by knowing
God’s grace through Christ.

Jubilee In Jesus Fellowship | Worship-Music Team 1

1.3.2.Does sin make worship unacceptable? No. Jesus Christ have
already made a way for us to come to God through His death
and resurrection, and no sin could close that way! If sin could
make a Believer’s worship unacceptable, then no one could
really worship God, because no one is prefect in performance.
But sin inflicts fear and condemnation, which could keep a
Christian from approaching God. On the other hand,
worshipping God and at the same time living in sin defies
worship in spirit and in truth. That is why the Bible urges “to
present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to
God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1 ESV).
Always keep in mind that real Believers are genuine inside
and out, so are real worshippers.

1.4. How do we Worship God?

1.4.1.Worship is a lifestyle. Worship God through how you live
your life: in your thoughts, your plans, your words, and your
1.4.2.Worship God by your faith (Hebrews 11:6). Every time you
pray to God and trust Him with everything, you are
worshipping Him.
1.4.3.Worship through praise. “Out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34 ESV). If your heart is full
of worship for God, it would spill out, and express itself
through acts of worship, like going to church, singing, and
1.4.4.Worship through obedience and service. It is impossible for
someone who have truly known God’s grace and not have a
desire to obey His word and serve Him.

2.1. Mentions of Music in the Bible
2.1.1.Music is as ancient as the angels (Job 38:4-7).
2.1.2.The first musician was Jubal, who played the harp and flute
(Genesis 4:21).
2.1.3.It was a common practice to celebrate events with music, like
in victories (Exodus 15:20; Judges 11:34; 1Samuel 18:6), to
welcome and send off guests (Genesis 31:27), and funerals
(2Chronicles 35:25).
2.1.4.Trumpets were sounded during battles (Judges 6:34; Amos
3:6), used to signal people to gather for important meetings
(like in the giving of the Law, Exodus 19:13), and open
festivals, like the Year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:9).
2.1.5.God commanded Moses to write a song before his death as a
reminder for Israel of God’s promises and warning for
disobedience (Deuteronomy 31-32).
2.1.6.David used a harp to exorcise the evil spirit off King Saul
(1Samuel 18:10).
2.1.7.Prophets played musical instruments (1Samuel 10:5) and used
music to hear from the Lord (2Kings 3:15).
2.1.8.Music was employed during the procession of the Ark of the
Covenant in David’s time (1Chronicles 15:16) and its
installation in the newly built temple in Solomon’s reign
(2Chronicles 15:13-14).
2.1.9.Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn (a religious song) after the
Last Supper (Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26).
2.1.10. Paul and Silas were singing hymns in the prison when the
earthquake broke the cells (Acts 16:25).
2.1.11. Paul encouraged singing unto God (Ephesians 5:19;
Colossians 3:16).
2.1.12. John saw a vision of angels and saints singing to God
(Revelation 5:9; 14:3; 15:3).

Jubilee In Jesus Fellowship | Worship-Music Team 3

2.1.13. And, of course, music was used to worship God and
communicate His glory and grace to people.

2.2. The Influence of Music

2.2.1.God created music to be a special way of communication
which utilizes art, skill, and language to form a pleasant mix of
sound that touches the hearts of listeners.
2.2.2.Everybody loves music, though people have different
2.2.3.Music is deeply embedded in life. It is present in
entertainment, technology, education, work, and others.
2.2.4.Music has the ability to change a person’s mood and influence
the mind.
2.2.5.It’s been theorize that music can control people through
subliminal messages by backmasking or other means.

2.3. How the Church use Music to Worship God

2.3.1.The Church must use music to glorify God.
2.3.2.The Church can use music to attract people to the Lord.
2.3.3.The Church should teach Believers proper stewardship of
2.3.4.God’s singers and musicians should grow their talents, play
their best, and dedicate their music for God’s glory above all.

2.4. How has worship songs influence your spiritual life? Please write




3.1. A JIJF Worship-Music Team Member is one who uses God-given
musical talents for church ministry purposes. Currently available
positions to fill are: worship leader, backup singers, musicians
(guitar, bass, piano/keyboard, drums), dancers (including
tambourine), and sound/visual technician.

3.2. Qualifications of team members:

3.2.1.Not a recent convert, or have at least finished the Bible study
series for new Believers
3.2.2.Basic music/dance talent / audio/video tech background
3.2.3.Has a heart of worship

3.3. The General task of the team:

Since worship is not exclusively by music, the title “Worship-Music”
here explicitly presents the ministry as specializing in worship
through music. The team’s ultimate task is to glorify God through
music and to lead the worshippers into the experience of being lost
from the world and found beside the Lover of our souls.

3.4. What things are expected from a JIJF Worship-Music Team

3.4.1.The congregation looks to the team as models of a lifestyle of
worship, and so they should be mindful of how they act in
public or in private.
3.4.2.The worship team has a special way of touching the hearts of
worshippers through the lyrics and melody—sometimes even
more influential than the sermon. And so the team should be
mindful of the songs they play and how they perform it.
3.4.3.The Bible says that musicians should play skillfully (Psalm
33:3), and so members are encouraged to improve their skills
and participate in all scheduled rehearsals.

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3.4.4.The Bible says that praise should be glorious (Psalm 66:2), and
so the team should strive to provide God an awesome
presentation to the best of their abilities.
3.4.5.The Bible teaches us to boast on the Lord, and so the team
should remain humble on and off the stage.
3.4.6.The team should wear decent clothes on the stage. Especially
for ladies, avoid clothes that may distract worshippers.
3.4.7.The church’s musical equipment is holy to the Lord: so it must
not be used for any other purpose than to glorify God (some
exceptions may apply, like using it for weddings or church-
sponsored concerts).
3.4.8.Be good stewards of church property: handle equipment with

3.5. What changes have you experienced since becoming a member of

the church’s Worship-Music Team? Please write below.








4.1. The Rehearsals
4.1.1.Team members who are to perform on major worship
activities, such as the Sunday Worship Service, are expected to
attend the scheduled practice time (exception on unavoidable
circumstances apply).
4.1.2.Due to time restraints, practices for other church activities
(like the prayer meeting) may be done minutes before the
event, especially for team members who are still growing in
their musical skills. More skillful members may perform
without practice, but this only in dire situations.
4.1.3.In case a member who is scheduled to perform would be
unable to attend either the rehearsal or the event, the
concerned should notify immediately the Music Director for
immediate substitution or adjustment.
4.1.4.Worship Leaders should give their songs in advance. In some
cases, the pastor may suggest a song or change a song. Be
prepared for sudden situations.

4.2. During Praise and Worship

4.2.1.Focus on God. The glory is for Him alone. Worship Him with
every strum of the guitar and beat of the drum.
4.2.2.Don’t distract worshippers. Musicians who are not in the
mood of worship are very obvious. Don’t fake worship, but
truly worship God in your heart and let it spill out.
4.2.3.Be attentive to the Worship Leader. Watch out for hand
signals and/or verbal directions.
4.2.4.For the Worship Leader, make sure you communicate well
with the team. Master the song by learning the correct
transitions from and to verses and instrumentals. Know how
to start and end the song right. Be mindful of your tone and

Jubilee In Jesus Fellowship | Worship-Music Team 7

4.2.5.The Worship Leader should learn how to connect with the
worshippers to be able to competently lead them. Here are a
few tips to do so: Be visible. No one plays Follow the Leader
blindfolded! People follow what they see. Talk and sing boldly and clearly. Talk or pray a personal prayer aloud in between
songs ONLY when necessary. Remember that you are anointed by grace, and so
be dependent on His Spirit.

4.3. Do you have suggestions and tips for the team’s improvement?
Please write it down below and share it to the team.










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