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Qu Qn Qua Qs QU ae CUS aT and Cine CBSE Term-{ Examination November-December 2021) ry Feptesents enhanced labour productivity which is an acquited ability tovestmenc decisions with an expectation that it will increase future income sources () Human Capital 4d an outa (b) Human Capital Formation (0) Economic Growth (d) None of these Name the apex institution for rural financing in India (a) SIDBI (b) IDBI (©) NABARD. (d) None of these — essentially focuses on ac development tion for the development of areas that are lay of the village economy. (a) Economic Growth (0) Rural Development Hg behind (b) Feonomic Development (d) All of these The notable economist whose estimates India’s per ca significant: (@)_Dadabhai Naoroji (b) William Digby (©) V.K.RV Rao (RC Desai income du the colonial peti yy The trade policy reforms aimed at (a) dismantling of quantitative restr (b) reduction of tariff rates, (©) removal of licensin (4) All of the above ictions on imports and exports 8 Procedures for imports Q17 Supply of mone Qs Quis Q.20 — #5 the rate of interest at which central bank lends to the commercial (a) Bank Rate (b) Repo Rate (d)_ Prime Lending Rate banks for (© Reverse Repo Rate y refers to quantity of money (@) as on 31st March (b) during any specified period of time (© _ason any point of time (@)_ during a fiscal year Which of eh following is an example of non debt capital receipt? @ Financial help from a multinational corporati (b) Sale of share of a Public Sector Undertal (o) ion for victims in a flood affected area, king (PSU) to a private company, Y Led Dividends paid to the Government by the S tare Bank of India. (@) Borrowings from International Monetary Fund (IME), “Government of India is giving incentives for exports” State the likely effect of the given statement on fo (a) New equi reign exchange rate with reference to the Indian Ee ium rate of foreign exchange will be determined which will be higher than th foreign exchange rae, leading to depreciation of domestic currency, (b) New equilibrium rate of foreign exchange will be determined which will be low: exchange rate leading to Appreciation of domestic currency, (0) New equilibrium rate of foreign exchange will be determ foreign exchange rat, leading to devaluation of domestic 4 New equilibrium rate of foreign exchange rate, leading to revalu er than the prevail ined which will be higher than the p= urrency. exchange will be determined which will be lower than the prevailing © (d) ation of domestic currency. Read the following statements carefull ly and choose the correct alternative from the following: Statement 1 — Government budget is an important Monetary policy instrument. Statement 2~ Government Budge: ‘isa financial statement of budgetary receipts and budgetary &p the government during a fiscal year. Ped EXAM HANDBOO} Mee | cen yay aS eT es i" erm itn eT ° c ments ae ( ey ae sate vavements ate fal ih ais erue and Statement 2 is false sat eis true and Statement 1 is false (b) Surplus n ,) Trade ean Surplus (4) Current Account Deficit cat . a ding saterents relating to demographic condition of India during British Rule and choose the aN ence of these statements Ot sin eral mortality rate was very high Ove Mfuerand airborne diseases were rampant ate ’ 7 wale health services were either unavailable or we re inadequate fine morality was at alarming level ematives: mp. i, Go) © Gi, c0,0,¢ * il i, Gv) @ o,ay sy nde te 19805, government expenditure began to exceed its revenue by such large margins that meeting the © apeadtue through __became unsustainable. 1) Taxproceeds (b) cj Non-tax revenue Borrowin, (d) None of these i lnder ~ scheme each bank accounts holder is entitled to “] lakh accident insurance and ° 30,000 ifeinsurance cover. 2 Pradhan Mantei Jan-Dhan Yojana (b) National Social Assistance Programme «) Tublic Distribution System (d) National Rural Livelihoods Mission Section-B (20 questions out of 24 questions are to be attempted) (5 The objective of all our Policies had been stated as ‘aly and socal justice “ales, regardless of which governmen * Reduction in income-inequalities was in power. (b) Poverty alleviation “Reduction in unemployment (a) Infrastructure development | vation by banks comes to an end when, "sh deposis with banks become zero (b) legal reserve ratio becomes zero my "ey multiplier becomes zero () oral reserves equal initial deposits “(ao of net tou deposits that a commercial bank has to keep with Reserve Bank of India is called: « Satutory liquidity ratio (b) Deposit ratio “ Cosh Teserve ratio “8 the second half of the 1 (d) Legal reserve ratio 9th century, the cotton textile mills, mainly dominated by Indians, were located in 5 9, Se pats of the country. namely Maharashera and Gujarat eng ee etucontenetd Karnataka Maharashtra Odisha Rajasthan ‘Tamil Nadu ‘Uttar Pradhesh ‘West Bengal Madhya Pradhesh in Some Large States, 1973-2012 (%) the government more flexibility and they do not need 10m (b) Flexible id) None of these ef acquiting information 1 ion relating to with vai 5 sof and at what cost. Thi ee m ofthe acquited human cap Seca erative: nd Re 1 automatically takes care ofthe surplus and defi (b) Pegged id) Managed Floating scded in the Capital Account of Balance of Payments hhome country then economy. (iv) To subserve various colonia ‘D. Motive of the behind monopoly control over Indias exports | ae the countryside to the nearest railway stat ——_|__sendcheseto England, Assertion (A): Reason (R): Money supply is the total stack of money in circulation among the public point of time foney supply is a flow va the correct explanation of Assertion (4) s not the correct explanation of Asertion Q43 lowing statement-Assertion (A) and Reason (R): Assertion Expendicare on Ujwala Yojana launched by the Government is an example of roene i expenditure which neither created assets nor reduced lial Select the correct alt ities of the Government. id. Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) (A) is true but Reason(R) is false false bur Reason(R) is the correct explanation of Asser 1ot the correct explanation of Assertion crue, is the difference becween the value of exports and value of imports of goods ofa county it? (b) Balance of Payments int Balance (4) Capital Account Balance * a purpose of WTO? based crating regime in which nations cannot place arbitrary restrictions on ca in and trade of services. ion of world resources and to protect the environment. ’ ReneS opr fe eae vement-Assertion (A) and Reason (R): =e 1 jiberalisation 2 re eee ig aso o promote the efficiency of| of trade and investment regime was forei aleernative: ge corres Reason (R) are crue and Reason (R) i Ae and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) isnot the correct ruc but Reason(R) is false. (A) B five but Reason(R) is true. wisfa e of the small industries? a ot Generation Programme (REGP) a gut Yojana (PMRY) ti Shabari Rozgat Yojana (SJSRY) lowing self-employment Programmes. One can get financial assistance in 1 1c above reduce poverty through specific poverty alleviation programmes has been is rf (b) Third Five Year plan (d) Seventh Five Year plan Section-C (10 questions out of 12 questions are to be attempted) ig News Report and answer Q. 49-54 on the basis of the same: 10 major highlights of Budget 2020 and boost purchasing power. 1B: ide followin new taxpayers idget 2020 ~ (i) Aspiration .ce minister has allocated a cotal of *99,300 crore to the educati India. (ii) Economic Development (iii) Caring society ) lakh crore over the next 5 years. ks and National Quantum Tech Plan. ¢¢ of tourism. J class and scheduled tribes — Government has allocated "85k crore for the schedule ses for the year 2020-21 and “53,700 crore for the scheduled tribes. Disa rmx (b) Indirect : (d)_ None of these 7 I be its likely effect on revenue defice in government bude taxpayers.” What ® = (b) Decrease | d) None of these lakh crore over the next 5 years ~ Building Infrasructure Fa b) Capiral | 1) Non development

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