Time Management

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WEEK DATE (22- 28 NOV 2021)




In the preface to his book the 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons
in History, Michael Hart noted the supreme success of the Prophet
Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, on both the religious and
secular level [Hart 1978]. The Muslim community, which started as four
individuals, himself, his wife Khadijah, his close friend Abu Bakr, and his cousin
Ali, reached over a hundred thousand companions by his death in 23 years.
Only ten thousand or so of these companions are buried in the graveyard at
Medina today, as most of them died in remote lands spreading the message
[Gulen 2000]. Contrary to the common perception in the west, the Prophet
Muhammad did not spend most of his time in battle fields or even involved in
political affairs. The total number of casualties in the battles in which he
participated throughout his life is not even 800 [Hamidullah]. Instead, the
activities that occupied most of his daily life were worship, prayers, and
supplications, followed by family and community affairs, including conveying
God’s message to his people. While always confident of God’s help, the
Messenger (upon whom be peace and blessings) was also a master of skillful
time management.

We also learn that the Prophet was a very punctual time keeper. He did not
waste even the smallest amount of time and admonished those who did. We
learn that he kept a tight daily schedule to the extent that his companions
became worried when this schedule was not observed. He designated certain
days and hours of each day for certain activities. He encouraged staying
awake after dawn and having a short nap at noon. He practiced such
principles as eating moderately, sleeping moderately, and talking moderately,
all of which ultimately help with better time management. He took advantage
of every discretionary moment in life for remembering God and offering
prayers. Every activity in his life was guided by his main goal of living and
sharing God’s religion for a happy life on the Earth and in the Hereafter.

All the bounties (age or youth, wealth, life, aql, body and its tools,
knowledge, security and peace) received by human beings whether through
our own effort or freely bestowed are blessing granted by the Almighty Allah,
why because he is the one who creates all of these bounties in the first place,
and its is who creates the abilities and power that servant need in order to
obtain them. (we are recipient of divine blessings. we are in need to
acknowledge that we have entrusted by the subtle creator all of these
bounties and we will be asked about how we use them (takathur 8).

Use your youth time to sow the seeds of good deeds, make the most of it
while you are energetic, appreciate the value of your time, as youth develop
sense of urgency ( don’t think you have plenty of time until you reach a
certain age, start now, also keep track of your time, invent time to serve god,
serving your surrounding community especially by volunteering on socially
productive project, have a goals and vision towards projects, build networks
and think big ,live Islam as it is and spread its blessed message, turn your daily
activities into act of worship simply by making right intention, hence every
task we do we should do to the best of our ability (remember the successful
person is always the one who tries their best to go beyond what is expected
in all their roles), and should somehow linked broader concept of worship,
Salah help as regulate our days so keep track of your Salah, tahajjud prayers
very important, cut down time wasters {ie social media, calls, meetings},
always carry book with you, kindle, ebook, audio bbook, podcast, keep
occupied with remembrance of God, scheduling of tasks, nap time,. health (go
hospital some days),

The Almighty regulates how we may acquire these bounties he bestows; he

also regulates how we must use them. These comes lawful and unlawful ways
and things. Also, extravagance is counted among things that cause the loss of
divine mercy and love. Lo Allah doesn’t love the prodigals (annam 141).

For example life is an extremely valuable bounty bestowed by Allah upon

every living thing once only. And for a limited period of time. Thus, its
necessary to spend time on actions that suits its value.

But how can we live productively? its simply by making smart, best choices
continuously using our energy and focus and time towards beneficial goal in
order to achieve beneficial result both in this transient world and the

Allah said by the time, verily humanity is in loss, except those who have faith
and do righteous deeds. (asr 3), why al asr time ? because its time indicator
of the day whether good or bad matter occur. This ayah implies bitter truth
that majority of people fail regard to time for example how many times we
failed to fullfill our promise due time lag? Even rasul saw said ayatulmunafiq
thalatha idhaa haddatha kadhaba waidha waada akhlafa, waidhaatumina

Thus, its important one must turn immediately from one good work to the
next, leave what’s unnecessary, and keep away from idle talk. (leave aside
things doesn’t concern you).
Our life is like a river which flows faster and fleeting days makes our lives
numbered by the divine will as like a drop filling a cup each day, we advance
towards end.

The major causes of profligacy (wastefullness) concerning time is that people

don’t clearly grasp death and keep assuming that’s too far from them.
Remember death often it uproots all kind of pleasure. Its very silly for you
setting permanent home in airport because your flight will depart at some
point and you will leave everything behind.

Where will you be one year from now? 10 years? 20 years? 60 years? Do you
know how many leaves remain in your calendar of Life ?

The pride of humanity (saw) said there is no body who will die and not be
regretful. If he is pious person then he will regret not having performed more
good deeds. And if he is an evildoer, then he will regret not having abandoned
evil actions (tirmidh).

Among the prophetic tradition

{Value five things before the occurrence of five other things, youth before the
occurrence of age (time management), health before the occurrence of
sickness, wealth before the occurrence of poverty, free time before the
occurrence of labor and life before the occurrence of death} (bukhar).

Another tradition said; after the resurrection, the feet of a servant will un able
to move before he question about four things. 1 his life, how did he use it? 2
his youth; how did he occupy it? 3 his wealth; how did he gain it, and how
spent it? 4 his knowledge what did he do with it? Imagine standing infront
of God answering those questions.
Junayd albaghdad said one day in this world is more valuable than thousand
years in the hereafter why? because earnings and loosing things belong to this
world in the hereafter, we can neither of them.

The noble companions of the prophet felt that the best time they spent was
the period when they were occupied with carrying messages to other people.

But why do we have the highest illiteracy rates in the world while we are
the ummah of iqra?

Why do we have lowest number of nobel prize winners? even we are the
ummah of taffakur?

Previously the islamic civilization ruled vast part of the world nearly 900
years? but today why, 0ay be because of misconceptions towards islam
among muslim.

How about the value of time in Islam?

People said time Is money but imam hasan al banna said in reality time is life.
Normally we lamenting my cash is gone or stolen but when we waste hours
of our life, we never said my life is gone.

May the Almighty grant that we pursue lives free of extravagance, established
in moderation and harmoniously balanced in the inner and outer worlds, may
we ornament his bounty time with good and beautiful deeds and grant us
good death so that we die as good muslims.

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