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Vertical curves
The vertical curves are curves used to provide a smooth
change in direction taking place in the vertical plane due
to change of grade introduced at the intersection of two
gradients either as summit curves or sag curves.
The requirement of a vertical curve is that it should
provide a constant rate of change of grade, in which a
parabola fulfills this requirement.

In route design vertical curves are provided at all

changes of gradient. They should have sufficiently large
curvature to provide comfort to the driver, that is, they
should have a low ‘rate of change of grade’.
In addition, they should afford adequate ‘sight distances’
for safe stopping at a given design speed.

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Vertical CURVES
Types of vertical curves

1. Summits
2. Sags

: Sag and crest curves

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Gradients Parabolic curves. They are used to define

Expressed as percentages with a negative for a downgrade vertical curves with the
and a positive for an upgrade. form of y=ax2 +bx where,
For example a downgrade of 1 in 20 = 5 in 100 = -5% and an y is the height of a curve
upgrade of 1 in 25 = 4 in 100 = +4%. above or below the first
The grade angle (A%) is the angle of deflection of the two tangent point at a distance
intersecting gradients which represents the change of grade x. They are required when
through which the vertical curves deflects. there is a change of
It is the algebraic difference of the two gradients. gradient from slope to a
For example A% = (-5% -4%) = -g1% - g2% = -9% = Sag curve to make the surface
curve and A% = (+5% - (-4%)) = = g1% + g2% =+9% = Crest smooth and gradual.

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Properties of simple parabola
Properties of simple parabola
Distance T1T2, T1T2, The basic equation for a simple parabola is given by y=Cx2
the tangents T1IT2, the where y is the vertical offset from gradient to curve, x is the
horizontal distance T1D distance from start of the curve, and C is a constant.
and the chord T1T2 are
so close in length that Offsets are proportional to distance squared computed from
they are considered as the following relationship; y l2
1 1
equal. This is very Y
(L / 2) 2
important in
computations and Where Y is the mid-offset = AL/800 and A is grade angle.
setting out of vertical

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Purpose of vertical curves Setting-out data for vertical curves
 To provide adequate visibility between the vehicles.
To provide safety and comfort for passengers.
(b)The sight distance is the length required for a vehicle to
To provide smooth and gradual change.
stop from the moment a driver sees an obstruction over the
Setting-out data for vertical curves brow of a summit or crest curve.
Requires the following information: The sight distance includes thinking, braking, stopping, and
1. The length of the curve which depends on the gradient of safety margin distances.
the straights and the sight distance. 2. The gradients or the slopes and
Explanations: 3. The reduced level of one chainage point, preferably the
intersection point.
(a) The steeper the approach to the gradients, the greater
the centrifugal effect caused by the change of gradient from
the slope to the curve. Hence the curve length must be
increased to reduce the effect.

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Vertical curves computations Vertical curves computations
Example 01: A 100-m curve is to connect a downgrade of 0.75% to an (II) Calculating offsets.
upgrade of 0.25%. If the level of the intersection point of the two grades is From y1 l12
150 m, calculate: Y (L / 2) 2
Curve levels at 20-m intervals, check on the computations.
The position and level of the lowest point on the curve.
I. Find the value of the central offset Y.
II. Calculate offsets.
III. Calculate levels along the gradients.
IV. Add/subtract (ii) from (iii) to get curve levels.

(I) Referring figure above, the value of the central offset Y is computed as,
Grade angle A=(-0.75-0.25)= -1%
L/2= 100/2 = 50m, thus the grades IT2, and IJ are diverging at the rate of
1% (1m per 100m) in 50m, hence T2J=(A/100) x (L/2)=4Y=0.5m, Y=

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Vertical curves computations Vertical curves computations
(III) Level at T1 from known level at I, (b) The position and level of the lowest point on the curve are computed
Distance from I to T1 = 50m, grade = 0.75%, as:
Rise in level from I to T1 = (P/100) x (L/2) = P/2 =0.75/2=0.375m Note that, the highest or lowest point on the vertical curve doesn’t
Level at T1 = 150.000 + 0.375 = 150.375 m. necessarily coincide with the mid-point but rather computed using
The rest of levels at 20-m interval are computed as follows: equation bellow.
P Ax pL 0.75 x100
= x= x= = 75m from T1
100 100 L A 1

The offset at this point = y2= 0.125 x 752/502 = 0.281 m

Tangent level 75 m from T1 = 150.375 – 0.75% x 75 =
150.375 - 0.563 = 149.812 m
Curve level = 149.812 + 0.281 = 150.093 m

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves

In order to set out a vertical curve in the field, one requires levels along When r is linked to design speed it is termed as the rate of vertical
the curve at given chainage intervals. acceleration and should never exceed 0.3 m/s2.
Before the levels can be computed, one must know the length L of the Commonly-used design values for r are:
curve using the following parameters: 3%/100 m on crest curves and 1.5%/100 m on sag curves.
(i) K-value. L=KA where: L=Length of a vc It is important to use much larger curves to prevent rapid
A = the difference between the two gradients (grade angle). change of grade and provide adequate sight distances.
K = is called rate of curvature =(100/r) which is related to design
speed (V).
The K-value is defined using rate of change of gradients (r) which is the
rate at which the curve passes from one gradient ( g1%) to the next (
g2%) and is similar in concept to rate of change of radial acceleration in
horizontal transitions.

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves
Working from first principles if g1 =−2% and g2 =+4% (sag curve),
then the change of grade from −2% to +4% = 6%=(A), the grade
angle. Thus, to provide for a rate of change of grade of 1.5%, one
would require 400 m (L) of curve. If the curve was a crest curve,
then using 3% gives 200 m ( L ) of curve using the following
relation: L = 100A/r. Where (100/r) = K.
(ii) Sight distances
The sight distance is the length required for a vehicle to stop from the
moment a driver sees an obstruction over the brow of a summit or crest
curve which is a safety design factor intrinsically linked to rate of
change of grade, and hence to K–values.
Stopping distance is dependent upon:
(1) Speed of the vehicle.
(2) Braking efficiency.
(3) Gradient.
(4) Coefficient of friction between tyre and road.
(5) Road conditions.
(6) Driver’s reaction time.
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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
(ii) Sight distances Sight distances on crests
In order to cater for all the above variables, the height of the driver’s
(a) Stopping sight distance (SSD)
eye above the road surface is taken as being only 1.05 m; a height
applicable to sports cars whose braking efficiency is usually very The above are a function of driver age and fatigue, road
high. Thus, other vehicles, such as lorries, with a much greater eye conditions, etc., and thus the design parameters are based on
height, would have a much longer sight distance in which to stop. average driver behavior in wet conditions.
Sight distances on crests 95% of drivers’ eye height is 1.05 m or above; the upper limit of 2
m represents large vehicles.
(a) Stopping sight distance (SSD) The height of the obstruction is between 0.26 m and 2.0 m.
The SSD is the sight distance required by a driver to stop a Forward visibility should be provided in both horizontal and vertical
vehicle when faced with an unexpected obstruction on the planes between points in the centre of the lane nearest the inside
carriageway. It comprises two elements: of the curve.
(i) The perception-reaction distance, which is the distance
travelled from the time the driver sees the obstruction to the time
it is realized that the vehicle must stop; and
(ii) The braking distance, which is the distance travelled before
the vehicle halts short of the obstruction.
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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
Sight distances on crests (b) Full overtaking sight distance (FOSD)
This is especially on single carriageways whereby, overtaking in
(a) Stopping sight distance (SSD)
the lane of the opposing traffic occurs. For safety requirement, an
adequate sight distance is required to permit the driver to
complete the normal overtaking procedure.

It comprises four elements:

(i) The perception/reaction distance travelled by the vehicle whilst
the decision to overtake or not is made.
(ii) The overtaking distance travelled by the vehicle to complete
the overtaking maneuver.
(iii) The closing distance travelled by the oncoming vehicle whilst
overtaking is occurring.
(iv) The safety distance required for clearance between the
overtaking and oncoming vehicles at the instant the overtaking
Visibility on vertical curve vehicle has returned to its own lane.

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
(b) Full overtaking sight distance (FOSD) For instance, consider the design of a crest curve on a dual
It has been shown that 85% of overtaking takes place in 10 carriageway with a design speed of 100 km/h.
seconds. It should be obvious from the concept of FOSD that it is Three scenarios to consider when computing length of a vertical
used in the design of single carriageways only, where safety curve considering sight distances.
when overtaking is the prime consideration.

Overtaking visibility. Calculation of curve length

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
(i) When S<L (ii) When S > L
(Proof is left to the student)

(iii) When S = L

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
Sight distances on sags Sight distances on sags
Sag curves are designed to ensure that headlamps illuminate the road surface Sag curves are designed to ensure that headlamps illuminate the road surface
for at least absolute minimum SSD. for at least absolute minimum SSD.
(i) When S < L (i) When S < L

Clearance on a vertical curve

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Parameters for setting out vertical curves Parameters for setting out vertical curves
(iii) Vertical curve radius
Sight distances on sags
(ii) When S > L Due to the very shallow gradients involved in vertical curve (VC)
design, the parabola may be approximated to a circular curve. In
this way vertical accelerations (V2/R) may be easily assessed.
In circular curves the main chord from T1 to T2 = 2R sin(∆/2),
where ∆ is the deflection angle of the two straights.
In vertical curves, the main chord may be approximated to the
length (L) of the VC and the angle ∆ to the grade angle A, i.e.

Clearance on a vertical curve when S > L

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Vertical CURVES Vertical CURVES

Example 01
A downgrade of 4% meets a rising grade of 5% in a sag curve. At
the start of the curve the level is 123.06 m at chainage 3420 m,
whilst at chainage 3620 m there is an overpass with an underside
level of 127.06 m. If the designed curve is to afford a clearance of 5
m at this point, calculate the required length.

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Vertical CURVES
Definitions of important terms
BVC: Beginning of Vertical Curve aka
EVC: End of Vertical Curve aka PVT
g1 % : percent grade of back tangent
g2 % : percent grade of forward tangent
L: curve length (horizontal distance) in
feet or stations.
x: horizontal distance from any point on
the curve to the BVC.
r: rate of change of grade.

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