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Hanoi 2011

Franco-Vietnamese Actuary Program




Domaine Scientifique de Gerland
50 Avenue Tony Garnier – 69366 LYON CEDEX 07
Tél. +33 (0) – Fax +33 (0)
E-mail :

The only way of entrance in ISFA’s actuary program is a competitive examination which will take place in
Hanoi on the 6th, 7th and 8th of September 2011.

The entrance examination includes:

 two mathematical tests;
 one English written test.

After a first deliberation the successful candidate of this first part has an interview which allows the
examining board to judge his personality and his motivation.


Written part:

Test subject Duration Weighting

Test 1
(Mathematical proficiency test) 3 hours 2

Test 2
2 a. Logic and deduction test 1 hour 30 1
2 b. Mathematical exercises 1 hour 30 1

Written English test 2 hours 1

Interview: duration min 20 minutes / max 30 minutes

 Personality and motivations: 2 (weighting)
 Oral English: 1 (weighting)


Test 1:

The aim of the test 1 is to know if the candidate has completely assimilate the basic knowledge in
mathematics obtained during the first two years of the university education (see the precise program in the
last subsection) and to see if he is able to make correctly some simple mathematical calculations.

The chosen exercises are easy and very standard. The candidate must solve 8 exercises (3 for the algebra
and geometry, 3 for analysis of one variable functions, 2 for the analysis of several variable functions)
among 11 proposed. In each exercises there are 4 questions: the first 3 questions require a true or false
answer to a proposed affirmation; the last question is a calculus; generally the preliminary questions are
indications helping for the calculus.


Domaine Scientifique de Gerland
50 Avenue Tony Garnier – 69366 LYON CEDEX 07
Tél. +33 (0) – Fax +33 (0)
E-mail :
Test 2:

This test consists of two parts of equal duration.

During the first part (2a) the candidate have to solve short problems of logic and deduction, using only
calculus process of the elementary school and the general understanding.
These kinds of problems, in the form of short stories, are generally used in the IQ tests to know the way of
thinking and the deduction ability of the candidate in a non-technical situation.

Otherwise, in the second part (2b) a purely mathematical work is proposed to appreciate the mathematical
ability of the candidates. There are 3 classical exercises to solve, without particular indication and generally,
they are more difficult than in test 1. These exercises are some of those used for the French entrance
examinations in the “Grandes Ecoles” for engineers or business studies.

To prepare the math examination, the candidate should focus on these 5 topics:

(1) Linear algebra and Euclidean geometry in 2 or 3 dimension.

(2) Optimization of the 2 or 3 real variables functions on a simple set.
(3) Differential equations of the first or second order, mainly separable variables equations and
linear equations.
(4) Integrals (simple, double, triple) in particular study of a function defined by an improper integral
with a parameter.
(5) Use of the power series and Fourier series in analysis problems.


This test is a TOEFL style exam: some questions about understanding, vocabulary, and grammar are asked
from the reading of a short source text. This test is given by a Vietnamese English teacher.

During around twenty minutes the interview requires the qualities of the candidate about personal
thought/analysis, willingness to communicate, ability to convince, capacity to use his imagination and his
own education background to illustrate his talk, etc.

Mainly, the examination board will try to appreciate:

 The candidate’s knowledge of the cultural, economic and social framework in Vietnam and Europe.
 The candidate’s motivations to actuary studies.

Practically, the interview is based on a form filled in beforehand and carefully by the candidate. This form
enables to know the identity, studies and early work of the candidate and to know the reasons why he
takes this exam.
His leisure and hobbies are discussed to complete the knowledge of his personality.
[The examining board will avoid all inquisitive questions and all politic particular considerations.]
The language of the interview is English except if the candidate wants to speak French; a mark is given for
his oral ability by the English teacher (or the French teacher).


Domaine Scientifique de Gerland
50 Avenue Tony Garnier – 69366 LYON CEDEX 07
Tél. +33 (0) – Fax +33 (0)
E-mail :

1 – Linear algebra : real and complex vector spaces, subspaces, bases, dimension ; vector spaces of the
linear maps, dual space, null space, rank of a linear map ; matrices, algebra of the square matrices,
determinant; Eigen value, Eigen vector; reduction of the matrices ; linear systems of equations.

2 – Bilinear algebra; quadratic forms, scalar products; Euclidean spaces, geometry in an Euclidean space,
diagonalization of the real symmetric matrices, quadric reduction.

3 – Polynomial and partial fractions.

4 – Analysis of the one and severable variables functions:

a – Sequence and series

b – Continuity, derivability, Taylor expansion, usual functions, limits calculus.

c – Integrals (simple, double, triple), improper integrals.

d – For the real functions of 2 or 3 variables: derivative, gradient, partial derivative, search of
extrema; curves and surfaces defined by implicit equations.

5 – Sequences and series of functions: power series, Fourier series.

6 – Functions defined by an improper integral with a parameter, in particular continuity and derivability
under the integral sign.

7 – Differential equations of the first and second order: separable variables equations, linear equations;
linear systems with fixed coefficients.


Domaine Scientifique de Gerland
50 Avenue Tony Garnier – 69366 LYON CEDEX 07
Tél. +33 (0) – Fax +33 (0)
E-mail :
Entrance examination July 2005 - VIET-NAM


Name : ……………………………………………………………….

Exercise 1
The following hypothesis are given :

(1) If Peter is stronger than John, thus John is stronger than Paul.

(2) If Peter is not stronger than John thus Paul is not stronger than Mark.
And the two following assertions are certain:

(3) John is not stronger than Paul.

(4) Paul is stronger than Mark.

Choose the right answer and complete if necessary:

 Among Peter, Paul, John and Mark, no one is the strongest.
 One of them is the strongest : …………………………… is the strongest.

Exercise 2
Four men, known by the police for numerous exactions « Jojo », « Riquet », « Mimile » and
« Jeannot » are arrested. Only one of them is responsible for a crime. During their
examination, they declare :

Jojo : « Riquet is the killer »

Riquet : « Jeannot is the killer »
Mimile : « It’s not me ! »
Jeannot : « Riquet lies when he said that I am the killer »

1) If you known that among them 3 are lying, who is the killer ?
The killer is …………………………….

2) If you known that only one of them lies, who is the killer ?
The killer is …………………………….
Exercise 3
Four students : Charlie, Jack, Lewis and Mark live together in the same flat. At the present
time one of them is using his computer, another one is cleaning his shoes, the third one is
preparing the meal and the last one is reading a book.
We have the following information:
Mark does not use his computer and does not read.
Lewis does not prepare the meal and does not clean his shoes.
If Mark does not prepare the meal, thus Jack does not use his computer.
Jack does not use his computer and does not clean his shoes.

Can you identify what each boy is doing?

Charlie uses his computer.
Jack cleans his shoes.
Louis prepares the meal.
Marc reads a book.

Join by a line the name of the boy with the corresponding action.

Exercise 4
At the beginning of a rally (kind of car race), each driver is given a piece of indication :
“You must pass via the town of GRENOBLE, SAINT-ETIENNE, VALENCE, CHAMBERY
and LYON but you must take all the roads shown on the map below, only once.


Saint Etienne Chambéry

Valence Grenoble

If you know that the arrival city is not GRENOBLE, can you say where the departure is ?
The departure city is ……………………………………………………………
Exercise 5
When giving a letter to a lady a postman says to her:
« You have three daughters, how old are they?»
The lady smiles and says:
« The product of their age is 36 and the sum is equal to the number on the door, in front of
The postman turns back, reads the number, hesitates and finally says:
« I need an extrapiece of information »
The lady replies:
« Yes, the eldest is fair-haired »

How old are the daughters of this lady?

Give the result by decreasing order: ……………………………………….....

Exercise 6
In a bank an absent-minded clerk confused dollars and cents when he cashed a cheque for Mr
Smith : he gave him exactly the amount of dollars corresponding to the amount of cents
written on the cheque and, likely, the amount of cents for the amount of dollars written on the
After buying a newspaper 5 cents, Mr Smith is aware that he has done a good bargain: he
realized that in his pocket, now, he had twice as much as his initial amount written on the

1) If x is the amount of dollars and y the amount of cents written on the cheque, what is
the equation between x and y?

2) Find the values of x and y, that is, write the exact amount of the original cheque.
Entrance examination July 2005 - VIET-NAM


4 exercises : each of them is noted on 5 marks.

Calculators are not allowed.

Exercise 1
 

1e  
 1 t 2 x 2

1 – For x real we note G  x    
e t dt   dt
 0  0 1 t2

Show that G is a constant. What is its value ?


Use this result to obtain the value of the integral e t dt , useful in the following question.

2 – For a and b reals with a > 0 and b  0, we note :

  a2u 2 
I  a, b    0
e u 2 du

Find I(a,0).
Justify the existence, for a>0 and b  0, of I(a,b).

3 – Show the relations :

I(a,b) = 1 I(1,ab)

I (a,b) = -2bI(b,a) for b >0.


4 – Find a first order differential equation satisfied by the function

b  I(a,b) on * (b>0)

Use this result to obtain I(a,b).

Exercise 2
1 – We consider 3 vectors in :

V1 = (1,0,1,-1)

V2 = (-1,1,-1,0) a and c are two real parameters.

V3 = (0,a,1,c)

We note F the subspace of , generated by these vectors.

Show that V1, V2, V3 is a basis of F. Find an equation of this subspace.

2 – Let A the matrix 4 rows 3 columns :

1 -1 0
A= 0 1 a a, b and c are three real parameters.
1 -1 b
-1 0 c

We note f the linear application from 3to 4 with A for matrix with respect to the naturel basis.
What are the relations satisfied by a, b, c for f to be not injective?
In this case: find the general form of the matrice B, 3 rows 3 columns which satisfy AB = 0.

3 – Now, we suppose b=1.

Show that the equation AX = Y (for Y given in 4 ) has 0 or 1 solution X in 3 .
What is the relation satisfied by the componants of Y to obtain one solution ?

Exercise 3
We consider the difference equation :
un = un-1 + 2un-2 + (-1) for each integer n  2

with the initial conditions u0 =u1=1 .

We note u ( z )  u z
n 0

1 – Show that, if we suppose the radius of convergence R of this power series different from 0, we have
for Z< R :
1 z  z²
u( z) 
(1  2 z )(1  z )²

2 – Use the decomposition of the rational function u(z) to show R  and give an expression of un only
in function of n.

Exercise 4
During an experience, a chemical A is decomposed in two other chemicals X and Y. At the beginning,
time t=0, we have the quantity a of A but the quantity 0 of X and Y. We suppose that the quantity x(t) of
the chemical X, at time t, is created with the speed x’(t), directly, proportional, at time t, with the quantity
of A not decomposed at this time, same for y(t).

1 – Justify the differential system : x’(t) = k1(a – x(t) –y(t))

y’(t) = k2(a – x(t) –y(t))

With the initial conditions x(0)=y(0)=0.

2 – We suppose also : during the first hour, half the quantity of the chemical A is decomposed
a 3a
and we obtain quantity of X and quantity of Y.
8 8

2.1. Show that during the first 4 hours of the chemical A quantity is decomposed.

2.2. Find the expressions of x(t) and y(t) in function of a and t  0.

Entrance examination 2007 - VIET-NAM


Name: ……………………………………………………………….
You must answer and return this form.
Calculators are not allowed.

Instructions for the candidates

For! a! good! answer,! you! obtain! 1! point;! for! a! false! answer,! you! lose! 1! point;! no! answer:! 0!
point.! When! you! solve! a! complete! exercise! (4! good! answers),! you! get! 1! point! more! as! a!
In! the! part! C! (Analysis! for! several! variables! functions),! you! must! do! 3! exercises! among! 4!
To! give! your! answer! to! each! question,! you! are! only! obliged! to! surround! the! good!
Q1! Today,!I!am!taking!the!entrance!examination!of!ISFA. T F
Q2! The!examination!takes!place!in!France.! ! ! T F
Part A (Algebra and Geometry)

Exercise 1
We note E = R 2[ X ] the R vector space of the polynomials with coefficients in R and with
degree less or egal to 2. We consider the elements of E :

P1 = 2 X ² + 2 X + 1 , P 2 = X ² − X + 2 , P 3 = 5 X ² + 3 X + 1 .

Q1 {P , P , P } is a basis of E.
1 2 3 T F

Q2 There is one and only one linear form f on E such that

f ( P1) = 5 f ( P 2) = 8 and f ( P 3) = 15 . T F

Q3 For P = aX ² + bX + c necessary we have f ( P) = 5a − 2b + c . T F

Q4 ker f, the kernel of f, is a 2 dimensional subspace of E. T F

Exercise 2
For u = ( x, y, z ) any element of R 3 we define :
f ( x) = 2 x + 2 y + z and g (u ) = ( x − 2 y + z, − x + 3z, x − 3 y + z ) .

Q1 g is note a sujective map from R 3 to R 3 . T F

Q2 if u satisfies g (u ) = (1,5,1) thus f (u ) = − . T F

Q3 The linear system of equations:

⎧x − 2 y + z = 1
⎪− x + 3z = 5

⎪x − 3y + z = 1
⎪⎩2 x + 2 y + z = m
has no solution if m ≠ . T F

1 1 3
Q4 For m = the only solution is u = ( , 0, ) . T F
2 2 2

Exercise 3
⎛ 2 3 −3 ⎞
We consider the matrix 3x3 A = ⎜⎜ −1 0 1 ⎟⎟ .
⎜ −1 1 0 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

⎛ 0 −1 1 ⎞
−1 −1⎜ ⎟
Q1 The matrix A is : A = ⎜ 1 2 −1⎟ . T F
⎜ −1 −1 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Q2 The egen values of A are λ = 2 , λ = 1 and λ = −1 T F

Q3 The diagonal form of A is obtained in the basis {u1 , u2 , u3}

⎛0⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛ −1⎞
where u1 = 1 , u2 = 0 and u3 = ⎜1 ⎟ .
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ T F
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜1 ⎟ ⎜1 ⎟ ⎜1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

⎛ xn ⎞
⎜ ⎟
If ( X n ) n is a sequence of vectors X n = ⎜ yn ⎟ of R 3 , defined by
⎜z ⎟
⎝ n⎠
⎛1 ⎞
X n = AX n−1 (n ≥ 1) and X 0 = ⎜⎜1 ⎟⎟ we can write :
⎜ −1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
⎧ xn = (−1) 2 + 3.2
n +1 n

⎨ yn = 4 − 3.2
for each n ∈ • . T F
⎪ n +1
⎩ zn = 4 − 3.2 + 2(−1)

Exercise 4
Q1 The straight (D) intersection of the two planes : ( P1 ) of equation
x + y + z −1 = 0
and ( P2 ) of equation x − y − 2 z = 0 is also defined by the equations:
x −1 y + 1 z −1
= = . T F
−1 3 −2

Q2 The plane (P) of equation x + 2 y + 3z − 6 = 0 meets the straight (D)

at the point (5,-12,9). T F

Q3 The equation of the straight obtained by the orthogonal projection

of (D) on (P) has the equations
x − 5 y + 13 z − 9
= = . T F
13 −42 25

⎛ ⎤ π ⎡⎞
Q4 The geometric angular θ ⎜ θ ∈ ⎥ 0; ⎢ ⎟ between (D) and (d) is caracterised by :
⎝ ⎦ 2 ⎣⎠

cos θ = . T F
1 + 4 + 9. (13)² + (42)² + (25)²

Exercise 5
For X 1 = ( x1 , y1 ) ∈ R 2 and X 2 = ( x2 , y2 ) we define b(( x1 , y 1 ),( x2 , y2 )) = x1 x2 + y1 y2 + x1 y2 + x2 y1

Q1 b is a bilinear, symmetric, positive form on R 2 . T F

Q2 If you note Q( x) = b( X , X ) for X ∈ R 2 , we define a scalas product on R 2 . T F

Q3 There is an orthonormal basis {e1 , e2 } on R 2 such that if :

X = α e1 + β e2
⎛ 2 0 ⎞ ⎡α ⎤ T F
Q( X ) = [α , β ] ⎜ ⎟ ⎢ ⎥.
⎝ 0 0 ⎠ ⎣β ⎦

Q4 The kernel of b is the second bissector of R 2 . T F

Exercise 6
We consider in the usual euclidean space R 2 the curve with the equation
x 2 − 4 y 2 + 6 xy + x − 1 = 0 .

−2 −3
Q1 The center of this conic is the point ( , ). T F
13 26

Q2 This conic is an hyperbola. T F

Q3 An other equation (reduced equation) is :

2 2
⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ 3 ⎞
⎜x+ ⎟ ⎜y+ ⎟
⎝ 13 ⎠ − ⎝ 26 ⎠
=1 . T F
2 ⎛ 52 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ 3
3 ⎝ 61 + 3 ⎠

Q4 The equations of asymptotic straight lines are

3 52 2
(y + ) = ± (x + ) . T F
26 ( 61 + 3) 13

Part B (Analysis for one variable functions)


Exercise 7
We note as usualy x → y = arcsin x ( x ∈ ]−1, +1[ ) the reciprocal function of the function
⎛ ⎤ −π +π ⎡ ⎞
y → x = sin y ⎜ y ∈ ⎥ 2 , 2 ⎢⎟.
⎝ ⎦ ⎣⎠
arcsin x
Let f the function defined by f ( x) = for 0 < x < 1 and f (0) = 1 .
x(1 − x)

1 ⎛ x(1 − x) − (1 − 2 x) f ( x) ⎞
Q1 For x ∈ ]0,1[ : f '( x) = ⎜ ⎟⎟ . T F
2 ⎜⎝ x(1 − x) ⎠

Q2 lim f '( x) = . T F
x →0
> 3

Q3 On [0,1[, f is a derivable function of x. T F

Q4 The graph of f is, near 0+ , under the semi tangent at x = 0+ . T F

Exercise 8
⎛ 1 ⎞
Q1 The infinite series ∑ ln ⎜⎝1 − n
2 ⎟

converges and its sum egals –ln2 . T F

Q2 For each n integer ≥ 1 , we note un = 1 + −1 ,
(−1)n +∞
because u :
n n
: the infinite series ∑u n converges. T F
+∞ n =1

⎤ 1⎡ ⎛ θ⎞
Q3 For a a ∈ ⎥ 0, ⎢ and θ ≥ 0 , we note v n = tg n ⎜ a + ⎟ for each n integer ≥ 1 .
⎦ 2⎣ ⎝ n⎠
⎤ π⎡
The infinite series ∑ vn converges if and only if a ∈ ⎥ 0, ⎢ T F
n =1 ⎦ 4⎣

⎛π2 n 1 ⎞ ⎛π2 n 1 ⎞ 1
Q4 lim n ⎜ − ∑ 2 ⎟ = 1 , that is ⎜ − ∑ 2 ⎟ : . T F
n →+∞
⎝ 6 k =1 k ⎠ ⎝ 6 k =1 k ⎠ +∞ n

Exercise 9
g is a continous function supposed well known and we want to know f an unknow function but
continuous on [0,1] and solution on [0,1] of the integral equation

(E) f ( x) − ∫ xy f ( y )dy = g ( x) .

f ( x) − g ( x)
Q1 If you note for x ∈ ]0,1] , h( x) = and h(0) = 0 ,
h is a function with a continuous derivative on [0,1] . T F

Q2 h solve on [0,1] the differential equation (D)

h '( x) − xh( x) = g ( x) . T F

Q3 Reciproquely if h is a solution of (D) on [0,1] if you put

f ( x) = h( x) x + g ( x) : f(x) is a solution of (E) . T F

x x2
Q4 The only solution of f ( x) − ∫ xy f ( y )dy = e 2 is the function
f defined on [0,1] by f ( x) = x 2 + e 2 . T F

Exercise 10
For each integer n ≥ 2, we consider the iteration relation :
un = un −1 + 2un − 2 + (−1) n .

If we put u 0 = u1 = 1 we obtain a sequence (un ) n and for each complex z the power series
u ( z ) = ∑ un z n .
n =0

Q1 If we suppose that R, the radius of convergence of the power series u is

1+ z + z2
different from 0 for z < R we have u ( z ) = . T F
(1 − 3z )(1 + z )2

Q2 For z ≠ and z ≠ −1 , we can write :
1+ z + z2 1 1 1 1 7 1
= − + . T F
(1 − 2 z )(1 + z ) 2
3 (1 + z) 9 (1 + z) 9 (1 − 2 z)

Q3 The radius of convergence R of u is equal to . T F
Q4 For each integer n ≥ 2 we obtain
7 ⎛1 1⎞
un = 2n + ⎜ n + ⎟ (−1) n . T F
9 ⎝3 9⎠

Exercise 11
c is a strictely positf real number and f is a 2c periodic function from R to R defined on
[−c, +c[ by f ( x) = x2 .
Q1 f is an even function and its corresponding Fourrier series is of the form :
a +∞ nπ x
Sf ( x) = 0 + ∑ a n cos . T F
2 n =1 c

c 2 4c 2 +∞ (−1)n nπ x
Q2 For each x real, we have f ( x) = + 2 ∑ 2 cos . T F
3 π n=1 n c

Q3 By the Bessel Parceval formula we get :

1 π4

n =1 n
. T F

Q4 From the formula (Q2) by integration and choice of c we obtain for x ∈ [−π , +π ] :
sin π x
x(π − x)(π + x) = 12∑ (−1) n −1 . T F
n =1 n3

Part C (Analysis of several variables functions


Exercise 12
For each ( x, y) ∈ R 2 we define f ( x, y) = x3 + x 2 y − xy and g ( x, y) = x3 − y 3 − xy 2 .
We note (S) the surface defined by the equation z=f(x,y) and ( Σ ) the surface defined by the
equation z=g(x,y) in R 3 .
Finaly ( Γ ) is the intersection (Γ) = ( S ) ∩ (Σ) .

Q1 The orthogonal projection of (Γ) on the plane z = 0 is the union of the

⎛1 ⎞ 1
circle of centre ⎜ , 0 ⎟ and radius , and the straight x=-y . T F
⎝2 ⎠ 2

⎛1 1 1⎞
Q2 The point 0 = (0, 0, 0) and the point A = ⎜ , − , ⎟ are two points
⎝2 2 4⎠
of (Γ) where the tangent plane to (S) and to (Σ) at this point are the same. T F

Q3 Those two points are the only point of (Γ) with this property . T F

Q4 Near the point B=(1,-1,1), (Γ) is a curve with C ∞ parameterisation and the
tangent to (Γ) at B is defined by the equations
⎧2 x − z = 1
⎨ T F
⎩ x − y − z = 2.

Exercise 13
We note Ω the set of ( x, y) ∈ R 2 wich satisfies x ≥ 0 and xy ≥ 2 . On R 2 we define the funcion
f by f ( x, y) = x 2 + 4 y 2 + xy

Q1 Ω is a convex compact set of R 2 . T F

Q2 f(0,0)=0 is the minimum of f on R 2 . T F

Q3 f is a stricly convex function on Ω . T F

Q4 The minimum of f on Ω exists and its obtain at the point (2,1). T F

Exercise 14
D is the set of ( x, y) ∈ R 2 which satisfies x>0 and y>0

Q1 If we define u = xy and v = for (x,y) ∈ D we obtain a bijection ϕ
( x, y ) → (u, v) from D on D and ϕ is a function with continuous derivative. T F

Q2 If we note g (u, v) = f oϕ −1 (u, v) for (u,v) ∈ D

The partial derivatives equation :
1 ⎛ ∂f ∂f ⎞
(E) f ( x, y ) − ⎜ x ( x, y ) + y ( x , y ) ⎟ = 1 for ( x, y ) ∈ D
2 ⎝ ∂x ∂y ⎠
1 ∂g
become (E’) g (u, v) − u (u, v) = 1 for (u, v) ∈ D .
2 ∂u

Q3 If we note
g (u, v) = uh(u, v) + 1 for (u, v) ∈ D ,
(E) become (E’’) u2 (u, v) = 0 for (u, v) ∈ D . T F

Q4 The functions f, with continuous derivative, solution of (E) are the functions
⎛ y⎞
f ( x, y ) = 2 xyθ ⎜ ⎟ + 1 T F
Where θ is any function, with continuous derivatives on R +* (the real numbers strictly

Exercise 15
-A- We note D the set of ( x, y) ∈ R 2 which satisfies 0 < y < and 1 < x 2 − y 2 < 4 and Δ
the set of (u, v) ∈ R 2 which satisfies 1 < u < 4 and 0 < v < .

Q1 If we note u = x 2 − y 2 and v = , the function ϕ : ( x, y ) → (u, v) is a
bijection, with continuous derivative from D to Δ . T F

Q2 We the use of ϕ we obtain the double integral
y ⎛ ⎛ y2 ⎞ ⎞ 1
∫∫D x3 ⎜⎝ π ⎜⎝1 − x2 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠ dxdy = 2π ln(2) .
sin T F

-B- We note U the set of (x,y,z) ∈ R 3 which satisfies x > 0 , y > 0 , z ∈ R .

If we define on U :
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
P ( x, y , z ) = z ⎜ 2 − 2 2 ⎟
⎝x y x +z ⎠
Q ( x, y , z ) =
xy 2
x 1
R ( x, y , z ) = 2 − .
x +z 2

Q1 V : ( x, y, z ) → ( P( x, y, z ), Q( x, y, z ), R( x, y, z )) is a gradient
field on U. T F

Q2 If C is the part of the circle of centre 0=(0,0,0) and radus 1 in

⎛ 2 − 2⎞ ⎛ 2 2⎞
the plane y=1 from the point A = ⎜ ,1, ⎟ and B = ⎜ ,1, ⎟
⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜ 2 2 ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎝
we obtain the line integral on C :

∫ P( x, y, z)dx + Q( x, y, z)dy + R( x, y, z)dz = π − 4 .


Entrance examination 2007 - VIET-NAM


Name: ……………………………………………………………….

Exercise 1
The following hypotheses are given:

(1) If Peter is stronger than John, thus John is stronger than Paul.

(2) If Peter is not stronger than John thus Paul is not stronger than Mark.
And the two following assertions are certain:

(3) John is not stronger than Paul.

(4) Paul is stronger than Mark.

Choose the right answer and complete if necessary:

¨ Among Peter, Paul, John and Mark, no one is the strongest.
¨ One of them is the strongest: …………………………… is the strongest.

Exercise 2
Four men, known by the police for numerous exactions « Jojo », « Riquet », « Mimile » and
« Jeannot » are arrested. Only one of them is responsible for a crime. During their
examination, they declare:

Jojo : « Riquet is the killer »

Riquet : « Jeannot is the killer »
Mimile : « It’s not me ! »
Jeannot : « Riquet lies when he said that I am the killer »

1) If you known that among them 3 are lying, who is the killer?
The killer is …………………………….

2) If you known that only one of them lies, who is the killer?
The killer is …………………………….

Exercise 3
Four students: Charlie, Jack, Lewis and Mark live together in the same flat. At the present
time one of them is using his computer, another one is cleaning his shoes, the third one is
preparing the meal and the last one is reading a book.
We have the following information:
Mark does not use his computer and does not read.
Lewis does not prepare the meal and does not clean his shoes.
If Mark does not prepare the meal, thus Jack does not use his computer.
Jack does not use his computer and does not clean his shoes.

Can you identify what each boy is doing?

Charlie uses his computer.
Jack cleans his shoes.
Lewis prepares the meal.
Mark reads a book.

Join by a line the name of the boy with the corresponding action.

Exercise 4
At the beginning of a rally (kind of car race), each driver is given a piece of indication:
“You must pass via the town of GRENOBLE, SAINT-ETIENNE, VALENCE, CHAMBERY
and LYON but you must take all the roads shown on the map below, only once.


Saint Etienne Chambéry

Valence Grenoble

If you know that the arrival city is not GRENOBLE, can you say where the departure is?
The departure city is ……………………………………………………………

Exercise 5
When giving a letter to a lady a postman says to her:
« You have three daughters, how old are they? »
The lady smiles and says:
« The product of their age is 36 and the sum is equal to the number on the door, in front of
The postman turns back, reads the number, hesitates and finally says:
« I need an extrapiece of information! »
The lady replies:
« Yes, the eldest is fair-haired »

How old are the daughters of this lady?

Give the result by decreasing order: ……………………………………….....

Exercise 6
In a bank an absent-minded clerk confused dollars and cents when he cashed a cheque for Mr.
Smith: he gave him exactly the amount of dollars corresponding to the amount of cents
written on the cheque and, likely, the amount of cents for the amount of dollars written on the
After buying a newspaper 5 cents, Mr. Smith is aware that he has done a good bargain: he
realized that in his pocket, now, he had twice as much as his initial amount written on the

1) If x is the amount of dollars and y the amount of cents written on the cheque, what is
the equation between x and y?

2) Find the values of x and y, that is, write the exact amount of the original cheque.

Entrance examination 2007 - VIET-NAM


Instructions for the candidates

Calculators are not allowed.

Write the solution on a separate paper.

Exercise 1
We consider ( E ) the differential equation: 4 xy '' ( x ) + 2 y ' ( x ) + y ( x ) = 0 .
where x → y ( x ) is a function with first and second continuous derivatives.

1 – Find the solutions of ( E ) obtained as the sum of a power series y ( x ) = ∑ ak x k .
k =0
Show that this solution is well defined on R and satisfies the relation : y ' ( 0 ) = − y (0).

2 – Find all the solutions of ( E ) defined on R +∗ ( R + without 0) (nb : use the change x = t 2 ).

3 – Find all the solutions of ( E ) defined on R .

Exercise 2
Preliminary question :
If f is a continuous function defined on ° + , we note ET ( f ) the mean of f on [0,T ] that is,
ET ( f ) = f ( t )dt .
T ∫0

Show the implication : lim f (t ) = l ⇒ lim ET ( f ) = l .

t →+∞ T →+∞

Questions :

1 – Show that
+∞ +∞
C= ∫ cos ( x ) dx S= ∫ sin ( x ) dx
2 2
0 0
are convergent integrals.

2 – For each t ≥ 0 we note Dt the square [0, t ] × [0, t ] in ° 2 , and we define the function ϕ and
ψ from ° +
to ° by :

ϕ ( t ) = ∫∫ cos ( x 2 + y 2 )dxdy and ψ ( t ) = ∫∫ sin ( x 2 + y 2 )dxdy

Dt Dt

With the use of the preliminary, express lim ET (ϕ ) and lim ET (ψ ) in function of C and S .
T →+∞ T →+∞

3 – With the use of the polar coordinates (In fact Dt is the homothetic of D1 ).
Show that : lim ET (ϕ ) = 0 .
T →+∞

What is the value of lim ET (ψ ) ?

T →+∞

4 – Deduce the value of C and S from the two preceding questions.

ISFA - Entrance examination Septembre 2008, Viet-Nam :
Test n°1 – Duration 2 hours

NAME : ................................................................................................................................................................
You must answer and return this form.
Calculators are not allowed.

Instructions for the candidates

Solve 10 exercises taken in a list of 15 exercises proposed.
For a good answer, you obtain 1 point; for a false answer, you lose point; no answer: 0 point.
When you solve a complete exercise (4 good answers), you get 1 point more as a bonus.
In the part A (algebra and geometry), you must do 4 exercises among 6 ones.
In the part B (Analysis for one variable functions), you must do 3 exercises among 5 ones.
In the part C (Analysis for several variables functions), you must do 3 exercises among 4 ones.
To give your answer to each question, you are only obliged to surround the good proposition and
strike out the bad one among the two: T = true or F = false.

Q1 Today, I am taking the entrance examination of ISFA. T F

Q2 The examination takes place in France. T F

Only the ten best exercises are registered. If all your answers are good, you get: 10 x 4 + 10 = 50
points, the maximal mark.

Part A (Algebra and Geometry)

Solve 4 exercises among 6 proposed.

Exercise 1
We consider the vectors in \ 3 :

e1 = (1, 0, 0) , e2 = (0,1, 0) and e3 = (0, 0,1) which form the natural basis ; and the vectors
a1 = e1 − e2 + e3 , a2 = 2e1 + e2 − 2e3 , a3 = 2e1 − e2 + e3 and a4 = −e1 − 4e2 + 6e3 .

Q1 B = {a1 , a2 , a3 } is a basis in \ 3 . T F

Q2 The components of a4 , with respect to B are (1,1,1) . T F

Q3 There exists one and only one linear mapping f from \ 3 to \ 3 such that :
f (a1 ) = 3e1 − e3 , f (a2 ) = 5e1 + e2 and f (a3 ) = −2e1 + 2e2 + 4e3 . T F

Q4 f (a4 ) = 3(2e1 + e2 + e3 ) . T F

Exercise 2
⎡5 3 3 1⎤
⎢3 5 1 3⎥⎥
Let A be the 4x4 real matrix A=⎢
⎢3 1 5 3⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣1 3 3 5⎦

Q1 The linear transformation from R 4 to R 4 which have A for matrix with

respect to the natural basis of R 4 is a bijection. T F

Q2 λ = 12 is a double eigenvalue of A . T F

Q3 λ = 4 is a double eigenvalue of A . T F

Q4 For u = (1, 0, 0, −1) and v = ( 0,1, −1, 0 ) : {u , v} is a basis of the

chararacteristic subspace corresponding to the egeinvalue 4. T F

Exercise 3
⎧ mx + y + z = 1

We consider the linear system ⎨ x + my + z = m where m is a real parameter.
⎪ x + y + mz = m 2

Q1 If m ≠ 1 and m ≠ 2 this system of equations has one and only one solution. T F

Q2 If m = 1 , the set of the ( x, y, z ) ∈ \ 3 solutions of the system is a plane normal

to the vector ( 2, 2, 2 ) . T F

Q3 If m = 2 there is no solution. T F

Q4 In the regular case (when there is one only solution) we have :

1 (m + 1) 2
y= and z= . T F
m+2 m+2

Exercise 4
We note H the set of all matrix, 2x2, M for which there exists two complex numbers u and v
such that
⎡ u v⎤
M =⎢ ⎥ (nb : u is the complexe conjugate of u )
⎣ −v u ⎦

Q1 H is a ^ vector space. T F

Q2 H is a \ vector space with the basis { E1 , E2 , E3 , E4 } where

⎡1 0 ⎤ ⎡i 0 ⎤ ⎡ 0 1⎤ ⎡0 i ⎤
E1 = ⎢ ⎥ , E2 = ⎢ ⎥ , E3 = ⎢ ⎥ and E4 = ⎢ ⎥. T F
⎣0 1 ⎦ ⎣0 −i ⎦ ⎣ −1 0 ⎦ ⎣ i 0⎦

Q3 In H , with the matrix multiplication, E1 is the identity and we have the multiplation rules
given by the array :

E2 E3 E4 (Second factor)
E2 − E1 E4 − E3

E3 − E4 − E1 E2

E4 E2 − E2 − E1

(First factor)

Q4 H is a non commutative field. T F

Exercise 5
a ≠ 0 is a real parameter, we note ( Σ ) the set in \ 3 defined by the equation :
2 x 2 + z 2 + 3 zx + 3zy = a 2 .

( ( x, y, z ) are the components relatively to the natural basis {e1 , e2 , e3 } ).

( Π ) is the plane defined by the equation x − y + 3 z = 0 and ( Γ ) is the curve intersection of ( Σ )
and ( Π ) .

Q1 (Σ) is a closed borned set in \ 3 . T F

⎛ 1 −1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
Q2 The vectors v = ⎜ , , 3 ⎟ and u = ⎜ , , 0 ⎟ are two unit vectors,
⎝ 3 3 ⎠ ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
the first one normal to the plane ( Π ) , the second in the plane. T F

u v
Q3 We note i = , k= and j = k∧ i ;
u v
The matrix of the transformation of coordonates from {e1 , e2 , e3 }
to {i, j , k} is an orthogonal matrix with positive determinant. T F

Q4 If ( X , Y , Z ) are the components relatively to {i, j , k} of the point M

with ( x, y, z ) for components relatively to {e1 , e2 , e3 } .
(Γ) is the circle defined by the equation X 2 + Y 2 = a 2 in the new basis. T F

Exercise 6
⎡ 7 4 0 0 ⎤
⎢ −12 −7 0 0 ⎥⎥
We consider the matrix 4x4 : A= ⎢
⎢ 20 11 −6 −12 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ −12 −6 6 11 ⎦

Q1 The linear transformation from \ 4to\ 4 which have A for matrix

with respect to the natural basis of \ 4 is a bijection. T F

Q2 If we note v1 = (1, −2, 2, −1) v2 = ( 2, −3,1, 0 ) v3 = ( 0, 0,3, −2 ) v4 = ( 0, 0, 4, −3) :

{v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 } is a basis formed of eigenvectors of A . T F

⎡1 2 0 0⎤ ⎡ −3 2 00⎤
⎢ −2 −3 0 0 ⎥ ⎢2 1 00 ⎥⎥
Q3 If P = ⎢ ⎥ we have P = ⎢
. T F
⎢2 1 3 4⎥ ⎢0 1 2 4⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ −1 0 −2 −3⎦ ⎣1 0 −2 −3 ⎦

For all n in ] we have An = M 1 + ( −1) M 2 + 2n M 3 + 3n M 4 where :

⎡ −3 −2 0 0⎤ ⎡4 2 0 0⎤
⎢6 4 0 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢ −6 −3 0 0 ⎥⎥
M1 = ⎢ M2 = ⎢
⎢ −6 −4 0 0⎥ ⎢2 1 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣3 2 0 0⎦ ⎣0 0 0 0⎦

⎡0 0 0 0 ⎤ ⎡0 0 0 0 ⎤
⎢0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 ⎥⎥
M3 = ⎢ ⎥ M4 = ⎢ . T F
⎢0 3 9 12 ⎥ ⎢4 0 −8 −12 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣0 −2 −6 −8⎦ ⎣ −3 0 6 9 ⎦

Part B (Analysis for one variable functions)

Solve 3 exercises among 5 proposed.

Exercise 7

Q1 lim
− ln x + x 2 − 1 ) = −1 . T F
x ⎯⎯
x2 −1

arcsin ( x ) −
Q2 lim 2 =−1 . T F
x ⎯⎯
1− x 2 2

ln x + x 2 − 1
Q3 lim x2 −1 1
= . T F
x ⎯⎯
→1 x −1 3

Q4 There exists one and only one C1 function (function with continuous derivative)
x → y ( x) definied on ]−1, +∞[ solution of the Cauchy problem :

⎧⎪(1 − x 2 ) y ' ( x ) − xy ( x ) = 1
⎨ T F
⎪⎩ y (1) = −1

Exercise 8
For each λ real we note : F ( λ ) = ∫
0 (1 + λ x )(1 − x )

Q1 F ( 0) = 2 . T F

2 ⎡π −1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎤
Q2 For each λ > 0 F (λ ) = ⎢ − tan ⎜ ⎟⎥ . T F
λ ⎣2 ⎝ λ ⎠⎦

1 ⎛ 1 + −λ ⎞
Q3 For each λ < 0 F (λ ) = ln ⎜⎜ ⎟. T F
−λ ⎝ 1 − −λ ⎟⎠

Q4 F is a continuous function at 0. T F

Exercise 9
For u0 ∈ ]0, π [ we define a sequence un = sin ( un −1 ) by the induction formula :
un = sin(un −1 ) for n ≥ 1 .

Q1 This sequence converges and 0 is its limit. T F

Q2 The infinite series ∑u
n converges. T F

Q3 The infinite series ∑u
n =0
n converges. T F

Q4 The infinite series ∑u
n =0
n converges. T F

Exercise 10
λ is a real strictly positive parameter. We consider the differential equation.
(E) xf ' ( x ) + λ f ( x ) = for x > 0
1+ x

Q1 There are an infinity of solutions such that lim+ f ( x ) = +∞ . T F

x →0

Q2 There exists one and only one solution such that lim+ f ( x ) exists in \ . T F
x →0

Q3 There exists one and only one solution of ( E ) which is, near 0, the sum
of a power series. T F

1 ( −1)
1 π
Q4 ∑
n = 0 8 3n + 1
= ln 3 +
3 2 3
. T F

Exercise 11
α is a real number but not an element of ] .
Let f be the 2π périodic function definied by f ( t ) = cos α t for t ∈ ]−π , +π ] .
a0 +∞
We write : Sf ( t ) = + ∑ ( an cos nt + bn sin nt ) the Fourier series of f .
2 n =1

Q1 bn = 0 for all n ≥ 1 T F

( −1)

Q2 an = 2α sin απ for all n ≥ 0 T F

α 2 − n2

Q3 For x ≠ kπ (k ∈ ]) we have the formula

2x 1
n =1
−n π
2 2
= cot ( x ) −

Q4 The function x → ∑ is continuous at 0. T F
n =1 x − n 2π 2

Part C (Analysis of several variable functions)

Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed.

Exercise 12
We note ( Γ ) the set of ( x, y ) ∈ \ 2 which satisfies the equation x 4 + y 4 − x 2 + y 2 + 2 x 2 y 2 = 0 .

Q1 (Γ) is a compact (closed and borned) set of \ 2 . T F

Q2 Near each of its points (Γ) is a regular simple arc of curve C ∞ . T F

Q3 The points of (Γ) where the tangent vector is parallel to the x axis are characterised by :
⎧ x4 + y 4 − x2 + y2 + 2x2 y 2 = 0
⎨ 2 x ( 2 x + 2 y − 1) = 0
2 2

⎪⎩ y≠0

Q4 The smallest rectangle with its sides parallel to the coordinates axis is defined by :
1 1 1 1
−1 ≤ x ≤ +1 − ≤ y≤ . T F
2 2 2 2

Exercise 13
Let D be the unit closed disc in R 2 (that is D = {( x, y ) ∈ \ 2 / x 2 + y 2 ≤ 1} and f the real
function definied on D by f ( x, y ) = ch 2 y − cos 2 x .

Q1 The minimum m and the maximum M of f on D exist. T F

Q2 m = −1 is obtained at the point ( 0, 0 ) . T F

Q3 M is not obtained at a point in the interior D of D . T F

Q4 M = sh 21 is obtained at the points ( 0,1) and ( 0, −1) . T F

Exercise 14
⎧u = ax + by
Q1 The linear mapping ( x, y ) → ( u , v ) where ⎨ is a C ∞ bijection
⎩ v = cx + dy
from R to R if and only if ad − bc ≠ 0 .
2 2

Q2 Let α and β be two real numbers different form 0. With the preceding change of
coordinates (in the regular case)
∂f ∂f
The equation : (E) α ( x, y ) + β ( x, y ) = x ( x, y ) ∈ \ 2
∂x ∂y


∂F ∂F du − bv
(α a + b β ) ( u , v ) + (α c + β b ) ( u , v ) = ( u, v ) ∈ \ 2
∂u ∂v ad − bc

where F ( u , v ) = f ( x, y ) . T F

Q3 All the solutions of ( E ) can be written :

f ( x, y ) = x2 + h ( −β x + α y ) ( x, y ) ∈ \ 2
where h is some C1 real function from \ to \ . T F

Q4 In the case where α = 1 and β = 2 , if you add the two conditions

( x,3x ) = x + sin x for all x
and f ( 0, 0 ) = 0 ; we obtain one and only one solution :
x 2 cos ( −2 x + y ) 1
f ( x, y ) = + − . T F
2 2 2

Exercise 15
a is a real parameter with 0 < a < 1 .

dx 1 ⎛ 1− y ⎞
Q1 ∫ y cos x + 1 = 1− y2
tan −1 ⎜⎜
1 + y
⎟⎟ . T F
0 ⎝ ⎠

ln (1 + a cos x ) a
1 ⎛ 1− y ⎞
∫0 cos x ∫0 1 − y 2 tan ⎜⎜ 1 + y ⎟⎟ dy .
Q2 dx = T F
⎝ ⎠

Q3 The change of variable y = cos 2ϕ is useful to get the value of

1 ⎛ 1− y ⎞
∫ tan −1 ⎜⎜ dy ⎟⎟ . T F
0 1− y2 ⎝ 1+ y ⎠

ln (1 + a cos x ) ( ar cos a )
Q4 ∫0
cos x
dx =

. T F

(NB : b = ar cos(a) , a ∈ [ −1, +1] if and only if : a = cos(b) , b ∈ [ 0, π ] )

ISFA – Entrance examination - September 2008, Viet-Nam
Test n° 2A – Duration 1 hour 30

Name : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Exercise 1
Complete the boxes (one figure by boxes) to obtain 6 exact operations:

9 9 9 - =

: + -

x 3 = 1

= 6

Exercise 2
Complete the sequence with the correct number:

6, 21, 45, 78, 120, 171, ? , …….?= ……..

Exercise 3
In a bank, the names of the clerks are: DAVID, ELSA and FRANCOIS.
One of them is a cashier, another one is an accountant, the last one is an executive secretary.
Find the work of the 3 clerks if we know the 4 assertions:

(1) If David is a cashier, François is an accountant.

(2) If David is an accountant, François is an executive secretary.

(3) If François is not a cashier, Elsa is an accountant.

(4) If Elsa is an executive secretary, David is an accountant.

David Cashier

Elsa Accountant

François Executive secretary

Link each clerk’s name to its right work with a line.

Exercise 4
On the following figure the 3 small circles have an area of 30 cm² and are tangent to each other
ones. The big circle is also tangent to the small ones.
Calculate the area of the black region.

Exercise 5
In a triangle of area 100 we draw, from 2 summits two half straight line which intersect
themselves at an interior point of the triangle.
We get 4 sets: 3 are triangles 1 is a quadrangular. We know, only, that 3 sets have the same area.
What is this area?
NB: 2 answers are possible.

Exercise 6
A general manages a piece of army. This morning, despite the great number of his soldiers, he
understands that he can display his army on 3 egal columns. But one soldier, in late comes. No
problem, immediately he asks to his army to display in 5 columns. They are egal ! One new in
late soldier arrives the general put his army on 7 egal columns. A new in late soldier arrives,
always no problem: the general displays his army on 9 egal columns. The last soldier arrives. The
general is very angry but, no problem; he put his army on 11 egal columns.
How many soldiers are in this army?
(We suppose that they are less than 5000).

Exercise 7
A group of hikers walks along a path: they walk at the same constant speed. There is 100 meters
between the first and the last of the group. With them, a dog goes from the last one to the first
one and returns to the last one with a constant speed also. When the dog returns to the last hiker
for the first time, the last hiker has cowered a distance of 100 meters. If we neglect the very short
time for the dog to turn back, around the first hiker, what is the distance covered by the dog?

ISFA – Entrance examination - September 2008, Viet-Nam
Test n° 2B – Duration 1 hour 30

3 exercises.
Calculators are not allowed.

Exercise 1
We note E the square in R ² of all ( x, y ) which satisfies the inegalities:
0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and f function on E defined by:
f ( x, y ) = .
1 + 3x 2 + y 2

1– Show without calculus, that the minimum of f on E is 0 .

2– Justify the existence of the maximum of f on E , calculate this maximum and find the
point where it is obtained.

Exercise 2
+∞ dy
Question 1 : By using a change of variable calculate : ∫ (1 + y )

ln ( x )
Question 2 : Justify the convergence of the impropre integral I = ∫
x2 −1
dx .

ln ( x )
Show with a change of variable that we have also: I = ∫ dx .
x2 − 1

ln ( x )
Question 3 : Calculate the simple integrale ∫
x² − 1
dx by means of calculus of the double

integral : I = ∫∫ where D = ]0, +∞[ × ]0, +∞[ ,
D (
1 + x ² y )(1 + y )

Deduce of this calculus, the value of I .

ln ( x ) +∞
Question 4 : For x ∈ ]0,1[ , justify the formula : = −∑ x 2 n ln ( x ) .
x² − 1 n=0

From I, obtain the value of ∑ ( 2n + 1) ² .
n =1

Deduce the value of ∑ n² .
n =1

Exercise 3
Find the unique function t → y ( t ) de \ to \ solution of the differential equation :

y '' ( y ) + y ( t ) = 4cos t

⎛π ⎞ ⎛π ⎞
subject to the initial conditions y ⎜ ⎟ = 2π et y ' ⎜ ⎟ = −3 .
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠


ISFA – Entrance examination – 2009 – VIET-NAM

Test n° 1A – Duration 3 hours
Name : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.
Calculators are not allowed.

Instruction for the candidates

Solve 8 exercises taken in a list of 11 exercises proposed.
Each exercise has 4 questions. The last question is always a calculus.
If you get the good answer you obtain 2 points. For the first 3 questions you are only obliged
to surround the good proposition and strike out the bad one among the two T=true or F=false.

Example :
Q1 Today, I am taking the entrance examination of ISFA T or F Answer T F
Q2 The entrance examination takes place in France T or F Answer T F

For a good answer you obtain 1 point, you lose ½ point for a bad answer, no answer 0 point.
Only the 8 best exercises are registered. If all your answers are good you get (3+2) x 8 = 40
points : the maximal mark.

Part A (Linear Algebra and Geometry)

Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed.

Exercise 1

⎡x y z⎤
We consider the matrix 3x3 M = ⎢ z x y ⎥⎥ and we note V= det ( M ) its determinant

⎢⎣ y z x ⎥⎦

Q1 If ( x, y, z )is an element of the one dimensional vector space

generate in £ 3 by (1,1,1) we obtain Δ = 0 . T F

Q2 Δ = x3 y 3 z 3 − 6 xyz . T F


Q3 If you note 1 , j and j 2 the cubic roots of 1 (That is the solutions in £ of X 3 = 1)

( )(
we have Δ = ( x + y + z ) x + jy + j 2 z x + j 2 y + zj ) T F

Q4 Find the set E of the real vectors V = ( x, y, z ) which give ∆=0.

Answer :

Exercise 2

⎡1 1 3⎤
Q1 We consider the 3x3 symetric matrix A = ⎢1 2 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢3 1 1⎥⎦
⎛ x1 ⎞ ⎛ x2 ⎞
If for u = ⎜ y1 ⎟ and v = ⎜ y2 ⎟ we note u, v = t uAv we define
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜z ⎟ ⎜z ⎟
⎝ 1⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
an inner product on ! . T F

⎛ x1 ⎞ ⎛ x2 ⎞
Q2 Now, for u = y1 and v = ⎜ y2 ⎟ we note
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜z ⎟ ⎜z ⎟
⎝ 1⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
u, v = a ( x1 x2 + z1 z2 ) + ( a + b ) y1 y2 + b ( x1 z2 + x2 z1 )

! , " is an inner product on ! 3 if and only if a〉 b T F

Q3 For a = 2 and b = 1 , we note :

⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎛ 0 ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 6 ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟
1 ⎟
e1 = ⎜ 0 ⎟ e2 = ⎜ 0 ⎟ e3 = ⎜
⎜ ⎜ 3⎟
⎜ 1 ⎟
⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ ⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 0 ⎠
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 6⎠

B = {e1 , e2 , e3} is an orthonormal basis of ° 3

with the scalar
inner product defined question 2. T F

Q4 ! 3 is equipped of the inner product defined question 3 calculate the shortest distance
between the point (1,1,2) and the plane defined by the equation x + y − z + 1 = 0 .

The shortest distance : d =


Exercise 3
⎡a 1 1 1⎤
⎢1 a 1 1 ⎥⎥
For each a !! we note M a the matrix 4x4 Ma = ⎢
⎢1 1 a 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣1 1 1 a⎦
And f a : ! 4 ! ! 4 the linear transformation which have M a for matrix, with respect the
natural basis of ! 4 .

Q1 ( )
M a = M 1 + a !1 I where I is the identity matrix 4x4. T F

Q2 Im ( f1 ) is a characteristic subspace with one dimension. T F

Q3 λ = 1 and λ = 4 are the eigen value of M 1 . T F

Q4 For each n !! calculate M an . T F

Answer :

Exercise 4
⎧ mx + y + z = 1

We consider the linear system ⎨ x + my + z = m where m is a real parameter.
⎪ x + y + mz = m 2

Q1 If m ≠ 1 and m ≠ 2 this system of equation has one and only

one solution. T F

Q2 ( )
If m = 1 , the set of the x, y, z !! 3 solution of the system is a plane
normal to the vector (1,1,1). T F

Q3 If m = 2 there is a no solution. T F

Q4 In the regular case find the solution x, y and z in function of the parameter m.
Answer :


Part B (Analysis for one variable functions)

Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed

Exercise 5

For each non 0 real r and x real we note :

( )
f ( x) = x2 + 1 + x

Q1 f is C 2 function (that is a function with 2 continuous derivatives)

and f solve on ! the differential equation :
(E) (1+ x ) f "( x ) = r f ( x ) − xf ' ( x )
2 2

Q2 The set of the functions solutions of E is a two dimensional real space. T F

Q3 If g ( x ) = ∑ an x n is a solution of ( E ) in a small neibourghoud of 0 we
n =0

have, for each n !! , an + 2 =

( r + n )( r − n ) a T F
( n + 2 )( n + 1) n
Q4 Justify : all solution of ( E ) on ]−1, +1[ are power series and give the expansion of f
in power series in the case where f ' ( 0 ) = r .
Answer :

Exercise 6

e −tx
For each real x, we note F ( x ) = ∫ dt
0 1+ t2

Q1 For each x > 0 , F ( x ) is well defined that is improper integral

F ( x ) is a convergent integral. T F

Q2 x → F ( x ) is an increasing function on ! +* (x > 0) and

lim F ( x) = 0 lim F ( x) = +∞ T F
x→+∞ x→0+


Q3 All derivatives of F exist and for each n and x > 0

e − tx
F n ( x) = ∫ ( −t ) dt
We have T F
0 1+ t2

Q4 Using the expansion of f ( t ) = as power of t at t = 0 , with order 4 give the
1+ t2
expansion F ( x ) as power of at x = +∞ , with order 5.
Answer :

Exercise 7
cos nθ
For each ! !! we define f (θ ) = ∑ n
n =1 n 2

Q1 f is a periodic function on ! with the derivative :

sin nθ
f ' (θ ) = ∑ n . T F
n =1 2

Q2 For each x !! which satisfies x ≤ 2

xn ⎛ x⎞
we have ∑
n =1 n2
= − ln ⎜1 − ⎟ .
⎝ 2⎠

sin ( nθ ) sin θ
Q3 For each ! !! we have ∑n =1 2 n
5 − 4cos θ

Q4 Calculate f (θ ) .

Answer : f (θ ) =

Exercise 8

Q1 The function f defined on ! by f (t ) = sin t is π -periodic. T F

Q2 For each t !! we have :

2 8 +∞
cos ( 2 pt )
sin t =
∑ p =1 1 − 4 p
. T F


Q3 Let ϕ a Riemann integral function on the interval [a, b]( a < b ) we have :
lim ∫ ϕ ( t ) sin ( λ t ) dt = 0 T F
λ →∞

b b
Q4 Calculate lim ∫ ϕ ( t ) sin ( λt ) dt in function of ∫ ϕ ( t )dt .
λ →∞
a a

Answer : lim ∫ ϕ ( t ) sin ( λ t ) dt =
λ →∞

Part C (Analysis for several variables functions)

Solve 2 exercises among 3 proposed.

Exercise 9

( )
We note ( C ) the set of the x, y, z !! 3 solution of the non linear equations

⎧ x 2 − yz = 0
⎨ 3
⎩3x − y − 2 z = 0

Q1 (C ) is a compact (closed and bounded) set of ! 3 . T F

Q2 In the neibourghood of each of its points ( C ) is a curve

with a C ∞ parametization. T F

Q3 (1,1,1) is a regular point of (C ) . T F

Q4 Calculate the equations of the tangent line to ( C ) through the point (1,1,1) .

Answer :


Exercise 10

x+ y
( )
For each x, y !! 2 which satisfies x 2 + y 2 ≤ 4 we define f ( x, y ) =
1 + ( x2 + y 2 )

Q1 ( )
The set D of the x, y !! 2 which satisfies x 2 + y 2 ≤ 4 (the closed disc
of center O and radius 2) is a compact set thus the maximal value of
f on this set exists. We note M its value. T F

Q2 ( )
If M is obtained for a point x, y !! 2 which satisfies
x 2 + y 2 ≤ 4 necessary M = f ( x0 , y0 ) and x0 = y0 = . T F

Q3 The maximal value of the periodic function ϕ (t ) = cos θ + sin θ on !

is obtained for θ (modulo 2π). T F

Q4 Calculate M and the point (s) where M is obtained.

Answer :

Exercise 11

( )
Let ∆ the set x, y !! 2 which satisfies x ≤ x2 + y 2 ≤ 1 .

dxdy dxdy
Q1 We note ∫∫ = 4∫∫
(1 + x )
2 2
(1 + x + y2 )
+y Δ+

Where Δ+ is the set of the point ( x, y, z ) of ∆ with x≥0 and y≥0. T F

Q2 Using polar coordinates x = r cos θ , y = r sin θ we get :


dxdy 2 1
∫∫ = ∫∫ .
(1 + x2 + y )
2 2
(1 + r 2 )
Δ+ 0 0

Q3 We have ∫∫
= ( 2 −1 )
Δ (1 + x 2
+y )
2 2 2

Q4 Calculate the integral J = ∫∫ xy 2 dxdy

Answer : J =

ISFA – Entrance examination – 2009 / VIET-NAM
Test n° 2A – Duration 1 hour 30

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Exercise 1
In a country, the towns are connected by 3 means of public transportation : plane, train, bus.
We know that :
1 – Any 2 towns are always connected by one and only one means of transportation.
2 – No town uses, to be connected to the all other towns, all possible means of transportation.
3 – There are never 3 towns which are connected to themselves, by the same mean of
In this country, what is the maximal number of towns?

Answer : there are ……. towns

Exercise 2
Complete the following sequence by the correct number:

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ? ?=

4 6 7 9 10 11 12 ? ?=

How many letters B are in the world ?


Answers : There are …….. B

Exercise 3
Let a and b, two positif reals and u, v two other reals which satisfy 0 ≤ u ≤ v . We note A the
assertion :
"( a + b + v ) − ( a + b + u ) < 1 ou ( a + b + u + v ) − ( a + b ) < 1

1 – The assertion « no A ⇒ v ≥ 1 » is true yes □ No □
2 – Imagine we have coins labelled by numbers from 1 to 2008. We suppose that the difference
of weight between each coin and the following one is less, in absolute value, gramme.
Is it always possible to divide the set of the coins in two egal parts of 1004 coins, with, only a
difference of weight between the each part , less, in absolute value gramme?
Yes □ Non □
3 – Justify your answer by a correct logic raisoning:

Exercise 4
a c g = 216

c b c d = 30
b d
f h e f g h i = 1512
e g i

a b c e f= 5040 a c d h i= 192
d h g = 72
b f g = 270

Use the know products to obtain the value of the litters.

Note : we use each integer 1 to 9 one and only one time.
5040 x 72 = 362 880 = 9 !

Answer :

Exercise 5
We put on a circle with radius R, the four cardinal points N, W, S, E which divide this circle in 4
egal arcs. From each of this points (for example N), we sketch the circle with this point for
centre, and which cross the first circle throught the other non antepodean cardinal points (for N
the points W and E).

Find, in function of R, the area of the region intersection of the four discs so obtained (area
hachured on the following figure) :

o E

Exercise 6
At this precise moment, on my watch, the second hand cross throught one of the twelve number
written on the face. Else, I know in less of an half second the minute hand will be exactly upon
the hour hand.

What time is it ?

It is : hours minutes seconds

Notice : the 2 answers are requested

ISFA – Entrance examination 2009 – VIET-NAM
Test n° 2B – Duration 1 hour 30

Instruction for the candidates

Calculators are not allowed.
Write the solution on a separate paper.

Exercise 1
x2 y2
By using the transformation u = , v= find the area of the region D bounded by arcs of
2y 2x
parabola y = x 2 , x = y 2 , 4y = x 2 , y 2 = 2 x .

Exercise 2
A is a real symmetric n x n matrix, different of the O matrix.
We note u the linear map from E = ! n into itself associated with A that is u is the map
x → u ( x ) = Ax .
For x = ( x1 , x2 ,...xn ) and y = ( y1 , y2 ,... yn ) two any vectors of E we note x, y the standard
scalar product x, y = ∑ xi yi and x = 2 x, x the euclidean norm of the vector x.
i =1

( ).
For each vector x ∈ E we define f ( x ) = u ( x ) − u ( x ) , x

1 – If λ is a non zero eigen value of A, and e is corresponding eigen vector, calculate f te for( )
each real t , show that f ( x ) is not bounded below on E.

2 – Show that if A has two eigen value of opposite sign, f ( x ) is not bounded above.

3 – Now, we suppose that all the eigen value of A have the same sign.
a- In the case n=2, using a basis of eigen vectors, show that the maximum of f(x) on E is
where α is the maximum of the absolute value of the eigen values.

b- Show that this result is also true is the general case that is for any natural n.

Exercise 3
− ( x2 + y 2 )
1 – By using the double integral ∫∫ e 2
dxdy where D ( 0, r ) is the disc of 0 centre and r for
D ( 0, r ]

rayon, show that

+∞ π
e 2
du =

1 n

2 – For each integer n ∈ • , we note I n = ∫ ( cos x ) dx .

⎛ ⎛ θ ⎞⎞
a- Show the equalities lim I n = 0 and I n = ∫0 ⎝ ⎜⎝ n ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠ dθ
⎜ cos ( n ≠ 0) .
n→+∞ n
b- For each real u ∈ ]0,1] we define ϕ ( u ) = ( cos u ) u 2
Show that φ is a continuous function from ]0,1] into ]0,1[ and the limit lim+ ϕ ( u ) exist ;
u →0
Conclude they exist a constant M such that :
0 < Supϕ ( u ) ≤ M < 1.

⎛ θ ⎞
c - For θ ∈ ⎡ 0, n ⎤ establish the inequality : ⎜ cos
⎟≤M .
⎣ ⎦ ⎝ n⎠
Calculate lim I n n .
n →∞

Test N°1 ISFA 2010



Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Instruction for the candidates

Solve 8 exercises taken in a list of 11 exercises proposed.
Each exercise has 4 questions. The last question is always a calculus.
If you get the good answer you obtain 2 points. For the first 3 questions you only have to circle the good proposition
and cross out the bad one among the two T=true or F=false.
Q1 Today, I am taking the entrance examination of ISFA T F answer: T F
Q2 The entrance examination takes place in France T F answer: T F
For a good answer you obtain 1 point, you lose ½ point for a bad answer, no answer 0 point.
Only the 8 best exercises are registered. If all your answers are good you get (3+2) x 8 = 40 points: the maximal mark.


Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed .

As usually we note and ̅ the complex roots of the equation .

Q1 and ̅ are solutions of the equation . T F

Q2 is a natural integer (that is ) is a polynomial

which is divided by the polynomial T F

Q3 We have the factorization:


Q4 Calculate the real number to have the polynomial

divided by the polynomial .

Test N°1 ISFA 2010


We consider the matrix 3x3 [ ] .

Q1 is a regular matrix. T F

Q2 The matrix is:

[ ]


Q3 is diagonalizable. T F

Q4 Find a basis of eigenvectors.

is a 3 dimensional vector space on the field and is a linear mapping from to , defined, in a basis of by
the matrix:

[ ]

are two real parameters.

Q1 is never a bijective map from upon . T F

Q2 is diagonalizable. T F

Q3 If [ ] with √

We also have:

[ ]


Q4 Calculate ( ) in function of and of the parameters .

Test N°1 ISFA 2010

We consider the linear system of equations

where are real parameters.

Q1 If this system has a single solution in . T F

Q2 If and this system has no solution. T F

Q3 If , and this system has an infinity of solutions

which constitute a vector plane. T F

Q4 For give the solution in function of the parameters .


Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed.

is a real number, for each natural integer, different from 0, we note :

( ) ∏ . /

We are interested by the limit

( ) ( )

Q1 If we have ( ) . T F

Q2 If there exist two natural integers such that

( ) then ( ) . T F

Q3 If not, it is possible, after some rank ( ), to take the logarithm of the factors of
and to show that the limit ( ) exists. T F

Q4 Calculate ( ) in this case, by using the duplication formula of the sinus (the formula ).

Test N°1 ISFA 2010

We consider the set of differential equations

( ) ( ) ( ) ,( ) - ( ) for et .

Q1 For all * + ( natural integer different from )

the solution of ( ) satisfies ( ) ( ) . T F

Q2 We note ( ) the solution of ( ) which also satisfies . / ,

For all we have ( ) √ . T F

Q3 We note 𝑣𝑛 ax 𝑓𝑛 (𝑡) (the maximum value for on , -)

𝑡 , -

The infinite series ∑ 𝑣𝑛 is convergent. T F


Q4 Calculate ∑ 𝑤𝑛 where 𝑤𝑛 ∫ 𝑓𝑛 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡 .


is a continuous function from , , to where is a real number.
For an other real number and a real number strictly positive and a natural integer, we note:

( )
∫ ( )

∫ ( )

and the infinite series

Q1 If for all very large, ( ) is positive or zero, et are of the same nature, that is if is
convergent (respectively divergent), is also convergent (respectively divergent). T F

Q2 We have the same result if 𝑓(𝑥) exists and have for value. T F

Test N°1 ISFA 2010

Q3 For all on a


Q4 Discuss, upon , the nature (convergence or divergence) of the improper integral

is a real parameter, we consider the function from to defined by ( ) ( )

Q1 It is possible to get an expansion of in power series near 0. T F

Q2 For | | we have

( ) ∑( ( ) )


Q3 The formula

( ) ∑

is also true. T F

Q4 For real parameters with | | we consider the function , periodic, from to defined by
( ) ( )
Find the expansion of in Fourier series.

Test N°1 ISFA 2010


Solve 2 exercises among 3 proposed.

For each ( ) we define ( ) and ( )
We note ( ) the surface defined by the equation ( ) and
( ) the surface defined by the equation ( ).
Finally ( ) is the intersection ( ) ( ) ( ).

Q1 ( ) ( ) is a polynomial factorized by ( ). T F

Q2 The orthogonal projection of ( ) on the plan is the union of the circle

of centre . / and radius and the straight in this plane . T F

Q3 The point ( ) is on ( ) and ( ) near is on a regular curve. T F

Q4 Find the points of ( ) where the surfaces ( ) and ( ) have the same tangent plane.

We consider the set of surfaces ( ) defined by the equation (x,y) where is some solution of the partial
derivatives equation
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Q1 The surfaces ( ) are orthogonal in ( ( )) to the vector ( ). T F

Q2 The curves ( ) (called characteristics) defined by the equations {

where are real constants

are perpendicular to the surface ( ) passing through the point ( ). T F

Q3 These curves ( ) are the intersection of the planes

and the hyperboloids . T F

Test N°1 ISFA 2010

Q4 Find the solution of ( ) which also verifies the condition: ( ) for all real
Indication: use the change of variables { .

is a real parameter strictly positive.

Q1 By using the two changes of variable

and the trigonometric formula

we obtain the value of the integral

∫ ( )

Q2 For each , - we note the set defined (in )

⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
by and .

is a homothetic set of the set defined

⁄ ⁄
by and (in ). T F

⁄ ⁄
∬ ( )


Q4 Calculate the volume of the region , in , defined by:

⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄

Test N°2A ISFA 2010



Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Three children, David, Elsa and François, are born from two distinct families: the family FRANJEUX who always say
the truth and the family ROUBLARD, known to lie systematically.
By using these following affirmations:
- David: « The other children are two ROUBLARDS’ children. »;
- Elsa: « Two among us, exactly, are ROUBLARDS’ children. »;
- François: « One only child, among us, is a ROUBLARDS’ child. »;
give the complete name of each child.

Answer: David …………………………………………...

Elsa ………………………………………………

François ………………………………………..

We consider the following frame:

In this frame there is one and only one true affirmation.

In this frame there is one and only one false affirmation.

In this frame there are two true affirmations.

In this frame there are two false affirmations.

Q1 Underline the affirmation(s) which is (are) true (i.e. this or these which give(s) no contradiction
for the complete frame).

Q2 How many good answers are possible?

Test N°2A ISFA 2010

Replace each letter by a digit to obtain a correct addition:

+ G E N I E Answer:
C A N T O R . . . . .
We suppose that O replaces (zero) because . . . . .
in this case there is one single solution.

. . . . . .

(Unhelpful) remark: Georg CANTOR (1845-1918) is a well known mathematician considered for the depth of his
work, as a genius (in French “génie”).

8 persons of different nationalities must take place around a table. Fortunately, each of them speaks several
languages (from 2 to 4).

- Miss Anne speaks French, English and Vietnamese.

- Miss Huong speaks Vietnamese, English and Russian.
- Mr. Charles speaks English and Russian.
- Mr. Tan speaks Vietnamese, English, German and Russian.
- Miss Evita speaks Spanish, German and Chinese.
- Mr. Li speaks Chinese, French and Spanish.
- Mr. Günter speaks German and Italian.
- Miss Manuela speaks Italian and Spanish.

Please, give the seating arrangement for the guests so that each one can communicate with his (or her) right and
left neighbours and as usually man and women will alternate.


Write the capital letter of each name in the appropriate box.

Test N°2A ISFA 2010

One boy and one girl run a 100-meter race.
When the boy crosses the finish line, the girl has covered only 95 meters: the boy wins the race because he is 5
meters ahead of the girl.
For a second race, the boy proposes to have a race more equal: he will start 5 meters behind the starting line. If they
run at the same speed as the first time:

 the girl will win the race

 the boy and the girl will cross the finish line at the exact same time
 the boy will win the race again

Tick the right box.

We divide in ten parts (not necessarily of equal length) the 2 sides and of a triangle and we draw the
segments from each point of the subdivisions to the opposite angle.

Q1 How many triangles are drawn on the figure?

Q2 Generalize to the case where is subdivided in parts and is subdivided in parts.

A rectangular article with the dimension is badly placed in its packaging, a cubical box
but it is just possible to close this packing.
See the following transversal drawing:

A 68



Q1 For the cube, calculate the length:

Q2 Now the packaging is a rectangular parallelepiped box with the dimension .

Calculate again the length:

Test N°2B ISFA 2010



Write the solutions on a separate sheet of paper.

Calculators are not allowed.

Find the minimal value of the function on the set defined by the inequalities
and . Give the point(s) where it is obtained.

For and two real numbers strictly positive, we define the integral


From these values, obtain and and then the value of the integral in function of and .


For each real number we define:


1. Show that is a defined continuous derivable function on and, for , the equality

2. Show that , deduct the value of for .

3. Show that exists. If we suppose that is continuous on the right at ,

Obtain the value of the integral

Test N°2B ISFA 2010


1. Show that is a defined, continuous derivable function on .

2. If we suppose that has a second order derivation on obtained by derivation under the sign ,
show that, for the differential equation

Deduct the value of the integral for . What is its value for ?


i. and are two continuous functions on , we suppose also that is and is a

derivable and decreasing function on , show by integration by parts the inequalities:

where (respectively ) is the minimal (respectively maximal) value of on .

Deduct it exists such that:

ii. We suppose that , by using the preceding result, show the inequality:

This result enables us to obtain the result admitted in the question 3 of Part I, why?

iii. Always , show by the same method that for , we have the inequality:

This result enables us to obtain the result admitted in the question 2 of Part II, why?

Test N°1 ISFA 2011



Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Instruction for the candidates

Solve 8 exercises taken in a list of 11 exercises proposed.
Each exercise has 4 questions. The last question is always a calculus.
If you get the good answer you obtain 2 points. For the first 3 questions you only have to circle the good proposition
and cross out the bad one among the two T=true or F=false.
Q1 Today, I am taking the entrance examination of ISFA T F answer: T F
Q2 The entrance examination takes place in France T F answer: T F
For a good answer you obtain 1 point, you lose ½ point for a bad answer, no answer 0 point.
Only the 8 best exercises are registered. If all your answers are good you get (3+2) x 8 = 40 points: the maximal mark.


Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed.

are two real numbers, we consider the linear system of equations:

Q1 for , the system is impossible for all . T F

Q2 for and the set of solutions is a vectorial plane

generated by the vectors and T F

Q3 for and and the set of solutions is an affine plane,

parallel to the preceding vector plane through the point

( )

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

Q4 For , express in function of and of the parameters .

In a university, one training program consists of two years of study .
For each year we note the number of students in and the number of students in ,
the number leaving the program at the end of the year .

We know, that each year, statistically:

of students in drop out, of students in repeat the first year, succeed and go in ;

of students in repeat the second year and succeed or drop out.

We note

[ ]

Q1 [ ]. T F

Q2 is regular and

[ ]


Q3 For each integer { }:

( ) [ ]

Q4 Calculate function of .

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

is a linear application of the vector space on the field and is the matrix of relatively to the canonical
basis { } where , and

[ ]

Q1 is a regular matrix. T F

Q2 Let , and
{ } is a new base of . T F

Q3 [ ] is the matrix of relatively to the new base . T F

Q4 Show that we have and calculate .

Let a sequence of real numbers defined by given and the recurrence relation:

We note

[ ]

Q1 We have for all with [ ]


Q2 is a double eigenvalue of
is a single eigenvalue of . T F

Q3 For each it is possible to find

real numbers such that: . ( the identity matrix) T F

Q4 For each calculate in function of and .

Test N°1 ISFA 2011


Solve 3 exercises among 4 proposed.

Q1 In the neighbourhood of , we have the equivalents:


Q2 We have the limit:

is defined on as the inverse function of the function

defined on . T F

Q3 We have the equivalent, in the neighbourhood of : . T F

Q4 Discuss, upon , the limit

We consider the integral function

Q1 is defined and differentiable on . T F

Q2 The derivative of on is given by:

( )


Q3 We have the limits . T F

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

Q4 Calculate the limits

We consider the power series

Q1 The radius of convergence of this power series is . T F

Q2 For , if we note

and exist, we obtain a continuous function on [ . T F

Q3 For

∑ ( )
√ √
Q4 Calculate the value of in the three cases:

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

Q1 The function | | is periodic. T F

Q2 For each we have the Fourier expansion:

Q3 We consider the differential equation

The general solution of is:

Where and are two real constants. T F

Q4 Find the general solution of (without using the Fourier series)

Deduct the value of the sum:


Solve 2 exercises among 3 proposed.

We consider the set of all the which satisfy the inequalities .

Q1 is a closed set not bounded. T F

Q2 is a continuous function on which is in fact the square

of the Euclidean distance between the point and the point . T F

Q3 The minimum value of on exists. T F

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

Q4 Find the point of which realises this minimum.


Q1 The differential system { has the general solution

where are three real constants. T F

Q2 The function continuously differentiable,

solution of the linear partial derivatives equation:

and which satisfies the relations for all , is the function


Q3 The second order equation of partial derivatives

is written by composition of 2 linear operators:

( )( )

Q4 Find the general solution of the equation .

Test N°1 ISFA 2011

is a real number which satisfies .

Q1 If we use the change of variable we obtain:

∫ (√ )

is on the reverse function of

the function defined on ] [ . T F

Q2 If we use the change of variable , we obtain

∫ (√ )

where is the only real of ] [ which satisfies . T F

Q3 We note the set of which satisfies

the inequalities and , we have:

∬ ∫ [∫ ]


Q4 Calculate the integral

Test N°2A ISFA 2011



Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You must answer and return this form.

Calculators are not allowed.

Three criminals, David, Elsa and François, are suspected of murder: one and only one of them is guilty. The murderer
has accomplished the crime alone while the others were away. They declare to the police during the investigation:

David : (D1) I am innocent of the crime.

(D2) Besides, at the moment of the crime I was with Elsa.
(D3) François is guilty.

Elsa : (E1) I am innocent of the crime.

(E2) So is David.
(E3) But he was not with me at the moment of the crime.

François : (F1) I am innocent of the crime.

(F2) So is Elsa.
(F3) David lied three times.

If we know that each of the criminal lied at least one time during their statements, find the murderer.

Answer: The murderer is: …………………………………………...

To obtain a soft boiled egg you need to put it in boiling water for exactly three consecutive minutes.
You have a pan of boiling water and two hourglasses, one of 6 minutes, another of 7 minutes. How will you proceed
to succeed this cooking?

Explain your answer:

Does your solution need less than 10 minutes? Yes No

If not, find a faster way:


Test N°2A ISFA 2011

On a very remote island two tribes are living: the first one named Orenbar says always the truth, the second one
named Pafranc always lies. There are 400 adults on the island, they practice only 3 occupations: hunting, fishing,
cooking (normal and magical!). Each one of them has one and only one occupation.
During a survey all adults are interviewed.
Are you a hunter? 300 adults answer YES
Are you a fisher? 200 adults answer YES
Are you a cook? 150 adults answer YES
The other ones answer NO.

How many adults of the Orenbar tribe are on this island?



250 round boxes are distributed around the circumference of a large circle. A number is written in each box such
that the sum of the numbers contained in 4 consecutive boxes is always 100. One of the boxes contains the number
16. Three boxes after X is written (see figure above). Find X.

Answer: X=

[Indication: the sequence of numbers indexed by the place of the boxes is periodic]


angle of 45°

Test N°2A ISFA 2011

A ball is placed precisely at the center of a billiard table. A player (surely a champion) strikes the ball such that it
bounces on the 1st band under an angle of precisely 45°. After 6 similar bounces on the other bands the ball comes
back precisely at its starting point after having travelled 8 meters (see figure).
What are the dimensions of the billiard table?

Answer: width =
length =

Five sculptures made respectively of silver, bronze, nickel, gold and platinum, are stored in 5 identical strongboxes
numbered from 1 to 5. On each strongbox once closed, is placed a label L1, L2, L3, L4, L5.

L1: the golden sculpture is in the strongbox N°2 or 3.

L2: the silver sculpture is in the strongbox N°1.
L3: the bronze sculpture is not in this strongbox.
L4: the nickel sculpture is in the strongbox whose number precedes the number of the strongbox
which contains the golden sculpture.
L5: the platinum sculpture is in the strongbox whose number follows the number of the strongbox
which contains the bronze sculpture.
Besides, we know that all these statements are false except the one written on the label of the strongbox containing
the golden sculpture.
Find the content of the strongboxes.

Answer: the strongbox N ° 1 contains the sculpture made of:

the strongbox N ° 2 contains the sculpture made of:
the strongbox N ° 3 contains the sculpture made of:
the strongbox N ° 4 contains the sculpture made of:
the strongbox N ° 5 contains the sculpture made of:

In a bank, only the Director knows the combination of the safe. It is a 5 digit number. Each of the 10 clerks knows a 5
digit number: it is not the true combination but for each combination one and only one of the 5 digits is correct and
positioned in the right place.
The 10 clerks meet to share all the numbers they have:

07344 52207

14098 63822

27356 70558

36429 85237
45374 97665

One of them says: ”Oh! The right first positioned digit is obtained by only one of us because all our first digits are
Find the combination of the safe.

Answer: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Test N°2B ISFA 2011



Write the solutions on a separate sheet of paper.

Calculators are not allowed.

We consider the set of surfaces in defined by the equations:

1. Express the coordinates of a tangent vector to at .

At what condition a vector is tangent to a surface at ?

2. Find the value of such that the surface is tangent to the plane √
at their meeting point.

𝑥 𝑦𝑧
3. We define the functions by 𝑓 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 𝑥𝑦

a. Show that has no extremum on .

b. Find the absolute minimum of on and the point which permits to obtain this minimum.
(It is important to show precisely that it is a minimum)

We consider the set of continuous function on [ ] , with continuous first and second derivative, and
which satisfies and .

1. For element of , calculate

2. With the use of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, show that:

3. Integrate the differential equation

Determinate for the solution to be an element of . We note this solution.
Determinate completely .

4. Find the minimum of 𝑓→∫ 𝑓 𝑡 𝑑𝑡 s 𝐸

Test N°2B ISFA 2011

We consider the sequence of functions defined on [ ] by the induction:


for all real numbers in [ ] and all integers

1. a. Show that for all integers , is a polynomial function.

b. Show that for all integer the function → is constant on [ ]

2. For all [ ] and all integers show the inequality :

Deduct that the series

∑ s [ ]

is uniformly convergent on [ ]

3. Conclude that is a sequence functions which converges (uniformly on [ ]) to a function

differentiable and which satisfies the relation :

for all [ ].

is a polynomial function ?

ISFA Entrance Exam - Test number 1

Duration 3h, all documents are forbidden.

Write the solutions on a separate sheet of paper.
Scoring takes into account the writing quality.

Exercise 1 Let a be a not null real number and let A be a matrix defined by
 
0 a a2
A =  1/a 0 a .
 
1/a2 1/a 0

1. Compute A2 .

2. Find a unitary polynomial P with degree 2 such that P (A) = 0, i.e., a polynomial P of the form
X 2 + αX + β such that A2 + αA + βI = 0 where I is the identity matrix of M3 (R) (set of all
3-by-3 real matrix).

3. Show that A is invertible and give its inverse.

4. Give an expression of An for n ∈ N as a function of I and A.

Hint: use an Euclidean division.

5. a) Which are the possible eigenvalues of A?

b) Identify the eigenspaces associated with these eigenvalues.
c) Is A a diagonalizable matrix?

Exercise 2 A square matrix X in M3 (R) is said to be nilpotent if there exists an integer m > 1
such that X m = 0. Similarly, a matrix X in M3 (R) is said to be unipotent if I − X is a nilpotent
matrix where I is the identity matrix of M3 (R). If A is a nilpotent matrix of M3 (R), the exponential
of A is defined by
X An
exp(A) =
Moreover, if N is a unipotent matrix, the logarithm of N is defined by
X (I − N )n
log(N ) = −

1. Show that the above definitions of exp and log have a meaning.

2. Let A and B be two nilpotent matrices which commute. Show that

exp(A + B) = exp(A) exp(B)

   
0 α β 1 a c
3. Let N = 0 0 γ  and U = 0 1 b  be two matrices in M3 (R). Show that N is nilpotent
   
0 0 0 0 0 1
and U is unipotent.
4. Prove that exp log(U ) = U et log exp(N ) = N.
 
1 t 3t + 
5. For a real number t, we define U (t) = 
 2 .
0 1 t 

0 0 1
Show that for all (s, t) ∈ R , we have U (s)U (t) = U (s + t).

6. Show that U (t) = exp(tN ) where N is a nilpotent matrix that has to be identified.

Exercise 3 Let E be a finite-dimensional vector space with respect to a commutative field K and
let f be an endomorphism of E.
1. Show that Ker f k and Im f k are monotonic sequences for the subset relation (recall
k∈N k∈N
that Ker f and Im f are respectively the kernel and the image of f ).

2. Show that there exists a positive integer d such that Ker f d = Ker f d+1 .

3. Let c denote the smallest integer for which the previous relation holds. Show that c is again the
smallest integer for which the relation Im f d = Im f d+1 holds.

4. Show that, for all integer d such that d > c, E = Ker f d ⊕ Im f d where ⊕ denotes the direct sum

Exercise 4 For any non-negative integer n, let us consider the function fn defined for all x in
(−π, π) by
cosn u
Z x
fn (x) = du.
0 1 + cos u

1. Compute f0 (x), f1 (x), f2 (x) and f3 (x).

Hint: one can use a change of variable based on the tangent function.

2. a) Study the behavior of fn on the interval (−π, π): parity, derivability, variations. The limit at
the bounds of the definition domain will be studied in question 2)c).
b) Give the order-3 asymptotic development of fn at the neighborhood of 0 and provide the
equation of the tangent line to the curve of fn at point 0. Give the position of the curve of
fn with respect to this tangent line. Discuss the situation according to the value of n.


c) For x > 3 , provide an upper-bound of the following integral

| cosn u|
Z x

1 + cos u

Deduce the limit of fn at π and at −π.

d) Give the shape of the curve of fn on (−π, π). Discuss the situation according to the value of

3. For all n > 2, find a relation between fn (x), fn−1 (x) and fn−2 (x).

Exercise 5 Let us consider the application f defined for all (x, y) in R2 by:
f (x, y) = p .
1 + x2 + y 2

1. Show that f is of class C ∞ on R2 and compute its partial derivatives of order 1.

2. Find the critical points of f .

3. Show that f admits a unique local extremum and identify whether it is a maximum or a minimum.

4. a) Show that f has a maximum and a minimum on the closed half-plane P containing the origin
point O with coordinates (0, 0) and delimited by the straight line with equation 1 + x − y = 0.
What is the image of P by f ?
b) Same question but for the closed disc ∆ = {(x, y) ∈ R2 , x2 − 2x + y 2 + 2y ≤ 52 }.

ISFA Entrance Exam - Test number 2

Duration 3h, all documents are forbidden.

Write the solutions on a separate sheet of paper.
Scoring takes into account the writing quality.

Exercise 1 How many different pairs of positive integers (> 0) add to make 200?

Exercise 2 The number of hairs for a man or a woman does not exceed 400 000 units. Given that
Hanoï have 6 500 000 inhabitants, at least how many persons in Hanoï have exactly the same number
of hairs?

Exercise 3 An arrow is formed in a 2 × 2 square by joining the bottom corners to the midpoint of
the top edge and the center of the square (see the below figure).

Find the area corresponding to the arrow.

Exercise 4 In a particular class, each student has blonde hair or brown eyes. One quarter of the
students with blond hair have brown eyes and one third of the students with brown eyes have blonde
hair. What fraction of the class in total have brown eyes?

Exercise 5 Three white candles and two black candles can be arranged in a number of ways in a
pentagon shaped candelabra.

If the candles are placed at random, find the probability that the three white candles will be adjacent.

Exercise 6
Z 1
1. Prove the existence of integral J = dt.
0 2t2 − 2t + 1
2. Compute J thanks to the affine change of variable u = 2t − 1.
Z 1
3. For any couple (p, q) of non-negative integers, let us consider I(p, q) = tp (1 − t)q dt.

a) Find the limit of I(n, n) as n tends to +∞.

b) Show that for all (p, q) ∈ N × N∗ ,
I(p, q) = I(p + 1, q − 1).
p! q!
c) Deduce that for all (p, q) ∈ N × N∗ , I(p, q) = .
(p + q + 1)!
4. a) For all t ∈ [0, 1] and n ∈ N, simplify the expression 2k tk (1 − t)k .
X 2k (k!)2 π
b) For all n ∈ N, we consider Sn = . Show that lim Sn = .
(2k + 1)! n→+∞ 2

Exercise 7 Let A and B be two non-constant polynomials of C[X]. We recall that A and B are
mutually prime if they have no common root. Moreover, thanks to Bezout’s theorem, A and B are
mutually prime if and only if there exist two polynomials U and V in C[X] such that
AU + BV = 1.

1. a) Show that, A and B are mutually prime if and only if there exist U0 and V0 in C[X] such that
AU0 + BV0 = 1 and deg(U0 ) < deg(B), deg(V0 ) < deg(A)
b) Describe a method which allows to obtain polynomials U0 and V0 .
2. Example: Find (U0 , V0 ) for A = X 3 + 2X 2 + 1 and B = X 2 + X + 1.
3. Find all polynomials P in C[X] such that P + 10 is divided by (X − 1)2 and P − 17 is divided by
(X + 2)3 .

Exercise 8 Let A be the 3-by-3 matrix defined by

 
2 2 1
A =  −2 1 2  .

1 −2 2

1. Show that A is an orthogonal matrix, i.e., the matrix of an orthogonal endomorphism of R3 .

2. Identify all the characteristics of the endomorphism associated with A.

ISFA Entrance Examination 2017
August 21 2017 - Duration : 3 hours
Mathematics 1

Every electronic device is forbidden, including calculators. All documents are forbidden.

Answer on a separate sheet of paper.

The clarity of writing and exposition, as well as the precision of the arguments will be taken into account in
the grading.

Notations :
— N = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} : set of natural numbers.
— f (x) ∼ g(x) means that

f (x)
lim = 1.
x→+∞ g(x)
— Mn (R) : set of n × n matrices with real entries.
— Im(f ) : Image of the application f .
— Ker(f ) : Kernel of the application f .

Exercise 1.

Consider the following 3 × 3 matrix :  

1 0 0
A= 1 4 0 
2 3 9
The goal of this exercise is to solve in M3 (R) the equation (E) where the unknown is M :

(E) : M2 = A

1. Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A.

2. Prove that if M is a solution of (E), then AM = M A and every eigenvector of A is also an eigenvector of M .
3. Deduce that every solution of (E) is diagonalizable and then compute all solutions of equation (E).

Exercise 2.
1 −1
In M2 (R), consider the matrix : A = and the application f : M2 (R) → M2 (R) defined by :
−1 1

∀X ∈ M2 (R), f (X) = AX + XA

1. Prove that f is an endomorphism of M2 (R) and give its representative matrix in the canonical basis of M2 (R).
2. Compute a base of Im(f ) and a base of Ker(f ), precise the rank of f .
3. Solve the following equation (with unknown X) :
1 −1
f (X) =
0 0

Exercise 3.
Let k ∈ N. For every x ∈ [0, +∞[, we define
Z 1
fk (x) = tk exp(−tx)dt.

1. (a) Prove that the function x 7→ fk (x) is decreasing on [0, +∞[, for every k ∈ N.
(b) Compute the limit, when k tends to +∞ of the sequence (fk (0))k>0 . Deduce, for any x ∈ [0, +∞[,
the limit, when k tends to +∞ of the sequence (fk (x))k>0 .

2. (a) Let x ∈ [0, +∞[. Derive a relationship between fk (x) and fk+1 (x).
(b) Compute the functions f0 , f1 and f2 .
(c) Prove that :
f0 (x) ∼
x→+∞ x

(d) Using the question 2.(a), prove that, for any k ∈ N,

fk (x) ∼ ,
x→+∞ xk+1
where Ak is a constant that you will compute.

Exercice 4.
Z 1
1. Prove that the integral is well defined and compute it using the following change of
0 2t2 − 2t + 1
variable u = 2t − 1.
Z 1
2. For each (p, q) in N , we set : I(p, q) = tp (1 − t)q dt.
(a) Determine the limit of I(n, n) when n goes to +∞.
(b) Prove that for every (p, q) ∈ N × N∗ ,
I(p, q) = I(p + 1, q − 1)
p! q!
(c) Deduce that for every (p, q) ∈ N × N∗ , I(p, q) = .
(p + q + 1)!
3. (a) For every t ∈ [0, 1] and n ∈ N, simplify the expression 2k tk (1 − t)k .
X 2k (k!)2 π
(b) For every n ∈ N, we set Sn = . Prove that lim Sn = .
(2k + 1)! n→+∞ 2

Exercice 5.
We define the sequence (un )n>0 by the relations :

u0 = u1 = 1, ∀n > 0, un+2 = 8 un un+1
For every n, we set vn = ln(un ).
1. Prove that the sequence (vn )n is well defined for every n, and satisfies the following recurrence relation :
vn+1 + vn
(∗) : ∀n > 0, vn+2 = + 3 ln(2)
2. Find a real number α such that the sequence (αn)n>0 satisfies the recurrence relation (∗).
3. Prove that the sequence (wn )n defined by wn = vn − αn satisfies a simple recurrence relation.
4. Deduce a simple expression for un for any n.

Exercice 6.
Consider the sequence (un )n∈N defined by

u0 ∈ [−1, 1],
∀n > 0, un+1 = u2n − 1

1. Prove that for every n > 1, un ∈ [−1, 0].

2. For every n, we set vn = u2n et wn = u2n+1 . Prove that (vn ) et (wn ) are convergent sequences.
3. Prove that the sequence (un ) is divergent, except for two particular values of u0 that you will determine.

ISFA Entrance Examination 2017
August 21 2017 - Duration : 3 hours
Mathematics 2

Every electronic device is forbidden, including calculators. All documents are forbidden.

Answer on a separate sheet of paper.

The clarity of writing and exposition, as well as the precision of the arguments will be taken into account in
the grading.

Exercice 1.
A bottle of 1 liter of water is on the table. I drink half of it, then you drink half of what remains, then I drink half of
what remains... and so on. Each of us alternatively drinks half of what remains, indefinitely.
1. How much each of us has drunk ? Answer this question without using any series.
2. How much each of us has drunk ? Answer this question by introducing an appropriate series.

Exercice 2.
How can you get exactly 4 liters of water out of a full barrel (containing 50 liters) when there are only a 5 liter and a 3
liter container available ? (no other container is available)

Exercice 3.
Imagine you are on your way to a village where people can only tell the truth. You reach a crossroads with a road leading
to another village where people always lie (Also, these people are cannibals, so you don’t want to go to their village).
You don’t know which road leads to which destination. At the crossroads you meet a man coming from one of these
How can you determine which way to go by asking the man only one question ?

Exercice 4.
How can three co-workers know the average of their salaries without disclosing their own salaries to each other ?

Exercice 5. The number 1 000 000 can be described as the product of two integer factors so that these factors do not
contain the digit ’0’.
What are the two integers ?

Exercice 6.
Consider the following polynomial, where a, b et c are elements from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} :

P = aX 2 + bX + c

In order to determine a, b et c, we throw a dice 3 times. Compute the following probabilities : (the results will be given
in the form of irreductible fractions)
1. The polynomial P has a double root.
2. The roots of P (in C) are inverses of each other.
3. The two roots of P are :  
j = exp and j2.
4. Given that the polynomial has a double root, this root is −1.

Exercice 7.
Let H be defined by :
H(x) = dt
x 2(1 + t)
1. Find the values of x for which H(x) is convergent.
2. Study the variations of H on ]0, +∞[ and find its limit when x goes to +∞.
Z +∞
3. Prove that H(t)dt is convergent and express this integral as a function of H(0).
4. Let (xn )n∈N the sequence defined by x0 = 1 and ∀n > 0, xn+1 = H(xn ).
(a) Prove that ∀n ∈ N, xn ∈ R+∗ .
(b) Prove that there is a unique α > 0 such that H(α) = α.
(c) Prove that ∀n ∈ N, |xn+1 − α| 6 |xn − α|.
(d) Deduce that the sequence (xn )n∈N is convergent.

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