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Code of

Business Conduct
Integrity | Honesty | Fairness
Spirit of Wipro

Be passionate about clients’ successes

Treat each person with respect

Be global and responsible

Unyielding integrity in everything we do

Chairman’s message

Dear Wiproites,

Our unflinching commitment to integrity, fairness, and transparency has made us

a globally trusted brand. The Spirit of Wipro, our values, has been our beacon and
helped us achieve high standards of governance and business conduct.

As we continue to explore opportunities and expand our global footprint, we

must ensure non-negotiable adherence to globally accepted standards of
compliance. To further strengthen our policies, and make our systems and
processes more robust, we have updated our Code of Business Conduct (COBC),
along with our ethics and compliance initiatives.

The updated COBC provides key details about our responsibilities and obligation
to comply with laws and Wipro’s ethical standards. It also serves as a helpful
reference tool that can guide us when we are confronted with ethical dilemmas
or questions.

It is imperative we uphold the COBC and manifest it in all our actions. This will
be a critical element that will help us shape an organizational culture with a
growth mindset. At the core of this change would be greater accountability,
deeper commitment, strong ownership, and collaboration, putting Wipro and its
success first before individual units and teams. This culture will be defined by
decisiveness, responsiveness, mutual respect, and inclusiveness.

I am confident that we will continue to be a corporate model for transparency,

ethical business practices, and good governance.

Let us make Wipro the most preferred Company to work with – for its employees,
customers, and other stakeholders.

Live the Spirit of Wipro.

Rishad Premji

Table of contents

About our Code and your responsibilities 6

To whom the Code applies
How to use the Code of Business Conduct?
Employee responsibilities
Cooperating with surveys, investigations and inquiries
Ethical leadership
Making the right choice
Asking questions and raising concerns
Preventing retaliation
Accountability and discipline
Acting in the best interest of our customers, business partners and
the public 11
Customer relations
Marketing and advertising
Protecting customer information
Supplier selection
Government contracting
Conflicts of interest
Family members and close personal relationships
Personal investments and corporate opportunities
Outside employment
Volunteer or charitable work
Gifts, entertainment & business courtesies
Gifts, entertainment or business courtesy to government officials
Communicating with the public
Social media and networking
Protecting our information and assets 19
Confidential information
Intellectual property
Competitive/business intelligence
Protecting the privacy of employee and personal information
Business records and internal controls
Document management and legal holds
Safeguarding company assets
Following the letter and the spirit of laws and regulations 25
Insider trading
Anti-trust and fair competition
Anti-money laundering
Political involvement/lobbying
Global trade
Performance through teamwork and respect 30
Human rights
Diversity and non-discrimination
Harassment-free workplace
Safe and healthy work environment
Sustainability and corporate citizenship
Additional resources and links 35

About our Code and
your responsibilities

To whom the Code applies

The Code of Business Conduct (COBC) provides How to use the Code of
the ethical guidelines and expectations for
Business Conduct?
conducting business on behalf of Wipro
Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliate The COBC is designed to help
companies. In the COBC, these are commonly employees recognize and deal with
referred to as “Wipro” or “the Company.” The ethical issues in their work. Wipro’s
COBC applies to all employees and members of policy is to comply with all applicable
the Board of Directors of the Company. It also laws and regulations, to be committed
applies to individuals who serve the Company to conducting business in an ethical
on contract, subcontract, retainer, consultant manner and to act with integrity in
or any other such basis. dealing with our customers, suppliers,
partners, competitors, employees and
Suppliers, service providers, external
other stakeholders.
professionals, agents, channel partners
(dealers, distributors and others) serve as an The COBC is a guide to help whenever
extension of the Company and their conduct you have questions about ethics
and behaviour while carrying out business or if you are faced with an ethical
dealings with Wipro or on behalf of Wipro can dilemma. COBC may not address all the
have an impact on Wipro and its reputation. For situations which you may encounter
this reason, they are expected to conduct their and sometimes, because of the highly
businesses in a legal and ethical manner and complex rules and regulations that
to adhere to the spirit of the COBC, as well as govern our business, you may need
any applicable contractual obligations, when additional help. In these situations,
working for Wipro. consult the Wipro policies (forming
part of the Book of Policies) referenced
Employee responsibilities throughout the COBC. The Book of
Policies is available on Wipro’s intranet
Wipro is made up of thousands of individuals, portals. They provide more detailed
each with unique perspectives and aspirations. information on seeking help. You can
Though we are all different, we all share also discuss the matter with your
an understanding of the importance of manager, Human Resources (HR) or
“Unyielding Integrity.” Without a reputation for other designated persons mentioned in
integrity we would fail with customers, with the COBC.
investors and in our own eyes. We must strive
to maintain the highest ethical standards.

In particular: local laws conflict with the COBC or related
policies, discuss the issue with your manager
• Always act in a professional, honest, and or contact the HR manager or Ombudsperson
ethical manner when acting on behalf of for clarification.
the Company.

• Be familiar with the information contained

in the COBC and policies and pay particular
attention to the policies that pertain to your Cooperating with surveys,
job responsibilities. investigations and inquiries
• Complete all required employee trainings The Company will promptly
in a timely manner and keep up-to-date on investigate all credible reports
current standards and expectations. of misconduct. Also, using both
internal and external resources,
• Promptly report concerns about possible
Wipro conducts surveys and audits to
violations of laws, regulations or the COBC
assess risks and enhance compliance.
to your manager, manager’s manager, HR
manager, head of the business, any member All employees are required to cooperate
of Senior Management, any member of the fully and truthfully with designated
Legal & Compliance Department or audit and investigations professionals.
the Ombudsperson. Regular purging of documents is in
order except if an investigation is in
• Cooperate and tell the whole truth when
progress and a document preservation
responding to an investigation or audit and
or hold notice is issued. Never mislead
never alter or destroy records in response to
any investigator and never alter or
an investigation, or when an investigation
destroy documents or records in
is anticipated.
response to an investigation.
Remember: No reason, including the desire
• Trained experts will be assigned to
to meet business goals, should ever be an
conduct the investigation.
excuse for violating laws, regulations, the
COBC or policies. • The facts of the case will be
uncovered through interviews and
Q I understand that some leaders at Wipro
have a separate code. Is that true, and do
they also have to abide by the COBC?
document reviews.

• Unless authorized, you should never

conduct an investigation yourself.
AAll Wiproites are governed by the
principles and values embodied in the
“Spirit of Wipro.” There is no separate code for
• Unless authorized do not disclose any
information about an investigation.
leaders, and they must also abide by the COBC.
Wipro’s Principal Executive Officer and Senior • Investigators recommend appropriate
Financial Officers have an additional Code of action, if needed, to management.
Ethics to support requirements of complete If action is necessary to correct the
and accurate financial records and reporting. situation and prevent a recurrence,
the Company will take corrective

Q In my country, our local laws differ from

some of the standards in the COBC. What
should I do?
steps including disciplinary action
against the erring employee up to and
including dismissal.

AWipro does business in a number

of countries worldwide and we are
committed to following the laws and
regulations everywhere we operate. Sometimes
these laws may vary or conflict with the COBC.
Where they do, the laws of the land will prevail.
However, in some situations, COBC may take
a more conservative stand to avoid conflicts
with certain other country laws. If you believe

Q Why are we expected to cooperate with
investigations and inquiries? I would
rather not get involved.
• Be proactive. Look for opportunities to
discuss and address ethics and ethically
challenging situations with team members.

A When the Company conducts an

investigation, it is because there is the
possibility of a breach of our policies or legal
• Create an environment where everyone
feels comfortable asking questions and
reporting potential violations of the COBC
requirements. The investigation is necessary to and policies.
protect individuals, Wipro, and, in some cases,
the public. If employees do not cooperate it • Never ask another or pressure anyone to do
may be impossible to get all the facts and something that is in violation of the COBC.
take the right actions. Also, the investigation • Be aware of the limits of your authority
will help the Company to process corrections and do not take any action that exceeds
which would help in avoiding repeat violations. those limits. Delegate authority only where
Withholding information or knowingly giving permissible and never delegate authority to
false or misleading information or sharing any individual who you believe may engage
information about an investigation is a serious in unlawful conduct or unethical activities.
violation of your duties as an employee and
could result in disciplinary action. • If you supervise third parties, ensure
that they understand their ethics and
Ethical leadership
If you are in a leadership position at Wipro,
you are also expected to meet the following
Q My business unit sets various goals that
we are asked to achieve. Sometimes I find
that I can achieve some of the goals only if
additional responsibilities:
I violate the COBC. Is this acceptable?
• Lead by example. Managers are expected to
exemplify the highest standards of ethical
business conduct and to model the “Spirit
A No. While successful businesses set
high goals and employees strive to
achieve them, you should never violate the
of Wipro.”
COBC or Wipro’s policies in a quest to achieve
• Support implementation of ethics and your goals.
business conduct programmes and
monitor compliance of Wipro’s values and
ethical business conduct guidelines through
Q I’m a manager and I’m not clear what my
obligations are if someone comes to me
with an accusation—and what if it involves a
such programmes.
senior leader?

A No matter who the allegation involves,

you must report it without exception.
Wipro provides several avenues for
reporting concerns. If for any reason you are
uncomfortable making a report to a particular
person, you may talk to the Ombudsperson.

Q I’m a manager. If I observe misconduct in

an area not under my supervision, am
I still required to report the issue?

• Help create a work environment that

A Though you are chiefly responsible
for personnel under your supervision,
all Wiproites are required to report any
focuses on building relationships. Recognize
misconduct they become aware of, and as
effort and value mutual respect and open
a leader you are especially obliged to take
action. The best approach is to first talk with
• Communicate to employees and business your manager who oversees the area where
partners (such as dealers, distributors, the problem is occurring, but if this doesn’t
agents) about how the COBC and policies work, or isn’t feasible, you should use other
apply to their daily work. resources listed in the COBC.

Making the right choice are available to help and you have other
resources to turn to including the COBC.
Making the right decision is not always easy.
There will be times when you will be under When faced with a tough ethical decision it may
pressure or unsure of what to do. Always help to pause and ask these questions. If you
remember when you have a tough choice to give a negative answer to even one question,
make, you are not alone. Your fellow Wiproites consider a different action or seek help.

• Is it the right thing to do? Is it legal? Is it consistent with

our policies?

• Have I considered all the options?

• Will my actions be consistent with the “Spirit of Wipro?”

• Will I be comfortable telling others about my decision?

• Can I honestly say I’d be proud of the choice I made?

• What is the possible impact of my actions on others,

including fellow employees and stakeholders?

Asking questions and raising In addition, if you have a question about a

concerns Wipro policy, you can send your query to:
In today’s complex business environment, it
is inevitable that questions and ethics and You also have the option to use Wipro’s
compliance concerns will arise. The sooner Hotline. To access the Hotline, please
Wipro leadership knows about possible visit Calls to the
problems; the sooner they can be addressed. Hotline may be made anonymously; however,
Wiproites are encouraged to provide their
Each one of us is responsible to promptly name. Anonymous calls will be considered for
raise issues or concerns about misconduct. further action at the sole discretion of Wipro
If you become aware of conduct that you and anonymous callers may need to provide
believe violates Wipro’s policies, regulations, additional information before an effective
or the law, talk to your manager. If this seems investigation can take place. You also have an
inappropriate, or if you don’t believe the person option to raise your concerns directly to the
to whom you’ve reported your concern has Chairman of the Audit Committee
taken appropriate action, you have several (
additional options:
No form of retaliatory action will be taken
• Speak with your manager’s manager or any against that employee raising a concern even
member of Senior Management. if the same does not turn out to be true. But in
raising the concern the employee is advised to
• Contact the Legal & Compliance Department
exercise due care to ensure good faith.
or your HR manager.

• Use the Company’s Ombudsprocess, which

is a whistle-blower process, by contacting

Q Our manager typically does nothing when
concerns about potential misconduct
are brought to her attention and I believe she
Wipro takes claims of retaliation seriously. All
such claims will be thoroughly investigated
and if substantiated, retaliators will be
has made things difficult for co-workers who disciplined up to and including termination.
have raised issues. Now I have a problem. A If you believe you have been retaliated
co-worker is doing something that I believe to against, you should report such action to the
be ethically wrong. What should I do? Ombudsperson or use any of the reporting
methods described in the COBC.

A Take action and speak up. You are

required to report misconduct. Though
raising it with your manager is often the best Accountability and discipline
way to efficiently address a concern, if you do
Violating relevant laws, regulations, or the
not believe that it is appropriate or do not feel
COBC, or expecting or encouraging others to do
comfortable doing so, you should talk to your
so, exposes the Company to liability and puts
manager’s manager, or any of the resources
the Company’s reputation at risk. If an ethics
listed in the COBC.
or compliance problem does occur, you have
an obligation to contact one of the resources
Preventing retaliation listed in the COBC so that an effective solution
can be developed.
Managers must listen openly to concerns
about misconduct, respond appropriately, Wipro will take appropriate disciplinary
and never retaliate against those who action including up to termination against any
raise issues in good faith. Lack of content/ employee, agent, contractor or consultant,
expert knowledge could cause anxiety on an whose actions are found to violate these
employee’s part to believe it to be wrong— policies or any other policies of Wipro.
that’s fine.
The Compliance process at Wipro has the
It is a violation of our policy and contrary to oversight of the Board of Directors, Audit
our values to engage in retaliatory acts against Committee and Corporate Compliance
any employee who reports wrongdoing of any Committees comprising of Board Members.
type, or any employee who testifies, assists or
participates in a proceeding, investigation or
hearing relating to allegations of misconduct.

Acting in the best
interest of our
customers, business
partners and the public

The “Spirit of Wipro” begins with the intensity

to win and the commitment to making our
customers successful. Marketing and advertising

Wiproites know that winning and success are Advertising is an essential instrument
only possible if we consistently act in the best for effective brand building and
interests of our customers, business partners communicating with customers. We
and the public. When we make their interests strive to ensure that all advertisements
our priority, we earn and keep their trust. of Wipro’s services and products are
done ethically.
Customer relations Our advertising must never
misrepresent, deceive or be likely to
Our standard
mislead customers. Marketing and
Customers purchase our services and products advertising of Wipro services and
because they trust them. They trust the quality products must be truthful and accurate.
of our services and products, they trust their False or unsubstantiated claims about
value, and they trust that we will stand behind competitors’ offerings must never be
what we sell and deliver. We must preserve made. Our advertising, packaging,
that trust. displays and promotions must always
be appropriate and sensitive to the
Wipro has a fundamental responsibility to culture of customers and the public in
ensure that customers have faith in the quality the country in which the advertising
of our services and products. It is the primary is shown, and we will avoid political or
responsibility of every employee to make sure religious remarks in advertisements
that our services and products are consistently that may be offensive.
of the highest quality.

Our responsibilities

• Each of us must ensure that we follow our • Do not make false or illegal claims about
rigorous product safety and quality standards. competitors or their services and products.

• Any concerns about product safety or quality • Promise what you can deliver and deliver on
must be immediately reported. It is the job of what you promise.
every employee to make sure that consumers
get what they expect—and pay for. • If you are in a leadership position at Wipro, you
have an obligation to monitor the quality of
• Do not create misleading impressions in any our supply chain to ensure that the products
advertising, marketing, sales materials or we sell meet all external safety and quality
presentations. standards, as well as our own high standards.

Protecting customer information Supplier selection
Our standard Our standard

During the course of our business operations, we Wipro’s suppliers make significant
often have access to personal information related contributions to our success. To create an
to customers and others. While protecting this environment where our suppliers have an
information may now be a legal requirement, for incentive to work with Wipro, they must be
us at Wipro, data privacy has always been a matter confident that they will be treated lawfully and
of trust and respect for others. in an ethical manner.

We respect the personal information of our Our policy is to select suppliers and make
customers and others. Protecting their privacy is purchases based on need, quality, service,
very important to us. price and other terms and conditions.
We select significant suppliers through a
Our responsibilities competitive bid process where all supplier
• Protect the confidentiality of personal relationships are conducted by way of
information of current and former customers, appropriate written contracts.
as well as job applicants, business partners We believe in doing business with suppliers
and customers. and business partners who embrace and
• Access and use personal information solely demonstrate high standards of ethical
for legitimate business purposes and only if business behaviour and who share our
you have a need to know. commitment to environmentally sustainable
practices and human rights. Wipro will not
• Return or destroy personal information that establish a business relationship with any
is no longer required by you for business supplier if its business practices violate local
reasons in accordance with our document laws and does not comply with our Supplier
retention policies. Code of Conduct.

• When sending personal information across

borders or to third parties, make sure that
such transmissions are for legitimate
business reasons and that they comply with Government contracting
local law. Also ensure that the recipient will Wipro’s policy is to comply fully with
safeguard the information. all laws and regulations that apply
• Sensitive personal information, such as to government contracting and
social security numbers, medical records, transactions. It is also necessary
credit card and bank account numbers to strictly adhere to all terms and
require special handling based on local law. conditions of any contract with central,
local, state, federal, foreign or other
• Do not forward customer or other business applicable governments. Wipro’s Legal
information and documents to personal & Compliance Department must review
email IDs (such as Gmail or Hotmail). and approve all contracts with any
government entity to confirm this.
• Do not use public file hosting services (such
as Dropbox, SkyDrive, iCloud, Amazon Cloud
Drive) to backup customer or other business
information and documents.
Our responsibilities
If you notice a breach of this policy or receive
• If you are in a leadership position at Wipro
a customer inquiry or complaint about Wipro’s
and work with our suppliers and business
handling of personal information, forward
partners, you must ensure that they have
the inquiry or complaint to Security Incident
received a copy of the Supplier Code of
Reporting (SIR) through the Company’s
Conduct. Communicate to our suppliers our
intranet system.
standards for high performance in ethics,
Further information: Policy on Confidential anti-corruption, human rights, health, safety
Information and the environment.

• Be vigilant and watch out for any signs of our It is impossible to describe every potential
business partners violating applicable law conflict, which is why Wipro relies on each of
or regulations, including local employment, us to uphold the high standard of “Unyielding
anti-corruption, environmental, health and Integrity” and to seek advice when needed.
safety laws. If you believe a conflict or potential conflict
exists, discuss it with your manager, the Legal
• Each of us who works with suppliers must & Compliance Department or HR.
make decisions in the best interest of Wipro
and our customers based on performance
criteria, not for any personal benefit or gain.

• Cooperate with audits of suppliers and

Some examples of conflicts of
stop purchasing from those not making real interest are:
progress towards meeting our standards.
• Working directly or indirectly either
• Respect and protect the confidential and as an officer, employee, consultant or
proprietary information of suppliers. agent for a competitor or client

• Document all supplier relationships in • Having a direct or indirect financial

appropriate written contracts. interest in a competitor or client or
managers, or subordinate employees or
• Disclose any situation that may appear to peers of Wipro
involve a conflict and remove yourself from
making or influencing a purchasing decision. • An intimate personal relationship that
develops at the workplace between a
Further information: Supplier Code of Conduct manager and subordinate

• Engaging in an activity that is in

Conflicts of interest competition with Wipro

Our standard • Using proprietary or confidential

information of Wipro for personal gain
A conflict of interest occurs whenever you have
a competing interest that may interfere with • Unauthorized use, or disclosure of
your ability to make an objective decision for information about our customers
Wipro. Personal involvement including financial or business partners for personal
interests or dealings with competitors, clients, advantage
managers, subordinate employees or peers
• Accepting an expensive gift,
of Wipro that has the potential to affect the
entertainment or business courtesy
employee’s ability to exercise good judgment
from a supplier or service provider that
for Wipro creates an actual or potential conflict
could potentially result in a conflict of
of interest.
interest in dealing with the supplier or
A conflict of interest can also occur on service provider
account of situations that could create a risk
• Offering or issuing shares of Wipro to
or influence in the professional judgement or
officials of an existing or prospective
decision of an individual, where the primary
customer organization
interest of the organisation and the individual’s
role as an employee is inadvertently • Professional relationship where
prejudiced by another conflicting interest. a relative is a peer in a position
The conflicting interest need not necessarily handling sensitive/ highly confidential
be limited to mean financial gains and could information, for e.g., Manager’s
include personal benefits like professional Executive Assistant or Secretary or the
advancement or favours for colleagues. HR Business Partner of the concerned
business unit. The employee will be
Each of us is expected to use good judgment
privy to sensitive information that could
and avoid situations that can lead to even the
inadvertently be disclosed or shared to
appearance of a conflict. Conflicts of interest
benefit the relative directly or indirectly.
can undermine the trust others place in us and
damage our reputation.

Outside employment

While it is not the intent of Wipro to unduly

• Being part of investigations against
restrict the activities of employees on their
a colleague/ team member – Parties
own time, employees may not work for or
may have preconceived opinions and
receive payments for services from any
therefore outcomes may be biased.
business that does or seeks to do business
• Other financial business relationships with or is in competition with Wipro.
with colleagues, team members, etc.
A conflict of interest may also arise if an
(e.g. multi-level marketing chains)—
employee’s outside work, including
employees will be able to unduly
self-employment or commercial pursuit
influence and derive personal benefit
of hobbies and interests, interferes with
from his/her position within the
the employee’s ability to fulfil his or her
responsibilities to Wipro including scheduled
working hours or overtime hours, or if there is
a risk that the outside employment may cause
the employee to disclose Wipro’s confidential
Family member and close personal or proprietary information or trade secrets.
It is a conflict of interest to serve as a director
As a general rule, employees must avoid of any company that competes with Wipro. It
conducting any Wipro business with a relative may be a conflict of interest if an employee
(which includes a “significant other”) or a serves as a director of a Wipro supplier,
business in which a relative is associated in a customer, developer, or other business partner.
key role. If such a related-party transaction is But in all these cases of potential conflicts, the
unavoidable, the employee must fully disclose employee must first obtain approval from the
the nature of the related-party transaction to Head of HR, Wipro Limited.
his/her HR manager.

Members of an employee’s immediate family

and those in a close personal relationship
may be considered for employment on the
basis of their qualifications and they may
be hired if such employment would not
create manager-subordinate relationship or
such other professional relationships which
could impair the employee’s independence
or influence the judgement of either party
directly or indirectly. If a close personal Volunteer or charitable work
relationship exists or develops between two
employees, both employees involved must On a case-by-case basis, employees may be
bring this to the attention of their manager permitted to work for non-profit/not-for-profit
and HR manager. Attempts will be made to organizations, clubs and charitable institutions
find a suitable resolution. provided prior disclosure is made to the HR
manager. The employee must ensure that the
Personal investments and corporate services they provide do not affect Wipro’s
opportunities interest or reputation. The employee must not
Employees may not own, either directly accept remuneration for any service rendered
or indirectly, a substantial interest in any except reimbursement of reasonable and
business that does or seeks to do business customary expenses.
with, or is in competition with Wipro, without Our responsibilities
written approval of the CFO, Wipro Limited.
• Avoid conflict of interest situations whenever
Employees are also prohibited from making possible.
personal business or investment opportunities
that are discovered during the course of their • Discuss with your manager full details of
work at Wipro. any situation that could be perceived as a

potential conflict of interest. Your manager Accepting occasional gifts and entertainment
may require you to disclose the situation may be appropriate when developing business
to your HR manager or Legal & Compliance relationships. However, they should never be
Department for appropriate resolution. lavish or in excess of the generally accepted
business practices of the country or industry.
• Proactively address situations that may put When accepting gifts, the value shall not
your interests or those of a family member or exceed our Acceptable Limit, i.e.: US$ 100
others in potential conflict with Wipro. or equivalent currency for employees in the
United States and Europe, and US$ 50 or
Gifts, entertainment & business equivalent currency for employees in the rest
courtesies of the world, per financial year.

Our standard Employees and agents acting on Wipro’s

behalf must never offer a gift of any kind to
In many industries and countries, gifts and anyone doing business with Wipro or seeking
entertainment are used as a standard to to do business with Wipro that is not within
strengthen business relationships. While the Acceptable Limit. Standard corporate
this area of concern can be complicated, for gifts with the Wipro logo can be offered as
Wiproites, one principle is always clear: we an acceptable business practice to private
do not accept or provide gifts, favours, or customers provided the conditions mentioned
entertainment if the intent is to influence a above are met. However, for gifts other than
business decision. standard corporate gifts, employees are
No employee shall give, offer, promise to encouraged to refer to the internal Books of
offer, or authorize the offer, directly or Policies for limits and approval matrix.
indirectly, of anything of value (such as No other manner of gifting is permissible
money, securities, goods or services) to except as specifically set out above. In
government officials, customers, potential particular, the following are strictly prohibited:
customers, foreign officials including officials
of any public international organizations or • Accepting or offering cash or cash equivalent
any other entity which could be regarded (gift vouchers, gift cheques/ checks, shares, etc.)
as influencing any business decision or
• Employee using own money or resources to
obtaining improper advantage. Employees
pay for gifts
shall neither use business courtesies to
attempt to improperly influence the decisions • Organizing for the gift to be offered indirectly
of our customers or other third parties nor through a third party
provide such courtesies in violation of the law
or customer’s internal policies. • Gifting of alcohol except wine which should be
within the Acceptable Limit specified above
Gifts, entertainment and business courtesies
are only to be offered or accepted if all of the
following conditions are met:
The following types of business
• It cannot be reasonably construed as
payment or consideration for influencing or courtesies are not permitted:
rewarding a decision or action. Offering business courtesy
• It cannot be offered when there is an ongoing • Travel expenses of family members
active business negotiation. of any third party to attend
• It is justifiable when offered or accepted, i.e. Wipro-sponsored group events.
It is reasonable, customary or is generally • Any business courtesy, charitable
offered as an industrial practice. contribution or donation to government
• It does not violate customer’s policies and officials, foreign officials including officials
applicable laws. of public international organizations (such
as the United Nations, World Bank) or
• Its public disclosure would not embarrass government companies.

• Business courtesy to a third party • Government-funded organizations
when in direct business negotiation through governmental appropriations
with Wipro. or through revenues obtained as
a result of government-mandated
Accepting business courtesy
taxes, licenses, fees, or royalties
• Sponsorship/reimbursement for travel,
• Enterprises widely perceived
accommodation, sporting/recreation/
and understood to be performing
cultural events, etc., by a third party not
governmental functions
connected with a business event.
However, reasonable conveyance or
• Sponsorship/reimbursement of expenses
other facilities to government officials
for Wipro’s internal conferences by a third
is allowed where there is a legal or
party (e.g. Wipro-sponsored group events
contractual obligation on the part
or departmental conferences).
of Wipro to provide such facilities
• Business courtesy from a third party during their visits to our campus for
when in direct business negotiation inspection/audit (e.g. Special Economic
with Wipro. Zone, tax or pollution control officials).

Charitable contributions or donations are Our responsibilities

permitted only to registered charitable
organizations as per internal guidelines • Only offer or accept gifts, entertainment
and processes. or business courtesies that are reasonable
compliments to business relationships.

• Exchange gifts, entertainment or business

Gifts, entertainment or business courtesies that foster goodwill in business
courtesies to government officials relationships, but never provide any that
obligates or appears to obligate the recipient.
No gift, entertainment or business
courtesy can be offered to or accepted • Do not request or solicit personal gifts,
from government officials or foreign entertainment, or business courtesies.
officials including officials of public • Accepting gifts of cash or cash equivalents is
international organizations or strictly prohibited.
government customers (including public
sector undertakings and government-run • Understand and comply with the policies
enterprises) either directly or indirectly. of the recipient’s organization before
offering or providing gifts, entertainment
Government customers means and or business courtesies. Report correctly
include customers operating through in expense reports, all expenses for any
state-owned and state-controlled gifts, entertainment or business courtesies
entities in areas such as aerospace provided and accurately state the purpose
and defence manufacturing, banking for the expenditure.
and finance, healthcare and life
sciences, energy and utilities, • If you are offered a gift that has a value over
telecommunications, transportation, the Acceptable Limit, you cannot “buy the
etc. including the following: gift down” to the Acceptable Limit.

• Public sector undertakings • Do not to commit to any donation requests

from customers without first obtaining
• Government-run enterprises internal approvals even if the donation is
• Enterprises where key officers for a charitable cause. At the request of a
and directors are appointed by the customer, you cannot make any donations
government from your own funds or pay for gifts and
claim reimbursement from Wipro. Prior
written approval must be taken.

Q When I was traveling, I received a gift
from a supplier that I believe exceeds our
Acceptable Limit. What should I do?
If you are aware of any unauthorized
employee contact with media or
analysts, on-record or off-record,
immediately inform the Communications or

A If you have received any gift which

exceeds the Acceptable Limit, you are
required to disclose the receipt of the gift in
Investor Relations Departments.

Further information: Policy on Social Media

the Gifts Disclosure Tracker and hand over the and Networking
gift to the Facilities Management Group of your
location. A determination will then be made as
Social media and networking
to how the gift should be used.
Our standard
Further information: Policy on Anti-Corruption
Social media sites and services are a popular
Communicating with the public method of communication and interaction.
Wipro supports the rights of its employees
Our standard to express themselves freely through social
networks, blogs, wikis, chat rooms, comment
We are committed to transparency in our
forums, and other online locales. However,
disclosures and public communications.
employees must remember to be cautious
Wipro needs a clear, consistent voice when
when such activity involves information about
providing information to the public and the
or may affect the perception of Wipro, its
media. For this reason, it is important that
customers and business partners.
only authorized persons speak on behalf of the
Company. Never give the impression that you All Wipro employees are expected to conduct
are speaking on behalf of the Company in any themselves professionally in their online
communication that may become public if you activities and to respect and protect the
are not authorized to do so. reputation of Wipro, its customers, and
business partners. All rules which apply to
Our responsibilities
offline conduct also apply to online comments,
• If you receive an inquiry regarding Wipro’s postings and other communications.
activities, results, plans or its position on
Wipro reserves the right to review and monitor
public issues and you are not specifically
the online activities of its employees when
authorized to respond, refer the request
they are relevant to the Company, as well
to Corporate Communications or Investor
as any online communications made using
Company resources (computers, phones,
• No person other than the members of the tablets, data cards, etc.). If Wipro perceives
Communications Department which is part that such online activity is in violation of
of the Strategic Marketing Department, Company policies, appropriate investigation
Investor Relations Department and selected and action will be taken.
persons who are authorized to speak from
Business Units of Wipro should communicate
any non-public information regarding Wipro Social networking
with the media, analysts, investors or anyone
outside Wipro. Be especially careful when writing
communications that might be
• If you intend to write or publish a published. This includes postings
book, article or manuscript or deliver a to the internet. If you participate in
presentation which relates in any way to online forums, blogs, newsgroups,
Wipro’s business, you must receive prior chat rooms, or bulletin boards, never
approval of your manager and HR manager. give the impression that you are
If the publication or presentation identifies speaking on behalf of Wipro unless
you as an employee of Wipro, it must state you are authorized to do so. And
that: “The views expressed in this article/ before you hit the “Send” button,
presentation are mine and Wipro does not think carefully. These types of
subscribe to the substance, veracity or communications live forever.
truthfulness of my views.”

Our responsibilities violates the COBC or its values as explained
in the “Spirit of Wipro.” In particular, do not:
• Always be mindful of Wipro’s ethical
standards and comport yourself • Spam using email or send unsolicited
professionally in all Wipro-related messages.
communications. Remember—things you
post online will be publicly available for • Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten
a long time, so before you click “Send” or or otherwise violate the legal and privacy
“Submit,” think carefully. rights of companies or people.

• Always obey any laws governing your online • Post messages which contain racially
activities. or sexually offensive material, political
or religious solicitations or anything
• Never give the impression that you are else which is inappropriate or has the
speaking on behalf of Wipro unless you are potential to cause harm to Wipro or its
authorized to do so. customers and business partners.

• Always identify yourself and be clear, when • Remember that some information or
your online activities are relevant to Wipro, statements are considered “material non-public
that the views you are expressing are your information,” “unpublished price-sensitive
own and do not represent the opinion of information” or “forward-looking statements.”
Wipro. Sharing or posting such information may be
a violation of applicable insider trading laws.
• Refrain from posting confidential non-public Examples of such information include data on
or proprietary information online. Wipro’s business performance, new markets,
• Never post any details online about Wipro’s new customers, management changes, etc.
customers or business partners, including Further information:
on professional networking sites such as Policy on Intellectual Property
Policy on Insider Trading
• Don’t use social media for any activity to
which others are likely to object, or which

Protecting our
information and assets

One of the major concerns in the present “Confidential information” includes

information technology era is protection of but is not limited to the following:
confidential and personal information that is
collected and disseminated. For Wiproites, • Client lists, vendor lists, client agreements,
protection of confidential information rests and vendor agreements
on our pledge to act with sensitivity and to
• Trade secrets and inventions
demonstrate respect for the individual.
• Computer programs and related data and
It is simple: when we take action to safeguard
confidential information and Company
assets that have been entrusted to us, we are • Drawings, file data, documentation, diagrams
delivering on our commitments and living up to and specifications
the assurances we have made to others.
• Know-how, processes, formulas, models, and
flow charts
Confidential information
• Software completed or in various stages
Our standard
of development, source codes, and object
One of our most valuable assets is information. codes
Information that is not generally disclosed
• Research and development procedures and
and could be helpful to Wipro or would be to
test results
competitors must be protected.
• Marketing techniques, materials and
The unauthorized release of confidential
development plans, price lists, pricing
information can cause Wipro to lose a critical
policies, business plans
competitive advantage, embarrass the
Company, and damage our relationships with • Financial information and projections
customers and others. For these reasons,
confidential information must be accessed, • Employee files and other information related
stored, and transmitted in a manner consistent to human resources and benefits systems
with Wipro’s policies and procedures. and content.

Each of us must be vigilant to safeguard The obligation to preserve Wipro’s confidential

Wipro’s confidential information as well as information is ongoing, even after
third parties’ confidential information that is employment ends.
entrusted to us. We must keep it secure, limit Our responsibilities
access to those who have a need to know in
order to do their job and avoid discussion of • Use and disclose confidential information
confidential information in public areas. only for legitimate business purposes.

• Properly label confidential information these assets, including complying with any
to indicate how it should be handled, agreement relating to IP and confidentiality
distributed and destroyed. agreements signed upon the commencement
of or during employment.
• Protect intellectual property and confidential
information by sharing it only with authorized In addition to protecting Wipro’s own
parties. intellectual property rights, Wipro respects the
valid intellectual property rights of others.
• Never discuss confidential information
when others might be able to overhear what Our responsibilities
is being said, e.g. on planes, elevators and
when using mobile phones. • All employees are responsible for complying
with the requirements of software copyright
• Be careful not to send confidential licenses.
information to unattended fax machines or
• Employees must use proprietary material
of others only under valid license and only

Q Iam unable to complete my project at the in accordance with the terms of such a
Development Centre. Can I forward the license—this includes the use of software.
project material or email to my personal email
• Only use software that has been properly
account so that I can continue and complete
licensed in line with the usage terms and
that work from home?
conditions in the license agreement. The

A No. You cannot forward any Wipro or copying or use of unlicensed or “pirated” or
customer information to your personal “cracked” software on Company computers
email account. To do so would be a serious or other equipment to conduct Company
breach of confidentiality. business is strictly prohibited.

Q I would like to have a backup of all • Unauthorized receipt or use of the

information that I create for Wipro and intellectual property of others may expose
our customers. I feel the safest and most Wipro to civil lawsuits and damages.
secure way to preserve them is by using a Employees are advised to strictly follow all
secure cloud-hosting service. Can I do so? Wipro procedures, including those governing
the appropriate handling of unsolicited

A No. You cannot use any public cloud-hosting

service such as Dropbox, SkyDrive, iCloud,
Amazon Cloud Drive for back-up or storage of
intellectual property.
• Do not use copyrighted materials without
appropriate permission. Keep in mind that all
information belonging to Wipro or its customers.
content such as pictures, videos and articles
You must contact the Information Security team
available online could be copyrighted and
for an appropriate solution.
cannot be copied or used without written
Further information: Policy on Intellectual approval from the copyright owners, even if it
Property is for internal training purposes.
• Always consult the Legal & Compliance
Intellectual property Department whenever an IP issue is involved
Our standard or whenever you are not clear on the course
of action to be taken.
We have an obligation to identify and protect
• Do not download unauthorized music
the intellectual property, trade secrets and
or video on Wipro resources or stream
other confidential information owned by Wipro,
unauthorized music or video using Wipro’s
our customers, and business partners. Doing
networks or our customers’.
so is critical to our success.
• The prior approval of the Legal & Compliance
Intellectual property or IP refers to patented
Department is required to download
or potentially patentable inventions, business
“freeware” or “free-trial” third-party software
methods, trademarks, service marks, trade
or “shareware programs” from the internet.
names, copyrightable subject matter and trade
secrets. We must all be aware of and comply Further information: Policy on Confidential
with Wipro procedures necessary to safeguard Information

Competitive/business intelligence • Do not disclose suppliers’ non-public pricing
information to third parties.
Our standard

Information about competitors is a valuable

asset in the highly competitive markets
in which Wipro operates. When collecting Red flags: Obtaining competitive
competitive intelligence, Wipro employees
and others who are working on our behalf,
must always live up to Wipro’s standard of • Retaining papers or computer records
“Unyielding Integrity.” from prior employers in violation of law/
We must never engage in fraud,
misrepresentation or deception to obtain • Using others’ confidential information
information. Nor should we use invasive without appropriate approvals
technology to “spy” on others. Care should
be taken when accepting information • Using job interviews to collect
from third parties. You should know and confidential information of competitors
trust their sources and be sure that the and others
knowledge they provide is not protected
• Asking employees to discuss
by trade-secret laws, or non-disclosure or
confidential information pertaining to
confidentiality agreements.
their previous employment
While Wipro employs former employees of
• Working on suggestions from third
competitors, we recognize and respect the
parties for new services, products,
obligations of those employees not to use or
product features when the source of the
disclose the confidential information of their
original idea is not fully known
former employers.
• Obtaining information through any
Our responsibilities
behaviour that could be construed as
• Never accept information offered by a third “espionage,” “spying” or which you
party (e.g., competitor information during would not be willing to fully disclose
request for information or RFI stage) that
• Relying, without verification, on third
is represented as confidential, or which
parties’ claims that competitive
appears from the context or circumstances
intelligence was obtained properly
to be confidential, unless an appropriate
non-disclosure/ confidentiality agreement
has been signed with the party offering
the information. The Legal & Compliance
Department can provide non-disclosure
agreements to fit any particular situation. Q I am a manager of a sales force. One of my
team members who recently joined Wipro
from a competitor has with him a customer
• Obtain competitive information only through list and price list of the competitor. He says he
legal and ethical means, never through plans to use it to Wipro’s advantage. Should I
misrepresentation. just ignore this?

• Never contact competitors to seek their No. If an employee retains competitor
confidential information. information, this can result in legal action
• Respect the obligations of others to keep by the competitor. You must promptly report
competitive information known to them as this to the Legal & Compliance Department
confidential. for appropriate action, which could include
collecting lists and destroying them or
• Do not induce or receive confidential returning them to the competitor.
information of other companies.

• Make sure that third parties acting on

our behalf live up to our standards of

Protecting personal information and • When we use third parties to provide services
the privacy of employees for us, make sure that they understand the
importance we place on privacy and that they
Our standard must uphold our standards.

In recent years, individuals, companies • When appropriate, allow employees whose

and governments have grown increasingly personal data is held by the Company to
concerned about the privacy and security of review and correct such information.
personal information. In many countries and
cultures around the world, people have deeply • Follow all document retention and document
held beliefs on the topic and as a result, laws destruction requirements.

protecting the privacy of personal information I’m not sure what is meant by personal
and how it may be collected, shared and used information?
are becoming more common.

Wipro is committed to collecting, handling

and protecting personal information in line
A Personal information means any
information relating directly or indirectly
to an identifiable person, examples include
with applicable data privacy legislations and name, email address, phone, national identifier,
regulations across the globe. credit card number etc.
We have a responsibility to protect the Further information: Policy on Confidential
confidential and personal information of our Information
fellow Wiproites and others.

Business records and internal

Our standard

Investors, government officials and others

need to be able to rely on the accuracy and
completeness of our business records.
Accurate information is also essential within
the Company so that we can make good
decisions. Inaccurate records can adversely
impact Wipro in many ways, including
weakening of our internal controls over
financial reporting.

Wipro is committed to making full, fair,

accurate, timely and understandable
Our responsibilities disclosure on all material aspects of our
business including periodic financial
• All employees and contractors are reports that are filed with or submitted to
accountable for protecting personal regulatory authorities.
information and for handling it securely.
Employees with a role in the preparation of our
• Collect personal information only for public, financial and regulatory disclosures
legitimate business purposes and keep it have a special responsibility in this area, but
only as long as necessary. all of us contribute to the process of recording
business results and maintaining documents.
• Take adequate precautions to safeguard
Each of us is responsible for helping to
personal information when collecting,
ensure the information we record is accurate,
processing, storing and transferring it.
complete and maintained consistently with our
• Only share personal information with other system of internal controls:
employees who have a legitimate need to
• Never make false claims on an expense
know and take steps to ensure that they
report or time sheet.
understand the importance of properly
handling the data you share with them.

Document management and
legal holds

Each of us is responsible for information

and records under our control. We must
be familiar with the recordkeeping
procedures that apply to our jobs and
we are accountable for the accuracy and
truthfulness of the records we produce.
It is also our responsibility to keep our
records organized so that they can be
located and retrieved when needed.

Documents should never be destroyed

in response to or in anticipation of an
investigation or audit. Contact the Legal
• Always be accurate, complete and truthful & Compliance Department if there is
when submitting financial, quality or any doubt about the appropriateness of
safety results. document destruction.

• Do not record false sales or record them A “legal hold” suspends all document
early or late, understate or overstate known destruction procedures in order to
liabilities and assets, or defer recording preserve appropriate records under
items that should be expensed. certain circumstances, such as litigation
or government investigations. The Legal
• Make sure that financial entries are clear & Compliance Department determines
and complete and do not hide or disguise the and identifies what types of Wipro
true nature of any transaction. records or documents are required to be
• Do not maintain undisclosed or unrecorded placed under a legal hold. Every Wipro
funds, assets or liabilities. employee, agent and contractor must
comply with this requirement. The Legal
Our responsibilities & Compliance Department will notify
employees if a legal hold is placed on
• Create business records that accurately
records for which they are responsible.
reflect the truth of the underlying transaction
If employees have any questions about
or event.
this, they shall contact the Legal &
• Be as clear, concise, truthful and accurate Compliance Department.
when recording any information. Avoid
exaggeration, colourful language,

guesswork, legal conclusions and derogatory At the end of the last quarter reporting
characterizations of people and their period, my manager asked me to record
motives. additional expenses even though I had not yet
• Create financial records that conform both received the invoices from the supplier and
to applicable standards of accounting and the work had not yet started. I agreed to do it,
reporting and to Wipro’s accounting policies mostly because I didn’t think it really made a
and procedures. difference since we were all sure that the work
would be completed in the next quarter. Now
• Do not sign documents including contracts I wonder if I did the right thing.
without authority. Sign only that which you
are authorized to sign and that you believe
are accurate and truthful. A No, you did not do the right thing. Costs
must be recorded in the period in which
they are incurred. The work had not started,
• Do not record or approve false or misleading and the costs had not incurred by the date
entries, unrecorded funds or assets, or you recorded the transaction. It was therefore
payments without appropriate supporting a misrepresentation and, depending on the
documentation. circumstances, could amount to fraud.

Safeguarding company assets
Our standard Personal use of Wipro’s
To best serve our customers and shareholders, electronic communication
we all have a responsibility to use Wipro’s devices may be permitted within
assets and resources wisely and with care. the following guidelines:
All employees are responsible for using good
judgment to safeguard the tangible and • The use is reasonable.
intangible assets of Wipro, and to ensure that
• There is no incremental cost to Wipro
our assets are not misused, damaged, lost,
or such cost is minimal.
stolen or wasted.
• Charges for certain personal use of
Company assets include Wipro’s physical
telephones (e.g., long-distance calls)
facilities, property and equipment, electronic
are declared and paid up by employee.
communication devices, intellectual property,
confidential information, files and documents, • The use does not result in any illegal
as well as inventory, computer networks, activity.
and supplies.
• The use does not harm the business
Our responsibilities or reputation of the Company or
any individual associated with the
• Use Wipro assets for legitimate business

• Personal use of Company assets should be

incidental and kept to a minimum and should
have no adverse the work environment. Red flags: Misuse of
Wipro assets
• Do not use Wipro equipment or systems,
including email and the internet, to • Company property that is not secured
download, create, store or send content that when not in use
others might find offensive.
• Allowing others to borrow or use Wipro
• Do not share passwords. equipment without approval

• Comply with Wipro’s password security • Admitting unknown individuals

requirements such as periodically changing without proper credentials in to our
access passwords. facilities

• Report any suspicions you may have • Misuse enforcement of electronic

concerning theft, embezzlement, or access control cards
misappropriation of any Company property.

• Any suspected loss, misuse or theft of

Wipro’s assets must be reported to your I brought home from office a CD
manager or HR manager. containing some customer information so
• Any suspicious act which impacts on I could work on it at home on my own computer.
productivity. I didn’t download the data and I returned the
CD to work the next day. Was that okay?

A No. You should not use your own computer

equipment to do Wipro work or carry
home Company information on portable media
because the data may become corrupted, lost
or disclosed to unauthorized persons.

Further information: Policy on Confidential


Following the letter
and the spirit of laws
and regulations

Compliance with laws, regulations and contractual plans, important management changes,
obligations is the bedrock on which organizations commencement or termination of customer
are built. Compliance with the highest order of contracts, as well as news about the financial
governance and ethics has been a hallmark of performance of a company.
Wipro and will continue to be non-negotiable.

We pride ourselves in upholding the “Spirit of

Wipro” and we consistently demonstrate our
Q I’m unclear about the term “unpublished
price sensitive information.” What does
this mean?
values in our actions.

All our actions should pass the Triple Test: A “Unpublished price sensitive information”
is information which relates directly or
indirectly to the company, which if published
Is it legal?
or publicized is likely to materially affect the
Is it ethical?
price of securities of the Company.
Does it maintain and build our
Our responsibilities
• Do not buy or sell securities of Wipro on the
Insider trading basis of material non-public information.

Our standard • Employees having knowledge of or access

to material non-public information will be
Confidential information may not be used for “insiders” who have an obligation not to
personal benefit at the stock market. Each misuse such information.
of us is prohibited from trading securities or
passing information on to others who then • No employee falling under the category of
trade (“tipping”) on the basis of material “insider” should engage in “short sales,”
information before it is made publicly available or trade in puts, calls or other options or
to ordinary investors. derivatives on Wipro’s stock.

Q I’m not sure what kind of information • Know that material non-public information
is covered by the term “material includes unpublished price sensitive
Information.” What does it include? information. Such information must be
handled only on a “need-to-know” basis.

A“Material Information” includes any

information that a reasonable investor
would consider important when deciding
• Be careful when others request confidential
information about Wipro or Wipro’s business
whether to buy, sell or hold a security. This partners. Even casual conversations could
can include News about acquisitions and be viewed as illegal “tipping” of inside
divestures, financial results, strategic information.

• Employees may purchase and sell Wipro • Never disparage our competitors or their
securities, as long as they are not basing products. Do not make false or misleading
decisions on inside information and statements about them and ensure that all
defined “insiders” comply with the Code for sales and promotional efforts are free from
Prevention of Insider Trading. misrepresentations.

Further information: Code for Prevention of • Never enter into agreements with
Insider Trading competitors that affect prices they charge,
as they may constitute illegal price-fixing.
Anti-trust and fair competition • Never enter into any agreements that are in
restraint of trade, prices, quality of products
Our standard
or services or in any manner monopolize any
We believe in free and open competition part of trade or commerce by controlling
and we never engage in improper practices the supply of a product or service with the
that may limit competition through illegal intention to control its price or to exclude
and unfair means. We do not enter into competitors from the market.
agreements with competitors to engage in
• If you oversee distributors or agents who
any anticompetitive behaviour, including
sell Wipro’s products, ensure that there is
setting prices or dividing up customers,
clear written permission from Wipro before
suppliers or markets.
they engage in such activities as bundling of
As Wipro’s business interests are spread products, discounts on the market price or
across the world, Wipro may be subject to free gifts.
competition laws of various jurisdictions.
• Never initiate, discuss or encourage boycotts
Most countries have well-developed bodies
of specific products or services of customers
of law designed to encourage and protect
or suppliers.
free and fair competition. Wipro is committed
to adhering to these laws both in letter and
spirit. These laws often regulate Wipro’s
relationships with our distributors, resellers,
dealers and customers. Warning signs: Anti-trust

Our responsibilities • Formal or informal understandings or

agreements with competitors that set
• Anti-trust laws are very complex and the prices, or allocate production, sales
risks associated with non-compliance can be territories, products, customers
severe. If you have questions or if you believe or suppliers.
an activity undertaken by Wipro or one of
our business partners may be viewed as • Decisions to terminate business
restraining fair competition, consult with the relationships, pricing of a product below
Legal & Compliance Department. cost, and certain other pricing and
promotion policies, especially when we
• Never participate in conversations with have a substantial share of the market.
competitors that could be perceived as
limiting competition (i.e. no sharing of • Exchanging confidential information
proposals especially when responding to with competitors regarding pricing,
request for proposals or RFPs). As a general marketing, production or customers.
rule, contact with competitors should be • Charging different prices to similarly
limited and must always avoid certain situated customers.
subjects including any matter relating
to competition between Wipro and its • Discriminating unfairly between
competitor, such as sales prices, marketing similarly situated customers.
strategies, market shares and allocation of
market, territories, supply and sources or • Formal or informal territorial
customers. If such a conversation begins, restrictions on channel partners such
leave the meeting immediately and report it as dealers and distributors.
to the Legal & Compliance Department.

Q I received sensitive pricing information from
one of our competitors. What should I do?

A Do not use the information for any

purpose. Contact the Legal & Compliance
Department without delay and handover the

Our standard

Wipro conducts its business free from the

influence of corruption and bribery. Employees
and business partners are expected to be
aware of and follow all anti-corruption and
anti-bribery laws everywhere we do business
(including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
or “FCPA” and the UK Bribery Act). Employees
Government officials include employees
must be careful to avoid even the appearance
of government companies, public sector
of offering or accepting an improper payment,
undertakings, departments, institutions
bribe or kickback.
of any government, and foreign officials
Control over intermediaries and third parties including officials of public international
who are operating on our behalf is important. organizations.
We must exercise due diligence to ensure that
• Wipro does not make contributions to any
their reputation, background and abilities are
political party. Also, no employee may make
appropriate and meet our ethical standards.
a political contribution, whether cash or
Intermediaries are expected to act in
otherwise on behalf of Wipro
accordance with the requirements set out in
this Code. We must never do anything through
a third party that we are not allowed to do
by ourselves. Red flags: Anti-corruption
Our responsibilities • Unusual requests, such as for
payments in a different country to a
• Do not offer, provide or promise to offer or
third party or in cash.
authorize bribes or kickbacks, under any
circumstances. • Ties between an agent or third party
and a government official.
• Always be sure to perform due diligence and
know your business partner, consultants, • Requests for arrangements to be made
agents and all those through whom we without written records.
conduct our business. Know who they are,
what they do, where they are based and how • Requests by agents or third-party
they will use our services and products. providers for extra commissions
or fees, without valid written
• Never maintain “off-book” accounts in documentation.
order to conceal improper payments. All
expenditures and any other payments must • Requests for donation, gift,
be accurately presented in Wipro’s books and entertainment or business courtesy
records. that is unusual.

• Payments that are intended to improperly

influence a government official must never
Further information:
be made. Any payments made to expedite
Policy on Gifts, Entertainment and
routine government actions, except those
Business Courtesies
permissible under relevant legislation, would
also be construed as improper payments. Policy on Political Involvement/Lobbing

Anti-money laundering before contributions may be made and before
campaigning for or holding public office.
Our standard
Employees must always make it clear that
Anti-money laundering refers to a set of their views and actions are their own and not
laws, regulations, and procedures intended those of the Company and employees must
to prevent criminals from disguising illegally never use Wipro resources to support their
obtained funds as legitimate income. personal choice of political parties, causes
Anti-money-laundering laws and regulations or candidates.
target criminal activities including market
manipulation, trade in illegal goods, corruption Employees, agents or contractors whose work
of public funds, and tax evasion, as well as the requires lobbying communication with any
methods that are used to conceal these crimes member or employee of a legislative body or
and the money derived from them. Wipro is with any government official in the formulation
committed to complying with all anti-money of legislation must have prior written approval
laundering laws and regulations around the of such activity from the CFO, Wipro Limited.
world, as applicable to Wipro.
Examples of lobbying activities

Q How do I prevent facilitation of money

laundering activities in Wipro?
Lobbying activities include oral, written or
electronic communications to a government

A By being mindful of the following and official or government employee regarding:

reporting any suspicion to your Manager:
• Formulation, modification, or adoption of a
• If the customer/vendor shows reluctance in legislation, rule, regulation, executive order,
disclosing who the beneficial owner is, or to policy or position of the Government; or
provide any information, data or documents
• The administration or execution of a legislative
usually required to enable the transaction’s
programme or policy; and the nomination or
confirmation of a person to the government.
• Any documents provided by an entity/ person
The list is not exhaustive but it is intended to
that cannot be validated / instances of
provide general, practical guidance.
multiple tax IDs.

• Fund transfers from countries that are

unrelated to the transaction.
Q I’m thinking about running for local
political office. Do I need to get approval
from the Company?
• Deal is structured in an unusually complex
manner without justification.
A Yes, you must. Campaigning or holding
public office requires prior approval from the
CFO, Wipro Limited. This is necessary because of
the complexity of relevant laws and regulations.
For example, holding a governmental position may
trigger conflict-of-interest laws, which in some
jurisdictions could prohibit Wipro from engaging in
business within that jurisdiction.

Our responsibilities

• Take steps to ensure that your individual

political opinions and activities are not
viewed as those of Wipro.

Political involvement/lobbying • Lobbying activities or government contacts

on behalf of the Company should be
Our standard coordinated with the office of the CFO,
Wipro Limited.
Wipro respects the rights of employees to
voluntarily participate in the political process. • You cannot commit Wipro to any corporate
However, due to complex requirements, there political spending, donating products,
are specific guidelines that must be followed services, transportation, etc.

• Never pressure another employee, customer Further information:
or business partner to contribute to, support Policy on Gifts, Entertainment &
or oppose any political group or candidate. Business Courtesies

• Employees campaigning for political office Policy on Anti-Corruption

must not create, or appear to create, a
conflict of interest with their duties to Wipro.
Global trade

Q What types of expenditures are covered

by the Policy on Lobbying?
Our standard

Many laws govern the conduct of trade across

A Political contributions include
monetary spending, as well as indirect
contributions such as the purchase of tickets
borders, including laws that are designed to
ensure that transactions are not being used
for money laundering, others that prohibit
to a political fundraiser. The policy also applies
companies from illegal trade boycotts, as well
to “in-kind” contributions such as the use of
as laws regulating exports.
corporate resources including our facilities
and employee time. We are committed to complying with all such
laws that are applicable in the countries in
Q My brother is contesting for political
office and I believe he is an eligible
candidate. Can I campaign for him at office
which we operate. Each of us is responsible
for knowing the laws that apply to our jobs and
seeking expert advice if in doubt about the
among colleagues?
legality of an action.

A No, you cannot. You must keep these off

limits from work at Wipro.
Our responsibilities

• Maintain appropriate import, export and

customs records at each Wipro business
Global trade restrictions and
• Seek guidance from the Legal & Compliance
controls Department to ensure that shipments of
Every country places restrictions information, products goods, software or
and controls on how trade must be technology across borders comply with laws
conducted within and across its governing imports and exports.
borders. Specific regulations and • To help prevent and detect money laundering
rules apply to customs, imports and and terrorist financing, watch for any
exports, technology transfers, as well suspicious payments, which may include
as how companies should respond to cash or the equivalent (where cheques/
trade boycotts enforced by one set of checks or wire-transfers are the norms);
countries against another. payments made from personal accounts
These global trade restrictions apply when instead of business accounts.
we ship products across national borders, • Carry out a screening to ensure that we do
but in some cases they also apply when we not do business with sanctioned persons,
send data and technological information groups or entities that are identified on
to colleagues or third parties via email or government restricted party lists.
over the internet.
• Always consult the Legal & Compliance
Since laws concerning international trade Department before initiating business in a
are complex and are often subject to change, country new to Wipro.
it is important that employees who travel
internationally, or who provide services or
information across national borders, remain
up-to-date on relevant requirements. If you
Q As part of a bid invitation, I recently
received a request to support a trade
boycott. What should I do?
have any questions, consult with the Legal &
Compliance Department.
A You should contact your manager or the
Legal & Compliance Department.

through teamwork
and respect

As a global company, we employ individuals and Child labour

we work with business partners who represent
a rich variety of backgrounds, skills and Wipro will not use, nor do we support others
cultures. Combining this wealth of resources who use child labour. Wipro also recognizes
creates the diverse and collaborative teams that this evil cannot be eradicated by simply
that consistently drive our achievements. setting up rules or inspections.

To attract and retain talented and dynamic Towards this end, Wipro is committed to work
individuals from around the world, it is vital to in a proactive manner to eradicate child labour
have a supportive work environment, based on by actively contributing to the improvement of
mutual respect. Wipro always encourages and children’s social situation. Wipro supports the
promotes favourable employment conditions use of legitimate workplace apprenticeships,
and positive relationships between employees internships and other similar programmes
and managers, and we encourage open that comply with all laws and regulations
communication and employee development. applicable to such programmes.

Living our values helps our Company succeed, Wipro encourages its suppliers to also work
and it also creates the setting for each of towards a no child-labour policy and we
us to thrive and to reach our full potential. encourage the employment of the parents of
Following are some of the key areas where we such children to secure the existence of the
must be guided by in our commitment to the family and the education of the children.
“Spirit of Wipro.” Freedom of association

Wipro respects the right of employees to

Human rights exercise their lawful right of free association
Our standard and we recognize the rights of our employees
to choose or not choose to be represented by
Wipro prohibits any act of human trafficking, trade unions. It is Wipro’s expectation that our
slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory suppliers would also do the same.
labour throughout the organization, its
business and its supply chain. Abolition of forced labour

We support fundamental human rights for Wipro prohibits forced or compulsory labour
all people. We will live up to and champion including prison or bonded labour. We will not
a commitment to human rights among our tolerate physical punishment or abuse and
employees, business partners and suppliers, we are committed to ensuring that employees
and comply with the applicable laws in every enter into employment and stay on in Wipro out
country in which we operate. of their own free will.

We also insist that our suppliers prohibit Non-discrimination
forced labour or other compulsory labour in all
of their operations. Wipro is an equal opportunity employer. We
firmly believe that a talented and diverse
Our responsibilities workforce is a key competitive advantage.
We focus on meritocracy and do not engage
• Understand relevant laws and regulations in or support discrimination in hiring,
that apply to your work, and never compensation, access to training, promotion,
intentionally engage in conduct that violates termination or retirement based on ethnic and
applicable laws and regulations. national origin, race, caste, religion, disability,
• Be alert to changes in the law or new age, gender, creed, marital status, gender
requirements that may affect your work. identity, gender expression, sexual orientation,
political orientation, protected veteran status,
• If you are in a leadership position at Wipro, or any other characteristic protected by law.
take steps to ensure that suppliers know our
standards and live up to them. We hire and promote people based on their
qualifications, performance and abilities, and
• Be vigilant and look out for any signs of provide a work environment free of any form
violation of human rights or employment laws. of discrimination or harassment. We do not
impose any recruitment fees or charges from
• Report to leadership on any supplier or
the employees we hire.
business partner who keep alternative sets
of payroll records or do not welcome audits, Our responsibilities
inspections or on-site visits.
• Treat others with respect.

Diversity and non-discrimination • Co-operate with any measures introduced to

develop equal opportunities.
Inclusion & Diversity at Wipro
• Never act in a way which is contrary to the
Wipro has been built on a foundation of letter or spirit of this policy.
unflinching commitment to our values. The
“Spirit of Wipro,” our core values, is the • Build and nurture an inclusive mind set
cornerstone of our principles of Inclusion while working with colleagues from diverse
and Diversity. backgrounds.

Inclusion is a “way of life” at Wipro. We • Constantly challenge our beliefs, become

continuously strive to foster an inclusive self- aware, accept and eliminate biases
workplace where employees have the freedom based on our preconceived notions.
to express themselves, participate and be
• Do not encourage derogatory comments or
their authentic selves. We encourage diversity
remarks based on the identity of a person.
of thoughts and value plurality of ideas. We
respect uniqueness among individuals, while • If you supervise others, you have additional
celebrating and learning from diverse ideas, responsibilities:
backgrounds, perspectives and experiences.
• Ensure that those who work in your team
Breaking biases know that you are available to address
any concerns that they may have about
At Wipro, we encourage each one of us to break
discrimination or harassment.
bias. Implicit or unconscious bias happens
when our mind rushes to make judgements • Make employment-related judgments
about people and situations without us solely on performance and abilities. Use
realizing it. Our backgrounds, experiences and objective, quantifiable standards.
social stereotypes could impact our choices
and actions. At times, unknowingly, we let a • Become aware of certain biases that may
bias create barriers for ourselves or for others impede your decision-making.
around us. Consciously eliminating bias
encourages us to be more inclusive, and makes
• Create an equitable working environment
for your team members.
us better people, at work and beyond.

• Value ideas, opinions and perspective, that harasses another, disrupts another’s
no matter who it comes from. work performance, or creates an intimidating,
offensive, abusive or hostile work environment.
• Ensure you do a merit-based appraisal of This includes such behaviour directed towards
your team members. third parties during the course of conducting
• Review your decisions to ensure that Wipro business.
business considerations drive your At Wipro we do not tolerate:
• Threatening remarks, obscene phone calls,

Q One of my co-workers sends emails

containing jokes and derogatory
comments about certain nationalities. They
stalking or any other form of harassment.

• Causing physical injury to another.

make me uncomfortable but no one else has
spoken up about them. What should I do? • Intentionally damaging someone else’s
property or acting aggressively in a manner

A You should notify your immediate

manager or your HR manager.
Sending such jokes violates our values as
that causes someone else to fear injury.

• Threatening, intimidating or coercing other

well as our policies pertaining to the use employees on or off the premises—at any
of email and our standards on inclusion, time, for any purpose.
harassment and discrimination. By doing • Carrying weapons in the workplace; this
nothing you are condoning discrimination includes not only our facilities, but also
and tolerating beliefs that can seriously parking lots, guest houses and alternate
erode the team environment that we have all work locations maintained by Wipro.
worked to create.
If you become aware of conduct relating to
sexual harassment, you have the option to
Harassment-free workplace
raise your concern with the Prevention of
Our standard Sexual Harassment Committee.

Wipro is committed to maintaining a workplace

where each employee’s personal dignity is
respected and protected from offensive or What constitutes harassment?
threatening behaviour including violence.
Harassment can be verbal, physical or
visual behaviour where the purpose or
effect is to create an offensive, hostile or
intimidating environment. The following are
signs that an action may be harassment:

• It is unwanted

• It has the purpose or effect of

violating another’s dignity or creating
an intimidating, hostile, degrading,
humiliating or offensive environment
for another

At Wipro, we believe that everyone has the • Submission to such conduct is

right to work in an environment that is free implicitly or explicitly a term or
from intimidation, harassment and abuse. condition of an individual’s continued
We understand that harassment and abuse employment Report all incidents of
undermine the integrity of employment intimidation, harassment and abuse
relationships and can cause serious that may compromise our ability to
harm to productivity, efficiency and a work together and be productive
harmonious workplace.
• Report all incidents of intimidation,
For these reasons, Wipro does not tolerate harassment and abuse that may
verbal or physical conduct by any employee

compromise our ability to work together
A Yes, it is. This type of conduct is not
tolerated, not only during working
hours but in all work-related situations
and be productive
including business trips. Tell your colleague
• Submission to such conduct is implicitly such actions are inappropriate and must be
or explicitly a term or condition for stopped, and if they continue you need to
decisions which could affect promotion, report the problem.
salary or any other job condition

• Such behaviour creates an intimidating,

hostile or offensive work environment
Q I just learned that a good friend of
mine has been accused of sexual
harassment and that an investigation is
for one or more individuals being launched. I can’t believe it’s true and
I think it’s only fair that I give my friend an
Sexual harassment, in general, occurs when: advance warning or a “heads up” so he can
• A request for a date, a sexual favour, or defend himself. Don’t I have a responsibility
other similar conduct of a sexual nature as a friend to tell him?

that is unwelcome, is made a condition Under no circumstances should you give
of employment, or its continuity, or used him a “heads up.” Your friend will be given
as the basis for employment decisions the opportunity to respond to these allegations
such as sexual advancement, as a and every effort will be made to conduct a fair
factor in employment evaluations or and impartial investigation. An allegation of
as a condition for receiving any benefit sexual harassment is a very serious matter
provided by the Company. with implications not only for the individuals
• An intimidating, offensive or hostile involved but also for the Company. Alerting
work environment is created by your friend could jeopardize the investigation
unwelcome sexual advances, insulting and expose the Company to additional risk and
jokes or other offensive verbal or possible costs.
physical behaviour of a sexual nature.
A hostile work environment may Safe and healthy work environment
be created through either verbal or
nonverbal acts. Our standard

Wipro promotes employee well-being as a

strategic value and fundamental component
Our responsibilities of its success, and we define well-being as
more than what is traditionally thought of as
• Speaking out when a co-worker’s conduct occupational health and safety.
makes others uncomfortable.
Wipro takes appropriate measures to prevent
• Do not tolerate sexual harassment including workplace injuries and ill health and to provide
requests for sexual favours, or other employees with a safe and healthy working
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a environment by considering evolving industry
sexual nature. practices and societal standards of care. We
actively monitor and comply with all applicable
• Demonstrate professionalism at the workplace.
health and safety laws.
• Promote a positive attitude towards policies
Wipro is proactive and actively assesses
designed to build a safe, ethical and
and manages the health and safety impact,
professional workplace.
and possible risks associated with our

Q While on a business trip, a male existing activities as well as when planning

colleague of mine repeatedly asked me for new activities, production of services
out for a drink and made comments about my and products.
appearance that made me uncomfortable.
We are committed to providing a safe and
I asked him to stop, but he wouldn’t. We
healthy workplace for colleagues and visitors
weren’t in the office and it was “after hours”
to our facilities.
so I wasn’t sure what I should do. Is it

Our responsibilities
• Each of us is responsible for acting in a way Sustainability and corporate
that protects ourselves and others. Situations citizenship
that may pose a health, safety or environmental
hazard must be reported immediately. Wipro strives for environmental
sustainability and complies with all
• Take appropriate measures to help identify, environmental laws, regulations and
assess and manage the environment impacts standards. We conduct business in a
of our existing and planned operations. way that is environmentally responsible.
Our efforts to minimize negative
• Maintain a neat, safe working environment
environmental impacts include waste
by keeping workstations, aisles and other
reduction, materials recycling and
workspaces free from obstacles, wires and
improving our energy efficiency in the
other potential hazards.
communities where we live and work. We
• Notify your manager, or Emergency demonstrate our commitment toward the
Response Team (ERT) member in your environment as a part of the IOS 14001
office immediately about any unsafe certification. With suppliers being an
equipment, or any situation that could pose integral part of our business, we expect
a threat to health or safety or damage the them to also comply with all applicable
environment. All employees have the right environmental laws and regulations.
and responsibility to stop any work they feel Wipro recognizes that corporations are
may be unsafe. socio-economic citizens and that their
objectives have to be congruent with
• Always display and swipe your personal society’s goals. We therefore understand
identification badge when entering and that it is our responsibility as a global
exiting secure areas and do not allow others citizen to assess the socio-ecological
to enter/ “tail gate” without properly swiping impact of its business activities, and to
their personal identification badges. mitigate and improve this impact, while
Do not use, possess or be under the influence simultaneously remaining committed to
of alcohol or illegal drugs or any substance inclusive economic development.
that could interfere with a safe and effective Our environmental stewardship and
work environment, or improperly use leadership in Corporate Citizenship are an
medication in any way that could diminish your integral part of our “Spirit of Wipro.”
ability to perform your job.
To accomplish this, we will expect our

Q I’ve noticed some practices that we do in

my area that don’t seem safe. Whom can
I speak to?
employees to comply with the following:

• Business with integrity: Exercise good

governance to achieve the highest

A Discuss your concerns with your manager

or the Emergency Response Team (ERT)
member in your office. There may be very good
levels of transparency and propriety.

• Ecological sustainability: Conserve

reasons for the practices. Raising a concern energy and water, manage waste and
about safety does not cause trouble, it is being enhance biodiversity through a
responsible. multi-stakeholder approach.

Q Are subcontractors expected to follow

the same health, safety and security
policies and procedures as employees?
• Social and community initiatives:
Work to bring about systemic reform
in education and contribute to the
community and the environment where

A Absolutely. Managers are responsible for

ensuring that subcontractors and vendors
at work on Company premises understand
we operate.

and comply with all applicable laws and

regulations governing the particular facility,
as well as with additional requirements the
Company may impose.

Additional resources and links

Supplier selection: • Canada
• Supplier Code of Conduct acts/C-45.2/page-1.html
en/investor/corporate-governance/policies- • China
supplier-code-of-conduct.pdf eng/dbtyw/jdwt/crimelaw/t209043.htm
Anti-corruption: anti-unfair-competition-law/

• Transparency International • Malaysia
• OECD’s webpage relating to anti-corruption • Singapore
• Country-wise guides to relevant
anti-corruption laws
• India • Ombudsprocess
• US Foreign Corrupt Practices
Act- Resource Guide • List of ombudspersons
files/criminal-fraud/legacy/2015/01/16/ pdf-files/wipro_ombuds_process.pdf
• Hotline webpage
• UK Bribery Act Guidance
• Wipro’s GRI reports
• Australia Privacy Policy:
• Privacy Statement:
• Brazil


Wipro Limited
Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road,
Bangalore-560 035,

Tel: +91 (80) 2844 0011

Fax: +91 (80) 2844 0256

Wipro Limited (NYSE: WIT,

BSE: 507685, NSE: WIPRO) is
a leading global information
technology, consulting and
business process services
company. We harness the
power of cognitive computing,
hyper-automation, robotics,
cloud, analytics and emerging
technologies to help our clients
adapt to the digital world and
make them successful.
A company recognized globally
for its comprehensive portfolio
of services, strong commitment
to sustainability and good
corporate citizenship, we
have over 175,000 dedicated
employees serving clients
across six continents. Together,
we discover ideas and connect
the dots to build a better and a
bold new future.

For more information, please

write to us at


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