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Items 30-46

A, B, and C are three sets such that A is a subset of B and B is a subset of C. Which one of the ff
statements must always be true?

o A is a subset of C
o C is a subset of A
o C is a subset of B
o B is a subset of A
o None of the choices

Find the 11th term of the sequence (3, 14, 75, 375,…)


Propositinal Equivalences

Prove that ¬p -> (q->r) is logically equivalent to q -> (pvr). Fill the missing Logical equivalence. (5 pts)

¬p -> (q->r) = ¬¬p v ( ¬q v r)

P v ( ¬q v r)



¬q v (p v r)

q -> (p v r)






Let p and q be the propositions “We landed a man on the moon” and “ The mannered lunar program is
alive,” respectively. The p baliktad na v ¬q is:

o Even though we neber landed a man on the mon, the mooned lunar program is alive
o None of the choices
o We never landed a man on the moon in any case the manned lunar program is dead
o Even though we landed a man on the moon, the manned lunar program is alive.
o We landed a man on the moon and the manned lunar is alive
In how many ways can a photographer at a wedding arrange six people in a row, including the bride and
groom, if the bride is not next to groom? (3 points)

o 480
o 720
o 360
o 240
o None of the choices

What type of relation does the matrix below have?

R 1 2 3 4

1 1 0 0 0

2 1 1 1 1

3 1 1 0 0

4 0 0 0 0

o Neither reflexive, nor irreflexive but transitive

o None of the choices
o Irreflexive, symmetric, and transitive
o Reflexive, symmetric, and transitive
o Irreflexive and antisymmetric

When 6 indistinguishable fair coins are thrown, how many different outcomes are there? [Note: two
outcomes are the same if they contain the same number of heads] ( 3 points)

o None of the choices

o 7
o 64
o 48
o 36

What is a complete digraph?

o Connecting nodes to make at least three complete cycles

o None of the choices
o A connection of nodes without containing any cycle
o Start node and end node in a graph are same having a cycle
o Connection of every node with every other node including itself in digraph
Which sets are not empty?

o None of the choices

o {X │ x is a prime number less than 5 and is odd}
o {X │ x is a multiple of 2 and is odd}
o {X │ x is an even prime greater than 3}
o {X │ x is an even number and x+3 is even}

A proposition is true if and only if p and q have the same truth value and is false otherwise.

o Implication
o None of the choices
o Biconditional
o Conjunction
o Disjunction

If p: “1=4” and q: “1 ≥ 4”, then p v ¬q is:

o 1≤4
o 1<4
o None of the choices
o 1≠4
o 1≥4

The statement “ every raindrop makes a splash.” Let R(x) be “ x is a raindrop” and S(x) be “x makes a
splash”. How would you write this statement symbolatically?

o ɏx (R(x) baliktad na v S (x))

o ᴈx (R(x) -> S(x))
o ᴈx (R(x) baliktad na v S (x))
o None of the choices
o ɏx (R(x) -> S (x))

In counting the members from 1 to 99, what is the total number of times that the digit 3 is used?
[Assumptions: the number 12 uses the digit 1 once and the digit 2 once. The number 111 uses the digit 1
three times.]

o None of the choices

o 19
o 21
o 22
o 20
Consider the relation R = (1,1), (1,20, (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3, 2), (3,3), (4,1), (4,4) on the set A =
{1,2,3,4}. What property(ies) do this relation contains?

o Reflexive, Transitive, and symmetric

o Irreflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive
o Reflexive and symmetric
o Reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric
o None of the choices

In a cardano ecosystem. Charles need to hire IT professionals for the project. Out of 80 candidates that
he interviewed, he found that 45 of them were programmers, 50 of them were analysts, 50 of them
were software engineers. 15 of them had skills in all three areas, and all of tghem had skills in at least
one of these areas. If he hired everyone who were skilled in exactly 2 areas, how many candidates were
hired? (3 points)

o 45
o None of the choices
o 55
o 35
o 65

Find an explicit formula for the sequence {3, 14, 74, 375,…}


Which rule of inference is used in each of these arguments. “ If it rains today, Mayor Isko will declare
class suspension. Mayor Isko does not declare calass suspension. Thus, it did not rain today.”

o Conjunction
o Hypothetical syllogism
o Simplification
o None of the choices
o Modus tollens

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