Ibanez Ivan David S Activity #01 Chapter One. Bsed Science - 2B

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1. Why do you think planners and designers of curriculum include the

subject HUMANITIES in your chosen field of study?

● I think humanities is important to incorporate or to study,

because people have different points of view and belief in their
own different life. And our world is diverse with different
cultures, perspectives and more. And I think the subject of
humanities will help us to understand and appreciate the
different social differences of the individual. So the planner or
the designers incorporate this subject to help students to come
up with different knowledge, wisdom and the different nature of
humanities. And lastly to study the principle and aspect of
humanities in a chosen field of study.

2. In general, what do you think are the benefits you will get from the
subject Art Appreciation? What is the use of this subject to you ten years
from now?

● So overall, the general benefits that I can acquire in this art

appreciation subject is to understand and learn the outlet of
expression. Because art will help us to express our feelings and
expression in different creative ways of thinking. Because art has
various forms and styles that I want to learn and apply in a real
situation of life. Through art appreciation I will learn to
appreciate and give justice the real meaning or definition of art in
our life as a human being. Because without art or expression of
art our life seems lifeless and less colorful and less functionable.
Through this subject I will learn to become an open mind,
thoughtful and reflective about the meaning of art in our life and
also to human development.
● After ten years I think about the knowledge and the wisdom that
I acquired in this subject. Will help me to become confident to
share and discuss the essential meaning of art in our life and
also will help me to become productive as a professional
individual in this society. I will use and utilize this learning to
become a better person to myself and to the people surrounding

3. What do you think St. Thomas Aquinas meant when he said “art is
opposite to the practical?”

● Because art is not concerned whether a man has a good dress to

wear, fortune or if he eats delicious food. Arts focus on
something that lives beyond matters or everything surrounding
us. And art is defined as follows: art is created when an artist,
author or a master creates a beautiful and intricate object,
masterpiece or produces a stimulating experience that is
considered or categories by his or her audience to have.
● And base to saints. Thomas Aquinas' art is the direct opposite of
the practical. Because the merits of the work of art do not
depend on the taste or wish of the artist; they are the outcome of
the work itself. Thus, as an artist may be immoral, and yet his
work may be good. You can’t judge the artist's attitude based on
the art that he or she produced, by knowing the practical and
real meaning of the art you will know and notice the true
essential meaning and message of the art to humanity either it’s
positive or negative message. But as individuals with knowledge
we can transform those art to positive, constructive and effective
to the people surrounding us.
4. Gather samples of each of the branches of humanities; explain the
elements that comprised the production of the art form you have
gathered. These could be colors, lines and others.

● Among all branches of humanities I choose rt, why? Because art

has various forms like { drama, painting, sculpture, architecture,
literature, music, dance and many more } so art can be a key to
expressing different brilliant ideas of people that influence us or
the whole society. And art has a different development and
progress like how the styles and forms different from one
another. And arts have principles that are contrast, balance,
emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern,
white space, movement, variety, and unity that when they come
together it will produce unique, appealing and functional art
pieces. And art can also be a symbol of expression of different
emotions of the people or the artist. Art has no boundaries and
limitations of expressing your inside thoughts and ideas to
become confident and aware about different things. Art will help
us to communicate with other people through the line, shape,
color and message that you want to indicate. And art influences
and shapes the mind of the people either supportive or

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