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As well as certain, less scientific but well tried and

tested elements such as: human motivations, and
the effect of different payment systems on the
Laboratory Management is responsible for performance of different occupations
providing advice and information to scientists
on health and safety, particularly on how to carry
out risk assessments and on appropriate control Management is also an art in the sense that:
measures. A further major function of Laboratory
1. There is great room for the use of creativity,
Management is the overseeing of shared equipment
imagination, initiative, and invention within the
servicing, replacement, and the purchase of new
overall sphere of the occupation.
equipment to facilitate the needs of researchers.
2. It includes skills that cannot be measured as in
other applied sciences like chemistry, physics and
Goal of Laboratory Management medical sciences or includes communication skills,
motivation, and directives.
To guide lab personnel to deliver their assigned
duties within limited time and resources that includes
acquiring grants, personnel, equipment, or the
Laboratory Management
necessary tools, as well as designing the workflow,
overseeing the daily operation of the lab, and The context of laboratory management:
training new lab personnel.
Management - implementation of processes to keep
For the most part, lab management involves an organization functioning properly
certain lab-keeping chores such as maintaining
instruments, restocking consumables, scheduling, ➢ budgeting, accounting, employment policies,
giving technical advice and keeping records of organizational issues, technical and scientific
certain lab activities or incidences in the lab. policies
➢ basic characteristics required to operate a
successful medical laboratory organization:
Laboratory Management a. successful leadership
Task is to integrate and coordinate organizational b. effective management
resources so that quality laboratory services can be
provided as effectively and efficiently as possible. c. accuracy and reliability

Organizational Resources includes: d. focus on patient

➢ Personnel e. focus on staff

➢ Equipment
➢ Money
➢ Time and Definitions of Management
➢ Space
1. Management involves the coordination and
integration of resources to accomplish specific
Management: Art or Science
2. Management is a social process comprising a
Management is indeed a science: series of actions that lead to the accomplishment of
1. There are precise elements, scientific and exact objectives
aspects that have to be learned and assimilated. 3. Management is defined as “Getting from where
2. Any manager must have: A good knowledge of we are to where we want to be with the least
certain quantitative methods and analysis of expenditure of time, money and effort”
financial and statistical data.
4. Management is the universal process of efficiently
getting activities completed with and through other
5. Management is the guiding of human and physical
resources into dynamic organization units that
achieve their objectives to the satisfaction of those
served and with a high degree of morale and sense
of attainment on the part of those rendering the

Management: Four Elements

1. Toward objectives: Goals and purposes
consistent with efficient delivery of laboratory
services for quality healthcare.
2. Through people: Guiding "leading and directing"
in such a manner that these professional laboratory
technicians feel a sense of responsibilities and
attainment "achievement."
3. Using techniques: Physical resources such as
laboratory equipment, computers, space and so
4. In an organization: Into dynamic organizational
units implying division of labor, specialization,
protocols and procedures, and functional processing

Definitions of Management
It must be pointed out that management is an
activity, it is not letting each day take care of itself,
and rather it is making things happen.
Too often laboratory managers fall into the trap of
"fighting fires" on daily basis.
For management to be effective, and to ensure
efficient operation of the laboratory it must be in
control, planning ahead the steps.

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