Answer 1

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Human Resource Management

Answer 1.
Communication is an essential component of our everyday life. It is used in workplace,
neighbourhood, travel, etc. Communication helps create interaction amongst colleagues
and people around us.
By definition communication is a process to exchange information among
individuals using signs, language or symbols. There needs to be a sender, a message,
and a receiver for communication to occur. The sender sends the information via a
message and is then received by the receiver who then perceives the message.
Our daily tasks are dependent on communication and thus, we mistake ourselves by
thinking we are naturally good at it. A lot of communicators are not as good as they think
they are due to some barriers which inhibit them to be a good communicator. Let us look
at what some of those barriers are:
1. Semantic barriers: These are also known as language barriers. These barriers occur
when there is improper communication between the sender and the receiver. Many a
times due to complexity or lack of clarity in a message makes it difficult for the receiver
to perceive a message. This can make the grasping of message a tedious process and can
prove to be a semantic barrier in communication.
For e.g. A manager is conversing in English to a group of workers who understand and
speak Bengali. It will create confusion among workers as they will not be able to
understand what is being conveyed by the manager.
Technical language: Language barriers also arise when the sender of the message is
speaking in technical terms while the receiver is unaware of the terms. It creates
confusion and misunderstanding between the sender and receiver by acting as a barrier to
effective communication.
2. Psychological Barriers: Psychological barriers play an important role in interpersonal
communication as the state of the mind of the sender or the receiver can make it difficult
to understand the information that is conveyed, which often leads to misunderstanding.
Here are some instances where psychological barriers to communication can be seen.
I. Delinquent information by the receiver even before it is conveyed and can lead to
barriers in communication, as it will create premature conclusion to the message,
which is not same as the original message.
II. Inadequate attention on the receiver's part at the moment of communication can result
in communication obstacles since the sender's information is not adequately received
by the receiver.
III. When information is transferred across numerous sources, the final information is
distorted because the message receivers are unable to store all of the information. This
might lead to a breakdown in communication.
3. Organisational barriers: Organizational barriers are those that are a result of the
organization's structure, rules, and regulations. The many forms of communication barriers
that can arise as a result of superior-subordinate relationships.
It might be challenging to deliver information properly due to the complexity of an
organization's structure and various supervisors. As a result, the information becomes
twisted, resulting in miscommunication.
4. Cultural barriers: Cultural barriers emerge when there are no similarities between
different civilizations around the world. A word that is considered harmless in one culture
may be considered slang in another. Furthermore, certain beliefs can vary from one culture
to the next.

5. Physical barriers: Physical barriers to communication are those that develop as a result of
variables such as malfunctioning equipment, noise, closed doors, and cabins that allow the
information conveyed from the sender to the receiver to get distorted, resulting in
defective communication.

6. Physiological barriers: Physiological barriers develop when a sender or receiver of

communication is unable to clearly convey or receive a message owing to physiological
concerns such as dyslexia or nerve abnormalities that impair speech or hearing.

Handling the Problem:

Following methods were used by me to address the issues:

1. Using words: Communicate in a straightforward and concise manner. Without being
patronising, the message must be simplified and delivered in terms that everyone can
2. Being You: Be consistent in your communication style, encouraging individuals to
investigate and learn about your goal in an environment that enables them to see how
they may contribute to its realisation.
3. Clarify deliverables: Encourage your leaders and managers to interact vocally and
face to face, especially when it comes to delivering change by communicating your
brand strategy through storytelling.

4. Make the complex simple: Ensure that jargon is not used in internal talks. Make it a
policy to use straightforward language in meetings, emails, and other

5. Give hearing time: Make time to listen to and learn from staff, but be open about the
procedure you'll use to act on their suggestions and criticism.

Any connection requires the ability to communicate effectively. Knowing how to explain
your ideas—and listen to those of others—is critical whether you're presenting a presentation
at work, working through a conflict with your significant other, or simply having a
conversation with a friend.
When we are not effective communicators, we encounter numerous obstacles while working
in organisations. If these barriers are not addressed appropriately, they can cause confusion
and lead to the transmission of inaccurate information or misunderstandings throughout the
organisation, which can result in business loss and impede efficient communication.

A hiring freeze occurs when a company unintentionally ends insignificant faculty hir
ing in order to cut costs, usually when the company is under financial duress.

Because of a downturn or other financial or market separation or emergency, such as

one that creates creation, overcapacity, or recurrence, the management may also ado
pt a particularly cost-cutting effort. Hiring freezes can be temporary or permanent,
and they are common.

Similar to hiring freeze downsizing also can be h eard once in a while. In these
pandemic times when market is down and companies do not perform well financially
downsizing is up the sleeve. The employer is attempts to reduce manpower or
eliminate human resources through this downsizing.
Downsizing is done to restructure, overhaul the entire setup, and boost corporate
value in order to cut expenses, generate jobs and boost profitability or efficiency.

This downsizing can be done through a process called Employee attrition where
due gradual worn out the employees after years of work would like to move out from
organisation and relax.

Companies operate on a broad scale, and employees joining and departing organisations is a
typical occurrence. Anything in excess is usually harmful, thus businesses should always bear
in mind that they have a high attrition response. They should be able to calculate their
attrition rate using solid parameters.
It should always be compared to the attrition rate of the industry, and in no instance should it
be higher. If it is higher, it is always a good idea to take corrective action. Even though
attrition is unfavourable, it may be handled if firms have a strategy in place. All businesses
should have a solid strategy in place to cope with attrition.
Downsizing is a strategy used by businesses to remain and thrive in a competitive market. It
might also be viewed as a preventative measure to ensure their long-term stability.
Downsizing is a difficult tactic, and even employers dislike it because it might appear
immoral at times.
Here are a few pointers to ensure that you reap the advantages of this strategy while
minimizing the disadvantages while going through this process:

• Respect your employees’ dignity - A healthy work atmosphere necessitates

mutual respect. It encourages collaboration and boosts workplace productivity
and efficiency. It communicates to employees that their abilities, traits, and
accomplishments are recognised, and that their job is critical to the company's
• Making things happen effectively – When a corporation downsizes, it will
operate at a lower cost by reducing superfluous expenditures and scrutinising
every procedure to ensure that there are no hidden costs.
Profits rise as a result, and the corporation is said to be performing well under
lean management. As a result, the corporation must assess the scaled plans and
put them into action.
• Take proper legal concerns during layoffs - Companies having a large
number of relationships with suppliers and other consumers may find that
vendors are less willing to do business with them as a result of downsizing,
which is seen as a symptom of a terrible financial situation.
Creditors would consider whether or not to proceed. Though the company may
not be downsizing as a result of the financials, the general image of credibility
• Do not be biased when layoffs - Because most of the time, decreasing staff is
a priority, some functions are integrated to avoid redundancy.
When functions are merged, it is necessary to let go of some personnel. To
meet the financial crunch, there may be no other option except to lay off
• Think about the after-effects - Most of the time, businesses that do not
announce their downsizing reasons have a bad influence on their public image.
Others perceive them as a losing or unsuccessful firm, resulting in a loss of
customers owing to misconceptions. It is possible to avoid misunderstandings
by being open about the reasons for downsizing.
• The survivors need to be motivated to the new changes - Companies that
are downsizing must make their results clear so that employees may see the
true trends. Transparency, in fact, encourages collaboration within the group
and team.
The output or turn over to staff could be displayed in the form of charts, pie
charts, or even month-over-month results. This is a great way to increase
• Effective communication with employees – As the team shrinks,
management must concentrate on rebuilding the new team through training
and incentive programmes. This would increase employee loyalty, motivation,
and empowerment, all of which would have a direct influence on productivity.
Employees assist in the resolution of difficulties that may develop as a result
of the introduction of numerous communication channels.
In general, downsizing refers to the reduction of work for a company. Downsizing is viewed
by employees as a "management weapon" used to tighten control over the labour. It is a
strategic measure to provide ‘optimised operating efficiency and productivity' in the
organisation, according to management.
Downsizing affects a company's interactions with customers, suppliers, and employees, as
well as its structure, culture, and atmosphere. “If you must downsize, do it right, so that no
class of employee is disproportionately affected.” It's critical to figure out the best approach
to downsize so as to minimise financial drain and to become stable. Employers or
organisations might do the best thing by reducing a business in a dignified manner.

Performance appraisal is a systematic assessment of how well is job performance by an
employee in regards to the standards established by the organisation. It helps evaluate
employee performance over time. Performance appraisal is a method which helps to praise the
worth of an individual who has done tasks beyond his/her set duties in any business
organisation. Thus, it is important to organise performance appraisal meetings between
manager and employees. Performance Appraisals have been practised in organisations since
long back.

Certain problems occur in organisations if proper performance appraisal channels are not in
place. Let’s have a look on those problems in detail:
1. BIAS:
Bias can be personal opinion or personality-based tendency about someone or something
which influences our judgement. In case of performance appraisal bias can be against a
particular employee. Bias can affect the appraisal process as it can cast a shadow on
the original opinion for the employee. Managers should not allow bias to cloud their
judgement and steer the appraisal process into a subjective direction.
It refers to short time just before the start of appraisal process. So, managers usually
consider the performance of the employee just for the span before the appraisal
process began missing out on the overall work of the employee. This can be unfair to
the one who have done their job well throughout the whole year.
Attribution error implies forming a subjective opinion about an observed behaviour
of an employee. Manager should not rule out judgement based on employee behaviour on
a certain day. Managers should stick to the standards fixed by the management to evaluate
employee performance instead of going by pre-conceived notions.
Also known as the horns effect, halo effect is a generally positive or negative impression of
an employee. This effect can affect specific performance aspects of appraisal process. For
example, when an employee is considered good by the supervisors then while
evaluation, managers usually consider that employee good, regardless of any
behaviour or results to the contrary. Thus, every employee should be evaluated based on
actual performance and thorough assessment.
When a work environment comprises of physical conditions, social features (company
culture) and setting (working conditions) that enables employees to perform job is
called a compatible job environment. It affects the way employees work and can hinder
their performance if incompatible. Thus, appraisal should also incorporate how these issues
can interfere with performance of employees.
If performance appraisals are not done properly it can lead to lower levels of job
satisfaction and productivity. There are a lot more problems like similarity error, contrast
error, stereotyping which can affect performance appraisal. So, managers should bear in mind
the consequences of such errors and work accordingly.
So, to avoid all the above problems Writing4You should undertake performance
appraisals. Rahul and Priyanka should sit down and give formal feedback to all employees to
reinforce what they are doing right and get them to modify things they may be doing wrong.
Alongside they should also continue to monitor, observe and give them regular feedback.


Performance appraisal is also known as progress or fitness report, merit rating, staff
assessment. It is used by a various organisations and various techniques are applied to
implement a smooth performance appraisal. Performance appraisals are used to assess qualities
or traits of an employee systematically at fixed intervals.
The systematic, frequent, and unbiased evaluation of an employee's proficiency in topics
relevant to his current job and his potential for a better position is known as performance
appraisal. Performance appraisal, on the other hand, is largely focused on the performance and
future potential of their employee and is designed to cover rank and file people.

For the smooth functioning of an Effective Performance Appraisal following guidelines should
be undertaken:
▪ A Clear Appraisal Process or a clear objective:
The goals and purposes of performance evaluation should be stated clearly and
concisely. The goals should be relevant, timely, and transparent. The supervisor must
fully assess the employee's performance in order to be ready to respond to challenges
on his ratings of his subordinate.
▪ Standards Must Be Objective and Equally Applied:
Employees must be evaluated for promotion based on Objective standards that
include job performance, skills and tenure with the company, and other intangible
factors should be incorporated as well. To avoid a power struggle, collaboration and
equal employment opportunity in the workforce is needed.
▪ The Appraisal Must Be a Review:
The act or process of forming and delivering an opinion regarding the quality of work
completed by another appraiser. It is a “review” of an appraisal report performed to
ensure that it complies with specified underwriting requirements and is typically part
of a lender's quality control programme.
▪ The Appraisal Must Be a Tool for Development:
A performance appraisal system is a management tool that can assist in motivating
and utilising human resources effectively. Performance planning, appraisal, and
counselling are all part of it.
▪ The Appraisal Must Allow for Employee Feedback:
The most important stage in the appraisal process is employee feedback, especially
when the superior's evaluation falls short of the appraisee's expectations, even if those
expectations are founded on erroneous assumptions. This feedback when taken
positively can help provides the employee with the direction needed to improve and
develop in their job.
▪ The Appraisal Must Include an Action Plan:
Appraisals must also include outline of goals, action steps, responsibilities, objectives
and measurements at every step. This can help the employee create an action plan to
improve their work and become more skilful and effective.

In Performance appraisal two-way conversation is required between manager and the
employee to encounter or remedy the performance appraisal problems. This conversation
should result in complete understanding of what is needed and when it is needed and how can
the employee’s contribution measure up to it.
Thus, Writing4You should follow the guidelines. Then even the feedback recipients will feel
treated fairly as if it is given with thoughtfulness and discipline. Supervisors will also be
relieved that they will no longer be responsible for evaluating subordinate performance. The
cumulative effect of these events should lead to higher motivation, which should lead to
improved performance.

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