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Do you know the purpose behind running?

It's not going to look the way you thought. And every run is different. Walking through a country is not
an activity that everyone experiences. But we all know the thoughts and emotions that arise in an
ultramarathon. The ultra-mindset is about relentless forward movement, which involves putting one
foot in front of the other without expectations. This mindset insists that small advances are still
advances, and that sometimes we must pause so as not to overwhelm ourselves. They understand: "If
you want something you've never had, you have to be prepared to do things you've never done"
[Thomas Jefferson Quote]. I'm talking about balancing the power of vulnerability with the armor of
tenacity. And the last thing that is probably the most important: we cannot always influence things that
happen to us, but we can always control our reaction to them. The ultra-mentality does not allow us to
be victims of our circumstances. It is a tool to move forward.

How fast can you Run?

Ultra-running is life compressed. You go through everything in a relatively short period of time: fear,
doubt, insufficiency, failure, exhaustion. When you reflect on this experience, it can easily become
valuable information for your everyday life.

I really learned to eliminate expectations and submit to the experience. Part of the adventure is being
present and being aware of circumstances when they arise.

2.) What are the lessons you've learned from the video and how will you apply it in your
I'm not the fastest. I am not the strongest. My best tool has always been my mind and my
ability to connect and share the important things. For me, success is connection. Create
meaningful and valuable experiences that go beyond running. And it’s encouraging all of us to
feel like we are strong and more capable than we realize

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