CMO 19 S 2017

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Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT CHED MEMORANDUM ORDER No. _19 4 Series of 2017 SUBJECT: REVISED POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR BACHELOR OF ‘SCIENCE IN OFFICE ADMINISTRATION In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known, as the "Higher Education Act of 1994,” in pursuance of an outcomes-based quality assurance system as advocated under CMO No. 46 s. 2012, and by virtue of ‘Commission en banc Resolution No. 231-2017 dated March 28, 2017, the following policies, standards and guidelines (PSGs) are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission. ARTICLE | INTRODUCTION Section 1. Rationale Based on the Guidelines for the Implementation of CMO No. 46, s. 2012, this PSG implements the “shift to leaming competency-based standard! ‘outcomes-based education.” It specifies the ‘core competencies’ expected of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration graduates “regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from.” However, in "recognition of the spirit of outcomes-based education and... of the typology of HEIs,” this PSG also provides “ample space for HEIs to innovate in the curriculum in line with the assessment of how best to achieve leaming outcomes in their particular contexts and their respective missions...” ARTICLE I AUTHORITY TO OPERATE Section 2. Government Recognition All private higher education institutions (PHEIs) intending to offer BS Office Administration must first secure proper authority from the Commission in accordance with these PSGs. All PHEIs with an existing BS Office Administration program are required to shift to an outcomes-based approach based on these PSGs. State universities and colleges (SUCs), and local universities and colleges and (LUCs) should likewise strictly adhere to the provisions in these policies and standards. Higher Education Development Genter Bullding, CP. Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Web Site: wunw.ched.gouph Tel. Nos. 441-1177, 385-4391, 441-1169, 441-1149, 441-1170, 441-1216, 392-5296, 441-1220 ‘441-1228, 988-0002, 441-0750, 441-1254, 441-1235, 441-1255, 411-8910, 441-1171, 352-1871 ARTICLE Ill GENERAL PROVISIONS Per Section 13 of RA No. 7722, the higher education institutions shall exercise academic freedom in its curricular offerings but must comply with the minimum requirements for specific academic programs, the general education distribution requirements and the specific professional courses. Section 3. Section 4, Section 5. The Articles that follow give minimum standards, expressed as a minimum set of desired program outcomes (detailed in Article IV Section 6 below), The sample curriculum presented in Article V Section 9 to 13, is designed to attain these desired program outcomes. The number of units of the curriculum is hereby prescribed as the “minimum unit requirement” under Section 13 of RA 7722. Curriculum maps are a useful tool for determining the ability of a curriculum to achieve the desired program outcomes. A sample curriculum map is presented in Article V, Section 15. A variety of curriculum delivery methods should be employed to effectively provide a learner-centered and outcomes based education. Some of the possible curriculum delivery methods that HEIs can use are presented in Article V, Section 11. Article V, Section 17 presents a sample course syllabus that demonstrates the use of some of these methods. The physical as well as human resource requirements that are deemed necessary for the effective delivery of the curriculum are in Article VI. The HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to their own contexts and missions provided that they can demonstrate that the same lead to the attainment of the required minimum set of outcomes, albeit by a different route. In the same vein, they have latitude in terms of curriculum delivery and in terms of specification and deployment of human and physical resources as long as they can show that the attainment of the program outcomes and satisfaction of program educational objectives can be assured by the alternative means they propose. The HEIs can use the CHED Implementation Handbook for Outcomes- Based Education (OBE) and the Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA) as guides in making their submissions pursuant to Article VII. ARTICLE IV PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Program Description 5.1 Degree Name The degree program shall be called Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA). Page 2 of 47 5.2 Nature of the Field of Study The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration program is a four-year course that prepares the students for a career in an outcome-focused, technology rich, professional environment. Courses in the curriculum are those that will thoroughly familiarize the students with current techniques in office practice and procedures, developments in office systems and technology, good team-working and management skills, and application of the principles of good human relations and ‘communications to prepare them to be key players in day-to-day office operations. Lessons in writing routine reports and correspondence and speaking effectively to employers, employees, and the general public are provided in selected courses. The BSOA program also trains the students to work independently, without need for on-site supervision. To ensure teaching effectiveness and the attainment of the goals and objectives of BSOA, outcomes-based teaching and leaming and modern means of curriculum delivery that will expose the students to the real world of administrative professionals’ tasks like simulation and ‘cooperative education internship in office systems are used. Faculty members who are graduates of business courses and, if possible, holders of a Master's Degree in Business Education or a Master's Degree in Business Administration are selected to manage the teaching-learning process. 5.3 Program Goals (Program Goals are the expected outcomes for the BS Office Administration graduates within two to five years.) 1. Qualify for a career in office administration specifically in various general and specialized administrative support, supervisory, and managerial positions. 2. Acquire the competencies, skills, knowledge, and work values necessary for self-employment. 5.4 Specific Professions/Careers/Occupations for graduates The opportunities for graduates of this program are: a. Entry-level jobs 1. Clerk/Encoder - encodes letters and reports from draft or from dictation to professional format and does manualielectronic filing. 2. Stenographer/Transcriber - takes and transcribes proceedings of conventions, seminars, speeches, court depositions, investigation, etc. and encodes resolutions, summons, court decisions, and other documents from draft or from dictation to professional format, Page 3 of 47 Bookkeeper - keeps the books of accounts of the business/organizations and performs bookkeeping and other functions that may be assigned to him/her by the accountant. Call Center Post Sales - attends to inquiries and/or complaints of customers by telephone, promotes the sale or use of a product or service, persuades customers to update or settle their account and provides technical/post sales support. Customer Relations - receives and transfers calls. Receives and directs visitors, performs multiple office support tracks as assigned by multiple supervisors. Customer Service Representative - communicates effectively and courteously with customers through e-mail, regular mail, fax, etc: provides information in response to inquiries about products or services, handles and resolves consumers’ complaints, assists customers in business dealings with the company, files and retrieves customers’ correspondence and records, and ensures high standards of customer service. b. Advanced Office Positions 1 Administration Officer - works as manager in a business, government agency, or a school; supports the Executive Director, Senior Director, Finance and Operations and the Board of Trustees; ensures the smooth running of the entire operation of the office. Office Supervisor/Manager - coordinates various office support services; communicates effectively with people of diverse cultures from different levels in both oral and in written form; supervises office administrative staff; and performs basic accounting functions. Executive Secretary/Assistant - performs administrative duties for executive management such as: making travel and meeting arrangements, training and supervising support staff, preparing reports and financial data, etc; does research using various resources including internet; coordinates projects, and works well with all levels of internal management and staff, as well as other stockholders of the company. Administrative AssistanDepartment Assistant/Coordinator - performs administrative and office support activities for multiple supervisors such as: transferring calls, receiving and directing visitors, encoding, filing, and faxing: performs jobs such as multimedia researcher, coordinates video conferencing functions such as: preparing schedules, sites, procuring equipment, hosting conferences; and coordinates various office support services. ™= axe &S Page 4 of 47 c. Specialized Administrative Office Professional Performs the functions of an office manager, executive assistant or administrative assistant, including: 1. Legal Secretary — prepares correspondence and legal papers such as summonses, complaints, motions, responses, and subpoenas under the supervision of a lawyer; transcribes legal papers, legal documents, and court proceedings. 2. Medical Secretary - transcribes dictation; prepares correspondence; assists physicians with reports, speeches, articles, and conference proceedings; records simple medical histories; arranges for patients to be hospitalized and orders supplies; and transcribes from tape-recorded messages, medical history, and medical records, 3. Court Stenographer - attends court hearings; takes stenographic notes of testimonies during hearings; prepares accurate and complete documentation of entire proceedings; prepares and provides transcripts of stenographic notes to all hearing officers and attendees in hearings. d. Entrepreneurial and Self-employment Opportunities ventures such as: 4, Freelance stenographer and encoder of various documents, 2. Trainer of administrative support staff, 3. Owner of placement agency specializing in Office Administration 5.5 Allied Fields The BS in Office Administration program is related to the following: Bachelor in Office Administration, Business Teacher Education - major in IT Education and TLE, Computer Secretarial, Administrative Office Management, Office Management, Secretarial Administration, Business Administration/Management, Legal Management, Public Administration, Accounting, and other business and management fields, Section 6. Program Outcomes The minimum standards for the BS in Office Administration program are expressed in the following minimum set of learning outcomes: Em ri Page § of 47 6.1 Common to all programs in all types of schools The graduates should be able to 6.1.1 Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific 6.1.2 6.1.3 614 6.1.5 field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (POF level 6 descriptor) Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilty Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage." (based on RA 7722) 6.2 Common to the Business and Management discipline A graduate of a business or management degree should be able to: 6.21 6.22 6.23. 624 6.25 6.26 627 6.28 629 Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, ‘organizing, staffing directing and controlling, Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resources management, production and operations management, information technology, and strategic management) in various business situations. Use the proper decision-making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and drive results. Express oneself clearly and communicate effectively with stakeholders both in oral and written forms. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment Work effectively with other stakeholders and manage conflict in the workplace. Plan and implement business-related activities. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibilty. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards. 6.3 Specific to the Office Administration Program A graduate of BSOA should be able to: 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 Provide general administrative and clerical support to high-level executives guided by the Code of Ethics for Office Professionals, Coordinate office management activities. Manage office communications. Organize files, information, and office supplies effectively Exhibit acceptable human relations skills in a diverse environment. Page 6 of 47 6.3.6 Engage in lifelong learning to keep abreast of the development in the intemational employment market 6.4 Common toa horizontal type as defined in CMO No. 46 s. 2012 A graduate of BSOA should be able to: 6.4.1. For professional institutions: Demonstrate a service orientation in their profession. 642 For colleges: Engage in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of communities that one serves, 6.4.3 For universities: Generate new knowledge using research and development projects, Graduates of State Universities and Colleges must, in addition, acquire the competencies to support “national, regional, and local development plans.” (RA 7722). A Private Higher Education Institution, at its option, may adopt mission-related program outcomes that are not included in the minimum set. Section 7. Sample Performance Indicators a. Appog 9 h pgcr wrave Schedule meetings, events, needed logistics, and arrange conference room, Coordinate program of activities with participants. Observe proper housekeeping and office ergonomics. Exhibit foresight in planning office activities. Maintain office procedures in all activities. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi- cultural teams. Exhibit proficiency in the use of the computer and other IT software. Receive and relay telephone, email, and other voice communications promptly Take dictation at the rate of 60 wpm with 98% accuracy in transcription, Encode mailable correspondence and reports at the rate of 40-45 words a minute. Edit correspondence, reports, drafts, memos, and emails. Update company information boards. Manage calendar of the boss ‘Communicate effectively using both English and Filipino orally and in writing File using manual or electric filing system. Refer the general public to the appropriate staff. Serve as public relations officer of the company. Assist in resolving administrative problems. Join professional organizations and attend seminars and conferences for office professionals. Enroll in graduate studies. Page 7 of 47 Table 1. Sample of Program Outcomes and Indicators common to all graduates of business or management degree: Program Outcomes Performance Indicators Demonstrate corporate and social responsibilty Propose social responsibility strategies and compliance action plan for a business Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, leading and controlling Prepare comprehensive strategic business plan Apply information and ‘communication technology (ICT) effectively and efficiently Prepare a social media marketing plan Work well with others. Conduct a planning and problem- solving meeting to resolve issues related to a planned business event Use the proper decision tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and drive results Apply appropriate quantitative tool to address a business case problem Table 2: Sample Program Outcomes and Indicators for Graduates of Bachelor in Office Administration Program Outcomes Performance Indicators Provide general administration and clerical support to high level executives. Serve as Public Relations Officer of the ‘company, Plan and schedule meetings, events for administrators, prepare needed logistics and papers and conference rooms. Relay directives, instructions and assignments to executives on time. Page 8 of 47 Program Outcomes Performance Indicators Coordinate office management activities. Demonstrate good team-working and management skills, Maintain office procedures in all activities. Coordinate program of activities with people concerned. Apply proper housekeeping and office ergonomics. Manage office communications and information. office supplies effectively. Exhibit acceptable human relations skills in a diverse environment. Update company information boards. Communicate effectively with fellow workers and stakeholders both orally and in writing, Receive and relay telephone, email, and other voice communications promptly. Produce business letters, memoranda, | reports, forms, tables, and other | business documents using proper formatting, grammar, spelling, and uation. Maintain and manage files and | File accurately using electronic filing system. Monitor departmental materials, supplies, and orders as neede | Demonstrate good team-working and | management skills. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. ARTICLE V CURRICULUM. Section 8. Curriculum Description The curriculum for BSOA is designed to support aspiring office professionals to develop the appropriate entry-level technical competence, professional skills, values, ethics, and attitudes to complete their studies with successful practical experience, and pass Professional Examination. the Civil Service Commission (CSC) It covers all major areas required for an Office Administration professional course. Page 9 of 47 Section 9. This is a competency-based curriculum containing a balanced program of General Education Courses (36 units, Physical Education and NSTP (14), Core Business and Management Education Courses (CBMEC) (6), Office Administration Core Courses (45 units, including 3 units of O.A. internship), and Elective Courses (18 units, including medical/legal office procedures and internship electives). HEls are encouraged to incorporate additional courses into their curriculum on top of these (119) units, to reflect their particular contexts and their respective missions. The 119 units, including NSTP and PE, are broken down into the following ‘components: Minimum Courses Units Prescribed _| 1. General Education (GE) Courses 3 2.National Service Training Program ( NSTP) 6 3. Physical Education (PE) courses 8 Sub-total 50 Units 4. Core Business and Management Education Courses (CBMEC) 6 * Operations Management (TQM) + Strategic Management 5. Office Administration Core Courses 45 (7. Elective Courses 18. 8. Internship (3 units included in Core Courses and 3 units included in Elective Courses) ‘Sub-total 69 Units l Total | 119 Units The subjects under the General Education (GE) Courses are in accordance with CHED Memorandum No. 20 series of 2013. This curriculum is vertically aligned with the Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) strand of the senior high school academic track The HEIs may be allowed to credit subjects/courses taken by students abroad, provided that they have the same required number of units and course descriptions. General Education, NSTP and Physical Education Courses These courses can significantly prepare the students as they transition from high school to tertiary education and pursue professional level of education. This component of BSOA education is purposefully designed to strengthen three (3) important learning outcomes or competencies: Page 10 of 47 * Communication skills - Ability to write and speak clearly and persuasively, gather evidence and construct a coherent argument; shape Speech and writing to the nature of one's audience. * Logical and critical thinking — Ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information and ideas from multiple perspectives; differentiate between objective information and subjective points of view and identify ways of making provisional judgments. * Quantitative reasoning and computer literacy - Development of quantitative reasoning in mathematics or statistics combined with a basic computer literacy which is essential in contemporary technological society. A broad general education can significantly contribute to the acquisition of professional skills, This component of the curriculum focuses on the development of non-professional knowledge, intellectual skills, personal skills, interpersonal and communication skills. A good foundation of general ‘education, although not an end jn itself, is one way of helping students become broad-minded individuals who think and communicate effectively and who have the basis for conducting inquiry, carrying out logical thinking, and undertaking critical analysis. This foundation will enable students to make decisions in the larger context of society, to exercise good judgment and professional competence, to interact with diverse groups of people, to think globally, and to begin the process of professional growth. The acquisition of these skills is more important than the way in which they are learned, Coiaraas) Minimum Units Prescribed 1. General Education (GE) Courses 36 2. National Service Training Program ( NSTP) 6 3. Physical Education (PE) courses The 36 units of GE Courses include Understanding the Seif Readings in Philippine History The Contemporary World Mathematics in the Modern World Purposive Communication Art Appreciation Science, Technology, and Society Ethics Rizal's Life and Works (as mandated by law) The GE Electives are: ‘+ Mathematics, Science & Technology '* Social Science and Philosophy + Arts & Humanities. Page 11 of 47 Section 10. Core Business and Management Education Courses (CBMEC) These courses cover all the major functional areas of business, and provide the foundation and the context in which a BSOA graduate will work. This curriculum is vertically aligned with the Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) strand of the senior high school academic track. For students who did not take the ABM academic strand, HEIs should offer bridging courses such as the specialization courses in K-12 ABM strand, but not limited to said courses to make them at par with those who have taken the ABM academic stand and comply with K-12 requirements. New program offerings under Business and Management cluster (allied) must offer the 6 units core business and management education courses, The HEIs may be allowed to credit subjects/courses taken by students abroad provided they have the same required number of units and course description. ‘COURSES No. OF UNITS Lec | Lab | Total 1._ Operations Management (T.Q.M.) 3 3 2. Strategic Management 3 3 Total 6 Section 11. Office Administration Core Courses The Office Administration Core Courses include the foundation subjects in Office Administration: NO. OF UNITS Course Lec | Lab | Total 7__Foundations of Shorthand 3 3 2. Administrative Office Procedures and 3 3 Management 3._Personal and Professional Development 3 4, Keyboarding and Documents Processing 1 5. Advanced Shorthand 3 6._Internet Research for Business 1 7. Business Report Writing [3 8._Machine Shorthand | [4 9. Entrepreneurial Behavior and Competencies 3 3 3 3 3 5 10. Customer Relations “11, Business Law 12. Taxation 13. Events Management 14, Integrated Software Applications (MIS Concept, Desktop Publishing, Word Process Spreadsheet, and Presentation) 15. Office Administration Internship 4 2 3 Total | 35 | 10 45 Page 12 of 47 & Section 12. Professional Elective Courses (18 units) The following are courses for further specialization. HEIs may enrich the curriculum by providing electives based on students’ needs and response to industry needs and other stakeholders. No. OF UNITS COURSE LEC [LAB | Total 7. Filipino Stenography 3 3 2. Legal Office Procedures 12 | 3 ‘3. Medical Office Procedures 1 [213 4. Human Anatomy and Physiolog amr 3 5._Legal Office Internship (300 hrs) 3 3 6. Medical Office Internship (300 hrs) 3 3 7._Web Design 1 [2 | 3 8._Customer Analytics 3 3 9._ Introduction to Project Management 1 [2 |-3 10. International Studies 3 3 11. Accounting 2 3 3 12. Machine Shorthand 2 1 [2 [3 Section 13. Internship (600 hours) NO. OF UNITS Section 14. Si Course Lec | Lab | Total ‘A._ Office Administration Intemship 1-300hours | 1 | 2 | 3 B. Legal Office Internship 2 - 300 hours or| 1 | 2 | 3 Medical Office Internship 2 - 300 hours (These two Internship Courses have been é included in the Core and Elective Courses) ample Program of Study FIRST YEAR ‘Semester 1 Lec | Lab | Units Understanding the Self 3 3 Readings in Philippine History 3 | 3 Foundations of Shorthand 3 3 Keyboarding and Documents Processing 1/2), 3 NSTP 3 g PE 2. 2 Total] 15 | 2 | 17 ‘Semester 2 Lec [Lab | Units The Contemporary World 3 3 Mathematics in the Modern World 3] 3 ‘Administrative Office Procedures and Management | 3 3 ‘Advanced Shorthand 3 3 NSTP 3 3 PE raf 2 Total | 17 17 Page 13 of 47 SECOND YEAR ‘Semester 1 Lec | Lab | Units Purposive Communication 3 3 ‘Art Appreciation 3 3 Operations Management (TOM) a 3 Personal and Professional Development 3 3 PES 2 2 Total | 14 14 Semester 2 Lec | Lab | Units ‘Science, Technology, and Society 3 3 Ethics 3 3 Business Report Writing 3 3 Customer Relations 3 3 Office Administration Internship 300 hrs 1 [213 PE4 2 2 Total] 18 | 2 | 47 THIRD YEAR Semester 1 Lec [Lab | Units Rizal's Life and Works (as mandated by law) 3 3 Social Science and Philosophy 3 3 Internet Research for Business 1[2 3 Machine Shorthand | 123 OA Professional Elective 1 Legal/Mfedical Office [3 3 Procedures Total | 74 | 4 | 45 ‘Semester 2 Lec [Lab | Units Mathematics, Science & Technology 3 3 ‘Arts & Humanities 3 3 Events Management 3 3 Integrated Software Applications 1 [213 Entrepreneurial Behavior and Competencies 3 3 Total| 13 | 2 | 45 age Page 14 of 47 Fy \

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