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APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA CONTENTS Conversion factors... . . 793 Thermal Conductivities* "Thermal conductivities of common materials. ©...) 1... 795 ‘Thermal conductivities of metals... .. 2... 2... +. 799 ‘Thermal conductivities of liquids... . . Bote es + 800 ‘Thermal conductivities of gases and vapors... . . . . 2. 801 ‘Thermal conductivities of hydrocarbon liquids... .. . . . 808 Specific Heatst Specific heats of metals... eee eee 7 Specific heats of liquids... . BGn Sho oeace 804 Specific heats of gases at lat... . 6. foe o ee. 805 ‘Specific heats of hydrocarbon liquids...) 2 ee eee 806 Specific heats of bydrocarbon gases and vapors. ....... . - 807 Specific Gravitiest Specific gravities of metals... . . 2... . Specific gravities and molecular weights of liquids... . . « 808, Specific gravities of hydrocarbons... .. ... + - eee. 809 Equilibrium Data? Equilibrium constants for hydrocarbons... . . re) ‘Vapor pressures of hydrocarbons... . .. a Enthalpies and Latent Heats Enthalpies of pure hydrocarbons... . . bao siz Enthalpies of light hydrocarbons... 6... 2 ee ee Enthalpies of petroleum fractions. .... 1... . +++. 814 Latent heats of vaporization... . . boeoaaG 7 "Thermodynamic properties of steam... 0... oe : 816 Viecositiest Viscosity conversion chart... 2. . a Cle Viscosity correction chart for gases... boohoo: + 820 Viscosities of liquids... . . - 6G se 64565 + 823, ‘Viseosities of gases and vapors... 00-825 ‘Values of k(cix/k)™ for hydrocarbons. . . . . . « = 826 1 For aqueous and organic solutions see page 161 on which is given approximate formulas. ee also Fig, 13.14, 71 ‘Table 12. PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Temperature Difference Corrections Caloric temperature factor... 2... LMTD correction factors for 1-2 exchangers . LMTD correction factors for 2-4 exchangers . . LMTD correction factors for 8-6 exchangers . MTD correction factors for 4-8 exchangers MTD correction factors for 5-10 exchangers. . LMTD correction factors for 6-12 exchangers. Heat-transfer Data ‘Tube-side heat-transfer curve... . « ‘Lube-side water-heat-transfer curve. . - ‘Dube-side fraction factors... . . . ‘Tube-side return-pressure losses. Shell-side heat-transfer curve. Bhell-side fraction factors... .. . . . Approximate overall heat-transfer coefficients. Layout Data ‘Tube-sheet layouts (tube counts). . . Heat-exchanger and condenser-tube data. Steel-pipe dimensions (TPS). . . . Fouling Factors Douling fats 1See Index for corrections. 3 See Index for other date. 827 828 329 - 830 831 332 833, 834 835 - 836 837 838, ~ 8H 843, - 845 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA ‘Tapue 1, Conversion Factors xp Consrants Energy and power: Btu = 0.252 kg-cal Btu = 0.293 watt-hr Bur = 0.555 pou (pound centigrade unit) Btu = 778 ft-lb Btu/min = 0.236 bp Hp = 424 Btu/min Hp = 33,000 ftb/min Bp = 0.7457 kw Hp-br = 2543 Btu Ew = 1.3415 hp Wattchr = 3.415 Bou Fluid flow: Bbl/ar = 0.0036 cfm Bbl/ar = 0.700 gpm Bbl/day = 0.0292 gpm Bbl/day = 0.0039 cfm fm = 10.686 bbl /hr Gpm = 1.429 bil/hr Gpm = 34.3 bbI/day Gpm X s (specific gravity) = 500 x s lb/hr Heat-transfer coefficients: ‘Beu/(hr) (ft2)(°F) = 1.0 peu/(hr) (ft?) (°C) Btu/(hr)(it)(*F) = 4.88 kg-cal/(hr)(m*)(°C) Bin /(hr) (it) (“F) = 0.00204 watts/(in.)(°F) Length, area, and volume: Bbl = 42 gal Bbl = 5.15 ft Cm = 0.987 in. Fe? = 0.1781 bbl Ft = 7.48 gal Ft? = 0.0283 m* M? = 6.290 bbl Mé = 35.314 ft* Fe = 30.48 cm Fe = 0.8048 m Gal = 0.02881 bb! Gal = 0.1337 it# Gal = 3.785 liter Gal = 0,8327 gal (Imperial) In. = 2.54em Liter = 0.2642 gal Liter = 1.0567 at M = 3281 ft Ft? = 0.0929 m* Mi = 10.76 ft 793 794 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Pressure Atm = 83.93 ft of water at 60°F Atm = 29.92 in. Hg at 32°F ‘Atm = 760 mm Hg at 82°F Atm = 14,696 pai Atm = 2116.8 lb/ft? ‘Atm = 1.083 kg/em* Ft of water at 60°F = 0.4331 psi In, of water at 60°F = 0.0361 psi Kg/em? = 14.223 psi Pai = 2.309 FF of water at 60°F Temperature: ‘Temperature °C = 56(°F — 32) ‘Temperature °F = 3 (°C +82) ‘Temperature °F absolute ("R) = *F + 460 ‘Temperature °C absolute (°K) = °C + 273 Thermal conducti ‘Btu/(hr) (ft) CF ft) = 12 Btu/(hr) (ft*)(°F fin.) Btu/(hr) (ft) (CF /ft) = 1.49 kg-cal /(hr) (m?)(°C/m) ‘Beu/(hr) (it) CF At) = 0.0173 watts /(em*)(°C/em) Viscosity (additional factors are contained in Fig. 13): ‘Eb = 7000 grains ‘Ton (short or net) = 2000 Ib Ton (long) = 2240 Ib Ton (metric) = 2205 Ib ‘Ton (metric) = 1000 kg Constants: Acceleration of gravity = 32.2 ft/seot Acceleration of gravity = 4.18 X 10° ft/hrt Density of a cubic foot of water = 62.5 Ib/ft* APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 795 ‘Tapie 2, ‘TueRwaL Coxpuorivrrmes or Soum Bur.piva ann IvsuLarme Marzrrars* i = Beu/(hr) (tt) CF /it) ‘Apparent density Material pf | oF k at room temperature Acrogel, silica, opacified 8.5 248 (0.013 554 | 0.028 Asbestos-cement boards. 120 se | 0.43 Asbestos sheets. . 55.5 124 | 0.096 ‘Asbestos slate 12 32 | 0.087 rery vo | 0.114 Asbestos. 29.3 | -328, | 0.043 29.3 32 | 0.090 36 32 | 0.087 36 az | 0.3 36 302 | 0.120 38 752 | 0.129 43.5 | -328 | 0.090 48.5 32 | 0.135 Aluminum foil, 7 air spaces per 2.5 in 0.2 100 | 0.025 351 | 0.038 sees | 82-M2| 0.041 132 68 | 0.43 Alumina (02-99% Al,Os by weight) fused. ..| sor | 1.8 ‘Alumina (64-65% AlOs by weight} 209 | 27 (Gee also Bricks, fire clay) 1472 | 0.02 212. | 0.63 Building brickwork. x ee 68 | 0.4 Chrome brick (32%, Cr103 by weight)......| 200 302 | 0.67 200 1202 | 0.85 200 2309 | 1.0 Diatomaceous earth, natural, across strata| 27.7 309 | 0.051 27.7 | 1600 | 0.077 Diatomaceous, natural, parallel to strata} 27.7 309 | 0.081 277 | 1600 | 0.106 Diatomaceous earth, molded and fired.....[ 38 309 | 0.14 38 1600 | 0.18, Diatomaceous earth and clay, molded and a | 42.8 309 | 0.14 42.3 | 1600 | 0.19 Diatomaceous earth, high burn, large PORES eee cee esseeeeeeeaes hoa bs 02 | 0.18 37 1882 | 0.34 796 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Tamu 2, Tupasan Conpucrivrrms or Som Boring axp Insviative Marenrats.*—(Continued) ‘Apparent density Material p Ibi? | °F i at room temperature Bricks: (Continued) Fire clay, Miseouri.. 5 302 | 0.58 12 | 0.85 | 1832 | 0.95 2552 | 1.02 Kaolin insulating brick : a 932 | 0.15 7 2102 | 0.26 Kaolin insulating firebrick . 9 392 | 0.050 19 3400 | 0.118 Magnesite (868% MeO, 8.8% Fe:0u 3% CaO, 2.6% S102 by weight).. 158 oo | 2.2 158 1202) 1.6 : 158 m2] 11 Silicon earbide brick,reorystallized ........| 129 m2 | 10.7 129 17a | 9.2 129 1832 | 8.0 129 2192 | 7.0 129 2552 | 6.8 Calcium carbonate, natural secs | 102 ae] 1.3 White marbie. - L? Chalk. 96 el oa Calcium sulphate (41,0), artificial... 84.6 sot | 0.22 Plaster, artificial...... | 107 | 0.48 Building. | ar 0.25 Cambric, varnished. : 0.09 Carbon, ges. 2 2.0 Cardboard, corrugated... 9.037 Celluloid...:+..eeseee see 0.12 Chereoal fiakes..........- 0.043 0.051 Clinker, granular... 0.27. Coke, petroleum... 34 2.9 Coke, powdered. on Conerete, cinder: 0.20 0.44 s | 0.58 5 36 | 0.024 Gieccrs 10 86 | 0.025 Cork, ground. 94 | 86 | 0.025 ‘Regranulated. .... 8.1 a6 | 0.026 —— APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 797 ‘Tapun 2, Tamruat Conpucrivinis or Some Buipive anp Insvnsnine Marenrats.*—(Continued) “Apparent density Material plbfts | oF k at roora temperature ‘Diatomaceous earth powder, coarse .... 20.0 100 | 0.036 20.0 1600 | 0,082 Fine .. 17.2 399 | 0.040 72 1600 | 0.074 ‘Molded pipe covering ... 26.0 399 | 0.051 28.0 1600 | 0.088 4 vol. calcined earth and 1 vol. cement, sersceereeeargerseaes, OLB 309 | 0.16 61.8 1600 | 0.23, : | 167 1.0 ee 0.10 Enamel, silicate. 0.0... cseeeeee 0.5-0.75 Felt, wool. : 6 0.03 Fiber insulating board... 8 0.028 Fiber, red. : 5 0.27 With binder, baked... 2.2 0.097 Gos carbon... 2.0 Glass....... = 0.2-0.73 Boro-silicate type.. 139 0.63 Soda glass....... 0.3-0.44 Window glass.........- 0.3-0.61 Granite. . 1.02.3 Graphite, dense, commercial... : 32 | 86.7 Powdered, through 100 mesh. 30 104 | 0.104 Gypeum, molded and dry.....-. 78 68} 0.25 Hair, felt, perpendicular to fibers. 7 86 | 0.021 Tee. = 57.5 a2 | 18 Infusorial earth (Gee Diatomaceous earth) Kapok... 0.88 6s | 0.020 Lampblack. 30 0.038 Tava... oon 0.49 Leather, sole... 62.4 0.092 Limestone (15.3 vol % H:0). 103 0.54 Linen... 0.05 Magnesia, powdered. u7 | 0.35 ‘Magnesia, light carbonate. 70 | 0.08 ‘Magnesium oxide, comprised 49.9 es | 0.32 Marble.....-..0. é : 1.24.7 800 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER ‘Taste 4, Terman Conpuormrrres or Lrqurps* & = Beu/(hr) (f4) CF At) A linear variation with temperature may be assumed. The extreme values given constitute also the temperature limits over which the data are recommended. Tague °F Taga “Fr E a ee oe pone ee TY BTR |e aa Giese fp ef 88a lee a ‘eimenin..- 5-86) 0:29" | Kerosene. : 6 | 9.098 Ammonis, squeous if oz wi A i 8 Laat cn gations] Be Pe Bie +8. (388 i Ls 8 es . 86 | 9.092 x OTs _ 8 | Obert... | has myestese $88 Ite are 101 (R-). . 0.097 irobensenesevesseeees-so-797") gi | 0.088. 8 | enue ef) oe 3.8; | Soro He Calcium ebloride brine 30%. 9.32 | Nonane (o). " 15%. 34, Dee ome dec reeneencl | BEE 01088 tad 140 | 0.081, Ba low an BB | coe, a Ses: ER om. 3B 0.079 | oleic acid. 0.0925, Dass 9 a |. [outers a ae 83.8 aa Diesmettcenron. | | age ee ie BEE seen ea 4g coe Perchloroetl 0.092 Blehrwtan BE] gga | ast. 9-078 BE | rma. ie ‘est iat ig 3m see Be 0.224 | Sodium chloride ‘brine 25.0%. 0.33 i 12.5%. 86 | O-3t cl rn oo] Bae é 9 ’ ga 3 3 38 a ‘50 | 0.074 o 59 | 0,106 3 e/a 3 2 |g Fite $ 176 | 0.998, 2 -| 88 | 0.090 He soul sles “+ yom Peay, 1 H., "Chemical Eagineera! Handbook,” oGraw-ll Bool 7 Tne, ea Engine 0,” dd e2., MeGraw-Hill Book Company, Ine APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 801 Taste 6, Tuerman Conpvertvrmms om Gases axp Varons* ke = Beu/(hr)(ft#)(CF /ft) ‘The extreme temperature values given constitute the experimental range. For extrapolation to other temperatures, it is suggested that the date given be plotted as log vs. log T or that use be made of the assumption that the ratio cu/k is practically independent of temperature (or of pressure, within moderate limits). Substance: wlio Substance | 8 Acetone, 82] 0.0057 | Dichlorodifuoromethane........| _82/ 0.0048 115] 0.0074 122) 0.0066 212| 0.0000 212) 0.0080 36s] 0.0147 '302| 0.0007 Aootylene...eceseeceseeeessse] HOS) 0,0088 | Btbane....0.0.ccecceseeeeees] 84) 0.0066. 33|'0.0108, =29) 0-088 122] 0.0140 32) 0.0108 212| 0.0172 212] 0.0175. Aires =148} 0.0095 | Etayl acetate, sesce] 115} 0.0072 32) 0.0140 212| 0.0008 212) 0.0188 2363] 0-014 392] 0.0226 | Alcobol...... sess] 68) 0.0080 72] 0.0265 213] 0.0128 Armonia 76) 0.0095 | Chloride.......2-.seeesseeey 0.0085, 23) 0.0128 212] 0.0005 129) 0.0157 363) 0.0135 212] 0.0185 413) 0.0182 Ether. «| 33) 0.0077 Bensene.. 2... eeseeeesesssee] 92) 0,005 135} 0.0099 118] 0.0073 2i2| 0.0131 212| 0.0108 1363) 0.0189 1368) 0.0152 413| 0.0200 413) 0.0176 | Ethyl ceseseesee] 08) 0.0008 Butane (4)... cs ecsceeeesees] 82] 0.0078, 32] 0.0101 212] 0.0185 x23] 0.0131 (0) +] 32} 0.0080 212| 0.0161 212] 0.0130 =58| 0.0088 | Heptane (n-) - 382} 0.0112 32] 0,085 212| 0.0108. 212] 0.0188 | Hexane (W-).e.eeseeeseeeeeees] 92) 0.0072 302) 0.0181 0:0080 572 0.0228 | Hexene. 0,061 Diaulphide. cesses] 83) 0.0040 0:0109 45| 0.0042, | Hydrogen... 0,065 Monoxido......+2+s+6sse+0++] —813) 0.0081 0.088 204 0.0046 0.100, 32| 0.0135 115 otracbloride.........-.-.-+.] 119} 0.004 0.129 212] 0.0052 0.378 363] 0.0005 | Hydrogen and carbon dioxide. 82| 0.0043 | 09% Ha. ..eseee ss 0.0083 32| 0,0088 | 20%... ss 1} 0.0185 113] 0.0048 | aoe. 2] o:0270 ana] 00088 | 60%. nL EOIN) oleae 303] 0.0077 | 80%... tee cece eeeccae] cc) 0.0690 Cyslobexane......... ++ «| a1e! 0: 0005 } 100 9%, .002 00. cl 0:10 802 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER ‘Taste 5, TamRMat Convvcrvirms or Gass anp Varors.*—(Continued) Substance: Substanoe Hydrogen and nitrogen. Nitzie oxide. 055 Hs 20%. Nitrogen. 20%. 60%. . BOG eee Nitrous oxide Hydrogen and nitrous oxide, 0% Hs, a Pentano (n-) (00)... ‘Methyl aleohel Propane. Acetate. ‘Methyl chloride. Sulphur dioxide, Water vapor. Methylono chloride. : From Perey, J. H., “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 8d ed., MoGraw-Hil New York, 1086. APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 803 0.10 2 3 2 8 0.07 Thermal conductivity k,B tu/hr (#4)? (°F/#t) 2 8 0105 t z 0 200 300, 400 500 200 Temperature, *F Fra, 1, Thermal conductivities of hydrocarbonliquids. (Adapted rom Natl, Bur, Standards Mise. Pub. 97.) 804 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Specific heat= Btu/tivNDeg.F.) Liguid ange Dept Acetic Acld 100% Aeatone ® 5 2 $ z Oz eg. F. B18 TR am ae 9 Wi | Benzyl Chioride Bring, 25% CaGte Brine, 25% NaCl Buty! ‘Alcohol Gorbon ‘Disulfide Gorbon Tetrachioride ‘Ghlorobanze Chloroform Becar Bichlorosthane Dichloramethone Diphenylmatha Diphengt Oude Bowtherm A Fs 3; RHSoVSowhowooe eel 03 3 | 200 04 Os BWFG-VSSELGS RTO a oundSESIVSTITVT |F 0s 100 Tiguia 049 Freorcsier) teat S aieaten 2 ARE Roim or rochlori Acid, 20% Oso 510 ced Teoamy! Aiconol Isobutyl Alcohol isopropyl Alcohot Nic accra ‘Al Al Methy! Chloride Nephtnclene Ritrobenzene Nonone foctone Perchiocethylene Propyt Alcohol Pyridine suiturie Acid 98% Sulfur Dioxide Hrotvane. 100 0.9 $ BE. Fia.2. Specific heats of liquids. (Chilton, Colburn, and Vernon, based mainly on dota from International Critical Tables, Perry, “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 34 ed., MeGraw- Hl Book Company, Inc., New York, 1950.) Deg.F o> nn 200-4 400- Fa. 3. Specific heats of gases at 1 atm. APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA Gs Spavitie heat = Btu /(1b)-| vance ‘ pe serv al lb 2a gar stag cl — a" — Wa htt a Slag al inl a ae on ee SOUR, jae | Manet ape ea) B SHR Sioes Get |G MAE ae) B te | jase aauodao » fiz | arson som ap ost. cias nel 2) Sue caw: laps | Baie cis heer mr gs g o) SRE ROG? (Et | RRS haem as] & 3:83] Bf dn sear ae Re HE See Rae ee ee ae Baie) ea Goiee| za aaa shal Ba beet eign) a fi gaia) ge : bee] a : Bae) eB. £ ermal sae : Roam ieee : Baas Ee i bie Be Be ee eet howe sel pa ge ape Bee ER) ie eae ee Bales) EL) ER, See Qeiee] se] amg "su galas aN 1s ease Bae cB ces Be eee Bee Se) EBe) aR pes: beige] kare) 4% ah boise] ka yams Bren Bue) SEH See Be bua) faa ee Bae Bae) Se) SRE tee ed er or bs 3am) gee be oe oe) ae Ree Bae Eee) 3a Bee) EBS) Be ae bone 2a ried Bee se jo. 0305 0.1118} |0-9851)0. 2719) 680 bee orang er dae | We J0:0503 o:0503}902:7 | "0" | 902 :711:0580) “0 |1:0580] 708.4 # Abridged from “"Thermodynamio Propertios of Steam” by Joseph H. Keenan and Frederick G, Keyes, doin Wiley & Sonn luo New York: 818 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER ‘Tam 7, ‘Tasamovrnanic Prorearizs or STEAK. Properties of superheated steam* t é | 8 |g 2 5p See oa Gee gee bs BES 1.040164 tea}. 6s|17_ 203 [tas a] 1286-§ 184 slags 1113819] Tose rede|1-suén|-io| ong sa Hes 2 sis 18.448 18888 1899.6 1744 | 0ay 0762}. OLsf2o4is 2. 100)2, 1.) ai) sori. 360 1,69 ia Lossip. oY x20 00 onan m0 (it) sas 96 43 oa om wo Perio sa sa ode Peal ta ima si uaa au sl is i eres Laem Se ass ls ae aa a aa i to ou St ‘na aot 1» sc sat st Py Re _ asset ashe Est a 2.8] 00 ‘m na e zt at ia as on Peete Sina esi be am dat 2.7 a4 ns mk lt a? ee Wit aby beeen i Bi : Nour] 2.3 sa ‘i mw ee 2 a 4 od aly * a aaa cas et : 06) 3 20 Becierpereerieet aa, i dae Sys et 782 allt, ¢ Pet cath iat tak nec ak © {and aa sel 0 eu 0 elo at _. Decor or ere ence tenon ante aly eee ea CHER ek eer ‘ tira bo 27 ac 3a] 20 fs er 08 wk ee 2 a te 2 Te aif | Heeler ce Morne eth 7 ral an | 2.1 2 ra aes ww i er ae te a el aa cdiy as era i arnt : Ht gar 20 20 | 2.0 a8 we ke eee m8 a callie, ES i ee es * Abvidged from, Treemodynam he hy Joe ck G. Keyes, Jobo Wil «a gic from Thema yan Propet of Stun” Ly Jeng H, Keenan sod Fredeik G. Keyes Jeha Wiley APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 819 ‘Taste 7, Taermopynamic Prorenrts or Sreas.—(Continued) Properties of superheated steam* Thm, Jetta” ay pa 7 Tai 7 eer el aa sa alee rae wo oR GAS eae Fes, BS a (eee ee a Se ena aa econo as aes ere rea ap te as sno So MRT ge a ee a ees a Pe ire eee eo ec te cae ey eis hcl “isso wet carte eg ng al rn ee ae iene a A ee eee ee a a a a i ‘surest ster soon ou a x coo 1 RHRTRA RR era eo oe emer ck Pa a EE Tas ea ara ea ee bl uo re ot so. sot as seu ayaa tea ey eam ae ee He core cesta iis a sa bse aval rng aly rch as sr apes SE ear or aaa Hertel ee te CR fiat eal sol eal nse too, esl. sre zat aah rat me Raa et ae Pe ee tat pee asl sual sas, so. eran su ssi ots oa Reeen ecm iemeatied uz ay ABBAS a Pac ae att a ah snl sus tn ca re ais se sae jae tee a oy ee Eg ral eno 7 anal 30 ms * ct ha. ge Te ot, Tees Maa Mesa al td aut astute snl eo. 00 aang ene ee ae oll, a aaa el sr atl asa asco soul es 0 sare un ao sm se ty Pea RMS AEE SM egg ozo au sna esp sai nao ‘i see mo aga ea (ay Pe ea aE Ma at esa sen rc _ ge ae re Ti au 1 pat (iy He | a 1s 5 lah sore an ive , aaa ot Ee Hes am et a0 ee re ee ae ‘or asf 1 to, a1. 208 sino er cer a ee i kA Me er dros a sn a ae a acieciew ie odnearinod ign i a eS cas on, a am ae wo ge ane ere Le eis il ie sacl cone ols sb-ail go aut 0 Soe eae a i Sens, Ley Now York, 1057. 820 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER INGLER OFoREES ge tp tne, us ena 9 rome SRL Paar ee Beran t (SREB (apt pe ecenena cara econ Ea ieee ee cn scour rurae, EPEAT G3 neouco0 Wot tae WHEN om Tow SE ( nEQuogD 90.» Ke20r- When tnt 0 389. i {0 REDNGO® $0.2 teienREDWOD NO. THE (8 ENOLER TIME Keo vnen-27) On tae 0 OER ERIE RIE ronan, “Eee eer | He ft (CE Ht ee iter li | ERE ACRE nto : ad Tar ‘TE 1 SECONDS-SAYBOLT UNIVERSAL & FURGL, BEDWOOD Ne #8, ENGLER TOE Fra. 182, Viscosity conversion ehart, Ce ENEMATIE VECOSITY.cONTSTORES « 3 SF i : Ta= Teri cf £3 oh Og 5 + M Pe 22 ay 18] 1 +00 j Pe ; ct 4 5 Ol 02 03 04 06 08 10 2 3 456180 2 30 Reduced pressure, pg Beat Fie, 130, Viscosity correction chart for gases at different pressures. [Comings and Bali, End. Eng. Chem., 88, 715 (1940),} APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA ‘Viscostrms or Perrotyum Fractions For temperature ranges employed in the text Coordinates to be used with Fig. 14 ‘76°API natural gasoline. ve) ha | 64 56°API gasoline... -.| 14.0 | 10.5 42°API Kerosene. 4 -| 16 | 16.0 BS°API distillate... : 10.0. | 20.0 34°API mid-continent erade. o |, ios | aia 28°APT gasail....-.-...2.... 10.0 | 23.6 Viscosmms or ANTAL AND Vartan Ors* Almond. 6.9 | 28.2 Coconut. 6.9 | 26.9 Cod liver 77 | 37.7 Cottonseed. 7.0 | 28.0 Lard... 7.0 | 23.2 Linseed. 68 | 27.5 Mustard 7.0 | 28.5 Neatsfoot: 6.5 | 23.0 Olive 6.6 | 28.3 Palm kernel 7.0 | 26.9 Perilla, raw a1 | 27.2 Rapeseed, 7.0 | 28.8 Sardine... v7 | 27.8 Soybean 8.3 | 27.6 Sperm... 7.7 | 26.8 Sunflower. .. 7.5 | 27.6 Whale, refined 75 | 275 821 * Based on date at 100 and 210°F of A. R. Rescorla and F. E, Carnahan, Ind. Brno. Chem, 28, 1212- 1213 (2996), ‘From data of D. Q. Kern and W. Van Nosteand, Znd, Eng. Chem. 4, 2209 (1049). ‘Viscosrrms or Commeencian Farry Actns* 250 to 400°F 822 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Viscostriss or Liquis* Coordinates to be used with Fig. 14 Liquid x}y Liquid x|y estaldehyas. re figea ca ea TB ‘Acetic acid, 100% na 414" 17:3) 4:7 Acetic sid, 70%. 9i3| : 12°5)11.4 ‘Acetic anhydride 2. 7/12: §Freon-1i4. 4:6) 8/3 ‘Acetone, 100%... 14/5] 7:2Glyeeral, 160% 2.01800 ‘Acetone, 35%." 7'9)15.0\Glyeerol; 50%. 6:9}19:6 ‘Allyl aleohol.- 2! 2 fso2)14 '3}Fteptane naa] 8.4 ‘Ammonia, 100% 200000000000 24 : sfl-7] 7-0 ‘Ammonia, 20% 10:1]13 9fEty acid, 815%..." ]13 016.6 Amy] acetate. 1/11.8]12:5ffsobutyl aleohol 7'1118:0 ‘Amyl alcohol LL) 7i5)18"4ffsobutyrie acid. heiais's Aniline 8.1]18.7[Isopropy! aleohol. 8.2|16.0 Anisole 12/3)13.5|Mercury nsalie.4 ‘Araenie trichloride {}13-0lt48|Methanoi, 100%. n2:4l10°6 Benzene... {]12:5)10.9]Methanol, 90% sha'sin's Brine, CaCl;, 25%... {| 6:6)15.9]Methanol, 40% ] -8ht5.5 Brine, NaCl, 25% 10:2 is} 2 Bromine... ‘a2 5.0) 3:8 Bromotoiuene. [20-0 11139] 8:6 a-Butane. :fts:3| | 79131 Isobutane... ha 12'8}13.8 Butyl acetate. ‘12:3 10:817-0 Butyl aleohol. 8.6) 10.6|16.2 Butyrie acid...) 1211 107-0 Carbon dioxide an 13:7/10-0 Carbon disulfide Tas ‘| 6.61211 Carbon tetrachloride 12:7] lho :9)17 3 Chlorobensene. TI a's Ufia's) 5:2 Chloroform 144 6.9/20:8 Ghlorosulfonie acid: :|12.2118 [Phosphorus tribiomide 18.8{16.7 Chlorotoluene, ortho. ‘|18°0113'3}Phosphorus trichloride. 16.2]10:9 Chlorotaluene, meta. 13.3112 {Propane 115.3) 30 Chlorotoluene, para... 12 B[Propionio acid. [ resol, mota 2.5)20.8|Propyl alcohol. | 9:ajte:5 Gyclohexanoi 2'0)24.3}Propy! bromide 4:3] 9.6 Dibromoethane. “P2-715 Prony! chlosde. eal 75 Dichloroetnane [13.212 2pPropyl iodide. . Uta’ Dichlorometbane iis 8 deed en ‘]ie.4l13:9 Diethyl oxalate. “]14-926-dBodium oxi, Bove. 3.2)95.8 Dimethyl oxalate. 2/315 )Stannie chloride... UhB 5128 Dipheny!. “120, 1hs'3| 7:1 Dipropyl oxalate. “fto:3| 7a Ethyl acetate... hac7 TP rop4's Behyl aleohol, 100%. - 10:3 hogan 3 Ethyl alcohol, 05% 9.gii4.: ‘jis '2)12 4 Eu alcohol, 40%. 6.5|16 6 Tetrachloroethane. a 9li5:7 Ethyl benzend.. “]15:2)1-Siteteachtoroethylens, 14.2]12°7 Ethyl bromide 14.5 uaa 3 Ethyl chloride... tas! ‘|ts:7j10-4 Bihyl ether...) jis] ‘fia8 10:5 Ethyl formate. !4'3] 8!4)Durpentine. 11549 Ethyl iodide. 14.7}10:3}Vinyl acetate ‘}r4!o} 8:8 Byhylene glycol. “| 6.0)28.-6|Water..... 10.213:0 Formic acid...... 0. Xylene, orto 13 5]2"1 Froon-Ll.. oe Xylene, meta. 910.6, ‘Freon-12. 1 16.8] 5.6|Xylene, para. Lhr3‘9h10.9 ** From Perry, J. H., Chemical Engineers" Handbook,” $4 ed, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Tae New York, 195 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 823 Tanpe Viseosty Deg.6. Centipoises 200 'c0 190 Es \v0 E #8 to \10 Eso 160 E +0 is0 E so v40 E 130 Eso veo E 0 6 roo ° 2 20 : E ¢ to Es 10 E 60 ES 50 — 40 30 20 + 60 0 + 50 40 ot 39 E E- 03 20 E 0 | L w E- oz Lo -20 4 E + -0 60 re eg co) x -30 + -20 Lo Fra. 14. Viscosities of liquids. (Perry, “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 8d ed., McGraw ‘Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1950.) 824 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Yiscosrras oF Gases* Coordinates to be used with Fig. 15 o io Gas Kectic acid. ‘Acetone... Acetylene. ‘Air. Ammonia. Argon... Benzene. Bromine ie Butylene. Carbon dioxide. . Carbon disulfide... Carbon monoxide, | Chlorine. .....- . 2 Cone . . ae Cyclohexane. Ethane... Ethyl acetate. . Ethyl alcohol. Ethyl chloride. Ethyl ether. Ethylene Fluorine. Freon-11 Freon-12. ‘Freon-21 Freon-22. Freon-113. Helium, . Hexane. Hydrogen. lp + -IN3.... 5 Hydrogen bromide. Hydrogen chloride ae ee ais ioe Todine. Hhncooonewonunone| ees 16:0 notmomomme Se tooes jomomoomorr ame Smonsmconml ra ShSSESuomesmsee. Methyl alcohol Nitric oxide. Nitrogen, Nitrosyl chloride. Nitrous oxide... Oxygen. Pentane. MISS ROD SRSwODOwHaDNASeMwHaDE: NSSPSSEG EUS SS SHA SEEN EE SISOS ENS SRNESEREESEEES eso * From Peuzy, J. H., "Chealcal Benes New York, 1086. Temperature, Deg.c. Deg ~100 “100 0 ° 100 too —f> 200 300 200 = 400 500 600 400 70 800 con 900 1000 600 i100 1200 700 1300 1400 800 1500 1600 v2 ‘700 1000 1800 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA O24 6 BO Rw 6B 825 Viscosity Cenfipoises Ol 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 Fic. 15. Visoosities of gases. (Perry, “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 3d ed., MeGraw- Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1950.) PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 826 “suoqreoonp Ay, 205 fo) Jo SOTA “OT “Dx sa10dyu9a hys035in ogg Oe Oa oo 9s yee o1 g0_ 90.50 40 £0 a0 z0, ‘9 190 800 soo ro 20 s 8 3 (alsa ats)-4/o49 fot) 8 si 9 v eg 827 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA (oper 104 eM “po pg ‘UopDROEEY eisinpofUopY soUPyEAG sONGn, fo epsopUDIS) aA Waa £08 yy maa, 6109 — 737 = munivwzanat cms JOVEIAY 20 “ag toyovy aunqusodwey opoyeo ey, “ZT-DK 0 3070 zoo 0 a a ‘Wo go agtarae “leary g PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 828 "p27 ‘uosmo0ey ecoenpofnuoyy wounyra soars Jo spsopUOIS) “siodtunypxe g-T 20} 8204905 SASSvd 34NL SYOWYOZ —sSSWd TISHS | +4'yoL1ovs NOIL93NYO9 GLWT 60, 8°0, £0 0 so vo. £0 z0 Coper “0K oN 99007209 CLWT “ST “OL 10. lo 3 3 3 S Ly 2 o Q ° ‘MOLI FINAVAAIG SUNLVUIdNIL 829 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA Carer “Y0d man “PA PG woNeRONY seinpofmore wOumEEE somany; fo sperpuorg) “sOBUNEPXO FG 50} SORRY NOHOOLIOD GLWT “OL “ONL S3SSVd FNL FUOW YOY SASSVd TISHS GD +4°yo19vd_NOILO3HYOD GW oso 80 zo go 0. vo eo 20 10 69 3 ty & 3 8 é MOLOVs SONTHSITIO BuNWAadNaL or PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 830 Corer Hon oN “pe Pt ‘uonmovesy siesmpnfuosy sOuyees, oManT fo epépumrs) “sIeBUUYOXD 9-¢ J0f SIO}ONS WoHDeTION TLNT ‘OZ “PRL SAssvd SEAL SNOWYOD SasSvd TISHS € 44‘Y010Vs NOILO3HHOO G1W1 Er) 20 10 G9 ee: WOLOVA BINIVIISIO SUNLWUSdWIL ‘by 2 831 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA Corer 4404 m9 po pe ‘uoymmporey sisungonfnun jy seOunyoxy soyngn,; Jo spinpung) “sseBUMYOxO BF TOF 81040, LOH CLINT $y aR, 1-24 *S ea SASSVd 3GNL FAOW AOS = Sassvd TISHS VY +4'u0L0v4 NOILD3YYOD OLWT 1e “OME on 60 80 £0. 90 so. vo x) zo ft sty 5 Ss a oe wo1svd zona¥iasio auniezawa g Corer ‘Hod men “pe pg ‘woymoony sxoinpofnuoyy seounyeg swigny fo spsvpunjg) “siePUByOXS OI-G J0F SIO OHIO CLINT “BE ‘OM smigus SASSVd 34NL SNOW YOO! sAssvd TISHS S i +5‘yo19vs NOIL93YYOD G1W7 s elo) i ee oe eo! 1 20 to 260 2 g a 8 8 x = S 3 : 2 3 rod g coll g RB 8 3 8 833 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA Cover ‘wa oy “po pg ‘uopmooeey ewounpopnunpy wwOunyerg cojnany fo spumpunyg) “sieBUEYOxe ZI-9 J0F SIO}OR} WORLD CLT “Es “OL SASSVd AGNL TAIOWAOT SASSVd TISHS D +4‘ yo19v4 NOIL93¥YOD OLN s on x) 80 £0. 90 so v0 oO zo to Ogg Say 2 Q 5 ° o 3 BOLOVS SONTYSIIIG SUNLVYIWAL g PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 834 (emmy pio Lope wag prgepy) “aasno sepnuesnas9y OPIEOANL, “FE “OE Bena owes + tt cotatisss tomes 2 tls + toe mmo : t ‘ ‘ ‘ : : i 5 3 ; : 3 3 En slg aE a oe aE, Fort io a ie, oe| 44 43/91 ‘oanyseduay (pon aqng Sup 9 Ay3005 aoe 5 pega ares ai 240 Aer b 14 40 MOL 1 "ajod 3 bay 7 8 /aox age x ayy Kunpue Yue. =f Soniye ay # 0s Sox qU/o4a "Pm $04 Bids = 2 005 44 Be Sogn} nowy ado Moy= 40 ‘vet QNITOOD ONY ONILVIH 88 988 8 on Ev EO ONO? OOS OE OE 205 Oe as ys 2 - fro age e or 300° 2000} g 3s ss 8888 8 Heat transfer coefficient h;,,Btu/hr (F#°)(°F) 8 3 200) 10 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 835 eorrs:s &Ssc8 Correction factor Ga "Os 06 07 08 09 LO is 20 Inside diameter of tube,in The values of hj are for a ¥4'00x 16 BW6 tube (100.62"). For any other 1D multiply A; by the factor obtained above 1s a) 2 3 4 Velocity through tubes, ft/sec Yio, 25. Tube-side water-heat-transfer curve, [Adapted from Bagle and Ferguson, Proc. Roy. Soc., A127, 540 (1930). PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 836 sup be/ig by 1 Covet "122d MN “Po PG ‘UOHRDROEEY s.2npOfUD; LOUVRE IOAN, fo sPANpUENG) “OIE, HORII OpE2GNT, “9G “OTE 2424 084 Ht) 39 zee 030 yt) yk cyst “appa Sas athstag Or Oy ce Anite Tn noo so00 sooo oe wy had oreo nate LE a 8 8 888 es 288 Be g § 8 5 a 5 2.004 2005 002 oH APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA 837 Return pressure lass/pass=4 velocity heads ' Total return pressure loss (4ylority heads x passes g’= Acceleration of gravy, Fe = Number of fube pasts Sapien pre i 6 “sped rly thoy tps eon Te Te ‘Mase velocity, lb/hr (#48) Fig, 27, Tubo-side return pressure loss. PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER 838 cg web) Baar Be sae 32 ‘aogpeg [whuowoe ano % ge YIM So|puNg 30} BAIN IoySUETI-FOY OPIS-|OYS “BZ “OLE she 1s 2001 coro ia eeemtcoa a Bo NE Sip etal tambo oleae UI RI Pena ‘ona Yarabernpag iyuempemaile oy “i hesese palace apr eboney Mefaetorpees 2507 Seen sakarn?o ‘pg aia we nO oo Peat eo 3 839 APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA EER g 3 SUB mee a. 840 PROCESS HEAT TRANSFER Tain 8, ApenoxmcaTs Ovpnazt Desion Conrrrcrants ‘Values include total dirt factors of 0.003 and allowable pressure drops of 5 to 10 psi on ‘the controlling stream Coolers ‘Hot fiuid Cold uid Overall Up Water Water :250-500§ Methanol Water 250-5008 Ammonia, Water 250-5005 Aqueous solutions | Water 250-500§ Light organics* | Water 75-150 ‘Medium organicst | Water 50-125 ‘Heavy organics} | Water 5-75 Gases Water 2-50 Water Brine 100-200 Light organics | Brine 40-100 Heaters ‘Hot fluid Cold duid Overall Up Steam Water 200-7005 Steam ‘Methanol 200-7008 Steam Ammonia, 200-7008 Steam Aqueous solutions: Steam ‘Less than 2.0 ep | 200-700 Steam More than 2.0 ep | 100-600 Steam Light organics 100-200 Steam Medium organies 50-100 Steam Heavy onganies 6-00 Steam Gases 5-504 Exchangers Hot fluid Cold fluid Overall Up Water Water 250-5005 Aqueous solutions | Aqueous solutions | 250-500§ Light organies | Light organies 40-75 Medium organics | Medium organics 20-60 Heavy organics | Heavy organics 10-40 Heavy organics | Light organics 30-60 Light organics | Heavy organics | 10-40 © Ligh organien ore Guide with visoosities of lean then 0.5 centipoito and include benzene, toluene, cctone, etbnnel, methyl ethyl ketone, gasoline, ight Kerosene, and naphtha. ‘f Medium organice have viscosities of 0.5 to 1.0 centipoige and include Kerosene, straw oil, hot gus oil, hhot absorber oll, and some erudes. ‘} Heany organies have viscositica above 1.0 eentipose an reduced orude oils, tars, and aophalts, Dirt faotor 0.001. |] Pressure drop 20 to 20 pi. ‘F Thane mates are greatly influenced by the operating pressure. lade cold gas oll, Iube oils, ful oil, APPENDIX OF CALCULATION DATA ‘Tasue 9, Tuns-sneer Larours (up Counrs) 84 Square Pitch 34 in. OD tubes on 1-in, square pitch ] 1 in. OD tubes on 134-in. square pitch, Shell | Shell iin, |TP|2P) +P] 6P) se] op’, [PP | 2?) +P] op | ar 8 32| 26] 20] 20 8 ma] 16] 14 10 32) 52] 40] 30 10 32| 32| 26) 2 12 si] 76| 68| 68| oo} 12 48| 45] 40] 38] 36 33% | 97] 90] 82] 76] zo] 18% | 61) 56| 52] 48) 44 15@ | 137 | 124/ 116 | 108 | 108 | 15% | 81) 76| 68| 68) 64 317% | 177 | 166 | 168 | 150} 142] 17% | 112| 112} 96| 90] 82 19}, | 224] 220} 204] 192] 188] 19%4 | 188 | 132 | 128 | 122 | 116 21% | 277 | 270 | 246 | 240 | 234] 214 | 177 | 166 | 158 148 2334 | 341 | 324 | 308 | 302 | 202] 23% | 218 | 208 | 192 184 25 413 | 304 | 370 | 356 | 346} 25 260 | 252 | 238 222, 27 4gi | 460 | 432 | 420 | 408 | 27 300 | 288 | 278 260 29 553 | 526 | 480 | 468 | 456] 29 sat | 326 | 300 286 al 667 | 640 | 600 | 580 | 560] 31 406 | 398 | 380 368, 33 749 | 718 | 688 | 676 | 648 | 33 465 | 460 | 432 414 35 845 | 824 | 780 | 766 | 748] 35 522 | 518 | 488 472 37 934 | 914 | 986 | 866] 838] 37 596 | 674 | 562 582 39 {1049 |1024 | 982 | 968} 948} 39 685 | 644 | 624 | 612 } 600 1% in. OD tubes on 194¢-in. square pitch | 124 in, OD tubes on 174-in, square pitch 10 16} 12] 10 12. 30} 24| 22] 16] 16] 12 16] 16] 12} 12 33% | 32| 30] 30| 22] 22) 13% | 22] 22] 16/ 16 15% | 44| 40] 37| 35] a1] 1534 | 29) 29) 25] 24] 22 17 | 58| 88] st| 48] 44] 17% | 39] 39; 34] 32) 29 19% | 78] 73] 71| 64) 56] 19% | 50] 48) 45/ 43| 39 aim | 96; 90/ 83! 2] 7s! aug | 62] 60} 57| 54| 50 23% | 127) 112| 106 | 102] 96/ 23% | 73| 74| 70] 66| 62 25 140 | 185 | 127 | 128] 15} 25 9] 90/ 86] 84] 78 27 166 | 160 | 151 | 146 | 140) 27 u12 | 108 | 102) 98] 94 29 198 | 188] 178 | 174 | 166] 29 131 | 127 | 120 | 116 | 112 aL 226 | 220 | 209 | 202 | 193] 31 isi | 146 | 141 | 138 | 131 33 258 | 252 | 244 | 238 | 226 | 33 176 | 170 | 164 | 160 | 151 35 293 | 287 | 275 } 268 | 258 |. 35 202 | 196 | 188 | 182 | 176 a7 334 | 322 | 311 | 304] 293] 37 224 | 220 | 217 | 210 | 202 39 370 | 362 | 348 | 342 | 336] 39 252 | 246 | 287 | 230 | 224

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