In Search of A Song Volume 303

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Vanessa Gonzalez PRERES ERE RUREEEST §=A Waterways Project Publication % % ‘Vanessa : Richard Spiegel Barbara Fisher Gonzalez codirectors Thomas Perry administrative assistant Miriam Lock Teacher East Brooklyn Congregations School for Public Service in Bushwick Shirley Edwards Principal Stephen E. Phillips superintendent Alternative High Schools & Programs ©1997 Ten Penny Players with funding support from the NY State Council on the Arts Grateful Tam grateful for life Everyday I awake to thank the Lord for this wonderful day with all the pressures of the world today, I thank the Lord for letting me make it through each day. I need him to be my strength, my guide to keep me through the day I thank him for the love that's there, and keep being grateful that I have made it through another day. Worth Working Hard For Hard working people do a lot of things to maintain themselves as for me something to work hard for is my education realizing now that I must go to school Iwill go going to college getting a good job and just knowing that I am doing good for myself makes me feel good that I worked hard for it all Fantasy My fantasy means a lot to me. I fantasize about having a wonderful life. With a good husband beautiful children and my loving family always there I fantasize about this hope pray and just keep fantasizing about my wonderful life. Respect Respect is something to take seriously My mom is serious Respect is something to be proud of My mom is proud Respect is something you treasure My mom is my treasure My mom is a person I respect best friend sister and mother all of these deserves much respect Looking beyond ten years from now to see myself teaching little children hopefully married with children of my own I will be 27 I'm getting older being with family is where I want to be to bring love to each other from then and on Death Thinking today about death and how it affects people of every kind the people seem strong seem to grow weak and people who seem weak try to be strong Death is hard to deal with no matter who it may be but as long as God is with them it will be okay 6 Valentine, sweetheart Admiring one another Loving Everyday together Nice gifts Teddy bears that say I love you Never ending love Everyone's happy Love one another Only one love Vanessa's Everlasting love A personal treasure of mine is a teddy bear that my first love had given me when we first started going out It was Valentines Day I guess it means so much to me because we shared so many times together and that teddy bear started it all I keep that teddy bear close to my heart at all times no matter what it will always hold a special place in my heart. In Search of a Song Volume 303 CETTE ET GE OT a waterways publication

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