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Assessment 3: Individual Presentation (30 points)

Final presentation
- In week 8, you will give a 4-minute presentation in class. The subject of the presentation is you as a beginning communication
professional. For example, think about things such as: Who are you? What is your background? What do you hope to achieve or where
do you hope to end up? What aspects of the profession do you find important or interesting, and what fits you? What is your
perspective on the future? Would you like to end up with a particular kind of company? Are there companies or organisations that you
find interesting or inspiring? Who do you know in the profession? What are your strengths? Etc.
- Make a SPAC analysis of your presentation
- Make a plan of what you want to say (in key words, not a transcript)
- Make a PowerPoint (or Prezi or Keynote)

Self evaluation
- In training session 2, you formulated your individual learning goals. Describe why you chose each learning goal, and what you have
done to try and achieve it during this block.
- Describe to what extent you feel you achieved your learning goals, and explain.
- Describe the feedback you received from your trainer and your buddy. Do you agree? Can you explain their feedback? Did it still apply
to your final presentation? Be specific and use examples (refer to the recording of your presentation).
- Write a conclusion in which you describe what you feel you have mastered (to an extent) and what you want and/or need to improve
or refine. In other words, describe learning goals for the coming year or two. In the second year you will be taught more presentation
skills. But what are you going to do in the meantime to keep practising and improving? Give specific examples.
Assessment 3:
Individual presentation

Prerequisite 1: OTP3a portfolio submission must include presentation SPAC, presentation plan (structure and keywords), and a link to
the filmed presentation on Kaltura. If a Prezi has been used, also include the link to that. If Powerpoint or Keynote
have been used, upload the file along with the OTP3a portfolio.
Prerequisite 2: In order to pass, students must attend the four presentation training sessions and both assessment sessions in week
8. If unable to attend (for a valid reason), students must inform the trainer beforehand.
Prerequisite 3: Insufficient Sufficient Good I/S/G
No analysis or vague analysis Contains clear descriptions and Analysis is in-depth and well-
Self-evaluation must uses concrete examples. considered, from different
be included and must Analysis is somewhat in-depth, perspectives. Clear and
be sufficient. but could be further explored. relevant examples used.

1-2 Points 3-4 Points 5-6 Points Score Max

A. Structure Rudimentary division into Clear division into beginning, Structure supports the 6
beginning, middle and end, but middle and end, but opening presentation effectively. Clear
lacks a proper opening and and/or closing are uninspiring, and consistent use of
closing. No introductory or closing doesn’t refer to signposting and introductory
overview and signposting. opening, or one of the two is overview. Attention grabbing
lacking. or inspiring opening and
[Note: If structure is completely Inconsistent use of signposting corresponding closing.
lacking, 0 points] and introductory overview.
B. Body language and Gestures are not used or hardly Gestures are used from time to Active and natural use of 6
gestures used, or are used time to support the content. gestures to support the
unnaturally(not to support the The student uses the basic content. Active and natural
content). Body language is stance, and generally faces the use of the basic stance.
closed and/or student is not audience.
facing audience. Student does
not use the basic stance.
C. Voice and facial Tone is monotonous (intonation Some variation in use of voice Functional use and variation of 6
expressions and volume), and/or volume is and facial expression to support voice and facial expression to
too low, and/or student message. Sufficient enunciation. actively support content.
mumbles, and/or pace is too Normal pace. Enunciation and pace have
fast (lacking pauses). Voice is been properly adapted to
not used to support public speaking.
content.Lack of variation in
facial expression.
D. Interaction and use Student doesn’t make contact Student makes an effort to Student uses varied 6
of space with the audience, generally interact with the audience and interaction, making real eye
avoiding eye contact. Too much make eye contact, but often contact with individual
focus on the slides, often ends up looking over their heads audience members. Student
turning away from audience. or not really achieving contact. ‘owns’ the space (even if
Doesn’t make use of the space, Makes effort to use the space, generally staying in the same
or is ‘hiding’ in a corner or but does so awkwardly or spot).
behind a desk. unsuccessfully.
E. Clear& compelling Overly complicated or Vocabulary is appropriately Varied vocabulary that is 6
language use inappropriately simple/informal simple and contains limited adjusted to the context and
(vocabulary) vocabulary and/or sentences jargon. Variations in vocabulary. audience. Active sentences.
used. Too much jargon. Active sentences. Use of Use of compelling examples
Incorrect vocabulary. Few examples. and creativity.
examples or appeals to the

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