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Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
A.1.0. Input Design Data
Quantity of Tank Nos. 1
(Tech. Specification)
Diameter, D m 6
D1(Diameter of Bottom Plate) m 6.1
Total Tank Height of Shell, Ht m 7.5
Maximum Design Liquid Level, H1 m 4.1
Effective Design Liquid Height, H2 m 3.7
Gross Capacity, Q1 m3 211.95 As Per GA Drawing
Net Capacity, Q2 m3 115.87
Effective Capacity, Q3 m3 104.6
Specific Gravity, G 1
Design Density of liquid, ρ kg/m3 840
Design Pressure, P (atmospheric + vacuum) kgf/m2 50 CL. Page 22 IS 803
Vacuum Pressure, Vp kg/m2 50
Design Temperature, T °C 80
Operating Temperature, T °C Ambient
Corrosion Allowance, C mm 1.5 (Tech. Specification)
Joint Efficiency Factor, E - 0.85
Radiography Examination As per IS 803
Material of Construction IS 2062 Gr. B
Maximum Allowable working Stress, σa kgf/cm2 1680 Cl. 5.1.1, Page16 of IS 803
Width of Shell Plates, Ws m 1.5
Width of Bottom Plates, Wb m 1.5
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
Width of Roof Plates, Wr m 1.5
Yield Stress Minimum, σy MPa 250 Table 2, Page 4 IS 2062


B.1.0. Calculation of Shell Plate Thickness.

Number of Shell Courses Nos. 5

B.1.1 Thickness of 1st (Lowest) Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/σaxE) + C Page 22 & 23 of IS:803

Course Under consideration, n 1
Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of max. liquid level,
H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) m 7.5
Thickness of 1st Course, t mm 3.02
Hence, Thickness provided for shell course, ts mm 6
Hydrostatic Check St= ((50*D*(H-0.3))/t 360 ≤ 3/7 of UTS = 1786.28

B.1.2 Thickness of 2nd Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/σaxE) + C

Course Under consideration, n 2
Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of max. liquid level,
H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) m 6
Thickness of 2nd Course, t mm 2.7
Hence, Thickness provided for shell course, ts mm 5
Hydrostatic Check St= ((50*D*(H-0.3))/t 312 ≤ 3/7 of UTS = 1786.28

B.1.3 Thickness of 3rd Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/σaxE) + C

Course Under consideration, n 3
Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of max. liquid level,
H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) m 4.5
Thickness of 3rd Course, t mm 2.39
Hence, Thickness provided for shell course, ts mm 5
18 ≤ 3/7 of UTS = 1786.28
B.1.4 Thickness of 4th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/σaxE) + C
Course Under consideration, n 4
Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of max. liquid level,
H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) m 3
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
Thickness of 4th Course, t mm 2.07
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
Hence, Thickness provided for shell course, ts mm 5
Hydrostatic Check St= ((50*D*(H-0.3))/t -48 ≤ 3/7 of UTS = 1786.28

B.1.5 Thickness of 5th Course, t = (50xGxDx(H-0.3)/σaxE) + C

Course Under consideration, n 5
Height from the Bottom of course under consideration to the top of max. liquid level,
H = Ht - ((n-1) x Ws) m
Thickness of 5th Course, t mm 1.76
Hence, Thickness provided for shell course, ts mm 5
Hydrostatic Check St= ((50*D*(H-0.3))/t 0 ≤ 3/7 of UTS = 1786.28

B.2.0 Bottom Plate Thickness.

Thickness provided mm 8
B.3.0 Roof Plate Thickness.

Thickness provided mm 6

B.4.0 Calculation of Design Wind Pressure.

Design Wind Speed, Vz = Vb x k1 x k2 x k3 m/s Cl. 5.3, page 8 of IS:875 (Part 3)
Basic wind speed, Vb m/s 50 Cl 2.3 Annex.-1.1
Probability Factor (Risk Coefficient ), k1 - 1.08 As per Table1 IS:875 (Part 3)
Terrian, height and structure size factor, k2 - 1.05 As per Table2 IS:875 (Part 3)
Topography factor, k3 - 1 Cl. 5.3.3, page 12 of IS:875 (Part 3)
Design Wind Speed, Vz m/s 56.7
Design Wind Pressure, Pd = 0.6 x Vz2 N/m2 1928.934 Cl. 5.4, page 12 of IS:875 (Part 3)
Design Wind Pressure, Pd + Internal Vacuum Pressure (50Kg/m2) kg/m2 246.63

B.5.0 Stability of Tank Shell against External Loads.

from the top curb angle or wind girder that does not buckle under external loading i.e., wind pressure and internal vacuum as follows, Hg=1500t/p x
Average Shell Plate thickness, t mm 5.2
External Pressure acting on tank shell i.e. wind pressure (Pd) + Internal Vacuum
Pressure (50Kg/m2) kg/m2 246.63

Vertical distance between the Bottom Plate and Top curb angle of shell, (Hg) m 25.52
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
Since Hg > Ht, Tank is stable under external loads and hence no wind grider is required.

B.7.0 Selection of Curb Angle on Tank Shell.

As per Clause, Page 26 of IS 803, for a tank of diameter including 6 m, the size of roof curb angle required is ISA 65x65x8 thk. This will be
attached to the upper edge of the external surface of the tank shell. For Checking adequacy refer calculations as per below.
where Ф is roof slope 1:10
Hence, Min. Code size of Curb Angle Provided is ISA 65x65x8 thk with sectional area of 9.76cm2 is adequate.
Weight of ISA 65X65X8 kg/m 7.7

B.9 Weight Calculation for Tank.

Weight of Shell kg 5878.08
Weight of Roof Plate, Wrp kg 1444.14
Weight of Structure, Ws kg 989.1
Weight of Curb Angle kg 145.15
Pontoon Deck 5.7M dia single deck 600mm high kg 4500
Total Weight on Roof of Tank, Wr kg 7078.4
Total Weight of Bottom of Tank, Wf kg 1925.6
Considering Weight of Complete Staircase nozzles & attachments, Wstr kg 700
Approximate Total Weight of EmptyTank, Wtotal kg 15582.1 Theoretical
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
B.10 Wind Load on Tank
As per Cl. 5.11.2, Page 5-77 of API 650:2013, For an Unanchored tank, the overturning moment from wind pressure shall be checked as (0.6Mw +Mpi) &
(Mws +0.4Mpi) < (MDL)/1.5 + MDLR .
Tank full condition not checked since the self empty weight of the tank itself would be quite safe.
Weight resisting the overturning moment of wind (shell), W = Ws + Wstr kg 6578.08
Weight resisting the overturning moment of wind (shell), W N 64531
Wind Pressure on Projected area of Cylinderical surface, W pcl N/m2 1928.934
Vertical wind pressure due to internal Load 50kg/sqm N 13868.56077
Projected Area of Cylinderical Surface, a1 m2 45.12
Wind Force on Tank, Fw = Wpcl x a1 N 87033.51
Height of C.G. of the tank from the top of bottom plate, Hc m 3.75
Now, Overturning Moment from wind force Shell, neglecting pressure on
Nm 326375.6625
conical sloping vertical Roof Mw = (Fw x Hc)
Moment due to Internal Pressure is Pressure x 1*D/2 acting directly (Mpi) Nm 41605.68231
Total Overturning Moment (0.6*Mw + Mpi) Nm 237431.0798 Value is quite safe
Resisting Moment by empty Tank, (WD/2)/1.5+Wr*D/2 Nm 337379.312
Now, Overturning Moment from wind force Shell, Mws = (Fw x Hc) Nm 326375.6625
Second check case of API 650 (Mws + 0.4Mpi) Nm 343017.9354 Safe (cl.

Since, Resisting Moment by the empty Tank, (0.6Mw+Mpi) as well as (Mws +Mpi) is larger than (MDL/1.5 + MDLR), the Tank is stable against Wind Load.

Wind Force on Tank * 0.4 (friction factor) / Self weight of Tank 0.227746387 This is safe against Sliding

B.12 As Per Appendix-E of API 650:2007 addendum (1)

B.12.1 Impulsive natural Period Ti = (1/(2000)1/2) Ci*H*(ρ/E)1/2/(tu/D)1/2 secs 0.041071809 E.4.5.1-1a
Ci from curve Fig E1 for H/D = 0.875 6.1
Elastic Modulus of Steel Mpa 206000
Seismic zone Factor (horizontal acceleration), Z (Zone II) or Sp - 0.36 Refer IS1893 Part I Table 2
Importance Factor, I - 1.75 IS 1893 Part 4 Table 2
Spectral Acceleration for Ti (Sa/g) 2.5 IS 1893 Part 1 Fig 1
Stress Reduction Factor 2 IS 1893 Part 4 Table 2
Seismic zone or Impulsive factor Ai 0.39375
B12.2 Convective sloshing Period Tc=1.8Ks*D^0.5 secs 2.56517898 < 4 = TL
Ks = 0.578/(Tanh(3.68H/D))^0.5) 0.581794407
Factor K 1.5 Factors Q =1: Rwc =2 (Table E4)
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
So = 0.4Ss %g 0.1 E 4.1
S1 = 1.25Sp %g 0.125 E 4.3-1
Ss = 2.5Sp %g 0.25 E 4.3-2
Convective Factor Ac = 2.5*K*Q*Fa*So*(Ts/ Tc)*(I/Rwc) 0.025126171 < Ai as per E.4.6.1-4
Factor Fa with Ss=0.25 1.2 Table E1
Factor Fv for S1=0.125 1.65 Table E2
Ts = Fv*S1/Fa*Ss 0.190972222
The overturning ring wall moment Mrw = [(Ai(Wi*Xi+Ws*Xs+Wr*Xr))2 +
Nm 746702.628
B12.3 (Ac*Wc*Xc)2]1/2
Efect. Impulsive of Product Weight Wi = (1-0.218*D/H)*Wp N 650205.8276

Height from bottom to Centre of lateral Seismic forces Xi = (0.5-0.094*D/H)*H m 1.74168

Total weight of tank shell, Ws N 64531
Height of C.G. of tank shell, Xs m 3.75
Total Weight of tank roof, Wr N 69439.11
Total Height of Tank shell, Ht m 7.5
Effective convective value of Weight Wc = 0.230D/H*(tanh(3.6H/D)*Wp N 175642.6298
Centroid ht. convec. Xc= [1-{cosh(3.6H/D)-1)/((3.67H/D)*sinh(3.67H/D)}]*H m 5.898067746
Ratio of D/H - 0.8 < than 1.333

B.12.4 Resistance to Overturning.

As per Cl. E., Appendix-E of API-650:2007 addend 1, Self Anchored is
dependent on the bottom plate uplift, be determined as, Wa = 99ta x (FbyGeH)0.5, Wa N/m 4665.028183 With Le = 0.035D
shall not exceed 201.1GeHD, or Wa = 5742HGeLs will be considered.
Plate Thickness less Corrosion
Thickness of Bottom Plate less corrosion allowance , ta mm 6.5 Allowance
Minimum Specified Yield stress, Fby (i.e. σy) MPa 250
Design Ge = G*(1-0.4Av) 0.9436
B.12.4.1 Anchorage Ratio J = Mrw/ (((D^2((Wt(1-0.4Av) +Wa-0.4Wint) 1.817912185 > 1.5 clause E.
w t = (Ws+w r)/pi*D) N/m 7107.335078 E.
Wint = (Internal Pressure/ perimmeter) = (50*(area)/ perimeter N/m 735.75
B.12.4.2 Value of Wa = 201.1GeHD (Force resisting Uptlift) N/m 4668.045816 E.
Value of Wa = 99ta x (FbyGeH)^0.5 N/m 20012.64309 E.
Sl. No. Description Unit Values References
Hence the Tank is not safe against Siesmic activity and check for shell compression is required
Hence, the Tank is not safe in overturning. AND SELF ANCHORED
B.13.0 Max. Internal Pressure for Tanks P(kgf/m2) = 4W/(pi*D2) +7.85t mmWc 530.1 Clause 6.0 IS 803
Overturning Force based on Maximum Shell Longitudinal Compression Force at the
B.14.0 base of Shell for Self Anchored tanks are defined as Pf = wt(1+0.4Av) + N/m 33912.43 E6.2.3-2 (SAY 50000N/M)
B.14.1 Value of SDS = Q*Fa* Ss %g 0.3 E2.2
Av = 0.47*SDS %g 0.141 E2.2
Allowable Longitudinal Shell - Membrane Compression Stress in tank shell 'Fc' -
Bottom Course
GHD^2/ t^2 (t is net thickness mm) m 4.1 < 44
Fc = 83ts/2.5D + 7.5(GH)^0.5 Mpa 45.43959591 < 0.5*Fty = 0.5*250MPa
Maximum Shell compression stress at the bottom of the shell with J>0.785, or σc =
B.15.1 Mpa -20.54700568 < Fc
(wt(1+0.4Av) +wa)/(0.607-0.1886(J)^2.3))-w a)*(1/1000*ts)
B.16 Sloshing wave height ∂s= 0.42*D*Af where, Af=2.5*K*Q*Fa*So*(Ts/ Tc) M 0.09 Not applicable Floating roof

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