Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy: September 2016

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Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

Article · September 2016


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Christian Tanushev
University of National and World Economy


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Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

Christian Tanushev* the payment of dividends was usually by

distributing the liquidation share (in cash
or in the form of commodities) after the
successful return of the ships from a
Why do modern corporations pay venture sailing. Over time, dividends were
dividends and how does dividend policy restricted and linked exclusively to the
affect company’s performance remain profits of companies and payments from
controversial theoretical questions in both current earnings and the impairment of the
developed and emerging markets. This paper initial capital were announced illegal. At this
aims to describe concepts and empirical stage through regular dividend distribution
evidence about three of the most widely companies managed to gain investors’
discussed theories: namely the theory of the confidence and to offset the negative
dividend payment preference, the theory of effects of information asymmetry between
irrelevance, and the theory of tax benefits shareholders and managers.
from profit reinvestment. This is a preliminary With the development of capital markets
stage of a study of the dividend policy of and the creation of the first stock exchange
publicly traded companies in Bulgaria. By in Amsterdam and later in London, the
using these theories the future research of number of such companies grew. The
data will be based on the achievements of existence of substantial public debts and
world science and the applied models will the need for their funding in some countries,
be comparable with the results obtained in such as England and the USA, in XVII and
other countries. XVIII century contributed to the development
of the bond market. The guaranteed regular
Key words: dividends, dividend policy, payments of coupons on these instruments
public companies, personal wealth are considered as their major advantage and
the key incentive for investors to buy and
JEL Classification: B26, D31, G32, G35 hold them. Investing in stocks is compared
1. Introduction to purchasing bonds, which requires the
provision of regular dividend payments.

T he development of dividend policy is

closely linked to the evolution of the
corporate form of government in Western
The insufficient control over the
management of corporations, the lack of
transparency about financial information and
Europe and the USA. When the first joint- the prospects of the ventures are the reasons
stock companies were founded at the end why payment of dividends is often preferred
of XVI and the beginning of XVII century to reinvestment of profits by shareholders.
University of National and World Economy, Department of Marketing and Strategic Planning, Studentski Grad "Christo Botev",
1700 Sofia, e-mail:
The publication contains the results of a study financed by the "Scientific research at the University of National and World
Economy" Fund under contract № НИД НИ 1 - 15/2013"

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

This policy is evaluated as a good indicator 2. Theory of the Dividend Payment

of the company’s performance. Preference ("A bird in the hand"
The importance of the question about Theory)
the relevance of dividend policy has
This theoretical model implies that
become even more relevant with the recent
the value of the company (the price of its
development of capital markets that has
shares respectively) is positively related to
led to an increase in their efficiency. Why
and determined by the payout of dividends.
do modern corporations pay dividends and
It argues that with the increase in dividend
how does dividend policy affect company’s
payments in time, the value of company’s
performance and future remain controversial
shares will increase dramatically.
theoretical questions.
John Williams (1938) is one of the first
There are three main alternative theories
economists, who believes that the share
related to dividends:
price is determined by its intrinsic value.
-- Theory of the dividend payment prefer- He concluded: the value of a share is
ence ("A bird in the hand" Theory) - based determined only by the money that it brings.
on the thesis that high dividend payments Therefore, intrinsic value or long-term value
increase the value of the company and of an ordinary share is the sum of the
shareholders’ satisfaction. present value of its expected future net in-
-- Theory of irrelevance (Theory of indiffer- flows in the form of dividends received and
ence to dividend policy) - proves that a the present value of the selling price.
perfect market dividend policy is not rel- Graham and Dodd (1934 cited by
evant to the company and its value and Graham et al., 1962, p. 486-488) developed
does not affect shareholders’ wealth. the following assumption: They claim that a
-- Theory of tax benefit from reinvestment dollar in dividends paid has on average four
times greater impact on the share price than
of profits - postulates that because of
$ 1 in retained earnings. That’s the basis for
the higher tax burden on dividends ver- the idea of determining the share price by
sus capital gains dividend payments usage of dividend multiples.
should be minimized. Key supporters of the theory are James
The main purpose of this work is Walter, Myron Gordon, and John Lintner. They
to describe these three theories: the adopted the logic: if market conditions are
assumptions they are based on, their main uncertain and the information is asymmetric,
arguments and conclusions, and discuss then dividends are evaluated differently from
the empirical evidence, obtained by different capital gains. The concept is summarized
authors. This is a preliminary stage of the by the proverb „a bird in the hand is worth
study on dividend policy of publicly traded two in the bush". The model is based on the
companies in Bulgaria. By using these following assumptions:
theories the future research of data will be -- The company is financed by equity only.
based on the achievements of global science -- There is a perpetual flow of earnings for
and the applied models will be comparable the firm.
with results obtained in other countries. -- Retention ratios for the company are con-
The paper is structures as follows: stant – that implies constant growth rate.
sections 2, 3 and 4 are dedicated to a specific -- Cost of capital (discount rate) is greater
theoretical model. The conclusion wraps it up than the growth rate.
and provides directions for further research. -- Corporate taxes do not exist.

300 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


It is believed that investors prefer safe to maintain dividend payments at certain

dividend payments – cash today (the bird constant levels. He introduced the concept
in the hand) to more risky future capital of sticky dividends: managers consciously
gains – expected appreciation of share keep the amount of dividend payments at
price in the future. The higher the current a level comparable to previously distributed
dividends – the lower investors’ uncertainty dividends. As a result, fluctuations in
of future cash flows. The reduction in risk dividends are much weaker than those of the
leads to a decrease in the required rate of stock price or profits. Lintner is convinced
return on investment for shareholders. As that dividend policy is an important part of
a result, companies with higher dividend corporate governance and decisions about
payout ratio will have a lower cost of capital determining the amount of financial reserves
and respectively higher value of the shares. and retained earnings are dependent on the
Finally, the theory "bird in hand" seeks to size of dividend payments.
prove that high dividend payments maximize To prove his theory, in his next survey
the value of the company. Gordon (1959, pp. 99-105) provided empirical
Gordon and Shapiro (1956, pp. 102-110) evidence by considering three possible
developed the following model to determine hypotheses for the reasons why investors
the value of the company, which is based would buy a certain share. These are: to
on discounting its future dividend payments: receive dividends and capital gains; to receive
only dividends; or to receive only capital
(1) gains. He examined these assumptions
and calculated various regression models
where using data samples from four industries
V0 – present value of a firm (its shares) for two years, namely 1951 and 1954. The
in period t = 0 dividend hypothesis was tested using linear
Dt – total dividend payments, in period t regression of the following type:
rt – discount rate for period t (2)
The model shows that payout of where:
increasingly high dividends over time leads Pit – price of shares of company i in
to an increase in the share price. Payment period t
of dividends reduces the funds available Dit – dividends paid by company i in
for investment, which results in a lower period t
growth rate of dividends. On the other hand, Rit – retained profit by company i in period t
low levels of paid dividends, according to α1 – required rate of return on common
Gordon, lead to higher discount rate. As a shares with no growth (dividend coefficient)
result, the increase in the share price due α2 – price of growth (coefficient of
to the low cost of capital can offset its retained profit)
decline caused by low growth. Nowadays, Gordon’s calculations proved that
the model of Gordon finds application in dividends have a greater impact on the share
financial valuation. Dividend multiples are price than retained earnings. He confirmed
used to determine share value based on the that the required rate of return increases
dividend payments. proportionally to retained earnings due to the
In addition Lintner (1956, pp. 97-113) greater uncertainty of future profits. Fischer
examined dividend policy of a sample of (1961, pp. 121-141) confirmed the same
firms and found out that managers prefer conclusions in his publication that analyzed

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

data from the United Kingdom for the period and retained earnings on the share’s price
between 1949 and 1957. using a sample of 255 American companies
The model does not represent the from eight industries in 1961 and 1962. On
situation appropriately due to its strict the one hand Diamond identified the slight
assumptions. It fails to explain the following confirmation of the thesis that investors
problems. prefer dividend payments to investment
− The variations in the levels of earnings. He even found that in sectors
risk for specific companies from different where the level of growth is relatively high
sectors are not considered. This can lead retention of profits is somewhat more
to an undesired deviation of the dividend preferred to dividends payments. On the
coefficient α1 to higher values. As a result other hand, propensity to distribute dividends
of this inaccuracy risky shares may be prevailed in the more developed sectors with
associated with lower dividends and low low growth. These trends indicate a negative
price, and shares with low risk – with high relationship between company growth and
dividends and high price. dividend payments.1 The results Diamond
-- In the equation it is assumed that growth obtained are a confirmation of the earlier
is a result only from the investment of studies of Friend and Puckett (1964, pp.
retained earnings. The option that the 656-682).
growth that can be achieved by using ex- At the turn of the XXI century a study
ternal financing is ignored. This leads to was conducted by Baker et al. (2002, p.
267-283) that aimed at managers of firms
errors in determining the value of the ratio
traded on the NASDAQ over-the-counter
of retained earnings α2. market in New York. One of the purposes
-- If the company applies a policy of sticky was to evaluate how they perceive and
dividends, then short-term changes in the apply the "bird in the hand" dividend
level of earnings will affect mainly the lev- policy theory. One of the questions in the
el of retained earnings. If stock prices and questionnaire asked the respondents to
dividends are related to the current profit evaluate the statement: "Generally investors
rather than to regular one, these short- prefer paying dividends today rather than an
term fluctuations will distort the result of uncertain future increase in the share price."
the equation in favor of dividends. The total amount of respondents was 186
-- Due to some accounting constraints divi- company executives. From those, a minority,
dends can be measured more accurately only 17.1% agreed with this statement,
54.9% rejected it completely and 28% were
than retained earnings. As a result, the
uncertain or hesitant. This study concluded
ratio of retained earnings α2 is undergoing that the thesis of the theory of investor’s
further deviation to lower values. preference for dividend payments found no
To avoid the above inaccuracies in the support among managers.
results of the equation Diamond (1967, As a result of the publications of Myron
pp. 15-30) developed a regression model Gordon and John Lintner the prevailing
used in the average three-year coefficient view (before the development of the
market value – income per share (Price/ theory of Modigliani and Miller about
Earnings Ratio) for the previous period (t- the neutrality of dividend policy) is that
1). He examined the impact of dividends dividends are important to the welfare of
There is empirical evidence that companies with high growth and investment tend to allocate little or no dividends: Fama, E.,
K. R. French, 2001, pp. 3-43.

302 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


shareholders. It was thought that other Modigliani and Miller are considered
things being equal (ceteris paribus) shares one of the first scientists to apply rigorous
of companies with high dividend payments analytical methods for solving financial
are considered less risky and are sold at problems. The basis for the development
higher prices than those of the companies of the model of irrelevance of dividend
providing low or no dividends, bearing policy is grounded in an earlier publication
higher company’s risks. (Modigliani, Miller, 1958, pp. 261-297)
Subsequently, Franco Modigliani and which demonstrates that under certain
Merton Miller criticized the "bird in the hand" conditions, the total value of the company
theory and claimed that corporate risk is is independent of its capital structure,
the risk associated with operating cash respectively debt/equity ratio. In their initial
flow, and was not influenced by the fact study MM argue that if:
of payments of dividends by the company. -- for the market participants there are pos-
Bhattacharya (1979, pp. 259-270) is even sibilities for effective arbitrage,
more assertive and provided evidence that
-- perfect capital market exists, which in-
actually corporate risk affects the size of
dividends, and not vice versa. Therefore, an cludes zero fees, taxes and bankruptcy
increase in the level of dividends can not costs,
affect corporate risk. -- there is an universal constant rate to lend
However, the claim that the companies and borrow money both for companies
whose future cash flows are uncertain, and investors, and
tend to disburse relatively lower dividend -- unlimited opportunities for credit,
payments is considered viable and is implied then a firm’s debt-equity ratio does not
as justification in some modern theories like affect its market value.
signaling effects and asymmetric information. MM subsequently applied similar
There are a lot of studies2 that provide approaches to analyze the dividend policy.
empirical evidence of a negative relationship Their main thesis is that in perfect capital
between dividends and corporate risk, i.e. markets the value of the company does not
with the increase of corporate risk dividend depend on its dividend policy.
payments decreased. They reiterate their important assumptions
The main thesis of the theory of (Miller, Modigliani, 1961, pp. 412).
preference for dividend payments, i.e. -- Perfect capital market – includes behavior
dividends are preferred by investors to of "price taking" where neither the seller
capital gains, finds its antipode in the theory
nor the buyer can directly influence the
of tax models.
price of the shares; free access to infor-
3. Dividend-Irrelevance Theory mation about prices; zero transaction costs
The concept of dividend-irrelevance and commissions to financial intermediar-
policy was developed by Franco Modigliani ies; lack of tax differentiation between divi-
and Merton Miller (MM) in their 1961 dend payments and capital gains.
publication (pp. 411-433). They refined -- Rational behavior – means that investors
their thesis rejecting the broadly supported are oriented to maximize their wealth
Gordon’s theory that share prices are and do not distinguish between dividends
determined by the level of dividends paid. and capital gains.
See: Rozeff, 1982, pp. 249-259. Jensen et al., 1992, pp. 247-263.

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

-- Transparency of information – suggests of period t, ex-dividend for the period (t-1)

that there is no information asymmetry pt+1 – the price of a share at the beginning
between company’s insiders and external of period (t+1), ex-dividend for the period t.
shareholders, actual data for future cash If we rearrange the equation it is clear
flows and profits are known to investors. that the current stock price (in period t)
-- The joint stock company follows a long- depends on the value of the entitled current
dividend plus the share price for the next
term investment policy that is not influ-
enced by changes in dividend payments.
A major postulate of MM’s theory is that (4)
optimal investment policy of a company is
defined for a long-term period. This provision Based on this relationship we derive
allows stocks and bonds to be treated as the equation for the company’s value in the
equivalent sources of funds. Sometimes current moment t.
we provisionally accept the assumption
that firms are just equity financed (only by (5)
issuing shares), i.e. not using an external
debt capital. where:
Under these pre-conditions, MM use the
Vt – company’s value in period t
following fundamental principle to assess
the company’s value: all outstanding shares nt – number of outstanding shares in
in the market, characterized by the same period t
level of risk, will have the same return (sum Dt – total dividend payable for period t
total of dividends and capital gain per unit (Dt = nt dt)
invested) at any point in time. On perfect pt – the price of a share in period t
capital markets this is achieved through pt+1 – the price of a share in period t+1
the mechanism of arbitration. Given that a re – return on equity per share
set of shares bear equal risk, investors will The value of the company may be
sell shares with lower returns and buy those expressed through its future value in period
with higher returns, to increase their wealth. t+1, less the value of additional shares
As a result of this process, the price of the issued.
first group of shares will decline, while the
second – will increase until the difference in
returns is eliminated. (6)
Under these assumptions MM defined
that the rate of return on equity per share where:
re for each firm is the sum of dividends and Vt+1 – the value of the company in
capital gains divided by the current share period t+1
price. Thus re has a constant value in time: mt+1 – the amount of additionally issued
�� � ���� � �� shares, sold during the period t by ex-
�� = (3) dividend price pt+1 (nt+1 = nt + mt+1)
�� pt+1 – the price of a share in period t+1
where: Given that an investment policy aims
re – return on equity per share; to maximize company’s value, there is a
dt – dividend per share paid in period t relationship between the additionally issued
pt – the price of a share at the beginning shares and dividends paid by the company.

304 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


Entirely internal financing of investment own disposable cash by selling a portion of

projects leads to reduced net profit by shares they hold, and bypass the dividend
the value of investments. In the model of policy of companies. That way required cash
MM residue is used entirely for dividend to finance current consumption depends on
payments. If the total amount of dividends investors’ will. When the shareholder does
exceeds this residue, additional financing not spent that money immediately he can
will be required. Assuming there is just reinvest cash received from company’s
equity financing, the required funds will be "homemade" dividends.
obtained by new issue of shares. This means Gordon (1963, pp. 264-272) formulated
that the sum of investments and dividend his theory by challenging the assumption
payments equal the sum of net profit and of MM that the discount rate may have
the proceeds from the sale of new shares. a constant value. He argues that the
Therefore, the described close relationship company’s dividend policy may change
between the amount of newly issued shares the level of risk or uncertainty about future
and dividends paid may be expressed by dividends perceived by investors’, which in
incorporating the level of investments It and turn should lead to an alteration in the return
net profit Xt, as follows: on the shares. In general his arguments can
(7) be regarded as precursors of the theory of
information asymmetry.
When we substitute from equation (7) Brennan’s (1971, pp. 1115-1121) and
the equal term in equation (6) the final result Rubinstein’s (1976, pp. 1229-1230) studies
will be:

where: examined Gordon’s option for a company

It – the value of current investments in to retain part of its net profit and invest the
period t money in projects with zero net present
Xt – net profit of the company in period t value (NPV). They compare it to the
From equation (8) it becomes obvious approach of full allocation applied by MM
that the value of the company does not in the form of dividends of the amount of
depend on dividends (Dt), but on the level net profit, which is not predetermined as
of investments It and net profit Xt. This is an investment. Rubinstein proves that both
the mathematical proof of MM’s dividend approaches will lead to equal value of free
irrelevance theory in perfect markets. cash flows. Therefore, in a perfect financial
Under these assumptions the value of the market the models of MM and Gordon
company is determined by its investment provide equal value for shareholders, which
policy and its ability to generate profits. This does not depend on dividends. MM prove
relationship results in the residual dividend that whether the investor receives dividends
theory, according to which the amount of the and/or capital gains the total return for him
dividend is equal to the residue of the profit, will be the same.
which was not invested. More recent research papers by DeAngelo
Based on the theory of MM the concept and DeAngelo (2006, pp. 293-315) question
of "homemade" dividends was introduced. It the theory of neutrality of dividend policy by
describes investors’ ability to determine their pointing out that the model of MM requires
that the company distribute as dividends all

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

the available free cash flow that remains from leading factor in creating corporate value. In
net profit after financing the investment policy. certain conditions, residual dividends can be
They seek to whitewash the importance of applied as a manifestation of dividend policy.
dividend policy and discuss the observed Since cash flows depend on the return on
practice of managers to retain part of the free investment, the only way to increase corporate
cash flow and to direct it towards investments value is to invest in projects with positive net
with a negative NPV. present value (Al-Malkawi et al., 2010).
In their subsequent publication, Because of the strict assumptions it is
DeAngelo and DeAngelo (2007, pp. 11-27) based on, MM’s theory remains an idealized
concede that the optimal corporate policy is model not applicable in its entirety in practice
to allocate the full amount of free cash flow due to a number of market imperfections in
to investors in the form of dividends. the real world. However, the significance of
In their latest research o the dividend this fundamental theory is undeniable and it
policy DeAngelo et al. (2008, p. 105-109), is used as a basis for further development of
conclude that in practice market failures the knowledge of the dividend policy.
(asymmetric information, agency costs and A wide array of contemporary theories
others) are the most important factors that consider market failures as the main reason
determine the managerial decisions about for the significance of the dividend policy.
how much of free cash flow should be Lease et al. (1999) and Baker et al. (2002,
distributed or retained. pp. 241-261) divide the market imperfections
The findings of DeAngelo and DeAngelo into two groups: the large three and the
are considered controversial, but criticism small three. The group of three major
towards their conclusions is usually followed imperfections includes: taxes, information
by their new publications. One of their asymmetry and agency costs. In the second
critics, Berlingeri (2006), proves the thesis group there are: transaction costs, public
that partial retention of free cash flow will not offering expenditure and behavioral issue.
reduce the value of the company, because The study of these market imperfections
of the risk-free arbitrage opportunities. led to the development of new theoretical
In addition Magny (2010, pp. 232-247) explanations about the importance of the
proves mathematically that the irrelevance dividend policy for corporate governance.
of dividend policy applies even when
4. Models of Tax and Clients’ Effects
managers do not pay the entire free cash
flow in the form of dividends and retained Different theoretical models about the
funds are invested in projects with zero net potential effects of various determinants of
present value (NPV = 0). He stated that if dividend policy were developed in order to
there are agency problems, then managers reveal the secret of the "dividend puzzle"
could invest unallocated funds in projects (Black, 1976, p. 5): what is the underlying
with negative net present value, and in such cause for managers to pay dividends to
cases the dividend policy is significant. shareholders. Some of these theories lay
In conclusion, the mathematical proof special emphasis on tax preferences and
confirms that the theory of MM about customer effects.
neutrality of the dividend policy as part of the In practice, very often individual investors
neoclassical school of economics is valid in a are taxed with a higher tax on dividends
perfect capital market. Investment policy is the than on capital gains3. Additionally, taxes on
In Bulgaria, according to the current legislation, in 2014 dividend payments are subject to withholding tax at the rate of 5%,
and capital gains realized on the BSE – Sofia, are not taxable.

306 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


dividends are to be paid immediately, while that companies limit or completely termi-
taxes on capital gains (if any) are paid only nate the provision of cash dividends. Pub-
after the shares are sold. This suggests that lications of Farrar and Selwyn (1967, pp.
to maximize the wealth of its shareholders, 444-454), Brennan (1970, pp. 417-427),
companies should not pay dividends. Litzenberger and Ramasvami (1979, pp.
Therefore, to avoid payment of high taxes on 163-195), and many others are cited in
distributed corporate profits by shareholders,
support of tax-adjusted models.
companies must use share buybacks. Thus
-- Tax-avoidance models: Miller and Scholes
the theory of tax effects4 explains the
(1978, pp. 333-364; 1982, pp. 1118-1141),
reason why investors and companies should
Kalay (1982, pp. 1059-1070), Kalay and
generally avoid cash dividends. According
Michaely (2000, pp. 55-75) and others claim
to the theory upholders, little or no dividend
that no indication of a change is observed
payments will reduce the cost of capital and
in investors’ behavior depending on whether
will lead to an increase in the share prices
the shares are carriers of cash dividends
of the company.
or not. Moreover, the taxation of dividend
In their theory of dividend-irrelevance
payments is seen as a factor insignificantly
policy Modigliani and Miller (1961, pp. 431-
influencing investment decisions. They deny
432) prove that in a perfect market the
the existence of a relationship between divi-
dividend policy is irrelevant, as the value of the
dend payments and taxes.
company and the welfare of its shareholders
In tax effects theory one of the important
are not determined by these decisions. But
issues to be considered is whether investors
one of their assumptions is the lack of taxes.
are indifferent to choosing between
On the other hand, if dividend payments and/
dividends and share buybacks. In response
or capital gains are taxed, shareholders, as
to this question Farrar and Selwyn (1967,
rational investors, would prefer to receive the
pp. 444-454), supported by Myers (1967, pp.
income which is taxed at a lower rate. In his
455-462), expand MM‘s model with income
famous publication MM pay attention to that
tax (1963, pp. 433-443), considering both
impact, consider taxes as primarily systemic
corporate and personal taxes. They use
imperfection of capital markets, and mention
the model of partial equilibrium, assuming
the possible effects of the tax clientele.
that investors seek to maximize their net
The models revealing the connection
income. To make a choice between the two
between dividends and taxation can be
alternatives: cash dividends or repurchase,
classified into two distinct groups, as defined
an investor needs to calculate which one
by Frankfurter et al. (2003, pр. 81-87).
brings a higher net income.
-- Tax-adjusted models: investors, consid- If the company decides to distribute its
ering the tax effect, will require shares earnings in the form of cash dividends, the
carrying cash dividends to have higher shareholder will receive the following income
returns. In this case the planned dividend per share after payment of taxes:
payments should be high enough to en-
sure the required level of net income to (9)
shareholders after taxation. As a conse- where:
quence investors tend to pay lower prices Zd – potential net income of the investor
for shares carrying cash dividends. Ac- from cash dividends per share after
cording to these models it is advisable deducting all taxes
The theory is called also: tax differentiation theory; tax preferences theory, and theory of minimization of cash dividends.

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

Xt – operating income per share of the -- When tp > tg, then Zd < Zg and the inves-
company tor can maximize his income, preferring
Dc – corporate debt, attributable to one capital gains over dividends.5
share Finally Farrar and Selwyn reached the
Dp – personal debt, attributable to one conclusion that when the tax burden on
share cash dividends is greater than on capital
tc – the corporate tax rate gains no cash dividends should be paid in
tp – personal tax rates on dividends to order to maximize net income to investors.
Repurchase of shares is proposed to be
individual shareholders
used as a substitute for cash dividends.
k – interest rate on debt, which is A number of studies assessed the impact
considered to be the same for corporations of personal taxes on dividends using Capital
and individuals. Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) by adding
When the company repurchases its own additional variable representing the price of
shares, the shareholder will receive income, the dividend component. If the coefficient
which is taxed as a capital gain, according to of the dividend factor is positive, the results
the following equation: are in compliance with tax-adjusted models

where: and theory of tax differentiation – reported

Zg – potential net income of the investor returns from dividend-bearing shares are
from capital gain per share after deducting higher. If the coefficient is zero, then tax-
all taxes avoidance models apply.
tg – personal tax rate on capital gains of Brennan (1971, pp. 1115-1121) used
the individual shareholder CAPM in order to develop the concept of
Equation (10) can be represented as Farrar and Selwyn within the overall market
follows: equilibrium. The results from his work

By comparing of equations (9) and (11) (positive coefficient of dividend factor)

one will find out that the size of the potential supported their conclusion. This model,
net income of the investor depends on the conjoining dividends, taxes and return on
amount of personal tax rates on dividends (tp) shares, is attributed to compliance with
and personal tax rates on capital gains (tg) of tax-adjusted models and is under scrutiny
the individual investor. There are three options. from a number of studies that lead to
-- When tp < tg, then Zd > Zg and rational in- conflicting results.
vestor would prefer to receive his income Thus, for example, Black and Scholes
in the form of cash dividends rather than (1974, pp. 1-22), Miller and Scholes (1982,
capital gains. pp. 1118-1141), and Hess (1983, pp. 537-554)
-- When tp = tg, then Zd = Zg the investor have reported negligible or negative values of
would be indifferent whether he will re- the coefficient of dividend factor. They claim
ceive income in the form of cash divi- that there is no link between stock prices and
dends or capital gains. dividends and support tax-avoidance models.
Such is the case in Bulgaria at the end of 2015

308 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


Later on, Litzenberger and Ramasvami tax avoidance. Feenberg (1981, pp. 265-
(1979, pp. 163-195, 1982, pp. 429-443) 269), Peterson et al. (1985, pp. 267-282)
expanded the model of Brennan and confirmed that the shareholders continue
found a significant positive dividend factor, to pay considerable amounts in taxes on
which supports the theory of tax-adjusted dividend income and do not seek to minimize
effects. Subsequently, their findings are them. These results question the importance
criticized by Miller and Scholes (1982, of the tax effects for investors and whether
pp. 1118-1141), and Kalay and Michaely and how often taxes affect their investment
(2000, pp. 55-75) respectively. They decisions.
explained the results obtained with the
5. Dividends Clientele Models
impact of information effect.
The contradictory results raise questions Investors, subject to higher tax rates, are
about the appropriate method of analysis. strongly biased against dividend taxation.
The inadequacy of the methods used for Their rational choice is to buy stocks bearing
analysis, which lead to conflicting results zero or minimum dividends. On the other
may be due to the following: hand, shareholders with low tax burden will be
-- The selection of the corresponding linear attracted to stocks that provide higher cash
model (Blume, 1980, pp. 567-577; Elton te dividends. This difference in preferences
al., 1983, pp. 135-146). caused by different taxation creates the so
-- The selection of the market sample for called tax clientele. According to the clientele
effect, as discussed by Berk and DeMarzo
testing (Roll, 1977, pp. 129-176).
(2013, pp. 245-280), the dividend policy of
-- The impact of information effects. the company has to optimize the pressure
Tax-adjusted models are also criticized of taxation pursuant to the characteristics of
as incompatible with rational behavior its investors.
(Frankfurter et al., 2003, р. 83). According Allen and Michaely (cited in
to Miller and Scholes (1978, pp. 333-364), Constantinides et al., 2003, pp. 337-429)
individual investors should be indifferent to distinguish two main types of tax-clientele
whether they receive dividends or capital models depending on the impact on
gains, because they can avoid tax on this informational effects.
income. They argue that the tax burden on -- Static clientele models. These include
cash dividends can be avoided by spending the previously described model of Mod-
the dividend income to cover the interest on igliani and Miller whereby companies are
the loan that is invested in tax-exempt life motivated to offer shares to minimize tax
insurance or pension funds. For example, if burdens for their clients. Then, when mar-
the investor has € 5000 income from cash ket equilibrium is reached, because of
dividends to defer payment of taxes on the lack of additional opportunities to re-
that amount, he can borrow from lending duce the tax burden, all companies will be
institution €  100,000 at 5% interest and equally evaluated. In the particular case
invest the amount in an insurance policy that studied by Farrar and Selwyn, Brennan,
pays 5% interest. Thus interest of €  5000 etc., when all investors are subject to the
on credit will be covered with money from same tax rate on cash dividends, which is
dividends and the payment of the tax due is higher than that of capital gains, the most
deferred until the withdrawal of money from favourable policy for the company is to
the insurance policy. In practice, however, refrain from payment of cash dividends.
shareholders rarely resorted to this form of Other things being equal, companies that

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

pay high dividends will get lower assess- Elton and Gruber’s (1970, pp. 68-74)
ment compared to the respective compa- mathematical model is based on taxes and
nies with low or zero dividends. is an eloquent example of dynamic clientele
-- Dynamic clientele models. The trend, models. Using statistical data they found a
documented by Campbell and Beranek positive relationship between the dividend
(1955, pp. 125-228), for the share price income from a share and the relative drop in
to decline on the ex-dividend date to a price on the ex-dividend date. They argued
lesser extent than the amount of the cash that the ex-dividend date stock prices are
dividend is used as a reference point for at such a level that marginal long-term
the development of these models. In these investors are indifferent whether they will
models, in addition to the theory of the ex- buy or sell before or after this date. They
istence of tax clientele, the hypothesis of confirmed the conclusion of Modigliani and
the existence of investor clientele gener- Miller that investors with high tax burden
ated by transaction costs is considered. prefer stocks with low dividend income,
Transaction costs affect dividend policy while investors with smaller tax obligations
twofold: by investors’ securities portfolio and choose stocks with high dividend income.
by financial policy. This hypothesis is confirmed not only for
First, transaction costs are associated the US market, but also for other countries
with the sale of shares or reinvestment of in the world (Isaksson and Islam, 2013,
funds from investors. For example, shares pp.73-88).
bearing dividend will be preferred by Later on, new hypotheses emerge to
investors who rely on this income to maintain explain the ex-dividend behavior of stock
or increase current consumption because prices with market microstructure (Bali
the provision of funds through the sale of and Hite, 1998, pp. 127-159; Frank and
shares may involve significant transaction Jagannathan, 1998, pp. 161-188) or by short-
costs. However, wealthy investors who prefer term trading of brokers (Kalay, 1982, pp.
capital gains over dividends will buy adequate 1059-1070).
stocks to avoid transaction costs associated Elton et al. (2005, pp. 579- 586) rejected
with the reinvestment of dividends. the allegation of market microstructure.
Second, the dividend policy affects The second hypothesis, known as
the capital structure of the company. dividend-capture theory, postulates that
Sometimes the payment of dividends can brokers, using short-term trading around
be partially financed through a new issue ex-dividend date, can achieve arbitrage
of shares or by borrowing. The firm will profits if they pay minimum transaction
bear the expenditures of new issue or the costs and their dividend tax does not
costs to service the loan. If these costs are exceed the tax on capital gains. This
significant, then the company‘s management hypothesis fails to fully explain the ex-
will be tempted to use mostly their own dividend behavior of stock prices. A
internal financial resources and refrain from market research by Dutta et al. (2004)
paying out dividends. Transaction costs affect conducted in Canada developed the idea
dividend policy in a similar manner as taxes and claimed that this could be achieved by
on dividends. As a result, the hypothesis of combining theories of short-term trading
the existence of clientele due to transaction and tax effects.
costs arises. The company must comply Another group of theoretical models
with these costs, mainly by following stable explores how changes in the tax burden on
and consistent dividend policy. income from dividends affect the share price of

310 Economic Alternatives, Issue 3, 2016


the companies that pay or do not pay dividends. -- For the British market studies are also avail-
The hypothesis stating that when the tax on able supporting the hypothesis that reduc-
dividends drops (to or below the rate of tax on tion of the tax burden on dividends leads to
capital gains) the demand for dividend-bearing a rise in the price of shares providing divi-
shares from investors will rally is formulated, dends (Bond et al., 1996, pp. 320-333).
and the market price of the company paying In the course of the analysis of the
dividends will soar. Respectively, companies responses of firms arising from changes in
will be encouraged to start or increase the dividend tax rate, some authors (Holmen et
payment of cash dividends. al., 2008, pp. 1860-1869; Perez-Gonzales,
Examples discussed are mostly from 2003) recognize the role of majority
the market history of the United States owners in determining the dividend policy.
and Western European countries. When They conclude that after the tax reforms
changes in the tax treatment of dividends companies usually adjust their dividend
are more significant, the researcher is able policy according to tax preferences of their
to explore more profoundly the importance major shareholders. Favoring the majority
of tax effects on dividend policy. owner to minority shareholders is the main
Some of the studies did not find arguments agency problem. Although the dividend tax
in favor of the hypothesis. Another group of is considered to be a secondary factor
research papers have reached conclusions in determining dividend policy, it has a
that support it. Some of these studies are leading role in shaping corporate share
mentioned below. structure. At the macroeconomic level the
-- The results observed following the de- taxation of dividends is a major obstacle
crease in the tax rate on dividends in to the formation of pyramid groups of
2003 in the US6 are as follows. With the intercompany participation in ownership,
rise of expectations that the tax burden on which will detriment competition and favor
dividends will be diminished – the price of the rich social stratum (Morck, cited in
shares carrying dividend rally. (Auerbach Poterba, 2004, pp. 135-179).
and Hassett, 2005; Auerbach and Hassett, The existence of tax clientele could
2006, pp. 119-123). When the legislation is affect dividend policy in several ways.
adopted – a growth in the number of non- On the one hand, higher tax rates on cash
financial companies starting to pay out dividends versus those on capital gains lead
dividends is observed (Chetty and Saez, to lower demand for dividends from investors,
2005, pp. 791-833; Chetty and Saez, 2006, which encourages corporations to use to a
pp. 124-129). Finally, tax cuts on dividends greater extent the redemption of shares.
are not of primary importance in determin- On the other hand, the tendency to reduce
ing the dividend policy of companies. (Brav taxes on dividends in the US and Europe to
et al., 2008, pp. 611-624). levels comparable with taxes on capital gains
-- The majority of researchers who ana- could lead to increased demand for dividend
lyze changes in the taxation of dividends from investors and provide an incentive for
in Canada, found arguments support- companies to payout cash dividends.
ing the theory of tax effects (Booth and The existence of the effect of tax
Johnston, 1984, pp. 457-476; McKenzie clientele increases companies’ value for a
and Thompson, 1995, pp. 463-472). particular group of investors, by conducting
Under the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (JGRRA), adopted in 2003 by the US Congress, the maximum tax
burden on cash dividends decreased from 35% to 15%, and on long-term capital gains - from 20% to 15%.

Articles Theoretical Models of Dividend Policy

appropriate dividend policy that satisfies policy. Thus they offer a model that connects
investors’ preferences better than other the model of the tax effects with the agents’
companies. theory and signaling theory.
For example, firms from emerging Frankfurter and Wood (2003, р. 86)
industries that typically pay no or low consider that the fundamental tax system
dividends will attract customers who prefer affects dividend policy of companies. They
capital gains over dividends – for example, claim that empirical analyses support to a
wealthy investors, those who will be forced larger extent tax-adjusted models than tax-
to pay high taxes on dividends and that avoidance ones. Under tax-adjusted models
do not need dividends to finance current high dividend income that is associated with
consumption. Conversely, companies significant tax liabilities is inherent to the
that pay significant cash dividends due to shares the market price of which secure
reaching the maturity stage of their life cycle higher expected return. They confirm the
or the lack of investment opportunities, etc., thesis that a rational shareholder expects
will attract customers (institutional investors, higher returns from stocks paying dividends
pensioners, investors with low tax rates on to offset the tax expense.
dividends) who prefer high dividends. As one of the first theories that justifies
An important consequence of the effect the existence and importance of the dividend
of tax clientele for the managers of the policy, the hypothesis of tax effects is
companies is that the dividend policy of characterized by a number of deficiencies.
the company must be clearly defined and It received controversial support from the
consistently applied. The aim is to meet scientific community, which shows its
the expectations of its shareholders, who limitations in the detection of "dividend
rarely welcome unexpected changes. Thus puzzle". The tax effect on dividends is
corporations must adapt to the needs only regarded as the most economically rational
of their own clientele, according to investors’ exogenous factor, though it cannot be
financial needs and tax status. proven as a significant determinant of
Allen, Bernardo and Welch7 claimed the corporate dividend policy. Largely, this is
effects of clientele are one of the reasons due to the influence of other determinants
for the existence of dividend policy. They of dividend policy, such as information
argue that many institutional investors, such asymmetry, the relationship between agents
as pension funds, prefer to invest in dividend- (managers, shareholders and creditors) and
bearing shares because they have minimal other factors, the subject of research in the
tax burdens on dividends as opposed to following theoretical models.
individual investors. Similarly, the "quality"
6. Conclusion and Further Research
companies through the payment of dividends
will seek to attract institutional clients who The emergence of capital markets in
as professional investors are better informed developing countries is considered a factor
by minority shareholders and can more that promotes market economy and supports
accurately assess the value of a share. The the availability of financing for companies.
researchers mentioned also the asymmetry Investors’ confidence is based on expected
of information they observed in practice future incomes. Dividend policy of public
and the role of various shareholders and companies influences the decisions of
governing bodies in shaping the dividend shareholders. The last decade of twentieth

Allen, F., A. Bernardo, I. Welch, "A Theory of Dividends Based on Tax Clienteles", Journal of Finance, 55(6), 2000, p. 2531.

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