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Teacher: - Good morning beautiful Grade 8 learners in Homeroom Guidance!

I am grateful to
bring you to another day of learning. You will be watching this episode of Homeroom
Guidance 8 Quarter 1 Week 4. So, be ready as we explore the wonderful world of discovering
 I am teacher Nieva and I will be with you for the next thirty minutes for the lesson
that we will be discussing today with the title, “Brace Yourself!”
 But before we will load our minds with the immanent lesson for today, let us first
refresh ourselves with the ideas we explored last meeting.
 Last meeting, we have discussed on how to determine the importance of oneself as
part of the family and community. Family is important because it provides love,
support and a construction of principles to each of its people. And, also, the
society to promote good and happy life for its individuals.
 So, that’s all for the review of our previous lesson. Now, are you ready to begin
our lesson today? Get up, and let’s start!
 But before we will start, I want you to think these questions.
 In your opinion, what is self-discipline? (2-3 seconds pause)
 And why is it important? (2-3 seconds pause)
 You can write your answers and decide later whether you still have the same
opinion after discussion.

 In our discussion today, we will be using some unfamiliar words that we need to
make ourselves be familiar with. Let us now start.
 The first word is SELF-CONTROL.
 SELF-CONTROL is the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions
and desires or the expression of them in one’s behaviour, especially in difficult
 The second word is SELF-REGULATION.
 SELF-REGULATION refers to the ability to manage disruptive emotions and
 The third word is WILLPOWER.
 WILLPOWER control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.
 The fourth word is RESOLVE.
 RESOLVE is to settle or find a solution to a problem
 Every day we experience different kind of problem, it may be small or big
problems. So, we must have a self-discipline.

 SELF-DISICIPLINE is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work
hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to
 Self-discipline allows you to stay focused on your goals. It enables you to stay in
control of yourself and of your reaction to any situation.
 Self-discipline is like a muscle: the more you train it, the stronger you become.
 Lack of discipline can cause low self-esteem.
 Self-discipline is the ability to take control of yourself particularly your behaviour,
emotions and impulses from committing thoughtless and irrational behaviour.
 Most of the time, emotions direct people’s actions or behaviour. For example, if
we are happy, we tend to smile, we do simple acts of celebration, or even shared
to our friends and family why we are happy. When we are sad, we tend to isolate
ourselves from people, we don’t have energy to do our modules.
 Managing emotion is a good skill which forms part of self-discipline.

 So, here are some pointers to manage your emotions. Do you want to know it?
 First, recognize your emotions. We must be mindful on how we feel on a certain
situation. For example, however thoughts about school work come to mind, how
do you feel about it? (2-3 seconds pause)
 It is very important for you to differentiate your thoughts from emotions.
 Thoughts are usually ideas while emotions are feelings.
 Remember, emotions have positive and negative and both are normal part of your
 Second, the next thing to do is to name your emotions.
 Whenever there is a situation at home or even in the community, can you name
your feelings? (2-3 seconds pause)
 With our current crisis which is the COVID-19 Pandemic, what do you feel? (2-3
seconds pause)
 With the distance-learning modality, what feelings best describe you now? (2-3
seconds pause)
 You may say, “I feel… happy, sad, excited, energized, scared, etc.”
 Next is, describe the intensity of your emotions.
 It is important to know how your emotion looks like or sound like?
 Some people say that we are not supposed to make decisions at the height of our
 For example, when you are too happy and somebody asks you a favour, you tend
to say “yes” easily without thinking of the consequences.
 The fourth is try to understand what your emotion are telling you as it gives you
clues or messages.
 Appreciate how and why you felt it and if it needs certain actions.
 For example, if someone makes you angry, do you need to act on it? (2-3 seconds
 Or can you just feel and let it go after?
 Lastly, is to take time to be with your emotions and try not to make it cloud your
 Remember, your thoughts and feelings are two different things though they are
 Those are just some pointers to manage your emotions. How about you? Did you
experience one of the pointers? This time let us see how well you learned from
our discussion. Get your activity notebook and pen for our quiz today.
 This is what you will do in our quiz today.
 You have to identify the behaviours shown on the picture. Write DISCIPLINE OR
NO SELF-DISCIPLINE on your activity notebook. I will give you 2 minutes to
answer the test. Are you all set?

 Member 1: “I can’t play video games today because I have a test tomorrow.”
 Member 2: “I’m going to do homework without being reminded by mom and
 Member 3: “I’m going to be noisy while mom is having an important call.”
 Member 4: “I’m going to dress myself up and even tie my shoelace on my own.”
 Member 5: “I’m going to save my allowance so I can buy a book.”

(Insert Graphics Clock ticking)

(Clock ticking 2 minutes)
(Bell Ringing)

 Now let us see if you got all the answer right. Are you ready? The answer to the
test are:
 The answer for number 1 is DISCIPLINE
 Check your paper if you got it right because the answer for number 2 is
 I hope you get another check for number 3 because the answer is NO
 Two items left. Let us make it one! The answer for number 4 is
 For the last item, there is no other answer but – DISCIPLINE.

 So how was it? Did you get a perfect score? (pause) WOW! Give yourselves a
“Hooray” applause for that!
 Now for your assignment, choose a family or household member and try to
compare your responses on the following situation. Write your answers on your
activity notebook with the following template:


1. The number of COVID-
19 cases is increasing in
your barangay.
2. Your family member
broke something that is of
great value to you
without any apology.
3. You are being aged as a
liar in your family.
4. Your friend revealed your
secret that he/she sworn
to keep between the two
of you.
5. You failed an important
test in school.

(Show the table)

 Number 1: the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing in your barangay.

 Number 2: your family member broke something that is of great value to
you without any apology.
 Number 3: you are being aged as a liar in your family.
 Number 4: your friend revealed your secret that he/she sworn to keep
between the two of you.
 Number 5: you failed an important test in school.

 That ends another episode of fun-filled journey we have in understanding yourself

more. I really had so much fun and I hope that you will all remember the things that
we discussed today. See you again on the next journey and always keep yourself clean
and safe. God bless us all.

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