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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Monitored: _________________________________ District: _________________

School Head: ______________________________________ Cell No.: _________________
Learning Modalities to be implemented (enumerate as many):

Directions: Check either Yes or No based on the observed elements found in column
1. If No, state the challenges met by the school. Write also noteworthy actions taken by
the school. If the element is not applicable, please indicate N/A.
Actions Taken
Not Challenges
Particulars Evident by the
Evident Met

Key Dimension 1: Safe Operations

1 The school has a regular schedule

for school-wide disinfection.

2 The school has a regular schedule

for disinfection of learning kits.

3 Classrooms are accustomed as

pick-up and drop-off sites.

4 The school has established

frontdesk with protective
partition/windows to cater
frontline services.

5 Signages, floor markings,

sanitizers, hand-washing facility
and foot bath are available.

6 Temperature scan and recording of

recent travel history at entry points
are evident.

7 The school has continuously

adopted the AWA per DO 11, s.

8 The school has regular schedule for

monitoring personnel’s hygienic
practices and observance to
minimum health protocols.

Key Dimension 2: Focus on Learning

9 Teaching loads are properly

distributed per DO 16, s. 2009
(Guidelines for the Implementation
of CSC Resolution No. 080096 on
Working Hours for Public School

1 The school has finalized their class

📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
📞 (085) 839-5456
0 program and class organization
relative to their existing resources.

1 Teachers have softcopies of their

1 SLMs.

1 Teachers have crafted their Weekly

2 Home Learning Plan.

1 Teachers have oriented how to use

3 the Learning Management System
(for ODL implementers only)

1 Textbooks are mapped for pairing

4 with LAS for Printed MDL

Key Dimension 3: Hiniusang Pag-alagad Para sa EduKalidad

1 Teachers have developed authentic

5 assessments.

1 The school has strategized the

6 administration of summative
assessments and periodic

1 The school has strategized regular

7 monitoring to their learners during
their remote learning.

1 The school has conducted an LDM

8 dry run.

Key Dimension 4: Reaching the Most Marginalized

1 The school has conducted a

9 community or parent orientation
on LDM implementation.

2 Learning materials, learning

0 platforms, information, services
and facilities are accessible to the
marginalized group.

2 Public information and

1 communication are available in
multiple and accessible formats.

Key Dimension 5: Well-being and Protection

2 The school has conducted de-

2 stressing mechanisms to support
the mental and psychosocial well-
being of learners and teachers.

Key Dimension 6: Education Financing

2 The school implements No

3 Collection Policy and does not
require parents to augment lacking
bondpapers and other LR

2 The school strengthens its

4 partnership with stakeholders in
the delivery of LDM and/or in the
reproduction of SLMs and other

📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
📞 (085) 839-5456
Directions: Ask the following open-ended questions to the school head/respondent
and record their responses in the space provided
1. What specific AWA is implemented in your school? ________________________________
2. How the school conducted non-contact de-stressing activity to the learners?
3. Where did the school establish its pick-up/drop-off sites? What are security
measures the school will employ during its operation? _______________________________
4. What is the planned remote monitoring strategy of the school to monitor learner’s
home-based and self-learning? ______________________________________________________
5. Complete the enrollment and SLM reproduction table below:

Enrollment (LESF- No. of No. of SLMs No. of readily-

Grade Level tagged) Reproduced Ready for available
Male Female SLMs Distribution Digitized SLMs


6. Where did the school download its SLMs? _______________________________

Agreement and commitment clauses:

I, __________________________, agree to revisit the non-evident items
reflected in this tool based on the observations, findings, and suggestions of
the monitoring personnel. I commit that all applicable preparations herewith
will be evident during the re-inspection on _________________.

School Head’s Name and Signature
📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
📞 (085) 839-5456
Monitored by:

_______________________________ ________________________________
Name and Signature Date

📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
📞 (085) 839-5456

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