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Encounter The

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Many businesses in the Philippines are continuously running on fumes because they don't
value material management and don't prioritize scarce resources. When it comes to materials,
organization frequently fails due to a lack of decorum. Some sectors rely on specific resources,
and in today's environment, there may be minor or major roadblocks. The study identified the
pandemic's impact, which determines the capabilities of various Philippine organizations. As a
result of the foregoing, it was advised that the investigation be supported by credible recorded data
of materials. The goal of this research is to determine how organizations handle or address certain
difficulties, like as the recent pandemic, and whether they are able to cope with or break down the
position industries.

The world was in a dynamic state, and no one could manipulate things back to change the
current position, not even a government could solve the problem on its own. In today's scenario,
which has frightened everyone because it is unpredictable, people have lost everything because of
a virus that has claimed the lives of millions and billions of people in a single droplet of human
liquid and is known as "Covid 19." When it comes to the virus, it is believed that it originated in
China, notably in Huan, where many people are supposedly consuming dangerous animals,
particularly bats. According to unnamed medical specialists, the primary reason for the virus's
spread on the day of its outbreak was because people were complacent and relied on the
government that the problem will be solved on the first round of transmission, allowing
commoners to freely fly over the other country without first prohibiting flights. In a matter of
months, the virus mutated and evolved into different varieties known as alpha, gamma, beta, and
delta, or which we called variants. The mutation method was brought in from many countries, and
its precision to the human body was high because the issue had crossed borders and the epidemic
was spreading, the government decided to implement lockdowns, which resulted in many
individuals being stranded at home, working, or worse jobless as a result of the protocol.

A pandemic also destroys the economy of a single state or nation. Because of the protocols,
the manufacture of various materials is halted. Another alternative is to jump ahead in time to other
companies, unaware that the disease is still spreading. The majority of activities claim that
managing materials production interferes with the presence of the epidemic utilizing alternate
materials, and that getting much more things is difficult, which is why output is not meeting the

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Companies continue to reduce employee numbers, and others are compelled to shut down
their operations. Textiles, furnaces, equipment components, and a variety of other materials are
among the materials that many producers are unable to provide. The company's sales dropped, and
the economy began to fall apart. Furthermore, the Philippines has always ranked high in terms of
resources, but some industries waste and are still unmanageable in terms of material use, so the
pandemic began to accumulate all assets, particularly the environment. When the Philippines went
into force lockdown, the situation became even worse. Even the smallest to largest organizations
were not immune to the wretched micro villain.

For more detailed information, the following discussion sought the findings to have a clear
understanding, but the possibilities to become a more effective organization always stick to its
management, either in accordance with the protocol, so in such material consumption, the target
information has an outcome of cons and pros, but the confidentiality of the information below is
as well organized as possible.

This report depicts the impact of the pandemic on how corporations manage raw resources
in their operations. The process of gathering information for the issue was carried out using several
instruments, such as case study research, which focuses on a single topic, such as the industrial
challenges faced during the pandemic in terms of materials management. The technique denotes
the study's function in adhering to the specific argument. In order to keep the paper's point of view,
the authors opted to only include papers that were relevant to the current situation. In some
circumstances, the findings may include graphs or even mathematical interpretations as a
supporting statement.

Case Study Type of Research

The article discusses the current scenario that several sectors are in, such as controlling inputs
while being in the midst of an epidemic. The proponents come up with a single plan for doing it.
The strategy allowed the article to convert the complicated notion into a precise thinking in support
of the issue in this situation. Finding linked studies in such a way as to open the case and end the
study's main topic.

Statistical Interpretation

This section discusses the graphics and mathematical statistics that were used to support the
findings. The strategies are used in conjunction with exact data to make the study more relevant

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and valuable. This aids the research in determining if Philippine industries are sustaining or
dropping in terms of material consumption in numerical terms.

In October 2021, the IHS Markit Philippines Manufacturing PMI increased to 51.0 from
50.9 the previous month. With new orders stabilizing after six months of decline and enterprises
raising their input purchases for the first time since July despite attempts to obtain raw materials,
manufacturing activity increased for the second month in a succession and at the fastest rate since
March, amid lessening COVID-19 regulations. In the meanwhile, output declined for the seventh
consecutive month, with the pace of loss increasing from September's; and international demand
shrank little after stabilizing the previous month. This not only, according to Markit
Economics staffing levels declined for the 20th consecutive month but the rate of drop eased from
that seen in September. Significant supplier delays resulted in the joint-fastest increase in input
prices since March 2018, while output charges increased marginally. Finally, confidence increased
slightly, although it remained below its long-term average.

Figure #1: Philippines Indicator for Material Stability

Even a single region and especially industries in the Philippines was unable to prevent the
epidemic's continued consequences as indicated previously. Monthly, the pressure to produce
less is still present, but in some cases, the stability has reached a high level of satisfaction as a
result of various inventions that can help to reduce disease spread and provide a chance for many
unemployed people to gain employment by repurposing waste materials.

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Specific Industry Remarks


Plastic manufacturing
companies may consider
shifting to production of head
Producers of grocery bags, covers, goggles, and overall
and cellophane can easily PPE. There is a need to check
Manufacture of Plastic
shift production to essential if their machines can
supplies such as PPE accommodate shifting of
production. For those already
producing laboratory goggles,
suggest increased production.
Not only medical frontliners
Manufacture of monobloc
are at risk. Persons in-charge
chairs and other hard plastics
of waste disposal are also at
can shift production to
disposal bins. Makers of
Aside from medical personnel
Rubber and Rubber Products rubber slippers, rubber soles
and frontline workers,
can be encouraged to produce
government also need to
rubber footwear, rubber
provide protective gears to
gloves, and even those used
people community work,
as rubber hose for dextrose.
such as waste disposal.
This can be used in packing
Shift to the production of
Paper & paper products essential materials and relief
more boxes
goods for distribution.
These can be used by local
government units (LGUs),
Manufacture of pesticides and national government
other agro-chemical products agencies, and private
Chemical products
may be directed to produce establishments that are
disinfectants conducting disinfections in
their office premises and
other public places.

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Fabric/cloth face masks may
be cheaper than disposable
ones as these can be re-used
when washed. The
government may promote the
use of fabric/cloth masks over
disposable masks. Tap the
Department of Science and
Can be encouraged to
Technology (DOST) for the
manufacture fabric/cloth face
design and identifying
Textile and wearing apparel masks that comply with the
appropriate materials for the
right specification/production
masks & PPE and the
Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority
to prioritize trainings on skills
needed for the making of
reusable masks as well as
health and sanitation
wearables such as PPE
among others.
Promote the use of RxBox – RxBox is already being used
an electronic medical device in some areas. However, its
currently used by DOST on a use is not yet widespread
limited scale. This has throughout the country. To
features that enable health reduce the spread of virus
care physicians or doctors to from patients infected with
Electrical Equipment provide medical services to COVID-19 to their health
their patients (e.g.,, care providers (e.g.,, doctors
consultation, medical advice, and nurses), physical or face-
monitoring of patients, to-face contact should be
follow-ups) even when the avoided as much as possible.
doctors and patients are not Thus, the use of RxBox may
meeting physically. be recommended.

Table # 1: Industries Alternatives to Cope Up with the Epidemic

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The pandemic wipe down a single state's or nation's economy. The production of certain
materials has been interrupted due to the lockdowns. Many manufacturers are unable to supply
textiles, furnaces, equipment components, and a range of other goods. The economy began to
crumble as the company's revenues fell. Even a single region, and particularly industries in the
Philippines were unable to stop the epidemic's spread. The pressure to produce less is still present
on a monthly basis, but in certain situations the stability has achieved a high degree of satisfaction
as a consequence of numerous innovations that can aid in illness prevention.

From the discussion, IHS Markit Philippines Manufacturing PMI rose to 51.0 this month
of October 2021 from 50.9 the month before. After a six-month fall, new orders are stabilizing,
and businesses are increasing their input purchases for the first time since July. Despite the
relaxation of COVID-19 requirements, output fell for the eighth month in a row, with the rate of
reduction picking up from September's. According to the data, numerous firms used
resourcefulness even when the outbreak struck. Some businesses, such as the plastics industry,
come up with new ways to keep the business going. They opted to restock unique items, such as
PPE for front-line workers. Paper, rubber, and textile or wearing apparel manufacturing are all
being relocated to make protective equipment too. Even other businesses switched to keep the
agriculture industry bound by using chemicals to stop the virus from spreading. To make medicinal
alcohols and chemical air fresheners, they make disinfectants from waste goods/foods such rotten
vegetables and fruits. Aside from that electrical equipment industries encourage the use of RxBox,
an electronic medical gadget that DOST is now testing on a small scale. This offers elements that
allow health care providers or doctors to give medical services to their patients (e.g., consultations,
medical advice, patient monitoring, and follow-ups) even when they are not physically present.

Different sectors are having a difficult time managing material and dealing with the strain
of customer expectations as a result of the pandemic. Even if production of products and services
declines as a result of the pandemic, there is a strong possibility of breaking out of the situation
with the assistance of planning and re-composition of fresh and relevant ideas to improve the
existing situation.

Redefine the new normal state of economic activity. This suggests how
industries overcome the preceding circumstances using conventional thoughts
and re-create strategies to survive in the stated condition.

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Recalibrate development plans and work programs to conform to the new
normal. Adjust development plans and work programs to reflect the new normal.
Examine the essential gaps that require a modification or even narrow obstacles
that prevent the optimal materials from being used.
Implement the new normal. Follow through on the major plan and make the
new normal a reality.

Markit Economics(2021): uploads / /2020/03/NEDA_Addressing-the-Social-and-

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