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Part 1
Directions: Write the letter of the spot on the Venn diagram that shows where the
statement could be correctly placed.
Part 2
Directions: Use the grid to answer the questions. Write yes, no, or unknown.
Part 3
Directions: Examine the diagram of the bullfrog and then answer the questions.
Part 4
I. Find information about these people in the article and correct the factual
mistakes in these sentences
1. Joanna Setchell does research into African birds.
2. Joanna Blount is an anthropologist at the University of Glasgow.
3. Russell Hill and Robert Barton are British athletes.
II. Match the research topics (1-4) with the scientists’ conclusions (a-d)
1. African mandrills’ success with the opposite sex
2. Results at the Olympic Games
3. The colour of birds’ beaks
4. Male Nad female zebra finches

III. Read Hill and Barton’s conclusion carefully. Which statement (a-c)
means the same thing?

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