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The nurse notes white powder on the ars and chest of a client who arrives at the
emergency department and reports possible anthrax contamination. Which action
included in the hospital protocol for possible anthrax exposure will the nurse take first?
a. Notify hospital security personnel about the client
b. Escort the client to decontamination room.
c. Give ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO
d. Assess the client for signs and symptoms
Ans: 2
To prevent contamination of the staff or other clients by anthrax, decontamination of the client
by removal and disposal of clothing and showering are the initial actions in possible anthrax
exposure. Assessment of the client for signs of infection should be performed after
decontamination. Notification of security personnel (and local and regional law enforcement
agencies) is necessary in the case of possible bioterrorism, but this should occur after
decontaminating and caring for the client. According to the CDCP guidelines, antibiotic should
be administered only if there are signs of infection or the contaminating substance test positive
for anthrax.

2. The emergency department nurse receives a telephone call and is informed that
tornado has hit a local residential area and that numerous casualties have occurred. The
victims will be brought by the emergency department. The initial nursing action is which
of the following?
a. Prepare the triage room
b. Activate emergency response plan
c. Obtain additional supplies from the central department
d. Obtain additional nursing staff to assist the treating casualties
Ans: 2
Umbrella option
 Initial and priority
 In an external disaster, many victims may be brough to the emergency department
for treatment. REMEMBER, initial nursing actions when a nurse receives a phone
call, the management needs to know this so that even other disaster teams will

3. A community health nurse is providing a teaching session about terrorism to members

of the community and discussing information regarding anthrax. The nurse tells those
attending that anthrax can be transmitted by which route? Select all that apply.
a. Bites from ticks or deer flies
b. Inhalation of bacterial spores
c. Through a cut or abrasion in the skin
d. Direct contact with infected individual
e. Sexual contact with an infected individual
f. Ingestion of contaminated undercooked
Ans: 2,3,6
Anthrax is caused by bacillus anthracis and can be contracted through digestive system or
abrasions in the skin or inhaled through the lungs. It cannot be spread from person to person or
animal to person, and it is not contracted via bites from ticks or deer flies.

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