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Technological Institute of the Philippines

Quezon City

Senior High School Department


City Government of Marikina

Submitted by:
Mabasa, Clarence Fred Mcver C.

Submitted to:
Maria Lilibeth T. Clavite
Work Immersion Faculty-in-Charge

This OJT would will not be successful without the help of the people around us, First of all, I
would like to thank our All Mighty God for always giving guides for my everyday life, Helps my studies
and lighting up my way.

Secondly, I would also like to thank Mr. John Cristopher V. Dela Cruz for always guiding us,
supports us, and helps us to finish this. Everyday he is going out to check on his students.

To Hon. De Guzman and also to the secretary Ms. Claire Topiagon who helped me on what
should I do every time I finished with work.

And lastly to my family and peers who always encourage me and guide me everyday to go to
work, so my tasks better and giving me financial support.

Title Page
Table of Contents
I. Company Data
A. Brief History/ Background of the Company/Company Profile
B. Inclusive dates of Immersion
C. Name(s) of Personnel (supervisor, liaison officer, training officers/ instructors,
Etc.) involve in the training program with their respective designations
II. Brief Description of the Training Program
A. Objectives
1. General
2. Specific
B. Schedule/Timetable
C. Areas of Immersion
D. Reference Materials (e.g., Manuals, textbooks, etc.,) used during the training
III. Compiled Weekly Reports (NARRATIVE)
IV. Personal Evaluation of the Immersion Program
1. Professional Learning and Development Achieved
2. Modern Techniques, Skills and Tools Used/Learned
3. Experiences with the Company Personnel Involved in the Immersion
4. Best Practices Used/Applied
5. Discipline Related Solutions Integrated into the Company
6. Strong Points
7. Weak Points and Suggested Solutions
V. Recommendations (NARRATIVE)
A. Potential of the Company as an Immersion Ground
 Availability and Appropriateness of Facilities, Equipment, and Machinery
 Company Personnel Cooperation
B. During of Immersion
C. Suggestions for the Improvement of the Immersion Program
D. Advice to the Future On-the-Job Trainees
VI. Appendices
A. Copy of the Endorsement Letter
B. Copy of the On-the-Job Training/Practicum Agreement and Liability Waiver
C. Curriculum Vitae of Immersion Student
D. Certificate of Completion
E. Work Immersion Assessment Tool
F. Snippets (Flyers, Leaflets etc.)
II. Company Data
A. Brief History/ Background of the Company/ Company profile

The Legislative Building, that mostly where the Government services are found. In that building,
there are also policemen’s and also doctors that which also happen to be a City Councilor. The building
is located at 3rd Floor, New Legislative Bldg. Shoe Avenue, Brgy. Sta Elena, Marikina City.

The Company has four phases whereas , The first phase is where all the vehicles that entered
the building were parked.
The second phase has the Conference room for all of the seminars that has been taken of.
There was a table in the middle of the room that goes around with the shape of the room then the seats
are located beside that table.
The third phase where my work at a office is located, This phase contains all of the City
Councilors in the 1st district in Marikina.
The fourth has the offices of policemen kind a like their headquarters in a district of a City.

My company takes care of the request forms, from the streets of Marikina to the requesting of
financial fund for some Sari-sari store or for charity.
B. Inclusive dates of Immersion
I started my Work Immersion last December 9 ,2019 and ended in February 25 ,2020. I only got to
work with the company every Monday.

Breakdown of dates:
December 9 ,2019 – Monday
December 16 ,2019 – Monday
January 6 ,2020 – Monday
January 20 ,2020 – Monday
January 27 ,2020 – Monday
February 3 ,2020 – Monday
February 10 ,2020 – Monday
February 17 ,2020 – Monday
February 24 ,2020 – Monday
February 25 ,2020 – Tuesday

C. Name(s) of Personnel

Hon. Kate De Guzman

City Councilor

Ms. Claire Topiagon


II. Brief Description of the Training Program

A. Objectives

 Enhance technical knowledge and skills
 Enhance my skills in communication with other people
 Develop Good work habits, attitude, appreciation and respect for work

 To be ready on future work
 To be globally competitive worker
 To be a successful worker
B. Schedule/Timetable

Work Immersion Timetable

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
December 9 ,2019 X
December 16 ,2019 X
January 6 ,2020 X
January 20 ,2020 X
January 27 ,2020 X
February 3 ,2020 X
February 10 ,2020 X
February 17 ,2020 X
February 24 ,2020 X
February 25 ,2020 X

C. Areas of Immersion

The area where I did my work on in Legislative Building is on:

 City Council

D. Reference Material

There is no Reference Material that was given in my working days.

III. Compiled Weekly Reports

Every day was almost like the same, But not unlike the day of 6 th in the January where we went in the
Women’s City Jail in Marikina, I was with those who distribute the foods on a long table and the event
was like a food out, where we all ate at one table. Anyhow that day was extraordinary for me, unlike any
other day at the work immersion. Every morning at 8 AM I would go to work immersion and seeing my
other co-workers entering the other offices facilities (because I work at a certain floor of building and all
of the city councilors offices was also there.). There was no heavy hands on task that was given to me,
The tasks that were given to me only are; photocopying papers/documents and files, assorting
miscellaneous files at the secretary’s desk and clumping up and stapling messed papers.
IV. Personal Evaluation of the Immersion Program

1. Personal and Development Achieved

 I learned to be professional at work

 I learned to be flexible
 I learned to multi-task
 I learned to be dependable at work

2. Modern Techniques, Skills and Tools Used/Learned

 I further excel in printing services

 I leaned to identify faster the problem at a specific situation

3. Experiences with the Company Personnel Involved with the Immersion

My experiences in the company are great. I had much fun, considering that the office would kill
me out of boredom because once the given task was finished, then my job there at the office would be
finally done, it is our decision if we are to accept request forms from the people of Marikina.

4. Best Practices Used/Applied

My best practices were being committed and time management. And also I would think that I’d
be a little hard headed because I would every now and then ask my trainer if there is any other task to
do after I am done with the recently gave out one, After she’d scold me for being hard headed because I
would always ask for a task, she would make a joke and everyone at the office would laugh because it
was a joke where everyone in the office relates to.

5. Discipline Related Solutions Integrated into the Company

The discipline you should have at the company is Personal Mastery. When you apply your mastery
at work you will integrate at the company well. The people in there will not command you anymore
because you know what to do next. This will make a good relationship to your officemates.

6. Strong Points
My company strong points to me are:
 They are not giving heavy work at me.
 I can coordinate easily to people in the office.
 Near to our house.

7. Weak Points and Suggested Solution

My Company weak points to me are;
 For being a stem strand, Things here is not relatable to your course.
 Work will not thrill you.
 It will bore you.
 Engage OJT students to heavy works

V. Recommendations

A. Potential of Company as an Immersion Ground

This Company is good for the people who love to work at a office. They will give you a legitimate
office works. They will let you use their equipment in their office when you need it. The equipment in
the office is complete. They will help you to know need to do with patience. People in the office are very
kind and generous.

B. During the Immersion

In immersion hours, my recommendation for you us just finish the work that is given to you as
soon as possible. So that the impression to you is good. That discipline will lead to a high score in

C. Suggestions for the improvement of the Immersion Program

For what I think, I cannot suggest much but the trainee should always have work after they have
finished the work that was given to them.

D. Advice to the future On-the-Job Trainees

Do your job to the fullest and try not to slack. All of that will reflect on your scores.


Clarence Fred Mcver C. Mabasa


City Government of Marikina

11- STEMB14


Briefly describe your internship, co-op,
Research, or service-learning opportunity, including your day-to-day tasks,
Responsibilities, and assignments.

My internship bored me because as soon as you finished the given task, there is noting more to do.
But it was fun because of the people in the office.
What have you enjoyed the most about your
Position or organization/ company?

I have enjoy about the laughs and unstoppable smirks in the office because of some joke.
What have you gained from the experience
that you could not have gained from another opportunity

I have gained to be much more patient and to be more flexible on work. I couldn’t have gained those
qualities if it wasn’t for that OJT.
What advice would you give to another student?

“Just be patient, don’t be naughty and hard headed. Engage with a company that gives out a heavy duty
works on interns but, still gives out hand to help.”
Any meaning, insight gained or lessons learned from your work immersion? This might involve skills you’ve gained, information you’ve learned,
You’ve connected with, or projects you’ve complete.

I certainly applied to myself what I have learned in the past seminars of Mr. John Christopher Dela Cruz.
And also what my mother has told me to “Be a good looking for the company, so therefore in the future
they would also recommend you to the company”
What did you like most about your position/ earning internship credits the internship Placement process?

I liked many things about my internship to the City Government, but one of the things I liked about that is
signing of paper requests.

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