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Amiella Louiese Moreno

11-HUMSS ST. Bartholomew

What I am here for?

God is our creator and we are his greatest creations. I am glad that I am one of the lucky individual that
given a chance to live and feel the wonderful world. I am here because I have a mission to accomplish, a
mission that everyone has, to be a good person to all living creation in this world, to be a good daughter
to my parents, to dream, especially to fulfil my dream and help others to get their dreams too. Yet were
living, but living is not easy too, we did a sins, sometimes we forgot our missions but in the end of the
day were still into God asking for forgiveness. In our millions of sins, God forgive us too in a million ways.
Also our purpose is to cherish every moment of living. Learn that life is not instant that you need to
sacrifice before you get the wonderful things you wanted. We need to survive every problem each one
of day with great and perfect solutions with God. Of course know that everything happens in our life has
a purpose. Learn lessons in every problem we succeed. Today, many people tend to suicide because of
too much problems but did we ask ourselves first? Am I the only one who has problems? Is there any big
or too much to my problems? Before thinking suicide, ask ourselves first because God didn’t give us
problems that we can’t cope. Always remember our purpose don’t be afraid to ask God’s guidance.
Resting is not bad, if we are tired let ourselves rest and after that go on again and we will succeed in life.
If we will think deeply gods plan is beautiful why I say so? He gives us problems and that problems will
be our instrument to be inspire to live more and if we are inspired every problems again that we will go
through we can resolved it again with God. God never leaves us. We can stronger if we always let God in
our hearts. Sometimes we go in wrong direction of life but God has instruments and that instruments
will help us to find our right path of our life. Frequently, those instruments are our parents or family.
Even how stubborn you are they are always for you no matter what you do in your life they are always
for you to support and cheer you up on your decisions, they never failed to us and if they know your
decisions will lead you to bad they will remind and they will lead us to good things. Parent knows the
best for their sons and daughters. Like God he is always for us he never leaves us he help us to grant the
things we want if he knows that we deserve that. This is the reasons why am I here, to cherish the living.
I was thankful that I am given a chance to live. For now I will find my right path of my life to succeed in
life to bring back what my parents and love ones does to me. All I can do to God is to praise and thank
him always for not letting me to give up on my problems and in life. Just always remember that God is
always here for us.

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