D091201012 - Muhammad Ziyad Faiz Amin

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Nama : Muhammad Ziyad Faiz Amin

NIM : D091201012


1. The graph pf a function f is given
a. From graph the value of function at x=−1 is −2, Hence f(−1)=−2
b. From graph it is clear that at x=2, value of function islying between 2.5 and 3,so
maybe 2,8 c. From graph it is clear that, function value is 2 at two points x=−3 and 1
Hence solution of f(x)=2 is x=−3,1
d. x between 2,5 ,1/3
e. Domain is −3 ≤ �� ≤ 3 range is −2 ≤ �� ≤ 3
f. (-1,3)

determine whether the curve is the graph of a function of x ,if it is state thedomain and
range of the function

3. the curve is defined for −∞ ≤ �� ≤ ∞

The domain is defined for [−∞, ∞]
The range is the set of all values of y on the curve
The curve takes all them from -∞ to ∞
The range function is (-∞,∞)

So, domain [−∞, ∞] ������ ���������� (−∞, ∞)

4. the curve is defined for −2 ≤ �� ≤ 2

The domain is defined for [−2,2]
The range is the set of all values of y on the curve
The curve takes all them from -2 to 2 and -1 to 2
The range function is (-1,2)

So, domain [−2,2] ������ ���������� (−1,2)

5. the curve is defined for −3 ≤ �� ≤ 2

The domain is defined for [−3,2]
The range is the set of all values of y on the curve
The curve takes all them from -3 to -2 and -1 to 3
The range function is (-3,-2) �� [−1,3]

So, domain [−3,2] ������ ���������� − 3, −2) �� [−1,3]

6. not a function
evaluate the difference quotient for the given function
19. ��(��) = 4 + 3�� − ��2,
=f(x+h) = -−ℎ2 − 2ℎ�� − ��2 + 3ℎ + 3�� + 4

��(�� + ℎ) − ��(��)
2 2 2
ℎ=−ℎ − 2ℎ�� − �� + 3ℎ + 3�� + 4 − (4 + 3�� − �� )ℎ
−ℎ − 2ℎ�� + 3ℎ

=ℎ(−ℎ − 2�� + 3)

= -2x-h+3

20. f(x)= ��$ ,ƒ(��%&)(ƒ(��)

= f(�� + ℎ) − ��(��)= ��$ + 3��2ℎ + 3��ℎ2 + ℎ$ − ��$
= 3��2ℎ + 3��ℎ2 + ℎ$
= ℎ(3��2 + 3��ℎ + ��ℎ2)

(ƒ(��) &($��2
ƒ(��%&) = %$��&%��&2

= (3��2 + 3��ℎ + ��ℎ2)

21. f(x) =+��,

�� =�� − �� − ℎ(��

= f(�� + ℎ) =+
= f(�� + ℎ) −
��(��) =+ −+
��%& ��
�� (�� + ℎ) + ℎ)��
(�� + =−ℎ
− ��
ℎ)�� ��(�� + ℎ) (�� + ℎ) −ℎ
��(�� + ℎ) (�� +
− ��(��) ℎ)��ℎ


ℎ(�� + ℎ)��

=−ℎ ℎ(�� +
ℎ) −1
(�� + ℎ)��

��%+ ,ƒ(��)(ƒ(��)
22. f(x) = ��
= %&%$

= f(�� + ℎ)
�� + ℎ + 3 �� + 3 –
��%&%+ �� + ℎ + 1 �� + 1 ℎ

= f(�� + ℎ) − ��(��)=
��%&%$ ��
– %$

��%&%+ ��%+
��(�� + ℎ) − ��(��)


�� + ℎ + 3(�� + 1)
�� + ℎ + 1(−�� + 3)
ℎ(�� + 1)(�� + ℎ + 1)
�� + 4�� + ��ℎ + ℎ + 3 − (��2 + ��ℎ + 4�� + 3ℎ + 3)

ℎ(�� + 1)(�� + ℎ + 1)

ℎ(�� + 1)(�� + ℎ + 1)

(�� + 1)(�� + ℎ + 1)

Find the domain and sketch the graph of the function

28. f(x) = √4 − ��2

= ��2 − 4 ≥ 0

(x+2)(x-2) ≥ 0

X=-2 atau x=2

Df = {x| x ≤ –2 atau x ≥ 2, x ∈ R}
29. f(x)= 5

Domain: (−∞,∞),{x|x∈R}

30. F(x)= +(�� + 3)


Domain: (−∞,∞),{x|x∈R}

31. f(t) = ��2 − 6��

The domain of the expression is all real numbers except where the expression is undefined. In
this case, there is no real number that makes the expression undefined.
Interval Notation:
Set-Builder Notation:

Domain = (−∞,∞),{x|x∈R}
32. H(t) =,(��2
2 2 (2(��)(2%��)
=2 (�� =
2( (2(��)
H= 2+t

Domain 2-t ≠ 0
domain = (−∞, 2) �� (2, ∞)


33. g(x) = √�� − 5

x-5≥ 0

Domain : ⌊5, ∞)

34. F(x) = |2x+1|

Domain: (−∞,∞),{x|x∈R}

35. G(x) =$��%|��|

We look for the values of x for which the denominator is not zero, in our case , it is easy to see
that the domain is the set of all real numbers expect 0, so the domain is {��|�� ≠ 0} We can aldo
be written as (−∞, 0) �� (0 + ∞)

Now we want to graph G)x) since

|��| =
�� < 0
��, ��
We see that for x > 0

G(x) =$��%�� =,�� = 4

�� ��
For x < 0

G(x) =$��(�� =2�� = 2

�� ��
G(x) as :
( )4, �� > 0
�� �� = G
2, �� < 0

36. g(x) =|��|


Domain = (−∞,0)��(0,∞)

�� + 2, ���� �� < 0
37. ��(��) = K
1 − ��, �� ≥ 0

Domain= (−∞,∞)

38. ��(��) = M + ��, ���� �� ≤ 2
2�� − 5 , �� > 2

Domain= (−∞,0)��(0,∞)

�� + 2
39. f(x) = G if x≤ −1 , �� > −1
�� 2

note that both x+2 and x2 are polynomial function and polynomial function are defined for all
value of x. hence the domain of f(x) is = (−∞, ∞)

−1 ���� �� ≤ −1
40. f(x) = N3�� + 2 ���� |��| < 1
7 − 2�� ���� �� ≥ 1
The domain f(x) is (−∞,∞)

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