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Chemical Geology 154 Ž1999.


Permian paleoclimate data from fluid inclusions in halite

a,b,) a
Kathleen Counter Benison , Robert H. Goldstein
The Department of Geology, The UniÕersity of Kansas, Lawrence, USA
The Kansas Geological SurÕey, Lawrence, KS, USA


This study has yielded surface water paleotemperatures from primary fluid inclusions in mid Permian Nippewalla Group
halite from western Kansas. A ‘cooling nucleation’ method is used to generate vapor bubbles in originally all-liquid primary
inclusions. Then, surface water paleotemperatures are obtained by measuring temperatures of homogenization to liquid.
Homogenization temperatures ranged from 218C to 508C and are consistent along individual fluid inclusion assemblages,
indicating that the fluid inclusions have not been altered by thermal reequilibration. Homogenization temperatures show a
range of up to 268C from base to top of individual cloudy chevron growth bands. Petrographic and fluid inclusion evidence
indicate that no significant pressure correction is needed for the homogenization temperature data. We interpret these
homogenization temperatures to represent shallow surface water paleotemperatures. The range in temperatures from base to
top of single chevron bands may reflect daily temperatures variations. These Permian surface water temperatures fall within
the same range as some modern evaporative surface waters, suggesting that this Permian environment may have been
relatively similar to its modern counterparts. Shallow surface water temperatures in evaporative settings correspond closely
to local air temperatures. Therefore, the Permian surface water temperatures determined in this study may be considered
proxies for local Permian air temperatures. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lacustrine sediments; Evaporites; Nonmarine; Nippewalla group; Homogenization temperatures

1. Introduction Evaporite deposits appear to be a treasure chest of

paleoclimate data. The formation of salt minerals at
Burgeoning interest in paleoclimatology has re- the earth’s surface is extremely sensitive to local
sulted from new data on changes in the earth’s climatic conditions. Primary fluid inclusions pre-
atmosphere and a desire for predictions of future served in depositional evaporite minerals may be
climate change. How better to understand natural remnants of ancient hydrosphere and atmosphere.
fluctuations in climate than to obtain a record of Fluid inclusion studies can yield detailed information
climate data from the past? This study uses fluid about the water temperatures, water chemistries, and
inclusion data from Permian halite to construct a even atmospheric conditions under which evaporites
record of ancient earth surface temperature. formed.
Geologists have maintained a healthy skepticism
toward fluid inclusion data from evaporites, espe-
Corresponding author. Department of Geology, Central
cially halite ŽRoedder and Skinner, 1968; Wilcox,
Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859, USA. E-mail: 1968; Kovalevich, 1975, 1976; Petrichenko, 1979; Roedder and Belkin, 1980; Roedder, 1984b; Gold-

0009-2541r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 4 1 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 1 2 7 - 2
114 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

stein and Reynolds, 1994.. Halite’s high solubility geothermal gradients ŽPetrichenko, 1979; Roedder
and potential for deformation have raised doubts and Belkin, 1980; Roedder, 1984b.. When deforma-
about the preservation of its fluid inclusions. Expo- tion of halite occurs, only the outer portions of halite
sure to even moderate heat may alter fluid inclusions crystals seem to be affected, whereas the centers of
in halite. However, possible fluid inclusion alteration crystals remain unaltered. This results in halite crys-
can be carefully evaluated by petrography and mi- tals with altered, clear, outer rims and unaltered,
crothermometric tests. If these tests show that pri- cloudy, primary inclusion-rich cores ŽPetrichenko,
mary fluid inclusions have not been altered since 1979; Roedder, 1984a,b.. Thus, fluid inclusions in
entrapment, these fluid inclusions may be considered ancient halites may be considered representative of
representative of evaporative parent waters. original conditions if alteration can be evaluated and
This paper demonstrates how Permian surface dismissed.
water temperatures have been determined from halite Fluid inclusions in halite have been successfully
in the Nippewalla Group of western Kansas. Petrog- used to reconstruct detailed surface water tempera-
raphy was used to document that this halite precipi- tures. Observation of solid-to-liquid homogenization
tated in shallow waters. An underused ‘cooling nu- upon heating of inclusions containing liquid and a
cleation’ method was employed to measure tempera- daughter crystal has yielded minimum surface water
tures at which fluid inclusions were trapped. These paleotemperatures. Experimental solid–liquid ho-
resultant surface water paleotemperatures represent mogenization runs have been conducted on inclu-
significant paleoclimatic data that can be used to sions in halite containing sylvite, carnallite, ep-
refine paleoclimate models. somite, and bischofite daughter crystals ŽPetrichenko,
1979.. Lowenstein and Spencer Ž1990. used solid–
1.1. PreÕious studies of fluid inclusions in halite liquid homogenization temperatures of sylvite daugh-
ter crystals in halite from the Devonian Prairie For-
The validity of fluid inclusion data from halite has mation to estimate Devonian water temperature.
been a debatable subject. Some characteristics of Another approach has been used to determine
halite, in particular its high solubility and potential surface water paleotemperatures from ancient halites
for deformation, have led geologists to hold a healthy whose fluid inclusions lack daughter crystals. All-
skepticism about preservation of its fluid inclusions. liquid primary inclusions at room temperature indi-
In halite, fluid inclusions are more vulnerable to cate mineral growth below approximately 508C
stretching, leaking, and necking down than in most ŽKovalevich, 1975; Petrichenko, 1979; Goldstein and
other minerals. These problems, coupled with the Reynolds, 1994.. Vapor bubbles can be nucleated
proposal of salt as repository sites for radioactive artificially in some all-liquid inclusions so that ho-
waste, has generated valuable research on the valid- mogenization temperatures below 508C can be mea-
ity of fluid inclusion data in halite. sured. Petrichenko Ž1979. nucleated vapor bubbles in
Possible alteration of fluid inclusions in halite fluid inclusions in natural halite by cooling to y308
includes thermal reequilibration, migration, and de- to y158C. Resultant homogenization temperatures
formation. Roedder and Skinner Ž1968. warned that were all below 608C and were reproducible to within
leakage from thermal reequilibration may be a prob- 1–28C.
lem. Experimental work showed that some fluid This cooling nucleation method of measuring ho-
inclusions in ancient halite have indeed been altered, mogenization temperatures in originally all-liquid
but some have not and these may yield valid fluid primary fluid inclusions was successfully used in
inclusion data. Experimental work argues against both modern and Pleistocene ephemeral lakersalt
much leakage and stretching of fluid inclusions in pan halite from Death Valley, CA ŽBrown, 1995;
halite ŽWilcox, 1968; Petrichenko, 1979.. When in- Roberts and Spencer, 1995.. In order to test this
ternally overpressured from overheating, only the method, those workers collected newly grown halite
largest inclusions tend to stretch. Likewise, only the and measured temperatures of the shallow water
largest inclusions tend to migrate, but only when from which the halite precipitated. Primary fluid
subjected to huge, geologically unreasonable inclusions in this modern Death Valley halite were
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 115

Fig. 1. Histogram of homogenization temperatures measured by

the ‘cooling nucleation’ method in initially all-liquid primary fluid
inclusions from modern Death Valley halite. Plotted above are the
temperature of the water which these halite crystals grew. After
Roberts and Spencer Ž1995..

then cooled in order to nucleate vapor bubbles for

homogenization temperature measurements. The ho-
mogenization temperatures fell within the same tem-
perature range as the water in which the halite grew Fig. 2. Stratigraphic position of the Permian Nippewalla Group in
ŽFig. 1.. This indicates that homogenization tempera- Kansas and northern Oklahoma. After Baars Ž1990. and Rascoe
and Baars Ž1972..
tures obtained with the cooling nucleation method
accurately reflect temperatures of evaporative parent
waters. siliciclastic siltstones and sandstones, bedded anhy-
Although it has been shown that the cooling drite, bedded halite, and minor grey siliciclastic lam-
nucleation method can be used to obtain accurate inated mudstones. Holdoway Ž1978. claimed that the
surface water temperatures from all-liquid fluid in- low bromide content of the halite and its association
clusions in recent shallow water halite, does this with red beds indicate that Nippewalla Group deposi-
method work for ancient halites? A preliminary ver- tion took place in a shallow, continental basin.
sion of this study yielded encouraging data that this This study uses two cores of the Nippewalla
method is applicable to ancient halites ŽBenison, Group from western Kansas ŽFig. 3.. The present
1995.. burial depth of the halite samples used for this study
is between 1365 and 1627 ft Ž416.2 and 496.2 m..

2. Geologic setting

Permian red bed-hosted evaporites have a wide

regional extent in North America, occupying much
of the surface and subsurface of the midcontinent
region ŽWalker, 1967.. In Kansas and Oklahoma,
these rocks are known as the Nippewalla Group ŽFig.
2. and have been described by Norton Ž1938.,
Swineford Ž1955., Scott and Ham Ž1957., Ham
Ž1960., Fay Ž1964, 1965., Fay et al. Ž1965., and
Holdoway Ž1978.. These studies concentrated mostly
on field and core descriptions. The Nippewalla Group Fig. 3. Map of Kansas showing locations of two cores used in this
of the mid Permian consists mostly of red bed study.
116 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

There is no evidence of previous deep burial but Kansas and the Atomic Energy Commission No. 5
there may have been up to 600 ft Ž183 m. of rock core from Wichita, KS, were used for this fluid
removed from the overlying section by erosion ŽMer- inclusion study. Both of these cores were drilled
riam, 1963.. There have been a number of igneous during the 1960’s using drilling mud prepared with
intrusions described in the midcontinent ŽBrookins halite-saturated brines to prevent dissolution of the
and Naeser, 1971., but none are known within ap- bedded halite. They have since been stored in sealed
proximately 375 km of the study sites. Therefore, plastic to discourage attack by atmospheric moisture.
there is no geologic evidence for significant thermal Halite samples were prepared with careful atten-
alteration of the halite. tion paid to avoidance of water and heat. Halite was
slabbed and cut to thick section size on a trim saw
using Tufflo 100 water-free cutting oil. Oil was
3. Experimental methods
cleaned from halite with isopropol alcohol. Halite
Halite from nine stratigraphic levels in two cores, samples were then ground and polished manually on
the Anadarko Davis No. 1 core from Seward County, dry sandpapers of 60, 100, 220, 320, 400, 600, and

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of idealized closed basin cycle and saline pan cycle in the Nippewalla Group. The idealized closed basin
cycle ranges from approximately 1 m to 20 m in thickness. It is composed of grey siliciclastics, bedded anhydrite, bedded halite, and red bed
siliciclastics deposited in perennial lakes, ephemeral lakes and saline pans, saline mudflats, dry mudflats, aeolian sand flats and sand dunes.
The saline pan cycle, ranging from 6 to 17 cm in thickness, is composed mostly of halite with some anhydrite inclusions and red mud. The
saline pan halite precipitated in a shallow lake that underwent periods of flooding, evaporite concentration, and desiccation.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 117

the inclusions. Freezing would cause the inclusions

to stretch, thus yielding inaccurate homogenization
temperatures. We know from freezingrmelting runs
in other Nippewalla Group halite samples that these
inclusions require supercooling to at least y1008C
to freeze. Further, after cooling at approximately
y108C in the freezer, these inclusions have main-
tained their original size and shape. Halite samples
were contained in capped glass vials with several
pellets of CaCl 2 desiccant in order to prevent con-
densation of water vapor on the halite during cool-
ing. Samples were kept in the freezer for approxi-
mately one week.

Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of upward-oriented chevron halite crystal

truncated by dissolution pipe filled with clear halite cement.
Boxed arrow indicates stratigraphic up.

1500 grit, and 1 mm and 0.3 mm diamond paper.

Polished slabs were glued to large format glass thin
section slides, and ground and polished manually on
sandpaper to thick section thickness Ž1–2 mm.. To
test that thick section preparation did not alter fluid
inclusion data, uncut, unpolished halite cleavage
chips were also used. These halite chips were pre-
pared simply by cleaving to 1–2 mm thick fragments
with a razor blade.
Detailed fluid inclusion petrography, including
sketching and photography of halite samples, was
performed in order to document all-liquid primary
fluid inclusions before thick sections were broken to
pieces small enough to fit into the sample chamber
of the fluid inclusion stage.
Fig. 6. Photomicrograph showing primary fluid inclusion banding
Halite samples were placed in a standard kitchen in chevron halite. Note cloudy, inclusion-rich growth bands and
freezer at temperatures between y128C and y108C. clear, inclusion-poor growth bands. Boxed arrow indicates strati-
These temperatures were not low enough to freeze graphic up.
118 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

of the inclusion Žsee Roedder, 1984a, Figs. 4–10, p.

103.. All-liquid inclusions remained in each fluid
inclusion assemblage. Inclusion size did not influ-
ence vapor bubble nucleation. Along individual fluid
inclusion assemblages, both small and large inclu-
sions remained without vapor bubbles. Likewise, the
inclusions that yielded vapor bubbles represented the
entire range of inclusion sizes. The remaining all-
liquid inclusions probably formed at the same tem-
peratures as those that nucleated vapor bubbles. Fail-
ure of vapor bubble formation in these all-liquid
inclusions may simply be a problem of nucleation
As samples were removed from the freezer, they
were rushed to a Fluid, Inc. U.S.G.S.-modified gas-
flow heatingrfreezing stage that had been precooled
to y108C. Samples were held at between y108C
Fig. 7. Photomicrograph of primary fluid inclusion banding in and 08C until the nucleated vapor bubbles were
cumulate halite. Boxed arrow indicates stratigraphic up. located and then warmed slowly. The rate of warm-
ing was approximately 0.58Crmin at the lower tem-
peratures Žup to about 158C. and then slowed to
After cooling, the majority of fluid inclusions had 0.1–0.28Crmin at warmer temperatures. Homoge-
not nucleated vapor bubbles. Only 10–20% of inclu- nization of vapor bubbles to liquid was observed and
sions had vapor bubbles after cooling. Nucleated recorded. Cycling was attempted on all homogeniza-
vapor bubbles appeared as mere pinpoints and are tion runs in order to observe the most accurate
estimated to occupy less than 1% of the total volume homogenization temperature Ž Goldstein and
Reynolds, 1994, p. 93–95.. After true homogeniza-
tion was reached, cooling on the stage would not
cause renucleation of the vapor bubble. Homogeniza-

Fig. 8. Photomicrograph of several ‘high frequency’ growth bands Fig. 9. Photomicrograph of primary inclusions along chevron
Ždefined here as fluid inclusion assemblages. within one single growth bands truncated by a curved plane of large, irregular-shaped
cloudy chevron band. Boxed arrow indicates stratigraphic up. secondary inclusions. Boxed arrow indicates stratigraphic up.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 119

tains both pseudomorphs after bottom-growth swal-

lowtail gypsum and rounded sand-sized clasts of
anhydrite associated with desiccation cracks and
small-scale wave ripples. The bedded halite has char-
acteristics of shallow ephemeral saline lake and salt
pan features ŽLowenstein and Hardie, 1985; also,
Wardlaw and Schwerdtner, 1966; Hardie et al., 1978,
1985; Handford, 1982, 1990; Hardie et al., 1985;
Casas, 1987; Lowenstein, 1988; Roberts et al., 1994..
Cm-scale bottom-growth Župward orientation.
chevron halite crystals ŽFig. 5., mm-scale cumulate
Fig. 10. Histogram of homogenization temperatures plotted against
‘hopper’ halite crystals, and solid anhydrite inclu-
number of inclusions. This histogram represents homogenization sions precipitated in shallow saline water. Dissolu-
measurements from 234 primary fluid inclusions from nine strati- tion surfaces, vertical dissolution pipes ŽFig. 5., and
graphic levels in two cores of Nippewalla Group halite. mud partings in the halite mark periods of flooding
and desiccation cracks and efflorescent salt crusts
suggest periods of desiccation. Red siliciclastic silt-
stones dominated by displacive halite and anhydrite
tion runs were repeated after recooling in the freezer were most likely deposited as saline mudflats. Red
and homogenization temperatures for approximately siliciclastic siltstones with abundant desiccation
50% of the inclusions were reproduced to within cracks and root traces and minor Microcodium cal-
18C. cretes were deposited in a dry mudflat environment.
A second method of nucleating vapor bubbles was Hematite-coated and halite-cemented quartz sand-
attempted by cooling fluid inclusions to y15 to stones display planar reverse-graded bedding, high
y108C in the fluid inclusion stage instead of the angle, large-scale cross-strata, and well-sorted, very
freezer. Very few fluid inclusions nucleated vapor well-rounded, bimodal grains. These sandstones are
bubbles in the fluid inclusion stage. This may sug- interpreted as eolian sand flat and sand dune de-
gest that time of cooling is an important factor in the posits. These observation indicate that the large scale
nucleation of vapor bubbles in originally all-liquid cycles are best interpreted as general ‘shallowing-up-
inclusions. ward’, desiccation trends in a closed basin that may
represent changes from wetter to drier climates. The
‘mini-cycles’ formed by flooding, evaporative con-
4. Environment of deposition centration, and desiccation events in the saline pan
setting of the closed basin.
The halite is located within large-scale cycles There is strong evidence that the bedded halite
ŽFig. 4. consisting from base to top, of grey silici- precipitated in cm-scale, shallow water. The combi-
clastic mudstone, bedded anhydrite, bedded halite, nation of chevron and cumulate crystals, along with
red siliciclastic mudstone and siltstone with abundant dissolution and desiccation features within the same
displacive halite, red siliciclastic mudstone and silt- bed of halite indicate formation in a saline pan
stone with no displacive halite, and red sandstone. setting. The ephemeral lakes in modern saline pan
On a smaller-scale, but found within the larger cy- settings are rarely more than a few tens of centime-
cles, are mini-cycles of, from base to top, bedded ters and are typically only several centimeters in
halite and red mudstone and siltstone. Grey siliciclas- depth ŽLowenstein and Hardie, 1985.. These shallow
tic mudstones contain alternating organic-rich and water interpretations for the Nippewalla Group halite
organic-poor planar laminae, abundant ostracodes and are important for two reasons: Ž1. they eliminate the
plant material, and convoluted beds, suggesting la- need for a pressure correction on fluid inclusion
custrine deposition. Bedded anhydrite was probably data; and Ž2. shallow waters typically are more
deposited in shallow ephemeral saline lakes; it con- reflective of climate than are deep waters.
120 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

5. Fluid inclusion petrography sions are one-phase aqueous liquid inclusions at

room temperature ŽFigs. 6–8.. Some primary inclu-
Primary fluid inclusions are abundant and well- sions are two-phase, liquid and solid inclusions. The
preserved in the Nippewalla Group halite. Chevron solids are most commonly anhydrite needles, but two
and cumulate crystals are composed of alternating other unidentified minerals have also been observed.
inclusion-rich and inclusion-poor growth bands ŽFigs. These crystals are interpreted as ‘accidental’ crystals
6 and 7, respectively.. Within each mm-thick inclu- trapped during halite crystal growth as opposed to
sion-rich band are many thin ‘high frequency’ fluid daughter crystals because they occur in minor quanti-
inclusion bands ŽFig. 8.. A typical cloudy, ties, do not have consistent solid–liquid volume
inclusion-rich chevron band contains between 5 and ratios, and do not decrease in size upon heating as
15 of these high frequency bands. For this study, true daughter crystals would. Also, there are abun-
each of these high frequency bands is considered an dant solid anhydrite inclusions in this halite, further
individual fluid inclusion assemblage ŽGoldstein and evidence that anhydrite was precipitating at the same
Reynolds, 1994., meaning that petrography suggest time as the halite. Rare two-phase liquid–vapor pri-
that all fluid inclusions along it formed at about the mary inclusions exist in cumulates and, less com-
same time. monly, in chevrons. These tend to be larger inclu-
Primary fluid inclusions have a cubic, negative sions with vapor-to-liquid ratios of at least 50% and
crystal-shape. They range in size from 1 mm to are associated with abundant all-liquid inclusions
several hundred mm in diameter, but most are be- and minor two-phase liquid–solid inclusions in the
tween 5 and 30 mm. The majority of primary inclu- same fluid inclusion assemblages. Preliminary crush-

Fig. 11. Ranges of fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures plotted next to location of samples in the two cores.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 121

originated by subaqueous outgassing or, more likely,

may contain Permian air which was trapped as halite
crystals grew at the water–atmosphere interface.
Secondary fluid inclusions in Nippewalla Group
halite are easily distinguishable from primary inclu-
sions ŽFig. 9.. Secondary inclusions are irregular-
shaped one-phase inclusions along curved healed
microfractures that cross-cut halite crystal bound-
aries as well as chevron and cornet growth bands.
Larger Žgreater than 40–50 mm., cubic or irregular-
shaped inclusions that are isolated in otherwise clear
halite are ambiguous in origin, but may be either
primary inclusions or inclusions trapped during re-
Fig. 12. Histogram of homogenization temperatures plotted against crystallization of some halite.
number of inclusions. This histogram represents primary fluid
inclusion homogenization measurements from one stratigraphic
level, 1365 depth of Anadarko Davis No. 1 core, of Nippewalla
Group halite. Each pattern represents data from an individual fluid 6. Homogenization data
inclusion assemblage. Note that homogenization temperatures are
fairly consistent within individual fluid inclusion assemblages. 6.1. Homogenization temperatures in Nippewalla
Group halite
ing runs performed on the vapor-rich primary inclu-
sions show no change in size of vapor bubbles from Homogenization temperatures measured in 234
before to after crushing. These gas bubbles may have originally all-liquid primary fluid inclusions in
Nipewalla Group halite range from 21.48C to 49.88C

Fig. 13. Histogram of homogenization temperatures plotted against

size of inclusions. This histogram represents primary fluid inclu- Fig. 14. Schematic representation of chevron bands in a halite
sion homogenization measurements from one stratigraphic level, crystal from Anadarko Davis No. 1 core, 1406 depth. Note
1365 depth of Anadarko Davis No. 1 core, of Nippewalla Group homogenization temperatures in relation to bands. Although ho-
halite. Each symbol represents an individual assemblage. Note mogenization temperatures are consistent within individual fluid
that homogenization temperatures within individual fluid inclusion inclusion assemblages Žthin, high frequency growth bands., they
assemblages are not dependent upon inclusion size. decrease from base to top of chevrons.
122 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

ŽFig. 10.. Among the nine individual stratigraphic temperature ranges. This is not surprising because
levels in which halite was sampled, homogenization petrographic analysis shows that halite precipitated
temperatures range slightly ŽFig. 11.. For instance, in very shallow Žcm-scale. water. In this environ-
homogenization temperatures measured from 1627X ment, water temperatures would be approximately
in the Atomic Energy Commission core have the the same at both the bottom and top of the water
most narrow range Ž328C to 468C., whereas halite column.
from the 1627X 6Y depth in the same core has the Within individual fluid inclusion assemblages, ho-
widest range Ž218C to 478C.. mogenization temperatures from both larger and
Both bottom-growth chevron crystals and cumu- smaller inclusions fall within the same narrow range
late hopper crystals yielded similar homogenization of no more than 88C Žand many have agreement

Fig. 15. Graphic representation of homogenization temperature trends within and among cloudy, inclusion-rich and clear, inclusion-poor
growth bands in five chevron halite crystals from the Nippewalla Group. Black circles mark average homogenization temperatures and
bracketed lines show ranges for individual fluid inclusion assemblages within thicker chevron growth bands. Lines connecting black circles
are extrapolated temperature trends. Upward decrease in homogenization temperatures from base to top of individual cloudy chevron bands
may reflect daily fluctuations in surface water temperatures.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 123

within 28C; Fig. 12.. Measured temperatures are tures. But the few measurements made in these clear
reported from inclusions ranging in size from 3 to chevron bands show temperatures that are intermedi-
380 mm. There is no correlation between size of ate between the lows Žat top of the next lower cloudy
inclusions and homogenization temperature ŽFig. 13.. band. and the highs Žat the base of the next higher
cloudy band; Figs. 14 and 15..
6.2. Temperature trends

Although homogenization temperatures agree

closely along individual fluid inclusion assemblages, 7. Discussion
successive fluid inclusion assemblages within indi-
vidual chevron growth bands show temperature
trends. There are multiple fluid inclusion assem- 7.1. Validity of homogenization temperature data
blages within each thick Ž100’s of mm to mm-scale.
cloudy, inclusion-rich chevron band in bottom- Homogenization temperatures of primary fluid in-
growth halite ŽFig. 14.. Within each cloudy chevron clusions in halite, especially ancient halite, cannot be
band, homogenization temperatures are highest in the considered representative of evaporative parent water
fluid inclusion assemblage at the base of that cloudy temperatures until alteration of the fluid inclusions
chevron. Each successively later fluid inclusion as- can be dismissed.
semblage yields slightly lower homogenization tem- We have ruled out alteration of fluid inclusions by
peratures, with the topmost assemblage having the thick section preparation. Uncut, unpolished halite
lowest homogenization temperatures in the cloudy cleavage chips yielded the same range of homoge-
chevron band ŽFigs. 14 and 15.. nization temperatures as did thick section fragments.
We have only limited data on these temperature This suggests that thick section preparation had no
trends on a chevron band-to-chevron band scale due effect on the fluid inclusions.
to the small percentage of nucleated vapor bubbles Alteration of fluid inclusions by thermal reequili-
after cooling and the difficulty of renucleating bub- bration also has been ruled out. Consistency of ho-
bles after homogenization. Samples from different mogenization temperatures in fluid inclusion assem-
stratigraphic levels in both cores show decreases in blages can be used to evaluate the possibility of
homogenization temperature of approximately 68C to thermal reequilibration. Goldstein and Reynolds
128C from base to top of cloudy chevron bands ŽFig. Ž1994. suggested that if inclusions measured in a
15.. One cloudy chevron band Žat 1406X Ž428.7 m. fluid inclusion assemblage are of variable sizes or
depth in Anadarko core. has homogenization temper- shapes, and if 90% of the homogenization tempera-
atures of high 40’s Ž8C. at its base to low 20’s Ž8C. at ture data from it fall within a 10–158C interval, then
its top, reflecting a temperature decrease of approxi- the inclusions probably have not been altered by
mately 268C ŽFigs. 14 and 15.. It is succeeded by a thermal reequilbration. The homogenization tempera-
cloudy chevron band with a trend from high 40’s to ture data from the Nippewalla Group halite meet
low 30’s Ž8C; Figs. 14 and 15.. In a crystal from these criteria. Each fluid inclusion assemblage has
Anadarko core 1396X 6Y Ž425.8 m. with three succes- ranges of homogenization temperatures that fall
sive cloudyrclear chevron couplets over a vertical within 88C. However, the great majority of fluid
thickness of approximately 9 mm, the basal cloudy inclusion assemblages Ž88%. have homogenization
chevron band has homogenization temperatures de- temperatures that fall into an even smaller interval of
creasing upward from high 20’s to low 20’s in 8C. less than 58C and many have agreement within 28C
The second cloudy chevron band and third, or top- ŽFig. 12.. This indicates that the fluid inclusions
most, cloudy chevron band both have homogeniza- have not undergone thermal reequilibration.
tion temperatures decreasing upward from low 40’s Evaluating the relationship between inclusion size
to low 30’s Ž8C.. and homogenization temperatures is another impor-
The clear chevron bands have very few inclusions tant test for determining if fluid inclusions have been
from which to measure homogenization tempera- altered by thermal reequilbration. Experimental work
124 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

shows that the larger inclusions in halite tend to 7.2. Comparison with modern eÕaporatiÕe settings
stretch much more than smaller inclusions
ŽPetrichenko, 1979; Roedder and Belkin, 1980; The homogenization temperature data indicate that
Roedder, 1984b.. Fluid inclusions that have stretched shallow surface waters that precipitated the Nippe-
yield homogenization temperatures higher than the walla Group halite during the mid Permian had
true entrapment temperature. Therefore, if these pri- temperatures of 218C to 508C. These are reasonable
mary inclusions in the Nippewalla Group halite had temperatures for Permian surface waters since they
stretched, the larger inclusions would tend to have fall within the same range as temperatures of some
higher homogenization temperatures than the smaller modern playas Žcontinental ephemeral saline lakes.
inclusions. There is no relationship between size of and salinas Žmarginal marine ephemeral saline lakes..
inclusion and homogenization temperature ŽFig. 13.. Because water chemistry and climatic conditions
Thus, primary fluid inclusions in Nippewalla Group are important in the study of chemical sediments,
halite have not been altered by thermal reequilibra- water temperatures have commonly been measured
tion. in studies of modern evaporite environments. Re-
The observations argue strongly against thermal ported temperatures for modern surface brines range
reequilbration of the fluid inclusions. Thus, the ho- from approximately 08C to 858C ŽTable 1.. For
mogenization temperature data presented here are example, Casas et al. Ž1992. reported temperatures
valid. of 128C to 388C for 1 cm deep water on a salt pan
Moreover, petrographic and fluid inclusion evi- bordering Lake Dabusan in the Quidam Basin of
dence indicate that no significant pressure correction China. Surface water temperatures range from 58C to
is needed for the homogenization temperature data. 708C at Salina Omotepec, Baja CA ŽCasas and
The sedimentologic and petrographic observations Lowenstein, 1989..
argue that this halite formed in very shallow Žcm- Temperature data for modern surface brines is not
scale. surface waters. The crushing runs indicate complete. Year-round temperature data are not al-
pressures near one atmosphere. Both pieces of evi- ways available due to desiccation of some of these
dence indicate entrapment at low pressure so the saline lakes and harsh field conditions during ex-
homogenization temperatures are essentially equal to tremely hot, arid summer months. However, enough
entrapment temperatures. Therefore, the raw homog- temperature data have been collected to record sea-
enization temperatures are approximately equal to sonal trends in some of these modern brines. For
temperatures of surface waters from which the halite instance, Brown Ž1995. measured water temperatures
precipitated. of 98C to 368C from November to May of 1993 at

Table 1
Surface water temperature in modern evaporative environments
Locality Water temperature Water depth Reference
Quidam Basin, China 12–388C 1 cm Casas et al., 1992
Salina Omotepec, Baja CA 5–708C surface Casas and Lowenstein, 1989
Lake Magadi, Kenya 15–858C Žhot springs present. surface Eugster, 1970
Death Valley, CA 9–368C ŽNov.–May. surface Brown, 1995
20–388C ŽApril–May. surface Roberts and Spencer, 1995
43–508C ŽAug..
Walker Lake, NV 2–328C shoreline Newton and Grossman, 1988
Salton Sea, CA 10–368C surface Carpelan, 1958
Great Salt Lake, UT y1–288C surface Eubank and Brough, 1980
Great Inagua salt works, Bahamas 24–358C ŽJan.. surface Zimmermann, pers. comm.
28–368C ŽAug..
Dead Sea Žsouth basin. 35–408C Žsummer. surface Gornitz and Schreiber, 1981
19–238C Žwinter.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 125

Death Valley. Roberts and Spencer Ž1995. reported is probable that for most chevrons, growth is slower
Death Valley water temperatures of 208C to 388C for and just one cloudy–clear couplet forms in the course
April and May and 438C to 508C for August of the of one day.
same year. Temperature data from a solar salt works The ephemeral lakersaline pan halite from the
in the Bahamas exhibit less of a seasonal trend than Nippewalla Group grew in shallow surface brines at
Death Valley, being approximately 108 in latitude temperatures of 218C to 508C. These Permian surface
closer to the Equator and having a more humid water temperatures fall within the same range as
climate. Surface brine temperatures at a solar salt some modern surface brines. Trends of decreasing
work on Great Inagua Island in the Bahamas mea- temperatures observed from base to top of individual
sured 248C to 358C in January and 288C to 368C in chevron bands may reflect daily water temperature
August ŽH. Zimmermann, pers. comm... variations.
Modern surface water temperatures also fluctuate
over the course of a day. Just before sunrise, temper- 7.3. Paleoclimatic significance
atures are lowest and highest daily water tempera-
tures occur in early afternoon. Measured tempera- Surface water paleotemperatures can be an impor-
tures reflect diurnal changes of 108C to 128C at both tant aspect of paleoclimate studies. Modern surface
Death Valley and Great Inagua Island ŽBrown, 1995, water temperatures in ephemeral lakersaline pan
Roberts and Spencer, 1995, H. Zimmermann, pers. settings are rather similar to surface air temperatures.
comm... At Dabusun Lake, Quidam Basin, China, Therefore, surface water temperatures determined
Casas et al. Ž1992. reported surface water Ž1 cm from ancient evaporites can be used as estimates of
depth. temperatures of 128C at 7:27 am, 228C at ancient localized air temperatures.
11:20 am, and 388C at 5:25 pm during one August Surface water temperatures and air temperatures
day. Brown Ž1995. pointed out that because workers reflect local climate factors such as latitude and
usually sample temperatures between 9 am and 4 elevation. For example, Death Valley is situated at a
pm, nighttime temperatures have not often been re- lower elevation than Great Salt Lake and, therefore,
ported. Therefore, the lower limit of daily brine has higher average air temperatures. Likewise, water
temperature fluctuation in modern saline pans is not temperatures at Death Valley are higher than at
well known. Great Salt Lake ŽFig. 16a.. Average surface water
Daily water temperature fluctuations have been temperatures in these modern evaporative settings
credited with the formation of primary growth bands closely correlate to average local air temperatures.
in halite ŽDellwig, 1955; Roedder, 1982. similar in Water temperatures tend to be within 58C Žlower or
scale to the fluid inclusion bands in Nippewalla higher. of air temperatures ŽEubank and Brough,
Group halite. Cloudy, fluid inclusion-rich bands may 1980; Brown, 1995; Roberts and Spencer, 1995; H.
develop during faster daytime crystal growth. Rapid Zimmermann, pers. comm... So surface water tem-
halite crystal growth in modern saline pans has been peratures are good proxies for local air temperatures
observed to start during early afternoons when high- "58C.
est air and water temperatures are reached, and Modern surface air temperature fluctuates on both
continue through early evenings. Clear, fluid inclu- annual and diurnal scales, just as surface water tem-
sion-poor bands presumably form as crystal growth peratures do ŽFig. 16.. Observed fluctuations in pale-
slows greatly upon air and temperature cooling dur- otemperatures from ancient evaporites may reflect
ing nights or early mornings. This theory has led daily andror seasonal trends in ancient air tempera-
evaporite workers to interpret each 100’s of mm to tures.
mm-thick cloudy–clear couplet as a daily time line. The homogenization measured in the Nippewalla
This may be more applicable to chevron crystals Group halite Ž218C to 508C. suggest that, during the
than to cumulates because most cumulates form mid Permian, the midcontinent region of North
within a few hours and may have formed several America may have had air temperatures of approxi-
cloudy–clear couplets during that time Žsee discus- mately 218C to 508C. These ancient surface water
sion in Roberts and Spencer, 1995.. Alternatively, it and air temperatures are like those at some modern
126 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

Fig. 16. Comparisons between shallow surface water temperatures and air temperatures in modern evaporative environments. Ža. Average air
and water temperatures Žon a seasonal scale. at Death Valley, CA ŽRoberts and Spencer, 1995. are quite similar, as are those at Great Salt
Lake, UT ŽEubank and Brough, 1980.. Žb. Specific air and water temperatures Žon a daily scale. at Death Valley, CA ŽBrown, 1995. and at
Great Inagua, Bahamas ŽH. Zimmermann, pers. comm.. also exhibit some similarities. Open symbols represent air, filled symbols stand for

evaporite settings such as Death Valley, CA, Salina days in modern evaporative environments. The inclu-
Omotepec, Baja CA, Quidam Basin, China, and sions with the highest temperatures Žsituated at the
Lake Magadi, Kenya ŽTable 1; Eugster, 1970; Casas cloudy chevron bases. may have been trapped in
and Lowenstein, 1989; Casas et al., 1992; Brown, early afternoon, when water and air was at its
1995; Roberts and Spencer, 1995.. warmest. The inclusions with the lowest tempera-
It is difficult to know the seasons during which tures Žlocated at the tops of cloudy chevrons. may
the Nippewalla Group halite precipitated. In modern have been trapped as halite grew in the early evening.
saline pans, spring and summer are seasons of high The few measurements made in the clear parts of
evaporation and halite precipitation, with desiccation chevron bands show temperatures that are intermedi-
of the saline pan commonly occurring in the hottest, ate between the lows Žat top of the next lower cloudy
driest part of the summer, and flooding occurring band. and the highs Žat the base of the next higher
during the winter and early spring. However, these cloudy band; Fig. 14.. These inclusions may have
desiccation and flooding events do not always occur formed in the morning as temperatures were increas-
on a regular, once-a-year timetable. The homoge- ing. We theorize that each cloudyrclear chevron
nization temperatures measured in the Nippewalla couplet may have formed in a single Permian day
Group halite may best match late spring and late and may indirectly represent corresponding air tem-
summer water and air temperatures for modern envi- peratures for some of the Permian day and perhaps
ronments ŽFigs. 11 and 16a., but the seasons of some of the Permian evening. However, it is likely
halite growth for this Permian example are still that our data is not a complete record of the total
unknown. range of day–night temperature fluctuation because
Homogenization temperature trends observed inclusions may not have been trapped during cooler
across cloudy chevron bands in the Nippewalla Group parts of the diurnal cycle.
halite may represent daily temperature fluctuations. The fluid inclusion paleotemperature data ob-
The range of decrease in temperature across cloudy tained for the Nippewalla Group are close proxies
bands Ž68 to 268C. closely matches some water and for Permian air temperatures for specific localities at
air temperature changes over the course of single specific times. In fact, it seems more correct to call
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 127

these homogenization temperatures ‘paleo weather’ temperatures to 108C. Although the Nippewalla
data rather than paleoclimate data. Group halite was deposited in lakes, most were
small, ephemeral lakes that most likely had less of an
7.4. Comparison with paleoclimate models effect on the average air temperatures than extensive,
deep lakes would. The Nippewalla Group paleotem-
Geologic evidence, such as paucity of coals and peratures of 218C to 508C suggest that the halite was
abundance of evaporites and aeolian siliciclastics, deposited in a climate similar to that predicted by
suggests that the midcontinent region of North this model.
America was hot and arid during the mid–late Per- The comparison of Nippewalla Group data to
mian ŽDubiel and Smoot, 1994; Francis, 1994; Faure another paleoclimate model also shows some agree-
et al., 1995.. Palegeographic reconstructions support ment. A model called PALEOCLIMATE was em-
this general paleoclimate for the environment of the ployed to predict ancient surface air temperatures
Nippewalla Group ŽHoldoway, 1978; Scotese and and superimpose them over detailed paleogeographic
McKerrow, 1990.. These evaporites and red beds reconstructions ŽGolonka et al., 1994.. Average air
were deposited near the Equator in closed basins temperature outputs for the paleogeographic setting
characterized by low elevation and low topographic of the Nippewalla Group in Kansas are 258C to 308C
relief bordered on several sides by higher elevation for the Early Permian Ž277 m.y.a.. and 258C for the
areas of uplift. Although proximity to the Equator Late Permian Ž255 m.y.a... Although the Nippewalla
usually suggests humid conditions, this area was Group paleotemperatures are slightly higher than
probably a desert due to highlands-induced rain these model temperatures, there may be a summer
shadow effect or to dry air masses travelling a long bias in our data. The local climate under which the
distance over land ŽGolonka et al., 1994.. Nippewalla Group halite was deposited was probably
Paleoclimate simulation models have been devel- similar or slightly warmer than the climate that this
oped for the Permian. These models incorporate: Ž1. model predicts.
paleogeographic reconstructions, Ž2. presence of geo- It is difficult to compare paleoclimate model out-
logic climatic indicators such as coals, evaporites, put with paleoclimate data. The models are run for
and bauxites, and Ž3. knowledge of modern climate certain times that may not correspond to the exact
processes. Some shortcomings are gaps in our age of the poorly dated Nippewalla Group. It should
knowledge of paleogeography and paleoenviron- also be noted that these model temperatures are
ments as well as lack of quantitative paleoclimate average annual or seasonal air temperatures for a
data as ground truth for the climate simulations. The large region, whereas the surface water paleotemper-
detailed localized and quantitative paleoclimate data, atures reflect indirect air temperatures for a highly
such as the air paleotemperatures we provide, can be localized area over more specific time periods. How-
used to test and modify paleoclimate simulation ever, it is possible that these two paleoclimate mod-
models. els and the surface water paleotemperatures are both
Paleotemperatures are an output of many paleocli- valid. Only the accumulation of quantitative paleocli-
mate simulation models. The Kutzbach and Ziegler mate data from more rocks and the development of
Ž1993. Late Permian climate model applied knowl- more detailed paleoclimate models will allow better
edge about modern atmospheric dynamics to infor- evaluations to be made.
mation about Late Permian land–ocean boundaries,
topography, and inland lakes and seas in order to
determine past surface air temperatures. At the ap- 8. Conclusions
proximate paleogeographic location of the Nippe-
walla Group in Kansas, summer temperatures of This research: Ž1. shows that primary fluid inclu-
408C to 508C and winter temperatures of 158C were sions in some ancient halites record ancient surface
predicted if this region had no extensive lakes. The conditions; Ž2. evaluates a method for measuring
presence of extensive lakes would decrease the sum- homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in
mer temperatures to 258C to 308C and the winter ancient halites; Ž3. determines mid Permian surface
128 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

water temperatures and describes daily temperature Acknowledgements

fluctuations; and Ž4. relates surface water tempera-
tures to air temperatures and discusses significance
This study benefitted greatly from discussions
to Permian paleoclimate.
about fluid inclusions in halite held with Sean Bren-
Comparison of depositional and early diagenetic
nan, Christopher Brown, Jianren Li, Tim Lowen-
features in the Nippewalla Group halite with modern
stein, Dave Newell, Jim Reynolds, Sheila Roberts,
evaporites indicates growth from shallow surface
and Ed Roedder. KCB is especially indebted to Tim
waters in an ephemeral lakersaline pan setting. Pri-
Lowenstein for introducing her to fluid inclusions,
mary fluid inclusions along growth bands formed as
evaporites, and paleoclimate. Phil Brown is thanked
the halite precipitated from these shallow surface
for his careful review of the manuscript. Financial
brines. Careful evaluation of the homogenization
and logistical support from the Geology Department
data shows that the fluid inclusions in the Nippe-
at the University of Kansas, the Kansas Geological
walla Group halite have not undergone thermal
Survey, Phillips Petroleum, and student research
reequilibration while in the lab or in nature and are
grants to KCB from Sigma Xi and the Geological
representative of Permian parent surface brines. Shal-
Society of America are gratefully acknowledged.
low water origin eliminates the need for pressure
The surface water temperatures determined from
primary fluid inclusions using the ‘cooling nucle-
ation’ method range from 218C to 508C. So, during
the mid Permian, shallow lake waters of these tem-
peratures existed in western Kansas. These Permian Appendix A
surface water temperatures are proxies for ancient air
temperatures; they compare favorably to average re-
Homogenization temperature data for primary
gional temperatures for the Permian predicted from
fluid inclusions in Nippewalla Group halite. Th’s
paleoclimate simulation models. The mid Permian
listed are the first Th measured for a particular
climate of this locale was not unlike the climate in
inclusion. Reproduced Th values are not listed here,
its modern counterparts.
but are all within 18C of first Th run.
The fluid inclusions also preserve at least part of
the range of day–night temperature variation, indi- Sample FIA Th, 8C size, mm
cating ranges of at least 68 to 268C. Detailed, quanti- An 1365X FIA 1 33.7 15
tative paleoclimate data, such as these Permian Chevron 33.8 12
Nippewalla Group halite surface water temperature, 33.5 4
provide significant input for paleoclimate models. FIA 2 34.0 25
Quantitative summer temperatures and diurnal tem- Chevron 33.9 8
perature ranges cannot be obtained by traditional 34.8 20
geological paleoclimate indicators, such as presence 35.0 24
or paucity of coals, evaporites, or aerolian siliciclas- 35.3 10
tics. Gathering ancient paleoclimate data, such as 35.0 9
those produced in this study, are essential in order FIA 3 40.7 19
for us to achieve a broader understanding of climate Chevron 42.1 7
through geologic time. Fluid inclusions, especially 40.4 5
those in evaporite minerals, should be a key target 40.5 3
for paleoclimate studies. 41.1 5
Presented at the sixth biennial Pan-American 40.4 6
Conference on Research on Fluid Inclusions 41.8 8
ŽPACROFI VI. held May 30–June 1, 1996 at The 42.2 3
University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, USA.
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 129

Appendix A Žcontinued. Appendix A Žcontinued.

41.5 6 FIA 4 28.1 28
40.6 9 Chevron 27.6 30
FIA 4 41.9 30 30.0 16
Chevron 39.7 55 28.2 15
40.6 7 FIA 5 29.4 12
41.0 5 Cumulate 28.1 125
FIA 5 45.2 6 28.9 18
Chevron 44.8 11 Cumulate FIA 6 33.8 380
Chevron FIA 6 35.8 9 An 1396X 6Y FIA 1 23.1 25
Chevron FIA 7 40.9 15 Chevron 28.4 12
FIA 8 44.5 25 FIA 2 27.5 14
Chevron 44.2 25 Chevron 27.0 18
43.1 9 FIA 3 37.2 38
43.6 15 Chevron 35.8 91
43.5 12 36.6 18
43.7 12 37.0 27
43.9 15 36.5 20
43.8 10 Chevron FIA 4 42.7 26
45.2 3 FIA 5 39.2 21
FIA 9 41.6 30 Chevron 39.5 30
Chevron 41.3 7 39.5 30
Chevron FIA 10 46.1 10 Chevron FIA 6 41.2 45
FIA 11 38.9 22 FIA 7 35.0 13
Cumulate 38.1 20 Chevron 34.6 9
39.2 9 37.9 6
FIA 12 37.6 20 Chevron FIA 8 38.8 10
Cumulate 35.5 10 Chevron FIA 9 40.4 9
38.4 6 41.8 16
38.1 5 40.7 9
FIA 13 35.4 8 An 1406X FIA 1 48.2 11
Cumulate 36.6 3 Chevron 47.1 3
36.5 15 47.5 5
FIA 14 34.9 14 49.8 31
Cumulate 34.6 6 45.4 16
34.0 10 49.7 8
32.2 9 FIA 2 27.5 4
An 1395X FIA 1 34.5 46 Chevron 24.5 25
Chevron 32.7 27 24.9 44
37.9 25 27.8 16
34.1 11 FIA 3 23.6 15
32.5 17 Chevron 23.6 32
34.8 20 24.3 15
Chevron FIA 2 36.3 45 FIA 4 31.0 15
FIA 3 40.6 27 Chevron 30.6 19
Chevron 40.4 10 FIA 5 35.9 28
40.9 20 Chevron 37.7 22
130 K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132

Appendix A Žcontinued. Appendix A Žcontinued.

FIA 6 28.3 14 35.8 95
Chevron 25.0 53 38.3 27
27.3 24 34.9 11
28.8 45 35.9 18
FIA 7 31.6 30 37.4 15
Chevron 35.3 18 FIA 4 25.5 61
36.4 22 Cumulate 31.8 32
FIA 8 45.4 27 AEC 1624X 6Y FIA 1 30.9 16
Chevron 46.3 15 Cumulate 30.7 18
48.1 58 27.4 25
FIA 9 38.2 6 27.2 34
Cumulate 43.5 15 FIA 2 33.3 25
40.6 11 35.6 12
FIA 10 32.9 22 FIA 3 37.8 14
Chevron 32.2 25 Cumulate 36.6 10
33.4 8 38.4 25
34.1 11 FIA 4 44.7 16
FIA 11 43.5 33 Cumulate 42.3 25
Chevron 41.9 12 42.2 21
FIA 12 38.2 12 42.1 28
Chevron 38.6 10 43.4 35
40.1 8 FIA 5 28.8 16
40.9 10 Cumulate 28.5 18
39.8 11 29.3 13
38.6 4 30.8 10
37.9 9 32.5 7
An 1406X 2Y FIA 1 28.6 20 29.7 15
Cumulate 31.9 15 AEC 1627X FIA 1 42.1 14
FIA 2 40.4 18 Cumulate 43.4 10
Cumulate 35.7 12 43.9 35
An 1406X 9Y FIA 1 31.6 25 41.9 21
Cumulate 30.4 26 42.3 36
37.8 54 44.2 44
38.7 56 43.3 47
34.5 39 40.0 27
37.1 36 40.1 30
34.9 9 FIA 2 32.4 9
34.8 18 Cumulate 32.6 14
38.2 92 FIA 3 35.9 10
FIA 2 40.6 16 Cumulate 37.4 7
Cumulate 42.5 48 36.6 27
44.6 22 37.6 15
43.4 20 FIA 4 46.4 3
FIA 3 34.6 45 Cumulate 45.9 4
Cumulate 35.7 30 FIA 5 36.8 12
36.2 51 Cumulate 36.9 9
K.C. Benison, R.H. Goldsteinr Chemical Geology 154 (1999) 113–132 131

Appendix A Žcontinued. and paleoclimatic implications from a salt core of Badwater

Basin, Death Valley, California. M.A., SUNY at Binghamton.
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36.4 8 Casas, E., 1987. Diagenesis of salt pan halite. M.A., SUNY at
33.1 10
Casas, E., Lowenstein, T.K., 1989. Diagenesis of saline pan
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Chevron 33.4 21 nary, and permian halites. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology
Chevron FIA 2 41.8 45 59, 724–739.
Chevron FIA 3 45.1 24 Casas, E., Lowenstein, T.K., Spencer, R.J., Pengxi, Z., 1992.
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FIA 4 44.7 10
China: evidence for the early diagenetic origin of potash
Chevron 47.1 12 evaporites. Journal of Seidmentary Petrology 62, 898.
FIA 5 27.2 92 Dellwig, L.F., 1955. Origin of the Salina Salt of Michigan.
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FIA 8 30.1 24 Eubank, M.E., Brough, R.C., 1980. The Great Salt Lake and its
Chevron 30.4 18 influence on the weather. In: Gwynn, J.W. ŽEd.., Great Salt
Lake: A Scientific, Historical, and Economic Overview, Vol.
31.8 46
116, Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey Bulletin, pp.
FIA 9 38.9 12 279–283.
Chevron 35.9 18 Eugster, H.P., 1970, Chemistry and origin of the brines of Lake
FIA 10 45.3 48 Magadi, Kenya: Mineralogical Society of America Special
Chevron 44.9 25 Paper 3, pp. 213–235.
Faure, K., de Wit, M.J., Willis, J.P., 1995. Late Permian global
43.8 17
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Chevron 41.2 45 507–510.
37.1 15 Fay, R.O., 1964. The Blaine and related formations of northwest-
FIA 12 32.9 21 ern Oklahoma and southern Kansas. Oklahoma Geological
Survey Bulletin, 98.
Chevron 31.8 40
Fay, R.O., 1965, Geology and mineral resources of Woods County,
32.6 45 Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geological Survey Bulletin, 106.
33.2 15 Fay, R.O., Ham, W.E., Bado, J.T., Jordan, L., 1965. Geology and
31.6 35 mineral resources of Blaines County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma
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