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1st Gen Indian Masters

Charles Correa
ARL 251 History of Architecture
Presentation by Ar Shreya Sable, AAPP. VNIT

Charles Correa: Jawahar Kala Kendra


Aerial view of Jasahar Kata Kendra Miew towards centrai courtyard
Charles Correa: Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya


reisieAiiágr A Shreya Sable

Great deal of transparency has been achieved by the use of largs
opening and terrace garden on every floor. Beacuse of Americar
training. Correa has rarely been tempted to import Western ldeas
into India. Like most architects of his generation he has been in
fluenced by Le Corbusier, but by his response to the Mediterra
yocal secn shorg e a c h of baac n nean sun with his "great sculptural decisions (the over-hangs, the
doubie-heights). placed facing the elements'

resieriRr. Ar. Shreya Sable

Charles Correa: Bharat Bhavan Bhopal

Use of slope/gradient, ritualistic pathway,connecting courtyards, stepped terraces

esSALSIALg by: Ar. Shreya Sable 11

Use of siopel gradient, ritualistic pathway. connecting courtyards, stepped terraces

reseRHiALCby A. Shreya Sable

Charles Correa: Kanchanjunga Apartments
Whole structure
m a d e of rein truction edpanels
foraed concrete. reas of
The buldirng s
r srong ree
32 storeyed rein

orced concrete terai ina

n temaces of
structure wit Kancharjurg Apart
6.3m canile wails mens ere aualy
vered open ter ode tepretation
ofa testure df he p
reces h e cen
tral core houses loe the v d

ins and other

services atso pro vn
wdes the main
tect here so
structun ee
ment for resist
ing lateral loeds.
The centnl core
was constructed
aneod of the

mein structure
y slhp method of
This technique
wes used for the
one tnds apre
time in India tres
Or mull-sto
reseRHAGr Ar.ShreyaSable reyed building
Charles Correa: Parekh House
Machine for the living: Energy conscious building
Summer section to be used during daytime: protects in
Winter be used in early morningS and
section-to eve
terraces to the sky
Since site faces east-west. house consists of 3 bays


Living Dedroom
Winter Scction.



d Garden
Summer Secion.

resieRHiRE by Ar. Shreya Sable

Charles Correa: Navi Mumbai Plan NO

To avoid a Mumbai like situation of activity concentration,

caused bya monocentric development model, the
planners adopted a polycentric nodal pattern model of
The polycentric approach based on principle of
It avoids concentration of activities and population in a
particular area insteads adopts decentralising and
balanced distribution of residential areas, job centers,
wholesale markets, non-polluting industries and
population density in different nodes/ areas of the city
The 12 self-contained nodal townships are strung along
mass-rapid transport corridors, designed to minimise
travel times

resEAsiRepy: Ar. Shreya Sable

Charles Correa: Kovalam Beach Resort


Sectun ky
agh detched unds Every rron munk
hues ts owrn rcncta
ain the sepped bach
errace sutaig
aections so
ard mtavregtorounter
o provde the
privacy qests

Concept was a large mass, sioping towards the sea ensuring each room had a frame to the
breathtaking view that lay in front of each room and a trame to the breathtaking view that
lay in tront.

reASEGALSHRLy: Ar. Shreya Sable

Charles Correa: Bharat Bhavan Bhopal

Open-to-sky spaces. sunken courtyards and raised terraces.concrete shells to allowlight and ventilation, empty
spacesas contemplativevoids-conceptof non-building
reseAsiRO y. Ar. ShreyaSable
Charles Correa: ECIL Offices Hyderabad

the ECIL Offhces (1965-68) in Hyderabad, tries to develop a workspace in which the very pattern of the builtform itself creates a special micro- climate. Through
reseRAai.kE y: Ar. Shreya Sable this and other similar efforts. gradually a kit-of-parts came into existence: the section which facilitates convection currents. the internal zone of micro-climate
the stepped terraces. the pergola root.
Charles Correa: Navi Mumbai Plan & Belapur Housing


Belapur housing makes a statement which combines the principles that Correa believed to be most important in housing: incrementality. open-to-sky spaces.
equity and a strong sense of community. The movement within the development is entirely pedestrian, with parking spaces allotted on the fringes The open 15
resieRiRie r Ar. Shreya Sable
spaces flow from small court to large community space with ease.
n& Belapur Housing


Tye A ns Grund pian F plan

Charles Correa: Kala Academy Goa, Cidade De Goa

reseSiAL y Ar. Shreya Sable

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