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Grimm, Lyner and Symzta you three have been friends since childhood.

You grew up in a small

patch of land in the far province of Pintha. It is a peaceful province far from the reaches of the great city
of Regand. The province in of itself is self-sufficient with fertile land surrounding the vicinity and expert
farmers providing care for it. A great variety of crops are grown in this area and with people who are
skilled in crafts and manufacturing, quality goods are created here. This serves as the lifeline of Regand,
although however peaceful and good the quality of life here is, you three have always dreamed more
and wanted to experience more things that life can offer. You’ve always wanted to travel the world and
make your mark on it. As time passed by eventually you three have left Regand and travelled to unravel
what the world can offer, what opportunities lies in wait, what feats can be achieved to be able to leave
your mark on the world.

Moving to the present you through favors gained by your deeds you are eventually hired by the
baroness of Helga to investigate a village not so far from the town of Helga. You are informed that they
have lost contact with the village and every scout sent has not come back. (Make them roll a 1d4). You
have been paid in advance () gold. How do you want to prepare for the investigation?

(Ask them who is leading and make them roll a survival check) As you set out to go the village,
30 mins in you see a pack of wolves (depending on roll);

- 10 below = the pack of wolves surround you and takes you by surprise (make the other two
roll perception).
- 15 above = you see them just in time and took formation immediately avoiding getting
- Nat20 = you see them approaching and the three of you are able to make attacks of
opportunity just as they close in on the three of you.

As you three continue forward you finally get into a clearing and as you look at your map you
see that you are near the village. (Make all of them roll a arcana check.)

- 10 below = with a ten you sense that there’s something amiss in the area but you’re not
quite sure what or where it is coming from.
- 15 above = with a fifteen you sense a dread of necromancy around the area and it seems to
be emanating from the village you see in the distance.

As you enter close in on the village you notice the greenery around you start to fade into a
shade of grey as the plants and grass around you seems to be slowly rotting unnaturally. As you go in
closer you see a wooden arch which seems to be what greets outsiders into the village and you see that
the wood is close to state of unnatural rot like the plants and grass. The villagers are nowhere to be seen
and as you move forward you make through a series of houses that are rustic in design, a common
theme in villages such as this. You are now standing in front of the town hall, in the middle are two large
wooden doors that appears to swing into the town hall, and on the walls you can see ornamented
architectural lines that are carved into the pillars and the windows are form an obelisk like shape and
are wide enough for one person to go in. What do the three of you do?

As you open the doors of the hall you are greeted by a sudden gust of wind. Inside there are 4
floating flames next to the pillars. They are in a shade of purple and are the only thing that is giving light
inside. (Make them roll a perception check).

- 9 below = with a () you’re not sure what it is but there is something off ever since you
stepped into the hall. You are unsure if there is something within the halls.
- 10 – 16 = with a () you notice that there’s a unnatural silence that is lingering ever since you
stepped in. You feel as if you are not alone inside, but as much as you can make out, there is
no signs of movement or life around you.
- 17 – 20 = with a () you notice that when you stepped in you can no longer hear the wind or
ambient sounds coming from outside. You sense that you are being watched by something,
something that is not of the living realm.

The interior consists of just a huge spacious room that are filled with long tables on each side
that would accommodate people who would go in the town hall and go on with whatever business they
have. At the far end of the room you see a somewhat leveled stage and at the center a podium of sorts
in which you can assume a speaker would call out announcements or things as such. What do the three
of you do?

At the podium you can see a book laid out, opened. (Make someone roll an arcana check).

- 9 below = with a () you find that there’s something about the book that’s not right but you
can’t quite point it out.
- 10 – 15 = with a () you notice that the book is embedded with necromantic energy. You also
notice that there are hidden runes that are around the book but you can’t make out what
they mean.
- 17 – 20 = with a () you notice that the book is embedded with necromantic energy. You also
notice that there are hidden runes that are around the book and you know that theses
runes if are formed in order to call out something or to summon something.

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