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anael P.

Analysis of Declaration of Philippine Independence
Declaration of Philippine Independence was first written by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista also known as Don Bosyong later translated by Sulpicio Guevara an author,
born on year 1904. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born on December 7, 1830 at
Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence (Declaracion de Independencia de Filipinas) was proclaimed on 12
June year 1998 in Cavite II el Viejo (Kawit, Cavite) Philippines at the balcony of
General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence. The Declaration of Philippine Independence
was proclaimed and solemnized by the War Counsellor and the Special Delegate,
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista by the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines,
pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree issued by the Engregious Dictator Don Emilio
Aguinaldo y Famy. The declaration was signed by 98 persons. Thousands of people
from the provinces gathered in Kawit, Cavite to witness the historic event. The
military, representatives of various towns and other civil officials were in attendance
to witness the said historic event. This declaration has a purpose to proclaim the
sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial rule of the Spanish
Empire.The Declaration of Philippine Independence is a government- issued
document. The purpose of this document is to remind us, remind the colonists, and
the whole world that the Philippines declared independence from the colonists. The
declaration included the list of grievances against the Spanish Government stretching
back to explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrival on 1521. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence document is important in our whole country because it serves as the
proof of being independent of our country from the colonists. This document
summarizes and expresses all about the events happened during the conquest by
the colonists in 300 years. This government-issued document can prove us that our
country and ourselves were freed from the colonists and implies that we have the
right to live without any hindrances and we also have equality. It teaches us to be
more independent and to fight for ourselves and our country in order to exercise our
right to live with freedom, peace of mind and unity with others
anael P. Mangana
Analysis of Declaration of Philippine Independence
Declaration of Philippine Independence was first written by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista also known as Don Bosyong later translated by Sulpicio Guevara an author,
born on year 1904. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born on December 7, 1830 at
Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence (Declaracion de Independencia de Filipinas) was proclaimed on 12
June year 1998 in Cavite II el Viejo (Kawit, Cavite) Philippines at the balcony of
General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence. The Declaration of Philippine Independence
was proclaimed and solemnized by the War Counsellor and the Special Delegate,
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista by the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines,
pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree issued by the Engregious Dictator Don Emilio
Aguinaldo y Famy. The declaration was signed by 98 persons. Thousands of people
from the provinces gathered in Kawit, Cavite to witness the historic event. The
military, representatives of various towns and other civil officials were in attendance
to witness the said historic event. This declaration has a purpose to proclaim the
sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial rule of the Spanish
Empire.The Declaration of Philippine Independence is a government- issued
document. The purpose of this document is to remind us, remind the colonists, and
the whole world that the Philippines declared independence from the colonists. The
declaration included the list of grievances against the Spanish Government stretching
back to explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrival on 1521. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence document is important in our whole country because it serves as the
proof of being independent of our country from the colonists. This document
summarizes and expresses all about the events happened during the conquest by
the colonists in 300 years. This government-issued document can prove us that our
country and ourselves were freed from the colonists and implies that we have the
right to live without any hindrances and we also have equality. It teaches us to be
more independent and to fight for ourselves and our country in order to exercise our
right to live with freedom, peace of mind and unity with others
anael P. Mangana
Analysis of Declaration of Philippine Independence
Declaration of Philippine Independence was first written by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista also known as Don Bosyong later translated by Sulpicio Guevara an author,
born on year 1904. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born on December 7, 1830 at
Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence (Declaracion de Independencia de Filipinas) was proclaimed on 12
June year 1998 in Cavite II el Viejo (Kawit, Cavite) Philippines at the balcony of
General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence. The Declaration of Philippine Independence
was proclaimed and solemnized by the War Counsellor and the Special Delegate,
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista by the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines,
pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree issued by the Engregious Dictator Don Emilio
Aguinaldo y Famy. The declaration was signed by 98 persons. Thousands of people
from the provinces gathered in Kawit, Cavite to witness the historic event. The
military, representatives of various towns and other civil officials were in attendance
to witness the said historic event. This declaration has a purpose to proclaim the
sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial rule of the Spanish
Empire.The Declaration of Philippine Independence is a government- issued
document. The purpose of this document is to remind us, remind the colonists, and
the whole world that the Philippines declared independence from the colonists. The
declaration included the list of grievances against the Spanish Government stretching
back to explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrival on 1521. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence document is important in our whole country because it serves as the
proof of being independent of our country from the colonists. This document
summarizes and expresses all about the events happened during the conquest by
the colonists in 300 years. This government-issued document can prove us that our
country and ourselves were freed from the colonists and implies that we have the
right to live without any hindrances and we also have equality. It teaches us to be
more independent and to fight for ourselves and our country in order to exercise our
right to live with freedom, peace of mind and unity with others
anael P. Mangana
Analysis of Declaration of Philippine Independence
Declaration of Philippine Independence was first written by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista also known as Don Bosyong later translated by Sulpicio Guevara an author,
born on year 1904. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista was born on December 7, 1830 at
Biñan, Laguna, Captaincy General of the Philippines. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence (Declaracion de Independencia de Filipinas) was proclaimed on 12
June year 1998 in Cavite II el Viejo (Kawit, Cavite) Philippines at the balcony of
General Emilio Aguinaldo’s residence. The Declaration of Philippine Independence
was proclaimed and solemnized by the War Counsellor and the Special Delegate,
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista by the Dictatorial Government of the Philippines,
pursuant to, and by virtue of, a Decree issued by the Engregious Dictator Don Emilio
Aguinaldo y Famy. The declaration was signed by 98 persons. Thousands of people
from the provinces gathered in Kawit, Cavite to witness the historic event. The
military, representatives of various towns and other civil officials were in attendance
to witness the said historic event. This declaration has a purpose to proclaim the
sovereignty and independence of the Philippines from the colonial rule of the Spanish
Empire.The Declaration of Philippine Independence is a government- issued
document. The purpose of this document is to remind us, remind the colonists, and
the whole world that the Philippines declared independence from the colonists. The
declaration included the list of grievances against the Spanish Government stretching
back to explorer Ferdinand Magellan arrival on 1521. The Declaration of Philippine
Independence document is important in our whole country because it serves as the
proof of being independent of our country from the colonists. This document
summarizes and expresses all about the events happened during the conquest by
the colonists in 300 years. This government-issued document can prove us that our
country and ourselves were freed from the colonists and implies that we have the
right to live without any hindrances and we also have equality. It teaches us to be
more independent and to fight for ourselves and our country in order to exercise our
right to live with freedom, peace of mind and unity with others
“Aguinaldo declare Philippine Independence to fight more eagerly against the Spaniards
and at the same time, lead the foreign countries to recognize the independence of the
The Declaration of Independence is the document in which Filipino revolutionary forces under
General Emilio Aguinaldo (later to become the Philippines' first Republican President)
proclaimed the sovereignty and independence of the Philippine Islands from the colonial rule of
Spain after the latter was defeated at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War.
The declaration, however, was not recognized by the United States or Spain, as the Spanish
government ceded the Philippines to the United States in the 1898 Treaty of Paris, in
consideration for an indemnity for Spanish expenses and assets lost.
With a government in operation, Aguinaldo thought that it was necessary to declare the
independence of the Philippines. He believed that such a move would inspire the people to fight
more eagerly against the Spaniards and at the same time, lead the foreign countries to recognize
the independence of the country. Mabini, who had by now been made Aguinaldo's unofficial
adviser, objected. He based his objection on the fact that it was more important to reorganize the
government in such a manner as to convince the foreign powers of the competence and stability
of the new government than to proclaim Philippine independence at such an early period.
Aguinaldo, however, stood his ground and won.
The Philippine have the right to be free and independent; that they have ceased to have
allegiance to the Crown of Spain; that all political ties between them are should be completely
severed and annulled; and that, like other free and independent States, they enjoy the full power
to make war and eeace, conclude commercial treaties, enter into alliances, regulate commerce,
and do all other acts and things which and Independent state has right to do
“United States took control of the Philippines.”
Aguinaldo made arrangements with U.S. authorities to return to the Philippines and assist the
United States in the war against Spain. While the Americans occupied Manila and planned peace
negotiations with Spain, Aguinaldo convened a revolutionary assembly, the Malolos, in
September. They drew up a democratic constitution, the first ever in Asia, and a government was
formed with Aguinaldo as president in January 1899. On February 4, what became known as the
Philippine Insurrection began when Filipino rebels and U.S. troops skirmished inside American
lines in Manila. Two days later, the U.S. Senate voted by one vote to ratify the Treaty of Paris
with Spain. The Philippines was now a U.S. territory, acquired in exchange for $20 million in
compensation to the Spanish.
Aguinaldo formally launched a new revolt–this time against the United States. The rebels,
consistently defeated in the open field, turned to guerrilla warfare, and the U.S. Congress
authorized the deployment of 60,000 troops to subdue them. By the end of 1899, there were
65,000 U.S. troops in the Philippines, but the war dragged on.
In 1935, the Commonwealth of the Philippines was established with U.S. approval, and Manuel
Quezon was elected the country’s first president. On July 4, 1946, full independence was granted
to the Republic of the Philippines by the United States.


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