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Suhardi Moi
10 (2017101016)



I. Backgrounf of Study

The existence of lives depends largely on language. People use language to

communicate with one another. In other words, the language will always be

25 needed in future lives. Recently, language needs new vocabulary, and language

itself influences the development of some other languages. Katamba F states that

"Words and languages, keys to human identity, are fascinating subjects" (137-

173). So, it is unlikely for human beings do not have any other words of any kind.

Some people also assume that language without a word is just like a body without

30 a bone. Words in language can also disappear when no one thinks of them or uses

them. The existence of new words can become the reasons behind this yet the

borrowing word is needed for educational purposes or international

communication trends.

A borrowing word always represents more than one language's need. The

35 unfamiliar word can be a reason to borrow a word from another language.

According to Haugen "a word is needed to give a name to an unfamiliar thing or

cultural phenomenon, and that word which seems to fill lexical gaps in recipient

language"(210-232). Lots of English words have been incorporated in Indonesian

uses such as notifikasi, komunikasi, studi, etc that can be found on social media

40 such as Quora social media.

According to Wikipedia, “Quora (/ˈkwɔːrə/) is an American question-and-

answer website where questions are asked, answered, followed, and edited

by Internet users, either factually or in the form of opinions”. Its owner, Quora

45 Inc., is based in Mountain View, California, United States. The company was

founded in June 2009, and the website was made available to the public on June

21, 2010. Users can collaborate by editing questions and commenting on answers

that have been submitted by other users.

The writer concludes Quora as the social media which shares information

50 from different countries depends on whether the user uses the language they

prefer to read. Quora has also been one of the most used social media in Indonesia

by Indonesians in reciting articles or creating articles such as politics, educations,

enviorenments, etc.

Indonesians, who do not know any foreign languages, might not think that

55 some words such as studi, komputer, notifikasi, etc are not borrowed from the

English language. These people usually do not know that the word borrowed from

English is not the borrowing word because of the change of its grammar and

phonetic. The writer has found that Indonesians currently use the borrowing
words regularly that can be found on many forms of social media such as Quora

60 or even in written or spoken language in daily usage.

The writer intends to write this research is to help the readers know why is it

so important for some languages to borrow other languages' words. More

specifically, to help Indonesians know some words that are not originally from

their language.

65 II. Statement of Problem

The problem has been known as one most important parts of this research.

So, the writer decides to put some problems that will be explained in the

discussion about the borrowing problems of English words to Indonesia. The

problems are formulated as follows:

70 1. What are the kinds of spelling replacement of English borrowing words used by

Indonesians on Quora?

2. What are the kinds of English borrowing words used by Indonesians on Quora?

3. What are the kinds of linguistic forms of English-Indonesia borrowing words

found on Quora?

75 III. Objective of Study

Based on the statement of problem above, the writer proposes three

objectives as the followings:

1. To clarify the spelling replacements of English borrowing words to Indonesia

2. To clarify the kinds of borrowing words in English-Indonesian borrowing

80 words

3. To clarify the linguistic forms of English-Indonesia borrowing words

IV. Scope of Study

In this research, the writer limits the scope of study of this thesis only to

discuss about the language borrowing words from English to Indonesia used by

85 Indonesians on Quora. The writer finds 30 different borrowing words and those

words are randomly collected from different articles.

V. Significance of Study

The significance of this study are:

(1) This study could give information for those who have not known about the

90 borrowing words from English to Indonesia that they mostly use in daily life

(2) This study could help the researchers when conducting the topic about English

borrowing words to Indonesia

(3) This study will be useful for learning the borrowing concept between two

different languages.

95 VI. Method of Research

To know the reseach’s purpose, a method is part of reseach that can not be

separated. According to Sudaryanto “the method means a way conducted in the

research” (09). Therefore, the writer has to follow the method’s instruction to

understand the object of the research.

100 a. Method of Data Collection

The writer collects the data by reading some articles about Indonesians

cultures, politics, educations, etc in order to get the English borrowing words they

use The writer also makes some notes on collecting the data. The steps are as the


105 1. The writer reads Quora while indentifying the borrowing words.

2. The writer identifies the borrowing words by underlining them.

3. The writer takes a note from a word that shows a borrowing word.

4. The writer identifies the origin of the borrowing words.

b. Method of Data Analysis

110 According to Sudaryanto he stated that “method of data analysis is a

technique that used to analyzing the collect data” (06). In this research, the writer

uses Quora to find the borrowing words that Indonesians mostly use in writing the

articles. After collecting the data, the writer has to analyze first. The steps that the

writer uses is as the following:

1. Finding the borrowing words in Quora used by Indonesians.

115 2. Checking in Indonesian big dictionary if the borrowing words exist.

3. Analyzing the reason of why Indonesians use the borrowing words in


VII. Theoritical Review

The writer uses many sources to support the research about the borrowing

120 words from English to Indonesia. However, the writer uses the theory of word

borrowing from Iwan Indrawan entitled Sociolinguistics, The Study of Societies

Languages to give a proper explanation about the borrowing word itself.

According to Iwan Indrawan, "Borrowing word from another language is another

important source of new words. Language borrowing word which is foreign word is

125 widely used by majority people that the words are not considered as foreign language

anymore (190)". Hence, many Indonesians use borrowing words naturally in everyday

conversation without realizing their foreign origin.

In this research, Iwan Indrawan also states that "word borrowing has produced

several classification based on different points of view, such as the reasons, the language

130 sources, the relation between the languages invoved, the frequency of the use of the

words, the number of their users, and the adaption of words by the bilingual borrowers"

(83). The reason to borrow one word from another is to find a term for an unfamiliar

thing, animal, or cultural device that does not exist in that language. Therefore, to find the

easier way to this problem is by borrowing the word.

135 VIII. Paper Organization

These followings are how the research organized:

1. Chapter I - Introduction

This chapter presents the research foundation including background, statement of

problem, objective of study, scope of study, significance of study, method of

140 research, theoritical review, and its paper organization. The keys of

comprehending this research are provided in this chapter.

2. Chapter II - Theoritical Framework

To keep both research’s validity and reliability, the researcher provides

knowledge related to the topic. Those are taken from reliable linguists around the

145 world.

3. Chapter III – Research Methodology

How to feed the body of this research by the data are explained here. In this

session, there would be research design, samples, data collection, data instrument,

and data analysis. Many data that needed by the researcher are collected and

150 analyzed in this part. Contribution of the samples gives a lot of objective views in

gaining the data required.

4. Chapter IV – Analysis

It is the spirit of the papers. The findings display all results of data analysis. The

research questions meet the answers in this chapter. To make it clearer for the

155 readers, the researcher conveys the discussions of the findings.

5. Chapter V – Conclusion

What can be taken from this research is shortly described in this chapter. This is

the end of the paper


160 F, Katamba. ”Cotemporary linguistics: an introduction”. (1996): 132-173. 12

Desember 2020.
Haugen. “The linguistic analysis of borrowing”. (1950): 210-232. 11 Desember
Iwan, Indrawan. Sociolinguisic, The Study of Societies Languages. (2010): 83-
165 190. 11 Desember 2020.
Sudaryanto. “Methods and various language analysis techniques.” Introduction
research forum for cultural linguistics. (1993): 06-09. 12 Desember 2020.
Wikipedia. “Quora”. The page was taken on 12 june 2021.

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