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Name: Ericka V.

Course: BS Accountancy
Section: D
Subject: Special Commercial Laws
Activity Title: Basic Concepts of the Contract of Sale

1. The essential requisites of the Contract of Sale.

Those without which a contract of sale would not exist.
a. Consent
▪ The definite agreement between parties with respect to the thing (object)
and price (cause); both parties having legal capacity.
b. Object or Subject matter

▪ The determinate thing to be sold.

er as
c. Cause or Consideration

▪ the price certain in money or its equivalent.

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2. Distinctions of the following:
a. Sale vs Barter;
rs e
ou urc
Sale Barter

The cause or consideration is in The cause or consideration is another

aC s

money. thing.
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However, where the consideration is partly in money and partly in another

thing, the following rules shall be observed to determine whether the contract
is a sale or barter:
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1. The contract shall be one of sale or barter depending upon the intention
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of the parties.
2. If the intention of the parties not clearly appear:
i. The contract is one of barter if the value of the thing given as part

of the consideration exceeds the monetary consideration.

ii. The contract is one of sale if the value of the monetary

consideration is more than or equal to the value of the thing given

as part of the consideration.

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b. Sale vs. Agency to Sell;

Key Point Sale Agency to Sell

Transferred to the buyer upon Retained by the owner
Title delivery of the thing sold. despite the delivery of the
goods to the agent.
The buyer is required to pay The agent is required to turn
the price. over to the principal the price
of the goods which he
received from the buyer.
The recipient of the property The principal retains control of
Control may do with the property as the property.
he pleases.

c. Sale vs. Dacion en Pago;

er as
Key Point Sale Dacion en Pago

eH w
Pre-existing None There is

Obligation Creates Extinguishes
rs e Debtor’s POV: The
ou urc
Seller’s POV: Price extinguishment of the
Cause or
Buyer’s POV: Object

Creditor’s POV: The delivery
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of the object given in place of

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the credit.
There is a greater freedom in There is a less freedom
Fixing the fixing the price. because of the amount of the
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Price pre-existing credit which the

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parties seek to extinguish.


d. Contract of Sale vs. Contract to Sell;


Key Point Contract of Sale Contract to Sell

The title of the property Ownership is, by agreement,
passes to the vendee (buyer) reserved to the vendor (seller)
Ownership upon the delivery of the thing and is not pass to the vendee

sold. (buyer) until full payment of

the purchase price.
Non-payment of the price is a Full payment of the purchase
Payment negative resolutory condition, price is a positive suspensive
i.e., the vendor (seller) loses condition, i.e., title remains in

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ownership of the property and the vendor (seller) if the
cannot recover it until and vendee (buyer) does not
unless the contract of sales is comply with condition
resolved or rescinded. precedent of making payment
at the time specified in the
In other words, failure to pay
the price is not a breach but
an event that prevents the
obligation of the vendor to
convey title from becoming
Risk of Loss On the buyer (vendee) On the seller (vendor)

er as
e. Earnest Money vs. Option Money;

eH w
Key Option Earnest Money Option Money
The money given as part of The consideration paid for the

the purchase price and as purpose of holding one to his
rs e proof of the perfection of the promise to buy or sell a
ou urc
contract. determinate thing for a certain
period, which consideration is
It is also called “arras” or separate and distinct from the

something of value to show purchase price.

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that the buyer was really in

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earnest and given to the seller

to bind the bargain.
Paid upon the perfection of a Paid for a sale that is yet to be
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contract of sale. perfected.

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f. Emptio Rei Speratae vs. Emptio Spei;


Key Points Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei


Other term Sale of an expected thing Sale of the hope itself

The sale of a future thing Deals with present thing –
hope or expectancy.

The thing sold must come The sale produces effects

into existence; otherwise, the even if the thing hoped for
Existence sale will not be effective. does not come into existence.
However, the sale vain hope
or expectancy is void.

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g. Absolute Sale vs. Conditional Sale;

Key Point Absolute Sale Conditional Sale

The only condition of the The property transfer will only
transaction is the payment of happen when the buyer or
the property price. seller meets certain

h. Absolute Capacity vs. Relative Capacity;

Key Point Absolute Capacity Relative Capacity

This applies to certain persons who,
under circumstances, cannot
purchase certain property.

er as

a. Husband and wife except;

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(1) when a separation of

property was agreed upon in

rs e the marriage settlements. (2)

ou urc
when there has been a
judicial separation of property.
b. Persons prohibited from

acquiring by purchase.
aC s

This applies to 1) The guardian

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persons who cannot 2) Agents

bind themselves and 3) Executors and
includes minors, Administrators
insane or demented 4) Public Officers and
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persons, and deaf- Employees

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mutes who do not 5) Justices, judges,

know how to write. prosecuting attorneys,
clerks court, and other

officers connected

with the administration

of justice, the property
and rights in litigation
or levied upon an

execution before the

court whose
jurisdiction or territory
they exercise their
respective functions;

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A contract of sale For items (1) to (3), the contract is
entered into by a voidable since only private interests
person suffering from are involved.
absolute incapacity is
Status of the voidable. However, For items (4) and (5), the contract is
Contract when necessaries void since they are imbued with
are sold to a minor or public interest.
other incapacitated
person, he must pay a
reasonable price.

i. Existing Goods vs. Future Goods;

Existing Goods Future Goods

er as
Goods owned or possessed by the Goods to be manufactured, raised, or
seller. acquired by the seller after the

eH w
perfection of the contract of sale or
goods whose acquisition by the seller

rs e depends upon a contingency which may
ou urc
or may not happen.

j. Commutative vs. Aleatory

aC s

Commutative Aleatory
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Where the parties give equivalent An agreement whereby the parties

values; hence, there is a real involved do not have to perform a
fulfillment. particular action until a specific,
triggering event occurs.
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The seller gives the thing sold, and

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receives the price, which is the For example, gambling, wagering, or

equivalent. The buyer gives the price betting typically use aleatory contracts.
and receives the thing sold, which is Additionally, another very common type

the equivalent. of aleatory contract is an insurance


3. Is there a formal requirement for the validity of a Contract of Sale? Explain.

There is no formal requirement for the validity of a Contract of Sale. It can be

oral or written if it has the three requisites of a contract which is Consent, Object
or and Cause or Consideration then It is valid.

4. What is the effect of the Gross Inadequacy of the Price?

Gross Inadequacy of Price does not effect a contract of sale, except as it may
indicate a defect in the consent, or that the parties really intended a donation or

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some other act or contract. There is a gross inadequacy of price if a reasonable
man will not agree to dispose of his property.

5. What may be the objects of Sale?

Requsites of object of a contract of sale

•Within the commerce of men
•Must be licit (not contrary to law, morals, good customes, public order or public
•Must be determinate

The vendor must have the right to transfer the ownership at

the time that it is delivered.

er as
•It is not necessary that the vendor must be the owner at the time of sale.

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Things having a potential existence may be the object of a
contract of sale. rs e
ou urc
•However, the thing must come into existence; otherwise, the sale will not be
effective for not having a substance matter.
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The goods which form the subject of a contract of sale may

either :
•Existing Goods
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•Future Goods
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The sole owner of a thing may sell an undivided interest



•Such sale shall produce the effect of making the seller and the buyer co-ownersof
the thing sold.

Fungible Goods
•Refers to interchangable goods such as grain etc., that allow one to be replaced by
another without loss of value.
•Things subject to a resolutory condition may be the object of a contract of sale.

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6. When is price certain?

Certainty of Price
If the If the price fixed is
determination of that which the
the price is left to thing sold would
the judgement of a have a definite day,
If the parties specified person or or in a particular
have agreed If it be certain persons. exchange or
market, or when an

upon a with reference

er as
If such person or amount is fixed
definite to another persons unable or

abover or below

eH w
amount for thing certain. unwilling, acted in the price on such
bad faith, or day, or in such
the sale.

prevented by the exchange or
rs e fault of the seller market, provided
ou urc
or buyer, the courts said amount is
may fix the price. certain.
aC s
vi y re

7. A granted B the exclusive right to sell his brand of Maong pants in Isabela, the price for
his merchandise payable within 60 days from delivery, and promising B a commission of
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20% on all sales. After the delivery of the merchandise to B but before he could sell any
of them, B’s store in Isabela was completely burned without his fault, together with all of
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A's pants. Must B pay A for his lost pants? Why?

No, B is not in fault because it is a Extra-ordinary fortuitous events which are


uncommon and which B could not have reasonably foreseen.


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