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Name:_____________________________________________________ Yr./Sec.________________

I. Multiple Choices (underline the letter of the best answer.)

1. Who is/are responsible for the operational criteria for the completed project.
a. Owner b. Contractor and Owner c. Contractor and Owner d. Designer and Contractor

2. Who is/are responsible for setting parameter for total cost.

a. Owner b. Contactor c. Designer d. Owner and Designer

3. Who is/are responsible to develop a realistic construction schedule?

a. Owner b. Designer c. Contractor d. Designer and Contractor

4. Who is/are responsible to set the project completion date?

a. Owner b. Designer c. Contractor d. Designer and Contractor

5. Construction usually involves very large scale projects with a high degree of technological complexity, such as oil
refineries, steel mills, chemical processing plants and coal-fired or nuclear power plants.
a. Residential Housing Construction c. Institutional and Commercial Building Construction
b. Specialized Industrial Construction d. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction

6. Construction includes houses and high-rise apartments.

a. Residential Housing Construction c. Specialized Industrial Construction
b. Institutional and Commercial Building Construction d. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction

7. Encompasses a great variety of project types and sizes, such as schools and universities, medical centers and
hospitals, sports facilities, shopping centers, warehouses and light manufacturing plants, and skyscrapers for
offices and hotels.
a. Residential Housing Construction c. Specialized Industrial Construction
b. Institutional and Commercial Building Construction d. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction

8. What are the major factor that usually hinder a Specialized Industrial Construction?
a. Health b. Economy c. National security d. Environment

9. This category of construction is characterized by a high degree of mechanization, which has gradually replaced
some labor intensive operations.
a. Residential Housing Construction c. Specialized Industrial Construction
b. Institutional and Commercial Building Construction d. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction

10. Most of these projects are publicly owned and therefore financed either through bonds or taxes.
a. Residential Housing Construction c. Specialized Industrial Construction
b. Institutional and Commercial Building Construction d. Infrastructure and Heavy Construction

11. Prescribes policies, guideline, rules and regulations for government infrastructure contracts.
a. PD 1694 b. PD 1784 c. PD 1574 d. PD 1594

12. To guarantee the faithful performance of the contractor, he shall, prior to the award.
a. Deposit cash b. Post performance bond c. Have an oath taking d. All of the above

13. Exceptional cases wherein bidding does not require.

I. lack of qualified bidders or contractors
II. there is a conclusive evidence that greater economy and efficiency would be achieved
III. time is of the essence
IV. Recommended by the president

a. I and III b. I and II c. I, II, and III d. I, II, III, and IV

14. Promulgate the rules and regulations to implement the provisions of the PD 1594
a. DPWH b. NEDA c. MPWTC d. Legislative bodies
15. No bidding and/or award of contract for a construction project shall be made unless the detailed engineering
investigations, surveys, and designs for the project have been sufficiently carried out in accordance with the
standards and specifications to be established under the rules and regulations to be promulgated pursuant to
Section 12 of this Decree so as to minimize quantity and cost overruns and under runs, change orders and extra
work orders, and unless the detailed engineering documents have been approved by the Minister of Public
Works, Transportation and Communications, the Minister of Public Highways, of the Minister of Energy, as the
case may be.
a. Section 3. Prequalification of Prospective Contractors. C. Section 4. Bidding
b. Section 2. Detailed Engineering. D. Section 5. Award and Contract.

16. He usually prepared the drawing and the estimates of the project.
a. Artist b. Estimator c. Liaison d. owner

17. He seeks and establishes co-ordination between workers of the various foreman working under him. His work is
of technical of nature. He report compliance to site engineer.
a. Supervisor b. Construction Superintendent c. Skilled Workers d. Time keeper

18. He is In-charge of the office to deal with accounts matters and correspondence. He makes payment for the
material procured. He is responsible for making payment to the staff and worker.
a. Office Superintendent b. Site Engineer c. Project Manager d. Owner

19. His duty is to attract the clients by giving factual publicly about firm.
a. Public Relation Officer b. Liaison c. Sales Agent d. Board of Director

20. Financer of the project in a large organization.

a. Board of Director b. Board of Trustees c. CEO d. General Manager

21. He is a technical and/or administrative who puts into action the policies of the company.
a. President b. P.I.O. c. Board of Trustees d. Supervisor

22. He is a technical person who is overall in charge of the construction works undertaken by the firm and
supervises the work and handles the office work including the accounts of works and establishment.
a. Design Engineer b. Site Engineer c. Project Manager d. Owner

23. It is his duty to keep the workers supplied with material and to ensure the in time delivery of it.
a. Supplier b. hardware c. Procurement of store officer d. foreman

24. He advises the owner about the feasibility of the project to be undertaken by him, prepare estimates, drawings
and completes the contract documents.
a. Site engineer b. Client’s Engineer c. Architect d. Adviser

25. In Construction organization he is the specialist in his branch. He belongs to the first line of management and
has direct contact with workers.
a. Engineer b. Foreman c. Leadman c. Superintendent

26. In Construction organization he is to design the structure.

a. Estimator b. Design assistant c. Interior designer d. foreman

27. Under overall principle this requires that the management must, as far as possible, design a simple
organizational structure.
a. Principle of originality of objectives c. Principle of flexibility
b. Principle of Simplicity d. Principle functional definition

28. It is imperative that such work must be suitably divided among a number of persons.
a. Principle of division of work c. Principle of optimum departmentation
b. Principle functional definition d. Principle of unity of direction

29. this principle implies that the job of each individual and of each department of the enterprise must be suitably
a. Principle functional definition c. Principle of unity of direction
b. Principle of optimum departmentation d. Span of management principle
30. This principle implies that each group of activities having the same objective must have only one overall head
and only one overall or master plan
a. Principle functional definition c. Principle of unity of direction
b. Principle of optimum departmentation d. Span of management principle

31. This principles implies at particular levels in the management hierarchy must decide only those matters which
fall within the purview of the authority vested in their managerial positions.
a. Principle of adequate delegation c. Principle of unity of command
b. Scalar Chain Principle d. Authority-level principle

32. This principle mean that each managerial position be provided with adequate (or necessary or requisite)
authority- to enable the holder to the position.
a. Principle of adequate delegation c. Principle of unity of command
b. Scalar Chain Principle d. Authority-level principle

33. This principle implies that an employee must received orders and instructions, only from one superior at a time.
a. Principle of adequate delegation c. Principle of unity of command
b. Scalar Chain Principle d. Authority-level principle

34. It is a systematic approach directed at analyzing the function of systems, equipment, facilities, services and
supplies for the purpose of achieving their essential functions at the lowest life-cycle cost consistent with required
performance, reliability, quality, and safety
a. value engineering b. efficient engineering c. quality engineering d. engineering

35. This company was the first to realized the concept of value engineering
a. San Miguel Corp. b. Meralco c. Construction Company d. General Electric Company

36. Value Engineering simply answers the question .

a. what else will accomplish the purpose of the product, service, or process we are studying?
b. what should be the just price of the product, service, or process we could give?
c. what would be the profitable product and service?
d. all of the above

37. Initially, value Engineering was introduced in what industry

a. Construction Industries b. Manufacturing Industries c. Marketing Industries d. None among the choices

II. ENUMERATION. (enumerate what is ask)

38-40. Give the three types of estimates used in construction
41-48. 8 reasons of not practicing the engineering value which will result to poor value.

38. Approximate or rough estimate
39. Detailed Estimate
40. Quantity Estimates
41. Lack of Information
42. Wrong Beliefs
43. Habitual Thinking
44. Risk of Personal Lose
45. Negative Attitude
46. Poor Human Relations
47. Reluctance to Seek Advice
48. Over Specifying
Activity 1
Construct a project network, find early and late start at each node, find the free and total float at each path and identify
the critical path.


(amount) R (weeks)
A   3
B A 4
C A 2
D B 5
E C 1
F C 2
G D,E 4
H F,G 3

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