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Performance Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of the concepts and principles behind the correct preparation of
the dining area and other related services.

Learning Competency:
Prepare the Dining Room/Restaurant area for service (AS)
LO2. Set-up tables in the dining area.
-Different Table Napkin Folding Styles


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Identify the different styles of napkin folding.

2. Demonstrate the different styles of napkin folding.
3. Appreciate the importance of table napkin in dining area.


Title: Different styles of table napkin folding

Reference: A guide to meal management and table services, Nora Narvez-Soriano
Pages 32-34 and Youtube
Materials: Computer/LCD Projector and Table napkin


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activity

 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance

 Good Morning class!

Before we proceed to our lesson, what was
 Ma’am, it was all about Principles in
our topic last meeting? Planning Meals.

 Okay! Last meeting we discussed about  Ma’am, I learned that in planning meals it
Principles in Planning Meals, what have you help us to lessen the time and energy in
learned about our previous topic? shopping, cooking, serving meals and in
decision making.

 Very Good! Any questions or clarifications

about the topic last meeting, class?  None so far ma’am.

 Class, take a look at the pictures here in  Ma’am, the picture shows that the man is
front, what have you noticed? doing napkin folding.
 Exactly! What else?  Ma’am, the picture shows about table
 Based on the pictures, what do you think is  Ma’am, I think it’s all about napkin folding.
our lesson for today?
 Absolutely! Before we proceed to our topic,  At the end of the lesson, the students will be
let us read first our objectives, everybody
able to:
1. Identify the different styles of napkin
2. Demonstrate the different styles of
napkin folding.
3. Appreciate the importance of table
napkin in dining area.

 Thank you!


 Class, let us have a group activity.

 Kindly listen to my instructions. I have here a

video presentation, all you have to do is to
observe properly because later on you will
going to perform at least two (2) styles in
table napkin folding. Group leader will pick
two (2) strips here in the box and that will be
the styles that the group will perform. Each
strips corresponds one (1) style that being
presented in the video.

 I will give you 5 minutes to decide, discuss,

and practice another 3 minutes to
demonstrate here in front.

 Each group will choose a leader, a secretary

to jot down the group members, and two

 Is that clear?  Yes ma’am.

 Before we will start, we have here a rubric, Criteria 20 15 10
Participation/ All members One or two of Three or more
everybody read? cooperate the members members
and perform didn’t didn’t
the activity. cooperate cooperate
and perform and perform
the activity. the activity.

Behavior They are They are not They are not

behave and behave and behave and
silent. silent. very noisy.

The The The

presentation presentation presentation
of the of the of the
concept was concept was concept was
clearly and partly not
wholly presented. presented.

The The There were

presentation presentation minimal signs
was well had of
organized, organizing organization
well prepared ideas but or
and easy to could have preparation.
follow. been much
stronger with

 Thank you! Kindly count 1 to 3?

 (Counting)
 Go to your group now! Right side group 1,
center group 2, and group 3 at the left side.  (Grouping)

 Here are the videos, kindly observe silently

class. (Video Presentation)

 Based on the videos, what are the styles  Ma’am, Pyramid, Diamond, Cone, Bishop’s
being presented? hat, etc.

 Very good! So start your activity, now.

 (Doing the activity)

 Time is up, class.

 Go back to your proper seats. Group 1  (Group 1- Demo)


 (3 claps)
 Give 3 claps for group 1.
(Group 2- Demo)
How about group 2 reporter?

 Give 3 claps for group 2.

 (3 claps)
Last group reporter?
(Group 3- Demo)
 A big hand for everyone. Let us rate your
 For group 1 ……..
For group 2 ……..
For group 3 ……..

 How did you find your activity class?  Ma’am, interesting and enjoyable.
 Great, thank you for the participation class.
 So based on our activity class is table napkin  Difficult ma’am.
folding easy or difficult?
 Are you sure?  Yes ma’am.
 Let us make it an easy one class and I guess
some of you here already familiar with table
napkin styles, right?  Yes ma’am.
 By the way class, what is table napkin?  A piece of cloth ma’am.
 Yes, table napkin is a piece of cloth that used
to clean our lips and protect our clothes
from dirt.
 Do you have any idea what are the sizes of  Ma’am, different sizes.
table napkin we use?
 Very good! It depends upon the uses of table
napkin. The size of table napkin we use in
formal dinner is 20” x 20” Square.
 Now, I will demonstrate some styles of
napkin folding, please observe properly.


1. Fold the napkin in half vertically.

2. Fold the top two corners to the bottom center.
3. Fold the original underlying side 1/3 of the way
over as we did before.
4. Repeat Step 3 on other side.
5. Lastly, raise up center of napkin fold.


1. Fold napkin in half vertically.

2. On one side fold corners about 2" down.
3. Fold opposite end over twice meeting the pointed
4. Lastly, fold the pointed flap over the rectangle.


1. Fold the napkin into quarters.

2. Roll the top-most layer of napkin diagonally down
to the center and press it flat.
3. Repeat the last step once more.
4. Fold the right side back about 1/3 of the way and
press it down.
5. Fold the left side back also about 1/2 of the way
and press.
6. Flip it over and insert the food poker, slicer, and

1. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.

2. Fold the far corner of the napkin diagonally
towards you and to the right so that the crease falls
an inch or two short of the right-most corner and the
newly formed point at the bottom is a few inches to
the right of the left one.
3. Fold the right-most point towards you, pivoting at
the same place the last fold pivoted.


1. Fold the napkin in half and orient the open end

towards you.
2. Fold the far-right corner diagonally to the center
of the side that is closest to you. The edge of this
flap should run down the center of the napkin.
3. Repeat the last step with the other side, folding
the far-left corner diagonally to rest right along side
the previous fold.
4. Fold the napkin in half by bringing the center
seam up from the work surface and allowing the
ends to fall backwards.

 Those are some styles in table napkin

 Class, do you have an idea where napkin
 In my own idea ma’am, it is used in a table
folding is used?
setting especially during special occasions
like wedding, birthday, etc.
 Very good!

 Here are some purposes in placing a table

 It’s often makes dining more festive.
napkin in table setting, please read?
 It helps the table look elegant.
 To adds beauty in table setting.
 To makes the table look formal.

 Thank you!
 Napkin fold is used to place in the lap of the


 Class, do you think it is important to have a  Yes, ma’am.

table napkin in a table setting?
 Ma’am, it adds beauty and makes table look
 Why do you say so?
 Great idea! Another?  It is important because it will protect our
dress getting dirty.
 Very good!
 By the way class, is it necessary for us to  Yes ma’am, because knowing the different
know the different styles of napkin folding? styles of napkin folding will help us develop
our creativity.
 Ma’am, it is also an enjoyable activity.
 Very good! What else?
 Exactly, so any questions or clarifications,  None so far ma’am.


 Now group yourselves into 3. But before

that kindly listen first to my instructions.

 You are going to create or perform at least 1

style of napkin folding then you are going to
arrange or place it creatively here in the

 I will give you 3 minutes to prepare and 3

minutes to perform. Each group kindly give  Yes ma’am.
me the list of the members and all group
members should be here in front while
doing the activity. Is that clear?

 Here are the criteria that we agreed last

meeting for rating your activity/performance  Criteria
for today. Everybody read? Promptness - 5%
Creativity - 10%
Teamwork - 5%
Behavior - 5%_
 Start now, class?
 First group 1?
 (Doing the activity)
 Group 2?
 Group 3?

 Now let us rate your activity.

(Rating the activity by group)

 Are there any questions or clarifications?

 Okay! Now get 1/4 sheet of paper.  None so far ma’am.

Direction: Identify the style of napkin folding for each picture.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


 Study in advance about Table Setting.

Julie Mae L. Jimenez

JHS Applicant

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