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Suhardi Moi


1. Testing listening
The types of listening and how to test them are divided into three groups:
a. Testing of passive skills
These testing of passive skills are divided into two groups:
- Sentence level listening comprehention
This means that Listening comprehension is not just hearing what is said. it is
the ability to understand the words and relate to them in some ways. For
example, when you hear a story read aloud, good listening comprehension
skills enable you to understand the story, remember it, discuss it, and even
retell it in your own words.
- Beyond the sentence
This means that the listening sections may consist of a wise topic that need to
be discussed.
b. Dictation
Dictation as a testing device of listening is effective since the teacher begins to
realize the weaknesses of the students in comprehending the language as well as
the weakness of the teaching method. By giving the test, the teacher will get the
data by classifying which of the problems are more serious than the others to
overcome. From the results of the test, the teacher will be able to collect the
common mistakes made by the students so that he can provide a remedial course
in the next teaching learning process.
c. Real World listening tasks
Real World Assessment Tasks are the way in which teachers using PBLA can
assess their students' ability to use the language in a meaningful way in a context
that is as close to real-world as possible. Assessment tasks must be planned in
advance to aligned to a specific CLB level with clear and specific criteria.
2. Testing oral ability

The objective of teaching spoken language is the development of the ability to interact
successfully in that language, and that this involves comprehension as well as
production. It is also assumed that at the earliest stages of learning formal testing of
this ability will not be called for, informal observation providing any diagnostic
information that is needed.

Testing Oral ability is a method of checking Oral abilities of English Language

teachers and a way to know the capabilities of English language teachers in English

- The oral exam
- Face-to-face interaction
- personal contact/ Verbal response
- Immediate response

Given the decision to test speaking directly, we are in a position to state the testing
problem, in a general form for speaking, it has four parts:

1. Specify all appropriate task

2. Elicit behavior which truly represents the candidate’s ability

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral testing

4. Obtaining valid and reliable scoring

3. Testing reading

On a reading test, a teacher must have look at four terms to test a student in a reading
test, they are :

- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Spelling, or
- Punctuation

The teacher can also test the students’ abilities in reading test is by asking them do the
things below:


 Quick and easy to score, by hand or electronically
 Can be written so that they test a wide range of higher-order thinking skills
 Can cover lots of content areas on a single exam and still be answered in a
class period
 Often test literacy skills: “if the student reads the question carefully, the
answer is easy to recognize even if the student knows little about the
 Provide unprepared students the opportunity to guess, and with guesses that
are right, they get credit for things they don’t know
 Expose students to misinformation that can influence subsequent thinking
about the content
 Take time and skill to construct (especially good questions)

 Quick and easy to score
 Considered to be one of the most unreliable forms of assessment.
 Often written so that most of the statement is true save one small, often
trivial bit of information that then makes the whole statement untrue
 Encourage guessing, and reward for correct guesses


 Quick and easy to grade
 Quick and easy to write
 Encourage students to memorize terms and details, so that their
understanding of the content remains superficial


 Offer students an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities
in a variety of ways
 Can be used to develop student writing skills, particularly the ability to
formulate arguments supported with reasoning and evidence
 Require extensive time to grade
 Encourage use of subjective criteria when assessing answers
 If used in class, necessitate quick composition without time for planning or
revision, which can result in poor-quality writing

Scoring : in a reading test, errors of grammar, spelling, or punctuation should not be

penalised. Provided that it is clear that the candidate has successfully performen the
reading test which the items set.

4. Testing Writing

The considerations that a test needs to consider when writing a test are as follow:\
a. Limited Response
- Sentence combining
- Sentence expansion
- Sentence reduction
- Copying
- Oral cloze
b. Guided Writing
- Testing specialized skills
- Changing a passage
- Bulding from a paragraph outline
c. Dictation
- Preparing a dictation test
- Adminishing a dictation test
- Scoring a dictation test
d. Free Writing
- Guidelines for writing tasks
- Evaluating student writing

There are five test item types that are found to test writing. They are: 

- multiple choice..
- true-false.
- matching
- completion, and 
- essay.
5. Testing gramamar and vocabulary
Four techniques in testing grammar:
1. Gap filling – gap filling items should have just one correct response. An item
with two possible correct responses may be acceptable if the meaning is the
same, whichever is used. But an item is probably rejected if the different
possibilities give different meanings or involve quite different structure, one of
which is the one that is supposed to be tested.
2. Paraphrase – paraphrase items require the students to write a sentence
equivalent in meaning to one that is given. It is helpful to give part of the
paraphrase in order to restrict the students to grammatical structure being
3. Completion – this technique can be used to test a variety of structures. Note
how the context in a passage like the following, from the Cambridge First
Certificate in English (FCE) Testpack 1, allows the tester to elicit specific
structures, in this case interrogative forms.
4. Multiple Choice – there are times, however, when filling gap will not test what
we want it to test. Here is an example where we want to test epistemic could.

Four technique in testing vocabulary

1. If vocabulary is consciously being taught, then presumably all the items

thereby presented to the students should be included in the specifications.
2. Words should be grouped according to whether their recognition or their
production is required.
3. A subsequent step is to group the items in terms of their relative importance.
4. A vocabulary placement test will be in essence a proficiency test. The usual
way to specify the lexical items that may be tested in a proficiency test is to
make reference to one of the published word lists that indicate the frequency
with which the words have been found to be used.

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