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This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from
Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and
all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle
Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no
representa�on or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for
purpose of this product.

Table of Contents
Refuse: The greatest garbage heap known to man 9
Life on Refuse 10
Key Loca�ons 12
Variants 20
Character Concepts 30
Edges & Hindrances 34
Flo�lla Backgrounds 35
New Edges 39
GEAR ............................................................................................. 45
New Gear 45
New Gear types 45
Common Gear/Equipment 47
Armor/ Apparel 48
Personal Weapons 51
Vehicles 53
Drones & Robots 56
Micro Drones 56
Transhumanism 66

Table of Contents
Grim Abscission 71
Holding Office 72
The War Above: Oceania Vs. Pacifica 75
The War Below: 7-Helix Vs. The Yellow Grime 78
The War Abroad: The Ferrymen Vs. 7-Helix 79
NPC Generator 81
The Bounty Board Generator 99
Crea�ve Accoun�ng 108
Jackpot 117
Campaign Frameworks 121
Personali�es 128
Mooks ......................................................................................... 138
7-Helix......................................................................................... 138
Monsters 159
The Yellow Grime 171
INDEX.......................................................................................... 177



The Drowned War is a Flooded World Post Apocalyp�c se�ng in
which refugees survive on ar�ficial islands while mutated creatures
seek to consume them. Every clump of dirt is underwater. The
refugees survive in a war zone between floa�ng megaci�es, while a
mysterious force seeks to alter humanity's essence and push the
survivors into a new age.


As land became more scarce, the world government threw everything
they had into subsidizing ar�ficial islands. They developed the
flo�llas, sea-born ci�es durable enough to endure for thousands of
years. These massive, sanc�oned flo�llas were not large enough to
accommodate the world’s popula�on. Those who could not afford to
purchase residency made their homes on small, free-floa�ng
structures. Survivors began construc�ng their environments from
whatever they could scrape together; these junk flo�llas li�er the
seascape like bobbing scrap heaps.


Transhuman Chemical Accelerant
7-Helix, the science division of the World Navy, examined the gene�c
structure of sea creatures and spliced them with synthesized
compounds. The scien�sts worked round the clock and devised not
one but two compounds capable of forcing the human gene�c
structure into an adapta�on state: Ambrosia and Pulmen� or "soup."
With the discovery of these compounds, the technologies of
Cyberware and Spliceware leaped forward, and transhuman
augmenta�on became commonplace.

"Why do you call it Refuse?"
"Because we refuse to die."

Refuse is the largest and most
well-known Junk flo�lla on
Earth. While protec�ng
against external threats, the
"Greatest Garbage Heap
known to Man" has its

Ini�ally set up by
Oceanographer Jack Caldwell
and his engineer wife Bani,
the flo�lla started small but
grew immensely. Using their
knowledge of an abandoned
naval yard, Jack and Bani
retrofi�ed four aircra�
carriers and several cruisers
into a single makeshi� island.

While they began laying the

groundwork for a governing council, five industrious businessmen
allied to control the flo�lla commerce.

The Diver Lords, as they were nick-named, took on dangerous

missions that brought them wealth and fame. They naturally
dominated elec�ons and absorbed the council posi�ons. Jack
suspected they rigged the elec�on, but when his body turned up on
the lower decks, protests ceased.

Bani, heartbroken, believed the Diver Lords were responsible and, in

her grief, founded the Temple of Floa�ng Truth, a religious
organiza�on that focuses on enriching the lives of refugees.

Despite the junk aesthe�c of Flo�lla Refuse, it's s�ll a city, and ci�es
have structure. There are two primary types of
people that live there: Ci�zens and Refugees.
Ci�zens of the flo�lla have more rights but carry
the responsibility of maintaining the infrastructure.

Refugees don’t have to pay taxes, but they’re not

protected under the law like ci�zens. A Refugee
can't own property or openly display firearms
while on the Flo�lla, they can't hold office,
and they have no legal recourse if accused of
a debt. Ci�zens can own property, carry
guns, and have an advocate provided by
the court if charged with a crime.
However, ci�zens must pay high taxes,
and if they want to maintain their status,
they need to avoid falling into debt.
Many ci�zens think their taxes are too
high and that refugees benefit from their
effort. While the refugees feel the system is
abusing their labor. The Temple of Floa�ng
Truth has exacerbated the tension caused by
this dichotomy. They align themselves with
the refugees and call for the City Council to
expand their rights (while not imposing
taxes on them).

Scrap, or salvaged materials, is the currency
of Refuse; locals use it to build and
maintain the city. To represent scrap value,
the most commonly used form of coins is
cogs or flywheels. Algae press and Kera�n parts
also count as currency but aren't as valued as

Favors and labor count as a type of fiat currency. Work
can be done in trade for goods or services as part of a
freelance arrangement. Unfortunately, this has led to
abusive behavior as community members accuse
others of debt with no substan�al evidence and
seek legal ac�on against them. Ci�zens don't have
to worry about this, as an Advocate will dispute
the claim, but refugees don't have the legal right
to an advocate unless they can get the funds to
employ one.

Refuse has a debt-driven economy.
Appraisers hold ledgers and keep a record
of debt owed by the people of Refuse. Severe debt
is a crime, and if it's ruled that someone can't
repay their debt, they can be placed in
indentured servitude or sold into slavery. An
industry of fabricated debt and slave trade has developed,
and pirates or slavers forge debt documents or force their vic�ms to
sign their lives away.


The Temple of Floa�ng Truth is the primary religious ins�tu�on of
Flo�lla Refuse. They espouse educa�ng refugees on topics of science,
medicine, and engineering. Temple members seek spiritual
enlightenment through a process known as “cleansing.” They believe
that five personality flaws will rob a believer of enlightenment.
Devotees aspire to cleanse these five thieves from the soul and a�ain
enlightenment. Because of how they seek enlightenment, they o�en
clash with the City Council, whom they associate with the Five

The Temple of Floa�ng Truth is vehemently pro-refugee in prac�ce

and opposes the system constructed by the city council.

The Temple is not a passive organiza�on, as one of their bylaws states
all believers must be armed to protect their faith. A warrior culture
has developed alongside their quest for enlightenment, and devotees
seek different goals. Some
focus on self-improvement,
while others seek to destroy BYLAWS OF THE TEMPLE
the system.
Temple members seek spiritual
enlightenment through a process known
KEY LOCATIONS as “cleansing.” They believe that five
personality flaws will rob a believer of
SALVAGE OPERATIONS enlightenment. Devotees aspire to wash
All five members of the city the five thieves from the soul.
council, The Diver Lords, The temples Bylaws are as follows:
started in salvage. Anyone 1. Always be Armed: You cannot defend
with industrious spirits or your faith without a means to do so. If
relentless drive can sign up someone comes to the Temple and they
for one of the salvage crews. are unarmed, give them a weapon.
A�er a few runs, exis�ng 2. Preserve Knowledge: knowledge will
members vote on whether open the mind for enlightenment. Save all
or not to allow the pledge to the books you come across and bring them
be a full-fledged crew to the library at the Temple. All seekers
may search through the library.
member. Salvage crews
3. Eat Together Once Daily: The Temple
need to earn their keep; the
shall open its doors and allow all comers to
city council “taxes” their
sit and eat with its members to discuss
goods and takes about 25
enlightenment and truth.
percent of their value. While
4. Remain Clean: Members of the Temple
this seems unreasonable to must bathe and prac�ce good hygiene.
some, being a member of an 5. Resist the Five Thieves: The Temple of
official salvage crew has its Floa�ng Truth believes that there are five
benefits, namely that it’s a weaknesses of character that rob the mind
direct funnel into of enlightenment and burden the soul.
ci�zenship. These five sins are lust, rage, greed,
a�achment, and conceit, all of which the
Temple associates with a different Diver

The Temple of Floa�ng Truth claims it seeks to educate refugees on
science, medicine, and engineering topics. The actual reason for the
Temple's founding was to resist the machina�ons of the Diver Lords.
Some Devotees adhere to the Temple’s humanitarian vision, while
others to its fana�cal resistance.


The only clinic on Refuse,
the Med Bay, is run by
husband and wife duo
John and Joan Wibbles.
They receive financial dona�ons
from the Diver Lord's and
volunteers from the Temple of
Floa�ng Truth. Despite their dependence on both
fac�ons, the Wibbles do what they can to keep the Med Bay neutral
in the conflict.

Because the Med Bay is so important, it's considered an unwri�en

rule to defend it at all �mes. If violence occurs in the Med Bay, flo�lla
ci�zens will a�ack the perpetrator without hesita�on.


Phage Thompson runs a general store and employs freelancers to
handle independent contracts. If a refugee needs something and
doesn't want to deal with the other fac�ons, Phage is the man to find.
Likewise, if a Refugee is fresh off the boat, their best move is to head
to Thompson’s General store and ask if he “Needs a hand.”


Freelancers set up stalls and hock their wares. If a refugee wants to
trade illicit goods, the 24/7 market is always open. Be warned,
though: everything is for sale, even people. Slavers have their corner
in the market and o�en snatch weaker customers from the crowd to
place on the block.

The closest thing to legal services in Refuse, Debtor's Corner appraises
goods and calculates debts or service value. Small charges typically
result in contract work, but large debts can result in slavery. Charges
filed against a ci�zen require a Counselor to review the evidence and
conclude the debt's validity. Refugees have to hire an Advocate to
argue their case, while ci�zens have one provided for them.

The Diver Lords keep salvaged goods for repair and maintenance
purposes. Recker, the person in charge, is a heavy-framed Conil
assisted by a group of drone bots, or as he likes to call them, “his
adoring public.”


Madame Meow fancies herself an ar�st and entertainer. A paranoid
but beau�ful kitsune, Madame's roman�c rela�onship with one of
the Diver Lords ensures she has everything she could ever want. But
her skill as a courtesan and leader of a gang of criminals ensures she
is more than just a pre�y face. The House of Cats is part nightclub,
part brothel and part thieves guild, but all elegance and glamour.
Well, all the post-apocalyp�c ocean can provide.


One quick way to earn a few bucks on Refuse is to compete in
gladiatorial combat. Knuckles is a veteran fighter who somehow
survived re�rement. While he doesn't “own” the Circus Maximus,
Knuckles has managed and booked the fights for as long as anyone
can remember. The Circus Maximus has changed hands several �mes.
New gangs kill off the old owners, or the talent gets �red of being
abused and revolts. Refugees that need to pay off debt can book and
bet with Knuckles, who then informs Debtor's Corner of the fight

Dimly lit and smelling of machine oil, the Bilgewater Union claims the
lower decks. A gang of surly variants, the Union keeps the flo�lla
adri� by repairing the infrastructure when things go sideways. To
ensure they don't have any interference, the Union has worked out an
arrangement with the city council, allowing them to func�on as an
enclave and govern themselves under a loosely based clan system.

Located a mile away from Refuse proper, Seasteaders Side is a
se�lement affiliated with the Temple of Floa�ng Truth. The
Seasteaders Side is for those that want a place of their own away
from The Greatest Garbage Heap known to Man. Here seasteaders,
refugees a�emp�ng to se�le parts of the ocean huddle together and
share supplies when needed. Some of the more prominent loca�ons
are as follows:


This independently run open-air bar is
located just in front of the Temple's
outreach door. “Captain” San�ago and his
first mate Hadley operate the
establishment with a fes�ve atmosphere
and the captain regularly breaks out into
sea shan�es. Performers are welcomed
and encouraged to par�cipate.

The Temple of Floa�ng Truth runs a
halfway house and outreach center on
the Seasteader's side pier. Refugees
can pay for travel to the Seasteader’s
Side in exchange for a few days of
service at the Temple Outreach. Not all
Outreach sec�ons are open to the
public—a coali�on of Algaemancers
reside there and their area is off-limits to everyone but a select few.

Seasteaders rely on small aqua�c homesteads called pods. These
pods o�en share a communal pier and are tethered to some larger
structure. Industrious types salvage as many pods as they can and
form them into motels or tenement blocks.


A contested area next to the Seasteader Side, the Line is a disputed
territory between Oceania and Pacifica military forces. It gains its
name from the row of roo�ops running parallel to a submerged
highway. Skirmishes break out in this area, and despite the danger,
salvage crews brave the guns, searching for a fortune in the wreckage.

The outskirts of the City. Jagged buildings and derelict structures have
avoided the weird displacement to the City’s interior. You won’t find a
wall of skyscrapers or sprawling metroplexes here, but you will find
half sunk apartments and factories. Outcropping is where people who
don’t want to be found take themselves when it’s �me to disappear.

The entrance to the City’s interior is a jagged protrusion of metal
poin�ng in between two skyscrapers. It assumes the form of a giant
sundial with the words “Charles Fort was here” scratched along the
side. Only when the refugees get closer do they realize the massive
scale of the structure and just how hard it would be to carve the
words they so easily read at a distance. Fort’s Point has no permanent
residence but maintains a dock area with merchant stalls and traders
of various types.

This is a gigan�c, urban sprawl—a mega-city. Names like New York,
Hong Kong, London, Tokyo, and Shanghai are thrown around when
the city gets men�oned. No one knows what city it was, but evidence
has led some to believe it was all of the above. Veteran sailors warn
others not to travel across the City without the aid of the Ferrymen.
They say it's haunted. They say the terrain changes once you're inside
of the City. Whether this is just supers��on is unclear, but the size of
the city and ongoing ba�les between Oceania and Pacifica make it
challenging to travel through.

An interconnec�ng web of mutated flora; a tangle of gigan�c vines;
the Tanglebrush puts the “jungle” in the urban jungle. It's dangerous,
full of creatures warped by exposure to the Soup. The only humans
are known to live there are tribals and the cannibalis�c Bone Fishers.


Nomadic Bone Fishers set up campsites throughout the Tanglebrush.
They don't stay long as movement is required to avoid predators.

Reaching above the vines is one way to avoid the creatures below.
Treehouse se�lements are mysterious elevated shelters raised above
the vine floor. Tribals and Bone Fishers live in these, though which
group you stumble on is a gamble.

Strange pools of glowing Soup collect in the Tanglebrush. The Pits
draw fauna to them and mutate them into new forms of life.

No one knows who built these ar�ficial structures and abandoned
bases in the brush. Visitors are o�en confused as the sta�ons appear
modern and unchanged by the plant life. Many s�ll have a supply
cache of food and medicine.

Not every group stays in one place. Those clubs and fraterni�es that
wander about are collec�vely called “Nomads.” Nomads iden�fy
themselves by a crest or colors; all members display this as a means
of showing allegiance to their group. Nomads are separate from
gangs, as Nomads will have bylaws, rules, and e�que�e based on
their agreed culture.

Pirates, smugglers, and slavers, the Fury is a mari�me na�on of
gene�cally augmented ne’er-do-wells. Prospects that wish to join the
Fury must take Spliceware related to a predatory animal. All accepted
members appear bes�al in one form or another.


Some call them mercenaries, bounty hunters, or bondsmen. The
Hunter’s Coali�on is a loose alliance of freelancers that hunt debtors,
criminals, and beasts. Members of the Coali�on set up shop at
Debtor’s Corner or The Cap’n Quarters at Sea Steaders side; both
loca�ons have an ac�ve board with boun�es listed and hunters willing
to consult for leads or freelance work.


While primarily a post-apocalyp�c se�ng, The Drowned War
encompasses mul�ple genres. The player may choose a gri�y survivor
from the Junk Flo�lla of Refuse. They could also choose to play a
hard-boiled detec�ve from Oceania, a flashy superhero from Pacifica,
a no-nonsense hacker from Daedalus, or even a frightened fantasy
druid from Arboretum. The common theme is they currently find
themselves eking out a living on Refuse. Rather than thinking about
limita�ons, the Game Master and players are free to work in any
genre (provided they can work with the tools we give them). Follow
the steps listed here, and you'll be well on your way to traversing the
Lost Sea. The Drowned War uses the Savage Worlds’ core rules.

In a world with free-radical mutagenic and cyberne�c augmenta�ons,
variants on the standard human template become common.
Spliceware changes the gene�c code and passes varia�ons to future
genera�ons via heredity. So the world of the Lost Sea has introduced
a different spin on the standard human design.


The baseline for all humanoids, variants are based on the pure strain
human template. They are the most adaptable race in the Lost Sea, so
pure strain human refugees begin the game with extra Strain.
Special Abili�es:
• ADAPTABLE: Pure Strain Humans gain an addi�onal Edge at
character crea�on.
• SPLICE READY: Pure Strain humans start with the Good Genes
Edge (pg. 39), meaning they have extra strain.

The standard androids found within The Drowned War are considered
machine equipment, so players choosing Android 2.0 are playing
androids who have achieved self-awareness. This is a two-edged
sword, as a conscious mind can experience joy but also suffering.
Having developed a reason to exist, this revela�on has opened their
eyes to a new world of possibili�es and challenges.
Special Abili�es
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.
• BRAVE: The ar�ficial mind does not respond to fear in the same
way. Androids have the Brave Edge.
• ELECTRIC SHEEP: Androids never need to sleep. However, they
need to recharge their ba�eries once a week.
• DRIVEN (Major): Some inexplicable desire has
fostered self-awareness. A need to achieve it
has created some goal or purpose that drives
the android.
• SECRET (Major): Because machines are
not considered sen�ent beings and have
no rights, Androids 2.0 must hide their
self-awareness or mechanical nature. If
someone discovers their secret, they
will likely be apprehended, “updated,”
and returned to their previous owners.
are s�ll discovering the boundaries of
self-awareness and, as such, haven't
learned balanced behavior. Pick either
the Bloodthirsty or Heroic Hindrance.

Descendants of an ancient society of historians and chroniclers,
An�quarians search beneath the water of the City, looking for lost
ar�facts and records. The an�quarians’ ancestors were dedicated to
unlocking the secrets of the old world. They changed themselves to
func�on beneath the waves.
Special Abili�es
• AMPHIBIOUS: An�quarians cannot drown in water and move at
their full Pace when swimming.
• LOW LIGHT VISION: An�quarians were designed to search the
depth for lost ar�facts. They ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
An�quarians must submerge in salt
water for at least one hour per 24
hours. If not able to immerse,
they take a level of fa�gue. An
applica�on of saltwater to the
skin will remove one level of
Fa�gue for four hours. A�er
that, the an�quarian recovers
Fa�gue with total immersion.

TOUGHNESS: An�quarians add
+1 to their Toughness thanks to
their thick skin.

Anthophilans are
humanoids with insect-like wings.
Rumors place their origin from a
floa�ng city above the
Tanglebrush, but others say
they were a
strike force
on Flo�lla Pacifica. Whatever
the case may be, Anthophilans
rule the skies but don't do so
well in the water.
Anthophilans fly
at Pace 12
per round.
Use Athle�cs when
• FRAIL: Anthophilans suffer -1 Toughness due to their reduced
• REDUCED PACE: Anthophilans are slightly off-balanced by their
wings, making them slower when walking or running. Decrease
their Pace by one, and their running die by one die type.

Coras are humans infected with living symbio�c coral colonies,
marked by their rainbow-colored skin and crystallized growth. As they
age, their skin hardens to the point that they eventually become
immobile. Young acolytes view venerable Coras as spiritually
cultured sources of wisdom.
Special Abili�es
• ARMOR +2: Coras have crystallized skin
that acts as natural armor.
hardened skin and sharp points
cause Strength+d4 damage when
they strike.
• SIZE (1): Coras develop a
symbio�c rela�onship with their
Coral Colonies. Their muscles and
bone structure increase in size as
well as density.
• TOUGH: Coras are stout and
rigid. They start with a d6 Vigor instead
of a d4 and can raise it to 12+1.
• STIFF: Coras subtract -2 from
Athle�cs due to the growing Coral
colonies developing on their skin.
• OUTSIDER (Minor): Most people
fear the Coras’ infec�ous ability and
avoid them due to their contagious
colonies. However, cora spores are only
transferable a�er a con�nuous hour of
being submerged in water.
• REDUCED PACE: Cora's have difficulty
running due to their s�ff skin. Decrease
their Pace by 1, and their running die by
one die type.

A Conil is an advanced cyborg consis�ng of a human brain and neural
network sealed within the coffin of a robo�c body. O�en used as
disposable labor and fighters, Conils reside in all sanc�oned flo�llas as
well as junk flo�llas.
Special Abili�es
• +2 when a�emp�ng to recover from being Shaken.
• Ignore 1 point of Wound penal�es.
• Do not breathe or eat, immune to disease and poison.
• Use the Repair skill to removed Wounds instead of Healing (no
“Golden Hour”).
• HABIT (Major): Without a steady supply of Ambrosia (a chemical
compound that makes life within the suit possible), a Conil’s
brains will quickly degrade, driving them into withdrawal-induced
• LIKE A ROCK: Being made of heavy metals makes it difficult for
Conil to manage in water. They subtract two from Athle�cs
(Swimming) rolls, and each tabletop inch of movement in water
uses 3ʺ of Pace.
• QUIRK (Minor): Life as a brain
in a jar has led most Conils to
have some odd behavior.
personali�es tend
towards extremes.
Pick either the
Bloodthirsty or

Furies come from a “na�on” of gene�cally augmented tribes. Because
of their violent lifestyle of human trafficking and piracy (along with
their figh�ng prowess), Refuse authori�es ban Furies from the flo�lla.
Those that are there o�en hide their iden�ty with face masks.
Special Abili�es
• STRONG: Furies begin
with a d6 in Strength
instead of a d4.
Their maximum
Strength increases
to d12 + 1.
Furies are proud of
their fangs and
claws. These count as
Natural Weapons
Str+d4 damage.
Fury society is
brutal and based
around strength.
They rarely take
prisoners and
beat cap�ves into submission to be
used in the slave pits.
• CAN’T SWIM: Furies panic in water
and count as distracted.
• LOW LIGHT VISION: Furies ignore
penal�es for Dim and Dark
of piracy and human trafficking,
Furies subtract -2 when dealing with other humans. Furies (even
their descendants) are banned from entering Refuse and have to
hide what they are to avoid arrest.

The "Foxy" race is slightly more agile than normal humans, but they
could otherwise pass for humans-save for their
vulpine eyes. The kitsune reputa�on as thieves and
spies contributed to a strange, alluring persona
that grew around their coque�sh nature.
Special Abili�es
• AGILE: Kitsune possess fluid mo�on and
inherent grace. They start with a d6 in
Agility instead of a d4
and raise it to a
maximum of
in the eyes, some say.
Kitsune are born (or
made) with the Charisma�c edge.
• DELUSIONAL (Minor): Kitsune usually
suffer from some form of mental illness or
hold strange beliefs.
• LOW LIGHT VISION: Kitsune ignore
penal�es for Dim and Dark Illumina�on.
• WANTED (Minor): whether it's Madame
Meow's belief she is the proper ruler of all
kitsune or some overzealous paramour, the
inborn charm of the kitsune causes
unwanted interest from others.

Unionists are short, hardy variants that developed to work well in the
lower parts of the Flo�llas. They're not different from humans in most
ways, just be�er suited for below deck work.
Special Abili�es
• LOW LIGHT VISION: Unionist eyes can see in flo�lla undercro�
and below decks. They ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• REDUCED PACE: Unionists have short legs and stature due to the
cramped spaces they inhabit. Decrease their Pace by 1, and their
running die by one die type.
• TOUGH: Unionists are tough. They start with a d6 Vigor instead of
a d4. This can be increased to d12 + 1.

Sprites are pe�te, nimble variants with natural acroba�c skills. They
are referred to as Frog People by the less generous members of
society. Most Sprites make their living by climbing abandoned
structures and scou�ng loca�ons, some work as pickpockets and low-
level thieves.
Special Abili�es
• LEAPER: Sprites can jump twice as far as
average humanoids. They also add +4
to damage when leaping as part of a
Wild A�ack.
• LOW LIGHT VISION: Sprites ignore
penal�es for Dim or Dark illumina�on
(but not Pitch Darkness).
• OUTSIDER (Minor): Sprites deal
with a high level of distrust due to
their reputa�on as pickpockets
and thieves.
• SIZE -1: A Sprite's Size is reduced by
1 (This reduces their Toughness).
• WALL WALKER: Sprites are adept at
climbing and can walk on ver�cal
surfaces normally and inverted surfaces
at half Pace.

Below are a few sample concepts to help build your refugee. Keep in
mind that no list will ever encompass all the possibili�es of the
player's imagina�on. Feel free to add to the list, but keep in mind that
your refugee should fit the party; be sure to have a plausible
explana�on of why they are in the group. Mo�va�on will be a factor
in game-play, whether it's escaping their old flo�lla or spying on the

Acolyte: Warriors of faith, acolytes, are the most dedicated members

of The Temple of Floa�ng Truth. They are hand-selected by Temple
leaders for their tenacity and willingness to wade into ba�le with
steely-eyed reserve.

Advocate/Appraiser/Lawyer: Debts and Favors are the fiat currency

of the Lost Sea. When one party files a debt against another party, an
advocate's or appraiser's job is to establish a legi�mate claim. That
means cra�ing an argument and presen�ng evidence to prove the
case. Ge�ng that evidence is o�en a ma�er of legwork and
some�mes combat.

Algaemancer: It's a well-known secret. The Temple of Floa�ng Truth’s

founder, Guru Bani, discovered something alien in that old Naval Yard.
Algaemancers, students of the Temple's esoteric order, work �relessly
crea�ng the devices temple acolytes use to protect the faithful and
dedicate themselves to unlocking the mysteries of Bani's discovery.

Bounty Hunter/Mercenary: Retribu�on is the founda�on of law in

the Lost Sea. Violence is a bounty hunter’s specialty, whether they're
being paid by a powerful benefactor or doing some pro bono work to
sa�sfy their code. If they're good enough at it, they will get paid.

Chronicler/Historian: The world will rebuild; the past will not be lost.
A chronicler's goal is to record everything they can about the old
world and the current one. When humanity recovers, chroniclers will
be the ones to preserve history in a sea of �me.

Criminal/Outlaw: Some�mes, people must run. An outlaw might be a
debtor, an escaped slave, or a poli�cal dissonant from a sanc�oned
flo�lla. Regardless, someone in a high place wants to find them. While
they might be innocent or jus�fied in what they did, whoever is a�er
them won't stop un�l they find a way to balance the scales.

Deserter: Some soldiers realized the line the flo�lla was selling was
wrong. Maybe the idea of returning to the dystopia of Oceania was
too much. Perhaps they didn't want to be forced into the ghe�os of
Pacifica under the guise of "quaran�ne." Whatever the reason, when
the deserter goes AWOL, there's no way to track him down in this
mess of a world. At least, they be�er hope there isn’t.

Devotee: The Temple of Floa�ng Truth is, for many, a port in the
storm of a chao�c world. Many gi�ed devotees find themselves in the
role of healer, historian, and missionary. Their faith mo�vates them,
and the bylaws of the temple guide their ac�ons in this destroyed

Druid: Flo�lla Arboretum is home to a special kind of shaman,

the De-lu Yi. Maybe this character is from there, maybe not. Either
way, they believe they wield the magic of the Earth spirits. S�ll, they
have to remain vigilant; the enemy of the deep is wai�ng, wai�ng to
destroy all they hold dear.

Hermit: Solitude is a hermit's guide, at least it is un�l something

brings them out of hiding. Hermits like to isolate for various reasons:
safety, enlightenment, a general disdain for the public. All hermits
have a tall tale of some kind. Maybe they saw strange men se�ng up
an experiment or witnessed slavers raiding a farm. Whatever drew
them out of hiding, it's �me to remind the world why it chose to leave
them alone.

Engineer: Engineers have actual scien�fic know-how. It makes them

invaluable; however, not everyone is willing to give a fair price for the
labor. Engineers can ask a high price for their work but can just as
quickly end up in the slave pits as a hot commodity.

Entertainer: The world will always need skilled performers. Musicians,
magicians, comedians, or other ar�sts use their magne�c
personali�es and ability to read others and find work. Some�mes that
work takes them into "other" fields.

Explorer: The City is unique, with winding streets and never-ending

pathways. Explorers know there are mysteries at the heart of the city
to find. Somewhere out there, lost to �me, is an undiscovered

Medic: Doctors are always in high demand. Pa�ents in the Lost Sea
face war, pollu�on, parasites, and mutated infec�ons. Anyone who
enters the medical field by choice must have a strong sense of
altruism or an adrenaline-fueled death wish.

Parapsychologist/Occul�st: There are things in this world no one

understands. Some of the more observant individuals are beginning
to acknowledge the world doesn't follow the rules. Whether it's
unraveling the mystery of traversing the city or mapping the stars to
pinpoint the actual year, parapsychologists & occul�sts are on the
edge of discovering the world's most guarded secrets.

Pilot: Whether a boat or a plane, someone has to plot a course across

the sea. With war zones and mutated creatures, not to men�on the
confusing trash lanes of the city, it's no wonder a good pilot can
charge an exorbitant fee. The hard part is finding one on the level.

Private Inves�gator: Gumshoes are in high demand with corrupt

authori�es or misguided zealots meddling with the facts. Those that
want to find missing rela�ves or uncover secrets will pay top dollar to
find out what they're not supposed to know.

Salvage Crew: While a sanc�oned flo�lla has its factories, the

refugees of the Lost Sea have to dig up what they need, literally.
Salvagers earn their keep by braving the terrors of the deep and
hauling up scrap. That scrap can be old cars, military weapons, or
exo�c flora. If there's a use for it, then there's a customer willing to

Sea Steader: Pioneers of the water, seasteaders look for a home
outside the flo�lla system. They face all kinds of dangers without the
same type of support a flo�lla ci�zen would have. But these brave
souls want freedom and independence, and are willing to trade in
safety for a chance at that.

Slap Dasher: When the salvage crew hauls up something no one can
use, these masters of junk turn that useless piece of scrap into
lifesaving technology. Provided their crea�ons hold together long
enough to do the job.

Smuggler: Guns, alcohol, books, even people move through hidden

docks and flo�lla under-cro�. Smugglers do their best to avoid
conflict. Odds are they have kept their eyes open and their profile

“Soup”-er Hero: Pacifica is a strange place. Bright colors and sunshine

everywhere. A culture of pageantry has developed around those who
developed superpowers in the wake of the Soup spill. Now in the Lost
Sea, some refugees con�nue the tradi�ons of the super hero.

Techno-Archaeologist: The wonders of lost ages exist beneath the

waves. Ge�ng close to a significant discovery, maybe abandoned
military technology or advanced splice-ware, is the dream of techno-
archaeologists. They've seen maps of the old world and read about
caches of old tech. There are even rumors of black sites holding
untold riches. Finding these ar�facts could save humanity and techno-
archaeologists must be the ones to do so.

Tribal Warrior: Fiercely loyal to a clan, they will fight to the death to
defend their people. Maybe they were captured by slavers. Perhaps
the tribe dwindled and a�empted to merge with Refuse. Perhaps
another player's character saved his life and the warrior owes him a
debt. Perhaps he is the last member and must carry the memory.
Whatever the reasoning, the warrior fights to stay alive and protect
those closest to him.

Characters may choose any standard Edges from Savage Worlds with
the following excep�ons: they cannot take the Arcane Background:
Magic or Arcane Background: Miracles Edges. In their place, players
should select one of the other Arcane Backgrounds (like Psionics) and
role-play the character's belief that their abili�es are magical or divine
in origin.

All standard Hindrances from the Savage Worlds Core Rules are
available and adapted as needed to fit the character concept.

Aberra�on (Major): Exposure to the Soup has le� this Refugee with
an abnormal muta�on.

Roll on the Aberra�on Table (Pg.72) to see how your Refugee has
been changed.

Hyper Awareness (Minor or Major): The character sees the world

shi� around them. Things are moving around just out of view and no
one else seems to no�ce. Their thousand-yard stare puts people off as
a Minor Hindrance, giving them a -1 to Persuasion checks. As a Major
Hindrance, the vision is much more precise. When the GM tells them
they see something, characters need to succeed at a Spirit roll to
avoid becoming Shaken.

Indentured (Major): The dangers of debt bind some into servitude.

The indentured servant is unable to pay off their debts and becomes
the servant to someone else. Refugees that take this hindrance are
the employees of an NPC and are legally bound to follow their orders
un�l they pay off their debt. On top of that, if the Character gains a
fantas�c windfall, the character's master can claim it as their own.
Likewise, if the master is charged with a crime, they may offer the
servant in their place to suffer the legal consequences.

Experimental: A mysterious organiza�on is very interested in this
character. They've experimented on this PC and installed a tracker in
their body. This group is following the refugee and will periodically
interfere with their life.

The Drowned War focuses mainly on life in the Junk Flo�lla Refuse.
However, to give the scope of life elsewhere, we’ve included a
summary of other flo�llas. Players that want to have originated on a
sanc�oned flo�lla can get a quick overview of them below as an
op�on. Refugees gain the ability to take Edges specific to that
loca�on. In conjunc�on with the Edge, all refugees from the area gain
a +2 Common Knowledge for their home flo�lla.

The Year is 1934; the Year is always 1934, according to the
Department of Informa�on. For some undisclosed reason, the
leadership of the Flo�lla has decreed the year is perpetually 1934.
While they have advanced technology, the flo�lla popula�on
conforms to an aesthe�c that would fit that year. Flo�lla Oceania’s
strict prohibi�on laws (banning alcohol and wri�en books) have led to
a flourishing organized crime industry. The Flo�lla police force, being
inept and corrupt, is more focused on the ci�zen’s behavior and
thoughts than actual crimes.

Requirements: Flo�lla Oceania Background
Years of experiences hiding their inten�ons have given your Refugee a
natural talent at deceiving authori�es. The Refugee gains a +1 to
Persuasion or Perform when trying to lie to authority figures like the
police or military officials.

Lights, camera, ac�on! Super heroes are the norm. In a terror a�ack,
the popula�on of Flo�lla Pacifica suffered exposure to a mutagen. The
damage of the Pulmen� reserves led to a quaran�ne of anyone
showing signs of muta�on. The quaran�ne lasted for years and super-

powered individuals only recently entered the public eye. Flo�lla
Pacifica’s largest industry is media. Distance Q Studios has bought all
the compe��on and now have their eyes set on cura�ng the next
genera�on of super heroes and media stars.


Requirements: Flo�lla Pacifica Background
Flo�lla Pacifica is media obsessed. Your Refugee never knows when
their ac�ons will end up on camera and spread throughout the
entertainment stream. It’s important to stay calm and not get stage
fright. Your Refugee gains +2 to resist Taunt rolls, this stacks with
other Edges.

Flo�lla Daedalus is closed off to outsiders. All the people living there
have a cranial augment installed at a young age. The Daedalus AI
governs the Flo�lla and u�lizes the processing power of the ci�zens’
brains to make complicated calcula�ons. Most flo�lla residents fear
the AI is reading their thoughts or implan�ng new ones in their
minds. Some residents have formed resistance groups to undermine
the AI. Despite all this, the Daedalus AI assures all its residents that it
has their best interests in mind.

Requirements: Flo�lla Daedalus Background, Transhuman Edge
(Cranial cyber augment)
All Flo�lla Daedelus Refugees have a Cranial augment that allows the
Daedalus AI to access their brain power. Script Kiddies have hacked
the system and stored copies of knowledge gained from other users.
The Refugee has access to three TAG (Temporarily Assigned Gi�)
Smarts-based skills at d6, but they can only access one at a �me.
Meaning the refugee selects which tagged skill they want at the
beginning of the session. To compensate for this potent Edge, Flo�lla
Daedalus refugees start with the Clueless (Minor) Hindrance, which
they can buy off as an Advance.

Flo�lla Labori, a sanc�oned flo�lla, is under the control of the
Demimonde. It is a closed-off flo�lla whose en�re popula�on is
human females and androids. The Demimonde have convinced the
residents that a virus has killed the male popula�on of the world. In
the wake of a massive storm, the Flo�lla was blown from its
designated site and dri�ed over the top of a submerged Navy Military
base. With the base’s AI s�ll ac�ve, it believed the Flo�lla was
a�acking it and used its gene�c technology to unleash Kaiju onto the
city. The flo�lla’s defense force uses advanced war mechs (hardsuits)
to repel Kaiju and deal with rogue androids.

Requirements: Flo�lla Labori Background
Flo�lla Labori is a mech pilot’s dream. Since they rely so heavily on
machines, na�ves of the flo�lla use a wrist-mounted mul�-tool. Your
refugee starts the game with a tool kit (worn on their wrist like a
watch) complete with a built-in flashlight and they also gain +2 when
making electronics rolls.

A world of fantas�c poten�al. Arboretum began as a nature preserve.
The intended purpose was to serve as an ark for wildlife that would
not survive the flood. Due to catastrophic damage to the
infrastructure, the flo�lla society has regressed to a premodern state.
The governing body of Flo�lla Arboretum is the De-lu Yi (Druids) and
the Life Water Guardians. Pure gene humans and variant races live in
a pseudo fantasy society unaware of the technologically advanced

Requirements: Flo�lla Arboretum Background
The na�ves of flo�lla Arboretum have a connec�on with plant life.
Thanks to your refugee’s vast knowledge of herbs and folk medicine,
they can use their Survival skill in place of the Healing skill.

The floa�ng graveyard, Flo�lla X, is quaran�ned. The remaining
popula�on hides from a horde of undead. Following an invasion of
zombie-like creatures known as “Slupers,” survivors on Flo�lla X dri�
from sanctuary to sanctuary, hoping their supplies can hold out. With
gigan�c mutant bugs and acidic mist thrown in the mix, life hangs by a


Requirements: Flo�lla X Background
Flo�lla X has no sanctuary; survivors exist between makeshi�
campsites to avoid detec�on. Your refugee has go�en good at going
unno�ced. When they a�empt to remain perfectly s�ll, they gain a +2
to Stealth rolls used to hide. This stacks with other Edges.


Novice, Beast Master

This Edge compliments the Beastmaster Edge

by making the companion animal a mechanical Drone. Any animal
suitable for the Beastmaster Edge is allowed and they gain the unique
ability Ar�ficial.

• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune to
poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule
(Only applies if the Animal is made a Wildcard).

Requirements: Novice

This refugee has a gene�c code suitable for

augmenta�on, and they gain +4 Strain. This
benefit counts for both Cyberware and Splice-

Requirements: Connec�ons (Temple of Floa�ng Truth), cannot take
the Ci�zen Edge

Acolytes are elite warriors who swear an oath to protect the Temple
of Floa�ng Truth. Temple Algaemancers have gi�ed them with a tool
of war to be used in their du�es. The Acolyte receives an Arcane
Device (See Savage Worlds) and may u�lize their
connec�on to the Temple to recharge it when the
device's Power Points run out.

The device has 15 Power Points and

one power. The Acolyte can swap
this device (and power) for a
different machine at Temple loca�ons.
The Refugee can only use a device whose
power is at or below their Rank. Crea�ng,
recharging, and swapping instruments takes
at least one hour of in-game �me. If lost, the
Acolyte gains a new Arcane Device the next �me
they visit a Temple loca�on.

Example: Allea has a Force Chakram (bolt

power). She uses her Athle�cs skill to throw it.
The chakram returns to her, allowing her to throw
the weapon un�l the Power Points deplete. When
this happens, she must return to the Temple to

Requirements: Connec�ons (City Council), cannot take the Acolyte

This character is not a refugee. By merit of the City Council, they have
ci�zenship giving them the following rights (and responsibili�es):

Ci�zens’ Rights
1. The right to possess and display firearms
2. The right to legal
representa�on: Access to an
NPC if legal troubles arise.
3. The right to vote in flo�lla elec�ons.
(+2 Persuasion with candidates
running for office).
4. The right to hold office or
represent neighborhoods (See
Holding Office pg.72).
5. The right to make legal contracts
and hold property (can purchase
a loca�on that acts as a base of
opera�ons or business front).
6. The downside of this Edge is Ci�zens
are required to pay taxes, which means
once per Rank, the player character
will need to fork over an amount
equal to half of their star�ng funds
worth of scrap to maintain this

Requirements: Seasoned, Trademark Weapon

Some warriors like to use a par�cular type of weapon. Others are so

in tune with their chosen instrument they’ve augmented to the point
of becoming an icon. This potent Edge is limited to one piece of gear
and can only be selected once per Rank. What this Edge does is allow
ranged and melee weapons the ability to receive weapon modifiers.


Armor Piercing (AP:2)
Your refugee's weapon can pierce standard armor; it negates up to 2 points of armor.

The damage die of your refugee's weapon increases one die type.

Heavy Weapon
The weapon's a�ack counts as a Heavy Weapon.

Your refugee has a weapon that is a combina�on of both a ranged and melee weapon.
First, the Refugee purchases a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. Next, they use this
modifica�on to combine them into one.
The heavier weapon determines the weight. If both weapons are single-handed, it is a
single-hand weapon, but if one weapon requires two hands, the new weapon does as

Lingering Damage
The con�nues to cause damage a�er the ini�al a�ack. On the target’s next turn, he
suffers the weapon’s base damage minus one die type (cannot be lower than 1d4).

Your refugee's weapon causes Fa�gue in place of Wounds (Note: Trappings ma�er. If
this is the result of poison, creatures immune to poison and disease would be immune).

Requirements: Legendary, Iconic Weapon
They hit like a dragon on steroids. This Iconic Weapon is so well-tuned
it adds an addi�onal damage die to its roll.

Requirements: Novice, Macgyver
This refugee is the master of junk; they can pull together refurbished
weapons and armor with a li�le bit of scrap and elbow grease. See
the Gear Sec�on marked Slapdash.

Requirements: Heroic, Slapdash
Some people take recycling to the next level. This refugee's created
items go beyond Slapdash and don't break on a skill roll of 1.
Furthermore, their keen eye allows them to spot imita�ons and
forgeries (+1 No�ce).

Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8, Electronics d6,
Hacking d6, Repair d6
This character has an Assistant Frame Macro Drone at his disposal.
The frame is an Extra under his control (but the G.M. role-plays the
character in social interac�ons). If the frame is destroyed or lost, it
can be repaired or replaced in 1d4 days (See Macro Drones, pg.59).

Requirements: Novice
This Edge gives characters access to Cyberware or Spliceware. The
Transhuman Edge is available once per Rank (See Cyberberware and
Spilceware, pg. 66).

Refugees start the game with essen�al clothing and $500 to spend on
equipment. The players should use all star�ng funds to purchase gear;
if they can't think of anything to buy, list them as having the unspent
amount in scrap.

Refugees can spend 1 Hindrance point to start with an addi�onal

$500. If the Game Master deems it appropriate, he may give the party
extra star�ng gear and divide it among them.



(see SLAPDASH, pg.63)

Refurbished equipment is gear that has been salvaged and repaired;

Slapdash is gear that has been has�ly put together from incongruent
parts and imagina�on. It appears to be junk and seems moments
from breaking, no ma�er what its condi�on is.

While gear made using the Macgyver Edge is a one-off, Slapdash gear
con�nues to func�on un�l it's taken too much stress. Slapdash
weapons and armor break with a roll of 1 on the users' skill or die or
when a�emp�ng to Soak a wound. When broken it requires a Repair
roll from someone with the Slapdash Edge to work again.

• Base Slapdash Melee Weapons: Str+d4

• Base Slapdash Ranged Weapons: 2d4; 10 rounds of ammo
• Base Slapdash Armor: +1 Armor, gaudy appearance

Slapdash armor and weapons start at a low rank but can be improved
upon if the creator is willing to take a -2 to their repair rolls to
enhance the item's quality.

Example: Slapdash in Ac�on

Doozy is in a pickle; she and her friends are trapped in the cargo hold
of a slave barge when Bone Fishers a�ack. Doozy knows she is going
to need weapons and armor to get to safety. The others overpower
the slavers and take their gear, but Doozy wants something be�er.
Taking her �me and applying a -2 to each of her rolls, she's able to
Slapdash +2 torso armor and a crossbow that does 2d6 ranged
damage (with 10 bolts) from some nearby spare parts. The process
takes 2d6 minutes.

Algaemancers have unlocked the secrets of growing and compressing
algae into a pseudoplas�c. Algae press is not a strong material. It
works fine for most delicate items but can’t handle use in heavy
equipment without being reinforced with arcane power.

Kera�n is a protein found in hair and nails. Kera�n fibre is a weave
made by interlacing these proteins. The material is surprisingly robust
and can be shaped and heated into a variety of items. Because kera�n
conducts electricity, it’s used in place of wiring.

A Junk Ar�san is skilled at refurbishing materials. They’ve developed
the ability to recycle and reinforce junk into permanent equipment.
Items listed as Medieval, Ancient, Black Power, or Modern built from
debris are considered Scrapwork.



Cost: $500 (algae not included)
Algae has many uses like food, fuel, bio-plas�c,
cell replica�on, and chemical extrac�on.
An algaculture incubator or micro-farm is
a contained ecosystem that provides a
stable environment for different types
of algae to grow. Once per day, the
algae farm can provide food for one
person or a gallon of biodiesel; this is
equivalent to one supply level (see
Supply Levels, pg. 64). Other
applica�ons require GM approval.
Can be worn as a backpack, Weight 10

Cost: $500
Humans can't drink saltwater.
Desalina�on is the process of removing
salt and other compounds from water to make
it potable. Refugees with access to clean drinking
water are in high demand and a good desalinator is worth a lot of
scrap in trade. The desalinator can make enough water for one
person's needs per day. Likewise, it can strain salt, Ambrosia, or
pulmen� out of a water source (choose one per use). Conils, who
need a steady supply of Ambrosia, should consider inves�ng in a
desalinator to pull Ambrosia from the environment. The process takes
one hour per fluid ounce and the unit can only operate for 6 hours
per day before it requires recharging and cleaning. This means a Conil
can get a day's dose of Ambrosia if needed. Weight 10 lbs.


Cost: $500
Waste not, want not. Everything must be used and reused un�l it

crumbles, even biological materials. A Kera�n Extractor/Fibres Printer
is a device that extracts kera�n fibre (a protein found in hair and nails)
and re-purposes it into 3D printed material. The printer can
manufacture the parts used in everyday objects at one minute per
pound. Someone with the Repair skill will need to assemble the items
into the finished product. Individual pieces created by the printer
cannot weigh more than 5 pounds. Unique pieces can fit together into
larger objects. Weight 5 lbs.


Cost: $500
A standard piece of equipment used by Anthophilans, the Arbitrageur
takes in gas to deconstruct into breathable air. The mask protects
against inhalants and airborne toxins. Likewise, a refugee can use it to
convert seawater into breathable air for a single user. The machinery
breaks a�er 15 minutes of use underwater as it cannot handle the
volume of liquid. All Arbitrageurs come with a built-in flashlight.

Cost: $500
A weighted suit designed for underwater excava�on, the dive suit
contains an air supply and +6 armor. The armor weighs a lot, so the
wearer's pace is reduced by 2, and they suffer a -2 to Athle�cs when
they a�empt to swim.


Cost: $5,000
Advanced survival gear, the Green Suit is an adap�ve body glove that
processes seawater and sunlight into nourishment. Pockets of algae
cover the body glove’s surfaces and dig into the wearer’s skin. To gain
the benefits of the suit, the wearer must submerge themselves in
seawater for at least one hour. The suit will begin producing supply
levels for the wearer, and they no longer need to forage. The wearer
will gain posi�ve supply levels (up to 4) per hour floa�ng in water. The
wearer gains a +2 to any Healing roll made a�er reaching max supply

levels as an added benefit. The downside of the Cryptophyte Ecosuit
is that prolonged use causes atrophy. A�er one month of use as the
primary method of ge�ng food and water, the owner becomes frail,
gaining the Small (Minor) Hindrance due to their reduced bulk.

Cost: $100
Facsimile Algorithm Correc�ve Equipment is a prosthe�c designed to
help injury vic�ms cover facial scarring. The mask uses synthe�c
kera�n polymers to mimic a single face and appear natural; the
prosthe�c cannot mimic mul�ple people. S�ll, it can help characters
with inhuman features blend into a human-only popula�on.
Recognizing the user is wearing the mask requires a successful No�ce
roll at -4 and only reveals that the cover is hiding their natural face.


Cost: $50
A sarong composed of kera�n protein fibers, the wrap adds +2 armor
to the wearer. It can be folded and shaped into under armor.

Cost: $250
(Arms, Legs, and
made from
gene�cally modified algae
pressed into body armor.
The plates provide +2
armor. The armor bonus
stacks with a Kera�n Fiber wrap
for a total of +4 (if worn together).

Cost: $150K+
The synthesis between a vehicle and
personal armor, the micro hardsuit is
custom made to fit a single pilot. The
armor provides a +2 Heavy Armor bonus
and grants the pilot a Strength of d12.
While opera�ng the suit, the pilot can use
vehicular weapons as personal weapons.
Before you jump on the bandwagon,
player characters caught using one
on a sanc�oned flo�lla will gain
the Wanted (Major) Hindrance.
Since they are unorthodox
machines, the player character will need the Ace
Edge to pilot them.
Special Abili�es
ARMOR: +2 Heavy Armor
VEHICULAR STRENGTH: The Pilot is considered to have a D12
strength and can use Vehicular weapons as personal weapons.
UNORTHODOX: The pilot needs the Ace Edge to operate this armor.
The available variants are as follows:

Cost: $200K
A Salvage crew's dream, this underwater model has a sealed
environment and sustainable air supply. It allows the pilot to move
through the water at a pace of 12.
Special Abili�es
AMPHIBIOUS: The suit has a sealed environment and air supply
allowing the armor to be submerged en�rely without risk of
drowning. While underwater, move at a pace of 12.
ARMOR: +2 Heavy Armor
VEHICULAR STRENGTH: The Pilot has D12+2 strength and can use
Vehicular weapons as personal weapons.
UNORTHODOX: The pilot needs the Ace Edge to operate this armor.

Cost: $450k
A camouflage-enabled model, the Hunter-Killer Hardsuit has stealth
technology (see the invisibility power, use a Pilo�ng roll to ac�vate),
as well as the Infravision and Wall Walker monstrous abili�es.
Special Abili�es
ARMOR: +2 Heavy Armor
INVISIBILITY: (Requires ac�va�on) -4 to no�ce or take ac�on against
the Hunter-Killer while the stealth field is ac�ve.
VEHICULAR STRENGTH: The Pilot has D12+2 strength and can use
Vehicular weapons as personal weapons.
UNORTHODOX: The pilot needs the Ace Edge to operate this armor.
WALL WALKER: The Hunter Killer can move along ver�cal or inverted
surfaces at half its Pace.


Cost: $1,000
When you knock and nobody's home, it's �me to use the Breaching
Hammer. Salvage crews use this heavyweight tool to break bulkheads
and open up ships for salvage.
Range: Melee Dmg: Str+d10 Min Str: d8 Weight: 12
Notes: Requires 2 hands, HW, -1 to Parry, +2 damage to break objects.

Cost: $500
The weapon of choice for the Ferrymen, the Bolt Spear, is a hybrid
weapon that combines a fishing spear and pistol.
Range: Melee/Ranged Dmg: Str+d6
Range: 12/24/48, RoF: 1, Dmg: 2d6, 5 Shots. Min Str: d6 Weight: 5
Notes: Requires 2 hands, +1 parry.

Cost: $200
A favorite amongst slavers and members of the Fury, the Chain whip
is a chain weapon with spiked links. Its primary use is disarming
vic�ms or forcing those wrapped in its coils to comply.
Range: Melee Dmg: Str+d6 Min Str: d6 Weight: 3
Notes: +1 to called shots.

Cost: $150
A flashy but defensive weapon, nunchucks began as a rice flail. Its
quick circular mo�on aids in parrying a�acks, but misuse can harm
the owner as severely as the target.
Range: Melee Dmg: Str+d4 Min Str: d4 Weight: 2
Notes: +1 to Parry & Athle�c Tests. On a cri�cal failure, the user takes
damage instead of the target.

Cost: $250
The Temple of Floa�ng Truth developed the gun as a method of self-
defense. It is a combina�on of algae press technology contained
within a kera�n fibre frame. It has the same punch as a pistol but
deals non-lethal damage. Likewise, it doesn’t use ammo, but
recharges one round per hour when
exposed to
sunlight for a
total of 5
Range: 12/24/48 Dmg:
2d6 ROF: 1 Min Str: d4
Weight: 5
Notes: Nonlethal Damage, the Stun Pistol isn’t
counted as a firearm by authori�es.

In the Lost Sea, vehicles need to get around in different ways. Thus,
the ability to hover, climb over rubble or maneuver beneath the
waves takes precedence over other travel methods.

Cost: $2,000
A favorite among nomads, the jetski is as close to a motorcycle as the
water permits.
Size: 0 (1+1)
Handling: +1 Top Speed: 12 (Run die 2d6) Toughness: 5 Crew: 1+1
Notes: With an Athle�cs roll at -2, the operator can submerge the Jet
Ski and “jump” out of the water 4”.

Cost: 650K
Nomads can't spend all day on their jetskis. The dock has a converted
yacht or large watercra� converted into a floa�ng clubhouse.
Size: 5 (Large) Handling: -2 Speed: 12 (2d6 Running Die)
Toughness: 15 (5) Crew: 1+9
Notes: Cargo Storage, Living Quarters, Makeshi� Dock.

Cost: 900K
Part walking tank, part submarine, the Crawler is the apex of
underwater salvage. With a spider-like appearance, the Crawler can
navigate the underwater tunnels and throughways of the city while
s�ll climbing the superstructures ju�ng out of the water.
Size: 5 (Large) Handling: +1 Speed: 8 (2d4 Running Die)
Toughness: 15 (5) Crew: 1+7
Notes: Amphibious, Ar�culated legs, Cargo Storage, Heavy Armor,
Submersible, Wall Walker

Cost: $100 Million
Primarily found on Flo�llas Labori and Daedalus, these mech suits
hold a single operator. Most Hardsuits appear human, but some take
the form of animal life like crabs or canines. All Hardsuits require a
skilled operator to pilot. Due to their increased Strength, Heavy
Armor, and Ar�culated frame, the Hardsuits carry vehicular weapons
as if they are personal gear.
Size: 8 (Huge) Handling: -2 Top Speed: Pace 10 (2d6 Running Die)
Toughness: 20 (5) Crew: 1
Notes: Heavy Armor, Strength D12+8, Unorthodox (Requires the Ace
Edge to pilot)
Weapons: Medium Machine Gun or Flamethrower (Carried)


Cost: $500K
Floa�ng mobile homes known as PODs were the answer to personal
housing early in the Anthropocene. Atlas Applica�ons used much of
the POD basic design and expanded upon them when crea�ng the
flo�llas. The PODs that are adri� today are archaic machines with
parts cannibalized from other PODs.
Size: 6 Handling: -2
Note: Sloped Armor, Personal Quarters, Submersible, comes
equipped with desalinator and algaculture micro-farm.


Cost: Cannot be purchased. Ferrymen inherit their Sampans from
older Ferryman.
The form of transport most o�en associated with ferrymen, the
sampan pontoon boat, is a flat-bo�omed wooden or fiberglass boat.
The ferrymen use sampan to taxi customers between se�lements, as
fishing boats, and as permanent homes. Sampans can't survive rough
weather, so they congregate around larger structures like seastead
se�lements and rubble.
Size: 6 Handling: +1 Speed: 6
Note: Sloped Armor, Crew Quarters

Cost: Cannot be purchased; they’re primarily a military vehicle.
Short for Ver�cal Take-Off and Land, these mini-transports are ideal
for clandes�ne movement and reconnaissance. The twin pinion-
mounted rotors allow for extreme maneuverability and sta�onary
hovering. The medium machine gun mounted on the side allows for a
brutal assault.
Size: 4 (Large) Handling: +1 Speed: 20 (2d6 Running Die)
Toughness: 15 (5) Crew: 1+1
Notes: Adherent Landing Gear (can hold to Ver�cal surfaces when not
in use), AMCM, Exposed Crew, Hover, Infrared Night Vision, Stealth
Weapons: Medium Machine Gun, Fixed (Front) or Pintle Mount (Side)


Drones are more common on the sanc�oned flo�llas; however, older
models have some�mes been cast aside by the authori�es and then
refurbished by talented engineers. Drones are not easy to use; Micro
Drones require the character to have the Drone Master Edge. Macro
Drones require the Robo�cist Edge.

The size of a small animal, Micro Drones serve as either pets or
advanced u�lity tools.

To use a Micro Drone, the operator needs a special connec�on to the

machine. That means the character will need to pick up the Drone
Master Edge for the drone to func�on correctly. Edges typically
applied to beast companions (see BeastMaster in Savage Worlds) can
be used with drones.

Example Micro Drones

Breacher Drones are the best tools a hacker or thief could hope to
own. They look like mechanical rats, squirrels, or ferrets. Pickpockets
like them because they can get through mechanical locks and hackers
use them to gain remote access to electronics.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d4-3,

Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d4, Hacking d6, No�ce d6, Stealth d6,
Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2
Hindrances: -
Edges: -
Special Abili�es:
AI Assist: Breacher drones can use their skills to support their
controller in various tasks (see Support in Savage Worlds). If the drone

suffers a cri�cal failure while suppor�ng its controller, the Drone's AI
burns out, and the machine shuts down.
Bite: Str+d4
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.
• Mind Linked: Drones connect to the operator via an in-line
• Low Light Vision: Drones ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Size -3 (Very Small): Breacher Drones have to move through �ght
• Wall Walker: Breachers get around on mechanical claws.

Hover Drones are the size of a small bird; they get around either by
microturbines or propulsion technology. They work great as scouts or
even as couriers.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d4-3,

Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, No�ce d6, Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 2
Hindrances: One Arm
Edges: -
Special Abili�es:
• Ar�culate Arm: Hover Drones have a single mechanical arm to be
used for simple tasks.
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.

• Hover: Hover Drones li� themselves up either through a turbine
or propulsion system; because of this, they ignore obstacles
related to terrain and water.
• Mind Linked: Drones connect to the operator via an in-line
• Low Light Vision: Drones ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Size -3 (Very Small): Hover Drones need to be light.

Pet drones are mechanical service animals; they appear to be either
robo�c dogs or cats. They record their owner's mood and a�empt to
soothe them should they begin to panic. The dark side of a pet drone
is its use as a surveillance tool.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d4-3,

Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 2
Hindrance: Loyal
Edges: Alertness
Special Abili�es:
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.
• Eide�c Memory: Most pet drones serve a therapeu�c purpose.
They can record events for review by professionals.
• Mind Linked: Drones can share what they see, feel, and hear with
their operator.
• Low Light Vision: Drones ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Size -3 (Very Small): Pet Drones are the size of a small animal.
• Sooth: Pet Drones add +2 to rolls for their owner to become

(See Robo�cist Edge)
Macro Drones are ar�ficial NPCs. The most common form of Macro
Drone is the Assistant Frame which is a faceless humanoid-shaped

Cost: $2,000 per frame or Robo�cist
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, No�ce d6, Repair d6,
Stealth d4, Trade d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Outsider (Major—Macro Drones are Property)
Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes
Special Abili�es:
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair
skill and ignore the “Golden Hour” rule.
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Linked: Assistant frames
share a hive mind over a
remote network with other
frames and their owner.
• Resilient: Frames can take a Wound.
• TAG Skills: The owner can raise one
A�ribute and program the Frame with
three skills at a d6.
• Upgradable: The player can spend an
Advance once per Rank on their frame. At
Heroic Rank, they may choose to upgrade
them into a Wildcard.

Cost: $10,000 per frame
A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d4, No�ce d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Hindrances: Mute, Outsider (Major—Macro Drones are Property)
Edges: Soldier
Special Abili�es:
• The character doesn’t need to breathe or eat and is immune
to poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.
• Defense Protocols: Str+d4, Natural Weapons.
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Linked: Assistant frames share a hive mind over a remote network
with other frames and their owner.
• Resilient:
Frames can
take one
• Size 2: Heavy
Frames were
designed for

• [60]
The Lost Sea is a dangerous place. Refugees need to know the rules if
they are going to survive.

Use the following Se�ng Rules from Savage Worlds:

Born a Hero: Concept is king, and if a refugee fits with how the player
views them, it's crucial to have access to all the tools.

Convic�on: Aside from the typical uses, a Convic�on Token provides

players with the following:

1. It can be spent on another player character or NPC’s behalf as per

the Common Bond Edge.
2. To recharge an Arcane Device: Refugees can spend a Convic�on
Token to gain 10 Power Points to recharge that device.
3. players that should be Incapacitated can pay a Convic�on Token to
remain ac�ve un�l the end of the scene. However, immediately a�er
the scene is complete, they are Incapacitated and cannot be revived
except through arcane powers.
4. players can spend a Convic�on Token to reroll a Cri�cal Failure.
5. Finally, in terms of Hard Choices, the GM cannot pick up a
Convic�on Token even if it’s spent as a Benny.

Fana�cs: Cults, gangs, and armies are frequently encountered on the

Lost Sea. When a refugee fires off at the leader of one of these groups
intent on wrecking their day, it is a common sight for underlings to
take a bullet for their commander. As a caveat, anyone with the
Followers Edge can make great use of this Se�ng Rule, as their
devotees are willing to lay down their lives in the same fashion. If
they abuse the privilege, the GM is free to stage a mu�ny on their

Hard Choices: GMs don't start out with Bennies, but as the players
spend them, the GM gains more and more. Think of it as the universe
balancing things out.

More Skill Points: players have more to work with in the Lost Sea.
Though society has collapsed and the Refugees depend on Scrap,
advanced technology was commonplace before everything fell apart.

Unarmored Hero: Those who survive in the Lost Sea need to be hardy.
Rugged gear might be great for mi�ga�ng damage, but it will exhaust
the wearer. See Savage Worlds and learn how this Se�ng Rule
benefits those who don't invest in armor.

Fear: In a world with grotesque alien muta�ons, it’s not uncommon to

see something terrifying. The Game Master should review the Fear
rules as some creatures will induce a shocking reac�on.


The following rules are unique to this se�ng:

Slapdash: Some items are held together on a wing and a prayer. If an

Item is Slapdash, that means it's made of used parts has�ly
assembled. Slapdash gear breaks on a Cri�cal Fail and requires repairs
from someone with the Slapdash Edge if it's going to be used again.
Primi�ve, Medieval, and Black Powder weapons can be assembled as
Slapdash, but more complicated equipment cannot.

Extended Checks: Some�mes, a task is too in-depth for a single roll,

but the GM doesn’t want to slow down the ac�on with a Drama�c
Task. In these situa�ons, an Extended Check is recommended. The
Game Master calls for three rolls, and the player needs to get at least
two successes to pass (Each raise counts as normal). If the player
succeeds within the first or second roll, there is no need for a third. If
the player suffers a Cri�cal Failure at any �me in the rolls, they have
failed the Extended Check.

Networking, Travel, Scavenging, Supply & Wealth

Refugees, being in a desperate situa�on, are always in need of

supplies. Food, shelter, and clean water are not readily accessible. The
party is going to need to work if they want to eat. They can beg,
borrow or steal while on Refuse, but when they Travel, the need for
food and water remains.

The party has four levels of "Supply." This counts as food, water, and
fuel. Rather than having mul�ple items to keep track of, we've
lumped them together. Each in-game day reduces the level of Supply
unless the party can replenish their goods. While on Refuse or a
similar se�lement, the Refugees can make Networking rolls to
increase their Supply level. While Traveling, they’re going to need to
u�lize their ra�ons or make use of their Survival skill.

A successful extended check on a Survival roll can provide one level of

Supply per game session.

Four days is not a lot of COST OF LIVING
�me, but it represents how One level of Supply is roughly equal to $125 in
long the average person can value, so a player spending an Advance can
bring the party up to the Fully Stocked level.
go without clean water. A
Think of it as using the Advance to get star�ng
lack of food means a lack of
funds and spending those funds on supplies.
energy, and fuel is necessary
The player who does this should not do so
to travel or cook. If Refugees
lightly. The other party members will owe them
want to keep themselves but aren’t necessarily obligated to repay them.
and their party from
starving, they’re going to
need to barter to keep their Supply levels up. They might do a simple
task to gain just enough for the day (1 level). They might take on a
bounty and bring in a criminal worth a lot more (3 levels). They can
even trade weapons and gear to increase their levels. The point is
they cannot be inac�ve; they only have four days at any given �me.

A single level of Supply costs approximately $125 in Scrap to
purchase. Think of it as the collec�ve cost for all the party members
to get their basic needs met for a day.


Fully Stocked: The party is at maximum level. They've got enough
funds for food, shelter, and water while on Refuse. If traveling, they
don’t have to worry.

Good to Go: The party has used some supplies. No need to be

concerned yet.

Running Low: The party will need to find work soon or, if traveling,
barter to restock their ra�ons.

Fumes: This is the last day's worth of Supply. On the next day, unless
the party can gain another level of Supply, they will need to roll Vigor
to fight off the effects of Fa�gue. Refugees that reach this level are
vulnerable to a�ack and become easy targets for predators.

While traveling, Refugees that want to live off the sea may a�empt to
do so. If the player rolls their Survival skill and succeeds on an
extended check, they provide one Supply level for the group. Other
Characters may assist this roll. Refugees with the Streetwise Edge may
use the Survival Skill in urban areas like Refuse or Seasteader Side.

Intrepid salvage crews are known to store goods in remote loca�ons.
The Game Master may allow the party to
make a No�ce roll to spot one of these
survival caches when appropriate. A cache
holds one level of Supply and is
empty a�er that use.

Player characters have the op�on of receiving mechanical and gene�c
upgrades through the use of Transhuman augmenta�on. The
Transhuman Edge covers both Spliceware and Cyberware, but is
limited to once per Rank. The number of augmenta�ons cannot
exceed the player character's Maximum Strain (the value of the
character's Vigor die type). Cyberware and Spliceware are available to
all races, but Pure Strain Humans have extra Strain to work with.

Beware, if the player character's Strain Cost reaches beyond the

character's Maximum Strain, they mutate and become an NPC under
the Game Master's control. Exposure to the Soup, a poison found in
the Lost Sea, can rob a player character of Strain.

The human body has its limits. When splicing
Savage Worlds is
the genomes or adding mechanical parts, the
excep�onally versa�le in its
character reduces the essence of their
ability to develop character
humanity. This removal of their essence is
sta�s�cs. In the Drowned
War, we’ve chosen three In the Drowned War, Strain is calculated by the
paths by which a Refugee player character's Vigor die. A character with a
can install Cyberware and vigor die of d6 (not affected by Edges or
Spliceware. We define Hindrances) has a strain of 6.
Cyberware as mechanical .
and electronic parts for
gameplay, while Spliceware is vat-grown biotech and gene-spliced

Each path will have its costs and benefits in Strain

and Scrap.

Player characters who genuinely want to become func�oning cyborgs
can do so. First, the player must have the Arcane Background (Weird
Science) Edge. Next, the player takes the Transhuman Edge to have
the Weird Science Device run off their internal power supply (Power
Points). The device becomes part of the character's body. The cost in
Strain is determined by half the Power Point cost (rounded down) to
ac�vate the power. For example, a power that costs two Power Points
to use costs 1 point of Strain to install; an ability that costs 5 Power
Points to ac�vate will cost 2 points of Strain. When using the power,
the device func�ons as per the Arcane Background (Weird Science)
Edge. The only difference being the Weird Science device is now part
of their body. The Modifiers and Limita�ons work as usual per the
Arcane Background rules. Every device installed in this manner must
cost at least 1 point of Strain.

Example: Annie Se7en has a cranial implant that allows her to create
and project images she has seen or can
imagine. Annie has the Arcane
Background (Weird Science)—Illusion &
Light Powers. She also has the
Transhuman Edge as the device
represen�ng the power was
installed in her body.

Benefit: The device cost in Power

Points is reduced by 1. Powers
cannot be ac�vated without
using at least 1 Power Point. If
the device’s cost is 0, the
caster spends a Power Point
and gains a +1 to their roll

When choosing the Augmenta�on Path, the Cyberware or Spliceware
installed grants the character 2 points to be spent on Posi�ve Racial
Abili�es found in the Making Races sec�on of Savage Worlds.
Addi�onally, they may take a Minor Hindrance like Habit (Minor) or
Quirk (Minor) in conjunc�on with this Edge to gain a total of 3 points.
Strain is determined by the number of points
earned from theEdge, either 2 or
3. {layers cannot take powers
or Super Powers from the
Making Races sec�on and
should instead choose the
Arcane Background Edge.

Example: Purz is a Kitsune that

needs a means of protec�on and
is all-in on the cat theme. She goes
to the med bay and chooses the
Augmenta�on path to install Claws for 2
points of Strain. Now she can defend
herself and doesn’t violate her sense
of style.

Benefit: The Augment is a natural

ability. It does not require an
Arcane Background or Power
Points to use.

Mundane gear such as cameras, shields, and swords can act as
Cyberware. To install this Cyberware as gear, the item must meet
specific criteria.

The gear must be purchased or “Refurbished.” It must be fi�ed to the

character's body. Refurbished Cyberware requires a complex Drama�c
Task using the Repair skill to make it work for the new user.

The device item is something the player character can hold with one
hand and cannot exceed a weight of 10.

Use the item’s weight to determine its Strain. The Strain is half the
item’s weight plus 2, rounded down. All items will be at least a Strain
of 1 no ma�er their weight.

The player may choose to add modifiers to the gear at an addi�onal

cost to their Strain.

Benefit: Accessories can be removed and modified. They don’t

require Power Points but might require upkeep. Cyberware needs
ba�eries or ammo, and Spliceware increases hunger and thirst.
Players that go this route may
become the target of
thieves. There is a market
for refurbished accessories.

In the Drowned War, special modifiers can be applied to
mundane gear used in Cyberware. Doing so increases the cost
in Strain by 1 to 2 points. Examples of sample modifiers are listed
below. As a rule, lighter gear costs 1 point of Strain, while
heavier or more complicated equipment costs 2 points of Strain.
Armor Piercing (-1 -2 Strain)

Sometimes bare knuckles aren't enough, and a fighter needs to

punch through heavy plates.

Organic Appearance (-1 Strain)

The piece of gear looks like a normal human body part. It doesn’t
seem like much, but most bad guys won't think to take your arm
or leg if the Party is captured.

Retractable (-2 Strain)

Famous for those that want to add daggers or shields to their

hands and forearms. Retractable Cyberware and Spliceware
draw into the body when not being actively used.

Example: Rudolf is a Librarian on Flo�lla Oceania; he's been

smuggling books onto the Flo�lla. Rudolf has had an eye removed and
replaced with a cyberne�c cataloger (camera). He uses it to store
books he's read. The Game Master informs the player that since the
item is light but needs to appear organic, he will increase the strain
cost to 2 points. The player agrees to this. Rudolf has a d6 in Vigor and
a�er a successful opera�on, he has 4 points of Strain le�. Now Rudolf
can smuggle the books he's read thanks to the cyberne�c eye/
cataloger installed.

A�er the player takes the Transhuman Edge and chooses a Path, they
need to roll their Vigor at -2 to see if they have developed an

This is a rule for Game Masters that want to add a bit of body horror
to their game. The Soup is a gene�c accelerant used in Cybersurgery
and Spliceware manipula�on. Unfortunately, due to inadequate
containment, it is found throughout the world of the Drowned War.
Exposure to the Soup alters the gene�c code and causes aberra�ons
within those poisoned by it. Because the Soup and Ambrosia are
necessary for Cybersurgery and Spliceware augmenta�ons, the
opera�ons have significant risks.

Suppose a Refugee is exposed to the Soup or undergoes transhuman

surgery. In that case, the player will need to roll a Vigor check at -2 to
avoid complica�ons. If the player fails the roll, they gain a level of
Fa�gue. If the Refugee Cri�cally Fails the roll, they lose a point of
Strain and gain an Aberra�on (roll on the Aberra�on Table).

Players may spend a Convic�on Token to reroll (Cri�cal Failures

included) with +2.

Note: Player characters immune to poison and disease don't need to

worry about Aberra�ons in the natural world but can s�ll develop
them via failed cyber surgery.

An aberra�on is an unwanted gene�c anomaly.
Player characters exposed to mutagens or failed
surgery can develop abnormali�es. Some can be
simply cosme�c, while others can be devious.
Player characters exposed to mutagens like the
Soup or Ambrosia will need to make a Vigor
roll to avoid losing Strain. Player characters
that fail this roll will need to roll on the
Aberra�on Table to see the results.
Characters that lose all of their Strain
become poly-forms, NPC mutants under
the Game Master’s control.

Roll 1 d4 to see the results. The effects of an Aberration can only
apply to the player characters once per game session.
1. Passenger: a chimera organism is growing on your character's
body. Moving eyes or wriggling tentacles can represent this. The
Player Character can sometimes "hear" its thoughts. These are
simple phrases like "Hungry," "Danger," or "Angry," when this
happens, the character is distracted.

2. Hallucinations: The character is losing touch with reality and

sees things that aren't there. Because they have to take extra time
to figure out what's happening, the character is vulnerable.

3. Pica: The character has developed Pica, an eating disorder that

causes them to craft items with no nutritional value, such as hair,
dirt, and pieces of metal. This results in -2 persuasion when
interacting with NPC's awareness of the character's appetite.

4. Blackout: Something is taking over this character. At a point

decided by the Game Master, the Refugee needs to make a Sprint
roll at -2 or be controlled by some unseen force. This acts as if
under the effects of the puppet power with one caveat, the
character has no memory of what happened and wakes up after
the scene is over as if they had blacked out.

Player characters with the Ci�zen Edge have a rare in-game op�on:
They’re able to compete in elec�ons and hold office. Being an elected
official is not a permanent posi�on. The Ci�zen has the ability to run
for office once each Rank, but has to meet the obliga�ons of office in
order to maintain the posi�on.


To run for office, the Ci�zen has to purchase a home in the
neighborhood they choose to run in. This can be expensive, as
purchasing a residence costs an amount equal to half the star�ng
funds in Scrap (Cogs & Flywheels) This is on top of the Taxes paid to

maintain the Ci�zen Edge. In other words, it takes an amount equal to
the Character’s star�ng funds to run for office. The Residence can be
a business or base of opera�ons for the party, but they can only run
for office in an area in which they hold property.

Next, the Ci�zen declares their inten�on to run as the representa�ve

of the neighborhood and an elec�on is held. The Elec�on is a complex
Drama�c Task using the Persuasion skill.
At their next Rank, the official will have to run for re-elec�on and
depending on how well they treat fellow ci�zens in their
neighborhood, the Game Master can add a +2 or -2 to their
Persuasion rolls.


Elected officials and their staff (the rest of the party) have a s�pend
provided for them. This means they are not subject to rules regarding
Supply levels (they don’t have to worry about food and water), or
Taxes. Being a representa�ve is a paid posi�on so once per Rank, the
official gains a payout equal to their star�ng funds. There are a lot of
perks to being an elected official.

While the perks are en�cing, the drawbacks are immense as well.
First the elected official has the Obliga�ons (Major) Hindrance. At
least 40 hours per week in game �me is going to be spent dealing
with issues facing the community. The people of the neighborhood
are going to look to the party to solve their problems. This can be
anything from a missing cat to a rival neighborhood stealing supplies.
The player character who was elected is going to be up to his eyeballs
with infesta�ons and infigh�ng—and that’s before you factor in
poli�cal opponents and Temple Anarchists. Game Master should use
the posi�on as an elected official to generate adventure hooks for the
party to deal with.

If the official loses their reelec�on (another complex Drama�c Task),

they lose their posi�on and the perks involved. Meaning they are
subject to Supply rules, and have to pay Taxes again.



Turn back; you've been warned.
First off, players, you've reached the Game Master sec�on and if you
read further, you're going to find out things you’re not ready to know.
Game Masters, are you ready for the biggest secret of them all? This
isn't the future.
The people inhabi�ng the world of The Drowned War are visitors,
displaced from their Earth and relocated to where the lost things go.
The Super Sargasso Sea, as Charles Fort would put it.


The "City '' is not one City. It is a nexus point of all the world’s ci�es,
connected by Thresholds. A Threshold is an invisible gap in space-�me
that leads to a different loca�on. The Ferrymen know of these
connec�ons and have means of discerning and naviga�ng the gaps.
Without their exper�se, travelers can end up lost in a web of
branching �me-space holes.



The year is 1934, the year is always 1934, according to the
Department of Informa�on. While The Flo�lla has advanced
technology, the overall aesthe�c must conform to the period.
Likewise, if a G-man stops a ci�zen on the street and asks them the
year, the Joe or Jane Doe be�er say it’s 1934 or find themselves

Some say it’s the most frightening organiza�on in
Flo�lla Oceania, but the truth is so much worse.
The Department of Informa�on is a branch of
7-Helix. The base of their power is held by
the Seven Sisters, located in Solomon’s
Circle. The Sisters are seven incredibly
powerful psychics, females of the Thin
Men group who focus their energy on scrying
the void or uncovering the outer intelligence.
The humans who make up the flo�lla’s public
face have no real power and serve the will of
the Seven Sisters and the Department of

Alcohol and wri�en books (the flo�lla uses datapads) are illegal in
Oceania. Anyone caught with them is detained and ques�oned by the
Department of Informa�on. The strict laws have led to a thriving
organized crime culture, with Speakeasies providing booze and books
for discerning clientele. With the flo�lla Police more concerned with
the everyday lives of regular ci�zens, Joe & Jane Doe need to hire a
private eye if they want jus�ce. Gumshoes of Flo�lla Oceania skirt the
laws of 1934 by fi�ng in with the �mes. They uphold a code all their


Flo�lla Oceania uses the War Effort as a method of obfusca�on. They
persecute ci�zens as spies and use military ac�ons to look for
“Thresholds” and ar�facts. Occasionally, they’ll engage in a mock
skirmish to keep up appearances but don’t ac�vely consider Pacifica a
threat aside from propaganda.

Who runs Pacifica? Distance Q Studios does. They control every
aspect of the flo�lla’s life. Flo�lla Oceania is an authoritarian state,
but Floa�lla Pacifica uses a more subtle control method.


The root of the conflict with Flo�lla Oceania lies in a terror a�ack.
Someone detonated the Pulmen� (Soup) reserves in Flo�lla Pacifica.
The chemical reached the popula�on and segments mutated. Some
became polyforms, some aberra�ons, and some Soup-er Heros. The
affected popula�on was quaran�ned. A�er prolonged tes�ng, the
quaran�ne was li�ed and mutated ci�zens were integrated back into
society with their unaffected brethren.


Super heroes are real! Imagine living in that kind of world, a world
where heroes and villains get into open conflict on the streets and
omnipresent �tans fly through the sky. Now imagine a world where
people profit from that. Some heroes are true altruists driven by a
sense of responsibility; others are vapid sycophants desperately
seeking power and celebrity status. On Flo�lla Pacifica, beauty, image,
and brand recogni�on are all that ma�ers. When one of the
Advocates has a small indiscre�on with a fan or causes too much
collateral damage, Distance swoops in with bias coverage and NDAs.
Conflicts are created and dismissed at the whim of Distance's
marke�ng department to control the narra�ve of what a real super
hero should be.


Heroes need bad guys to fight. Thanks to the “War” with Oceania,
Distance Q studios have a ready-made villain for all their stories.
Flo�lla Pacifica Military units only engage in occasional skirmishes
with Oceania forces when ordered.



The 7-Helix is the remnant of the World Navy's science division.
Turning gene�c manipula�on into a religious affair, they vary from
mutants to pragma�c eugenicists.
While housed in underwater colonies, their society uses mechanical
and biomechanical technology to manipulate the rest of the world
into never-ending experiments.
When a failed experiment led to the escape of The Yellow Grime, 7-
Helix realized there was so much more to the universe than
previously suspected.

A mysterious military facility, The Gate is the epicenter of 7-Helix’s
command structure. The en�re structure is a par�cle accelerator/
research facility where captured humans are forced to explore
beyond the psychic barrier of their world. The Gate is a prison for
human experiments, with several Division Heads (Biotech computers)
analyzing data and inges�ng the memories of human explorers.


A sickness, a strange visitor, a psychic fungus
called the Yellow Grime spread across
the Lost Sea. It's taken over the
undercro� of Flo�lla Oceania; it's
seeped into the ghe�os and trash
piles and out into the garden districts.
The Grime causes hallucina�ons; it
takes over weaker minds and causes
horrific muta�ons. Currently, 7-Helix
is waging a secret war against the
Yellow Grime, but that doesn't make
it humanity’s ally. The Yellow Grime is
all-consuming and will merge
whatever it can into its psychic hive.

Located within the City is a gigan�c bea�ng heart. A luminous yellow
haze blankets the air as undead scavengers drag biological materials
to feed the Heart. This is the stronghold of the Yellow Grime. A
Psychic fungus that breached into the world of the Lost Sea, the
Yellow Grime can never truly be eliminated as long as the Heart
remains. It is for this reason 7-Helix searches the City in the hope of
finding and destroying the Heart.


Where do the Ferrymen come from? Flo�lla Arboretum. It’s a
fantas�c place where technology is all but forgo�en and psychic
powers are treated as magic. The Ferrymen were once members of
the De-lu Yi Druids. They discerned the stars and mapped the
thresholds of the City along a path they called “The Sacred Lotus."
When 7-Helix a�acked Flo�lla Arboretum, the Ferrymen gave chase.
Genera�ons later, they are s�ll helping travelers find their way
through the City and waging a secret war against the demons of 7-

Bani Caldwell founded the Temple of Floa�ng Truth a�er her
husband’s murder. Bani believed the City Council of Refuse was guilty
of the crime but knew she couldn’t start an open rebellion. Instead,
she founded the Temple under the guise of an aid organiza�on for

Located within the Temple outreach at Seasteaders Side, Zikomo
Sta�on is a black site holding experimental technology preda�ng the
flood. When Jack and Bani discovered the old Naval Yard with the
ships that became Refuse, Bani discovered something else among the
ruins. The loca�on of a World Navy Black site: Zikomo Sta�on. Housed
within were advanced biotech and research notes (as well as
experiments for adap�ng algae into other materials). Bani was able to
use the notes, and Alagemancy was born.


Bani is not dead. Despite old age, she is kept alive
by the coral colony merged with her and the algae
tech that sustains her. She is immobile and is
confined to her chambers in Zikomo Sta�on for
the �me being.


The Diver Lords, the original
ones, were able to capture and
interrogate Bani early on. A
record of this interroga�on remains
called The Caldwell Tapes. The nature
of the interroga�on raises
ques�ons as to the Diver Lords’
involvement in Jack’s death.

Generators and Tables

These Tables are for GMs to roll up NPCs on-the-fly, or even to serve
as inspira�on for Player Character concepts.

First, Roll a d20 for Profession to see what kind of skill set this person

Then roll a d12 as many �mes as necessary to figure out what drives
them to s�ck their neck out (as well as some sample Goals for
Refugee characters).

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d4, No�ce d6,
Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5

Recommended Skills: Choose one or more of these skills and their
linked A�ribute at a d8
Recommended Edges: Choose one or more of these Edges
Recommended Hindrances: choose one or more of these Hindrances

1) Performer - They're a performer of some sort. They could be a

Pirate Radio Broadcaster from one of the more technologically
advanced Flo�llas or simply a wandering Street Thespian. They might
even have a dedicated Fan base.
Recommended Skills: Performance, Persuasion, Common Knowledge
Recommended Edges: Fame, A�rac�ve, Connec�ons (Fan Club)
Recommended Hindrances: Overconfident, Quirk, Thin-Skinned

2) Nego�ator - The average lifespan in the world of the Drowned War
is short. This Refugee's soothing words can make those lives last
longer by preven�ng unnecessary conflict.
Recommended Skills: Persuasion, No�ce, Common Knowledge
Recommended Edges: Reliable, Work the Room, Charisma�c
Recommended Hindrances: Code of Honor, Pacifist,

3) Bounty Hunter - Many people in this watery world are wanted,

dead or alive. It's this Refugee’s life calling to bring these targets to
the right people.
Recommended Skills: Shoo�ng, In�mida�on, Survival
Recommended Edges: Connec�ons, Steady Hands, Fleet-Footed
Recommended Hindrances: Ruthless, Greedy, Habit

4) Soldier - This Refugee fought for one of the various sides in the
ongoing skirmishes. Whether or not they retain loyalty to said side,
however, is another ques�on.
Recommended Skills: Shoo�ng, Ba�le, Athle�cs
Recommended Edges: Soldier, Brawny, Command
Recommended Hindrances: Code of Honor, Secret, Shamed

5) Smuggler - There's plenty of market for contraband, what with the

flo�llas having various taboos and forbidden items. Some�mes,
people want to get away from it all. This Refugee’s life calling is to be
more than willing to help for the right price, or even on principle.
Recommended Skills: Stealth, Boa�ng, Thievery
Recommended Edges: Streetwise, Ace, Connec�ons
Recommended Hindrances: Heroic, Greedy, Cau�ous

6) Mechanic - There's s�ll plenty of demand for machinery here in the

Post-Apocalypse. This Refugee's job is to make sure those machines
are appropriately purring like ki�ens or roaring like lions.
Recommended Skills: Science, Repair, No�ce
Recommended Edges: McGyver, Mr. Fix-It, Scholar (Science)
Recommended Hindrances: Slow, Driven, Quirk

7) Detec�ve - This Refugee is good at digging things up: People,
places, ideas. They don't hesitate to go snooping all-around in dark
Recommended Skills: No�ce, Persuasion, Research
Recommended Edges: Inves�gator, Alertness, Streetwise
Recommended Hindrances: Curious, Driven, Heroic

8) Thief - This Refugee is a sneaky son of a gun. Their life's calling is

ge�ng a hold of things that people want. That's not to say that there
isn't honest work in this profession, but they probably don't do this
for the warm fuzzies.
Recommended Skills: Athle�cs, Stealth, Thievery
Recommended Edges: Thief, Free Runner, Acrobat
Recommended Hindrances: Wanted, Greedy, Arrogant

9) Pilot - This Refugee is a professional pilot. If it floats, flies, or drives,

they're a master of it!
Recommended Skills: Driving, Pilo�ng, Boa�ng
Recommended Edges: Ace, Quick, Elan
Recommended Hindrances: Overconfident, Driven, Stubborn

10) Salvager - This Refugee is a hardy person devoted to finding Scrap

and salvage. It's not an easy profession by any means, but the pay can
be worthwhile if they find a good haul.
Recommended Skills: Survival, Repair, Athle�cs
Recommended Edges: Nerves of Steel, Brawny, Brave
Recommended Hindrances: Obliga�on, Suspicious, Poverty

11) Enforcer - This Refugee was, or s�ll is, muscle-for-hire.

Occasionally somebody needs protec�on or a beat down and they're
one of the first people to call.
Recommended Skills: Figh�ng, Athle�cs, In�mida�on
Recommended Edges: Menacing, Mar�al Ar�st, Brute
Recommended Hindrances: Mean, Outsider, Enemy

12) Lawman - This Refugee is the Law. Not an easy task in this watery
wasteland, but jus�ce will be served.
Recommended Skills: Academics, Persuasion, Shoo�ng
Recommended Edges: Streetwise, Strong-Willed, Steady Hands
Recommended Hindrances: Code of Honor, Enemy, Heroic

13) Slacker - This Refugee doesn't have a reputa�on for a solid work
ethic. People think they're just lazy. In reality, they just believe in
working smarter, not harder.
Recommended Skills: Common Knowledge, No�ce, Research
Recommended Edges: Jack-of-All-Trades, Calcula�ng, Danger Sense
Recommended Hindrances: Suspicious, Outsider, Habit

14) Mercenary - Soldiers of Fortune are found aplenty in this watery

world. Some of them even live long enough to spend their payment!
Recommended Skills: Figh�ng, Ba�le, Shoo�ng
Recommended Edges: Soldier, Command, Brawny
Recommended Hindrances: Greedy, Bloodthirsty, Ruthless

15) Spy - They're an infiltra�on and subterfuge specialist in service to

one of the major flo�llas, so they think, anyhow; it's been a while
since their contacts served them new orders.
Recommended Skills: Thievery, Research, Stealth
Recommended Edges: Thief, Assassin, Extrac�on
Recommended Hindrances: Secret, Vow, Driven

16) Scholar - They're an academic, a rare sight in a world such as this.

But knowledge is power, as they say; and this Refugee aims to be as
strong as possible in this world.
Recommended Skills: Research, No�ce, Academics (or any other
Knowledge-type Skills)
Recommended Edges: Scholar, Inves�gator, Jack-of-All-Trades
Recommended Hindrances: Clumsy, Curious, Elderly

17) Survivalist - Living off the land is dangerous, mainly because the
land could easily live off of them. They've honed their skills to make
sure that the la�er doesn't become an op�on.
Recommended Skills: Repair, Survival, Shoo�ng
Recommended Edges: McGyver, Woodsman, Hard to Kill
Recommended Hindrances: Clueless, Suspicious, Poverty

18) Doctor - They're a medical expert, ensuring

that people don't succumb to the wounds
and plagues that affect the world. Given
how dangerous this world is, they're in very
high demand.
Recommended Skills: Healing, Science,
Recommended Edges: Healer, Elan,
Recommended Hindrances: Code of
Honor, Obliga�on, Phobia

19-20) Roll Twice (Re-Roll if you get

this result more than once) - The
Refugee blends these two occupa�ons.
The first result is what the character
does to make money, while the
second result is what they do as
a hobby.

Now it’s �me to decide what mo�vates the character to get up in the
morning and face life's troubles.
Roll a d12 to see what drives the character.

1) Wealth - This Refugee wants money, in this case, Scrap, pure and
simple. Not necessarily enough to live like a king, but enough moolah
to cover their living expenses and keep the debtors and slavers at bay.
Goals: Acquire $10,000 in Scrap, Own some Property or Businesses in

2) Fame & Glory - This Refugee wants to be well-known. Whether it's

as a street performer or gladiator pit champion doesn't ma�er. Fame
is fame to them!
Goals: Acquire or expand their Refugee fan base, win a pres�gious

3) Curiosity - They're wandering this hot mess of a world to see

what's happened to it and how it's constantly changing.
Goals: Achieve Ph. D level knowledge of a subject, explore any ruins
they find.

4) Thrills - They're an adrenaline junkie. They want to do crazy things

in a crazy world, experience it all!
Goals: Pull off one daring act a day, travel to dangerous loca�ons.

5) Revenge - Someone did them wrong in the past. They're traveling

to ini�a�ve some payback.
Goals: Find out who wronged them (assuming this Refugee doesn’t
know) and
humiliate them

6) Truth - Something's not right about the world. They may not be
able to fix it, but at the very least, they can understand it and make
other folks' lives more manageable because of it.
Goals: Uncover the mysteries of this watery wasteland, publish a
book of their findings.

7) Escape - They're trying to get away from someone or something. It

might even be chasing a�er them.
Goals: Stay on the move, even in small amounts. Find a way to get the
people tailing them off their backside permanently.

8) Ambi�on - They've got some lo�y goals. Whether to become King

of the Pirates or put slavers out of business, these goals drive this
Refugee to wander this watery wasteland.
Goals: Find a posi�on of leadership by cunning or force, achieve
minor steps in their ambi�ons (like freeing slaves whenever this
Refugee can).

9) Duty - A sense of duty to something else (Flo�lla loyalty, moral

creed, a family) drives this Refugee to do what they do.
Goals: Remain loyal to their Refugee du�es, acquire informa�on
beneficial to those this Refugee serves.

10) Honor - This Refugee holds themself to a higher standard than

most. That same set of principles inspires them to travel and lead
others by example.
Goals: S�ck to their principles, teach others to do the same.

11) Survival - This Refugee doesn't care about all this weird stuff.
They're just trying to do whatever it takes to make ends meet.
Goals: Keep one step ahead of the debtors, learn new skills as
necessary to make ends meet.

12) Legacy - This Refugee has goals for the long-term, aiming to build
something that will outlast themselves and maybe even their

Goals: Understand the world around them and how it works. Get
married and start a family.

The following tables are meant to serve as inspira�on for GMs to cook
up adventures.
Should Game Masters draw a Joker in any of these, draw twice and
combine the results. Don't forget to award a Benny to all the players.
Once you’ve got an idea of the Feel, Complica�on, and Reward, move
on to the Rumor Mill to develop a hook for the adventure.

Spade - Ac�on: Someone, somewhere needs things done that
probably require violence. Bounty hun�ng, bodyguarding, maybe
even just figh�ng on someone's behalf in The Circus Maximus.

Heart - Intrigue: Rumor has it some things are happening in Refuse.

Maybe someone's been �pped off that there's a nasty plot in the
works, or maybe it's just two conflic�ng groups or people trying to
come to a mutual agreement without resor�ng to gunfire.

Diamond - Adventure: There's always explora�on to be done in the

world of the Drowned War. Islands and flo�llas yet to be discovered,
salvage to be retrieved, maybe even a load of lost technology to be

Club - Horror: There's plenty of things that go, "Bump," in the night,
both natural and otherworldly. Psionics run amok, deranged serial
killers, even just ordinary folks falling vic�m to one too many botched
surgeries and turning into a polymorph.

Something's bound to go wrong, sooner or later. Here’s how to figure
that out! Just remember, don't be 'That Guy' and give the party an
opportunity or two to learn about the kind of grenade that’s about to
be tossed in the room.

Spade - Compe��on: Someone else is ac�vely trying to finish the job

before the party. This becomes a race against �me to see who can get
the job done first... or at least survive the inevitable standoff.

Heart - Sabotage: Someone's a�emp�ng to undermine the party. It

could be whoever or whatever they're a�er, it could likely be a third
party, or maybe it's a traitor from within.

Diamond - Corrup�on: Someone or something is subver�ng the

party's efforts. Even if they are victorious in their job, they may find
that it's caused more problems than it fixed.

Club - Disaster: There's something nasty and natural heading your

way. Untamed wildlife, a Pulmen� or Ambrosia spill, or maybe even a
good ol' fashioned natural disaster will be coming the party's way

Refugees can’t afford to do things out of the goodness of their hearts.
With limited supplies, everybody knows there has to be an incen�ve
to take on this task.

Spade - Equipment: The party gets some good gear out of this. Guns,
armor, maybe even something a li�le more exo�c, like several doses
of Ambrosia.

Heart - Favor: The party did something good for somebody, and they
owe them one. The things this favor can do should be restricted.
Consider the nature and scope of the ini�al good deed and the limits
of the person or group, but otherwise? Go Nuts.

Diamond - Treasure: Their reward for comple�ng this adventure is
some ol' fashioned cash. Well, technically, whatever passes for it
these days. A good rule of thumb is 1d4 x $50 for small jobs, 1d6 x
$100 for average employment, and 1d8 x 500 for the really nasty

Club - Supplies: The crew's reward for this adventure is some much-
needed supplies. Naturally, they should get a day's worth, but feel
free to give them more should the job require some travel.

Example [Amoral Rumble]

The GM is looking for some inspira�on for the next adventure the
party should run into.
A Ten of Clubs is drawn for the first card... so it looks like the party is
going to have to encounter some sort of monster.
The reward for the party is drawn and it just so happens to be the Ace
of Clubs. That means the party’s reward for this adventure will be at
least a day’s worth of supplies.
As for the complica�on that they're going to encounter, the GM draws
a Two of Hearts, which means that they're going to have to deal with
some sabotage.
A Horror adventure with supplies as a reward and elements of
sabotage are involved... The GM starts to eye up the Bounty Board
Generator and decides to bend the rules a bit in favor of hun�ng
down a rather nasty polymorph, rolled up with the help of the
Polymorph Enhancement Table.
As for the sabotage element, he draws a card from the Fac�ons Table
in the Rumor Mill and gets a Four of Spades: Recker, the king of the
junkyard ring, is going to screw up the party’s plans somehow.
The GM decides that the monster is stashed away in Recker's junkyard
and a�er the party starts to raise a ruckus, the wrestling-obsessed
Heavy Frame CONIL jumps into the mix wan�ng to make the fight a
Royal Rumble. Now all the GM has to do is use elements of the
Rumor Mill to cook something up that will catch the player’s

The Rumor Generator is designed to
randomly create rumors that your
party can discover, either as simply
stuff they've heard over the course of
their down�me, or even during
actual play.

Roll a d6 at the Star�ng Point to

create the basis of the Rumor, then
follow the direc�ons each result
entails. Usually, this will involve rolling a
die or drawing a card.

Finally, roll 1d6 to figure out if the

rumor is even true or not, as well as any
poten�al follow-up changes you need to

Roll 1d6
1 - Diploma�c Rela�ons: One group or person wants to sit down and
have a chat with another group or person. This could be an a�empt to
forge a poli�cal alliance of sorts, or it could just be a business
transac�on. Draw People/Fac�ons a couple �mes for the two par�es,
then draw Loca�ons once to figure out where the talks are going to
allegedly take place.
Something to think about - Why would these two groups be willing to
work together?

2 - Discovery: Someone's made it big, or they plan to. Draw People/

Fac�ons once to figure out who's supposedly hit the jackpot, roll
Score once to figure out what kind of payday they've stumbled upon,
and then draw for Loca�on once to figure out where it might be
Something to think about - What kind of risks and dangers have
prevented someone from already scooping up this opportunity?

3 - Conspiracy: Someone's up to no good on Refuse... More than
usual, of course. Draw once for People/Fac�on to find out who's
doing the plo�ng, then draw again for People/Fac�on to figure out
who's on the receiving end of this scheme. Then, draw for Loca�on to
figure out where this will all go down.
Something to think about - What does the one party have to gain
from following through on this scheme?

4 - Now Hiring: There's someone recrui�ng for a par�cular job. Draw

People/Fac�on once to figure out who the poten�al employer is,
then draw on Loca�on once to figure out where the job will take
place. Finally, roll on Score once for the kind of payout they're
planning to offer for ge�ng the job done.
Something to think about - Why are they offering this job to anyone
and why does it pay so much?

5 - Mysterious Incident: Something really bad happened recently.

Draw for People/Fac�on once for the vic�m of the incident, then
draw People/Fac�on another �me to figure out who's ge�ng blamed
for it. Finally, draw for Loca�on to figure out where this incident took
Something to think about - What kind of incident was this and why
has it not been made public? Who has the most to gain, or lose, from
dragging this into the open?

6 - Unlisted Bounty: The Hunter's Coali�on has an unlisted bounty up

for grabs. Draw once for People/Fac�on to find out who to contact
about it, then draw a Loca�on to find out where this informant is
shacked up. Finally, roll Score to figure out what it supposedly pays. If
this rumor is discovered to be true or par�ally true, consult the
Bounty Tables to fill in the blanks.
Something to think about - Why is this bounty unlisted?

Roll a d6
1 - Person of Interest: There's a person whose skills and abili�es make
them a valuable asset. Maybe they're an academic in a field that's
obscure but in high demand, or maybe they're a stellar pilot or
mercenary. Maybe they have some highly sought-a�er connec�ons.

2 - Advanced Technology: The world, drowned as it may be, is a gold

mine of advanced technology. This high tech smorgasboard is a
poten�al for great good... or great evil.

3 - Large Supply Cache: Food, Ambrosia and other such essen�al

goods can be scarce enough. If it can keep bellies full and minds
calmed, you can bet your bo�om dollar it will be pursued at all costs.

4 - Weapon Stash: Refuse and the seas surrounding it are dog eat
dog. Any chance to put some fangs into your own teeth and even the
odds against the horrors of this world are always welcome.

5 - Cash: An old saying is that money can't buy happiness. That may
be true, but it can buy peace of mind, and that is something scarcer
than food in this watery wasteland.
6 - Informa�on: Knowledge is power. In the right hands, the
informa�on up for grabs here could be worth a Diver Lord's ransom.

Shuffle the Ini�a�ve Deck and draw a card.
2 - Captain San�ago: The good captain is involved somehow, perhaps
because his bar is in trouble. Best to break out the cogs and the ol'
book of Sea Shan�es.

3 - Madame Meow: The self-proclaimed Queen of Kitsune has her

paws in the mix, maybe because she's trying to secure her throne.
Hopefully, she's kept her claws retracted.

4 - Recker: OH YEAH! The Lord of the Junkyard, and King of the Ring,
has go�en involved somehow. Lace up your boots and get ready to
put your belt on the line!

5 - Slavers: Yeah, these scumbags are up to no good, more so than


6 - Helix-7: Speaking of up to no good, rumors of a mysterious group

of soldiers with squid helmets have surfaced.

7 - Flo�lla Refugees: More o�en than not, the Flo�lla Refugees tend
to get involved in rumors and hot messes. There's lots of them, so it's
almost unavoidable.

8 - The Fury: The fishy pirates and cut-throats may be banned from
Refuse, but that doesn't stop them from s�rring up trouble and
making lives miserable when possible.

9 - Phage Thompson: The General Goods store owner tends to stay

out of things that don't involve him and his job whenever possible.
This seems to be one of the excep�ons.

10 - Trade Unions: Something's got a bee in the bonnet of the local

Trade Unions. The Counselors, the Debtors, the Bounty Hunters,
maybe even a fourth group—or all of the above.

Jack - The Wimbles: Somebody must have missed the memo that the
Wimbles' clinic was off-limits for conflict on Refuse, because it seems
like they're involved in some trouble.

Queen - Foreign Flo�lla Representa�ves: Pacifica, Oceania, maybe

even Daedalus or the mysterious Flo�lla Arboretum. Official types,
and even Law Enforcement, have been known to come to Refuse to
seek out assistance.

King - The Temple of Floa�ng Truth: The Temple is both an ally to the
Refugees and an easy scapegoat whenever things go wrong for the
Diver Lords. Of course, some�mes they actually DO cause trouble for
the over-glorified City Council...

Ace - The Diver Lords: The official rulers of Refuse, as well as their
lieutenants and salvage crews, are o�en seeking things out in the
watery world. Frequently, those things are of value, or at the very
least rumored to be.

Joker - Holy/Unholy Alliance: Things are about to get messy, because

there are two groups or people in cahoots. Draw twice, ignoring
addi�onal Jokers, for the result. This alliance doesn't have to make
sense because it's a rumor, though if the rumor turns out to be true,
the party should ask themselves what kind of problem would force
two otherwise opposed groups—like the Temple and the Diver
Lords—to work together.

Refuse has a lot of places where things can happen, openly or in
secret. Shuffle the deck and draw another card.

2 - The Med Bay/Market Area: There's plenty of folks coming and

going in the Med Bay and Market Area. Some�mes people even come
and go of their own choice.

3 - Nomad Camps: There's plenty of space for the nomads to wander

about on Refuse. Given they have no home, either by circumstance or
choice, that's a very good thing.

4 - Debtor's Corner: Lawyers, Accountants and Debtors, OH MY! This

is where payments are se�led, called in, and nego�ated. Come for the
business arrangement, stay for the crippling debt.

5 - Recker's Junkyard: This is where stuff comes to get scrapped. The
scrapping happens either by Recker himself in an impromptu
wrestling match, or by the machines that compact and repurpose

6 - Circus Maximus: If you're looking for some old-school gladiator

games, the Circus Maximus is the place to be. Plenty of crowds and
ample entertainment, just watch your wallet and your back.

7 - Lower Decks: This is Unionist Territory, but they tend to turn a

blind eye to things that happen simply because they're too busy
trying to maintain the underpinnings of the flo�lla.

8 - Seasteader's Side: The li�le micro-flo�lla just outside of Refuse

and home to San�ago's bar, The Cap'n Quarters. If you want to do
business away from prying eyes, but don't want to risk going too far
out into the endless sea, Seasteader's Side is where you want to go.

9 - The Line: The major point of conflict between Flo�lla Pacifica and
Flo�lla Oceania, there's an endless supply of salvage and other goods
to be found here provided you're willing to risk ge�ng caught in the

10 - The City: The never-ending, and some say constantly changing,

urban jungle known as The City. It's great if you want to really go out
of the way to get something done. Just make sure you pay the
ferrymen's fee if you want to get out and survive.

Jack - The Tanglebrush: Someone would have to be crazy or think it's

absolutely necessary to go out into the Tanglebrush. Hopefully, it's the
la�er reason.

Queen - House of Cats: Madame Meow's li�le slice of paradise. Make

sure you keep your hands on your wallet and off the merchandise.
Also, be sure to give the good Madame her cut of the profits if you
plan on doing anything that might bring her heat.

King - Phage Thompson's General Goods: Phage likes to keep aloof
from the internal poli�cs of Refuse, unless his job as a general store
owner and middle-man requires it of him. It doesn't stop people from
bringing their problems to his doorstep, however...

Ace - The Temple of Floa�ng Truth: The Temple is both a sanctuary

for Refugees and a source of trouble for the Diver Lords. Make sure
you observe and respect their faith as you enter the halls.

Joker - Colossal Mixup: Well, things got kind of murky. Draw two
cards, ignoring addi�onal Jokers, and have one of the two loca�ons
be where the rumor is fixated. It will require a Networking Roll on the
Players' end to sort out which loca�on is the real one.

Finally, to figure out if the rumor is True, Par�ally True, or False…
Roll a 1d6
1 or 2 - False: The rumor is completely phony. However, that doesn't
mean it's completely worthless to pursue. Someone probably started
this rumor because they had something to gain from it. If so, then
draw a card for People to find out who gains from this dud of a rumor,
then roll a Star�ng Point to figure out their goal.

3 or 4 - Par�ally True: There's a kernel of truth to this rumor, though

like most rumors something got mixed up along the line. If you rolled
a 3, re-roll or re-draw a Result of your choosing. If you scored a 4, re-
roll or re-draw two Results of your choosing.

5 or 6 - True: This rumor is absolutely true. Whether or not your

players get involved is another issue en�rely. If they do, they might be
able to change things or help them along. If not, then be perfectly
content to let things pass naturally, including any major shake-ups
that happen.

The party is back from a recent misadventure out on the sea, so the
GM decides to prepare a rumor that they can overhear and look into.
A 1 is rolled on a d6, which means there are talks of some sort of
diploma�c rela�ons being planned. The GM then draws two cards for
the Fac�ons or People and gets a 3 for Madame Meow and a Queen
for Foreign Flo�lla Representa�ves. Another card is drawn for
Loca�on. A 4 means it takes place in Debtor's Corner. So, effec�vely,
the rumor goes,

"Madame Meow, or at the very least one of her underlings, is mee�ng

some folks from a Foreign Flo�lla over in Debtor's Corner."

Rolling a d6 to figure out if this rumor is hokey or not, the GM gets a 4

meaning the rumor is par�ally true, but two things are jumbled up.
The GM opts to re-draw Loca�on and the first Fac�on card. The new
Loca�on card comes up as a Joker, meaning that there are two
possible places it could be. Two new cards are drawn, another 4—for
the Debtor's Corner- and a 6- for the Circus Maximus; the GM opts
for the genuine loca�on to be the Circus Maximus. The Fac�on re-roll
nets a Jack for The Wimbles, Refuse's own Doctors.
So while the rumors are that the Queen of Kitsune is mee�ng up with
some foreign flo�lla folks for some business by the Debtor's Corner,
in reality she's mee�ng with the Wimbles for something at Circus
Maximus. Should the players decide to look
into this, then it could lead to a rather
peculiar adventure: A�er all, why on
this drowned Earth would she want
to meet the doctors at a
Gladiator's Arena?

The Hunter's Coali�on has a Bounty Board where they list all the
Persons and Creatures that have boun�es on them. This list is
constantly upda�ng, with some boun�es even increasing depending
on how much of a threat the target has become.
Direc�ons: Roll on each sec�on once for each Bounty you wish to list
on the Board. Generally two or three Boun�es at a �me is plenty.

Roll a d6
1-2 - Debtor: Someone owes a rather he�y sum, and instead of
paying up, they're a�emp�ng to dodge their du�es. This is when the
good folks of Debtor's Corner decide to call in some Bounty Hunters.

3-4 - Criminal: Someone's commi�ed a crime and, for whatever

reason, Refuse's Law Enforcement hasn't gone near them. Jus�ce
must be served!

5-6 - Beast: There's a nasty cri�er, or a horde of them, causing trouble

for the good people of Refuse. They need to be hunted down before
things get out of hand.

Roll 1d6
1-2 - Currency: This job will be paid out in the form of old fashioned
Cogs and Flywheels. When in doubt, cold hard cash is the way to go.

3-4 - Supplies: This bounty will net the party some well-earned
Supplies, which are always handy for survival in this wasted, watery

5-6 - Equipment: Your patron has offered up some equipment to be

delivered to you upon comple�on of the bounty.

Roll a d4
1 - 1 Star Bounty: These threats are fairly mundane. Deadbeats who
don't pay child support, rampant pe�y crooks, and the odd stray rat
that's mutated into something nasty fit the bill here. Don't expect a
lot of pay but, at the very least, you should expect to come back in
one piece.
This threat is an extra but pursuing them can lead to unintended

2 - 2 Star Bounty: These are the more common threats. People

who've racked up mul�ple debts, people who've commi�ed felonies,
a nest of harmful creatures- or just one really nasty creature- all fit
this bill. The pay is decent for the work you have to put in, especially if
you're smart about taking care of the target.
This threat is most likely an extra. For humans, roll on the NPC
Generator as normal.

3 - 3 Star Bounty: These jobs are good for pay, but they're going to
make you earn every last por�on of it. We're talking serial killers,
large monster nests and folks who've really stepped in it with several
sizable debts owed- these will all fall into this Threat Level.
This threat should be a Wildcard, but not as powerful and normally
working alone or in a small group. When rolling on the Profession
Table, consider raising one stat and a�ribute to d10 instead of d8.

4 - 4 Star Bounty: These boun�es are the cream of the crop for
payouts, but you shouldn't take them unless you're ready for the fight
of your life. This is where warlord wannabes, mutant abomina�ons, or
absurdly slippery debtors with powerful connec�ons- or just powerful
abili�es- get assessed as a threat.
This type of threat should be a Wildcard with either massive
firepower or many extras backing them up. When rolling on the
Profession Table, consider giving them professional stats and
a�ributes at d10 or even d12 instead of d8. If it’s a classic NPC
monster, consider raising a chosen Skill and A�ribute a die type.

Roll 1d6
1-2 - Dead: Bag 'em and tag 'em, mercs. This
bounty will be paid out upon providing proof
of death. This usually requires presen�ng
the body, or at the least a part of it with
recognizable markings.

3-4 - Alive: Your anonymous

employer wants the target alive. The
Hunter's Coali�on will detain the
target un�l they can be collected. What
happens to the target a�erwards is of no

5-6 - Dead or Alive: It doesn't par�cularly ma�er

whether you bring the target in alive or dead. Just
prove that you’ve done the job as requested.

The party is planning to check out the Bounty Board located at the
Hunter's Coali�on, so the GM decides to roll a pair of Boun�es on the
Bounty Board Generator to give them some op�ons.

For the first bounty, the GM rolls 3, 4, 1, and 6. This means that the
target is a Criminal, their payout is supplies, the threat is ranked at 1
Star, and the target can be brought in Dead or Alive.
The GM figures this would be an easy mission to snag a crook for a
day's worth of supplies, so they keep it simple: There's a pe�y
shopli�er that's been close to pu�ng a local merchant out of
business, so said shop owner has offered a day's supplies to anyone
who can deal with the thief.

As for bounty number two, the GM rolls 1, 5, 4, and 4. It seems like

someone wants a deadbeat debtor caught alive, and they're paying
with some heavy-duty equipment- there's a problem, though. They're

considered a 4 Star threat!
The GM, feeling chao�c, decides to draw a card from the Rumor
Mill's fac�on table to figure out who they've befriended: Drawing a
Five of Clubs, it seems like they're on the good side of the slavers. In
other words, they’re not the kind of person you’d like to have over for

It seems like the party can choose to either play it safe and take down
a pe�y crook for some pe�y pay, or they can take a big chance-
risking drawing the ire of the slavers- and score some awesome
equipment that they can sell or use. Either way, the GM has a pair of
adventures ready to be fleshed out and unleashed on their players!

Polyforms occur when exposure to the Soup is too much and they
succumb to aberra�ons. This can result in a diverse amount of hos�le
horrors for the players to deal with, should the Game Master have the
need or want to flesh out their own.

To start, pick an op�on below:

1 - Use an Established PC, NPC, or even Creature. Add the Polyform or
Polyswarm's Abili�es and Features to it. If this is a former PC, don’t
hesitate to get the player involved.
2 - Roll up a completely Random NPC using the Backgrounds Table,
then add the Polyform or Polyswarm’s Abili�es.
3 - Start with the Basic Polyform or Polyswarm.

Roll 1d6 for Size Change and adjust Strength and Toughness

1 - -3 to Size (Very Small): A part of the body swells and breaks free
into its own NPC.

2 - -2 to Size (Small): The character spasms and splits into two NPCs.

3-4 - 0 (Size Remains the Same): The character changes but doesn’t
grow or shrink.

5 - +2 to Size (Slightly Bulkier): The character swells. They’re about

the size of a horse.
6 - +4 to Size (Large): The character is larger and stronger as a result
of the aberra�on. They are the rela�ve size of a grizzly bear.

Roll 1d4 for an addi�onal aspect of their Muta�on.

1 - Nothing Special: The Polyform hasn't acquired anything extra, or

at least more bizarre than usual.

2 - Elemental: The Polyform has acquired some bits and pieces of the
natural world, like fire, water, earth, or electricity. Give them the
Elemental Monstrous Ability, as well as any relevant Resistances,
Immuni�es, and Weaknesses.

3 - Metallic: This par�cular Polyform liked it's Cyberware in life. They

have the Construct Monstrous Ability, assuming they did not have it
already from their Variant.

4 - Animalis�c: This Polyform has some bes�al traits, either from it's
Variant or because of it's Spliceware. Add +2 to their Pace, increase
their Running Die a type, and give them the Pounce Ability.

Finally, roll a d6 a number of �mes for Secondary Muta�ons. We
recommend rolling twice per Rank of the party, but it's your Monster.
You can even just pick the results you think make sense. We won't

1 - Natural Weapons: Step up an already exis�ng Natural Weapon by

a Die Type, or give them a new Ranged Weapon that uses Athle�cs or
Shoo�ng to A�ack (Range 5/10/20, Str + d6 or 2d6 Damage).

2 - Fear: This Polyform has a par�cularly horrifying appearance, and
requires a Fear test on sight. Every �me you get this result, the Spirit
Roll is at an addi�onal -1

3 - Poison: This Polyform has gained a Poison it can use to Stun,

Weaken, Paralyze, or outright kill its targets. Roll 1d4 or choose a Mild
(1), Paralyzing (2), Knockout (3), or Lethal (4) Poison. Ge�ng this
result again either makes the Poison stronger (-1 to the Vigor roll each
�me), or allows the creature to adjust the Poison's severity.

4 - Tentacles: Extra Appendages means Extra Ac�ons. The Polyform

has two Tentacle Ac�ons, or four if you get this result a second �me.
Re-roll this result if you get this any �me a�er that.

5 - Durability: This monster is hardier than usual. Give this creature

+2 Armor, +1 Toughness or a level of Regenera�on every �me you
get this result.

6 - Mobility: This creature has some extra features that give it

enhanced movement. Roll 1d4, or give them Aqua�c (1), Flight (2),
Burrow (3), or Wall Walk (4) at their base Pace. If you get this result
again, increase the movement speed by their Pace, or add an
addi�onal type of movement.

The party just had a member of the crew- the roguish Pure-Strain
Human Cipher- succumb to their Aberra�ons, so the GM decides to
turn them into a Polyform to have the party encounter later. They
start with the former PC's stats, as follows:

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d8, Hacking d8,
No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5; Size: 0
Edges: Assassin, Free-Runner, Thief

Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Overconfident

A�er that, the GM applies the Special Abili�es of the Polyform (Bite,
Combat Reflexes, Exo�c Genes, Feral, Fearless, Hardy, Infravision, Very
Resilient, Slow, and Tough). The GM decides to increase the new
abomina�on's Vigor Die once as part of Exo�c Genes.
Note: Human Cipher was a Wildcard, but the Game Master was
feeling generous so he made them an extra and kept the Very
Resiliant Status.

Next, the GM rolls a d6 for Size Adjustment, ge�ng a 6. Looks like

Cipher's go�en a bit bigger due to the muta�on, gaining +4 to Size
and a Strength and Toughness boost to match. They also gain the
Large Monstrous Ability.

To follow up, a d4 gets rolled for Primary Muta�on, and a 2 comes

up. Looks like Cipher has picked up some natural aspects. Given that
they were a Thief and Hacker in life, The GM decides that they've
taken on some electrical aspects. They've gained a +4 Environmental
Resistance to electrical hazards and anything with an electricity
trapping, but the GM also decides that they're vulnerable to watery
hazards and water-based trappings and suffer a -4 when that's

Finally, because the party is s�ll Novice Rank, the GM decides to roll
on the Secondary Muta�ons Table twice. This results in ge�ng both a
4 and a 5, and Cipher's Polyform body now has Tentacles and the GM
decides to give this monster some Armor.

The Final Result looks something like this:

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d8, Hacking d8,
No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d8, Thievery d6

Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 14 (2); Size: 4
Edges: Assassin, Free-Runner, Thief
Hindrances: Greedy (Major), Overconfident
Special Abilites:
• Armor (2): This Polyform's armor from it's past life has melded
with it's new form.
• Bite: Str+d4
• Combat Reflexes: Polyform are at +2 to Unshake.
• Elemental: Ignores addi�onal damage from called shots, ignores 1
point of Wound penal�es, doesn't eat or breathe, immune to
disease and poison. Can only be healed by magical or natural
• Environmental Resistance: This Polyform has a +4 to resist
electrical hazards and powers with an electricity trapping. They
also reduce electrical damage by 4 points.
• Environmental Weakness (Water): This polyform is vulnerable to
water and water-based trappings. It takes +4 Damage and suffers
a -4 to resist matching hazards or appropriately-trapped powers.
• Exo�c Genes: Applied by stepping up Vigor one die type.
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Feral: Polyforms have Animalis�c Intelligence.
• Hardy: Does not take a Wound from a second Shaken result.
• Large: Target is at +2 to be hit by smaller creatures, -2 to hit
smaller creatures. Can take an addi�onal Wound.
• Infravision: Polyforms halve ligh�ng penal�es.
• Resilient (Very): Polyforms can take two addi�onal Wounds
before Incapacita�on. Ignore if a Wildcard.
• Slow: Pace is 4, Running Die is d4.
• Tentacles (2): This Polyform has two tentacle ac�ons, and is at +2
to Grapple.
• Tough: Rubbery Skin grants +2 Toughness.

Needless to say, the party is going to be in for a nasty surprise when

they see the monster their old friend Cipher has become.

There's trouble in Debtor's Corner and abroad in Refuse! An appraiser
has been robbe and a young woman has gone missing. Are the two
connected? And is there foul play?


The party has just go�en off a ship and needs work to keep their
supplies stocked. Simply asking around will net you a pair of op�ons:
A: Thompson's General Goods and Services is the place to go if you
want work that won't rile up one of the different groups in town.
B: Some random guy is wandering around, asking if anyone has seen a
young Kitsune woman.

A) Thompson's Tidbits
If the party decides to go to Thompson's and men�on they're looking
for work, he'll say that he's got a new job, but he can't provide the
details un�l the party accepts. The Client has asked for as much
secrecy as possible. A�er being taken to his backroom, he'll say the

"So there's an Appraiser in Debtor's Corner, George Howe, that's

looking for a li�le help in the Loss Preven�on Field. A fancy way of
saying he's been robbed and wants someone to catch the thief. The
loot must have been valuable; he's paying $250 in scrap. When you
get there, use the code phrase ‘I hear you've got termites in your
drawer’ to signal that I've sent you."

B) Bodyguard's Blues
If the party decides to find the guy who's asking around for a missing
woman, they'll stumble upon a tough-looking guy. A�er taking a
moment to size up the party, he'll ask them a favor:

"Look, you guys seem like you’re fresh off the boat, so I won't give you
the speech I've been giving all night. But ol' Sal—that's me—will ask
you if you can do him a solid favor. I'm a bouncer at Madam Meow's
House of Cats. This gal, Aurora Argent, was supposed to show up for
work this morning and didn't. Maybe she's found work elsewhere;
maybe she just skipped town. I've spent all night lookin' for her, with
no luck, and I just wanna go home to my wife. So tell you what: You
find her and bring her back for me, or at least figure out what
happened to her, I'll owe you big. Madam Meow's got friends in high
places, so I'm sure she'll make it worth your while."

If the party agrees, he'll hand them a photograph of an a�rac�ve

young woman with silver hair and fox-like silver eyes.

"I heard there was a local drunk named Steve that has a habit of
knowing things. That'd be a good place to start."

A Common Knowledge roll (the Streetwise Edge comes into play here
if anyone has it) reveals that Madam Meow's is a popular place here
in Refuse. One part Nightclub, one part Escort Service. Scoring a Raise
means that the party also knows that Madam Meow dabbles in
thievery. She has a connec�on to the Diver Lords while also being
incredibly paranoid.


Regardless of which job they take, the party can Network to find who
or what they're looking for, be it Steve or George Howe's Office in
Debtor's Corner. Scoring a raise will net the party a +1 bonus to a later
Quick Encounter (see Anchor Boys Aweigh), while a failure will put
them at -1 penalty. A Cri�cal Failure will net a -2 penalty.

Howe's It Going?
Should the party take Thompson's Job, or simply find out via the
events of Sec�on B, Howe's ba�ered office will be found over in
Debtor's Corner. Upon giving the code phrase to the CONIL, or

convincing him that you're willing to help and keep your lips zipped,
Howe will explain:

"I'll keep it simple for you; I was robbed of my accoun�ng books.

Doesn't seem like much, but around here, it's how we keep track of
everything owed in Salvage and Services. Paper notes are just toilet
paper. Coins are paperweights. I'll pay you $250 in Salvage if you
manage to discreetly locate my ledgers and deal with the thief."

At this point, the party can ask some ques�ons:

Q: "How did the thief get in?"

A: "It appears they tried to break in by picking the lock, but the broken
hairpin in the keyhole indicates that didn't go over well. My eastern
window appears to have been pried open and then shut a�erward."

A No�ce Roll will spot some fresh scrapes in the wood indica�ng it
was forcefully opened, as well as a broken lock on the window.

Q:"Where did you keep your books?"

A: "In my safe, naturally. Even an amateur appraiser knows not to
keep their books out in the open."

He'll show them the safe a�er saying this. It looks pre�y beat up, but
a No�ce (at -2), Thievery, or Repair roll to check it out will indicate
that it's func�oning perfectly.

Q: "Any important debts?"

A: "Yes, I do all sorts of business, some of which involves the Diver
Lords. This is why I want this kept quiet: If they find out my ledgers
could be gone for good, they'll use my brain for fish bait."

A Common Knowledge Roll will let the party know that the Diver
Lords is one of the leading groups here in Refuse, pre�y much the
rulers of the place.

Q: "Who knows of your connec�on to the Diver Lords?"
A: "Everyone and their drone. It's no secret they do business with the
various other appraisers and me. They don't play favorites, for be�er
or for worse."

Q: "Was there anything else stolen?"

A: "Yes, they appear to have run off with my pistol and some

Howe will open the safe and point to the box of ammuni�on that was
ripped open with contents sca�ered as if someone just grabbed a

Q: "Any Suspects?"
A: "Specifics? Not really. It wouldn't surprise me if the Temple of the
Floa�ng Truth had their hand in this. It's no secret I do business with
the Diver Lords and it's well-known that The Temple doesn't like them
one bit."

A Common Knowledge roll (at -2) or an Occult roll will tell you about
the Temple of the Floa�ng Truth and verify what Howe has said. A
raise means that they know enough about the Temple to rule them
out as suspects. While they have great disdain towards the Diver
Lords, they do not stoop to thievery.

Q: "Any Witnesses?"
A: "I haven't asked around, mostly because I don't want to draw
a�en�on to myself. However, it wouldn't surprise me if a local drunk
saw something last night."

A�er agreeing to help the poor bouncer out, or by simply asking
around if anyone saw something a�er paying a visit to George Howe's
office, they'll wander across a Conil bum by the name of Steve. He's
friendly towards the PCs, but he does have a bit of a hangover from
last night's beverages. Should the party opt to bribe him with money
or booze, he'll gladly share what he saw last night. He has a so� spot
for Recker's Reserve Seaweed Gin because of its briny taste, high
strength, and rela�ve cheapness at $20 a bo�le.

"I saw a gorgeous-looking Kitsune skulking about the other night

while drinkin' in the alley. She was good, but even on the sauce, my
eyes are be�er. She was wearing dark clothing but those silver eyes
gleamed like jewels in the clear moonlight, and what I saw of her hair
was the same. She tried to sneak into that appraiser's place—some
walkin' brain in a jar named George Howe—through the front door
a�er he le� for the night, but fiddlin' with the front door's lock didn't
do her any good, so she took a crowbar to the side window to open it.
A�er that, she slipped off to who-knows-where."

The party can also a�empt to Persuade (at -2) or In�midate (at +2)
Steve. He's a bit of a coward, but unless the party scores a raise on
the In�mida�on, he'll make a bit of a scene that will alert some local
thugs. This will inflict an addi�onal -1 penalty on the upcoming Quick
Encounter [see Anchor Boys Aweigh].


Sooner or later, as the party starts asking around, they'll encounter
The Anchor Boys. Local thugs-for-hire, The Anchor Boys are named for
the dis�nct Anchor Ta�oos on their faces and the fact that they fight
using slap-dashed melee weapons made out of anchor parts (as well
as pistols). They've been hired to keep tabs on anyone snooping
about a missing ledger or a missing woman, and it appears the party
has their a�en�on. This lethal Quick Encounter can be resolved
socially (Persuasion, In�mida�on, or Taunt) and/or physically
(Figh�ng, Shoo�ng, Athle�cs, Arcane Skill), keeping in mind the
party's bonus or penalty from earlier.

Should the party come out on top, one of the Anchor Boys can be
convinced to tell the party the low down. They were to collect
payment from their employer at Seasteader's Side, a small se�lement
flo�lla just outside of Refuse.
[Anchor Boys, Use the stats for Reguees & Freelancers Specializa�on:
Slaver see Drowned War Page 157. Slaver 2 per player; 1 in 4 is
Specializa�on: Enforcer]


What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?
Now the party has to get transport out to Seasteader's Side. This can
be done by paying a fare to ride a ship. The price is $25 worth of
Salvage per person with zero room for haggling. Or they can hit up the
Temple of the Floa�ng Truth to arrange for the transport in exchange
for some community service at their Shelter located on the fringe

Once the party arrives, they can hit up a local bar, The Cap'n's
Quarters, for some informa�on. "Captain" San�ago, the pirate-
obsessed owner of the place, can be convinced to give some
informa�on with a Persuasion roll. He's a lover of Sea Shan�es, so if
the party decides to sing along with him, they automa�cally succeed.
If your players decide to do some live Karaoke, grant them each a

He'll reveal that he saw a young woman matching the descrip�on.

She's a Kitsune with silver hair and eyes, who calls herself The
Prowler. He'll tell the party that she wandered into town recently and
stayed at a local motel known as The Pod Palace.
The Captain won't tolerate harassment, so In�mida�on will
automa�cally fail and they'll be escorted out. However, one of the
locals can be bribed ($20 in Salvage) to divulge the informa�on they
would have otherwise learned from the Captain.

Prowler at The Pod Palace
The Pod Palace is basically many small pod-like buildings floa�ng on
the waters connected by a bridge, with a main building as the
entrance. Talking to the recep�onist at the main building—using
either Persuasion or Bribery ($25 in scrap)—will reveal which pod the
young woman is staying at. Should the party opt to be sneaky, Stealth
vs. her No�ce, they might have a chance to catch her off-guard in a
surprise round and get The Drop with a raise. Otherwise, a
straigh�orward approach will get the first person in the door a
surprise in the form of a sca�ergun blast to the midsec�on (Athle�cs
to Dodge, 3d6 Damage on a failure). She'll dive out a nearby window
for a Chase.

Suspicious Situa�on
Should the party subdue her, she'll make a final effort to save her own
skin and reveal why she ditched The House of Cats and stole the
ledger. She found out that she might be ge�ng ripped off by the
appraiser to keep her in service for longer. To verify it, she broke into
Howe's office, stole the ledger—of which there were two copies—and
ran off to Seasteader's to lay low. The party can make a Research or
Academics roll to figure out that she's telling the truth: one ledger is
the real deal. The other is a fake designed to ward off any snoopy

Now the party has several op�ons:

1) They can return her to Madam Meow's and the ledger back to
Howe and collect their payments. They'll get a favor from Ms. Meow
and their Salvage from Howe, which can be doubled to $500 if they
talk to him about his misbehavior and promise total secrecy. However,
Ms. Argent will never be heard from again and if they spill the beans,
Mr. Howe will not hesitate to enact some form of payback.

2) They can skip Howe en�rely and deliver the ledgers to Madam
Meow. She'll pay the party $300 each in Salvage and the favor
men�oned above, or they can nego�ate for double the payment with
an unopposed Persuasion roll. If they go this route, Mr. Howe will also
"mysteriously vanish" alongside the young Kitsune.

3) They can get the help of the Temple of the Floa�ng Truth to expose
this fraud. Guru Sinclair, the current spiritual leader overseeing the
shelter, is more than happy to send for an auditor, especially if it
means hur�ng the Diver Lords' reputa�on.

A�er several hours, an elderly man in a business suit with a tacky salt-
and-pepper color afro and even more off-pu�ng pla�orm shoes will
show up with several bodyguards.
(use the Soldier Template from Savage Worlds add Revolvers/Pistols
to their gear).

Disco Donny, the auditor, is willing to hear their case. This is a Social
Encounter using the lower of either Persuasion or Academics, adding
a +2 when they show the ledgers and a +1 for any crea�ve insight
provided by the players.

0 Successes: Disco Donny will agree to an inves�ga�on, but he's

actually on the payroll of the Diver Lords. Aurora will "mysteriously
vanish" and George Howe will be cleared of all charges of fraud.
1-2 Successes: Disco Donny will look into it when he has �me. George
Howe will eventually be exposed, but the party will have to watch
their backs for a while in Refuse.
3-4 Successes: Disco Donny is convinced there's fraud. He vows to
make sure that jus�ce is served and George Howe will be required to
repay what was stolen to all affected par�es.
5+ Successes: Disco Donny doesn't think twice about immediately
star�ng an audit. George Howe will be exposed as a fraud and
disowned by all par�es, Appraiser's Guild and Diver Lords.

Regardless of the choices and outcomes, the party won't have trouble
ge�ng to and from Refuse. However, depending on their ac�ons,
various groups will react differently to them:

Should the party do the job as planned, or at the very least turn both
the young lady and the ledgers into the House of Cats, the Diver Lords
and their allies—including Madam Meow—will look upon them with
favor. They could be recruited into a job for any one of those groups.
The Temple of Floa�ng Truth will eye them with suspicion but won't
deliberately act against the party unless in self-defense.

Should the party take the more noble route and expose the fraud, the
Temple of Floa�ng Truth will respect the heroes and Aurora Argent
will become an ally. She'll stay at Seasteader's Side to help out at the
Shelter for the �me being. The party may be recruited to help the
Temple in their efforts against The Diver Lords.

Run this adventure at late Seasoned or early Veteran Rank. It could
get very messy otherwise.

The party is commissioned by some folks in Oceanian military
uniform. They want the party to enter The City to locate a ship, The
Primrose. They're willing to pay handsomely: $500 in Scrap per
person, double that if they manage to iden�fy and return any s�ll-
func�oning weaponry. A Persuasion roll will reveal that—aside from
any informa�on possible—they're a�er one thing in par�cular: a pair
of missiles with a par�cularly nasty biological payload known as The
Twin Terrors. They were stolen from tes�ng facili�es and loaded onto
the ship without permission.

A Common Knowledge roll reveals The City is a dangerous place.
Supposedly, its landscape is constantly changing and there are tribes
of Bone Fishers and other assorted beasts running wild. Scoring a
raise will reveal the loca�on of a group of Ferrymen that know the
area. They charge a he�y fee but can ensure safe passage.
"Heading Out" A simple Boa�ng Roll is enough to get to the City in a
day and you, as GM, should draw for a Random Encounter.
"Cheap, or Safe?" There's a dock just outside The City with a small
village full of traders and salvagers. A successful Networking roll
reveals the loca�on of a Ferryman. They don't come cheap, either
$500 cogs or $250 and a marker to signify the party owes them a
favor. Paying their fee will allow the party to skip the hazards of The
City and go straight to their des�na�on.
"The Cheap Route" Should the party be too broke or doesn't want to
pay the he�y fee, they can a�empt to find it on their own. It requires
a Complex Drama�c Task to get to the Primrose using Survival at -2 as
the primary skill. Failing the Drama�c Task will result in an encounter
with Bone Fishers (2 per Hero).

Once the party gets to The Primrose, they will find a warship beached
and damaged beyond repair. There's also a rela�vely strong smell in
the area. A Science roll will reveal that it's akin to mold or certain
strains of fungus. As the party gets near, they should see that por�ons
of the ship are covered with some sort of yellow slime.

"What are we, Janitors?!"

It turns out that the fungus is none other than The Yellow Grime: a
living fungus that infects, mutates, and controls living organisms. It
was the payload of The Terrors, but the seal on one of the canisters
was defec�ve and the Grime was able to take control of the ship and
wreck it inside The City. Now, the ship is infested with Scavengers and
a pair of Shamblers. Alongside the mutated and monstrous form of
the ship's former Captain, Arthur Primrose.

There are five loca�ons on the ship to explore. Keep in mind that the
Yellow Grime cluster infec�ng the vessel will probably use its
confusion and damage field powers to harm the heroes:

The Deck: The outside of the ship. It's easy to get around, though
there's three Scavengers and a Shambler (see Drowned War Page
173) sneaking about.

Powder Room: Should the party inves�gate the Powder room, they'll
find some func�oning SMGs and a few boxes of ammuni�on. They'll
also find the damaged canister with the yellow fungus leaking out.
Due to the concentra�on of fungus here, Yellow Grime Clusters are at
+2 to ac�vate their powers. They will use them as o�en as possible.

Mess Hall: A few Scavengers will reside here for the party to fight. If
the party takes the �me to explore, they'll also find a half-full crate of
Ambrosia and a couple of day's worth of Supplies next to a pair of
CONIL corpses.

Bridge: The ship's bridge is li�ered with Grime and Scavengers,
alongside the other Shambler that's slithering about. There is one
func�oning computer, and a Research roll will detail the ship's logs
and give the party a rough �meline of the events. The boat was
hijacked from within en route to The Line. This image should elicit a
Fear roll from the Party for terror.

Captain's Quarters: This is where Captain Arthur Primrose's

monstrous body resides, along with the second, unharmed, canister.
The horrific creature won't go down without a fight, however. He
resembles a human in Oceanian military uniform, except he has claws
and various tears in his ou�it where his spine launchers protrude.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d6, Ba�le d8, Figh�ng d8, Shoo�ng d6, No�ce d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 (4)
Edges: Command, Fervor, Inspire, Level-Headed, Tac�cian
Gear: Body Armor (+4 Armor, ignore 4 points of Ballis�c Damage),
Special Abili�es:
Fear (-2): The Captain's horrific form is deserving of a Fear test.
Hive Mind: The Captain's Command Edges affect all Yellow Grime
creatures on the ship.
Infravision: Halves all Darkness penal�es.
Claws: Str+d6, roll Vigor vs. Debilita�ng Disease
Spine Launchers: The Captain's body fires off �ny needles coated with
The Yellow Grime (RoF 2, 10/20/40, 2d6 Damage, roll Vigor against
Debilita�ng Disease)

“Fire Across the Bow”
A�er dealing with the Captain, the party will be able to access his
quarters without any fuss. A Thievery roll will crack open his safe,
containing the en�re canister as well as his account of how he
a�empted to save his ship before succumbing to The Yellow Grime.

Within the Captain's Quarters is a damaged self-destruct mechanism.

A Repair Roll at -2 will let the party repair it and destroy the ship by
overloading the engine and ensuring the Yellow Grime doesn't spread
within The City.

"Heading Back"
A�er the party heads back, hopefully, they were wise and paid the
Ferryman's fee, otherwise see the prior "Cheap Route" sec�on. With
another successful Boa�ng roll, they will head back to Refuse and
turn in their bounty, alongside the data on The Primrose. While
unhappy about the ship's demise, the Oceanian soldiers promise to
dispose of the weapon immediately and ensure 'termina�on'—to put
it nicely—of all par�es involved in its crea�on.

Once you've introduced your players to the Lost Sea, it's �me to
expand outward.
A single adventure can inspire a branch of new ideas or new
direc�ons. Below are a few Savage Tales to encourage branching

To build a campaign, run through the adventure marked by an asterisk

and use one of the four op�ons. Based on the op�on selected, choose
a prime mover, or unseen NPC, as the perpetrator. We recommend
using one of the Stats for the Diver Lords, Seven Sisters, or 7Helix
Opera�ve. Consider eleva�ng your new NPC, or one of their
henchmen, to a posi�on on the City Council either through gameplay
or conspiracy. This will allow the Game Master to draw conflict for the


'Come one come all! Live at the Circus Maximus; it's the King of the
Heap tournament! The greatest warriors! The bloodiest bouts! The
biggest prizes! BE THERE!'

The Setup:
Knuckles, the chief promoter of the Circus Maximus, is hos�ng a
once-a-life�me elimina�on tournament at the Circus Maximus. The
most dangerous, desperate, and outlandish duelists in all of what
remains of civiliza�on will be there figh�ng for great wealth and
something more: a mysterious prize for the tournament's champion.
Knuckles is mum on what grand prize is but promises that it "is
something that can change a life forever."

The tournament is single-elimina�on. Each victory in the match

should feature higher and higher scrap prices (IE: $50, $150, $350,
etc.) to keep the players in it to win it. During the tournament, the
players might encounter:

-The family of Big Mama, a Cora gladiator who perished at the arena
recently. They are all very upset at the loss. They have been engaging
in acts of sabotage against anyone and everyone involved with the
Circus Maximus. They might even break into an arena match to a�ack
both fighters!

-Recker, the sultan of the scrapyard, has decided to step into the ring
and bring his brutal bulk and seismic body slams with him. OOOH

-A group of gamblers offers to pay the players generously if they 'take

a fall' during their match and hint at threats of pain and torment if
they refuse.

-Ivory Ebony, a deadly soup-powered bounty hunter, who has been

hired by the owners of the Circus Maximus to 'spice up the

-A fanboy/fangirl who begins worshiping the ground one of the

players walks on to an annoying/creepy extent.

The Reality:
Knuckles recently survived an a�empt on his life by the enraged
spouse of a gladiator who died at the arena. This event has impressed
upon the old fighter the need to leave a las�ng legacy, someone to
watch over 'his' arena. The tournament's grand prize is precisely that:
the role of promoter/star of the arena. The winner will become
Knuckles' heir apparent and begin running opera�ons for the venue
(with Knuckles stepping to the side and serving as the winner's
advisor). His end goal is not only to keep the Circus Maximus running
in a way he would approve of in the event of his death, but to wrest
control of the whole shebang and place it firmly in the hands of his
heir. Of course, the actual owners of the arena have go�en wind of
that idea and take issue with it. They send fighters to see that none of
that comes to pass (hence the presence of Ivory Ebony and other pro-

Should a player win the tournament, Knuckles will step into the arena
floor, take off his signature knuckle dusters (str+2d6, HW) and offer
them the winner. Loudly announcing, "The prize is yours. ALL of this is
yours. Welcome to the bi�ersweet business, kiddo."

Should the winner refuse to take on this new responsibility, an angry,

tearful Knuckles will throw the dusters into the dirt and storm off.
Your players will be quietly given a package by a silent courier a few
hours later containing a very generous gi� (Scrap, a powerful item,
even the ac�vator keys to a ship). Enclosed is a short note of thanks.
It's from a 'friend of the arena' (the owners, naturally, who are
breathing a sigh of relief).

Should the winner accept the offer, Knuckles will raise their hand in
the middle of the ring, declaring them the 'new voice and face of the
Circus Maximus,' and will invite them to rename the arena. A�er all
this, in a private mee�ng, Knuckles will explain the true nature of the
arena. His desire is to have it under the ownership of a 'real fighter.'
To this end, he tasks the winner and their party with missions
designed to for�fy their claim on the Circus Maximus.

These can range from (roll 1d4 if needed)

1. Recrui�ng Talent: Springing dangerous prisoners from high-security
stockades in Oceania and Pacifica prison barges.
2. Renego�a�ng Contracts: Infiltra�ng the offices of debt collectors
and lawyers to gain leverage on poli�cal rivals.
3. Improving Public Rela�ons: Elimina�ng threats to the arena itself
via diplomacy, In�mida�on, and ultra-violence.
4. Defend the Title: Cu�ng promos as social conflicts and facing
upstart groups that want to take the arena from the party.

Every in-game week, the winner (now referred to as 'the heir') will
receive a salary of $125 in Scrap either delivered by courier or given
to them in their office by Knuckles himself. The heir will now have
ownership of Knuckle's office and be required to make personal

appearances to host Circus Maximus events at least once every in-
game month. Derelic�on of duty will lead Knuckles to give at least
three warnings before stripping the player of their role.


'To all thespians upon beauteous bru�sh Refuse! The Molnar Troupe
is looking to make new stars and elevate the arts with their new
produc�on! Come to our audi�ons and see if you have what it takes
to light up the stage!'

The Setup:
A trio of actors calling themselves 'The Molnar Troupe' have arrived in
Refuse and are looking for several would-be stars to help bring their
latest produc�on to life. The play in ques�on is a one-act comedy
called 'The Five Jesters' by an anonymous playwright. Upon coming to
the audi�on space, any would-be thespians meet the troupe's leader
(a masked dandy named Prins). Prins tells the party that all actors
who get roles and perform them as wri�en will be handsomely
rewarded with food and scrap. The audi�ons consist of the hopefuls
pu�ng on improv performances based on random sugges�ons by the
troupe members (Prins, Rose, and I-Wish-To-Be-Called-G) using a
RAA (role, ac�on, a�tude) format:

Example: You are a janitor (role) who is figh�ng a giant ant (ac�on),
and you are sad (a�tude).

These should be off the wall and random and have nothing to do with
each other.

Any players who enter are immediately praised and given lead roles
as Jesters. No ma�er how bad their performance was, they are
informed the play is to be performed this very night.

The play has six characters: The Five Jesters (Angry, Kissy, Greedy,
Grabby, and Snooty) and The Good King.
Prins will take the role of the King, with Rose and I-Wish-To-Be-Called-

G taking on the roles of Jesters. Each Jester is to be played as an
extreme example of their emo�on.
Kissy is a perverted lecher.
Angry is a vola�le jerk.
Grabby constantly holds onto others and repeats what they say.
Greedy is con�nuously taking things.
Snooty is a snob.

Players reading 'the script' will find that they have very li�le
instruc�on to go on. The Jesters appear to live in a beau�ful
countryside se�ng; they constantly make mischief and plot against
each other. Their machina�ons are brought to a halt by the Good
King. The Good King informs them that he has made a beau�ful castle
'by the sea' for all of them to live in. The play takes a turn for the grim
when one of the Jesters pulls a gun and fatally shoots the King,
declaring loudly, 'The Truth is Dead, We Five are the Lords of the
Castle now.'

The Reality:
The 'troupe' are actually devotees of the Temple of Floa�ng Truth.
This 'play' is a fairly obvious a�empt to get a rise out of the Diver
Lords (The 'Jesters' being clear allusions to them and the murder of
the Good King being a naked a�empt to bring up their murder of Jack

What happens next can go a couple of ways:

1. The six actors take their bows...and are promptly booed, heckled
and pelted with objects by an angry crowd. Perhaps the Diver Lords
hired hecklers and agitators to punish the actors, or maybe the play
just stunk up the flo�lla. Either way, a chase ensues, with players now
being pursued by a mob of enraged theatergoers.
2. Everyone claps and cheers as the Jesters bow, but the Good King
remains on the ground. Rose or one of the players should go over to
tell Prins to get up, only to discover the terrible truth: he's dead! It
appears the gun was not a prop. Suddenly, one of the Jesters runs off

the stage. The players will be asked to capture the assassin. Should
they do so, they will learn that the murderous actor was convinced to
kill their 'leader' at the behest of a 'par�cular’ group of concerned
3. Same as above, but the shooter is as shocked as everyone else! It
appears they were unaware the prop gun had been replaced with a
real one. Now the search is on for who was behind this murder most
4. The cast takes their bows...only for ANOTHER Prins to run onto the
stage! He screams, “It's not me! Get out of there!” The 'Good King'
standing with the party then begins spasming before undergoing a
hideous metamorphosis and transforming into a monstrous beast
which immediately a�acks the party (use the stats for the 'Polyform').
What is this creature? Who sent it? Why target a play?

Follow-ups: (roll 1d4 if needed)

1. Everyone's a cri�c: The performance was not well-liked by a city
council member. Now the party has become the target of harassment
by people loyal to the Diver Lords. Contracts are revoked, reputa�ons
are damaged, and secret groups are formed to slander the party un�l
they track down who is responsible and nego�ate an arrangement.
2. Fan Fic�on: Rather than harass the party, the Diver Lords want to
hire them to write and perform a play that casts them in a more
favorable light. Doing this will gain the ire of the Temple.
3. Yellowed Pages: While performing, a member of the party comes
into possession of a notebook that belonged to the Mot Noir (see The
Yellow Grime). Use the stats for a Yellow Grime Cluster. The notebook
will want to remain with the player character and seek to stay hidden
and infect the refugee's extras.
4. Stage Fright: Hooded figures watch the play from the shadows and
stalk the player characters before being revealed as 7-Helix agents.



The City Council of Refuse, The Diver Lords, holds the bulk of the
power (and responsibility) on the junk flo�lla. They manage the
salvage crews, make calls related to city development, and nego�ate
contracts with outside sources—all while dealing with the Temple of
Floa�ng Truth's interference in their opera�ons.
Diver Lords might re�re, be killed, or just get deposed by a
subordinate. But they all have a common theme: their status as one
of the Five Thieves described by the Temple of Floa�ng Truth. Name
them however you choose but use the stats provided here.

Variant: Human
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Academia d6, Athle�cs, d6, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng
d8, In�mida�on d10, No�ce d8, Persuasion d8,
Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Enemy (Major: Temple of Floa�ng Truth),
Obliga�ons (Major- Maintain the Flo�lla)
Edges: Ci�zen, Command, Connec�ons (Salvage Crew), Filthy Rich,
Followers, Level Headed
Gear: Pistol (15/30/60, 2d6 damage, RoF1), Melee Weapon (Str+d4)
• Lust: Increase Persuasion to a d10. Add the Charisma�c and
Connec�ons (House of Cats) Edges.
• Rage: Add the Berserker and Brawler Edges as well as the Thin-
Skinned (Major) Hindrance. Increase Strength to d10.
• Greed: Add the Greedy (Major) Hindrance. Add Research at d10
and the Streetwise Edge. Increase Academia to d10.

• A�achment: Add Arcane Background (Weird Science), with the
Weird Science skill at a d10, and the Transhuman Edge. Add
Powers as needed.
• Conceit: Add the Arrogant Hindrance and Occult skill at a d8.


Doctors John and Joan Wimbles were prominent figures on Flo�lla
Oceania before they were forced to flee. Involved in Pala�ne
Hospital's construc�on and opera�on, the two were Mot Noir secret
society targets. A�er Joan Wimbles was a�acked by an uniden�fied
creature and required Conil conversion, John plo�ed their escape.
Making their way to Refuse, they set up a medical center. They
developed connec�ons with both the Diver Lords and the Temple of
the Floa�ng Truth.


Variant: Human
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d10, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving
d6, Healing d10, No�ce d8, Persuasion d8, Science d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Edges: Ci�zen, Connec�ons (Diver Lords and Temple of Floa�ng
Truth), Healer
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Heroic, Wanted (Major: Mot Noire)
Gear: Scrubs, Doctor's Bag, Med Bay


Variant: Conil
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d10, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Driving
d6, Healing d10, No�ce d8, Persuasion d8, Science d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Edges: Ci�zen, Connec�ons (Diver Lords and Temple of Floa�ng
Truth), Healer
Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Code of Honor, Habit (Major: Ambrosia),

Heroic, Quirk (random tap-dancing)
Gear: Auto Suture Kit, Doctor's Bag, Med Bay
Special Abili�es:
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.

Variant: Human
Josh is a Ryder, a Ci�zen that rents his body out as a proxy via remote
access. Josh has one client, a representa�ve from a sanc�oned flo�lla
that pays him well enough to cover his debts and fund his repair shop.
What Josh doesn’t know is that his benefactor is the Daedalus AI.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Electronics d8, Figh�ng
d6, Hacking d6, No�ce d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d8, Stealth d6,
Shoo�ng d6, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Beast/Drone Master, Ci�zen, Connec�ons (City Council), Junk
Ar�san, Mr. Fix it, Robo�cist, Slapdash, Transhuman (Cranial Implant)
Hindrances: Secret (Doesn’t know his employer is the Flo�lla
Daedalus AI)
Gear: Work Clothing, Tool Kit, Repair Shop, Stun Pistol (Range:
12/24/48 Dmg: 2d6 ROF: 1; Nonlethal Damage)
Special Abili�es:
• Gun Drones: The Daedalus AI has provided four hover drones that
follow Josh when he is riding him. The Drones are invisible (-4 to
no�ce) and armed with standard pistols (Range: 12/24/48 Dmg:
2d6 ROF: 1).
• Know it All: The Daedalus AI has the processing power of an
en�re Flo�lla. When it is in control of Josh it has unlimited use of
the divina�on power using Josh’s Smarts die.
• Personal Assitant: Josh has an assistant frame named Widget.

Variant: Human
Beware of an old man in a profession where men die young. Knuckles
manages The Circus Maximus Gladiator Pit. He’s a veteran fighter and
is older than anyone else on the Flo�lla. His reputa�on is well earned,
as he’s used his “Knuckle Duster” to turn interlopers into a paste on
more than one occasion.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on
d8, No�ce d6, Perform d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Thievery d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8
Hindrances: Slow (Major)
Edges: Ambidextrous, Block, Brawler, Bruiser, Calcula�ng, Combat
Reflexes, Countera�ack (Imp.), Feint, First Strike (Imp.), Force Majure,
Great Luck, Iconic Weapon, Level Headed (Imp.), Mar�al Ar�st,
Professional, Soldier, Tougher than Nails, TradeMark Weapon, Two-
Fisted, Weapon Master.
Gear: Silver Flask, Ta�ered Rags, Knuckle Dusters (Str+2d6, HW)
Special Abili�es:
Cold Stare: The eyes of a man that’s seen death and laughed. Once
per scene, Knuckles can perform an In�mida�on check. The target
needs to make a Fear check at -2 or be panicked.

Variant: Kitsune
The owner and proprietor of The House of Cats, Madame Meow sees
herself as the righ�ul ruler of the Kitsune of the Lost sea. She's
beau�ful, cunning, and ambi�ous. This is why it seems she's always
connected to a certain Diver Lord. The Temple of Floa�ng Truth
despises her. She is consistently linked to the Thief of Lust, but their
opinion is beneath her. Her roman�c interest aside, Madame Meow is
a powerhouse in her own right. The House of Cats appears to be a
nightclub with "special" forms of entertainment; it is, in reality, the
headquarters for the network of spies and thieves she calls "Ki�ens."

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d10, Common Knowledge d10, Figh�ng d8, No�ce d8,
Perform d10, Persuasion d10, Shoo�ng d4, Stealth d10, Thievery d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Alertness, Aristocrat, A�rac�ve (Very), Assassin, Charisma�c,
Ci�zen, Combat Reflexes, Connec�ons (Diver Lords and House of
Cats), Dodge (Imp.), Extrac�on (Imp.), Famous, Fleet Footed, Free
Runner, Rich, Thief.
Hindrances: Delusional (Major: Believes she is meant to rule the
Kitsune), Secret (The Ki�ens)
Gear: Diamond Earrings, Formalwear, Fur Coat, Silk Gloves, Hold-Out
Pistol (12/24/48, 2d4 damage, Rof:1, -2 to be spo�ed when searched
for), Hold-Out S�le�o (Str+d4, AP 2, -2 to being spo�ed when
searched for)
Special Abili�es:
Low Light Vision: Like all Kitsune, Madame Meow's vulpine eyes allow
her to ignore Dim and Dark ligh�ng penal�es.
Escape Ar�st: Madame Meow is a master escape ar�st. If she is
bound or arrested, she has a +2 to any rolls made to recover and
escape. If she's arrested while on a sanc�oned flo�lla, she escapes in
1d4 days.

Variant: Human
One of the last independent businessmen on Refuse,
Phage buys salvaged goods and works as a fixer,
finding jobs for freelancers and people
who need unique services.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d4, Common Knowledge d8,
Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d6,
Persuasion d10, Shoo�ng d8,
Stealth d4, Weird Science d10
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5

Hindrances: Slow (Major)
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Ci�zen, Soldier
Powers: bolt, stun
Power Points:15
Gear: Ledger, Old Clothing, Steam Chair, Trading Stall

Variant: Conil
Hailing from parts unknown, Recker is a heavy-framed Conil who
manages the junkyard. He's obsessed with professional wrestling and
treats any encounter with trespassers as an impromptu match. That
being said, Recker has a good sense of sportsmanship. Beat him fair
and square and treat him right, and he'll help you if he can. Not to
men�on his side business as a dis�ller has allowed him to make
friends in low places.

A�ributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athle�cs d10, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d12,
In�mida�on d10, No�ce d4, Perform d8, Persuasion d6, Science
(Brewing & Dis�lling) d8, Shoo�ng d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 12(4)
Edges: Beast/Drone Master (Hover Drones), Ci�zen, Connec�ons
(Diver Lords), Transhuman (Cyber-Actuators)
Hindrances: Can't Swim, Code of Honor, Clueless, Habit (Major:
Ambrosia), Quirk (pro-wrestling persona)
Gear: Large Shield (Parry +3), Heavy Club (Str+d8), Fake World
Championship Belt, S�ll and Gin bo�ling kit, Crates of Recker’s
Reserve Seaweed Gin
Special Abili�es:
• Actuators (Tentacles): Str+d6. Wrecker has a set of four smaller
arms a�ached to his chassis. He mainly uses them to hold his gear,
but can use them offensively if he chooses.
• Armor Pla�ng: +4
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.
• Focused Intelligence: Recker isn’t a smart guy, but he’s brilliant
when it comes to making booze.

• Heavy Frame: Size +1, Recker is a big dude.
• Hover Drone: Recker has four hover drones to assist him in the


Variant: Cora
Supreme Guru of the Temple of Floa�ng Truth Bani Caldwell founded
the Temple a�er her husband Jack was murdered. Bani is a brilliant
engineer and scien�st who can reverse engineer the lost technology
she found at a World Navy black site.

A�ributes: Agility d4, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academica d10, Athle�cs d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Electronics d10, Healing d10, No�ce d10, Occult d10, Persuasion d8,
Science d10, Stealth d4, Weird Science d10
Pace: 0; Parry: 0; Toughness: 20
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Ar�ficer, Beast/Drone
Master, Followers (Acolytes), Healer, Jack of All Trades, Power Points,
Robo�cist, Professional
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Temple Bylaws), Connec�ons (Temple of
Floa�ng Truth), Delusional (Major-loss of object permanence), Secret
(Major: she’s s�ll alive), Vow (Destroy the Diver Lords)
Gear: Zikomo Sta�on, Assistant frames & drones staffed there.
Special Abili�es:
• Immobile: Bani’s coral colony and machinery keep her alive, but
she cannot move or leave Zikomo Sta�on.
• Hive Mother: Zikomo Sta�on is full of advanced technology, both
machine and Algae tech. Bani has access to the drones and
assistant frames staffed there. Likewise, there are always Acolytes
and Algaemancers on hand to a�end to her needs.
• Object Permanence: Bani has forgo�en the year and assumes the
loss of Jack and feud with the Diver Lords is s�ll current despite
the original Diver Lords having died a genera�on ago.
• Power Savant: Bani knows most of the Powers and has 50 Power
Points to work with at any given �me.

Variant: Kitsune
Cleric of the Temple of Floa�ng Truth and disciple of Bani herself,
Guru Maxwell is the current Chief Acolyte of the Temple of Floa�ng
Truth. He appears gregarious, but internally he is a calcula�ng man
driven to finish his master's mission and destroy the Diver Lords.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Academia d6, Athle�cs d8, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng
d10, No�ce d8, Occult d8, Persuasion d10, Shoo�ng d4, Stealth d8,
Survival d6, Taunt d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Temple bylaws), Delusional (Minor: Bani
speaks to him in his thoughts), Driven (Major: Destroy the Diver
Lords), Vow (Major: Preserve Temple of Floa�ng Truth)
Edges: Acolyte, A�rac�ve, Command, Charisma�c, Connec�ons
(Temple of Floa�ng Truth), Followers, Frenzy (Imp.), Level Headed,
Scholar, Soldier, Streetwise, Sweep (Imp.), (Will of Heaven)-Trademark
Weapon (Imp.)/Iconic Weapon (HW)/Force Majeure.
Gear: Temple Robes, Will of Heaven (Silver Khopesh: Str+2d6+2,
Heavy Weapon, Powers: havoc/smite, 25 Power Points)
Special Abili�es:
Auditory Hallucina�ons: Guru Maxwell believes Bani is speaking
directly to his mind. While she is s�ll alive and Maxwell consults with
her regularly, his belief she is talking to him in his mind is incorrect.
Haun�ng Allure: All Kitsune are naturally charisma�c, but Guru
Maxwell has a certain je ne sais quoi. If he a�empts to persuade a
Player Character, they must roll their Spirit to resist. If they succeed,
Guru Maxwell politely accepts the answer as the will of Heaven.
Low Light Vision: Guru Maxwell can see in all but pitch-black

Variant: Human
Daring pirate, dashing rogue, and delusional roman�c are all ways to
describe the larger-than-life Captain San�ago, owner of the Cap'n
Quarters. Captain San�ago is an excellent source of entertainment
and rumors related to less reputable ac�vi�es.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d6, Perform d8, Persuasion d8, Shoo�ng d6,
Stealth d6, Thievery d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Acrobat, Charisma�c, Connec�ons (criminal elements),
Famous, Streetwise, Thief
Hindrances: Loyal (Hadley), Quirk (singing and dancing, pirate mo�f)
Gear: Accordion, Cutlass (Str+d6), 17th Century Pirate Garb

Variant: Maneater
The first mate to Captain San�ago, Hadley is a mainstay at the Cap'n
Quarters, an independent bar located at the Seasteader's side. Her
origin is a mystery to most, but Captain San�ago claims she was a
mermaid he caught while fishing and charmed with his music. As
ridiculous as this story sounds, it's the truth. Hadley fled her
Maneater squad. Due to her increased intelligence, they viewed her
as an outsider. While fishing, she was caught in San�ago's net before
he wooed her with his accordion and sea shan�es.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on
d8, No�ce d6, Persuasion d4, Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d8, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Soldier, Woodsman.
Hindrance: Enemy (Minor-Flo�lla Labori na�ves), Loyal (to her

captain), Outsider (Minor)
Gear: Tricorn hat, pirate dress, seashell jewelry
Special Abili�es:
Amphibious: Hadley is at home on land or in the water.
Bite: (Str+d6)
Immunity: Because of their gene�c modifica�on, Maneaters are
immune to poison and disease.
Infravision: Hadley can see by heat.
Mute: Unlike her Maneater sisters, Hadley can understand what she
hears, but she cannot form words properly.
Tough: +1 Toughness.
Quirk: Hadley loves music and sea shan�es and will o�en bob her
head or dance as others sing.

• [137]

The true evil in the Lost Sea, 7-Helix, is the remnant of the World
Navy Science Division. They've gene�cally modified themselves to the
point of alien status. They con�nue to seek an extra-dimensional
deity at all costs. 7-Helix has integrated itself within all facets of
society within the Lost Sea. They work from the shadows and
manipulate humanity
to their end.
Variant: Biotech Construct
A 7-Helix Infiltrator is an intelligence opera�ve modified to assume
the iden�ty of a person. They can look like anyone, human or animal,
but don’t always behave in the manner of the being they are

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d8, Focus d8,
In�mida�on d6, No�ce d8, Persuasion d8, Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d8,
Thievery d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Loyal (7-Helix), Secret (Major: 7-helix), Quirk (Minor:
Varies), Wanted
Edges: Arcane Background (Gi�ed), Alertness, Assassin, Charisma�c,
Connec�ons (7-Helix), Fleet-footed, Thief
Powers: Disguise, shape change
Power Points: 15
Gear: Clothing, Hand Cannon (12/24/48, 2d8 Damage, RoF 1), Spy Kit
Special Abili�es:
• Infravision Vision: Infiltrators can switch between normal vision
and heat vision.
• Tentacles: An Infiltrator's abdomen & chest split open to reveal a
writhing mass of tentacles when engaged in melee. See Special
Abili�es in Savage Worlds.

Variant: Biotech Construct
Within armored casings, sta�onary psychic cell clusters inside the
Black Boxes are used by 7-Helix to carry out and observe experiments.
A�ributes: Agility d4-2, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d4-3, Vigor
Skills: No�ce d10, Psionics d10, Stealth d10
Pace: 0; Parry: 2; Toughness: 12(10)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Alertness, Power Points (2x)
Powers: illusion, mind link, mind reading
Power Points: 20
Special Abili�es:
• Evolving: Older Black Boxes have developed new powers; Game
Masters can pick 2 to 3 more powers if needed.
• Immobile: Black Boxes can s�ck to ver�cal surfaces but not move.
They have a pace of 0.
• Size -3 (Very Small): Black Boxes are designed to be small.
• Sturdy: Black Boxes have Heavy Armor of 10. Only Heavy
Weapons can harm them.

Variant: Biotech Vehicle
A bio-engineered a�ack sub, the Black Nau�lus is submersible
transport with a wetware pilot. Shock Troopers, Soup Sprayers, and
Infiltrators use them for missions.
A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength d12+6, Vigor
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on d12, No�ce d8, Pilo�ng
d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 0/12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18(4)
Edges: Ace (Wetware pilot)
Special Abili�es:
• Aqua�c: The Black Nau�lus is confined to the water, but it can
travel at a pace of 12.’

• Armor +4: Hard Shell/Heavy Armor.
• Cargo: The Shell of the Nau�lus is a cargo hold for transpor�ng
troops and supplies.
• Fear: The Black Nau�lus inspires fear in those who witness it.
• Size 6 (Large): The Black Nau�lus is the size of an APC.
• Tentacles: Str+d8.

Variant: Biotech Construct
The leaders of 7-Helix cells, Division Heads, are vat-grown biotech
supercomputers. They coordinate opera�ons and enslave refugees via
biotech and psychic manipula�on.

A�ributes: Agility d4-2, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor
Skills: Academics 12+2, Athle�cs d4-2, Common Knowledge d8,
Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on d12, No�ce d10, Occult d12, Persuasion d8,
Psionics d12+2
Pace: 0; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15(5)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Arcane Resistance (Imp.),
Concentra�on, Level Headed (Imp.)
Special Abili�es:
• Armored: +5
• Dependency: Division Heads need to replenish their cell matrix by
consuming at least one human brain per week.
• Immobile: Division Heads cannot walk and have a pace of 0.
• Psychic Powerhouse: Division Heads have 50 Power Points and
access to divina�on, mind link, mind-reading, puppet, and
• Size +3 (Large): Division Heads can fill an en�re room.
• Tentacles: Str+d6
• Vicarious Observa�on: Division Heads can insert their receptors
via the subject’s orbital socket and relive experiences. The process
kills the subject, but the Division Head learns everything the
vic�m knows.

• Zombie: Division Heads insert psychic cell clusters through the
vic�m's orbital socket and use them to control the vic�m's body.

Variant: Reanimated Human
Division Heads implant invasive cell clusters into the nerve center of
bodies to reanimate them. A sharp tentacle burrows in through the
eye socket before deposi�ng the collec�on. Refugees that have
encountered these undead creatures refer to them as "One Eye."
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, Persuasion
d4, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d4, Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abili�es:
• Bite/Claws: Str+d4
• Fearless: One Eye fears nothing.
• Lingering Skill: One Eyes had skills before they were resurrected;
consider them as having a d6 in an appropriate Knowledge-based
• One Eye: -2 to trait rolls.
• Undead: Reanimated corpse controlled by a Division Head.
• Slow: One Eyes have their Pace reduced by two and their run die
reduced a type.
• Weakness (Head): The cell cluster implanted in the vic�m's brain
is what animates the body. Called Shots to a One Eye's head that
succeed in Shaking them kill the One Eye instantly.

Variant: Spliceware Augmented Human
7-Helix Shock Troopers report directly to Division Heads. Nicknamed
Squids, they gain their name from their Amphibious abili�es and
cephalopod-shaped heads. Silent and menacing, they communicate
via mind link and are rarely seen.
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d6, Science d8,

Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9(4)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mute,
Vow (7-Helix).
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Power
Points, Soldier
Powers: Fear, illusion, mind reading
Power Points: 15
Gear: Bio press Armor (+4), Burrow Rifle
(Range:24/48/96, DMG: 2d6, ROF:3, Notes:
Burrow Rifles fire acidic grub slugs—grants
lingering damage), Resonance Blade (Str+2d4,
AP2, HW)
Special Abili�es:
• Amphibious: 7-Helix soldiers move at their full
pace in water and cannot drown when
• Dissolve: Upon death, 7-Helix
Soldiers and their gear dissolve into a
green foam.
• Mind Link: Squads of 7- Helix share a passive mind link that allows
them to communicate without speaking.
• Squad: 7-Helix squad leaders are Wildcards.

Variant: Spliceware Augmented Human
Soup Sprayers are 7-Helix’s biological warfare specialists. They blanket
the area with Pulmen� and use their psionic power to control
mutated allies. Despite normal 7-Helix equipment dissolving upon
death, a Soup Sprayer’s tank remains.
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d4, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Psionics d4, Science d4,
Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8(2)

Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mute, Slow, Vow (7-Helix).
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Soldier
Powers: Environment protec�on, summon ally-Mutants, relief
Power Points: 10
Gear: Dispersal Armor (+2), Mutagen Tank (see below), Resonance
Blade (Str+2d4, AP2, HW)
Special Abili�es:
• Amphibious: 7-Helix soldiers move at their full pace in water and
cannot drown when submerged.
• Dissolve: Upon death, 7-Helix Soldiers and their gear dissolve into
a green foam. (A Soup Sprayer’s Pulmen� tank remains.)
• Mind Link: Squads of 7- Helix shares a passive mind link that
allows them to communicate without speaking.
• Mutagen Tank: Soup Sprayers carry a tank full of Pulmen� (Soup).
Characters hit by the Soup roll Vigor -2 to resist the poison. The
effect of failure is a level of Fa�gue, and Cri�cal Failure is a level of
Fa�gue and the loss of 1 point of Strain. The Tank holds enough
Soup to fire five �mes in a Cone Template.
(Character’s immune to poison are unaffected)

Grey-skinned, sullen, with sharp teeth and pitch-black eyes, the Thin
Men look more like sharks than your average Joe. Predominantly
located on Flo�lla Oceania, they comprise the Department of
Informa�on’s opera�ng staff. The Average Flo�lla ci�zen never sees
what they look like thanks to their disguise. Outside of the flo�lla,
Thin Men act as spies, G-Men, and commissars for military


A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng d6, Healing d4
In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6, Occult d10, Persuasion d6, Psionics d8,
Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9(4)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Secret (their real appearance), Small

Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Psionics), Connec�ons,
Powers: Havoc, mind link, mind-reading, object reading, puppet,
slumber (can be focused on a single target for +2 effect), telekinesis
Power Points: 25
Gear: Armored Vest (+4), FACE Mask, Tailored Suit, Spectrum cover
Shades (Tech advanced shades), Pistol (12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF 1)
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Str+d4
• Fearless: Alpha Thin Men are immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Inner Circle: Alpha Thin Men report to the Seven Sisters. They
guard the secret of their existence with their life and will kill
anyone, including other Thin Men, not in the Inner Circle that
discovers the truth.
• Ins�tu�onal Power: Within the system of Flo�lla Oceania,
Department of Informa�on agents have absolute power.
• Low Light Vision: Thin Men ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark.
• Photophobic: Thin Men try to avoid the sun. If caught in direct
sunlight without shade, they are distracted.


A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng d6, Healing d4
In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6, Occult d8, Persuasion d6, Psionics d8,
Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9(4)
Hindrance: Secret (their real appearance), Small
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Psionics), Connec�ons,
Powers: Empathy, object reading, slumber (can be focused on a
single target for +2 effect)
Power Points: 20
Gear: Armored Vest (+4), FACE Mask, Tailored Suit, Sunshades, Pistol
(12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF 1)
Special Abili�es:

• Bite: Str+d4
• Low Light Vision: Thin Men ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark.
• Ins�tu�onal Power: Within the system of Flo�lla Oceania,
Department of Informa�on agents have absolute power.
• Photophobic: Thin Men try to avoid the sun. If caught in direct
sunlight without shade, they are distracted.

Acolytes are warriors and protectors for the Temple of Floa�ng Truth.
They are given an Arcane Device and access to
Algaemancers who can empower their tool.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength

d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Figh�ng d8, No�ce d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d6,
Stealth d6, Shoo�ng d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Edge: Connec�ons (Temple of Floa�ng
Truth), Soldier, Strong-Willed
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Temple
Bylaws), Loyal (Temple of Floa�ng Truth)
Gear: Makeshi� Melee Weapon (Str+d4);
Sling (4/8/16 Str+d4 damage, 10 Stones);
Arcane Device (1 Power 15 Power

Algaemancers are well versed in the weird science of Algae tech.
Thanks to gene manipula�on technology discovered at a World Navy
black site, they can imbue items with power.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Shoo�ng d4, Survival d4, Weird Science d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edge: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Ar�ficer, Power Points X2

Hindrances: Code of Honor (Temple Bylaws), Connec�ons (Temple of
Floa�ng Truth), Curious, Loyal (Temple of Floa�ng Truth), Obliga�ons
(Temple of Floa�ng Truth)
Powers: Vary Power Points: 25
Gear: Makeshi� Melee Weapon (Str+d4); Stun Pistol

The standard Conil is a human brain preserved in a humanoid robo�c
body. However, there are many variants to the mechanical body the
brain can be maintained in. The unfortunate soul in a variant Conil
body is most likely under more stress than the average Conil due
partly to the devia�on from what their mind says an average body
should feel.

An assassin bug is a psycho�c Conil who targets other Conil to create
a "colony" by adding them to his body. They usually start as well-
meaning Heavy Frames that believe they're brothers, only to lose all
grip on reality.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on
d12, No�ce d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 13(3)
Edges: Fleet-Footed, Soldier
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Can’t Swim, Delusional (Major: Collect and
wear Conil heads), Habit (Major: Ambrosia), Thin-Skinned (Major)
Gear: Extended Arm (Str+d6, Reach 1, Parry+1), Improvised Weapons
Special Abili�es:
• Armor (+2): Heavy frames were built for combat.
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.
• Fear: The sight of all those brains a�ached to a hunched-over
body is unnerving
• Very Resilient: Assassin Bugs can take two Wounds before they’re

• Size 3: They were combat models before the extra
heads were added.

Basic Conils are just ordinary everyday robots
with a human brain in a jar at the controls.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Figh�ng d4, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d6,
Persuasion d6, Repair d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty or Heroic, Can't Swim,
Habit (Major: Ambrosia), Quirk (Varies)
Edges: Mr-Fix-It
Gear: Mul�-Tool (Str+d4; Tool Kit) and Flashlight
Special Abili�es:
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.

An extra-large Conil is designed for combat. These poor souls typically
started out as wounded soldiers or convicts pressed into service by a
sanc�oned flo�lla government.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on
d8, No�ce d6, Persuasion d4, Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(2)
Edges: Soldier.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty or Heroic, Can't Swim, Habit (Major:
Ambrosia), Quirk (Varies)
Gear: Varies
Special Abili�es:
• Armor +2: Heavy Frame Conils have added protec�on.
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.

• Fist: Str+d6
• Size +2: Conil Heavies are more prominent than the average
• Slow: All that weight has its drawback, with -1 Pace and a d4
running die

As if being a brain in a jar robot isn’t bad enough, these poor saps
undergo a psychic awakening and pop their head clean from the rest
of the body. Now in a state of psychosis, they float via their psychic
will, looking for their lost body and a�acking anyone they think might
have taken it.
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4-2, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d10, Psionics d10, Stealth d8
Pace: 3; Parry: 5; Toughness: 2
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Can't Swim, Delusional (Major: Psycho�c),
Habit (Major: Ambrosia), No Arms, No Legs.
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics)
Powers: Bolt, havoc, burst, telekinesis Power Points: 25
Special Abili�es:
• Construct: See Savage Worlds.
• Flight: Pickle Jars can hover/fly at Pace 6 and “run” normally.
• Resilient: Either by sheer will or psycho�c neglect, these creatures
can take a Wound before they die.
• Size -3 (Very Small): The head is all that remains of the Conil.

The Lost Sea is home to a unique economy; debt is acquired through
favors and goods. When someone is indebted enough to another
refugee, they can file a complaint with Debtors’ Corner. Appraisers set
the value of debts while counselors argue the accuracy of the debt
(for a small fee, of course).

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d10, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d10, Figh�ng
d6, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d8, Persuasion d4, Research d8,

Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5;
Edges: Connec�ons (Diver Lords and Temple of Floa�ng Truth),
Hindrances: Greedy, Suspicious, Vengeful
Gear: Decoder Ring, Ledger, Pistol (12/24,48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1)

Mutated cannibals known as the Bone Fishers get their name from
the bone armor and weapons they carry. They are silent and deadly
hunters that can be recognized by their rictus grins and misshapen

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, Focus d6,
In�mida�on d6, No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Shoo�ng d6, Stealth d4,
Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Clueless (Bone Fishers are masters of the
Tangle Brush, but know very li�le about technology), Ugly (Bone
Fishers have rictus grins and deformed eyes)
Edges: Arcane Background (Gi�ed), Soldier
Powers: beast friend Power Points: 15
Gear: Bone Clubs or Daggers (Str+d4), Bone Jewelry
• Beast Rider: Raise Spirit & Agility to d8, add Riding at d8, as well
as the Beast Master and Beast Bond Edges. Add either three Size
-2 creatures or a single Size 3 creature to their gear, add Loyal (to
their animals) Hindrance to the Rider.
• Brute: Increase Strength and Vigor to d8; add Heavy Bone Club
(Str+d8) & Bone Vest (+2 armor) for a total Toughness 8(2).
• Runner: Increase Agility to d8, add the Dodge, Extrac�on (Imp.),
Fleet-Footed, and Free Runner Edges and the Pacifist (Minor)
• Scout: Raise Agility and Survival to d8. Add Assassin and
Woodsman Edges; add cloak and bow and arrows to gear. Remove

Clueless Hindrance.
• Shaman: Increase Smarts to d8; Change Focus to Psionics; remove
beast friend power, add bolt, blast, and havoc powers, as well as
the Wizard Edge.

These are the average Joes and Janes of the flo�lla. Ci�zens have
more rights than refugees, but they have to maintain the
infrastructure of the flo�lla via taxa�on.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Figh�ng d4,
No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Trade d6+2
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Obliga�ons (Day job & Taxes)
Edges: Ci�zen, Connec�ons (Diver Lords), Professional (Trade)
Gear: Clothing, Toolkit (Work-related)
• Ryder: Down on their luck, ci�zens can rent their physical forms to
be used by wealthy benefactors or tourists. The ci�zen being
rented is "asleep" and unaware of what is happening. Add
Transhuman (Cyber) Edge with a personality interface. Use the
Smarts and Knowledge-based skills/Edges of the operator.

Cyberne�cally enhanced lawyers who work as legal counsel and
mercenaries represent Flo�lla Pacifica corporate en��es and enforce
their will in the courtroom and on the sea.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academia d8, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng
d8, Hacking d6, In�mida�on d10, No�ce d8, Perform d10, Persuasion
d10, Research d10, Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Quirk (Legal Speak), Ruthless (Major)
Edges: Connec�ons (Their clients), Inves�gator, Jack of all Trades,

Killer Ins�nct, Menacing, Provoke, Rich, Rock n’ Roll, Strong-Willed,
Transhuman (Cranial Implant), Work the Room
Gear: Business Suit, Cranial Implant (Laptop), Suitcase Gun (12/24/48,
2d6 damage, RoF: 3, disguised as a briefcase)
Special Abili�es:
• Self-destruct: Cyborg lawyers won't be taken alive. If they're
arrested for illegal ac�vity, their cranial implant explodes, killing
them instantly and dealing 3d6 damage in a Medium Blast
Template around them.

Members of the Temple of Floa�ng Truth that
are neither Acolytes nor Algaemancers,
Devotees, are followers of the public face of
the Temple.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4,

Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common
Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6,
Perform d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4,
Shoo�ng d4, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edge: Connec�ons (Temple of Floa�ng Truth),
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Temple Bylaws)
Gear: Makeshi� Melee Weapon (Str+d4);
Sling (4/8/16 Str+d4 damage, 10 Stones)

The City is a confusing mess of corners and rubble; what looked like a
clear path one day is a jumbled mess the next. Lost travels that have
found their way home swear the city moves with landmarks and
terrain shi�s. One group, The Ferrymen, seem to have a sixth sense
for finding their way around the City. Living exclusively on their
sanpan boats, the Ferrymen will charge a fee to transport travelers

through the city. Few who understand the dangers of the city
ques�on their price. The Ferrymen speak a strange language of
broken pidgin and o�en avoid social interac�ons with people not in
their group.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Boa�ng d10, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng d6,
Focus d6, No�ce d6, Occult d10, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8,
Shoo�ng d4, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edge: Ace, Arcane Background (Gi�ed), Soldier
Hindrances: Connec�ons (Life Water Guardian), Enemy (7-Helix),
Pacifist (Major), Quirk (avoidant behavior), Vow (Major-protect the
Sacred Lotus)
Powers: Beast friend Power Points: 15
Gear: Bolt Spear (Melee: Str+d6; Range: 12/24/48 2d6 damage,
RoF: 1), Snorkel, Sanpan Boat
Special Abili�es:
• Inner Peace: Ferrymen gain +2 when using their beast friend

Variant: Fury
Fury Captains have to be the most dangerous and threatening beast
in the pack. While it may look like a cushy job, the truth is Fury
Captain is one of the most dangerous posi�ons in the pack. There’s
always some upstart wai�ng to bump them off or betray them at just
the right moment.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Shoo�ng d6, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7(2)
Edge: Charisma�c, Low Light Vision, Marksman, Soldier
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Can’t Swim, Driven (to survive), Greedy,

Outsider (Major)
Gear: Bite/Claws (Str+d4), FACE Mask (Disguises the wearer as
Human, -4 to No�ce to see through disguise), Leather armor (+2),
Makeshi� Pistol (Range 12/24,48 Damage 2d6, RoF 1),
Cutlass (Str+d6)
Special Abili�es
• Lonely at the Top: Fury Captains have the fight to maintain
dominance over their crew. If a Fury Captain loses a fight or
becomes Incapacitated, members of this crew will a�ack to vie for
posi�on as boss. Captains usually hang back from combat un�l
enough of their crew is defeated.

Variant: Human Psionic
Beauty and the Beast is a story as old as �me, and this delusional
psychic has bought it hook line and sinker. When slaves show psychic
poten�al, Fury Captains take them under their wing, break their will,
and brainwash them to become loyal servants.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Academics d4, Athle�cs d4, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng
d4, No�ce d6, Occult d10, Persuasion d4, Psionics d10, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Delusional (Major-Stockholm Syndrome),
Quirk (Mad Eyes)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Concentra�on
Powers: Varies Power Points: 15
Gear: Ta�ered rags, Bone Charms, Staff (Str+d4)

Variant: Fury
The rank and file ship crew and slavers do the dirty work and fight
over the scraps when the boss is done with the meal.
A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on

d6, No�ce d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Shoo�ng d4, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7(2)
Edge: Soldier
Hindrances: Greedy, Poverty
Gear: Leather armor (+2), Cuffs and
Chain Whip (Str+d6, +1 to called shots)
Special Abili�es
• Agile: Furies begin with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4. This
increases maximum Agility to d12 + 1.
• Bite/Claws: Furies are proud of their fangs and claws. These count
as Natural Weapons, Str+d4 damage.
• Bloodthirsty: Fury society is brutal and based on dominance.
Slavers beat cap�ves into submission to ensure they can be sold
as slaves.
• Can’t Swim: Furies panic in water and count as distracted.
• Low Light Vision: Furies ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Outsider (Major): Because of their piracy and human trafficking,
Furies subtract -2 when dealing with other humans.
Furies (even their descendants) are banned from
entering Refuse and have to hide what they are to
avoid arrest.

They are going against the grain, living on the
fringe, trying to build an audience. The gonzo
journalists and podcasters are out there in the
Data-Net forums, pages, and chat groups.
They're the anarchists who sneak out of Flo�lla
Pacifica to cover the war and get the real story
before releasing it to the net.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academia d4, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge
d10, Electronics d6, Figh�ng d4, Hacking d6,

In�mida�on d4, No�ce d8, Perform d8, Persuasion d8, Research d8,
Stealth d6,
Taunt d8, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Delusional (Varies-Conspiracy theories), Driven (Major:
uncover the story), Poverty, Wanted (Minor: Distance Q Studios/
Department of Informa�on)
Edges: Alertness, Charisma�c, Inves�gator, Streetwise, Strong-Willed,
Work the Room
Gear: Baton (Str+d4), Handheld Recorder/Camera, Data Tablet

Dr. Norq is the arch-nemesis to Flo�lla Pacifica’s premier superhero
team The Advocates. To aid him in his schemes Dr. Norq has an army
of impostor robots designed to work as stand-ins for his fights with
The Advocates. Some�mes these bots glitch and assume they are the
real Dr. Norq. They can be encountered in the Lost Sea, laughing
maniacally and hatching plans.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d10,

Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Academics d12+2, Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Electronics d12+2, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on d12, No�ce d10, Repair
d12+2, Science d12+2, Persuasion d8, Weird Science d12+2
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 15(6)
Hindrances: Delusional (Thinks he’s the Real Dr. Norq)
Edges: Ar�ficer, Beast/Drone Master, Concentra�on, Gadgeteer, Jack-
of-all-Trade, Level Headed (Imp.), Luck, Mr. Fix-it, Scavenger
Gear: Electrosta�c Force Shield (+6), other Arcane Devices.
Special Abili�es:
• Norq Bots don’t need to breathe or eat and are immune to
poison and disease.
• Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill and ignore the
“Golden Hour” rule.

• Breakdown: If a defec�ve Norq Bot comes in contact with the real
Dr. Norq it resets.
• Drone Army: Norq Bots are expert robo�cists. Some Norq Bots
have built an en�re army of drones.
• Fearless: Norq Bots are immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Tech Genius: Norq Bots have 50 Power Points and know all the
Powers available.


Anyone willing to take contract work is considered a freelancer. This
can range from mercenary work to deliveries to technical know-how.
Most player characters who don't want to join another fac�on will be
regarded as freelancers.

Refugees are regular people trying to get by in the Lost Sea. Some
specialize in salvage or seasteading. All are driven to find some skill to
help them survive.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d4, Shoo�ng d4, Survival d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edge: Soldier
Hindrances: Driven (to survive), Poverty
Gear: Makeshi� Melee Weapon (Str+d4); 1 in 4 has a makeshi�-
ranged weapon, like a slingshot or
bow (12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1)
• Enforcer/Gladiator: Strength d8, Vigor d8, Figh�ng to d8, Brawler/
Mar�al Ar�st Edge.
• Salvage Crew: Smarts/Strength d8, Common Knowledge d6,
No�ce d6, Science d6, Alertness Edge.
• Slaver: Strength d8, In�mida�on d6, Greedy Hindrance, Leather
armor, Cuffs, and Whip (Str+d4, +1 called shots)

Flo�lla military is staffed with well-armed, well-trained soldiers.
A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8(2)
Hindrances: Vow (To their flo�lla military)
Edges: Soldier, Steady Hands, Rock n’ Roll
Gear: Combat Armor (+2), Combat Knife (Str+d4), Rifle (12/24/48, 2d6
damage, RoF: 3)
• Driver/Pilot: Increase Boa�ng, Driving, or Pilo�ng to d10 and add
the Ace Edge.
• Engineer: Add Repair d10, Science d8, and the Mr. Fix It and
Slapdash Edges.
• Explosives Expert: Add Weird Science (d6), add blast, burst, and
slumber Powers.
• Scout: Increase Stealth to d10 and add the Woodsman Edge.
• Sniper: Increase Shoo�ng to d10, and add the Marksman Edge.

When Flo�lla Pacifica's Pulmen� reserves were damaged, the
mutagen spilled into the environment and infected members of the
popula�on. Not everyone desires to be a superstar; some mutants
end up as soldiers and mercenaries in the Lost Sea.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d6, Figh�ng d6, Focus d6,
In�mida�on d6, No�ce d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Poverty, Ugly
Edges: Arcane Background (Gi�ed), Soldier, Transhuman (Spliceware)
Powers: Soup-ers have a variety of powers. Power Points: 15
Special Abili�es:
• Splicer: The exposure to Soup has caused wild muta�ons; the

character gains 3 points from the Racial Abili�es sec�on. No two
mutants have precisely the same abili�es.
• Resilient: The Soup has made these mooks more challenging than

Refugees that have been held prisoner too long or exposed to an
emacia�ng disease. Prisoners of war or shipwreck crew members fall
under this category.

A�ributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athle�cs d4, Common Knowledge d4, No�ce d4,
Persuasion d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 4; Parry: 2; Toughness: 3
Hindrances: -
Edges: -
Gear: Varies
Special Abili�es:
• Bruised: The Walking Wounded have their Toughness reduced by
one and take a -2 to their Athle�cs rolls.
• Possible Infec�on: Walking Wounded have reduced immune
systems. If the GM decides they have contracted a mutated
parasite, a swarm may emerge from the body a�er death.
• Slow: The Walking Wounded are injured and thus have a reduced


Insects and arthropods are vital to the ecosystem. In the world of the
Drowned War, many bugs have adapted to the environment or
outright mutated.

A distant rela�ve to the garden variety beetle, Mega Beetles have
grown close to ca�le-sized. Over �me they have developed a herd
mentality and wander the sea like wild horses or bulls.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,

Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 14
Special Abili�es:
• Armor: +4 shell
• Food Supply: Mega Beetles have assumed the role of ca�le in the
Lost Sea. They cannot be milked, but their meat is an excellent
source of protein. Provided you can break their shells.
• Size 3: Mega Beetles are the size of a Horse.
• Slow: Mega Beetles carry a lot of weight.
• Trample: Str+d4, to the front.
• Wall Walker: If the structure supports them, Beetles can crawl
along ver�cal surfaces at half pace.

Mutated arthropods who grew in size due to exposure to the Soup.
Cen�pedes develop hives in flooded buildings and derelict structures.
Salvage crews have to be careful they’re not ambushed by them while
searching ruins.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4-2, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d4, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6, In�mida�on d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4(2)

Edge: Assassin
Special Abili�es:
• Armor: +2 chi�nous shell
• Burrow: Giant Cen�pedes can burrow 3” in between the walls or
floorboards before burs�ng up and a�acking.
• Bite/Claws: Str., Mild Poison (see Savage Worlds).
• Infravision: Cen�pedes hunt by seeing their prey’s heat.
• Poison (Mild): Giant Cen�pedes try to weaken their prey before
consuming them alive.
• Size -3 (Very Small): Cen�pedes are the size of a snake.
• Wall Walker: Cen�pedes can crawl along ver�cal surfaces at half

Plagues of old Locusts are now a viable threat to the Refugees of the
Lost Sea. Locusts are normal grasshoppers agitated by proximity and
diminished food supplies into a swarm. Hunger drives the Locust to
a�ack creatures they usually would avoid.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d10, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Edges: Alertness, Frenzy
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Str+d6. Locusts have strong jaws.
• Food Supply: Locusts are edible. They can be cooked to supply
hunger needs and traded for scrap. Scrap Value 1d6x4.
• Glide: Locusts can glide 4” and do not suffer fall damage thanks to
their wings.
• Infravision: Locusts can sense heat.
• Leap: Locusts can jump twice their Pace and add +4 damage when
wild a�acking.
• Size -1: Locusts are the size of a large dog or wolf.

Some of the best survivors in the world, roaches have evolved to the
size of house cats. Thanks to their increased size and protein content,
Roaches are hunted as a food supply for Refugees and Sea Steaders.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,

Strength d4-3, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d6, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 2
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Str+d4. Roaches have a powerful bite for their size.
• Fleet Footed: Roaches can run at incredible speeds.
• Food Supply: Roaches are edible. They can be cooked to supply
hunger needs and traded for scrap. Roach egg clusters are likewise
a source of food and nutri�on. Scrap value 1d4x4.
• Glide: Roaches can glide 4” and do not suffer fall damage thanks
to their wings.
• Low Light Vision: Roaches ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Size -3 (Very Small): Roaches have evolved to the size of a house
• Wall Walker: Roaches can crawl along ver�cal surfaces at full

One of the most dangerous predators in the insect world, Giant
Wasps are now apex predators that hunt the outskirts of derelict
buildings and lost regions of the City.
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4−2, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 2; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4(2)
Hindrances: Phobia (Minor: Fire)
Edges: Assassin
Special Abili�es:
• Armor: +2, Chi�nous shell

• Flight: Wasps fly at a Pace of 6ʺ.
• Size -3 (Very Small): Wasp are the size of a cat.
• S�ng: Str+d4; Poison (Lethal) Those injected with Wasp poison
swell and die shortly a�er being stung.
• Wall Walker: Wasps can crawl along ver�cal surfaces at their full

The younger version of a Brush Beast, these animal-vegetable hybrids
are a great source of Ambrosia if someone can catch them. They
appear as if a small animal skull with a body of moss and ferns in a
vague animal shape.
A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
Strength d4-3, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d4, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4(2)
Hindrance: Pacifist (Minor)
Edges: Acrobat, Fleet-Footed
Special Abili�es:
• Bark Skin: Brush creatures have +2 armor.
• Bite/Claws: Str+d4
• Camouflage: Brush creatures have a symbio�c plant growth
extruding from their back. Characters must roll No�ce -2 to spot
the difference between them and the surrounding flora.
• Low Light Vision: Brush babies ignore penal�es for
Dim and Dark Illumina�on.
• Musically Inclined: Brush babies are calmed by soothing music.
• Size -3 (Very Small): Brush Babies are typically less than a foot
• Soup Maker: Brush creatures were gene�cally engineered to be a
source of Pulmen� which can be dis�lled into Ambrosia.
• Wall Walker: Brush Babies move along ver�cal surfaces without

A combina�on of predatory animal and vegetable ma�er, this beast is
used for farming Ambrosia. A dangerous creature that hunts and
ambushes humans by hiding in the vegeta�on. Their head looks like
an animal skull with the bulk of their bodies appearing as moss and

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,

Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d8, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 7; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13(2)
Hindrance: Pacifist (Minor)
Special Abili�es:
• Bark Skin: Brush creatures have +2 armor.
• Bite/Claws: Str+d6
• Camouflage: Brush creatures have a symbio�c plant growth
extruding from their back. Characters must roll No�ce -2 to spot
the difference between them and the surrounding flora.
• Low Light Vision: Brush beasts ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark
• Musically Inclined: Brush beasts can be calmed with an extended
check of a Perform roll or Drama�c Task, depending on the
• Size +3: Most Brush Beasts weigh just under a ton.
• Soup maker: Brush creatures were gene�cally engineered to be a
source of Pulmen� which can be dis�lled into Ambrosia.

Found mainly in and around the Tanglebrush, the creature known as
the "Elephant" is a large camouflaged creature that adopts and
protects small algae pools. The Elephant doesn't ac�vely seek out
targets but stands guard near its algae pools. The animal is only
drawn to conflict if it feels its algae pools are in danger, and o�en
a�acks both sides when it does.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,

Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on d12,
No�ce d10, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 11
Edges: Berserk, Fleet-Footed, Sweep (Imp.)
Special Abili�es:
• Fist: Str+d4
• Hardy: See Savage Worlds.
• Invisible: The Elephant's skin blends into its environment, making
it effec�vely invisible to those around it. Characters suffer a -4
penalty to ac�ons taken against the Elephant as well as to No�ce
• Pacifist (Minor): The Elephant only joins a ba�le if it suspects its
algae pools are in danger. It will not pursue if a character flees the
• Resilient: Elephants can take one Wound before they’re
• Size +3: An Elephant towers over the standard soldier.

The Grey Lady of the Wood is a spectral manifesta�on that appears in
and around areas with a high concentra�on of brush beasts and
babies. The herd shares an unconscious psychic bond that manifests
as a horned dark grey-skinned woman in evening wear. Some psychics
claim to have met and interacted with the Grey Lady of the wild,
especially in burial grounds used by brush beasts.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d8, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on
d12, No�ce d12, Psionics d12, Occult d12, Stealth d12, Taunt d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics)
Powers: Bolt, havoc, fear, stun, slumber, telekinesis
Special Abili�es:
• Avatar: The Grey Lady can become invisible and immaterial if she

chooses and only be harmed by psychic a�acks. If she is "killed,"
she returns to life in 1d4 days.
• Herd Mentality: The brush beasts and babies mimic the mood of
the Grey Lady. If she is on good terms with a character, the herd
will be as well.
• Horns: Smarts+d8 damage. Being struck by them can induce
visions and nightmares.
• Omni language: When the Grey Lady speaks to a character, they
understand it in their na�ve language.
• Unlimited Power Points: The Grey Lady has as many Power Points
as she needs.

A Kaiju is the fusion of giant rep�les of myth and twisted science. The
sight of Kaiju brings terror to refugees and hardened soldiers alike.
Rumor has it some abandoned base ou�i�ed with biotech and gene
manipula�on machines is crea�ng the Kaiju.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,

Strength d12+6, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on d12,
No�ce d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 21(4)
Edges: Frenzy (Imp.), Nerves of Steel
Special Abili�es:
• Armor +4: Thick Skin
• Amphibious: Kaiju are at home in the water and land.
• Bite/Claws: Str+d8
• Fast: These giant creatures move at a pace of 10.
• Fear (-4): Kaiju shake soldiers and sailors to their bones.
• Breath Weapon: 3d6 damage (Heavy Weapon)
• Size 9 (Large): They’re legi�mate monsters.

Beau�ful, dangerous, efficient. Maneaters began as Mermaids, the

elite special opera�ons force of the World Navy. The complex gene�c
coding meant only female candidates could undergo the process of
conversion. At the height of the World Navy's power, Mermaids had
several well-equipped bases around the world. Unfortunately for the
women serving on these bases, the collapse of the World Navy led to
their abandonment. Without support and rehabilita�ve therapy,
these elite soldiers regressed into feral amphibious killing machines.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4-2, Figh�ng d8,
In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6, Persuasion d4-2, Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d8,
Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Soldier, Woodsman
Gear: Combat Knife (Str+d4), Speargun (12/24/48, 2d6 damage, full
ac�on to reload, can be fired underwater with no penalty)
Special Abili�es:
• Amphibious: Maneaters are at home in the water.
• Bite: Maneaters have a row of sharp teeth(Str+d6 HW).
• Fear: Seeing a half spec-op/half shark woman is unnerving
to most people.
• Feral: Maneaters have devolved into a feral state. They can't be
communicated with via normal means.
• Immunity: Because of their gene�c modifica�on, Maneaters are
immune to poison and disease.
• Infravision: Maneaters can track their prey by heat.
• Resilient: Either they don’t know or don’t care when they’re dead.
• Territorial: Maneaters abduct males to take back to their bases for
food and breeding purposes, but a�ack females of different
species with bloodthirsty fervor.
• Toughness: Maneaters were engineered for hazardous
environments and gain +1 Toughness.

Soup is a dangerous substance. Prolonged exposure can cause a
person's gene�c code to become unstable. Polyforms were once

people before they were poisoned by the Soup and devolved into
feral creatures.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Str+d4
• Combat Reflexes: Polyforms gain +2 to recover from being
• Exo�c Genes: Polyforms have mul�ple muta�ons; add 1 or 2
Racial Abili�es as needed.
• Feral: Polyforms have lost their minds and have animal
• Fearless: Polyforms fear nothing and cannot be in�midated.
• Hardy: See Savage Worlds.
• Infravision: Polyforms sense heat.
• Resilient (Very): Polyforms that began life as an Extra can take one
or two Wounds (GM decision). Ignore if a Wildcard.
• Slow: A polyform is a confusing mess; they have a pace of 4 and a
running die of d4.
• Tough: Polyforms have rubbery skin, adding +2

Mutants that have broken down their code
completely and become feral are called
Polyforms. When they absorb swarms such as
rats or insects, they become a Polyswarm.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,

Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on d6,
No�ce d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
Special Abili�es:

• Bite/Claws: Str+d4
• Damage Field: The panicking rats or insects inflict 2d4 damage to
all adjacent characters each round as they struggle to escape
merging with the polyform.
• Feral: Polyswarms have lost their mind and have animal
• Fearless: Polyswarms are driven by ins�nct alone; they fear
nothing and seek only to consume.
• Hardy: See Savage Worlds.
• Infravision: Polyswarms sense heat.
• Resilient (Very): Polyswarms that began life as an Extra can take
one or two Wounds (GM’s decision). Ignore if a Wildcard.
• Slow: Polyswarms are confused, lumbering masses.

Mutated lizards and sea animals, these creatures are the new
dinosaurs of the Lost Sea.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d10, No�ce d10, Stealth d6
Pace: 2/8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12(2)
Special Abili�es:
• Amphibious: Sea Monsters live in the water. They move at a pace
of 8” underwater but flop around on dry surfaces.
Sea Monsters cannot drown.
• Armor +2: Thick Hide.
• Bite: Str+d6, AP 2
• Resilient: Sea Monster can take a Wound before being
• Infravision: Sea Monsters ignore all penal�es for Illumina�on.
• Size 3: Sea Monsters are the size of a van or small bus.
• Swim: Pace 8

Shark Dogs are man's best friend and the sea's apex predator merged.
When dogs, abandoned to the Lost Sea, were exposed to Pulmen�

seeping into the environment, they mutated and became
amphibious predators.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edge: Alertness
Special Abili�es:
• Amphibious: Shark Dogs don't drown in water and can move at a
pace of 5.
• Bite: Str+d6, AP 2
• Infravision: Shark Dogs can see heat.
• Pack Hunter: Shark Dogs work in packs; if one is encountered, it
can "call" 1d4 Shark Dogs to assist it in an a�ack. Only the first
Shark Dog can do this.
• Speed: Shark Dogs have a d10 running die (or a d6 when

A colony of parasi�c worms, Slupers gain their name from their
extending tongue that reaches out and bites its vic�m. Slupers inhabit
dead bodies and wait for fresh vic�ms to get close enough before
they ambush them. These shambling corpses appear as if normal
zombies un�l the worms lunge out to strike.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4-4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d4, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on d6, No�ce d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Edges: Assassin
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Phobia (Major: Fire)
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Worm Tongue, Str+d4, Reach +1
• Fear: The sight of a Slurper causes the bravest souls to pause.
• Infec�on (Strain reduc�on): Slurpers pass their parasites on by
their extended worm tongues. If Wounded by a bite, the infected
rolls their vigor -2. Failure means they lose a point of Strain. This

con�nues un�l death. Anyone killed in this manner resurrects as a
Slurper in 1d4 hours.
• Treatment: Trea�ng a Slurper bite is an in-depth process.
Whoever is providing aid needs to complete a Challenging
Drama�c Task using their Healing or Science skill. Success means
the infected is alive with two Wounds and a level of Fa�gue, while
failure means they immediately reanimate as a Slurper.
• Undead: The worm colony is animated in the corpse.
• Weakness (Fire): Fire terrifies the worm colony and causes +4
damage to Slurpers.

Creatures that live exclusively in the city, Thersholders appear to be
hairless wolves. They a�ack by fading into the rubble of the city and
lunging out at their unsuspec�ng prey. No one, not even 7-Helix
opera�ves, are safe and some who have come across them speculate
they are a type of “white blood cell” for the City.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Alertness, Assassin
Special Abili�es:
• Dimensional Burrow: Thresholders Burrow (see Savage Worlds)
through dimensional space (as if ground), blocked only by straight
lines and curves.
• Bite: Str+d6
• Leap: d10 running die. When a Thresholder makes a Wild A�ack,
the creature adds +4 to its damage instead of +2.
• Quirk: Thresholders only emerge from their dimensional burrows
near corners. They avoid surfacing around straight lines or curves.

An example of a mutated turtle that has grown to immense size.
Unless they’re hungry or threatened they tend to leave Refugees
alone. Unfortunately, when you’re that size you get hungry a lot.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
Strength d12+6, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d8, Figh�ng d10, In�mida�on d12,
No�ce d8, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (4)
Hindrance: Pacifist (Minor)
• Special Abili�es:
Amphibious: Turtles are at home on both land and in the water.
• Armor +4 (Heavy): Armored Shell
• Bite: Str+d8; Heavy Weapon.
Extended Reach: +1 Reach when trying to bite. A Turtle’s Neck can
extend far from its shell
• Resilient: Giant Turtles don’t go down easy.
• Size 6 (Large): Exposure to the Soup has caused these Turtles to
grow to the size of a bus.
Turtle Tank: Less scrupulous flo�lla capture giant turtles and bolted
ar�llery to their shells.
Add: 25mm Cannon (Range: 50/100/200, Damage: 3d8, ROF: 2, AP 4,
Requires gunner to fire)


A Psychic fungus, the Yellow Grime is an alien infec�on seeking to
take over Flo�lla Oceania. Currently, it's confined to the undercro� of
the flo�lla. Limited outbreaks occur in some of the lower economic
regions like the garden district. The Yellow Grime infects and
manipulates the gene�c code of na�ve organisms.

The Cluster is a colony of psychic fungus that seeks to manipulate and
control those close enough to see them. Clusters infect other beings
and "evolve" them into different creatures.

A�ributes: Agility d4-4, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,

Strength d4-4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d4-2, Common Knowledge d4-2, No�ce d6,

Persuasion d6, Psionics d10, Stealth d8
Pace: 0; Parry: 0; Toughness: 2
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), New Powers
Powers: Confusion, damage field, illusion, mind reading, puppet
Power Points: 20
Special Abili�es:
• Fear: Those that recognize the Grime know they are
in great danger
• Infec�on: A Refugee Wounded by the Yellow Grime’s Damage
Field must make a Vigor roll to resist Mild poison. Characters killed
by a Cluster return in 1d4 days as a Yellow Grime creature.
• Infravision: If you can see the Yellow Grime, the Yellow Grime
can see you.
• Invulnerable: The Yellow Grime Clusters can only be harmed
by their weakness.
• Poison: If touched Damage: Str+d4; Mild Poisin
• Size -3 (Very Small): Mold clusters appear as a bright stain.
• Weakness (Fire): Yellow Grime Clusters are destroyed by fire.


The Cult of the Black Word has tamed the Yellow Grime and
developed a symbiosis with it. They work to spread the Grime
throughout Flo�lla Oceania and the surrounding area. Members are
o�en in the upper echelon of Flo�lla Oceania society
and very wealthy.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d10, Athle�cs d4, Common Knowledge d10,
In�mida�on d6, No�ce d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d8, Research d8,
Shoo�ng d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Edges: Aristocrat, Connec�ons (Mot Noir, The Yellow Grim),
Filthy Rich, Inves�gator
Hindrances: Arrogant, Ruthless, Suspicious, Vengeful, Wanted (7-Helix
and The Department of Informa�on)
Gear: Dagger Str+d4, Pistol (12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1),

Yellow Grimoire (a book containing a Cluster)
Special Abili�es:
• Rivalry: The Mot Noir and the Vermin Mysterious serve the Yellow
Grime, but the two groups despise each other. The Mot Noir view
themselves as intelligent occul�sts and the Vermin Mysterious as
supers��ous hicks, while the Vermin Mysterious view themselves
as reverent to a higher power and the Mot Noir as self-important
• Symbio�c: Members of the Cult of The Black Word are allied with
the Yellow Grime and are in no danger from it. They carry a Yellow
Grimoire which is a book with a Cluster growing in the pages.

Undead infected with the Grime seek to combine body parts into a
pas�che of other creatures.
A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4-2, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athle�cs d4, Figh�ng d6, In�mida�on d6,
No�ce d4, Shoo�ng d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abili�es:
• Adap�ve: The Scavengers disassemble the bodies of their vic�ms
and use the Yellow Grime's mutagenic quali�es to increase the
size or shrink body parts to fit the new host. Thus, depending on
GM's preference, individual Scavengers may have higher damage
weapons, increased A�ributes, Racial Abili�es, or Edges as
• Bite/Claws: Str+d4
• Fearless: Scavengers are immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Infec�on: A Refugee Wounded by the Yellow Grime must make a
Vigor roll to resist knockout poison. Characters killed by the Yellow
Grime return in 1d4 days as a similar creature.
• Undead: The mold has reanimated the body of a Scavenger.

Undead infected with the Grime seek to combine body parts into a
pas�che of other creatures.

A�ributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d8, No�ce d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11
Special Abili�es:
• Claws: Str+d4
• Fearless: SShamblers are immune to Fear and In�mida�on.
• Infec�on: A Refugee Wounded by the Yellow Grime must make a
Vigor roll to resist knockout poison. Characters killed by the Yellow
Grime return in 1d4 days as a similar creature.
• Invisible: Shamblers have an adap�ve camouflage that makes
them invisible to the naked eyes.
• Size 3: Shamblers are the size of a bull.
• Slow: Shamlers have a reduced pace and a running die of a d4

The Thin Men of Flo�lla Oceania are figh�ng a never-ending war
against the Yellow Grime; there are always casual�es in war. If the
Yellow Grime can overpower and infect a Thin Man, the result is
a vampiric predator.

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on d8, No�ce d6,
Psionics d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Hindrance: Bloodthirsty, Quirk (Vampires avoid water; they won’t go
in it and flee if they get wet.)
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background (Psionics), Fleet-footed
Powers: Mind reading, telekinesis Power Points: 20
Special Abili�es:
• Bite: Str+d6, AP2
• Flight: Vampires use their psionic abili�es to fly at their normal
pace. This is a free ac�on.
• Hardy: A second Shaken doesn’t Wound a Vampire.
• Infec�on: A Refugee Wounded by the Yellow Grime must make a

Vigor roll to resist debilita�ng poison. Characters killed by the
Yellow Grime return in 1d4 days as a similar creature.
• Low Light Vision: Vampires ignore penal�es for Dim and Dark.
• Photo-Incendiary: If caught in direct sunlight without shade, they
suffer 2d6 damage as they burst into flame.
• Undead: The Thin Man’s corpse is animated by the Yellow Grime;
because of this, the Vampire gains all the benefits of being an
undead creature.
• Wall Walker: Vampires move along ver�cal surfaces at their
normal pace.


The Cult of the Vermin Mysterious is primarily located in the garden
district of Oceania. The cult is composed of supers��ous farmers and
illiterate workers. The Vermin Mysterious live in des�tute poverty and
view themselves as reverent followers of “the Great Worm.”

A�ributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athle�cs d6, Common Knowledge d4, Figh�ng d8, In�mida�on
d6, No�ce d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Shoo�ng d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Brute, Connec�ons (Vermin Mysterious, The Yellow Grim),
Soldier, Woodsman
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Manners), Illiterate, Suspicious, Ruthless,
Wanted (7-Helix and The Department of Informa�on)
Gear: Hun�ng Knife Str+d6, Pistol (12/24,48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1)
Special Abili�es:
• Rivalry: The Mot Noir and the Vermin Mysterious both serve the
Yellow Grime, but the two groups despise each other. The Mot
Noir view themselves as intelligent occul�sts and the Vermin
Mysterious as supers��ous hicks, while the Vermin Mysterious
view themselves as reverent to a higher power and the Mot Noir
as self-important snobs.
• Symbio�c: Members of the Cult of The Vermin Mysterious are
allied with the Yellow Grime and are in no danger from it.



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